Art of Seduction

There is a special divine power in knowing that you can make a woman Moist with the words you use to engage her attention- the way you touch, kiss and make love to her mind, body and soul.

It is like watching something already beautiful become even more beautiful from your touch as it blossoms to invite you into the sanctuary of the heaven of her passion. When you possess the power of arousal over someone’s senses, their body, and a mind that craves to be fed, the possibility of pleasure and passion becomes limitless. In the safety of your hands, you have the ability to create a world of memories so deeply profound, that you can alter the state of how they view love, passion, romance and sex.

A well placed touch, a gentle caress, a kiss on her collarbone and your fingers and lips are like matches striking against her skin to enflame the fire that is already there burning for you. A fire that, in the right hands, will blossom into a fiery sunrise and will not set until it has experienced all the rainbow colors of ecstasy. The anticipation of knowing the outcome of such intense passion will be a thing of beauty when the beautiful release of her moans and screams fill the room with the warmth of life flowing from her beautiful pussy. In her voice, you will feel and hear the virgin places you are touching deep inside her soul. She has been waiting for you. Don't make her wait any longer. Free her from the constant torment of not knowing the sweet agony of blissful orgasmic ecstasy.

Words of every day conversation will be insufficient at best to capture the depth of what she is feeling in those moments as her passion, finally gives birth in spurts, moans, pauses of intense pleasure and sweet pain. Finally, she comes in the richness of ecstasy so intense, it leaves her unable to articulate what she has just experienced. No words are needed. You are the architect of that earthly passion. You know what you have done to her. You feel its power glowing in her eyes, still warm on her skin and pooling moistly between the gleaming lips of her pussy.

The recognition that there is a higher power residing in all of us as she moans God's name in blissful, colorful tongues will make even God blush to hear his name sung with such feverish praise. All of this will only happen when you exercise the gift of patience to release her deepest desires and give them wings to fly.

A candle does not melt in mere seconds. It is a slow process until it burns down into a pool of wax to extinguish the flames until there is nothing left.

A kiss, when it is allowed to breathe its own life, takes time to develop into something achingly beautiful before it sets your soul on fire.

Love, even when it collides with your heart, needs time to grow strong, deep roots into your soul so it can last a lifetime.

I say all of this to say, that time and patience allows you the necessary space, to observe a woman in her element and to learn her secrets she is not even aware she is telling you. The hidden secrets of her desires are laced in the words she uses when you speak to her. Watch her eyes as her tongue wraps sensually around certain words and the way her body reacts to them. She will let you know without having to tell you what is on her mind, in her fantasies and moist between her beautiful legs, ready to be owned by you. I don’t use the word own to mean one’s property but instead, to own the moment, to own the experience. Sometimes, you have to seize the moment without asking any questions. There are times when you as a man should know a woman’s response without her having to tell you to go ahead and ravish her. There is a stark, animalistic beauty to acting instead of reacting, to leading instead of merely following. The spontaneity of action is an adrenaline rush and that is the genesis of passion's true beauty.


Watch her as she slowly undresses and she steals your breath away.
Watch how she unhooks her bra and it glides softly to the carpet.
Watch how her panties or thongs slide down her thighs to reveal her moist beauty as it waits to be introduced to the pleasure of your dick, tongue and lips. Watch how her hands graze her skin and the reaction she has to her touch. Touch her in the same way she touches herself. Observe her quiet interaction with her body. It is a thing of beauty to watch someone in the same room with you and they are unaware that you are studying their behavior. When she walks away from you to interact with others: watch the stride of her steps, the curve of her ass and how it bounces to move in unison with the rest of her body. Watch how her ripe, full breasts sway effortlessly to an invisible breeze and the music in her heart, instinctively they know you are watching them and it’s time to put on a show.

It is in these quiet moments of observation that you are laying the groundwork to seduce her and capture her imagination. An imagination when flowered with images, words and deeds of unadulterated passion untold becomes yours to cultivate. It becomes yours to plant your seed deep into the soul of her thoughts and watch it bloom and drip like honey on the midnight thickness of your perfectly sculpted erection. It is the fantasy of desire and passion she reads about in books, magazines, movies and alive in her imagination. It touches her in her dreams and she will awaken moist and ready. There you will be to turn those dreams into a reality so blissfully orgasmic, she will crave more for you than the sanctuary of her own dreams. Deliver on the promise of the seed you have planted. Once the senses have been awakened, calm will not come until the man who lives in those words and imageries takes her to the promise land and literally fucks her soul.

When you make love to and fuck a woman's soul, you will continue to live far beyond the momentary pleasure of an orgasm. You are now part of who she will be for the rest of her life. You are now one with her breath, with her deepest thoughts and the flame that inspires her dreams.

You have the power if you listen, observe and remember the things that make her a woman and then use those free gifts she has unknowingly given to you to make you a better lover for her pleasure. In that pleasure, you will find a little known secret, that to give pleasure without thinking of yourself is the most beautiful and sexy thing you can do for your woman. Your selflessness will be rewarded because nothing arouses a woman more than to know that her man puts her needs before the brevity of his own orgasm.

Everything you need is right there within your grasp. There is no magic involved, unless you want to call communicating, observing and listening to her an act of wizardry that requires special training. You can harness these three tools of human language to such a precise degree of understanding and with practice, you can perfect them into a skill that will soon become second nature to you. You will begin to hear and feel things in her aura which were once hidden to you, but now, you will see and feel it as clearly as you can see her naked body waiting for you to enflame it with all the passion and hunger at your disposal. Knowing how to please her will become an innate sixth sense, leaving her speechless as you readily now anticipate the things she craves even before she can articulate it to you.


The seduction of arousal is subtle never overt. The softness of the word seduction dictates the course of your actions to bring justice to the imagery that the word paints in her imagination. It is a sensual dance of precision to elicit the deepest, most intense emotions that have been blooming inside of her and waiting for the light of your passion to shine on her. In the probing hunger of your light, she has nothing left to hide. She is revealed, naked, confident and Moist for the man who has come to claim and bask in the warmth of the passion he has created by touching every single one of her aroused senses.


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