First Mare

                                 My First Mare
It was my first trip to the ranch, and the first time I'd met a fellow
zoophile face-to-face; that is, the first time I'd met someone else
whom I knew had a sexual interest in non-humans.  I felt a bit awkward
at first discussing so casually the matter of having sex with his animals
as if we were talking about no more than saddling them up for riding.  I
guess it was partly because the forbidden nature of bestiality, but it
felt almost as odd as if I were chatting politics with someone while
screwing his wife.  But I digress.
Horses have been my prime interest insofar as bestiality is concerned.
Prior to this visit, as those of you who have read my notes up until now
are aware, my sexual experiences with animals have been minimal, bordering
on nil, and entirely covert.  I got to know the individual horses over the
period of a day before jumping into anything; there were several on the
ranch, both mares and geldings, all mature, but no stallions.  I played
with them all to different degrees; one gelding actually dropped for me
and began to harden, but unfortunately I was in plain view of the road,
so I reluctantly stopped.  Moving on to the mares, I found them all quite
friendly, and only a couple that didn't press close for attention.  After
some time of sharing some light affection with them all, I gently explored
their bodies a little.  A couple responded favorably by lifting their tails
partway while staying still otherwise when I gingerly stroked their pussies.
Now, I'm no expert on equine behavior, but this seemed positive to me.  One
of them was a large bay, whom I'd been told quite enjoyed sex whether or not
she was in heat.  So, I decided, she would be my first, though I certainly
wasn't her first human partner.
The next day I checked in with all the horses again, eventually getting to
the bay mare.  Sure enough, she responded the same as the day before,
though the other mare who had the previous day shown interest seemed less
so this time.  So before long I found myself in the barn with her, out of
sight of neighbors and passing cars, with her cross-tied to one end.  I
should like to point out first of all that this was done to keep her from
wandering out the partly-open door or elsewhere before things got
interesting and to keep her from scrounging the stale scraps of moldy hay
from the floor--NOT to force her into anything she didn't want to do.  She
still had plenty of room to move her hind quarters away from me.
So here I was, alone with a big, beautiful mare, free to make love to her
as I pleased without fear of interruption.  My excitement grew as I stroked
her neck.  I moved my hand up under her mane and rubbed deeply as she looked
patiently at me, though she seemed a little restless.  I began stroking her
back and flanks, slowly making my way towards her rear, until I had my hand
on one buttock.  At this point she raised her tail, even before I reached in
underneath it.  I took her up on that invitation and stroked lightly down
her labia for a while before finally washing her backside off with a little
soap and water.  Now, I've always thought horses had cute butts, but from
this angle and proximity, as I sat in a chair directly behind her, it looked
absolutely enormous.  I stroked it and her labia some more, allowing my
fingers to slip in a little.  All signs of restlessness had disappeared
some time ago.  Finally I could resist no more, so I spread her pussy open
and began licking, long strokes up and up, then delving in as deep as I
could reach and swirling my tongue around.  There was virtually no taste;
perhaps a slight musty sweetness, somewhat like fresh hay.  I slipped off
my clothing piece by piece, pausing in my oral ministrations only long
enough to pull my shirt over my head.  I was thoroughly enjoying eating
her out and was almost reluctant to stop, but finally I was naked, and
another part of my body was demanding its share.  So, moving up to stand on
the chair, I applied a little K-Y to the tip of my cock and positioned
myself, first looking over the situation:  standing behind my first mare!
I guided myself towards her pussy and worked the tip up and down to spread
the lubrication around, then...slowly eased myself in.  Wow.  OK, so she
wasn't the tightest I've ever felt, but she was about as tight as the
loosest human partner I'd been with--which isn't bad for a critter that
much bigger than myself, especially one who'd foaled before.  I slipped
my hands down her flanks, now caressing her as I slid slowly in and out,
now gripping as I thrust with more vigor.  The position I'll admit was
rather awkward, but despite that and her relative looseness, I found myself
coming sooner than I've done with any human partner; but she seemed only
warmed up, so, pausing briefly to catch my breath, I kept going.  I
alternated between standing straight up for maximum penetration and
maneuverability, and resting my torso on her back so I could feel her
fur against my skin and allow my hands to wander all over her.  There's
a very different feel to the inside of a horse which I found quite
pleasurable.  But the inevitable finally happened as I felt another
orgasm coming on.  I held onto it and rode it out for as long as I could,
then finally released vigorously into her and collapsed.
  "Is everything alright in there?" I heard from outside, as I lay flopped
on her back, gasping like a fish out of water.  I replied with a breathless
affirmative which apparantly went unheard.  I pushed myself up off her back
and stumbled off the chair, nearly falling to my knees in the process, and
carefully made my shaky way to the other end of my lover to give her a big,
tired hug.
No sooner had I gotten dressed when the owner repeated his inquiry, popping
his head in to make sure nothing had gone wrong.  He grinned, seeing that
I was done, and no doubt sweaty and flushed.  I was sitting in the chair
behind her still, stroking her pussy as she winked it at me.  That is,
she would protrude her clit out then back in, which gives the impression
of a winking eye.  Between that and her tail which was still raised, it
seemed obvious to me that she was pretty turned on.  I was spent, but it
wouldn't do for her not to get at least as much out of it as I, so I
scrubbed down with soap and returned to using my fingers on her.  I
compaired her tightness earlier with that of a former human partner, and
to relay some indication of this, I'd been able to get all four fingers
up to the second joint and the first joint of my thumb into this particular
girl.  This I did now to my current partner with only a little effort, in
response to which she pushed back into me.  Slowly I worked my fingers in
a bit at a time, making use of the excess lubrication I'd provided when I
came.  After a few minutes I had my whole hand inside.  She felt warm and
tight, and very comfortable to me, as I slid my hand in and out, and around
and around, gradually reaching deeper.  To my surprise, once I'd gotten in
a little past my wrist, I could feel a cavernous widening of her vagina
deep inside, and with a little effort reached the far end.  I could feel
her cervix, and knowing the G-spot was a little forward of that in humans,
I stroked the wall of her vagina where I thought it might be, though I could
feel no indication of such.  What a sight:  me with my arm inside her nearly
up to my elbow, and her with her head and tail raised high and her ears as
far forward as they would go, pushing back into me.  Suddenly the ranch
owner made a quick grab for a handy bucket and held it under her just in
time as she let loose a torrent of urine; at the same time I felt her
pussy start to contract cyclically.  The contractions increased in rapidity,
and soon she was completely tensed inside as I used my arm to thrust
rapidly; even the cavernous area deep inside was clenched tight against my
fist.  Slowly she seemed to relax, and I slowed down with her, though she
was noticably tighter even when she'd finished.  Then we did it all again.
It was probably two or three hours before her tail finally and gradually
lowered back down.  "I think you gave her the Star Trek fuck," said the
owner.  I looked askance.  "Where no horse has gone before," he continued,
chuckling.  Already a pretty friendly gal, I noticed she was even more
friendly to me during the rest of my stay.
I slept well that night.


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