You Don't Play Fair

I often go to the club. It was at one of these event’s that that a slim young lady named Sasha caught my eye. Sasha was a real player who had taken many a name and number and left some poor sucker on queer street, when all was said and done. She picked her victim’s very carefully and there was something in my presentation that alerted her that I was not the run of the mill guy. Not to mention that she like a black widow spider simply spun her web and waited for unsuspecting prey to walk into her trap. Which I continually avoided. I watched her over the course of two years from the vantage point of invisibility so I was fully aware of how she operated. She had a fabulous flirt game, that made every man she came in contact with feel like he was the only man on this or any other planet.. She was beautiful with two ton’s of style and she used it all very well
One night while down on the drive at the Monday night oldies I happened to be outside smoking when she was leaving. She made her grand exit equal to the entrance that bought her into the club. She stopped on the step dressed in a full length fur and fumbled through her pocket book for a cigarette. I seized the opportunity and offered her one of mine with a light. As I moved my lighter to her thick and painted lip’s our eyes met for the first time. She said thank you and I replied your welcome.. My name is Charles but you can call me Daddy!! Well she gave me this look like I had sixteen heads as her eyebrow raised, she gave me this yeah right look and sashayed down the steps to her car, as everyone bid her goodnight. I knew that I was no longer invisible, but wasn’t sure what response my move would bring. Being the patient guy that I am, I was content that I was now in the game. I didn’t see her often after that night but the next time I did it was her birthday and she was having a party, so she was the center of everyone’s attention and was in love with it all. When our eyes met I new that she remembered me because her eyebrow arched once again.
I coolly said Hi baby, I really didn’t remember her name, and she replied it’s my birthday, which explained why she was carrying and empty cognac flask around with money in it. I asked if I could buy her a drink and she said no.. I’m not drinking tonight, and gave me some excuse as to why. I said to her that as soon as I got some change for this c-note that I would make a donation to her fund, laughed and walked away.
I gave her absolutely no attention for the rest of the night and quietly left around 1:30.
The next time I saw her was a complete surprise, me and my cousin were at a friend’s new club to look at some work and I walk in the door and who do I see… Sasha.
I tell my cousin that this is the chick I told him about last year, she comes up to us after our tour and takes our order. We speak and I introduce my cousin to her and state that I don’t her remember name, she say’s its Sasha and what’s yours ? I say Charles but again.. you can call me daddy, with this shit eating grin on my face. She has this you “mutha fucka” look on her face and takes our order. When she gets back my friend is at the table and introduces us to her and tells her how far we go back and all of the shit we did together in our youth.
He then tells her that whatever I want is on the house since it’s my birthday, she smiles and say’s happy birthday, I stand and ask for a birthday hug which she obliges.. While in my embrace I say, you know it’s customary to give old friends a kiss on birthdays?? The old eyebrow arch was In full effect as I leaned forward and gave her a kiss that she felt in her toes. Not wet, but definatly sensuous and dangerous.
She say’s mmmmmmm you have really soft lips.
She step’s back trying to re-collect herself and gets busy real quickly, anything to get as far away from me as she possibly could. When she came back to bring our food, she was all over my cousin and in his face, trying to show me that my kiss meant nothing to her at all.
We stay there about an hour and a half and when we get ready to leave she comes back and thanks us for our tip, I reach out to hug her and say, “you know I think I need another one of those sweet kiss’s, she backs up off me and say’s I’m not fooling with you. I laugh and smoothly leave. I see her maybe 4-5 times after that but always keeping my distance from her, I speak and even bought her a drink once and promptly left her vicinity. You see she thrived on being the center of attention and I thrived off of stripping her of her power.
So we hug and I ask for my kiss to which she reply’s I can’t do this with everybody, to which I reply “I’m not everybody”!! and this is how the foreplay continues for the next year or so. One Friday night I’m in the house and a little bored and decide to find out where the action was. I call my man shorty and he tells me to come up to the commodore Barry club and that he has a free ticket for me. I reluctantly get dressed in my usual “daddy” style complete with matching top coat and hat.
I had the hardest time finding this place and rode around the block time and time again and was about to say fuck this when I found it. But there was no place to park and again was about to go home when I saw to friends who were leaving so I got their parking space. I’m dead sharp and ready to have some fun. I scope the room out as I interact with my man shorty. He introduces me to a couple of girls in his line dance class and I buy them drinks and have a few laughs and a dance or two. I’m really having fun when I look up and see two friends of my dad [god rest his soul] who was a legend in our town. So we’re kicking it and talking shit when I look up who is making a grand entrance but Sasha.
She is dressed down but color coordinated and sharp. She comes up me and say’s Hi… I reach out to hug her as usual and I ask for my kiss as usual.. She tries again to hit me with the old” I can’t do this with everyone” my reply is gurl..we been through this already and we ain’t going backwards, with my charming ass smile.
I plant one on her lips and spin off of her and continue to talk to my friends.. I have my digital camera with me so I’m taking pic’s of everyone when her and a girlfriend approach to bar buy drinks. I grab her and say let me take your picture she grabs her friend and my friend grabs the camera.. so I’m in the middle of these two gorgeous women.

It’s her girlfriends birthday and I buy them both drinks and continue to play it real cool.. A nice song comes on and I go to ask her to dance, I grab her hand and whisper in her ear “ when you gonna marry me gurl” and we start dancing.. She is glowing and then the eyebrow rises again. She has this devilish look on her face that tells me that the games have begun,
While were dancing she say’s you really don’t know who your fucking with!! My reply is “I feel you. cause you have know idea who I am”. we go back and forth trading shot’s and with each reply I realize that I got her attention.
She then tells me that she will turn me out and my reply is “my kinda gurl” turn me out!! She let’s out this deep belly laugh and warns me again that I really need to leave her alone because I can’t handle her. This is right up my alley, and with every shot she gives I hit her back with a better shot.
So this song ends and we go back to her table when the whispers “are you going my way” played, I ask her to dance and she hesitates but then consents with the stipulation “no grinding”… So we start to dance I take her in my arms and press my body close to hers and she inhales my cologne. I am careful not to allow my dick to get hard but do let it get plump enough so that she could feel what I’m working with.
So she start’s in again trying to intimidate me with her sensuality, but I’m having none of that, I give her back what she gives and do it better. When the song is over we return to her table and continue with our verbal sparing and foreplay.
Have you ever seen a movie where there are two people in a crowded room and they are sooo focused on each other that no one else exists?? Well that’s exactly what went on for the next hour or so. She is trying to do what she has done to so many men before me, which is to intimidate them with direct eye contact and saying very sexual things that probably have sent many a man into a state of shock and shrinkage.I stand my ground and never break eye contact although she does on several occasions. I’m aware that she is breaking down, but putting up a real good fight. I move deep into her space and tell her that nothing and I mean nothing could prepare her for what it’s going to be like to have me!!! She flinched!!! And tried again to shock me into submission when she tells me that she loves anal sex.. I smile step in closer and tell her again that she is my kinda gurl.
We are so engrossed in us that neither of us realizes that the entire room is watching us, I really don’t care and am laying my thing down real heavy. She is shaking and try’s one last time to back me up.
She tells me that she has someone who she’s been dealing with for 11 years and that he takes care of all of her needs.
She tells me that he makes her come 5 times every time and that she knows what she is going to get from him. So when she comes out that she is just flirting and having fun and that she has fucked no one in our circle and has no intention of doing so.
Well.. My response to her is “5 times”?? I would be insulted if I only got 5 orgasms from my partner.. Her jaw hit’s the floor.. I got her and I know it.. She say’s to me “your good” and then confesses that this shit normally breaks men down like a shot gun, but I didn’t even flinch..
I tell her that it’s because it’s not game, it’s the truth!! I tell her that my quickies are another man’s marathon!! And that I don’t even deal with women who aren’t multi-orgasmic because it’s a waist of my talent.. She takes a deep breath lights a smoke and draws deeply on it.. I can read her mind, she is wide open!! She tries again to tell me about “the man’ and I bust out laughing and tell her that I ain’t concerned about him or any other man!!
Baby, I say.. I’m working with some other shit that most men can’t even imagine.. I tell her that I know that I don’t have the biggest dick in the world but I am going to be the greatest lover that she ever had in her entire life!! I confess to her that I am a pleaser and a seasoned lover/ player and I warn her that if she preceded with me that she would now in the big leagues, no more sand lot ball..
Our oblivion to the other folks there was made clear when my fathers friend comes over and offers us his credit card, suggesting that we needed to get a hotel room..
I said that we both own homes and can go to either of them and we all laugh. At this time I look around and the entire room is focused on us. No one in our circle has ever seen this level of interaction from either of us and we both had reputations.
She decides that it’s time to go so I walk her to her car and we sit there and talk for another 2 hours. I’m clear that this is the start of something big and so is she. We talk about ourselves and our lives and the more she talks the more I’m drawn in, but I’m real careful to just let her talk so I can learn who this woman is. It’s really cold outside but the heat in that car could have melted an ice berg. By this time it’s like 3:00 and she hands me a card with her cell phone number on it and say’s call me tomorrow. I give her another one of those toe curling kiss’s and she confesses “that’s why I didn’t fool with you” from the first time that you kissed m, I knew you were trouble..
As I drive home I’m excited about the possibilities of me and her, she’s hot, classy has style and is a freak, what more could I ask for?
When I get up the next day I am going shopping , I look in my pant’s and my wallet is gone!! I search my car in and out and then my whole house but couldn’t find it.. hen it hit’s me damn…it’s probably in her car. I would not have called her for a couple of days but now I have no choice but to call.
I get her answering machine and leave a message which she doesn’t respond to quickly. By now I’m panicking, my license, credit cards and bunch of other thing are in that wallet and I need it. I call her back and this time she answers, I get through the small talk and ask her to check and see if my wallet is in her car and sure enough it is.
We arrange to meet at Fridays on city line ave. Of course she’s late but dressed down and very classy, we smile and kiss and I order her a drink. So she starts right back into the chess match from the club and I continue to give it to her ass. I guess she thought it was a fluke or something so she had to see if in the light of Day I would still stand up and man up..
She’s all over me trying to do her best to make me waver, but to no avail.. She shoot’s and I fire back with a machine gun.. She say’s “ whew.. you play hardball I reply.. ”all the time”!!! So the foreplay go’s on and as we both can’t keep our hands off the other, our eyes drink in each others souls with every look and we pass on d.n.a. with every kiss and touch. She ask me what do I like to do and I reply “scramble my partners brains on somebodies ceailing”!!
That caught her off guard but she is saved by the bell.
Then her phone rings and she say’s shit.. I forgot I got a date tonight for dinner!!! She talks to her date for a few minuets and then gives me the details, which I am totally uninterested in.. the foreplay continues and I then again strip her of her power, when I say.. well baby you have a big date and I have an appointment so we really need to go.
I pay the bill and walk her to her car.. She tells me that I always smell really good and wants to know what it is, I reply daddy musk!! And laugh… When she gets in her car I tell her that I feel sorry for dude, because while he will have her body on this date, but her mind will belong to me.. She gives me that “you mutha fucka” look again and gets in the car.
Around the time that she would be at the show I call her cell phone and leave this message. “ hey baby.. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed our….oh that’s right I’m sorry, your on your date.. enjoy yourself. Very cavalier in my voice and statement, I knew that this would fuck with her mind.
It’s 12:30 a.m. I just finished shooting pool in the basement and had let my company out when my phone rings… “hello” followed by a deep sigh.. This is Sasha. I continue with the hard ball, “hey baby” how was your date? Have fun? And chuckle. She say’s very funny. You know that my mind was on you the entire night and I couldn’t wait to get rid of this guy..
What are doing? I’m chilling and before I could get the next word out she say’s I want to see you.. I play coy and say when tomorrow, she says no right now.. I say do you know what time it is? She say’s “I don’t care”!!! I give her directions and tell her to come on..
Now in my mind I’m playing back everything that I know about her and how she operates, she is a dick tease I’m sure of that and uses her sensuality as her weapon of choice. I’m feeling her and would in fact fuck her brains out at broad and vine at rush hour time!!! But that would be playing into her hands.

My home is newly decorated and neatly kept, when she gets there, I take her coat and give her a big hug and a small kiss. I then strip her of the rest of her power when I tell her to “come on in and relax, cause you ain’t getting no dick tonight”!! I gotta tell you she turned purple and replied “ you ain’t getting none of this pussy tonight”
And I say fine!! We understand each other.
It takes her a minuet to re-cover from that blow, so I break the ice with revisiting last nights conversation. Within a couple of minuets were talking like we’ve known each other 100 years.
So now it’s my turn to talk and her turn to listen, so I lay it down!!! Telling her who and what I am and what it is I’m after and want too achieve.. I confess to her that when we were in her car the night before that she was telling my story and I was amazed about how much we had in common. Poetry, singing, business and freaks.. we laugh.
Now throughout the night she does her flirt thing, touching me talking nasty and trying to look into my eyes. But my eyes are piercing and she can’t do it for long. She confesses to me that I’m the first man that she couldn’t break down and that she was a little fucked up about that. She told me again and again.. ”your good”, but you don’t play fair!!
She also confesses that she has had men waiting to have sex with her for over two years, as I look in disbelief she say’s it again.. Remember I have the man!!! Oh that’s right.. the man!!! Well you know I don’t give a fuck about the man or any other man!! She say’s yeah I know, that’s what’s scary.
She also told me that she loves to break men down and that I was a real challenge for her.. I told her that rather than focus on trying to break me down, lets focus enjoying each other.
I look up and the birds are singing and it’s like 7:00 a.m. she say’s she wants to stay but she doesn’t want to have sex, I tell her that she can’t stay and that she needed to leave. After another deep kiss or two we part, but this time I’m absolutely sure that I would be seeing her again.. real soon.
The next evening I get a call from her asking to see me again, I say sure baby come on over. When she gets there she is really dressed this time and looking stunning, when she comes in she gives me a kiss that I felt in my toes, I say to myself let the games begin!!

I could tell she had been drinking because she was really relaxed and free. She again wants to re-visit the other night and how dirty I played.. I say to her.. You know what the problem s right? She says what? I say the problem is that I have done and said things to you, the way that you normally say them to other men. Your used to being in control and having men fall all over you, but I tell you now that’s not going to happen.

I know that with each word she is getting more determined to turn my ass out and drop me like a bad habit. As the night go’s on she try’s all of her normal trick’s i.e. Would you mine if I take my bra off?
Sure baby go ahead!! She’s all over me but when I try to reciprocate she backs off.
So I again strip her of her power and never even touch her again for the next hour, while letting her do her thing to me. She is now really on queer street!! She gets up to go to the bath room and when she leaves I look in the chair she was sitting in and it’s wet.. I mean soaking wet..
When she comes back down she is in her bra and panties, I give here a look that gave her chills up her spine.. every time I look into her eyes I can see the heat boiling in her. She come over and licks the back of my neck and I take it like a man. She then puts her hand down my shirt and plays with my nipples and I can’t fake it any longer..
I stand up and grab her, slam her against the wall and kiss her violently while grabbing a handful of her crotch.. She is moaning with pleasure and abandonment, her pussy is soaking wet and I bring it out to show her before I lick it off my fingers.
She say’s “ you’re a freak”!! I say thanks for the compliment and laugh.. I’m now about to get to business.. I remind her that nothing that I could have said or done.. that no amount of foreplay could prepare her for what she’s about to get.. She tried to act like she wasn’t nervous, but she was and so was I…
The next thing I know she yells stop!! I’m thinking this has got to a part of the foreplay so I continue and she say’s stop again with this firm look on her face… so I calmly sit down, light a cigarette cross my legs and analyze the situation. I ain’t about to get no date rape charge.

I’m clear that she wants me but I’m also clear that she’s scared to death, because now she has a point of reference for all of this good shit that I talked and she realizes it ain’t just talk.. She is now standing at my dining room table and lights a cigarette, I come up behind her a genteelly kiss the back of her neck and massage her large nipples while I whisper in her ear in my deep voice “don’t worry baby, I got a little dick” it won’t hurt long… she looks at me and said fuck that, I already felt that mutha fucka that night at the club.. your packing!!
I say listen.. Let me tell you what I want to do.. I want to make this night totally about you and your pleasure. I’m not worried about mine, I’ll get mine in the morning!! I just want you to cum in my mouth, over and over and over again!!
` That did it, I got this mutha fucka exactly where I want her and the fight is now over. I grab her hand and lead her to the steps. I stop at the wall at the base of the steps and I kiss her again, deep, long and sensuous.. She is like putty in my hands.
I suck on her breast like my life depended on them for air and she cums in my hand while I’m doing it. I slide her panties down and get on my knees and start at her ankles and lick, suck and nibble my way up her thighs. By this time she is in a trance and I look up at her and say
“didn’t I tell you that nothing could prepare you for me”?
She moans with pleasure and say’s yes baby!! I part her legs and go to her labia minor and I lick, suck and gently bite on it.. By now her legs are shaking. I take my tongue and gently lick from the base of her pussy up her lips while my nose is blowing hot air on the clit.
She now tries to run and I ask her “what happened to all that shit you talked?? Take it like a woman!! She say’s you don’t understand my pussy is soooooo wet.. Do you see it. Of course I can baby my face is all up in it..
I work my way to her clit and to my surprise it is fat and long… I tease the clit with slow, light and deliberate strokes of my tongue. She is cumming in my mouth now and is begging wait! Wait! please wait.. But I’m having none of that, she didn’t know it but I too had been waiting for over two years to tear her ass up.

She collapses on my step’s with her head in her lap and I really haven’t done much of anything yet. I grab her head and say “ sooo you gonna turn me out huh? Her head falls back in her lap. She asks for a towel to dry her pussy which is like a broken faucet. I go up and get her a towel which she sits on while trying to stop the flow.
Do you see this?? I mean do you see this she ask puzzled? Yes baby, I see it… did you think I was kidding about what I told your bad ass?? Ok now open your legs and let me see that fat clit. I swear it was so pretty and when a woman has a long clit it gives me so many options on how to please her that I’m just obsessed with it.
As I play with her clit the heat that she is trying to find respite from is re-kindling again. I start back at her knee cap’s and work my up her inner thigh.. When I get to the honey pot I massage the clit with my nose very gently. She is in ecstasy and trying to run. I grab both of her arms and pull them to her sides as I launch a major attack on the clit and this time it’s intense and continuous. Within two minuets she’s cumming again and begging for me to stop.
I ask why should I? she struggles to say so I can get myself.. And before she can get the next word out of her mouth I’m licking the clit softly again.. She lets out this low tigers roar and say do you see what your doing? I suck her pussy on my step for the next hour and she came no less than 20 times, she is drained, spent and confused.. it wasn’t supposed to go this way. She was supposed to come here turn me out and leave me on queer street.
She begs for a cigarette and I give her one as I stand over her to light it she can now see my dick and how hard long and thick it is.. It’s dripping with anticipation, she puts the cigarette down and begins to slowly suck on my dick, she has these full lip’s and loves to deep throat real sloppy. Man I was in heaven, she really did know her job and I was glad, because I’m tired of no experienced selfish lovers who can’t give it back.Well the type of guy that I am.. I’m not going to be outdone so I snatch the dick out of her mouth and begin to suck the pussy again.. She now is looking like an epileptic who is having a fit. She literally collapses on the step and I have to catch her so she doesn’t fall down.You Don't Pl


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