aw this upskirt and wow no panties underneath

Was just sitting outside my house and enjoying the day and watching traffic go by and just when the beautiful day couldn't get any better it did with this sharp looking 2009 Red Mustang pulls up to my next door neighbors house and knowing that she was home was wondering which friend of hers was arriving on this beautiful day and I glance over to view in a a covert way trying not to stare and notice that she pull up further into the yard than most her my neighbors normally do and when the Mustang door came open; out steps very hot looking tan leg and then another one and she stepped out completely and my adam's apple nearly dropped down into my throat coughing me. This thick I mean real nice thick in all the right places let the faint breeze kiss her little red minidress into a uproar and I got what I thought was a nice no pantie view and just then she walked to the rear of the vehicle to lift up the trunk and gather some packages; only I guess she saw me and kept her legs slightly bent and prevented me from a better view of exposed ass cheeks with the slight breezy wind pushing the hem of the dress up ever so slightly; she departed unto my neighbors front porch and put her packages down and returned to the front driver door and guess she changed her mind on allowing a good view this time; with one knee into the front driver seat she bended over to the passenger side and the best gust of wind push the hem up over her thick booty and I guess she didn't care. Just sunshine and thick ass cheeks exposed was not enough as she backed up to exit she dropped something out of her purse and with legs fully apart bended over all the way letting me get a full view shot of the sweet pussy between
her thick thighs and man I just sat there in awe
Knowing if she ever comes over again I will speak or at least greet her with a wave of hand..........who knows maybe she meant to do it


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