Christian Men

      Christian Men                        
    By Mitchell Knight
         Part 1

 Moving back onto campus brought a sense of sadness mixed with joy
to my heart.  I would be graduating at the end of this year after spending
three years there.  It was at this school that I'd had my first homosexual
experiences.  It was here that I'd felt the most alive.  It was here that
I'd found love and acceptance. 
 The fact that I would leave this place at year's end was a time I
both looked forward to - the end of school - and dreaded - all those cute
guys I would miss. 
 I was moving back into an all-male dorm where I had lived the
previous three years.  There were lots of good memories here: sex in the
showers in the middle of the night, the whip cream adventure in Reid
Jacob's room, and of course, my first time. 
 As I was moving in on the sweltering first day of check-ins, I ran
into Bryan Thompson.  He was a sophomore I had befriended last year.  He
was extremely attractive, but unfortunately for him, straight.  (The
things I could teach that man!)
 He was moving into a room a few doors down from me.  I could tell
he had arrived a while before I had because he'd worked up a good sweat. 
He had taken off his shirt and his broad, hairless chest was beaded with
 "Hey, Bryan!" I called out when I saw him. 
 "Hi, Lance," he replied, flashing me a broad, genuine smile full of
perfect white teeth. 
 He was a really nice guy and one of the few straight friends I
had.  It was actually strange to me that we were friends since he wasn't
really the kind of guy I usually hung out with.  He was very religious,
something I'd done away with a long time ago, and he was really into
playing all kinds of sports, something I hate. 
 Yet there were enough things about us that we had in common, that
we were able to develop a good friendship.  He'd just plopped himself down
at my table for lunch during the second week of classes, and we'd hit it
off.  He was a very outgoing and kind person.  Combine that with his
freshman energy, and that's who I'd met.  I just couldn't resist these
characteristics along with his fantastic body. 
 We talked about our summer for a few minutes before we parted, so
we could get back to work.  We made plans for dinner that night. 
 By the time I'd moved in, set up things in my room, and called
friends, it was time for dinner.  I ordered pizza with Bryan and a few of
his friends who belonged to the same Christian athletes group that Bryan
 It felt great to get back into the college atmosphere, and we
talked for quite a while that night before I returned to my room. 
 I called up Ben, a gay friend of mine, and we go together and went
to a bar. 

* * *
 A few weeks later, the trees were all turning color and their
leaves had started to fall to the ground.  School was in full swing, and I
was on my way to lunch after getting out of my history class. 
 I spotted Bryan sitting with a couple of his gorgeous athlete
buddies, so I went over to their table and joined them.  They were talking
about raising some money for their church, and they were all throwing out
possible ideas.  The subject didn't interest me much so I dug into my meal
and allowed my eyes to casually wander over their lean muscular bodies. 
 Later on that night I remembered their conversation and an idea
struck me which caused my dick to get rock hard.  I told myself to settle
down because I realized the chances of having them go for the idea were
slim, but I decided to run it by Bryan anyway. 
 He was studying in his room alone; he welcomed me and told me to
have a seat.  I was still a little nervous, and I swallowed once before I
 "You know this afternoon when you guys were talking about raising
some money," I asked. 
 "Yeah," he answered. 
 "I have an idea, but it's kind of 'out there,'" I said. 
 "What is it?"
 "You could do a calendar," I answered. 
 "What kind of calendar?" he asked, intrigued. 
 "A nude one.  You could get some guys from your group to pose for
it and then sell it to raise the money," I told him, the whole plan
rushing out at once. 
 Bryan considered this for a moment.  "I like it, but I don't know
how the guys would feel or what the church would think."
 "Well, it's for a good cause," I pressed.  "You're going to
build..." here I was lost for words.  I hadn't really paid that much
attention to their discussion. 
 "We're going to build an addition to the youth center and remodel
the rest.  We'd also like to build a fund for the youth retreats," Bryan
filled me in. 
 "That would sure make a lot of money.  People do this kind of thing
all the time for charities," I continued. 
 "Do they?" Bryan asked. 
 "Oh, yeah," I said, but I really had no idea. 
 "Who would take the pictures?"
 "I would," I said, revealing the beauty of the whole plan.  "I'd do
it for free, and I'm sure I could reserve the portrait room for this. 
Plus I'm sure we can find a company who would print the calendar for real
 Bryan knew I was a photography buff.  I'd taken a few classes, and
now I was very thankful I had so I could be in this position. 
 "Okay.  I'll talk to some of the guys and to some people at the
church and see what they all think," Bryan said. 

* * *

 To my knowledge, Bryan didn't know I was gay.  I'm sure he
suspected since I'd never dated a girl before, and i never participated in
the "locker room talk" about women.  I rarely told my straight friends
about my sexual orientation because I was worried about what they'd think.
 I'd also not told Bryan for another reason: his deep religious faith. 
People like that easily turned off to homosexuals. 
 It was a few days before I heard any response to my offer. 
 "Hey, Lance," Bryan called from my doorway. 
 "Yeah?" I said, looking up from my desk. 
 "Your calendar idea was a big hit, especially with the girls,"
Bryan said. 
 "For the most part," Bryan admitted.  "There were a few people who
didn't like it very much, but they're willing to look at the final
product, so we'll go ahead with it."
 "Five guys in the group said they'd pose, and I will too," Bryan
said.  He handed me a slip of paper.  "Here are their names and phone
numbers.  I think you know most of them."
 A quick scan revealed that I did.  I nodded. 
 "Is six okay?" Bryan asked. 
 "Oh, sure," I answered.  "I'm sure I can figure out a way to fill
12 months with six of you."
 "I'll set up some times in the studio and then I'll get back to
you," I said. 
 "Okay.  See ya."
 After Bryan left I looked at the list again and smiled.  Three of
they guys I was really familiar with.  One of them I didn't think I'd ever
met while the other I had a vague mental picture of.  I put them in order
by placing numbers next to each of their names.  I wrote Bryan's name on
the list. 
 Bryan ended up third after much deliberation.  I had thought he
should go first to help encourage the others, but then I decided to wait
on him.  I'd seen him naked in the showers already so there wouldn't be
surprises there.  I would stick him in the middle. 
 I set up my studio time for the next three days that fit into my
schedule.  That gave me some options with the guys too. 
 The first one on my list was Todd Paxton.  I gave him a call and
was able to get him into my second time slot. 
 "Oh, and Todd, bring your glasses," I said. 
 "Okay," he answered.  "Do you want me to bring anything else?"
 "Sure.  You might want a bathrobe.  It might help you get more
 "Okay.  I'll bring that too."

* * *

 I arrived early to set up the studio.  I played with the lighting
and set up a cozy sofa scene.  I knew Todd was a really good student who
wore gold wire-rim glasses once in a while.  I wanted to play up that
brainy part of his personality. 
 Todd arrived on time wearing his glasses and carrying a blue
terrycloth robe.  He looked very much like Bryan: he was 5'11" with broad
shoulders and a broad chest.  He and Bryan had played football together in
their high school.  Todd had brown hair which was cut very short all
around.  He had green small eyes, an average nose, and thick lips. 
 "You can put on the bathrobe in the changing room," I told him. 
 "Take everything off?" he asked. 
 I nodded. 
 He left and returned shortly clad only in his robe.  Brown hair
showed through the top of the robe where it didn't come to a close
entirely.  I had him stand in front of the sofa and then I started taking
pictures, easing him into the situation.  I also needed to wait until the
marks from any tight clothing, such as underwear or socks, had
 I had him sit on the couch and read the book I'd brought as I
snapped some more pictures. 
 "Open your robe a little on top.  Let's see some more chest," I
 He did, revealing more of his thick brown chest hair. 
 "What kind of underwear were you wearing?" I asked shortly. 
 "Just jockeys," he answered. 
 "What color?"
 "Hmmm...okay." If they'd been something interesting I might have
added them.  "Are you ready to go all the way?"
 "I think so," he answered. 
 "Then go for it," I told him. 
 He unstrapped the robe and pulled it off.  His chest hair ended at
his pectorals and then formed a line right below his pecs right down the
center of his torso.  It went into his furry belly.  His crotch was a mass
of wiry brown pubic hair.  An average size dick sprang from this. 
Underneath were a hefty pair of fuzzy balls. 
 I had him sit and then lay on the sofa wearing only his glasses
and pretending to read the book prop. 
 "That's it," I announced once I'd felt I had enough. 
 "How did I do?"
 "You were great.  Get dressed," I urged, smiling reassuringly. 
 I packed up my equipment and headed back to my room.  Throughout
the whole experience I hadn't gotten an erection.  It had remained a very
professional experience.  Now that I was back in my room though, I
stripped and pounded my hard cock for all it was worth as I thought about
the photo shoot.  My orgasm was powerful and quick. 

        Christian Men
      By Mitchell Knight
    Part 2

 When I called up Jon, he asked if Jason, the guy who was fourth on
my list and whom I didn't know, could come along.
 "You mean photograph you together?" I asked, confused.
 "No, we just wondered if we could watch while the other did it. 
Like moral support," Jon explained.
 "Sure, that's fine."
 Anything they could do to make it easier for themselves was fine
with me.  I really didn't know Jon too well, so I wasn't sure what I was
going to do with him, and I didn't know Jason at all.
 When I arrived at the studio I just unpacked my equipment and
looked at possible set ups.  I saw  few things I could try and then they
showed up.
 Jon Nelson was about 6'2", thin but well-proportioned.  He was all
wiry muscle and angular in look.  He had black straight hair which he let
grow a little long in back.  His eyes were small and brown.  He had a long
thin nose and thing lips in a long, thin, but attractive face.
 He undressed first and then Jason went and changed.  While Jon had
changed, I'd set up a scenario I thought would work.  It was a black and
white checkered background and I placed a black stool in front.  Black
shag carpet completed the picture.
 Setting Jon in the scene pleased my eye very much.  His skin
wasn't as white as I would have liked, but it was still pale and fit in
with the contrasts.  His angular, lithe body fit the starkness of the
setting.  I had him pose with a very serious expression.
 Jason joined us in his bathrobe as I took Jon's picture.  Jon was
hairless all over except for a small patch of black pubic hair above his
thin limp penis.  His balls were tight against his body in their exposed
 I had Jon lay on the floor in various positions before removing
him from that setting.  I put together a faux nature scene from the
available materials.  I didn't like its fake appearance, but I couldn't do
any better on such short notice.  I didn't realize Jason was going to turn
out to be a nature god.
 He had blond hair, a lighter shade than my sandy blond, and he
wore it long so it covered his ears but didn't quite reach his shoulders. 
It was straight and feathered.  He had large brown doe eyes and soft skin
with soft rounded features.  He was about six feet and had an average build.
 I took some photos of Jon in the nature scene, but they were only
for practice.  I let him dress once I put my nature boy in the scene.  He
had defined pectorals with a swirl of blond hair around each nipple.  His
belly was lightly furred and his crotch had light brown pubic hair.  His
penis was small and thin with average size hairless balls.
 To my eye he seemed perfect in the fake nature setting.  I just
wished I could get him in real nature, but I knew that would be too much
to ask and a risky endeavour.
 The photo shoot went well for so little preparation.  I went home
feeling satisfied and horny.  I beat off thinking about Jon and Jason
having sex before my eyes.
* * *

 With Bryan I chose to do a shower scene.  I just knew I had to
have one.  Something about water cascading over the nude male is so
poetic to me.  Plus he would be the perfect candidate because we could
take the photos in the dorm when the opportunity presented itself.
 We chose a time late Saturday night when most people were asleep
or out at a party.  Then we slipped into the shower, he took off his
towel, and I started snapping away.
 The water sprayed the flesh of his taut chest and then trickled
down his sturdy 5'11" form.  He had a hairless chest with muscular
pectorals and nipples that rested just on the edge, almost turning down. 
His crotch was a modest patch of brown hair over a thick, short, limp cock
and balls with just a little hair.
 Then I shot some film of him drying off and just wearing a towel. 
we left the showers after this, and I returned to my room to masturbate
and pine away for a sexy man I couldn't have.

* * *

 I went to the studio very early for the next session because I
wanted to start developing some of the film.  Sam showed up just as I was
 "Can I have a look?" he asked.
 "Sure," I answered.
 I showed him my contact sheets.
 "These are really good," he complimented.
 "Thanks," I said.  They were good.  I only had one regret and that
was that I hadn't shot Jon in black and white too.  That might have been
an interesting visual.
 "Go ahead and get into your robe and I'll set up," I told him.
 He went into the changing room, and I put up the gray tarp.  I was
running out of scenes.
 Sam came out in a red silk bathrobe.  I took some pictures of him
in this.  He was my height: 6 feet with an athletic build.  He had brown
hair and blue eyes.  He had a small, slightly upturned nose that looked
really cute.  His lips were thin and sensual. 
 "Okay, now take off the robe," I said.
 He tossed it aside.  His body was trim and firm.  He had a little
patch of hair between his pecs.  Then he had some hair at the base of his
average sized penis.  Once he was naked, I noticed that there seemed to be
some movement in his crotch, but I ignored it.
 As I took some pictures, his penis continued to thicken and
lengthen until I could ignore it no longer.   I was committed to doing a
tasteful calendar and erections had no place in it.
 "Uh, we have a problem," I said.
 "Yeah, I know," he admitted, blushing as the issue was brought out.
 "Why don't we just talk for a while.  Maybe that will help get
your mind off this shoot," I said.
 He nodded.  We sat down on a couple of chairs and chatted for a
while about our classes and the usual college small talk.  I glanced at
his dick occasionally to watch for any progress, but none was forthcoming.
 "This just isn't going to work.  I'm sorry, but the idea of having
my picture taken in the nude is too exciting for me."
 "That's all right...Maybe there's something else you could do to
get rid of it..."
 He caught my gist and nodded.  "I know.  I thought of that.  I'll
go try it."
 Sam got up and headed for the changing room, but turned at the doorway.
 "Can I do it out here?" he asked, a blush coming to his cheeks at
his request.  I didn't know Sam very well.  I had only met him once
before, but I was now very intrigued.  It appeared as if I had a little
exhibitionist on my hands.
 "Sure I don't care," I answered, my heart racing.
 "Will you take pictures?" he asked.
 I shrugged, trying to indicate that I didn't care one way or the
other as I moved towards my camera.  He sat down on the gray tarp and
started to slowly stroke his meat.  He spit on his hand to create some
lubrication and then stroked faster.  My hand found its way to my crotch
where it started to stroke my own erection through the fabric as I watched
 He closed his eyes and threw back his head as his pace grew more
furious.  I snapped away eagerly at this spectacle, pleased with the
private photo collection these would make.
 With little effort he came, gobs of semen jetting out of his cock
onto his chest and abdomen.  I grabbed some tissues and brought these to
him so he could wipe himself off.
 "Grab your robe and go to the bathroom and clean up," I told him.
 He nodded.
 By the time he returned, I had set up a couple of Greek columns
against a blue background, a phallic image.  I thought it was appropriate
considering the show he'd just given.  My erection had subsided.
 I photographed him between these pillars, and we didn't have any
problems with his cock for the rest of the shoot.
 When I got back to my room I had a great orgasm.

* * *

 Tom Karel was a couple years older than any of the other guys I'd
photographed so far.  He was 22 and a senior.  He was much more muscular
than any of the other guys and I knew that he lifted weights a lot, so I
told him to bring along some dumbells to model with, and if he had some
tight shorts that he used to lift in then he should bring those also.
 By the time Tom arrived for his photo shoot I had set up a weight
lifting bench and my backdrop.
 "Hi, Lance," he greeted me boisterously.
 Tom was a very energetic man who was something of a practical
joker.  Out of all of Bryan's friends, I got along with him the best.  He
wasn't quite as narrow-minded as the rest of them, and he was very
cheerful and tried hard to make everyone happy.
 "Hey there, Tom.  Are you all ready to make history?" I asked.
 "You betcha!"
 "The changing room is right over there," I indicated.
 "Okay, I'll be right out," he said.
 When he walked out of the room he was completely naked which
surprised me for a second, but then I realized that that was just like Tom
to do something as unreserved.
 Tom was 5'6", shorter than all the others, and very muscular.  He
looked like he could be in a weight lifting competition.  He had sandy
brown hair cut very short so that it hugged his scalp.  He had bright blue
eyes which sparkled with his impish personality.  His nose was short and
squat like the rest of his body and he had thin lips which were usually
stretched out in a big smile which he wore right now.
 His broad, very muscular chest had a thin coating of light brown
hair.  He also had very small nipples.  He had a sparse collection of
brown pubic hair at the base of his...uncircumsized cock.  It was a short,
thick penis with large hairless balls underneath.
 "You're not circumsized," I said aloud.
 "No.  My parents weren't Catholic.  I only recently discovered my
faith and haven't bothered to go under the knife yet," he explained with a
 I nodded.  "I see."
 He padded over to the scene, and I began shooting with him and his
dumbells.   Then I had him slip into his tight red shorts before the shoot
was completed.
 When I got back to my room I fantasized about giving him a blowjob
and playing with his foreskin.  

    Christian Men
         By Mitchell Knight
       Part 3

 The more I thought about it, the more I realized I really wanted
to reshoot Jon and Jason.  I called up Jon and asked if he'd be willing to
come back in and let me shoot him in black and white.  He agreed to it, so
I was able to get those pictures and they turned out really great.  I
decided that I would for sure use one of them in the calendar to add some
 Then I found a secluded park which I thought would be ideal to
shoot Jason, my nature god, in.  I called him up, and it took some
convincing, but I got him to do it.  I promised him a really quick shoot
since I knew he wouldn't be able to stand the cold for too long since he
wouldn't be wearing a thing.  I was quite happy with how those pictures
turned out also.
 The call from Sam came just before I had planned on going into the
darkroom to develop the film from his shoot with me.  The photos were due
to the publisher in two weeks, so I wanted to make sure I had plenty of
time, so I would meet the deadline.
 "Hi, Lance.  I was wondering if you'd developed the photos from my
time," Sam said.
 "Oh, no I was just going to do that today," I told him.
 "Really?  Would you mind if I tagged along?" he asked.
 "No, that's fine.  Would you be willing to help out?" I asked.
 "Sure that would be fun."
 I met him in the darkroom and we got to work.  He seemed sincerely
interested in the whole process so I ran off at the mouth about all I knew
about the darkroom and developing.  He became really interested when the
first pictures from when he'd masturbated started coming through.
 "Oh, wow.  You caught it all," he said.
 "You bet."
 "Can I get a souvenir?" he asked.
 "Sure," I answered.
 "What are you going to do with all these others?" he asked.
 "Oh...I don't really know.  Just thought I'd develop them and see
how they turned out.  I'm curious about how I did on these... action
shots.  Then I'll probably just burn them," I lied.
 Sam nodded.  "Just looking at them is making me hot again."
 I turned and looked at him with a smile.  He surprised me with his
frankness, but after masturbating for me and letting me take pictures of
it, that was probably just part of his nature.  I wondered  what his
next surprise for me would be.  I didn't have to wait long.
 "I really want to jack off right now," he said softly.  His hand
strayed to his crotch where he began to slowly rub himself.
 "I won't take pictures this time," I replied playfully, confused
as to where this was going.
 "Oh, that's okay.  Why don't you join me?" he asked.
 "What?" I asked, taken totally off guard by the question.
 "It's okay.  I won't tell anyone.  Will you have sex with me?" he
asked softly, moving towards me so that his lips were right by my ear.
 "Are you trying to tell me you're gay?" I asked.
 "I'm not really sure.  All I know is that I've wanted to have sex
with you since that photo shoot, and I knew that you would probably be
interested," he answered.
 "How did you know that?" I asked, defensive.
 "Let's just say I've met a friend of yours," he answered.
 By this time my penis had grown into a full erection and the idea
of having sex with this firm Christian man was making my temperature rise.
 "Where do you want to go?" I asked, not caring who had told him,
just wanting to ravish his body right now.
 "Let's do it here," he answered, a puff of air expelled into my
ear at the end of his sentence.  I shivered upon contact.
 I moved away from him and went to the door.  I put up a Reserved
sign and then locked the door so we wouldn't be disturbed.  When I
returned, Sam had removed his shirt and was unbuttoning his pants.  In the
light from the dim red lights of the darkroom, I could see his toned
chest with the patch of hair nestled between his pectorals.  I had to kiss
 I pulled him into my arms and planted a passionate kiss upon his
lips.  He returned it with equal fervor and then broke away.
 "Get undressed.  I don't want to wait any longer," he whispered 
 I pulled away and stripped as fast as I could.  Then we pressed
our naked bodies together and kissed, opening our mouths to exploration. 
His mouth was warm and sweet, and I tasted deeply of him.  Our
erections pressed against each other and I rubbed against him, enjoying
this sensation.
 Sam began to kiss his way down my body: my throat, my chest, my
nipples, my navel, and then he engulfed my erection.  I groaned as I felt
my penis touch the back of his throat.  I wondered if this "friend" of
mine had showed him how to make love also.
 "Hold on," I told him, pushing him away.
 "What?" he asked.
 "Lay down," I told him.
 He laid down on our pile of clothes and I crouched over top him with
my mouth at his erection and his at mine.  He was exactly my height, and
there wasn't any way I was going to let this chance slip by.
 I gently licked my way down the length of his pole and sucked on
each of his balls.  Then I stuck a finger in my mouth and got it good and
wet before I slowly inserted this slowly into his anus.  I heard him moan
around my penis as it went in.
 He continued to suck on my dick as I put his back in my mouth. 
With my other hand I stroked the length of it as my mouth went up and down
his erection.  My finger slowly slid in and out his hot little hole as I
sucked him.
 Sam was doing a pretty good job on his end.  He must have had some
lessons or else it was just beginners luck.  I knew I could keep from
coming though.  I wanted to taste his load before I would come.  I was
really curious as to who this "friend" of mine was, but I would find that
out later.
 To make him come first, I picked up the tempo of my finger
thrusting in him and also my head and hand motions.  His dick was very
slick with my saliva by this time and my hand glided easily over his
length.  I paused a couple of times to fondle his balls, but then I would
return to the stroking.
 I could tell he was about to come when all motion on my cock
stopped.  He just lay there breathing and moaning as I worked him towards
conclusion.  He came with a load yelp and grabbed the backs of my thighs
as his semen spurted into my mouth.  I swallowed it all and then caught
the last little bit off the head of his penis before turning around to
smile at him.
 "Like that?" I asked.
 "Oh, yeah," he answered, grinning.
 Then he reached out and took my erection in his hand and prepared
to bring it to his mouth.
 "I thought that should go somewhere else," I said.
 "Where? mean..."
 "Yeah," I said.  "Have you ever taken it up the ass?"
 "No," he answered.  "I'm not sure--"
 "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing.  It will feel great," I said.
 He still seemed a little uncertain, but he was willing to roll
over and prop up his ass for me to get a clear shot.  My dick was
already lubricated with his saliva, but I decided to add some soap and
water from the sink.  Then I lined my erection up with his tight little
red hole and slowly inserted it.
 Not hearing any complaints from him, I continued until I was fully
embedded.  Then I began to slowly make love to his hot virgin asshole.  It
didn't take long for me to have an orgasm.  I shot loads of fresh gay
sperm into his ass.
 We cleaned up and then started to get dressed.
 "Would you be interested in getting together again?" I asked.
 "Sure.  Maybe next time we can do it somewhere a little more
private," he answered.
 "Good idea," I agreed with a smile.
 "By the way, who is this friend you were talking about?" I asked.
 "Bryan," he answered.
 Bryan?  That answer sure took me by surprise as well as provoke a
lot of questions I couldn't wait to get answered.  I realized it was time
to take another look at my favorite Christian man...

The End


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