The Never Ending Blood

               Julie was a young woman of African descent; elegant and
          tall, she had huge breasts with nipples so large and firm her
          blouse could not conceal them; her long, powerful legs and
          hips were well served in the white crotch-tight pants she
          wore.  A freshman at Eagle State College, she and Amy were
          friends . . .
               "Julie, you and my little brother get acquainted, I've
          got to run out for a few things."
               "We'll make out just fine," said Julie.
               "Hi, Julie."
               "Hi. Todd. I'm just about unpacked," said Julie.  She
          had already taken good notice of the bulge in his jeans, and
          a certain tension was already growing between them.  They
          engaged in smalltalk a few minutes, sizing each other up.
          When Todd helped her lift her several pieces of luggage to a
          closet shelf, she stood so close her titties occasionally
          brushed his arms, and her breath was often at his neck.
               "Need anything else?" asked Todd while they were still
          almost touching in the closet.
               Julie turned her head and brought her lips to Todd's for
          a moment, her tongue flicking briefly, then stepped away,
          "Maybe," said Julie, as she walked back to the bed and slowly 
          began to unbutton her blouse.  She stood smiling as she
          reached behind to unsnap the halter confining her huge
          breasts, and shaking them free, she dropped the halter to the 
          floor and sat on the bed, "Come here and let Julie play with
          your zipper."
               Todd stood by the bed while Julie's hands found their
          way inside his jeans.
               "I think Amy's been keeping a secret,"  Julie said as
          she moved from the bed an knelt at his crotch.  Her hands
          quickly had his enormous penis freed.
               She kept her lips on the head of Todd's cock as she
          slithered out of her pants and panties.  Her ample breast
          quivered as her buttocks emerged from the white pants.
               "You have the biggest dick I have ever seen." 
               "All you see is me and all it wants is what you've got," 
          said Todd.
               "Baby, what I want is a good suck and a real fuck--. 
               Julie played her fingertips along Todd's cock while she
          nibbled at its head and sucked.
               Todd played at her nipples as Julie sucked and moaned.
               "Ohhh, put that thing in me, baby!  Fuck me," she
          moaned, collapsing on the bed.
               Todd fell with her, his hard dick searching.
               Julie's hand placed the huge organ in her craven cunt
          and they collided in unison.  "Oh, baby, baby, baby..." Julie
          cried.  She wrapped her legs around Todd and rotated her
          pelvis with every plunge. The waves of orgasm shook her
          entire body.
               Finally, they both lay spent and Julie began licking and
          sucking Todd's huge penis into erection again.
              "Beautiful.  Real Beautiful, Julie." a voice said from
          the door, "I turn you over to my little brother and you fuck
          his eyeballs out.  Move over," Amy said.
               She stood in the steamy bedroom and began removing her
               "Little brother fucks me, now," Amy said.  She removed
          her top, exposing her own huge breasts, and began slipping
          out of her jeans.  The hairy triangle between her legs became 
          apparent, begging.
               "Amy--," Julie said, please don't be angry."
               "I'm not angry, I just want a some of that beautiful
          dick between my legs too, I just want some of his sweet cum
          in my mouth too, I want--I want," Amy tried to say with
          Julie's tongue in her mouth.
               "Let's comfortable," said Julie, coaxing Amy to the bed. 
               Amy lay on the bed and spread her legs as Julie and Todd 
          explored her with their tongues.  Todd's huge penis was
          already coming back to life.
               June came upstairs and looked through the opened door.
          Julie hesitated, not knowing exactly what to do until she saw 
          that June was taking off her clothes.
               As June stood naked, she asked, "May I?"
               "Please," said Julie, relieved and excited.
               June came to sit on the bed and leaned over, her breasts
          falling to touch Todd's back as he lay with his head between
          Amy's legs.  She pulled Julie's face to her own and filled
          her mouth with tongue.
               "Lie back, you sweet thing," said Julie, as he urged
          June to her back beside Todd and Amy.
                June complied and thrust her warming pussy up to meet
          the ministrations of Julie's expert tongue.
               "Todd, please fuck me, now.  Please put that thing in
          me," Amy said, writhing at the sight of June and Julie.
               Todd rolled onto his sister's body, his huge penis
          trying to find entrance.
               As Julie wildly tongued her clitoris, June leaned toward
          the other couple and kissed Todd's shaft as he penetrated
          Amy's flaming cunt; then she positioned herself between his
          buttocks to lick and suck his scrotum while he fucked Amy. 
               Amy writhed with Todd's extremely huge penis until she
          came and came again. 
               "Please, please, little brother--let me suck that thing
               "Oh, Amy, please--June interrupted, let me ride."
               Amy put her flaming desires aside and turned Todd's huge
          member over to her mother...
               Todd wanted to fuck his mother; her lovely tits; the
          beautiful hairy triangle between her legs . . .
               He had arrived, he was in control! 
               June's heart leaped with pride as she felt her son's
          dick inside her as Amy and Julie watched.  Her body was on
          fire.  She heaved with every thrust.  She had a series of
          crashing orgasms and she wanted more!  Her cunt craved this
          dick and she convulsed in screaming orgasm.
               Todd woke to find his mother at the foot of the bed
          bringing Julie back to life with her tongue.  Julie was
          beginning to squirm with June's head between her legs. Amy
          sleepily rolled over to lick at Todds growing erection, then
          she rose to straddle Julie's face and nodded to her mother.      
          "Mom?" Todd pleaded.  Without waiting for an answer, he
          pulled his mother up on the bed and straddled her chest, 
          poising his prick before her mouth--a thick shaft of pulsing
          flesh.  His mother's luscious lips gladly received the shaft, 
          and she began to suck.  Amy and Julie clasped in sixty-nine
          and went fervently at each other's clit with their darting
               June lovingly sucked Todd' penis.  She thought of many
          days, the office, the world--the universe. Now, she was free.
          A little wave of orgasm had brought her peace once more.
               "Julie," June whispered, reaching out to touch Julie's
               Julie rose to kneel before him; her nakedness alive and
          wanting,  "Oh, I can't get enough of that thing," she said.  
               She bent and put her mouth over Todd's huge organ.  She
          sucked hard at its head and licked the shaft.  She couldn't
          get enough...
               June and Amy fell to sixty-nine, tonguing each other's
               Finally, Julie called his name, "Todd, Todd, baby, fuck
          me, fuck me now."
               He rolled to position himself between Julie's legs.
               "Oh, God--you dear.  Please fuck me, fuck me, fuck
          me...put out this fire in me, please--Oh, God, that's
                                      * * *
               Marie was Julie's mother.  At 38, her light skin set-off 
          her remarkably youthful figure.  As a linguist and consulting 
          anthropologist for the State Department, she often found
          herself in Washington D.C.
               When June learned Marie was in Washington she invited
          her over to spend the few days she was in town, and asked
          Todd if he would mind picking her up at her hotel after she
          got back from her day at the State Department.
               "I can't tell you how nice it'll be not to have to spend
          three more days in another hotel," said Marie as she and Todd 
          began the hectic drive across town.  "I do feel like I'm
          imposing, but I just couldn't resist June's invitation."
               "We have four bedrooms, plus the gym," said Todd.  "Mom
          and Myra in her bedroom, Amy and Julie in Amy's, I in mine,
          and you will have the fourth all to yourself."
               "I don't suppose I'll get all that lonesome, then, with
          that houseful," Marie said as Todd stopped for a red light.
               As they looked at each other up close for the first
          time, there seemed to be some sort of chemistry in the
          making.  Marie had noticed the unusually large bulge at the
          crotch of Todd's jeans as soon as they had gotten in the car. 
               Todd had once caught her looking down toward his lap as
          he drove, and when she had looked away briefly he shifted his
          position so that the bulk of his penis was more pronounced. 
               Marie was wearing a close-fitting, but modest blue 
          business suit.  Her sheath skirt had only come two inches
          above her knee when she had first seated herself on the
          passenger's side of the Mercedes.  After ten minutes of the
          expected hour-long drive across town, and they had gotten
          comfortable with each other's small talk, Todd noticed
          Marie's skirt had worked its way to about six inches above
          her knees--and she had turned her body more toward him.
               Marie certainly was a beautiful woman--and quite sexy,
          too, Todd was thinking as they made their way on through the
          heavy traffic.
               "Todd . . ." Marie said as he caught her again staring
          at his cock.  "June must be awfully proud to have a son as
          handsome as you, but I'll bet she's jealous at all the 
          attention young women must be giving you these days."  She
          smiled, her fiery eyes fixed on his as he stopped again for a 
          traffic light.
               "Mom's a very understanding person," he said.
               "Yes, she is," said Marie, "And so nice--too nice as a
          matter of fact.  She even offered to drive me to the office
          every day, but I told her William Beane lives just a few
          blocks away and he'll come by and get me in the mornings."
               "I'm going to insist that you let me chauffeur you
          around while you're here, Marie.  I don't have a thing to do
          for another week, and I'll enjoy it--maybe you can get me in
          the State Department building sometime this week to see some
          of those famous people in government that I've only read
          about in the paper or seen on T.V."
               "Well, we'll see," she smiled, her skirt somehow still
          moving up.  She caught his eye glancing at her legs at the
          next light and nonchalantly parted her knees just a little as
          she feigned a look in the opposite direction.
               They drove in silence a few minutes and Marie had
          removed her shoes and seemed to be fidgeting, as though she
          was having trouble getting comfortable.
               Todd noticed her restlessness, "About thirty more
          minutes.  I'll bet you've had a tiring day--would you like to
          stop for a cup of coffee, or some pop?"
               "Well--yes, I think I would.  I have had a pretty busy
          day, maybe a cup of coffee is just what I need.  You're so
          thoughtful, Todd--and so mature for your age.  Julie had
          already told me on the phone that you were wise beyond your
          years," Marie said, putting her shoes on.
               They pulled into Eddie's Diner and Todd ordered their
          coffee and ice cream while Marie excused herself to the
          ladies' room.
               Forty-five minutes had gone by before they knew it and
          the sun was sinking low in the west.  They hurried from the
          diner to resume the drive on to June's.
               "You're such pleasant company," Marie said as she
          removed her shoes again.  "June's probably wondering where we 
          are.  I just got carried away in the diner hearing about your 
          escapades at school . . . Oh, to be young again," she sighed
          as Todd smiled at her.  She brought her left leg up under her 
          and settled back against the door to face Todd more easily.  
          She couldn't keep from glancing at his groin every once in a
          while, but by facing him maybe he wouldn't notice her head
          turning as much.  She was facinated by what appeared to be a
          pretty large--and growing--organ between his legs.
               We'er almost there," he said as changed to the right
          exit lane.
               "That's almost too bad, Todd.  I was enjoying my ride
          with you," Marie said, "Maybe--if you really don't mind
          taking me to work in the mornings--we'll have some more
          pleasant rides together."
               "I'll insist on it," said Todd.  As he returned her
          gaze, he discovered she'd taken her hose off in the diner,
          and her skirt was once again riding up her beautiful, long
          legs.  As he veered off the freeway to a residential section, 
          and Marie shifted to brace herself against the turn, he was
          able too catch a glimpse of the crotch of her white panties.
          She seemed to have parted her knees a little more than was
          absolutely necessary.  He believed she might be teasing him.
               He spoke, "You know, if you're enjoying the ride after
          your long day--I certainly am--why don't we call in and tell
          Mom we're going to drive around for a couple of hours.  We're 
          just two blocks away from Carnes Road.  It's a peaceful drive 
          this time of the evening--"
               "You know, Todd, I was just thinking the same thing--I
          mean, that would be such a nice way to unwind.  Stop right
          over there at that payphone and I'll make the call," Marie
               Todd came to a stop by the payphone box and Marie jumped 
          out with a quarter already in her hand.
               "All set," she said, getting back in the car.  "June was
          so nice about it, I'm sorry I lied to her."
               Todd grinned, "What did you tell her?"
               "I told her I had a little emergency at the office and
          we'd be a little late.  Sometimes I'm a little embarrassed
          when people know everything I do for relaxation," Marie said
          searching her bag for a cigarette. 
               Todd drove the Mercedes back toward the intersection and 
          turned into the outbound lane of Carnes Road.  The sun was
          going down and Marie removed her jacket, revealing her ample, 
          firm breasts through a suprisingly thin white blouse.  Todd
          discovered she must have also removed her bra at the
          diner--if she had been wearing one.  There was still
          sufficient light to see her acron-size nipples pressing
          against the blouse front, and she had somehow opened the
          blouse enough to let the bare curves of her voluptuous
          titties show when she turned one way or the other.
               Todd felt the familiar tightness beginning in the crotch
          of his jeans as he stopped to let a tractor-trailer rig make
          its turn-around on the highway.
               Marie's skirt had risen well above mid-thigh as she
          leaned forward with the cigarette, and Todd offered the
          glowing end of the cigarette lighter.
               Bringing her cigarette to meet the lighter in Todd's
          hand, she rested her left hand on his leg at mid-thigh.  In
          the fading light, he could see one of her firm nipples
          completely exposed.
               Marie seem to lingered in that position for a few extra
          moments, then she smiled an leaned back against her door
          again, her left foot on the seat nearly touching Todd, her
          right foot resting on the floorboard.  Her skirt had somehow
          worked up exposing the darkness of pubic hair between her
               She smiled and let her left hand fall seductively to her
          inner thigh, her fingers resting an inch below her panties.
               Todd stared more openly at the appealing display next to
          him as the toes of Marie's left foot made contact with his
               She drew on the cigarette seductively: "Todd, the
          truck's out of our way now," Marie said, a mischievous smile
          on her lips.
               "Ah, yeah--I was distracted," he blushed, and started
          the car forward.  "I'm easily distracted in the presence of a 
          woman as beautiful as you."
               Maire giggled, "You devil, you're such a charmer.  I'll
          bet you get anything you want from the girls," she flicked
          the cigarette against the ashtray and brought her foot up to
          rest in Todd's lap, directly on his growing member.  After a
          moment she held the cigarette in her lips and brazenly moved
          her skirt up above her waist with both hands and opened her
               "This feels so cool,"  she said, taking another drag
          from the cigarette, said easing one hand inside her panties.
               After obviously fingering her clit with Todd watching as 
          best he could, Marie sat up and scooted over to within a few
          inches of him; his penis had now expanded uncomfortably.  He 
          shifted his position as best he could, but the discomfort was 
               Marie giggled and leaned over to flick his ear with her
          tongue and put her hand on his leg as he got up to highway 
          speed and spoke again, "Does it bother you to have someone
          sit this close when you're driving?" 
               "Not when it's you."  He straightened as best he could
          in his upright position to give more slack in his jeans for
          his growing cock.
               As she leaned into him, he raised his arm and put it
          around her, his hand resting over her shoulder barely above
          her breast.  She snuggled closer and let her fingers play
          along the inner side of his leg a moment, then kissed him on
          the neck, her right moving up to his lap--and in contact with 
          his enormous bulge.  She let her hand rest a moment on his
          hardened, confined penis as she leaned further to put the tip 
          of her tongue in his ear.
               Todd moved his hand over and inside Marie's shirt to
          rest firmly on her naked breast, his fingers manipulating her
          hard nipple.
               At that moment, they came to an intersection on the
          highway and Todd came to a stop.  He turned to Marie and she
          came into his arms, their lips meeting briefly before their
          tongues began the duel for excitement.
              "This is so nice here, and you're so nice.  It'll be hard 
          for me to tear myself away."  Her right hand began to message 
          his swelling cock through his jeans.  She let her fingers
          play and leaned to tongue his ear again.
               Todd responded, his hand inside her shirt to her
          breasts.  Their tongues savaged the other's and Marie set 
          both hands to work on the button and zipper of Todd's jeans.
               "Baby," Marie whispered in his ear, "Drive on now, while 
          Marie plays.  I want to suck that thing.  Please, please get
          it out for me."
               Todd moved the electric seats back, and opened and
          lowered his jeans.  Marie was already into his briefs with
          her hands.  Freed, his engorged cock sprung up, its swollen
          head disappearing immediately between Marie's hungry lips.  
               She had never had such a huge dick in her mouth.  The
          excitement sent minor quakes through her body in
          anticipation.  She squirmed and moved her ass futilely in the 
               Todd set the car in motion and drove on into the dark.
               "Oh, Todd, baby, I'm too far gone.  I've got to get this 
          thing between my legs.  Please find somewhere to get off the
          road and fuck me.  Oh, god, hurry."


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