
(ff,Mf,yng,cons) This was an 'Mm' story converted to a 'Mf' story, by WaywardOne. 

I don't know who the original author of this story was, but the original title was: "LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON" 

 This story contains sex between an adult male and MINOR females. It is a consentual, Mf,ff,con, story, that has been converted from an originally homosexual story previously posted on the internet, by another author. 

This story contains scenes of men having sex with minor girls. If that's not  your cup of tea, don't read it. You have been warned. If this type of  material offends you, exit now, and do not continue. If you are under the age  of eighteen, or are under the legal age in your city, state, or country to read adult stories, exit now and do not continue.

The following story is fiction, All characters portrayed in this story are non-existent. Any resemblance to real people, dead, alive, or yet to be born, is truly coincidental.


"Huh?" Maria asked, barely hearing her friend's question, "Yeah, let me see what you're talking about. Have you been massaging it?"

"I sure have!" Adrianne answered, smiling sheepishly at Maria. She had already told her about the time she played with herself after their tickling episode, but she chose to remind her again. 

"You remember what I told you about that time we were tickling each other, and your hand kept going between my legs? Well, after I went home that night, and discovered how good it felt playing with myself, I had been doing that almost every night, before Uncle Paul and me did those things on this vacation. So, I already knew how to "practice", to massage my pussy to make it less tight." Here Adrianne paused, judging the effect of all this sex talk on her eleven year old girlfriend. Maria was sitting there cross-legged on her bed in front of her, and the crotch of her jean-shorts had ridden up tightly between her legs. The shorts were very short in the first place, and now there was very little material to cover her steaming sex button. 

Adrianne got up on her knees and began unbuttoning her jeans shorts. Then easing back onto her haunches she finally tilted back until she lost her balance and fell on her back, her legs flying into the air shackled at the ankles by the shorts. When she peered over her knees at Maria, they both burst into a laughing fit that eased the sexual tension that had been building in them both. 

"You must be sore down there, you can't even keep your balance on the bed!" Maria chuckled, as Adrianne struggled back to a sitting position. She stretched out her legs and Maria helped her off with the shorts. As she slipped them off her friend's legs, her eyes were drawn to her eleven year old friend's panties, snug in her crotch, and definitely damp. 

"Wow, Adrianne, you aren't bleeding down there, are you? Did he hurt you that bad? It looks like you're wet between your.." and then Maria stopped as she realized what that wetness really was. 

Adrianne grinned sheepishly and looked up at Maria. "I guess I've kinda been gettin' hot re-telling all the sexy stuff that my Uncle Paul did to me," she said, knowing it was useless to deny the truth. "So you still wanna look at me down there, to see what I was talking about?"

"Sure, let me see. You might have to go to the doctor or something," Maria replied, anxious to see her friend's pussy uncovered. And with that, she reached over to Adrianne with both hands and, slipping her fingers in the waistband of her too-small panties, began to ease them off her friend's hips. Adrianne lifted up to let them slide past her bottom, and then on off her legs, down to her feet. 

Lifting one leg up and then the other, she watched Maria pull them off, leaving her pussy bare and her legs slightly spread. 

"This feels kinda wierd, Maria, you gotta promise not to tell anybody, OK?"

"Of course, Adrianne, now let me see what you're talking about." Adrianne eased her back against the headboard and spread her legs wider, stretching them out. Maria moved into position between her legs, and lowered her face to inspect the damage. 

The first thing she noticed was a slight puffiness and reddish discoloration on the front of her friend's labia. Adrianne's outer lips were smooth and bare, and did indeed appear slightly bruised. But the next thing she noticed made her forget about that. Right there in the crease of Adrianne's pre-teen pussy lips was an obvious trail of slickness that was already pooling at the bottom of her butt-cheeks. 

"Adrianne, you're really getting wet down there! It does look a little bruised.., but what makes it get so wet?" Maria asked, flabbergasted at what was happening to her young friend. 

"Maria, ever since my vacation with Uncle Paul, I think I get wet all the time! I wake up in the morning and I get to thinking about what Paul did to me, and before you know it I'm getting all wet and excited in my pussy! I think I'm becoming sex-crazy! Do you think I'm a slut now?"

"No, I don't think so, I just wish I had been up there with you and your Uncle Paul. I don't have anybody I can do stuff with. I don't think I'll ever get a grown man to like me like that. Do you think Paul would like me too?" Maria asked nervously, not wanting Adrianne to get mad at her suggestion. But she was surprised at the answer. 

"That's the good part, Maria! I was going to tell you this but I didn't know what you might say: He did mention you, and asked me if you were a virgin, too! How about that!" Adrianne told her. 

"Really? He asked about me? Really? Why?"

"Well, Paul told me that he has always liked you and me both, but was afraid to say anything because other people might get mad at him. He says if your Daddy ever knew what he was thinking about you and me, he'd get lynched or shot, or something."

"You mean he might want to.. to play with me, too, Adrianne?" Maria asked, disbelief in her voice. 

"Yep, he sure does, Maria. In fact, he says he wants to do it to both of us at the same time, too!"

"Wow, Adrianne, that's too much! I think I'd die for sure. But do you think he'd like my little body as much as yours?"

"He seems to like little girls' bodies, no matter how small they are. Anyway, that's what he said."

"Well, that's a lot to think about. I don't know if I'd know what to do, or how to act." Maria was getting more and more agitated. Looking at Adrianne's nude and dripping torso, and listening to this startling news about her and her Uncle Paul, and about what he wanted to do to her, well, it was getting to be a little bit much for Maria's tender psyche. 

Then Adrianne, tossing all modesty to the wind, lifted her legs straight upward, holding her hands at her knees, completely exposing her little bruised flower to her best friend, Maria, who could only stare in a mixture of excitement and awe. 

Maria sat up and leaned forward as she peered into the other girl's moist and swollen lips. The was a darkened purplish shading around her pubescent sex. The lips were slightly puffed up and slightly open, unlike Maria's own pussy lips, which, when she had looked at herself, always seemed tight as a drum. "Does it hurt still? It looks kind of sore."

"No. It really didn't hurt much at the time either. We probably did it too much at first, Paul said. The bruises will go away in a week or two he reckoned." Adrianne then quickly reached out for her discarded panties and slipped them up over her hips, feeling a little embarrassed about all that had happened. She straightened back out on the bed. 

Maria lay back down next to her friend. She was confused and she was jealous. Silently she looked at Adrianne's pale slender body, clad in T-shirt and panties, and compared it to her own. Maria couldn't help wondering why she couldn't have been Adrianne. She was excited in a strange new way. The new information challenged her, teased her and drew her forward. It was irresistible. "Did it really feel good?" she asked at last. 

Adrianne nodded, "Maria, I never felt so incredible. Every time we did it I think it got even better." Maria looked away sadly. Slowly she turned to Adrianne, "You gonna do it again with him, aren't you?" she asked. 

Adrianne shrugged, "Yeah. I guess when he comes down at Thanksgiving. He'll probably sleep in the guest room again, and that's great because it's right next door to my bedroom. We'll have to be real quiet, 'cause mom'd die if she found out. Paul says there are men around who like young girls,... like to have sex with little girls like us that is. But it's against the law, that's why you can't tell." Maria nodded, suddenly wondering who and where these men were. 

She pushed the thought out of her mind. "Adrianne,...do you wanna play around with me... you know, like we did before you went to your Uncle Paul's? And, you know.. maybe do some of the special tickling we used to do?" she asked hesitantly. She was strangely afraid of the other girl's answer. 

Adrianne grinned. Her suspicions had been confirmed in that single question. "I don't know, Maria, ... I'm pretty tired right now," she said slowly. But then, just as Maria got that depressed look on her face, Adrianne suddenly jumped across the bed, grabbing at Maria's tummy and started furiously tickling her friend in the ribs before she could cover up. 

Maria was overcome with the quickness of her move, and before she had time to retaliate, Adrianne's hands and fingers were touching and pinching all over Maria, ocassionally squeezing her little titties as well. 

Maria was secretly overjoyed at her friend's little tickle game, and after recovering her breath, began her own attack. She put her head down, pretending not to know where her hands might be going, and reached out blindly, to tickle her friend back. 

The first place her hand landed was on Adrianne's left nipple over her T-shirt-covered chest, but instead of pulling away, she spread out her fingers and encircled her friend's little chest mound, massaging and tickling at the same time. 

Adrianne just giggled with abandon, and started her own hands to roaming recklessly over Maria's body. As Maria squirmed unto her stomach to avoid the frantic tickling, Adrianne found one hand trapped under Maria's tummy, at the top of her shorts. Continuing her tickling, she slipped her fingers just inside the waistband and began tickling Maria's pelvis, above her panty-clad mound. Maria was ecstatic, and was just about to return the favor on Adrianne's bare panties, when they were both startled by the sound of a door slamming shut downstairs. 

"Maria, I'm home," Maria's father shouted out from the bottom of the stairs. Maria jumped as though a bee had stung her, "Shit! It's my dad!" she glanced at the clock. "Shit! Adrianne, he's home early," she whispered. 

"I,... I'm upstairs Dad,... with Adrianne,... we'll be right down," Maria shouted as she leaped up from the bed and began tugging up her shorts furiously. It took the girls only seconds to rearrange their clothes and then they started downstairs. 

"Hi girls," John Gordon beamed at the two girls as they came down, taking the steps two at a time and shrieking as only eleven-year old girls can. 

"Hi Dad," Maria said, "You're home early?"

"Hi Doctor Gordon," Adrianne said, hanging back a few feet and looking at Maria's handsome father almost shyly. 

"Hi Adrianne. Yeah, I guess I am. I thought we'd go out and see a movie, Jurassic Park, maybe, then get a pizza or something for dinner. You too Adrianne. I didn't think you were getting back until tomorrow afternoon. Maria's been bored without you. I hope you had an exciting few weeks."

"Yeah, I'd love to come. I had a great time. It was 'great'. I was pretty busy. My uncle and I did lot's of new things. I even drove the tractor," Adrianne said. The two girls looked at each other and shared a knowing smile. 

John grinned, "Great. Well if you want to go out to dinner, you girls'll have to put on shoes, and comb your hair, okay? I'll call your mom from the study and let her know the plan," he laughed as he walked through the door into the next room. The two girls turned and raced back up the stairs. Their long discussion and their sex play was almost forgotten, replaced by more innocent pursuits. But inside each girl the memories lingered. For Adrianne, the memories were clear and insistent, but for Maria, the ideas, the thoughts and the desire that had long resided only within her mind, at last, seemed within the realm of possibility. Now it was a matter of time, she thought, until things started getting really exciting. 

That night, after they had dropped Adrianne off at her house, Maria kissed her father goodnight and went up to her bedroom. Normally she showered in the morning but this night was an exception. All through the movie, all through dinner, Adrianne's words had gnawed at her. 

All that night, Maria kept thinking about what Adrianne had done with her uncle, and what she had almost done with her. Despite her best efforts to concentrate on the movie her thoughts had strayed. 

Secure in the privacy of her own mind Maria had tried to imagine the feel of another person's hands on her body, touching her in all the right places, making her feel like Adrianne must have felt with her Uncle Paul. Her own little breasts were hardly noticeable to anyone, but Adrianne had said that Paul wanted to be with her anyway. And she wanted him to touch her, touch her breasts like Adrianne had, but more. To touch her between her legs, to make her wet. But mostly Maria's thoughts also strayed to wondering how far she and Adrianne might have gone if her father hadn't come home at that exact time. She again wondered about herself, and whether others would think her strange, at the way she felt when Adrianne touched her, and if the touch of a girl was as nice as the touch of a boy, or a man. 

Maria's father was a doctor, and so she knew the textbook definitions of sex, but she had no idea of the feelings that accompanied the words. But Adrianne did. Adrianne had experienced those feelings and Maria decided during dinner, somewhere between her second and third slice of pizza, that she was not going to be far behind. 

That night the girl closed the door to her bedroom and went into the bathroom. She stripped off her clothes as she went and dropped them on the floor carelessly. By the time she reached the bathroom she was naked except for her white stretched and baggy little girl panties. Usually she showered with the bathroom door open. It was her bathroom, after all. But tonight she closed it. Tonight, if her father came up to say goodnight before she was out of the shower, Maria would need the warning of a few precious seconds. She slid her underpants down and tossed them onto the door handle. Her little body was already feeling quite warm and she was beginning to feel kinda sticky between her legs. Her nipples looked large on her small chest and frame, and were already erect. 

She turned on the water and stepped into the shower. For a few moments she stood directly under the steaming water as it streamed down. Then she directed the shower head away into the corner so that only the occasional stray droplets landed on her. She began to soap her body, working up a rich creamy lather on her arms and shoulders. Her small hands slid up and around her budding breasts, pausing briefly at the nipples, then pressing them through her fingers. The most delicious sensations began to course through her body, and she closed her eyes for a moment, letting it sink in. Slowly, almost trance-like, her hands dropped to her tummy, running in small, descending circles on an unalterable journey to her promised land. 

Growing tense at the rush she was beginning to feel, her hands quickly bypassed that area she longed to touch, for the moment, and she started rubbing her soapy hands down her legs, between her thighs and around to her backside. Her hands glided lightly over her lower body, her touches smooth and soft as silk. 

Her tiny dark nipples tingled, hardening instantly into little pointed dots as her hand moved back over her chest, then finally downward again, to sweep around and around her smooth and bare, pulsing mound. 

She sighed loudly, unable to believe that her body could feel so wonderful. She tingled all over but there was a constant glowing sensation in her virgin Venus mound and eleven year old Maria could barely stand it. Her hand returned guiltily, again and again. She began to lose concentration as waves of euphoria began to build in her.

Her thoughts drifted to the scenes that Adrianne had described of her and her uncle. She was not yet sure of who she wanted to be touching her, Adrianne or Adrianne's uncle Paul, but she was sure of one thing: she did want to be touched! Sliding her hand down farther, she rubbed the edge of her fingers across her slit, and sent more shock waves through her pelvis. Now moving her other hand down she pulled her tender labia gently apart, and with her forefinger began to stroke up and down her moistening crevice, moist now with more than just the shower water and soap. 

At first she wondered about the slickness she felt, sensing that it was more than just the water and soap, but as her fingers continued their stroll, she suddenly realized what she was feeling... what Adrianne must have felt when she had first played with herself, and when her uncle Paul had played with her... 

Something was telling her that it was wrong to touch herself like that, but something else was telling her that she had to do it. Adrianne had done that, and more, and she was not a bad girl, at least she didn't think she was. Maria knew she had to find out what it would feel like to continue this journey, to take it to a higher level.

Slowly she rubbed into her crotch with more and more firmness, and finally she cupped her little mound with one hand, and began feeling the entrance to her virgin hole with just her middle finger. She was so wet there that her finger slid into her pussy almost halfway to her first knuckle with hardly any effort at all. 

She kept on pressing into her entrance with the one finger, while her other hand slid up to one budding breast and squeezed it tighter than she ever had before. 

Maria's mind and body were filled with growing sensations of pleasure and fear, as she had never felt anything quite like this before. She had felt good before, especially when she and Maria had played their little touchy-feely games, but it had never been like this. This was feeling good to her, but she also felt a sense of something bigger about to happen to her, something she had never even known existed before. 

Her one hand held tight to her little breast, unmoving now, but the finger of her other hand was not unmoving, but had begun moving in and out that short distance just inside her pussy. The intensity was growing, and she imagined that she was Adrianne, playing with herself that first time after they had playfully touched each other, and Adrianne had gone home to investigate the new feelings. She knew what Adrianne must have felt, and why she had wanted more after that. Why she had been willing to do those things with her uncle, and why she herself had to have those feelings just as Adrianne had. 

Now eleven year old Maria was imagining that it was someone else's finger exploring her forbidden places, causing all those juices to flow onto her fingers and down her legs. There were fingers other than her own giving her such thrills, and inching their way toward her tiny little pussy. On trembling legs she began to move her hips, rocking them jerkily against her fingers back and forth and pressing her soap covered back up against the shower wall.

She sighed loudly, unable to believe that her body could feel so wonderful. She tingled all over but there was a constant warmth, a growing and aching in her groin, until the girl could barely stand it. Her fingers continued guiltily, again and again. She shared her attention between the tiny opening to her girlhood, and teasing her little button just above it, not knowing why. 

Maria whimpered quietly as her body demanded even more of her. What began as a gentle soft in-out motion gradually became faster and more insistent. Slowly, and without pain, her forefinger began to slide farther inside her pussy, only a little at first, but more on each stroke. It was hot, hotter than she'd ever expected. And it was tight and soft inside, and felt very naughty. 

Then, meeting the firmer resistance of her young virginity, she pushed more gently, but never stopping in her quest to explore this place where previously she had only peed from. It felt nice, the girl decided as she swayed with the feeling, her finger seeming to have a mind of its own, almost without guidance from her. 

It felt tight inside, as her hymen sent messages of resistance, squeezing on the little digit as it tried to breach it's entry. Maria wondered how a man's huge penis could ever fit inside her. The passage seemed barely large enough to accommodate her slender, small finger. 

Then she remembered Adrianne saying that her uncle had done this to her for a long while, what had she called it, finger-fucking, wasn't it? An hour or more. That was the time that Adrianne's uncle had,... the time.... Maria closed her eyes and tried to imagine herself in Adrianne's place, laying with her uncle and feeling what she must have felt when he took her virginity. 

Then the girl's thoughts changed and the finger seemed to belong to someone she knew, ...a man's finger, but some man she felt she could trust with her deepest secrets, and a man who would make her feel like Adrianne had felt. Maria's breathing became heavy and she trembled as she investigated the new feelings, until soon her finger was sliding a little farther between her swollen, but still tiny labia. 

"Ohhhh Shit!" Maria swore as her legs nearly gave way under her. She had to balance herself against the wall of the shower to avoid falling down to the floor. For a moment she couldn't believe that the quick but phenomenal rush of pleasure she'd felt had actually come from inside her. 

She probed cautiously and touched around the spot again as she tried to repeat the intense sensations. Her tight outer labia had become slick and yielding and had begun to part at her finger's insistance. She squeezed between her tiny folds and felt them gently give away, lubricated by her newly discovered secretions. The inside of her knuckle was grazing her little button, as the tip was entering her hole.

"Oh,.... Yessss!" she hissed out quickly. She leaned back and braced herself against the side of the shower before she collapsed. Maria waited a moment, took a deep breath, then probed again. This time she knew where the spot was. "Oh! Oh God!" she gasped as her heart jumped in ecstasy. She moved her finger in and around again, and then again. She began to stroke her finger up and down, all the time pushing lightly against her "little man in the boat". 

Within a few seconds she discovered that if she used her other hand to hold open her slippery folds, while continuing the stroking of the finger of her other hand it quickly became even more incredible. The girl didn't know that she was giving her virgin clitoris intense stimulation for the first time. All she knew was that she had never felt so good in her entire life. 

And then she understood what Adrianne had been saying. She knew why Adrianne had liked it and why she'd done it again and again, until her body was bruised and sore. 

Maria stopped. Her hand was shaking uncontrollably. She eased her finger down into her slit, circling around her tender button, and she breathed deeply. Adrianne's uncle had put his finger all the way inside Adrianne's pussy hole. Would his finger fit in her pussy? Would her own finger even fit all the way?

She decided that this was something she wanted someone else to do to her; not something she wanted to do to herself, at least not the first time.

But rubbing herself, touching that special spot she had found, that was fun! That she could do to herself, and do it again and again, she thought to herself. Dreamily her hand drifted back down her body, caressing her bare but sensitive mound with her palm. Then turning her hand she angled the side with the forefinger into her already dripping crevice. She squeezed her little mound with her hand, at the same time moving her hand back and forth over it.

Then she thought, 'If I just put it in a little bit, that shouldn't hurt anything... and that feels real good I know...' She persuaded herself and stuck just the tip of her forefinger into that slippery honeypot, and rubbed it around and around.

Maria paused. She was breathing quickly now with little gasps, panting nervously. It felt different. With that finger rubbing and squeezing more on the sensitive tip of her virginal clit, her young body glowed with a fire that quickly spread outward from the little opening until it consumed her entire body. Now her spine tingled as her body focused on the feelings that arose inside her tight pre-teen pussy and she twitched and writhed uncontrollably as those feelings flowed over her. 

Occasional spasms tortured her young body. Like cramps they tightened on her finger until she was throbbing inside. It was as if she could feel the pulsing of every tiny artery within her body. 

When she could stand the delicious agony no longer she started pumping that little finger faster and faster. She pumped the finger for as long and as hard as she dare, only going in the length of half a knuckle. Adrianne's description of something growing inside and getting bigger and stronger was remarkably accurate. 

Like Adrianne, Maria found that she wanted to stop. But as soon as she did stop she was desperate to start again and then she was unable to go for more than a few seconds. 

It was frightening, and incredibly wonderful, all at the same time. There seemed to be nothing that she could do to regain control of her body. Maria lost all sense of time. She was unable to stop. Her mind drifted aimlessly from one vague, unfocused image to another as he was overpowered by the intense feelings that surged up into her body. Then finally, after what seemed an eternity but in reality was not much more than ten minutes, Maria found the energy to break through the barrier that had always stopped her. Each time as she rubbed faster and harder it had left her trembling and writhing and barely able to stand. But each time she had stopped just short of the prize that she sensed lay ahead. She knew that something even more wonderful awaited her if only she could continue just a little while longer. She started doing it faster and faster, pumping her finger desperately into the 'special' spot inside her. She used all of the strength that remained  to squeeze down on her plunging finger. She groaned. She wanted only for it to end,... to go on forever. 

Maria started to tremble as she felt a cry bursting out of her throat. Something seemed to burst inside her belly and she convulsed. She shuddered violently and slid jerkily down to the floor. Her head knocked slightly against the tiled wall and she lay dazed and frightened.

"Maria,... Maria,... Are you okay in there?" her father called out as he knocked loudly at the door. The door opened and the man moved into the bathroom swiftly. 

"Maria, are you okay?" 

The girl looked up at her father dumbly, "Huh?" she mumbled as her consciousness slowly returned. Maria shook her head and then remembered what she had been doing just moments earlier. "Huh? 'Fell down. 'Think I slipped on the soap, Daddy. I hit my head too. 'Think I'm okay,..." John went to the shower and reached in over the girl's head and turned off the water. The thundering roar in Maria's ears stopped. 

The girl tilted her head back and looked up at her father as she tried to focus her thoughts. She was only vaguely aware of her father staring at her nakedness but she couldn't worry about that yet. She remembered again, her hand, her right hand, her forefinger, had been inside her special place. Something inside her body felt as though it had exploded. She lifted her hand up and inspected it in slow motion. There was no sign, no sign at all of what she'd done. Her father reached down. Her father's strong hands reached around her tiny waist, grasped her and lifted her upwards. Maria's legs were strangely weak and she tottered, almost falling to the floor again. Again she was lifted up and out of the shower. Maria braced herself against the vanity then wrapped her arm around her father's waist for more support as her father toweled her dry gently, like a little baby. Both father and daughter were oblivious to the young girl's nakedness. Her father dried his daughter's budding little-girl boobies with a soft patting motion, grazing slightly her sensitive nipples as he did. He dried between her breasts, always moving back to the fleshy hillocks, touching ever so gently her hardening nipples on each swipe around. Then he continued on down her body, outward to her arms, then back to her small waist, and around to her little-girl butt. 

Maria noticed how he seemed to prolong the drying of her butt-cheeks, rubbing more than enough to get them dry. Then his hands stopped, as though he were thinking out his next move. Suddenly it seemed that father and daughter were now both painfully aware of her nakedness, After an embarrassingly long amount of time he resumed drying, this time sliding the towel up between her cheeks, lightly going back and forth, but still just drying her off. 

"Are you sure you're all right, Maria? You might have really hurt yourself falling like that in here."

"Yeah, I guess I'm pretty lucky, but I think I'm OK, just a little dizzy, maybe," she replied, grateful for the chance to get her mind off of her other feelings. 

"Well, I'm glad I was her," John continued talking to her, while gently turning her around with one hand and using the towel in the other to continue drying her body... between her legs. "I hope you don't have any injuries that we can't see yet, but might show up later," he said, while his toweled hand brushed against her mound and then slipped between her legs in front.

"You'd better let me check you out after you finish here," her father breathed out, his voice slightly husky with the realization of what he was doing, on the sly, to his little girl. He continued rubbing the towel against her crotch, then moved down her thighs and down to her ankles, then slowly but firmly back up those thighs and once again, between her legs. This time his hand stayed there right up hard on her little-girl button, and brushed back and forth to make sure she really was dry there.

"There, I guess you should be dry enough by now," he said, finishing up with Maria. He handed her the towel and gave her a playful swipe across her buttocks. Both John and Maria smiled at each other at the break in the tension that had seemed to be growing there in the bathroom. Then John took the towel and wrapped her in it, lifting her up and carrying seventy-seven pounds of near-naked girl back into the bedroom. 

He deposited the girl in the soft warmth of his bed, removed the towel and straightened her slender smooth limbs. 

"Aren't you going to wear your PJ's tonight?" he asked.

"No, Daddy, I don't think so. I think I just want to lay in bed with just the cool sheet over me tonight," she replied. John lifted the sheet up and over the naked little body, but not before noticing his little girl's newly forming body, as if for the first time. John had become aroused in the bathroom with her, but had refused to think about the meaning of that then. Now, looking down on her naked form, in all it's nascent beauty, John felt the blood stirring in his penis once again. He rubbed her tummy through the sheet a few times and she smiled up at him, with the look of wondering in her eyes, as though she wanted to ask him something. Finally John reached over to his eleven year old daughter, and kissed her lightly on the lips. 

Then John went over to the wall, switched off the lights and came back to the bed. He stood for long minutes, looking down at the matted hair of his sleeping daughter. He breathed slowly as he admired the slender form under the sheet, the barely noticeable but graceful rising over where her litlle breasts buds would be. Then he glanced down at the valley formed by the sheet dipping between her legs and covering that tiny treasure pot that was now occupying so much of his thoughts. Finally he turned and tiptoed out, leaving the door open behind him. 

As soon as he was outside the door to Maria's bedroom John stopped and leaned against the wall. His penis had remained erect and it strained into his shorts as it became caught in his underpants His body was flushed and he could feel the sweat building on his face. His heart was pounding inside his chest and the image of his naked daughter was flashing vividly in his mind. Time and time again his daughter's beautiful face came back to him and it was enough to frighten him. But what affected him more than anything else was the memory of his hands on the child's perfect body, through the towel and without it, and the small, still-immature tit-flesh, and the memory of the tingling they both had felt when he had dried her between her legs. 

John closed his eyes and tried desperately to think of something else. He forced his mind to return to his work, to the paper he was soon to deliver in Boston, to the fun that he had that evening with Maria and Adrianne. But again the memory returned. Increasingly he had begun to think of Maria in a way that disgusted him. He loved Maria. His daughter was the only thing of real importance in his life. He lived for Maria. His guilt grew until he was ashamed of his thoughts of Maria as a beautiful and very sexy young girl. He tried to avoid the inevitable conclusion that his own daughter aroused him. His own daughter produced a powerful attraction that went far beyond the accepted boundaries of a father-daughter relationship; for what John had experienced as he carried the naked girl to his bed was very physical. He felt an overwhelming guilt that was born of a carnal excitement.

Breathing heavily, John walked down the hall and slowly descended the stairs. He had to get as far away as possible from Maria's bedroom, from his beautiful young daughter. By the time he reached his study he was shaking. His breathing had become erratic and his head was spinning with images of Maria, and of other young girls of his own youth. They paled in comparison with Maria. He hadn't loved those girls. 

John sat down in his chair and stared at the computer. He sighed, then rested his elbows on the table and buried his face in his hands. He needed relief. He needed Maria. "Oh God," he whispered as the thought welled up in his mind. He shook his head in disbelief. "No! Not Maria! God help me!," he said quietly as he shook his head again and again. His agony fed on itself. The more he tried to avoid his hunger the worse it became. It seemed to consume him. John fought to resist but the thoughts lured him onwards making him even more aroused. He had to relieve the pressure somehow. 

He surrendered and reached forward and switched on the computer. Long seconds passed as the machine booted up and then the login prompt appeared. He logged on as 'jgordon' and entered his password, 'maria11'. Maria11, his daughter's name and age. 

Almost half a minute passed as the computer initiated the array of programs that he might use normally for research or consulting. Finally he was able to change to his 'special' directory and it listed the contents. He was breathing quickly as he looked for one file in particular. Then he remembered that he had called it simply 'diana', after the girl that the story was about. But there was more to it than just a name. No, Diana was his older sister's name, and the similarities went even further.

Diana was John's sister, older than him by eight years, but just before her death six years ago she had gone through a deep depression, and in one three-day period she had explained to John her deepest, most shameful secret.

John had not seen Diana for about a year, that time six years ago, when they were both grown adults. But when she had called him and asked him to come over, John had felt that she had something to tell him. He just did not know how deep her secrets had been.

Diana had tried, unbeknowngst to John, to take her own life a week earlier. The only thing that had saved her was that her roomate had come home early from a date, and discovered the natural gas fumes in their apartment.

A week later, still suicidal, she called John and told him about what had happened to her at the age of twelve, at the hands of an older man.

John began to read, scanning the first few pages quickly as it chronicled the growing infatuation of a man for a girl who was only one year older than Maria, and the same age his sister had been when *those things* had started happening to her. His breathing slowed as he read. The man was not unlike himself. The story had been posted to the Internet only a month or two earlier. From the very first chapter the story had been unusual. It was emotional and it was sensitive. It captured the man's initial infatuation, then his increasing shame and fear of disclosure as the story unfolded. It was also a beautiful story that made John even more aware of the feelings, dangerous as they were, that he had for his own daughter. 

And even though the girl was the same age his sister Diana had been, this older man was tender, where Diana's abuser, according to Diana, had been selfish and demeaning.

John became more and more aroused the more he read, and once again he began to wonder about the urges that he knew he could never stop. They had always been there. And now, in the years since his sister's revelations and subsequent suicide, he had begun to believe that he was also a ... 'Pedophile'. Yes, he thought, that's what I am. He liked women his own age, but he never seemed to be able to have long-lasting relationships in his life. And when he did, the woman always had a young daughter from a previous affair, or marriage. 

Although as a young boy he had always felt desire for girls his own age, it had started to change when he was seventeen. He tried to remember the little girls' names but he couldn't. It was so long ago, nearly twenty five years ago. A lifetime. 

John shook his head and struggled back to the present. He paged through the story until he found what he wanted. It was a frank discussion about Diana's emerging sexuality. He stopped reading quickly and began to study it carefully. It was so realistic that he could hear them speaking. It was a conversation that he wanted to have with Maria. He wondered again, as he had many times over the last few years, whether he would be so bold as to attempt to seduce his beautiful young daughter.

Those thoughts began to come back to him, from nowhere it seemed. Now he was thinking of his own daughter in Diana's place. The idea was not disgusting to him. In fact, the more that he thought about it, the more it seemed to be the most natural thing in the world. There was a vicarious pleasure in the idea of another grown man showing his own daughter her sexuality, allowing her to explore the feelings that come with loving. As he read, John knew that above all, he wanted his daughter to enjoy her beautiful young body without fear or pain. But whether he would openly condone a relationship such as that described in the story he didn't know. It was complicated by the fact that the girl was still so young. If she was older, a teenager, it would be a different matter. 

John continued to read, searching for the section of the story where the girl lost her virginity and found love. It was, John decided, a beautiful way for a girl to discover what it meant to be loved. It was the way he wanted for his own daughter, if she had a choice. Not that it had to happen in a sunny glade overlooking a pool, but it would happen with kindness and love and caring. 

Above everything else, he wanted Maria to know love. It was too easy for a boy or man to take advantage of a sensitive young girl like Maria. After her body had been plundered there had to be more than the pain and suffering that some girls know after their first time. His daughter, any girl for that matter, had to get something back. There had to be more than mere friendship involved, or even the false hopes of young puppy love. If this had been the case with his big sister when she was a child, then maybe she would be alive today. 

Even at twelve, love had been what his sister had wanted but love had been what her older man had been unable or unwilling to give Diana. John closed his eyes and remembered trhe story his sister had revealed to him that had happened to her nearly thirty years ago. 


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