Uneasy Love

        He walked gingerly through the woods, feet barely
  touching the damp leaves that had fallen. Although he was
  staring straight ahead, and a casual observer might guess that
  he knew where he was going, nothing could be further from the
  truth. His eyes saw, his ears heard, and his skin could feel
  the moist air brush across his tawny body, but his brain did
  not interpret the sensations.

        The real Kevin was miles away, in a different place. A
  different life? At six feet even, his one-hundred sixty pound
  frame made surprisingly little disturbance as he traversed his
  unplanned path. Beneath the unruly mop of shoulder length brown
  hair, his green eyes reflected the distance he was from this
  place. They sparkled in a curious, yet innocent way. Eye brows
  arched slightly, so they gave him a subtle look of continuous
  amazement...like a child in awe at his first tour through the
  county fair.

        Kevin was twenty-six, but often mistaken for being
  substantially younger. In fact, whenever he was out on a date
  he made it a point to frequent night clubs in which he was
  rather well known. Not because it gave a boost to his ego to be
  recognized, but so that he wouldn't be embarrassed in front of
  his date when he'd inevitably be asked for proof of his age.
  Although it did give his ego a boost, and most of the women
  he'd dated found it rather cute and amusing, Kevin still viewed
  it as a source of irritation, if not down-right demeaning.

        The leaves scrunched beneath his feet. Debbie McCalison
  was someone with whom Kevin had never planned to fall in love.
  She was quite smaller that he, at just under five-foot five.
  Her light red hair cascaded about her shoulders, with tanned
  youthful skin and the same green eyes as her lover. Though
  Kevin would swear that they changed colour, and became an
  almost hazel when she was on the brink of orgasm. She of course
  giggled at such a notion, in the same school-girl giggle which
  had captured Kevin's love. Her broad Scottish accent, with the
  distinguishing Edinburgh flavour, only reinforced the heat that
  radiated from her, and melted his heart. He often teased her
  about her eyes just to hear her uplifting laughter, it made his
  day seem brighter.

        The fact that Debbie usually came whenever they had sex
  was not really surprising to Kevin. He was rather shy and
  pensive, but he seemed to have a special gift for making sex
  something that was anticipated in more that its usual way. His
  creativity and gentleness mixed in a unique fashion whenever
  the lights were dimmed low.

        Perhaps I should tell you a little about it. Kevin's
  father was an Air Force officer, and they moved quite
  frequently during his youth. He had learned to blend-in
  quickly, and to adapt to the ever-changing scenes of his life.
  By the time he was in the sixth grade, his father had attained
  the rank of Colonel. Along with his father's elevated rank came
  elevated expectations. He was expected to dress, behave and
  perform differently than everyone else. His father had achieved
  a level of success, and Ke vin was expected to show that he had
  the same winning blood coursing through his veins. And he did.
  But, he would often irritate his father with his blatant
  disregard for authority, and his instinct to do the opposite of
  what was expected. Although he was exceptionally bright, he
  would often achieve lower grades. While the other children of
  officers would play amongst themselves, frowning upon the
  invitation of others, Kevin would give little thought to his
  choice of friends. He never even considered to find out what
  rank their father's were, or where they lived.

        The same individualistic attitude remained with him into
  adulthood. Sex was something that was relatively new to Kevin.
  He had remained a virgin until he was twenty-one. It wasn't out
  of the lack of opportunity, as it seemed to be always
  presenting itself in ever changing forms. Let's just say that
  if you were a fifteen year old girl, and had become drunk at a
  neighborhood party, Kevin would probably the reason that you
  found yourself safely at home the following morning. If other
  guys at the party had mentioned that you were "prime for the
  taking", as you lay passed out in the parlor, then Kevin
  would've taken you home as well. He would've just been a bit
  more bloodied than if they'd not made the remark. But you
  would've gotten home safely, either way. And you would've
  learned of the incidence from someone else, for he would not
  have told you. He was just that way. He wasn't gay, he just had
  a certain respect for those who were unable, for whatever the
  reason, to defend themselves.

        When Kevin was six years old his mother brought him to
  her family home in Scotland, along with his eight year old
  sister, Colleen. His father had received an assignment to
  Thailand, and he would be flying sorties from that kingdom to
  targets in North and South Vietnam. His mother had opted to
  bring the children back to her homeland until her husband
  returned. If her husband returned.

        Uncle John (Anglicized from its original Gaelic form,
  Sean), had a fond place in his heart for children. And a warm
  place in his groin, especially for male children. Having never
  married, as he was once forced to choose between his beloved
  Scotch whiskey, and his present lover. Sean chose the former.
  Somewhere down inside there was a feeling, loving, harmless
  gentleman, but it had been drowned by the daily intakes of the
  eighty-proof liquid. He no longer cared about women, and had
  turned his attention to whomever happened to be close at hand
  when the diluted blood in his veins managed to form an
  erection. I guess that at some point he had made successful
  advances towards a young boy, and had never turned to another
  form of sex.

        Six year old Kevin presented a heaven-sent gift. As he
  was always in trouble, he would be easy to silence with
  threats. As he was very hyperactive, nobody would miss him if
  he were away for long periods of time. As he was extremely
  curious, he would make an ideal sex partner. And, as he was
  very loyal, he was certain to remain secretive.

        The initiation began almost immediately. Kevin giggled
  when his uncle suggested that they both urinate on a tree, as
  they walked through the evening woods. When the daylight began
  to recede, and the woods became rather unfamiliar, in this
  otherwise familiar park, Kevin began to feel a bit frightened.
  He informed his uncle about his uneasiness, and his uncle asked
  him to pick the tree that most frightened him. Kevin picked a
  large old tree that was about ten feet from the path, behind a
  group of bushes. Sean couldn't have picked a better site him
  self. He told the little boy that the best way to rid himself
  of his fear was to show the tree "who's the boss".

        "But how?", Kevin asked.

        "Well, meself, I'd be one to pee on it!", said the uncle,
  "give it a go".

        And he then suggested that, since it was a rather large
  tree, perhaps it'd be best if they both "attacked it". Kevin
  had played "doctor" before, with little boys and girls his own
  age. He'd engage in a game of "I'll show you mine, if..." with
  rather little forethought, and about less afterthought. Just
  another game. He had never seen a grown man's cock before,
  although he'd tried to sneak a peek once in an airport
  restroom. He glanced a bit out of the corner of his eye, as he
  stood at the urinal next to a stranger. He was too afraid that
  he'd be caught, and really didn't get to see anything.

        When his uncle unzipped his fly and removed his six inch
  erection, not a half of a foot from the little boy's face,
  Kevin's eyes must've grown noticeably larger. He stared for a
  few moments at his uncle's erection before he'd realised that
  he was staring. When he managed to make his eyes move off of
  the bulging cock he was certain that his uncle would be upset,
  and tell his mother that he'd been so rude. But, he was
  surprised to see his uncle smiling. Kevin was perplexed. But,
  he figured, I guess it's okay, so he looked back down at his
  uncle's waist. He had opened the top of his pants, and was
  starting to lower them to his ankles. His cock stood straight
  out, almost pointing at the little boy, and a damp drop of
  clear liquid had formed at the very tip.

        His uncle shuffled closer. He bent down and pulled the
  little boy closer to him, his fingers began to loosen the belt
  around his little waist. He unsnapped his Wrangler jeans, and
  started to pull them down. Kevin tried to speak, he was more
  confused than resisting. He wasn't sure what was happening.

        "Ah, it's alight bairn, it's alright", he heard his uncle

        The words reached him just behind the curdling smell of
  Scotch. He stepped out of his jeans, which had been lowered
  around his ankles, and stood before his uncle, naked from the
  waist down. He looked at his own crotch, and was bewildered by
  how stiff his own little penis had become.

        "And what were ye plannin' to do wit that wee thing?",
  his uncle asked, pointing at the stiff little cock. His smile
  broadening, and the atmospher e becoming a little more easy.
  "Come here, bairn", he said, "I'll be showin' ye somethin'".

        His uncle sat with his back to the old tree, his legs
  stretched out before him. He had gripped his hard cock with his
  hand, and was slowly rubbing it up and down. Kevin moved slowly
  closer. "Sit down here, beside me", he said. Kevin obeyed, his
  eyes still riveted to his uncle's moving hand.

        "Have ye e'er seen one like this, laddie?".

          No, Kevin thought, he hadn't. He was amazed that a
  person could have such a large cock. Although it was rather
  modest by adult standards, it seemed to be three times as large
  to Kevin. He felt a hand move to his own penis, and realised
  that his uncle's other hand had become restless. The fingers
  moved around his little dick, rubbing at it slowly and gently.
  It felt both good and bad. He just wasn't sure. He continued to
  stare at his uncle's cock, at the way his balls jiggled with
  the movement of each stroke. And then he felt the hand on his
  own penis move lower. A finger wiggled between his legs, and
  pushed up inside the crack of his small ass. It moved in a
  slow, deliberate fashion until it rested on his tight little
  asshole. And then it moved away.

        "Stand up", his uncle said.

        The words didn't quite register, and he remained sitting.
  Then his uncle moved, and jolted him back to reality.

        "Up wit ye, over here", he said, and grabbed the boy
  around the hips.

        His uncle swung him around until he was standing with one
  leg on each side, and then he turned him around so that the
  little boy's bottom was less than a foot from his face. Kevin
  looked down, so that he could see his uncle's erection. It
  throbbed in rythmn with his heartbeat, making it bounce just
  slightly. Kevin was still in awe. He felt his uncle pull him
  back a little, and then felt his fingers spread the cheeks of
  his ass. He started as he felt a finger try to push into his
  butt, and wondered why his uncle has doing that. It hurt a
  little at first, but then slid inside and stayed there,
  motionless. With his other hand, Sean pushed at the top of
  little boy's back.

        Kevin got the idea, and lowered himself on all fours. His
  bottom, with one finger still inside of it arched towards his
  uncle's face. His face was over his hard-on, and he just seemed
  to know what it was that was wanted of him. He bent his head
  forward and lowered his mouth onto the firm erection. He could
  hear his uncle groan with pleasure behind him, and he felt the
  finger begin to move. Slowly, in and out, in and out. His
  little body was flooded with strange new sensations, and his
  head swam with the overwhelming input. He had never sucked a
  cock before, and wasn't really sure of what to do, or where he
  was going with this. He knew that whenever he did certain
  things, pleasurable things were happening behind him. So, like
  Pavlov's dog, he went through his first sexual experience
  through trial and error.

        He continued to suck on the cock, although his jaws were
  beginning to grow sore, and, with a little help, he'd learned
  to move his mouth up and down. Repeating the movements of his
  uncle's hand, as he'd watched him jerk-off a few moments
  before. At one point, he felt the finger withdraw from his
  butt, and wondered why his uncle was stopping. He was rather
  enjoying the strange sensation. And then he felt something else
  begin to probe at his tiny rear opening. He wasn't sure at
  first just what it was, but then realised that it was a tongue.
  His uncle moved his tongue up to the small tight little ass,
  and then forcefully shoved it inside. He probed, with quick in
  and out strokes, the little virginal bottom of his nephew. The
  actions were rewarded, as Kevin's mouth moved quicker upon his
  stiff cock. Kevin noticed that the taste had changed a little.
  It was a little more salty before, and had started to lose some
  of it's tangy edge. Before he could ponder on the fact for
  long, he heard his uncle cry out "Ahhh, laddie, 't is
  wonderful!", and thick jets of come spurted into his mouth. He
  was startled by this turn of events, and moved his mouth up off
  of the erupting organ. The milky white fluid squirted up into
  his face, and dribbled down the sides of his mouth. That was
  the first time he had managed to give a sexual partner an

        It wouldn't be the last. Kevin had many frequent run-ins
  with his Uncle Sean. They gradually progressed to anal
  intercourse, something which had a less than pleasurable effect
  upon the little boy, as he was first initiated. After a time,
  Kevin had begun to find the experience pleasurable, and would
  often initiate the action. Something Sean would never cease to
  be amazed by. When he first managed to wedge his erection a few
  inches inside of his nephew's ass, he was certain that the
  tightness of the little hole would stop the circulation in his
  cock. After a few more thrusts, Kevin could feel the weight of
  his uncle's balls as they rested between his legs. His penis
  was all the way inside of him.

        It was a tightness which Sean would never forget, as he
  laboured to lodge his stiff cock inside. To Kevin, it was
  little more than a challenge to see if he could take the entire
  length. To once again please his sexual partner. He did, and
  the act was repeated whenever the opportunity presented itself.
  Sometimes once a week, once, four times in one day.

        After eighteen months, Kevin's father returned safely
  from Thailand. He hadn't been injured, but had lost more than a
  few friends from his squadron. Having been launched on a
  scramble sortie, the young Major and his RIO flew across the
  Laotian border. They were supposed to assist an infantry unit
  that had become bogged down, and was requesting air support.
  Major Lavelle's uncle had served in the Army during World War
  II. He could recall the few stories he'd managed to work out of
  the old veteran, about his combat time in Germany. One which
  stood out the most concerned the US Army Air Corps, or the
  American Luftwaffe, as the combat soldiers often referred to
  the boys in the bombers. They were in Northern France, and had
  come across a particularly stubborn pocket of German
  resistance. The Air Corps had offered its assistance in the
  form of a massive bombardment. Tears came to the old man's face
  as he recalled watching American boys being torn to shreds by
  bombs which had fallen off target. Major Lavelle was always
  precise when he flew out on a mud-mission. He didn't want some
  other old soldier, years from now, to dampen the sides of his
  cheeks as he recal led the assistance he'd received from
  American flyers. Captain Richards piloted the other F-4, he was
  wingman. Major Lavelle had known Captain Richards for over ten
  years. They had met while Kevin's father was doing his pilot
  training. Richard's would often hang out in the local bars. The
  ones frequented by the young pilots. He would engage in
  conversation with the young men, he himself being still in
  college. He knew that he wanted to fly, and his enthusiasm for
  flight, and his pure love for aviation sat well with young Lt.
  Lavelle. They became rather close friends. On this particular
  sortie, Capt. Richards was to orbit the target while Major
  Lavelle proceeded on his run. When the first F-4 had delivered
  it's payload, the second was to follow. Major Lavelle released
  his ordinance, and banked his aircraft in a semi-steep climb
  angling off to the right. His RIO called out the location of
  the other aircraft. Wingman was beginning his run. Lavelle
  glanced down and to the right. He could see Capt Richards'
  aircraft on it's run, it's sharp black nose pointing at an
  almost 45 degree angle. Black smoke curling from the Phantom's
  engines. He knew that Richards was a good flyer, and he too was
  concerned with the infantry. He wasn't one to just drop his
  load and return to base, he was going to do it right. As he
  watched the jet swoop towards the jungle road, he saw a flash
  of white light from somewhere just in front. He heard his
  warning receiver (which he usually switched off) chip with loud
  insistent tones. As he jammed his stick to the right, he saw a
  ball of flame erupt. He watched in horror as the fiery remnants
  of Captain Richard's plane floated in almost slow motion to the
  ground. There was no sound, no parachutes, no time. That
  incident changed him, and Kevin's father remained, somewhere in
  the skies over Laos. But that's another story.

        Kevin's father returned, and they moved around quite a
  bit. When he was almost twenty-one, Kevin moved with his
  parents to Germany. On their way, he and his mother decided to
  stop in Scotland to visit the family. His father went ahead to
  Germany. Uncle Sean was there, but little was said.

        She lived around the corner. Why hadn't he noticed her
  before? She was playing with his cousin, sixteen year old
  Gaynor. Well, he thought, as he peered at the two from the
  bedroom, if she's playing with Gaynor then she must be about
  sixteen. Perhaps older? Debbie's hair moved with silky ease
  over her shoulders. He could see her firm young breasts bob as
  she jumped and frolicked with his young cousin. He was
  mesmerized by her smile, and he youthful vitality. He had been
  in love before, but this was something different. This was
  lust, out-and-out, unadulterated lust.

        He felt his cock strain at his jeans as he watched her
  bend over to pick-up a ball. Her ass was perfection, smooth and
  firm. "Shit!" he muttered, as he lowered his pants to release
  his aching hard-on. He stood at the window, hidden, he hoped,
  by the sheer lace curtains. It was a rather affluent
  neighborhood, and he really didn't want to have to explain how
  come Mrs Johnston (the neighborhood bitty) had seen him
  engaging in "deviate solitary sexual acts" in plain view. But
  he was sure that the girls wouldn't see, they were too
  preoccupied. He felt a little guilty to be wanting a girl so
  young, but the guilt subsided as he firmly stroked his cock. He
  closed his eyes, and tried to imagine how it would be to caress
  her young body. To feel her heartbeat as he lay with his cock
  thrust between her tight thighs, his head against her firm
  young tits.

        His hand moved more quickly, and he felt the slickness of
  the pre-cum l ubricating his "deviate act". Suddenly his dream
  was shattered as he heard a tapping at the window pane. He
  jumped slightly, removing his hand and pushing his still hard
  cock inside of his pants as he quickly raised them around his
  waist. When he looked up, he saw Debbie standing at the window.
  She was smiling knowingly, her green eyes sparkling as she
  emitted that curious giggle. Despite his fear at having been
  caught, and his shame, he felt his cock throb at the sound of
  that giggle. She motioned for him to open the window. Feeling
  rather stupid, he glanced around the room. Was she beckoning to
  me?? He moved over and slowly slid the window up, glancing
  about for his errant cousin.

        "I saw ye standin' there a wee bit ago", she said, "and
  wasn't really sure if you'd 'ave wanted Gaynor to 'ave seen ye,
  so I made an excuse and got rid of 'er". The words weren't
  quite registering. "Can I come in, then?", she said.

        Amid a profusion of apologies, he took her hand and
  helped her to climb up and into the window. Making all
  necessary movements to get as much of his hands on as many of
  her body parts as he could during the procedure. She told him
  not to worry, that she'd been quite flattered by having seen
  him jerking-off to her. It WAS her he was watching, and not his
  own cousin she asked? Lying somewhat, he acted shocked at the
  notion that he could lust after his own flesh and blood...but,
  he had often thought about what sex with Gaynor would be like.
  She was much like himself, free spirited and not having much
  respect for traditions. And she did have a nice young body.
  But, too young, he thought, dismissing the idea.

        "Can I see you do it again?", he heard her ask.

        He was certain that's what she said, but was equally
  uncertain. "Huh??" he said, realising just how stupid he

        "You know...can I watch you do it here? I've never
  watched one up close", she said. "There's an older man who
  lives near my school, and when I was younger he'd get my
  attention so I could see him tossing-off in the doorway to his
  house. He used to do it to all the girls. I've never seen it up
  close...until just now, outside your window. Could I see it
  again, please?".

        She stared at his crotch with curious, expectant eyes. He
  marveled over the British precision and politeness. She had,
  after all, asked nicely. He could feel his cock growing larger
  under the her nurturing gaze. He lowered his pants slowly,
  soaking in all of the expression in her face. When his cock was
  finally released, he saw her eyes grow wider and she smiled.
  And then she giggled. His cock jumped in reaction.

        "Do you want to do it for me?", he asked. He sat down
  beside her and took her small soft hand in his. She looked a
  bit puzzled, but a bit anxious as well. As he placed her hand
  on his hard-on, she felt the unexpected heat from his organ.
  For some reason, she never expected one to be so warm. She
  couldn't believe she was actually doing this, and she could
  hear each beat of her heart throb in her eardrums. She had made
  up that whole thing about the older man, and wondered if he
  really believed it. As he began to move her hand, she looked up
  at his face. And he looked up at her. Her eyes met his, and she
  quickly averted her gaze. But then she looked back. Their eyes
  locked, and she felt something flip inside of her as she stared
  into the gentleness of his deep green eyes. It flipped,
  somewhere between her left tit, and her belly-button. A strange
  sensation of being anxious but contended all at the same time.
  She hoped that he didn't ask her how old she was, as she
  couldn't lie to him. She'd have to say fourteen, and then he'd

        Somewhere an unseen director shouted an order and they
  moved their faces slowly closer together. They kissed. His hand
  moved beneath her shirt and gently squeezed her young breast.
  Her nipples became firm and uncomfortable as they strained
  against her bra. She was thankful when he removed that. Within
  moments the young couple were naked and stretched across the
  bed. He was laying beneath her and had pulled her down on top
  of his tawny body. He was well proportioned, firm and muscular
  without being overly so. His upper arms weren't bulging with
  muscles, but were visibly strong and solid. His chest felt like
  a solid table, sparsely adorned with black hair.

        She ran her fingers through his shoulder length hair as
  they locked in a deep kiss. It was silky and smooth to the
  touch. He felt his breath suck-in as she slowly removed her
  panties. There was a light covering of red hair over her pubes,
  and he could see that her wetness had dampened it a little. Her
  breasts were medium sized, perfect he'd say, and the nipples
  stood firmly erect. There wasn't an ounce of baby fat on her,
  and he wondered how anything so smooth and firm could feel so
  soft. He marveled how her body seemed to mold to his. They were
  made for each other. She felt his hardness begin to probe about
  between her legs. She thought of making a protest, and she
  wasn't quite sure but she thought she might have moaned. No,
  she wanted him to have her. She wanted to have him.

        He moved his hard-on until it rested at the entrance to
  her virgin pussy. He wanted her to take it at her own pace. He
  was sure that she was younger than he thought, and he didn't
  want to ruin her first time. Or his. "I'll let you decide", she
  heard him whisper. She wasn't quite sure what he meant at
  first, but then she figured it out. She paused for a moment,
  and then decided that she would. She squirmed on top of him,
  opening her legs a little more. He positioned his manhood at
  the entrance of her slit, and she lowered herself slowly down.
  She felt a sharp stab, somewhere below her belly button, and
  then she forced her self upon his engorged member. Her head
  swooned a little, and she was sure the room had started to
  spin. She hoped he would move, as she was sure that pain would
  come again. He saw the pain in her eyes, and he felt a guilt
  stir inside of himself. "Damn," he thought, "she's hurting
  herself because of me". When she thrust her hips down upon his
  cock, he was utterly amazed. He felt something else stir inside
  of him, as he realised just how much she must love him. And he
  loved her. He would wait, and this could take forever, as long
  as she was okay.

        He tried to remain motionless for a time. Sensing that
  movement would upset her. After a little while, he heard her
  giggle. His cock throbbed inside of her tight little hole, and
  she began to move. Her tightness gripped his cock like a firm,
  warm fist. She started slowly, in long uncertain strokes. And
  she started to move faster. He could feel that this wasn't
  going to take long. Her lubrication made the strokes smoother.
  He moved his hips upward to meet her thrusts, and he grabbed
  her firmly by her ass. He let on finger slide down between her
  firm young globes, to another virginal spot. As he slipped his
  finger inside of her ass, he felt the tight muscles of her
  vagina expand and contract in a rhythmic flutter. Her anus
  clenched on his finger and released. He shot jet after jet of
  cum deep up inside of her young pussy. She flopped her head
  down beside his, and they fell asleep entwined in each others

        When he awoke, he peeked out of the corner of his eye. In
  the window frame, nose pressed against the glass was his young
  cousin Gaynor. She smiled a big smile, and motioned for him to
  open the window. He glanced nervously at Debbie, and then he
  heard her giggle....but that's another story.


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