Christmas Carol

I was fourteen.  I'd already nailed my cousin Franny that Summer at
the Fourth of July picnic my Uncle Les always does out on his piece of
property in Pennsylvania, but Carol was my first piece of strange
pussy, and that made it especially sweet.  Franny was just practice,
she was *old*, sixteen, big flabby tits, really she was almost fat,
and disgustingly hairy, and most of the cousins who had hit puberty
had been nailing her regularly since she was twelve, so she was pretty
well "broken in".  But it was good practice, she showed me where all
the holes were, and that important little knob of flesh women have
where their dick would be.  I fucked a lot of different women before I
realized that Franny's "nub" was more like a goddamn mini-prick; when
I think about it, the goddamn thing got hard and stuck out from her
twat.  I'd fucked a goddamn hermaphrodite and didn't even know it at
the time.

Girls thought I was hot.  I know I was decently pumped, for a kid, and
I was getting some hair on my chest, it's that dark-haired
Mediterranean thing.  And puberty had been really kind to me and
spared me from an oozing pizza-face.

And I was a Belanger.

Most guys thought I was a conceited asshole, but they didn't say shit.
Word around school was Belangers kick ass and that was the goddamn
truth, we'd been kicking ass in that school system from the time my
oldest sister Claudia busted Johnny Duxbury's arm in a fight in the
fourth grade way back in 1955, through four brothers, Luke, Gary,
Paul, Philip, and finally me, fifteen years younger than Claudia, five
years after Philip.  Maybe I was an "accident", but screw it.
Catholics don't have accidents they have kids.

Emery, the grammar school gym teacher, ex-marine asshole.  I actually
kind of got along with him, maybe 'cuz he recognized a kindred psycho.
First Grade, first fucking grade, I'm six years old we're all standing
in the gym, he gets to my name, he goes "Belanger??  Are you Philip
and Gary's kid brother?"  

I remember I shrugged, I was only six fucking years old and he was
big, though a lot older than when my sister ran into him, he was the
guy pulled her off the Duxbury kid.  Claudia always smiles when she
tells that story, said she was trying to rip the little puke's arm off
to beat him with it because he called her a tombooy, but only managed
to bust it. 

Emery got this nutso look, tossed his clipboard on the floor, made a
big loud clatter, a couple of kids squeaked, some of them jumped like
frightened mice.

He stares at me goes "I thought I'd finally got rid of you br..
Sonofa... je... How many of you ARE there??"  

I remember I grinned a big ugly grin, I was missing my bottom front
teeth, I hollered "There's only one'a  ME, I ain't twins!"

Like I said, I got a big psycho streak, nothing scares me, it's not a
good survival instinct I guess, but I found early on that most people
ARE chickenshit, and don't shove back; you can take what you want from
them and they'll piss all over themselves trying to please you
afterward so you won't hurt them worse.
Life is mysterious and wonderful.  

I recall the gym teacher, Emery.  He picked up his clipboard, muttered
something nasty under his breath, goes out loud "Yeah you're a
Belanger all right".  Didn't do shit to me that first day for wising
off, but I got slapped around plenty the rest of my six long years in
that oppressive little shithole of a school.  Screw it, it wasn't any
worse than my older brothers pounding me for kicks when they were
bored.  At least the schools had some rules about what they could do
to you, like for example holding you upside down over the toilet,
flushing your head while they pissed in your face, I never had a
teacher try *that*.

You know, I found out in Jr. High that it was *illegal* where I grew
up for teachers to slap kids around, nobody clued me in all through
grammar school.  Like anyone would've believed a BELANGER, or cared.


Oh yeah but back to this Carol chick.  She was a seventh grader and I
was in the ninth, a major figure in the "greaser" crowd.  Car Boys.
No duck-tails, but we were still doing the leather jackets, boots with
zippers up the side, and this was the mid 70s if you can believe it.
Maybe that part of the country is kinda backwards, I don't know.
Anyhow, this Carol, she followed me around like a goddamn puppy dog,
the guys I hung with gave me shit, made rude remarks about my "fan
club", so I figured I'd go for it. I actually found her attractive,
she barely had any tits and she was on the fat side of the spectrum,
but she had nice skin and long dark hair.  and she seemed so ...
"fresh..." like a innocent little kid next to all the whores that were
throwing themselves at me.  I was dangerous and good looking, it makes
a lot of chicks, even the prudes, slime in their panties.  I checked
around to make sure Carol wasn't a fucking Wop or Pole or something,
with a bunch of older brothers and uncles with names like Guido or
Stosh and shit; psycho, yes.  Stupid, no.

My bud Slam was throwing a major party the weekend before Christmas,
his mother was off somewhere, probably whoring around with the latest
coke-dealer she'd picked up.  There was a bunch of high school kids
gonna be there, Slam's brother Pez was a Junior, had friends who were
old enough to get kegs, it was cool.  Slam and Pez threw the best
partys, there was always more booze and 'candy' than you could want,
and the strung like a million little christmas lights all oover the
house, the kids thath were seriously tripping would just stand and
stare at the ceiling ike they seen God.  It was a fucking hoot, SIxth
grade me and Stiv wrapped this one kid in this silver tinsel stuff you
put on trees, he stayed that way for hours.  I think that was the year
Pez got into the drug scene and picked up his nickname, the first year
we all started really partying, staying out all weekend whenever their
mother wasn't around.

Like my parents gave a shit.  The less I was home the less I ate, the
less electricity I used.  So my old man lost his favorite punching
bag, him and my mother would have to entertain themselves throwing
heavy objects at each other's heads and then threatening to kill the
neighbors when they inevitably called the cops.

Yee Haw.


I slid up to this Carol girl, where the seventh-grader's had their
lockers, she was talking to some ugly skinny little girlfriend of hers
between classes.  I leaned against the locker, staring at Carol, till
the friend looked up at me and kind of squeaked, that got Carol to
turn and look too, I was standing right behind her.  I kind of kept
staring at the friend till she got the clue and took off.

"I seen you around," I smiled at Carol.

She clutched her books to her chest, and stared at her shoes.  I
scanned up and down her pudgy little body, her face was all red, but
she was smiling.  I'd seen my cousin Franny naked, but all I ever had
around the house were brothers, and I was trying to imagine how this
girl compared to Franny.  I already started into my growth spurt by
ninth grade, I was probably around 5'9" or 5'10" by then, and Carol
was tops 5'2".  Puberty was the best, it was great finally being
bigger than the girls, it was about goddamn time.

"Umm, yeah."  She was not a great conversationalist.

"Yeah, I think you're really... a fox."  I smiled at her and slouched
against the lockers, she turned even brighter red.  "My friends are
having a Christmas party this weekend, you wanna come with me?"

Carol jerked her head up at me and her eyes got really big.  "Umm,
yeah..."  she hesitated.  "I have to ask my parents..."

I shrugged.  "Whatever.  See you tomorrow?"

"sure." she almost whispered.

"Carol, right?"  I realized I wasn't even sure of her name at the
time.  She nodded.


Slam's brother Pez was really feeling generous, he drove me to
Carol's house to pick her up, Slam went along for the ride.

By eight o'clock on a Friday night, my old man was corked and getting
meaner by the ounce, I didn't want to get in a car with him that's for
damn sure, and none of my brothers were living at home by then.  Phil
was doing time for grand theft auto, beats me where the hell Gary
disappeared to, he went off to college and never came back, Claudia
was big-time into the NYC biker-dyke scene and my old man threatened
to kill her if she came on his property, Paul and Luke were sharing an
apartment in the Village; I think they were making gay porno movies
to support their habits, but I couldn't prove it.

Pez was pretty cool, he was the main player in the HS drug crowd, they
called him Pez cuzza the ugly tracheotomy scar on his neck, I don't
know the whole story but it had something to do with getting some
fucked up drugs and his throat swelling shut.  He talked kinda weird,
raspy like, but he was fucking funny, and his friends were pretty
funny too.  So long as you didn't try to stiff them on a deal, anyway,
which I never did.  Gary Kaplan lost a bunch of teeth and had his nose
bent sideways, rumor was Pez' buddies kicked him so hard his nuts
ruptured and had to be cut off.  He was a stupid little shit and was
skimming, he deserved it.

Me and Pez and Slam cruised up to Carol's house in their mom's old
'68 Rambler, pretty fucking embarrassing ride, but what the fuck.
Carol lived in a pretty lousy neighborhood, it was almost as crummy
as me or Slam's house.  She came tearing outta the house when I got
outta the car and started heading for her front door; I recognized
that "oh my god don't let him see where I live" panic; I had to smile.
Seemed like me and this little chick had something in common besides
thinking I was cool.

We slid into the back seat, and Slam and Pez turned around to eyeball
my "date".  "Lay" woulda been more accurate I suppose.  Whatever.  I
reached my left arm around her shoulder and rubbed my hand over her
tit, as Slam and Pez watched and smiled.  I felt her body go all
rigid, but she didn't say shit, so I grinned right at Slam and kept
rubbing her little flat titty.  Christ, it felt like a small gumdrop
taped to her chest, kinda excited me, I like 'em not quite ripe.

Carol was all tarted up, what was it, like 1975 I figure?  She was
wearing nice tight jeans and a tight knit shirt, red, I love red.  She
had on some perfume, I'd probably get a boner if I smelled that smell
again, and she had even put some makeup on her face, I think.

"This is my friend Slam," I grinned a shit-eating grin at Slam.  "And
uh..."  I didn't know if 'Pez' wanted to be *called* 'Pez' or not."

"Pez," Pez grinned at Carol.  "They call me Pez cuzza my throat" he
showed her the scar on his throat and grinned a really goofy grin and
we peeled out as I pulled Carol closer to me.

"Uh.  My father says I have to be home by twelve," she whispered.

Christ.  I'd forgotten that some kids actually had curfews, their
parents wanted to know where they were, expected them to come home,
crazy shit like that.

"Yeah no problem."  I squeezed her tit and dropped my hand to her
crotch.  I figured I'd wing it.  It was already nine, I'd have to nail
her pretty fast.


There were kids all over Slam and Pez' house, puking in the bushes,
groping each other on the furniture, dancing to the pumping music, It
ws really fucking trippy the way the christmas lights were flashing on
and off on all these writhing bodies.  There were a pile of high
school kids, the place fucking reeked of dope smoke and beer, it was a
GREAT party, man.  Somebody had amped in a guitar and was trying to
play "Jingle Bells" over a Black Sabbath album.  Nuts.

The neighbor's wouldn't call the cops till after midnight, if they
even called.  Pez and his friends scared the piss out of the ones that
cared.  Deep Purple.  Led Zeppelin.  The walls were vibrating, I swear
it.  A serious metal crowd.  Rush.  I think that was the year
"Hemispheres" came out.  A GREAT album to trip and get laid to.

I pulled Carol through the crowd; she was possibly the youngest kid
there, a lot of the crowd was around 18, some maybe older, legal age
back then before the safety nazis came into power and took everybody's
rights away.  People were way too wasted to notice us, or care.

I pulled her towards the kitchen and the keg, a bunch of my buddies
were hanging around there, a couple even had managed to land a date.
The whole school knew these parties,  girls knew that if they
showed up at these parties they were going to have to put out whether
they wanted to or not, so it was only the serious sluts, or the dopers
who wanted free drugs for some tail, who came to these things.

Or seventh-grader's who hadn't been around long enough to know what was

Or who had such a crush on some guy that they didn't believe what
friends tried to to tell them.



Lisa and Katie were swaying around the keg, Lisa was propped
up by Bobby standing behind her with his crotch mashed into her ass,
his hands rubbing down the front of her thighs as she swayed, drunk,
stoned, whatever.  She had this Christmas bell around her neck and
everytime she swayed it'd ring and scare the piss out of her.

Mikey and Stiv were supporting Katie, her arms draped around each of
their shoulders as she teetered precariously on platform sandals.  She
smiled at Carol, eyeballing her through half-closed dope-stunned

"You're a 7th grader, right?"  I held onto Carol, poured her a beer,
offered her a 'lude.  I didn't know if she'd ever done any, I hoped
she didn't do anything like pass out.  Carol stared at the pill in
her hand.

"what is it?" she hollered at me over the party roar.

"Vitamins," I lied my ass off.  I didn't expect her to believe me, I
mean how stupid could she be that was the lamest response I could
think of.

"Bullshit it's a 'panty popper'," Lisa cackled, swaying, her
stupid bell jingling, drunkenly pulling at the waist-band of her

I pulled Carol out of room, away from those skags.  Mikey and Stiv
and Bobby were howling. 

"Ignore that skank," I whispered in Carol's ear. "She's been after me
for a year, she's pissed cuz I won't date a slut like her and she's
jealous of you."

We were back in the living room; Carol had swallowed the 'lude
defiantly after Lisa ragged her, swilling it down with some of her
beer; man what a face she made, first-beer faces are priceless.  The
music was deafening; it was an excuse to get her upstairs.

"Hey man let's go upstairs, it'll be quieter, I'll show you around my
friend Slam's house ok?"

Carol followed after me, she was moving a lot more loosely, the 'lude
must of been starting to work.  I don't know.  Maybe she knew what was
happening, I mean Christ, some guy asks you to a party, there's beer,
drugs, kids passing out all over, music so loud you think your ears
will bleed, kids groping all over each other, and your date gets you
into a bedroom upstairs.  The way she reacted though, maybe she really
was just fucking naive.

It was still pretty early, there wasn't anybody in Stiv's parent's
bedroom, so I sat down on the bed, pulled Carol down next to me, and
just started making out.  

Hell I didn't really start "making out", what I did was I threw Carol
down on the bed and jumped her bones.  I was so fucking hot for her,
my nuts had been boiling all week since I'd asked her to the party,
all the guys knew I planned to nail her, I'd been bragging about it all
fucking week, and I'd purposely not wanked off, I wanted to have as
much cum as possible to fill her with.

"hey..."  Carol whimpered when I landed on top of her.  Slam's
mother had a big fucking king-size bed, and I had plenty of room to
maneuver.  Carol had that 'lude making her reflexes all wonky and I
lay on top of her and worked my hips between her legs.  I pinned her
arms above her head and plastered my mouth over hers, forcing my
tongue between her lips, licking at her clenched teeth, forcing my
tongue down inside her cheeks as she squeaked and twisted feebly
beneath my weight.

My cock was really fucking uncomfortable, pressing into the fly of my
Levi's.  I sat back up between Carol's legs and reached for her fly;
she whimpered, but she didn't try and stop me, maybe the 'lude was
making her really clumsy and slow; I grabbed her, I was breathing
really hard, and she was moaning softly, telling me she didn't want
to, but jesus her BODY sure did, she was humping her hips in the air
as I pinched her plump little nipples through her shirt.  I worked
fasst, pulling off her jeans, shoes, sock, underwear.

"No... really..."  Carol moaned feebly.  I was leaning over her,
kneeling between her legs, pinning her arms to the bed, still clothed,
staring at her pussy.  

It was *beautiful*.  My cock was doing the fucking mambo in my pants,
straining towards that juicy little cunt.  Her pussy lips were plump
and pink and firm, her mound had just the finest covering of dark
black hair.  I pulled experimentally at her tiny little button; Carol
moaned and kicked feebly.

"Please don't..." She begged me.  I knew she wanted it though.  She
kept arching her little cunt up at my finger rubbing that little
button.  "I don't *want* to..." she whimpered.

I flopped the weight of my upper body onto her to hold her to the bed
while I lowered my pants.  I slid up Carol's body, my pants down
around my thighs, as my cock pressed against her snatch.

"Of COURSE you want to, you want me really bad or you wouldn't have
followed me around school like some lost puppy," I hissed in her ear
as I groped clumsily between her legs, finally finding her hole and
pressing the head of my cock against her opening.

"You don't think I'd date a LITTLE KID..."  I shoved my cock into her
a ways; she was incredibly tight, and dry, and it seemed like I
couldn't shove the damn thing in any deeper.

Carol shrieked as my dick stretched her tight little cunt.  

I lay on top of her, breathing hard, pushing as hard as I could,
working my hips, trying to make my way past that resistance I felt, as
she cried, chanting "no no, please don't," over and over to herself
like some kind of mantra or something.  

"You don't think I would've asked a lousy little SEVENTH GRADER out if
I thought you wouldn't put out out do you??"  Christ did she think I
was some kind of numb-nut??  "No-one's THAT stupid."

I was getting really pissed.  She'd come upstairs with me, what the
fuck did she think I wanted??  She dressed like a slut and her cunt
clutched at my dick, it sure FELT like she wanted me, whatever
bullshit was coming out her mouth.  With my cock still inside her
opening, I pinned Carol's hand above her head and lurched my hips
especially hard; something inside her gave, and my cock slid all the
way home; Carol screamed again, louder, as that barrier inside her
gave way and my dick slammed head-first into her oven door as my balls
slapped against her snatch.

It was warm and wet inside her, and I completely lost control, I
started fucking her like a maniac, slamming my cock into her snatch as
fast and as hard as I could; she stopped screaming after the first
couple of strokes, and anyway, with the party raging on there was no
fucking way anyone would hear her over the music and even if they did
so what??  Girls came to these parties to do drugs and get laid,
everyone knew that.

Carol's pussy was really tight; it was way more pleasurable than my
cousin Franny's stretched-out old hole, and I got in maybe fifteen
strokes before I came, I tried pulling out so I wouldn't risk getting
her pregnant but my dick had other plans and I just humped my jizz
into Carol's twat till I laid on top of her, sweaty and exhausted.
Carol kept moaning that I'd raped her.

I was really fucking tired of hearing it.

"Shut up you little whore, I never raped you, goddammit you came to
this party of your own free will I didn't drag you into the car I
didn't force you to come, everyone in the whole fucking town knows
about these parties, that chicks come to these things and spread their
fucking legs in exchange for free booze and drugs"

I stopped my rant to look down between her legs, then at my dick.
There was blood all over the place.  Boy Slam and Pez were gonna be in
deep-ass trouble, but I was happy as a pig in shit.

"Oh WOW, you were a virgin!"  I crowed.  I leaned over and kissed her
full on the lips, rubbing my hand along the bloodied opening of her
pussy, fucking my fingers into her as she wiggled beneath me.

"Thanks for giving me your cherry, baby," I smiled at her, got off the
bed, left her there crying as I went into the bathroom in the master
bedroom to wash the blood off my fingers and my dick before I shoved
it back into my pants.

"I hope the first time was good for you."


I was still washing my dick off when Lisa and Bobby wandered into the
bedroom.  They were both totally fucking buzzed, swaying and
staggering, that damn bell around Lisa's neck was starting to bug me
the way it jingled all the time.  They were really pretty fucking
funny, but I couldn't stand Lisa she was a A-1 skank-hole.  Probably
fucked everyone in the school, and most of the teachers too.

"Man you didn't fuck her with her period did you??" Bobby looked like
he was going to puke at the idea.  He was staring at the red stain on
the bedspread next to Carol's butt; she'd curled up on her side,
still in her red shirt but naked from the waste down.

Lisa laughed out loud and staggered over to the bed, peering woozily
at the stain.  "He busted the little kid's cherry you asshole!  God
what a little SLUT!  Giving it away in fucking PUBLIC"

Bobby had sat down on the bed and was stroking Carol's ass, "hey baby
you ever sucked dick before?" he asked her.  

I was getting hard thinking about Bobby fucking her too; something
about the display, I don't know, but I was getting hard again myself
and I really was getting juiced by the idea of double-fucking this
fat little chick.

"You fucking PIG!"  Lisa was really pissed.  Oh like she didn't know
Bobby had fucked half her friends.  She stomped out of the bedroom and
slammed the door behind her, screaming insults at Carol and Bobby and
Me and everybody around her.

Bobby and me looked at each other and just cracked up.

"What the fuck do you put up with that skag for?"  I asked him.

Bobby started laughing.  "She gives really good fucking head, I think
Mr. Carlson taught her how!"  Carlson was the algebra teacher, the
girls thought he was "cute".


Bobby was straddling Carol's head, sliding his cock in and out of her
mouth, trying to teach her how to suck dick, as I took another turn in
her pussy, pumping away between her legs from a kneeling position,
holding her ass up off the bed so I wouldn't interfere with Bobby's
action in her mouth.  The 'lude had made the little slut awful
pliable, she wasn't hardly moving on her own, but she wasn't
complaining and her cunt was really nice and tight.

We hardly had our dicks inside her though when I heard a couple more
guys come into the room, though I couldn't see them.

"Hey man fuck the little bitch!"

I turned around and saw these three older guys standing around pulling
at their dicks through their jeans, sucking down beers.

"FUCK!  What are you... Jesus, get OUT of here!"  I was really pissed,
I mean at least I *knew* Bobby, but it was only my second chick and I
definitely wasn't used to an audience and I lost my boner.  I
recognized the guys as some of Pez' friends.  Bobby pulled his cock
out of Carol's mouth; he didn't lose his hard-on but he looked really
embarrassed and hopped off the and bed ran into the bathroom.  To wank
off I guess.

"Don't mind us," One of them laughed when he saw I'd gone soft.  "Some
chick said there was a train starting with a nice fresh pussy"

"Yeah, if you're done there, let another guy have a turn," One of the
other guys pulled me from between Carol's legs.  I started to charge
him, butt naked, but the other two guys rushed me, and they laughed as
I struggled against their grip.

"Man you'll get another turn later, don't sweat it."

The guy who'd pulled me off of Carol knelt on the bed between her legs
and pulled his pants down.  He had the hairiest fucking butt I ever
saw in my life, not that I go around comparing guys butts or anything,
but this one was damn hairy.

"Oh man I bet you are one tight little piece!"  He grunted and landed
on top of my date and speared into her in one clean stroke; I quit
struggling as I watched his cock split open Carol's tight little twat;
It was making me hard again, even though I tried to stay pissed off at
these guys that they'd interrupted my fuck session.

Doped up as Carol was, she grunted when this guy skewered her; he
thrust so hard he picked her butt right off the bed, pushing her head
back towards the headboard as he pounded his meat into her tight
pussy.  She was starting to make little noises, it sounded kind of
like he was fucking some rubber doggi toy, the way Carol squeaked each
time the guy's cock rammed into her and his balls slapped against her
almost hairless snatch; the bed was making this incredible banging
noise and my cock was waving at her begging for a second chance.

This guy could really fucking fuck!

Carol was starting to move around and moan, I guess the action in her
pussy was cutting through the drugs and livening her up.

"please..."  Carol whispered "no, please...."

"Oh yeah baby, way to fuck back," The guy on top of her started
slamming as fast as he could, and I swear I saw his nuts twitch; I
guessed he was squirting his jizz, because he lay on top of Carol with
his cock still buried inside her cunt, grunting "OH God" over and
over, humping in shorter and shorter strokes till he pulled his soft
wet prick out of her.  No blood this time.

The guys holding me back had let go when their friend started porking
Carol; we'd all been too pre-occupied yanking our dicks watching this
guy fuck the little chick I'd brought to the party, and the two of
them approached the bed and pulled Carol to a sitting position with
the first guy's cum leaking out of her twat.  She kept moaning "no...
please" but her body sure didn't seem to be protesting as the two guys
pulled her shirt and bra off.

"Christ you are a flat little cow."

"Oh she's so tight though man," the guy who'd just got off was telling
his buddies.  "Fat chicks are always tighter, maybe 'cuz they don't
get fucked as often."

"C'mon kneel get on your hands and knees," one of the guys was pulling
Carol around on the bed, trying to roll her to a kneeling position.
"That way you can suck my dick while my friend fucks you doggy style"

Carol whimpered, "no... please..."

"Christ you just fucked three different guys!"  Bobby had come out of
the bathroom, he had his pants on again, but you could see he was
still hard.  "It's not like a couple more are gonna make any

Carol knelt in position like they asked her; the one guy grabbed her
hair while the other guy stuffed his meat into her pussy from behind;
it sounded like she tried to holler around the cock in her mouth, the
dick in her pussy was bigger than any of the one's that had just
fucked her so maybe it hurt or something; she was twisting her butt
around and the guy riding her was clutching her chunky little ass
cheeks; he started slapping her leg, like he was riding a horse or
something; she really started jerking then, and the guy in her mouth
was getting into it, grabbing her head and fucking into her mouth like
it as just another hole..

It was really cool watching the little whore take it in both ends like
some kind of meat on a spit.  More guys had come into the bedroom; I
guess word about the train had spread, and it was getting kind of
crowded.  Guys were hooting and yelling above the roaring stereo and
the asshole still strying to play carols on his fender.  Some of the
girls at the party had even come to watch, and I was really glad I had
a front row seat.

When the guy in her mouth finished, I rushed in before the next guy in
line had a chance to get at her.

"You're the best, baby."  I rubbed Carol's tits, grabbing at the
little gumdrop nipples, and reached under her and poked around till I
found that little ball of flesh at the top of her twat.  She knelt
there, tears dripping onto the bed, rocking around from the force of
the guy fucking her.

"Merry fucking Christmas" I held Carol's head and really pulled at
her clit like my cousin had taught me, and sure enough the little slut
started moaning and humping back at the guy fucking her; her face got
all red and she started making these little grunting noises.  I guess
that's what girls look like when the come.  

I sort of kissed her, biting at her neck and her ears, she started
crying  again, but she didn't say anything.  The guy humping
her finally came, and another one took his place.

"Don't leave me," she moaned desperately as somebody shoved me away
from her and stuffed his dick in her mouth while another one slammed
into her from behind.  

I laughed.

All I cared about was that I'd score major points with Pez and his
crowd for finding such a popular piece of poonie. 

Decentest Christmas *I* ever had.



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