
(ff,Mf,yng,cons) This was an 'Mm' story converted to a 'Mf' story, by WaywardOne. 

I don't know who the original author of this story was, but the original title was: "LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON" 

 This story contains sex between an adult male and MINOR females. It is a consentual, Mf,ff,con, story, that has been converted from an originally homosexual story previously posted on the internet, by another author. 

This story contains scenes of men having sex with minor girls. If that's not  your cup of tea, don't read it. You have been warned. If this type of  material offends you, exit now, and do not continue. If you are under the age  of eighteen, or are under the legal age in your city, state, or country to read adult stories, exit now and do not continue.

The following story is fiction, All characters portrayed in this story are non-existent. Any resemblance to real people, dead, alive, or yet to be born, is truly coincidental.

Chapter 1

Maria Gordon stretched back into her chair, basking in the morning sun as it streamed through the bay window into her bedroom. She yawned sleepily, almost dozing in the sun, then she stretched out lazily. 

The sun glistened in her dark brown hair, reflecting off and intensifying the reddish highlights. She turned back to look at her friend Adrianne who lounged comfortably on the bed. She liked Adrianne. The two eleven year old girls had been best friends beginning from about two weeks after she and her father had moved into the big old house at the end of the street. That had been nearly six years ago, right after her mother had left for good. Maria had long forgotten why her mother had left and the events that led up to her departure had been pushed into the innermost recesses of her mind. 

Maria leaned forward and looked at the intricate plastic model doll house that she'd been playing with while her friend had been gone. She and Adrianne still enjoyed playing with dolls, and they would often spend all of their weekly allowance buying the latest outfits, dresses and bikinis, for their favorite figures. 

She'd been lonely for the two weeks while Adrianne was away visiting her uncle in the country. Playing with the dolls and arranging the many different clothing ensembles had helped to pass the long days she spent by herself. But now Adrianne was back and they still had about three weeks of summer vacation left before school started. Already the two girls were bored. It was almost too hot to go outside. 

"You got some new outfits, Maria," Adrianne said, looking at the new clothes on the dolls. "These are the nicest ones I've seen." Maria looked up at her friend and away from the dolls. She had been playing with a new doll, arranging the new tiny bikini over the teenage doll. 

"I'm gonna get one like this when I'm older. These don't cover much of her body at all!" Her voice was slightly higher pitched than Adrianne's, and even though they were the same age, she looked up to Adrianne. Both girls were still prepubescent. They were still filled with the daydreams of youth, the unfilled longings for the things of which their fantasies were made of. They still played with dolls, but now they began to fantasize about sex, and boys, and what other girls were doing. 

"You know Janey down the street? Her mom bought her a bikini and she wears it in her backyard pool, and it's so tight on her butt it sinks right into her crack!" It didn't seem that Maria had Adrianne's attention. 

Any mention of sex and she was usually all ears. "You wanna set up some of my new outfits for Barbie?" Maria asked, changing the subject. 

"Nah, maybe later." Adrianne put down the figure she had been holding and glanced absent-mindedly out the window. 

Maria looked at her friend and asked, "So what did you and your uncle do while you were away?" Adrianne looked up suddenly from contemplating her shoes. 

"Huh?" she said in surprise. "Oh", she shrugged, "Not a lot. Mostly he worked around the farm during the day. He got up pretty early, so he could work before it got too hot. I helped him a bit, he let me drive the tractor a couple of times too. Most afternoons he took me swimming in the creek."

"Nice! It was pretty boring around here without you," Maria said. The girl stared blankly out the window as she scratched her bare leg. Both girls were wearing cut-off jeans, with thin cotton T-shirts tucked in their waists. On some days either of them could have passed for nine or ten, when their hair was still tied in ponytails or sometimes pigtails. Recently Maria had been thinking a lot about her body, and the feelings she was getting. She and Adrianne were the closest of friends, sharing everything, including secrets about their young bodies, but in an innocent, naive kind of way. Their occasional touches and caresses were more friendly than sexual, however, recently their touching "games" had occupied more and more of their time. But the girls did not think there was anything wrong with their curiosity about themselves. 

The two girls were alone until Maria's father came home from work in the evening. The house maid had already left for the day. The big old house was filled with a quiet coolness and the lemony smell of furniture polish drifting in the air. "So, you wanna watch TV or something?" Maria asked her friend. 

Adrianne shrugged, "Nothing much on yet. Just the soaps and stuff. You got any new videos?"

"I tried to get my dad to buy me one on the weekend, but he couldn't find one he liked. I wanted Aladdin, but he didn't want that," Maria said. "So what do you wanna do?" Adrianne shrugged and sighed quietly as she looked away into the distant corner of the room. 

That bothered Maria. Normally Adrianne had all the ideas when they were bored. But today her friend was inattentive, almost paying no attention to her. She'd never seen Adrianne like this before. She'd always been kind of quiet, but this was different. It was like something was eating at her friend. Maria tried the direct approach. "So what's the problem, Adrianne?" she asked as she flipped at the curtains in frustration and increasing boredom. 

"Nothing!" the other girl replied curtly. There was a resentful note in her voice as if Maria's curiosity had somehow invaded her privacy. 

Maria looked at Adrianne, "Nothing? Okay, have it your way," she said. The other girl smiled weakly, almost grateful that Maria had backed off. 

"You wanna see how much our titties have grown, again?" Maria asked quietly, hopefully. Almost once a month the two girls have been checking the growth of the mounds on their chests, watching for the spurt of growth that they were sure would start soon, heralding their entry into the world of womanhood. 

At that Adrianne looked back at Maria, "Huh?"

"You've been gone for two weeks and we haven't seen each other, so maybe our tits might have grown a little?" she asked. 

Adrianne smiled and swallowed as she looked at Maria seriously, "Here,... now,...?"

"No dummy! Out in the back yard when my dad comes home with our tops off. What do you think?" Adrianne giggled as the image crossed her mind. "Why not? We used to sun bathe with just our bottoms on. Remember?" she smiled. 

"Yeah, but then we didn't have the little bumps we have now. At least mine are still just bumps, I think. What about yours.. they started growing any more yet?" Maria asked again persistently. Adrianne looked down at her chest, her nipples barely poking out the loose material of her T-shirt. 

"I don't think so. OK, Let's see," she replied, twisting onto one side of the bed to make space for her friend as Maria padded across the room in her bare feet. She flopped down on the bed, sitting barely inches away from the other girl. Already she could feel the now familiar surge inside her as her pent-up desire began to surface. Recently their "girltalk" and mutual explorations were becoming something more to Maria, as she was more aware of Adrianne's body than she'd ever been in the past. She could feel the warmth and growing sensation between her legs. She was becoming aroused the way she always did whenever her attention was directed to the secret places of her body, or those of her friend. "You wanna take off all our clothes this time?" Maria asked tentatively, as she started to undo the metal clasp of her shorts. 

"Uh, no I don't think so. Your Dad might come back," Adrianne answered modestly, avoiding her friend's eyes. Maria wondered why her friend was being so cautious this time, making herself look over eager. She remembered the last time they were together before Adrianne left to visit her uncle. Then they had stripped down to just their panties, and after comparing each other's little tit-mounds with their fingers, they had ending up tickling each other all over, and having a great time together. Maria had enjoyed that time very much, and so had Adrianne she thought. But she didn't want Adrianne to think she was weird, so she didn't push it. 

So instead, Maria and Adrianne sat up to pull their T-shirts off. Neither of them was wearing a training bra, as the girls considered that childish. Maria lifted her T-shirt over her head, and flipped it on the bed, and immediately looked down at her own little buds. To her own eyes they seemed very small and she was embarrassed at their size. In reality, Maria's mounds were little more than a swelling beneath her nipples, the nipples nearly as large as the flesh behind them. But they were growing and at this moment her nipples stood out, erect in their increasing excitement. Maria was about to get embarrassed about her erect nipples until she looked at Adrianne's just uncovered chest. She was surprised, first to see that her friend's breasts had indeed grown in the weeks since she saw her last; and surprised again when she noticed that, like her own, Adrianne's nipples too were extended in apparent arousal. 

"Wow, Adrianne! I think yours HAVE grown since I saw them! What was your uncle feeding you up there on the farm, some special cow's milk?" Maria exclaimed, obviously impressed at her friend's maturing breasts. They were in fact little more than cones on Adrianne's slender chest, but they were bigger cones than Maria's own. 

"Aw, they are not any bigger," Adrianne responded, blushing and smiling genuinely for the first time at her friend. Looking down at herself, Adrianne at first covered up her little breasts with her palms, noticing her hardening nipples. Then she looked up at Maria, and slowly slid her hands down to fully expose her chest. Inwardly she was pleased when she saw the state of Maria's apparent arousal, feeling that maybe they had more in common than she thought. 

Because Adrianne was carrying some pretty big secrets. Both girls now looked at each other's young tits, sexual arousal beginning in them both, but each unaware of the other's feelings about what was happening. To Adrianne, the size of Maria's smaller breasts didn't matter at all. She had enjoyed more and more being with Maria, and their innocent games which always involved touching, were something she looked forward to when they were together. She knew what it meant when her own nipples hardened like eraser tips, and now that she saw Maria's were as hard as hers, she felt relieved. 

Recently they had begun to feel each other's chest with their fingers at these examination times and remarkably, neither of them, at first, thought that was 'dirty' or 'bad'. They would touch and giggle at the feelings and usually end up laughing at themselves and running off to do something else. But now both of them felt something new in their explorations. 

The two girls looked up, their eyes meeting. Their immature bodies almost quivered with excitement as they reached toward each other's chests. Their fingers were outstretched and seeking the comforting warmth of the other girl as their hands were drawn inexorably closer to the other girl's budding tit-flesh. 

As Adrianne's palm came to Maria's small right breast, Maria sighed. Her body flexed instinctively, as her friend's hand closed around her tit-mound. 

"Yours feel like they have grown a little bit, too, Maria," she said softly. 

"Not as much as yours, Adrianne," Maria replied, and brought her own hand to Adrianne's slightly larger breast. "Not nearly as much as yours," and Maria couldn't help it, she closed her hand on Adrianne's firm tit and squeezed gently. "I missed you," Maria said plaintively. "I missed doing this too... our little exams, I mean," she added as an after thought. Her hand now closed possessively around Adrianne's breast as her thumb stroked the tip of the other girl's nipple. 

" I guess we're 'bosom' buddies," Maria continued. 

"Huh? What did you say?" Adrianne asked. She was now engrossed in the wonderfully feelings that spread inward from the tip of her nipple and smoldered into her spine. She felt warm and happy all over, the silky soft and equally firm skin of Maria's prepubescent breast warm in her hand. 

"We're 'bosom' buddies, 'cause we like to check each other's 'bosoms'". 

"Yeah, I guess so," Adrianne sighed again. 

Maria sighed too, settling down to the tactile exam of her friend's prepubescent breasts. Her eyes were half- closed in bliss as she gently caressed both of Adrianne's tits, plying her fingers out in delicate strokes until the nipples were secured by her thumb and forefinger. "Yeah," she said quietly. Adrianne was almost detached from the gentle game, unlike Maria who was grinning happily, secure and content in the playful touching, her heart beating fast. Adrianne's thoughts were elsewhere. 

After about a minute, Maria looked up curiously. "So what's the problem, Adrianne?" she asked her friend. "I already told you. Nothing! Okay? Just leave me alone." Maria swallowed, taking her hand away quickly from Adrianne's chest. 

"No dummy, I didn't mean that. I mean,... well,... I,... I don't want to talk about it. Okay?" Adrianne said, her voice breaking with rising anger. 

"Yeah, sure, if that's what you want," Maria said sulkily, aware of the distance growing between them. She liked Adrianne. Adrianne was her best friend, her only real friend in the whole world. They had always trusted each other and they had always been able to talk. Now it was as if a barrier had formed between them, a glass wall separating them from something... 

Her hand moved slowly back to Adrianne's breasts and the two girls continued to fondle each other, pretending to their "examination" game quietly, but the passion that Maria had felt earlier was extinguished. 

Long slow minutes passed. The girls continued their touching gently but their nipples no longer tingled and the "fun" had left their game. Finally Adrianne spoke, her voice trembling nervously, "You gotta promise never to tell anyone, ever."

"Cross my heart!" Maria promised sincerely as she wondered what was going on. There was another long silence as Adrianne took her hand away from Maria's little nubs and turned onto her back, looking up at the ceiling thoughtfully. She breathed deeply, "Maria,... Maria while I was away,... I had sex."

"Huh?" Maria said. It wasn't jealousy that shattered her thoughts but a terrible sinking despair. The loneliness that she had known while Adrianne was away intensified suddenly. 

"You had sex?" she asked uncertainly, her voice quavering awkwardly. "You did what we do.. with another girl?" she asked incredulously. 

Adrianne let out a high pitched giggle that sounded remarkably like a catty woman. "No, no Maria, this isn't sex!... I had SEX with a guy,... an older guy." There was no disguising the note of pride in her voice, the knowledge that she knew something, something important, that her friend didn't know. 

Maria sat up and leaned on her outstretched arm as she looked down at her friend. Adrianne smiled smugly but her eyes avoided Maria's gaze.

"An older guy?" she said in disbelief, then added, "How old? A lot older than you? Who?" Adrianne smirked knowingly, suddenly enjoying her friend's sudden spurt of jealousy. 

"A lot older," she confirmed. "He's about,... let's see,... 'bout 35 I guess, maybe a little bit older,... but I don't think so," she said in her most teasing voice. 

Maria trembled in excitement. Disbelief flashed across her face. She had never told Adrianne about her deepest, darkest secret, about the thing that interested her the most, about the thoughts that had been with her since they had started their playful exams. They were thoughts that she'd tried to forget at first. They were thoughts that always seemed to come back with a vengeance and without warning, getting stronger and stronger each time until they were now impossible for her to ignore. 

"You did it with a man,... a grown man?" she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper. 

"Um, hmm!" Adrianne acknowledged. 

"But,...but you're only eleven, you.. you aren't old enough," Maria breathed out, wondering, questioning, still disbelieving. 

"So? Young girls can do it too, you know," Adrianne replied. Maria breathed out, the next question looming in her mind. It frightened her. "But,... but what did you do?" she asked quietly. She hoped that Adrianne would answer that all she'd done maybe was let the man touch her breasts, or maybe between her legs. 

"Everything," Adrianne said simply. "There's more than just titty-touching games, you know."

"Yeah, but what?" Maria asked innocently. Her curiosity was now insatiable as the questions formed rapidly in her mind, "Tell me what happened, Please? What you did two do?"

"You're never gonna tell anybody, ever? You promised," Adrianne demanded. Maria nodded. 

"I did it with my uncle."

"Your uncle?" Maria asked uncertainly. Her heart leaped and then crashed as she looked at Adrianne in disbelief. 

Adrianne nodded her head and then turned to face Maria. "On the second night I was there,... he came into my bedroom. He came to say goodnight,... but he sat down on the side of the bed. It was way past ten o'clock and it was dark. I could barely see him and he was only a foot away. Paul, that's my uncle, started rubbing my shoulders and neck. He was really gentle and he barely touched me. It was more like a tickle, but it felt really nice. It was a cool night too, but all I had on was my shorty nightgown and some panties but I had the sheet over me." She paused and shivered slightly as the memory flooded back. She hadn't been frightened at the time but she was now. 

"What happened?" Maria asked excitedly. "His hands were cool and they kept on moving around and around, each time going just a little bit further down and kind of pushing the sheet as well. I really like my Uncle Paul and I felt so good all over. I didn't want him to stop and I was getting kind of sleepy. Then he got to my chest and he started rubbing around the outside of my breasts, just kind of stroking around my nipple with his fingers but never touching them. 

It was about then I realized my nipples were stiff. I was scared he'd touch them and know that I was excited by what he was doing."

"Yeah, I guess. What,... what did you do then?" Maria asked hesitantly. 

"I tried to roll onto my side, like I was going to sleep..." the girl hesitated as she remembered and then continued, "... but Paul held my hip and made me lie on my back. That's when he said that I shouldn't be scared. That he knew I liked his touch on my body. I couldn't think of anything to say. All I could do was shake my head. Anyway Paul lifted back the sheet, down to my waist. He didn't touch me for a bit, like for about a minute. He was thinking I guess, then he put his hand over my titty...." Adrianne's voice trailed off. 

She swallowed and grabbed her left breast, before continuing. "At first he just kinda squeezed it, you know, like you and I do. But it was feeling a lot different from when you touch my titties, Maria, I guess 'cause he's a man and all." These words stung Maria, and immediately Adrianne was sorry for what she said. Especially since it wasn't entirely true. She'd been excited by Maria's hands too, but she hadn't wanted to admit it to her. "Well I like what we do too, but we're just friends, right? And he's a grown-up.. 

It was scary!" Maria wasn't appeased but she wanted to hear it all. "And then he slid his hand down beneath the sheet and moved his hand along my thigh, on the outside, just stroking at first, then he began moving his hand back up and then under the nightgown until he touched my bare titty! It was the wildest feeling, Maria, hot and cold at the same time, and my nipple was hard as a rock, I'm sure. But then I noticed something else. I was feeling wet between my legs! I mean, I was feeling good down there, but it felt slimy, too, and I didn't know what was happening!"

"Wow!" Maria said, her voice crackling with growing excitement. "Did he touch your pussy?" she asked still uncertain. Her pulse quickened instantly with a surge of adrenaline. 

"Uh huh. I guess he saw I was liking it, and he slid his hand down my tummy and right into my crotch, over my panties. He didn't stop even though I was shaking my head. He kind of started rubbing me there, using just the tips of his fingers really lightly in between my legs and I just squeezed real tight on his hand. 

"I thought about asking him to stop, Maria. I did I really did, but I couldn't. If you'd been there you'd know, it felt so good,...It was really a nice feeling," Adrianne said honestly as she looked at her friend and breathed out. The girl felt the relief that comes from sharing something that had been worrying at her mind. She hadn't felt guilt or shame at the time, that had come afterwards, in the morning, but by then it was too late. "He knew I liked it too, that I didn't want him to stop. Then he asked me if he could take my panties off, because they were in the way. I tried to shake my head but I couldn't. I tried to see his face. I wanted to tell him no. I could just make out that he was smiling at me. He was happy, and I was happy so I nodded. But Maria,... Maria he knew I was going to say it was all right,...he already had my panties about halfway down when I nodded."

"You're kidding," Maria said. The words flew through her head, confused with her own hidden desires and merged with her imagination, it was as though she was there in Adrianne's body. "Go on," she prompted eagerly, then suddenly looking away at the window as if afraid of her own eagerness. 

"He took them right off and then I felt his hands moving my legs outward so that my pussy was stretched apart. But when he slid his hands back up my legs, I closed them tight again. That didn't bother him, though, he went real slow, until his hand was right between both legs and the edge of his hand was right against my pussy and then he started sliding it in and out. It felt even better than before. Then, after a bit, he started rubbing me with just his finger. He said I was getting so wet down there but that was all right because that meant I liked it so much. He said he liked girls like me and I was just the age to start having fun if I wanted to. I didn't know exactly what he wanted, but I guess I said okay because the next thing that happened was that my uncle stood up and started taking off his clothes." 

Adrianne giggled, as she started stroking between her own legs, then reached out and took Maria's not- unwilling hand and placed it in her hot crevice. 

"It's wet in there isn't it?" she asked. Maria's hand moved awkwardly, doing what she had only dreamt about doing before, but now suddenly aware that a man's hand had touched Adrianne's pussy, a place that she had wanted to touch. A grown man's hand had touched every part of her best friend's body, had done things to her that Maria barely understood, but had just begun to fantasize about. Maria's mouth opened in awe when her hand was placed in contact with Adrianne's crotch through her jeans shorts. She had not expected it to feel so warm, and now she even felt the dampness that she referred to. Maria suddenly felt very, very young. Younger than her eleven years. 

"Wow!" Maria breathed out, "It *is* wet in there! What,... what did you do next Adrianne? Did you see his penis,... his dick then?"

"Yeah! And it was so big, too," Adrianne continued, "It's really long and thick. And his balls are huge, 'bout like golf balls. Anyway, once Uncle Paul was naked too he lay down next to me and I turned over to face him. He hugged me so tight that it even hurt a bit. Then,... then he started kissing me, Maria!"

"Wow,... a grown man!"

"Yeah, everywhere. On the lips at first, but all over my face and neck, on my shoulders and then he kissed my titties! At first it tickled but then it felt so good!" Adrianne said. "And all the time he kept playing with my pussy. We did that for a long while, until I got like in a trance. I wasn't sure what I was s'posed to do, so I just lay there, until,..."

"Go on," Maria prompted again. 

"Well, I wanted to kiss him back. Then the next thing that happened was that his tongue was inside my mouth, Maria, and,... so,... so I pushed my tongue into his mouth,... and we kissed like that until I was almost ready to faint. Then when we stopped he started kissing my body again. Only this time not just on my titties but all the way down, like to my knees."

"He,... but that means,... that means he kissed you there?" Maria said questioningly as she glanced downward at Adrianne's lap. Adrianne smirked knowingly at her friend. 

"He did more that just kiss me there, Maria. A lot more! First he kissed all around my pussy, like avoiding touching it exactly, and that was driving me crazy! Then he would stretch his tongue down below my pussy and lick on the sides of my thighs just below my pussy. I really thought he was going to start licking my butt hole right then but then he brought his tongue up and over a little bit and just touched the outside of my pussy lips."

"Wow! How,... did it feel?" Maria asked urgently. Her slender body trembled with excitement and her mind was spinning in turmoil as she tried to imagine, wondering what it was like. 

"Oh Maria, it was so great and so scary at the same time I thought I would die right there! It was wild. He was incredible. His mouth was really hot and I was so wet I thought I'd pee'd in his face! I just started shaking real hard then and I think I might have blacked out or something. Then he stopped and said it was because I had 'come' all ready, and he knew my pussy was real sensitive right then. He was right, too. I was about to push his face away it tickled so much!"

"Huh, what's 'come' mean?" Maria asked tentatively, knowing that she was displaying her ignorance. 

"You know! It's when you have the 'orgasm'! Remember what they told us at school about sex and making babies. When a man and a woman make love, when they are finished they have the 'orgasm'. That's when it feels real good and the girl gets pregnant," Adrianne said expertly. 

"Adrianne, you mean you might be pregnant?" Maria shouted in alarm at her friend. 

"Naw, you and me can't get pregnant because we haven't started our periods yet." She smiled at Maria's confusion, "You know, the 'Curse', the monthly's?"

"Ohh! Okay! Yeah, my Dad told me about that. Dad said it mostly happens when a girl's about thirteen or so. What happened after that?" Maria prodded, playfully squeezing the other girl's conical breast in her hand. 

"Well, that's the part you won't believe..." 

"Maria, it was too wild! I just never thought anything could feel that good! And the funny thing is, I didn't even feel afraid. My Uncle Paul made me feel like it was all right to have fun with him, and it made me feel like I was really grown up."

"I wish I could have done all that," Maria said, really envying her best friend and her two week vacation. 

She had begun to notice her body too, and certain yearnings she had begun to acknowlede. "So what happened after that?"

"Well, then he rolled onto his back and I got on top of him. He made me scoot down a bit so that his thing was right against my pussy. It wasn't inside, but it still felt even better than his finger had. Then he had me just lay there on top of him while he sorta grabbed my buns and just kinda rubbed me back and forth on his thing.. and his thing.. his dick was so hard it felt like a broom handle. And then I felt myself getting all wet down there again, like before. But when I raised up to see, I saw that the wetness was coming from him too! Maria, his dick was leaking stuff, but his was all whitish looking. And the more he rubbed me the better it felt. And then he moved his fingers down into the crease of my butt and started stroking all the way from my pussy to my asshole. 

"Anyway, about that time he said he had to go to the bathroom, and he'd be right back. I think he was only gone for about a minute, but I was counting the seconds until he got back. I think maybe for a second I thought maybe he might have changed his mind about doing stuff with me or something, but he hadn't 'cause when he came back to the bed, he laid down beside me this time, and hugged me real tight.

"He said that I excited him more than any girl or woman ever had before. Maria, he made me feel so good! Then he put his hand back between our bodies and started moving his fingers all around the outside of my pussy, spreading the wetness all around down there. Then he started putting one finger inside me, kind of like pushing it in slow at first and then pulling it out real quick. Sometimes he would push too far and iit would hurt so I had to ask him to stop for a while. But then almost as soon as he had stopped I had to tell to put it back, 'cause it had felt so good, better than the pain hurt. Know what I mean? Then when he put his finger back in it didn't even hurt as much anymore, and it seemed wetter, too. I never believed anything could feel that nice." Adrianne paused for a second, reliving the experience, and Maria felt pangs of.. jealousy? 

"He did that for a long while, until his breathing got really fast. We were both gasping and moaning really loudly. By then his finger was stabbing into me really fast and going the whole way inside me because I could feel his palm hitting my pelvic bone. My pussy-hole was all slicked up and making this weird slurping sound and it felt a lot better inside. Maria I,... I thought I was gonna die... It felt so good. He did that to me right up to the end and then he pulled his finger out. That was when he started acting wild. He wrapped both arms around me and started humping me side by side there on the bed really fast. His dick was now up against my belly and that felt good even though his finger wasn't in my pussy anymore. Then he kind of groaned and squeezed me so tight I thought I would suffocate. Then he had the orgasm thing and he came all over me. It started spurting out between our bellies until his sperm was everywhere. It felt like it was all over me. Some went as far as here," Adrianne smirked as she put her hand near her breast. 

"Yuk!", Maria breathed out, "He did that on you? That's gross." 

Adrianne looked over at her friend, and for the first time noticed that Maria did not look happy. At first she thought it was just envy that she had been the first to do something so bold, something which they had both talked about before. But now noticing the way Maria had been looking at her, and sensing that there was more to it, she was concerned. "What's the matter, Maria? Do you think I'm a slut now or what?" 

Momentarily, Maria glanced at Adrianne's pale slender body, "No, you know I don't think that," she said with difficulty, trying desperately to find the words she needed. 

"Huh? Then what is it?" Adrianne asked cautiously. 

"Oh! Hmmm, nothing,. I guess,...", Maria lied, "... I was just thinking about something else, and I guess my mind was somewhere else. Then what happened?" Maria asked. 

"We lay there until we got our breaths back. It was kind of messy with his come all over me, so Paul got a washcloth out of the bathroom and wiped it off me. I was nearly asleep when he did it, I think I dozed off after he finished, 'cause I remember him lying down beside me and rubbing my back. He went back to his own room later on, but I was asleep by then. Next morning he didn't mention it, neither did I, it was like it never happened."

"Why didn't you say something?" Maria asked. She thought for a moment. She remembered the warnings from school and from her father about 'strange men', about 'not doing things that she didn't want to do'. She remembered about 'telling a responsible adult, like a parent or teacher'. "Shouldn't you tell someone?" she said naively. 

Adrianne shook her head, "Yeah, sure I should tell my mom that her brother fucked me huh?" Maria looked at Adrianne in astonishment. Amazement fleeted across her face. "What?" she murmured uncertainly. 

"Don't be dumb Maria, you heard what I said," Adrianne said firmly. "He screwed me for most of the two weeks I was there. Don't you understand? I don't want to tell on him. What he did to me, I liked... I wanted him to... Sometimes I even asked him to. What they don't tell you about that stuff at school is how much you like it. It was the most fun I'd ever had."

"But,... but what did you do?" Maria asked guiltily. She was now bewildered, electrified by what she'd heard and the sudden discovery that her deepest, darkest desire, the desire to make love to her best girlfriend was probably lost forever. "I mean, well,... what happened?" Adrianne shrugged petulantly and for the first time Maria noticed a change in her friend. The feeling was born of an instinct that had always been there though she had not noticed it before. She no longer wanted to gloat over her friend, to tease her about her experiences with her uncle. She didn't want her to be hurt by anything she might do. And Maria could see, or sense, the subtle change. 

Adrianne was continuing with her story, but was more aware of her audience, Maria, than she was of the story itself, now. She began to realize that certain things about the experience with her uncle, while fun beyond all comparison, still left her feeling.. feeling like something was missing. She swallowed and tried to understand the truth of it. They were alike in many ways, she and Maria. Adrianne had known for some time, ever since they'd started playing their 'examination' games, that they both seemed to enjoy those times more than they should, and lately, that Maria had been touching her more aggressively than before. 

And she also knew that she didn't mind, and had even done the same to her. But it had all seemed just like a game, something they did because they were such good friends. It hadn't been sexual, until now.. 

"I said what happened, how did you and your uncle Paul do it? Did it hurt real bad?" Maria repeated, bringing Adrianne back from her daydream. 

"All right, let me tell you. The next night he came in to say 'goodnight'. Only not really 'cause he didn't have any clothes on and his dick was really hard and sticking way out. You know what I mean? I'd been thinking about what happened all day and I was kind of sad because Paul ignored me almost the whole time. Whenever I looked at him he looked away in another direction. It was like he was embarrassed by what we'd done. Anyway I tried to tell him I didn't want to do anything again like that,... I tried, I really did. All I could think about was what we'd done the night before, about how nice it had felt. And I couldn't help looking at his dick. I couldn't look away. He stood at the side of the bed looking down at me. 

Each time I said I didn't want to, he just smiled. Maria,...after about a minute my resistance just melted away and finally I couldn't say no, I just lay there looking back up at him, knowing what was gonna happen."

"So you,... you wanted to?" Maria asked awkwardly. 

The other girl nodded. "He pulled back the sheet and pulled my panties off, and then he lay down beside me. We started doing the same things that we did the night before. He didn't have any trouble putting his finger in my pussy this time, 'cause I was real wet, and I think it had stretched from the night before. And while he had one hand down the front playing with my pussy, he had his other hand on my tittie, playing with the nipple part real gentle like, and it was so wild, Maria. And then he had me put my hand on his dick and he told me to rub it up and down. I s'pose we did that for about a half hour. He didn't come but I sure got him close to it a few times. Each time he made me stop. He said he didn't want to waste it yet."

"Huh?" Maria asked innocently. 

"His 'come'. Once a man shoots his 'come' he sort of loses interest for a while," Adrianne answered, relaying her newfound secrets to her friend. "Well I wanted to start doing things back to him. He made me feel so good I,... I wanted him to feel good, too. I wasn't that keen on putting his dick in my mouth at first,..."

"You did that?" Maria said incredulously. "You did that to him?"

"Yeah. It tastes salty and it smells funny, but it wasn't too bad. First I just kind of licked and kissed around the outside. Then when I got used to that I started putting the tip of it in my mouth. 

The skin on his cock is really kind of soft, and it's really hot. Paul told me what I had to do, to do it properly. It took a while but I started to really enjoy it. I got it about halfway in. That's about all I could and then it was in the back of my mouth, then I had to stop." Adrianne said, all the while noticing her friend's wide eyes. 

"I did that for a while until he made me stop for a minute and then I started back doing it again. I did it for a bit more but my neck was getting tired so I started to slow down. Paul kind of took over from me and started moving his hips instead. Only he was doing it really fast and pushing my head down on his cock. I started getting scared because I was afraid he was going to hurt me. I think it even went back into my throat a bit sometimes because then I couldn't breath. I knew something was going to happen when Paul started to groan. He was going incredibly fast by then. You would have thought I was the only girl who had ever done that to him, even though I knew I wasn't,..." Adrianne said bashfully, and then added proudly, "He did it in my mouth. Well most of it anyway, 'cause I choked on it and he pulled it out before I threw up." Maria's mouth was wide open as she looked at Adrianne dumbly, "Huh? But,.... what did he do in your mouth?"

"Jesus! Maria! His 'come'! He put his sperm in me,... in my mouth."

"Geez,... but that's,... that's gross. I,... I don't believe you," Maria said resolutely, refusing to believe that such things could happen. 

Adrianne chuckled, "Yeah.. I thought it was gross too,... the first time anyway, but he was turning me on so bad, it all seemed good, even the part when he came in my mouth... I guess it really turned me on to see him so turned on.. like that was almost as important to me as getting off myself. Do you know what I mean, Maria?" Maria had been paying close attention, and she did feel she knew what Adrianne meant. To her it seemed her friend was saying that she enjoyed giving pleasure as much as getting it. She wondered how far that might extend. 

"Yes, Adrianne, I know what you mean, I think. It felt good to you even though he was getting most of the thrills, is that it?"

"Yeah, sort of. I mean it felt good to me when he was touching me, too, but making him have an orgasm was the most fun of all." Then as an afterthought, she added, "Maybe that's why I liked playing and tickling you so much, as long as I felt you were enjoying it. Know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I guess so," Maria blushingly replied. Maybe there was hope for herself yet.. 

"Paul says I'll always be great at making other people feel good, but I guess he's pretty prejudiced."

"Then what happened, Adrianne?" she asked weakly. 

"Well,..." Adrianne began. She stopped and smiled, looking at her friend gently as she wondered whether she could trust her. She was now pretty sure that Maria had some sort of crush on her and she was thrilled at that prospect. She had enjoyed herself a lot with her uncle, but she couldn't shed the feeling that she also wanted to explore some sexual pursuits with Maria. Heck, since she had enjoyed being with Paul, that at least meant she wasn't a lezzie, as those girls were called at school. It just meant she liked sex.. a lot. 

"Well it was way past midnight by then so we didn't do anything else. He didn't get out of my bed until early in the morning and then he let me sleep until about ten o'clock.... But that isn't what you want to know is it Maria?" she asked raising her eyebrows, "You want to know about the other thing don't you? About when my uncle fucked me?" Maria nodded and swallowed nervously. 

"Maria, you've got to promise never to tell anyone. Not your dad, not anyone, okay?" Adrianne said seriously. Maria nodded again, recklessly, urgently, feeling a strangeness in her belly. It was a feeling exactly like 'butterflies'. "He fucked me Maria, not once but lots of times, okay. He did it because I liked it. 

If anyone finds out I'll,... he'll,... we'll both be in deep doo-doo."

"Yeah, I guess. Adrianne I promise," Maria said quietly. 

"I trust you Maria. Okay?" Adrianne breathed out. She was breaking her promise to her uncle but she knew that she had to share her secret with Maria...

"The next day he was really different. He was nice, nicer than he'd ever been before. It was Sunday so he didn't work that day. We went out for breakfast to Shoney's and when we got back he took me down to the barn and showed me how to drive the tractor. Then we went swimming and he told me I could go in skinny-dipping if I wanted, like he used to do when he was my age. I said I was embarrassed, but really I was ashamed of my little girl's body. 

I was afraid if he saw me in the sunlight he wouldn't want to do things with me anymore. But he knew what I was feeling and he started telling me how beautiful he thought little girls bodies are, before they get a lot of hair down there, and their breasts get too big. He said he liked mine just the way they were. He really knew what to say to me, 'cause pretty soon I told him if he stripped off all his clothes, then I would too. So he stripped too and we both went in. We wrestled a lot and I was getting excited, and he was getting a hard-on but nothing else happened. 

"Then we put our clothes back on and we had pizza and went in the living room and watched "The Wiz" on TV. We lay on the couch together. I was in front of Paul and he hugged me and kissed me from behind and kept playing between my legs. He was rubbing me through my shorts and he kept trying to get his fingers into my slit by going down the front waistband or up the legs of my shorts. All I could think off was what he did to me with his finger in my pussy that first time. By the time the movie was about half over I couldn't stand it any more."

"So what did you do?" Maria asked curiously. She was no longer able to camouflage her fascination. 

Adrianne grinned, "I stood up and stripped all the way down to my panties. It was right in the middle of the scene where they're marching to Oz to fight the wicked witch of the West, but I can tell you what Paul was watching, and it sure wasn't the movie. I was ready to lie down again when Paul asked me to reach in his night stand drawer and hand him the small foil package that was in there."

"Why? I mean what was in the package, some candy or something?" Maria asked ignorantly. 

"It was his 'protection' he said. His condom? You know, the thing that keeps us from getting pregnant, just in case.," Adrianne giggled. 

"But why? You said we were too young to get pregnant, I thought." Maria was very confused now, but still very curious. 

"That's what he said at first but after I told him that I had seen a few spots of blood in my panties, he said we'd better be careful."

"You mean you started having your period when you were up there?" Maria asked incredulously. 

"No, I don't know for sure, but it might have just been from him squeezing his finger in there.." Maria paused again, almost losing herself in her thoughts. 

"Well, when I lay back down on the couch I knew I was going to miss most of the movie,... but heck I've seen it over here about six times, so I didn't really care. As soon as I was back on the couch Paul went into action. He started kissing and hugging me and sliding his hands all over my body. Then he started rubbing real fast in my crotch through my panties and it seemed like he was pushing the cloth right in there. I was really feeling like I was floating above everything, and I didn't want it to ever stop. Then I reached over to his lap and felt his penis. Maria, it was so hard! Harder than it had felt before, and pretty soon he got up and pulled his pants down and his underpants with them and his thing just popped back up straight as an arrow. When he laid back down beside me he told me to grab it and then showed me how to stroke it to make him feel even better. 

"Well, all the time I was feeling on his dick, he was feeling up my pussy too, and he started working his finger into me. He would sort of push it in and out while I squeezed on his finger with my thighs. When he had worked enough in me he started using his finger like he did the first time. Only this time he was slower and it was better than before because I was much more slippery inside, and I wasn't as scared either because I knew what to expect. Each time he would slide his finger all the way in, I could feel the front of his hand touching me up front, outside of my pussy, you know? That place that feels the best when I touch myself sometimes." Adrianne had just admitted something she hadn't revealed to her friend before, and paused while it sunk in to her. 

"What do you mean, Adrianne? You don't mean you've touched yourself down there before, have you?" Maria asked. 

"That's something I've been meaning to tell you about before, Maria. I found out about that a few weeks ago, after one time when you and I had been tickling and playing around with each other? I went into the bathroom after that, and was trying to find out what was feeling so good, after you had accidentally tickled me between my legs. That's when I found out that my panties were a little wet and I figured it was because you had touched me down there.. and I liked it."

"Adrianne, I'm sorry, I didn't know I had done that. You should have told me.." Maria lied, as she remembered all too well the time Adrianne was referring to. It was after school one afternoon a few weeks before Adrianne's trip and they were at her house, before her father was due home. They had been talking about sex and stuff, and had ended up comparing their young chests again. Adrianne had started teasing Maria that her titties were not as big as hers, and that they were never going to grow. They had stripped down to just their panties and were just goofing around, and then they started wrestling around in her bedroom, tickling each other, grabbing each other wherever their hands would reach. And Maria's hands continually seem to reach some pretty private places on Adrianne's young body. And in retaliation, Adrianne had done the same, all by accident, of course. 

"No, no, that's OK, really it was. I guess I was embarrassed that I had reacted that way. Anyway, that night when I got home I started touching myself down there, trying to find the place where you had touched me, to see if I could make it feel good again," Adrianne replied. 

"Well,.. did you find the spot,.. the spot that I had touched accidentally?" Maria asked, her own breathing heavy now, and more than a little curious as to her answer. 

"Well, yes, and no. I mean, it felt good when I touched myself, but not quite the same as when you touched me, accidentally." Adrianne was getting as turned on to this turn in their conversation as Maria apparently was. But she wanted to finish her story about what she and her uncle had done, before she lost her nerve. 

"Anyway, he did that to me for a long while, you know, touching me in that special spot. He was gentle and went pretty slow at first until I started to open up my legs. It hurt a bit at first, but not real bad, like the time before."

"It still hurt?" Maria asked, "Ohh! Sorry Adrianne, I didn't mean to interrupt. But why does it hurt?"

"That's okay. When you first start it's really tight inside. Well your pussy hole is tight anyway, that's because nothing's been inside there before, that is if you've never put your own finger in you. When I started touching myself down there after that time you and I were tickling each other, I didn't really stick my finger inside very far. I just played around on that spot, sorta. Paul said my hole was pretty small at first, but I was really getting bigger since he had been playing with me down there. After he had been using his finger in me for about ten minutes it felt a lot better and looser than the time before. I mean you can really feel it. It gets all wet inside you and it doesn't hurt at all after that." Adrianne smiled smugly and then added, "In fact, that's when you start feeling good and you don't want it to ever stop. I have to go pee in a minute," she said changing the topic. 

"You wanna go now?" Maria asked. "Nah, I can wait a few minutes. So where was I? Oh yeah! Okay! Well, then Paul started pushing two fingers inside me,...like this," she said holding up her first two fingers placed closely together. "It felt tight but it didn't really hurt anymore. He said I had to get used to the two fingers if I was ever going to be able to have his dick in me, Maria. So he kept doing it like that right up to the end of the movie. I guess maybe 'bout an hour..." Again she trailed off into her own thoughts. "So where was I... Okay so when the movie ended Paul lifted me up and carried me into his bedroom. He took his clothes off and went back and got the condom. I watched him while he covered his cock with it. It was like a balloon, Maria,..." Adrianne swallowed as she remembered what happened. Her eyes were half- closed as each sound and every feeling branded into her mind was replayed. "Maria, then,... then he fucked me!"

"Wow! You gotta tell me everything!" Maria gasped out. 

"He leaned back on the bed and had me get on top of him. First he had me slide up and down over it, like we had that first night, then he grabbed his cock and started sliding it in my pussy slit. I was so wet, Maria! But he was too! His cock was dripping just like it had before, and pretty soon I felt it pushing into me, a little bit at a time. At first it just felt tight and I was so scared I didn't feel anything else. Then once the head slipped in, the rest of it started going in a lot easier. Until he came up against my cherry. My God, Maria, when he first pushed into my cherry, I thought I would faint from the pain. Then he stopped pushing and held it still for a minute while I regained my senses. He was already past it, and when he asked me if he should take it out I just said 'No', 'cause I figured since I had already gone that far I might as well get this part over with. And then he started moving it in and out, just about an inch at a time, and real slow. 

"The funny thing is, even though it was way too big for me, it didn't hurt as much anymore. It felt tight and I could feel the pressure stretching my pussy walls but it just felt good! I felt I was gonna explode. I was shaking like jelly and I was sweating like crazy. I felt like I was ready to burst or something. I couldn't move by myself. I felt like I was joined to him. It felt just like I was part of my uncle, part of his cock really. Then he stopped moving and told me to start moving up and down, just a little, to see if it hurt. It didn't, so then I kept moving up and down on it 'cause it was starting to feel good in that special spot. Then he started moving with me, raising his hips when I brought mine down, and vice-versa. We were actually fucking, and he moved so gently you wouldn't believe it."

"Did you have the 'orgasm' then?" Maria asked. 

"Paul said I might have fainted because I had such a good orgasm. It just kept on getting better and better until I thought I was dying. Right at the end, when I felt his 'come' spurting in me, I got this truly weird feeling all over and I started shaking. All I can remember is that I was shaking and crying. Right at the end, just before Paul did his 'come' in me, I thought I was gonna die, Maria. I was really in a daze by then and he was going pretty fast. I can't remember anything at all after that." 

Maria looked at her best friend as she tried to imagine feelings that were so foreign to her, "Then what,...?" she mumbled. 

Adrianne contemplated her friend and smiled slowly, "You know, I don't remember, Maria. I think I fell asleep as soon as he finished. Maybe I did faint," she said honestly. She paused and stretched out her legs, her hands fidgeting in the lap of her shorts. 

"But what happened after that, Adrianne? Like the next day and all," Maria asked shamelessly. "You said you did it again,... a lot more times?"

"Yeah! We did it again the next morning, almost as soon as I woke up. It didn't hurt near as much that time. I spent most of the morning in bed while Paul was at work. Then in the afternoon, after he came back for lunch, we moved my clothes and stuff into my uncle's bedroom. I slept in there with him from then on. We did it mostly at night. Once or twice every night. A couple of times we did it three times before we fell asleep. In the mornings he had to go to work early and I was pretty sleepy still so we didn't usually do it then. We did it a few times though. 

When we went swimming we did it then sometimes too. I guess we did it a lot. After the first few days it stopped hurting altogether," Adrianne said. Then she added playfully, "But my pussy does look like it's bruised or something, from all that sex! It used to be so smooth and kinda pink, and now its.. kinda red and puffy looking. Especially right after Paul and I have been doing something. Paul said I should keep it massaged and moist until we get to do it again. You.. wanna see what I mean?" she asked, looking up bashfully at Maria, hoping the answer would be yes... 


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