
Michael had been working hard at school that evening.  He had obtained
permission from the teacher to work late to complete his Physics experiment
for the Science Fair to be held the next day (also the last day of school). 

At one point in the night, he noticed a red glow from one of the exhibits in
the fair, and he went to investigate.  As he got closer, the glow became
softer, and as he reached the exhibit, it disappeared.  When he bent for a
closer inspection, there was a bright flash of light which left Mike stunned
for a few moments.   

When he gathered his senses, he decided to go back to his own experiment and
finish it.  His mind kept wandering to tomorrow, the Science Fair, and then
a full three months of freedom and relaxation.  His mother and sister worked
during the days, so he would have the house all to himself and he could think
of nothing but lying in the sun next to the pool with Cindy.  

That night Michael woke up with a cramp in his belly.  He went to the
bathroom, and when that produced no relief, he went downstairs and took a
Pepto Bismol, and went back to bed to wait for relief.  

He drifted off to sleep, but the sleep was not restful, he kept getting
cramps and a funny bloated feeling, which were reflected in his weird dreams. 

In the morning, Mike felt better. He awoke as always with a raging hard-on. 
He went to the bathroom took his shower and took care of the situation.  

He still did not feel all too well.  His belly felt distended and his skin
felt very strange all over.  "It must be some kind of flu", he thought.  

At school, he kept feeling strange all day.  He kept going to the bathroom,
without success.  Good thing he thought of bringing the Pepto with him,
although it hardly felt like it was getting better.  

The morning went on, and by early afternoon when the Science Fair was
supposed to begin, he felt a little better.  

When the Fair had been going on for some time, he approached the experiment
that had given off the strange red glow the night before and found out it was
presented by Cindy.  Cindy told him that it was some kind of Electrical
Transducer Re- formulator.  

That afternoon as the fair ended, he gave Cindy a hug and invited her to the
pool the next morning.  He felt the familiar stirrings as Cindy's breasts
brushed his.  And he thought, WOW, tomorrow, we will have all the time in the

That evening, he wasn't too hungry and told his mom that he hadn't been
feeling too well.  His mom told him to take some warm milk and to go to bed. 
She even brought in the electric heating pad, which his sister Susan used
during her periods, and placed it on his lower abdomen.  

His mom commented that it looked a little distended, but, she gave him a kiss
and a pill together with the warm milk.  All this seemed to help as Mike
drifted off to sleep.  

It was about 2:00 AM when the cramps came back.  He thought his insides were
being torn out.  He was also covered with a cold sweat.  When he went to the
bathroom, he noticed that his whole skin felt very strange, and that there
was a very strange irritation on his chest.  

He went back to bed, and as he placed the electric heating pad again on his
belly, he felt a strange electrical sensation.   The cramps died down and he
was able to drift back to a fitful sleep.  Again with strange dreams and

The next morning, the strange feeling on his skin was still there and the
irritation on his chest was worse.  He looked in the mirror and noticed a
little swelling, but nothing out of the ordinary.  When he went to take care
of his morning hard-on, he noticed that even though his penis was very hard
and stiff, it seemed a little shorter and thinner than usual.  No! it must
be his imagination.  

After a little breakfast, (food didn't seem that important at this time), mom
gave him another pill and told him to take one before he had lunch and
another one in the middle of the afternoon.  

Mom and Sue went to work asking him to straighten out the house a bit and to
start the laundry.  Mike was happy to obligue, he was always helping out the
family with the house chores ever since his father had died when he was 10
(5 years ago).  

Cindy dropped in about 11:00AM and they went to the back yard and got into
the pool.  In the water, they fooled around a little (although they had not
gone beyond the petting stage).  Mike took Cindy's top off and admired the
beautiful cone shaped, pink tipped breasts.  As he reached and cupped one on
his hand, he noticed that Cindy did the same with him with a strange smile
on her mouth.  Of course, he did not have any breasts, but it still felt very
strange and nice to have Cindy's hand cupping the same area in him as he was
doing with her.  

His hard on was there, but it was definitely a litle strange in how it felt. 
His swimming trunks were able to hide the evidence very well.  

At lunch, she reminded him of the pill his mother had told him to take (how
did she know about that pill?, he thought).  

When she left around 2:00PM they made a date for the following week for her
to come again.  She had told him she was going away for one week with her

He dutifuly did the housework assigned and even did the laundry for the rest
of the family.  And vacuumed the downstairs and dusted the furniture.  When
his mother came home, she complimented Mike on his work.  Cindy, however did
not appreciate his doing her laundry and told him so,  but his mother
reminded her that Mike had just done her a very big favor and that she should
be grateful.  

That evening, at dinner time, he took his pill as his mother offered it and
ate very sparingly.  After dinner, he helped the rest of the family putting
things away, and then sat with them to watch TV for a little while, but soon
lost interest and felt sleepy, so he said Good Night and went to bed.  

His mother asked him how the stomach cramps were going, and he told her that
they were a little better, but still there.  His chest, however felt like it
was on fire and the irritation seemed to concentrate on his male nipples,
which now seemed quite swolen and red.  However, he did not confide this last
fact to his mom.  

That night, he slept a little better, especially since his mom had brought
him some warm milk and the pill to which he was getting used.  

In the morning, when he went to the bathroom, he almost cried out.  His
hard-on was still there, fully raging, but it now was the size of a stubby
pencil and about one and a half inches long.  Now, he was not overly hung,
but this was ridiculous.  "What is happening to me?" he thought.  

As he took off his pajama top to get into the shower, he got his second
shock.  He looked down, then he looked in the mirror.  Yes, no doubt about
it, there was definitely a swelling, and not only in his nipples, but the
whole area looked bigger, and somehow softer.  

He ran downstairs to find that his mom and sister had already left for work. 
He had no one to talk to.  He was beginning to panic, when the phone rang. 
It was Cindy, could he tell her?  He finally decided to leak out some
information.  "Cindy, there is something wrong with me.  I feel very strange
and very strange things are happening."  

Cindy said something that kind of disconcerted him.  "Don't worry about
anything that might be happening.  I will be home a little earlier than
expected and we can talk then, in the meantime, keep taking the pills and if
you need to talk, talk to your mom and sister, or you can call me at this
number"  and she gave him a phone number.  

After the conversation, he felt a little better, but somehow, very tired. 
So, he took the pill he had forgotten to take in his excitement, and went to
the back yard in his shorts and fell on a lounge chair and fell asleep.
When he awoke, he noticed that it was the middle of the afternoon, and mom
and sis were due at home any time. 

He ran upstairs and put on a shirt and went down to set the table, as mom had
said she was going to bring some chinese food today and there would be no

When mom and sis arrived from the boutique they owned, Mike said "Hi guys",
but his voice broke in mid word, just like it used to break last year when
he was going through his voice change.  He thought to himself "Oh no, here
we go again, I thought that voice change was over".  He did not notice his
mom and his sister looking at each other and smiling smuggly.

Dinner went very well, but Mike had decided not to talk too much to avoid the
embarrassment of the squeaking.  But he finally told his mom that he was just
not feeling well lately.  His mom just smiled, gave him his pill and took him
to bed and placed the electric pad on his belly.

Again, he felt a very strange sensation of electricity in his belly, but
thought nothing of it.  One more time, he fell asleep.  This time, however
the dreams were very pretty, but disconcerting.  He dreamed he was on a
flower patch, a beautiful aroma arose from the blooms,  the colors were
incredibly bright and beautiful.  Even the sounds were more muted, more soft.

In the morning, when he went to pee, he could hardly hold his little stub (no
bigger than a pencil eraser now).  As he started the stream, he felt it
running down his legs, so he decided to sit in the toilet like his sister had
to do.

In the shower, the stream of water felt very pleasant on his skin, but when
it hit his chest area, it was uncomfortable, so he had to cover his breasts
(His breasts?) with his hands to avoid the water hitting them.

After he dried himself, he went to the mirror to shave.  He really did not
have to shave every day, but this was one thing he was bound to do to
reassert his manhood. Only, there was no hair on his face.  Not one hair,
not even the peach fuzz with which he had started about a year ago.  He
touched his face and it felt much softer and smoother than ever.

What is happening to me? he thought.  When he got downstairs, and said good
morning to his mom and sister, his voice did not break, it just stayed up.
His sister said, "look Mom, he talks just like a girl!" to which mom just
replied "Don't be so cruel, just let Mike be".

This was saturday and they were all given their tasks so that the complete
house would be cleaned, top to bottom.

Mike was assigned the laundry, including stripping the beds.  When he went
to strip his bed, he noticed that there was a little blood on the sheet in
the area where his bottom fit.  Now he began to panic.  He ran downstairs to
talk to his mom, when he found that Cindy had just come in and the three
women were talking by the pool.

They told him to bring a chair and to sit down, that they had something to
tell him.

"Mike" mom said, "since your Dad died five years ago, I have been looking at
you and considering if you suffered the same condition as he did".  "Your dad
was afflicted with some strange condition which caused electricity to affect
him in very strange ways"

"One day, he got a shock while replacing a fuse.  A few days later, his body
started changing, getting softer.  We thought nothing of this until some time
later, he was fixing a light switch and got another shock.  The next day he
had changed considerably.  By the end of four days, he had turned into a
female almost completely."

"Five years ago, he got another electric shock and the change in him was
completed. There was no difference between him and me."  "We decided that he
should change his life completely,  we told everyone that he had died of a
very strange disease, and he went to the East Coast to live full time as the
woman he had become."

"Of course, we keep in touch, we talk quite often and he (should I say she)
visits us at the boutique.  You see, she has been running our branch shop
there, and comes in once in a while to discuss the business situation.  She
is our co-owner"

"We have discussed you at great length.  Cindy as you know has been working
part time for us, and she overheard us the other day, and approached us with
a plan. Cindy is a Physics whiz, and she had been doing some work with
electrical stimulation. She had been successful in changing her cat's sex
from male to female, and she thought that she would be able to work the same
effect in humans."

"One of the thoughts that we had been having was that of bringing you into
the business, but a male running a clothes boutique was just not appropriate. 
Cindy confessed that she was really in love with you, but not in a
male-female kind of way, you see, Cindy simply does not appreciate the male

It seemed like the situation was too far fetched for me to appreciate.  Cindy
then took the floor and continued.

"My experiment was specifically designed to first attract you to it and then
to send a very powerful, but harmless bolt of electricity through your body.
Since you had the propensity, which you had inherited from your father, the
rest was simple.  The pills you have been taking are a very powerful female
hormone, and with the help of a miniaturized version of my experiment
carefully placed in the heating pad, the rest was easy."

"By now, your body has probably taken the contours and characteristics of a
girl of about 12 years.  However, there are still some more changes coming
which we felt you should hear before they take place."

"Of course, your voice is now totally female, you should not have to go
through the changes in pitch any longer.  Your skin is totally female, you
may have notice that you haven't the slightest hair on your face.  Your
breasts are growing at the right pace, as I said, your body looks like a 12
year old girl."

"Your penis should by now have almost disappeared, and you should have a
little nub left, which corresponds to a clitoris.  As a matter of fact, why
don't we go inside and make an inspection of your new characteristics.  Then
we will explain about the other changes occuring or about to occur."

They took Mike inside the house and made him take off his shorts and shirt. 
He just stood there, dumbfounded, he could't think of anything to say.

All three women just walked around him and looked and prodded in all the
places where he had just been experiences the changes.  Cindy told him to
spread his legs and reaching between them, she grabbed the sac containing the
only vestige of his male gender left.  She kind of squeezed softly and said,
"The testicles don't seem to be responding at the same rate as the rest of
the body.  They are quite small, but are definitely still there."

Mom and sis came over and started probing in the same way, then they talked
among themselves as though he wasn't present.  Mom said: "Cindy, maybe a
little direct stimulation might be what is needed, we can't increase the
hormone intake level, and I know that as soon as these are gone, the rest
will follow very quickly, and I hate to have to resort to surgery".  Cindy
then said: "Let's try the electrical stimulation this afternoon, we can first
give him a relaxant so that he can sleep soundly and then he can't feel the
electricity going through such a sensitive area"

Then they came to Mike and continued the explanation.  "We feel it is much
better if this change happens in you in controlled conditions, and with
friendly people around you who will support you through the stages.  We
thought you would be coming to us earlier to tell us about what was going

Mike now said in his very feminine voice: "I have been just too afraid to
speak up. Even this morning, I found a small spot of blood on my bed, I don't
know where this came from, but I am scared at what is happening to me.  Are
you guys seriously turning me into a girl?"

Mom answered: "No, the changes would have happened whether we had intervened
or not, just like what happened to your father, only like this, you will have
the support of the whole family.  As a matter of fact, your father will be
coming this evening and she will be here with you for a while to help you
with your changes, since she went through the same changes five years ago."

Then they moved closer and inspected the area again, and Cindy said that she
had found a small opening behind the scrotal sac, which was probably the
beginning formation of the vaginal canal, and that that was probably where
the little blood had come from.

After they talked, they ate a lunch, and of course gave Mike his pill and
then went to his bedroom to set him up for a nap with the machine.  Cindy
explained that the machine would sense when he had gone to sleep and then
present the shock while he was asleep, however he felt very vulnerable with
the electrodes being placed as they were on either side of the scrotum. Soon,
however he was off to dreamland helped by the medication that was given by
the mother.

Unbeknownst to him, as he slept, the little amount of current passed through
what was left of his manhood and helped in the process of the total
elimination of any male characteristics in Mike.

As Mike awakened in mid afternoon, the three girls were all in the room and
all had a very strange smile on their faces.  Finally, mother spoke up:
"Welcome, Michelle, I have always wanted to have two daughters and now I do."

Mike immediately reached down and noticed that the electrodes had been taken
away. There was no more scrotal sac, and of course the penis had been totally
reduced to the size of a little nub.  But what he/she felt was a moist slit
which opened invitingly to his touch and felt very nice.

"Michelle" Cindy said "You know that I love you, but at this moment I love
you more than ever.  You are what I have dreamed all my life.  We will be the
closest of couples, and I will help you to enjoy your new femininity.  From
now on, you will no longer need any of Mike's old clothes, so your Mom has
given them all away to the Salvation Army.  We have bought you some of the
basics, but we felt that you would enjoy in a couple of days going shopping
for the rest of your new wardrobe." 

Sue then said that since she had an ear piercer from the store, she would do
Michelle's ears right away so that they would heal by the time they wend
shopping and she could wear some really nice earrings.  With that, she
proceeded to double pierce each of Michelle's ears and insert in the holes
little gold studs.

Michelle didn't know how to act or what to say.  As she was getting out of
bed, she noticed that she wasn't wearing anything at all, but Cindy told her
to go to the bathroom and take a bath that when she came out, they would all
help her to dress and would start teaching her the art of femininity.

As Michelle got into the already prepared tub, she noticed that the water
felt very satiny against her new soft skin.  She couldn't help touching
herself in her new pussy, and enjoying the effect in the rest of the body. 
She still felt like her penis was there and with a raging hard-on, but when
she went to touch it, all that was there was a little nub, but this nub was
hard and sent shivers up and down her back.

She also noticed that her breasts were now almost the same size as Cindy's,
and every bit as pretty and responsive.  Her nipples began to harden and to
send nice signals throughout her body.

Then Cindy walked in and began soaping her back then slowly, she moved to the
front and spent quite some time soaping Michelle's new boobs before moving
on to the lower regions.  When she reached the vagina, she taught Michelle
how to properly wash it and take care of it, so that there would be no
infection or even unpleasant odors.

After a while, she asked Michelle to stand up and rinse then she produced a
towel that was very thick and soft, and helped her to dry herself, and put
some powder.

When they went into the bedroom, there were some clothes on Michelle's bed,
but these were clothes which Michelle had never seen before.  Cindy just
helped Michelle in putting her new panties, which Michelle noticed fit like
a glove and which were very comfortable.  After the panties came a bra.  Now,
Michelle was totally unprepared to help, but when Cindy told her that she had
to snap in front, and then turn it around and then fit her breasts in the
cup, Michelle responded like a pro. 

Then came the Panty Hose, a slip and a very pretty dress completed the

When they moved to the mirror, Michelle noticed that her hair which had been
long to begin with had grown a bit.  Cindy proceeded to fix it up and Mom
mentioned that tomorrow they would go to the beauty shop for a makeover.


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