7th Swing

     Here goes with Part VII of the series. Hope everyone is enjoying 
these, it takes a lot of work to write one of these stories. The stories 
bring back many a great memory of times gone by. Sue and I are having a 
good time reliving and/or dreaming up these stories.

     Sue's birthday was approaching. We were sitting around watching TV 
one night and I asked her what she would like to do for her 39th 
birthday. She said she would like very much to turn 30! I asked her if 
there was maybe something else that I could realistically help her with. 
     Sue really surprised me with her answer. She told me that she had a 
fantasy about going out to a bar and picking up some guy, or maybe two 
guys, and letting them fuck her. She said that she wanted to dress up 
like a very sexy slut, tease some men and pick out one or two to get 
laid by. 
     Our rule had always been that we never have sexual relations with 
anyone unless we are both there. I mentioned my concerns for her safety 
without me there. Sue said she already had that figured out.
     Sue explained that we would drive separately to a popular Country & 
Western bar in a nearby city. I was to enter the bar about two hours or 
so before she arrived. I was to hang around, play some pool and try to 
find a single guy that I thought Sue would like to fuck. I was pretty 
good at pool and never had any trouble striking up a conversation with 
total strangers while shooting pool. Sue had a good idea going here. I 
knew that within two hours of drinking beer and shooting pool, I'd find 
a suitable candidate to be Sue's "present." 
     The idea was for her to arrive later dressed to kill and obviously 
on the prowl. She was going to tease a number of the guys, rejecting all 
but the advances of me and the guy I was talking with. We would pretend 
that we didn't know each other and she would pick us up. It sounded like 
fun to me and we worked on the rest of the details.
     We both took off work on Friday, Sue's birthday, and decided to go 
shopping. I had three-dozen red roses delivered early that morning and I 
made a fantastic breakfast and some excellent coffee. Sue was feeling 
like a queen; I enjoyed treating her as one too. 
     As I poured Sue another cup of coffee, Sue said she wanted to do 
something for me, too. I told her that it was her birthday, not mine. 
She set her cup down on an end table next to the chair she was sitting 
in. Sue leaned forward and removed my hanging cock from my sweats. 
     With a smile on my face, I stepped closer. Sue took my soft cock 
into her mouth and sucked me deep into her face. She started to chew 
softly on my cock, I felt it stir and begin to harden fast. Sue moaned 
loudly around my cock. All of a sudden my cock was in her throat instead 
of just her mouth. My wife looks real good with a hard cock in her mouth 
-- I guess ALL women look good with a hard cock in their mouths -- 
though since this was MY wife, she looked special. She loves to suck 
cock, and especially likes to have an audience as she is doing it. 
     I watched her moving her head forward and back, slobbering and 
sucking for all she was worth. She had one hand gently rubbing and 
squeezing my balls. Her other hand was on my ass, pulling me into her 
face. Sue took a finger and tickled my sensitive asshole, which made me 
groan and slam my cock deep into her throat. She pulled my cock out of 
her mouth and began licking my cock and lapping at my balls. Her hand 
was pumping me, trying to drain my balls. Sue said, "Honey, I want your 
juice -- cum on my face, lover! Spray your cum on your wife's face! I 
want to eat your white cream!"
     Sue knows that talking dirty gets me hot and she felt my cock get 
even harder in her hand and begin to pulse. She knew I was going to cum 
and increased her pumping on my cock. She was rubbing the head of my 
cock all over her eyes, nose, forehead, lips and throat. Just as she 
pointed my cock above her eyes, I blasted my first stream. She moved 
some and my second spurt hit her in the nose, the third on her open 
mouth. Her tongue was lapping all she could get. My cock finished 
draining over her tongue. She loved to show me my own cum on her tongue 
and have me see her swallow and go for more. She used her fingers to 
clean her forehead and nose of all of the cream. She lovingly licked her 
fingers not missing a drop. We both said "Thank you" at the same time. 
It was nice to have a woman who enjoyed sucking cock as much as I 
enjoyed being sucked.
     We spent the day shopping. I let Sue pick out a complete outfit at 
an expensive Western-wear store at the mall. While she was shopping and 
trying things on, I sat in the lounge area of the mall and watched the 
people going by. I was trying to guess which of the people might be into 
a swinging lifestyle. I was finding there was a lot of wild sex going on 
behind closed doors. All sizes, shapes, and ages were interested in 
opening up their sex lives. 
     I noticed a good-looking couple, about 40 or 45 years old, scoping 
me out. She was smiling very nice and licking her lips quite obviously. 
Her husband was rubbing her ass and saying something in her ear. She 
giggled, looked me right in the eye, saw me return her look, and turned 
quickly. With her husband in tow, she disappeared into the crowd. I knew 
what they had in mind. It was too bad that they didn't have the courage 
to cum over and talk to me. 
     Sue came out of the store about an hour later. She loves to shop! 
Her arms were full of boxes and bags of merchandise. She told me she had 
a great time and had bought a lot of really nice stuff. She said she had 
bought me a new shirt also.
     Sue said she had a hair appointment at 6:00 p.m. She told me that 
she expected me to be gone already by the time she returned home from 
the appointment. She didn't want me to see any of the clothes she had 
bought or see the hairstyle she had planned. She wanted to be a 
"stranger" to me that night. She showed me the new western shirt that 
she had bought me. It was a really nice white long sleeve shirt. 
     At about 5:40 p.m., Sue gave me a big kiss and hug before she left 
for her appointment. She told me to enjoy myself tonight; she was going 
     I putzed around some, ate some dinner, took a long shower and got 
dressed to go out. I put on the shirt Sue had bought me, blue jeans, a 
matching Levi's sport coat, my snake skin boots and my "good guy" white 
cowboy hat. 
     The place where we were to meet was called the Country Time Bar. It 
was a really nice place, had only the best country-rock bands and drew 
quite a crowd. They had a $10.00 cover charge and the band was supposed 
to be a top name from Arkansas. 
     I pulled into the lot and found a good parking place for my black 
'Vette near the entrance. I sat in the car for a few minutes, smoked a 
joint and watched the people entering the building. No one could see me; 
the windows in my 'Vette are dark-tinted. There were SO MANY foxy women 
going in tonight. You could tell by the way people dressed and the 
vehicles they arrived in that this was not a real Western bar, where 
real cowboys hang out. Of course, I had never seen a bar-fight here 
     I was getting quite a buzz and having fun watching not only the 
girls, but the men, also. Sounds pretty strange, me watching the guys! 
Believe me, it was only for my wife. I was actually on the prowl, 
looking for a good-looking guy that my wife could fuck to her hearts 
content. I wondered if there were others here tonight doing what we were 
going to try. With the size of this crowd, I thought that it was very 
probable. How interesting -- think of the possibilities!
     I went in about 7:30, paid my $10, and got my invisible stamp on my 
wrist. I went straight to the bar, ordered a beer and leaned against the 
bar to have a look around. The band was still setting up the equipment. 
It was early; the music would begin at 9:00. 
     This was a really BIG place. Even with all the people I saw enter, 
the place was empty compared with how it would be two or three hours 
from now. On one side of the room was the stage and a giant hardwood 
dance floor. Around the dance floor were enough tables to seat at least 
500 people. On the other side of the long horseshoe bar was where most 
of the people were. There were 25 full-size pool tables, each with a 
game going already. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, either 
playing or watching.
     I walked around by the tables scoping the MEN! This really felt 
weird. I wanted to scope the foxy women standing around but had to 
remind myself that this was Sue's fantasy, not mine, although I knew 
that I would have fun with this. I wanted to find the best breeding 
stock I could; my wife deserved it! <G> 
     There was already a selection of good-looking men here. Most were 
in groups of three to six. I needed someone either alone or maybe even 
with one other male friend. Two men and myself making it with Sue would 
really get her hot! I thought I would just have to see how things went. 
One at a time seemed to be a better idea, easier to manage since this 
was OUR first time picking up a stranger in a bar.
     I wandered around and settled against a large support pole near a 
table in the center of the room. Two guys were shooting. Each looked 
like he shot a lot of pool. They were making some good shots. 
     I thought that if I was to challenge a table, I would have an easy 
way of meeting my wife's dream man. Neither of these two guys were 
acceptable <G> (this was fun). I challenged the table thinking that I 
could take it from these guys without much problem. Then I could hope 
I'd be lucky enough to have my table challenged by the right guy.
     I started to daydream about what Sue was doing right now and what 
ideas she had planned for her fantasy night. I was lost in thought, when 
one of the guys playing tapped me. He said it was my game; he had lost 
to his friend. I put the quarters in and racked up the balls. 
     I introduced myself. My opponent's name was Billy. He told me to go 
ahead and break if I wanted to. He was a pretty cocky little guy. He 
obviously figured that he was going to kick my ass in this game. We 
played 8-ball. I broke. I never missed a shot. The little shit never got 
a shot! <G>
     His friend challenged me to a game and racked the balls. He was 
worse that his friend, betting me $50 that I couldn't do that again. I 
pocketed the $50 when the game was over and looked around for another 
opponent. Anyone who had been watching didn't want to waste his 
quarters. It was pretty stupid to annihilate the two guys like I did. I 
racked up the balls and started a practice game alone. I made some great 
shots but made sure that I missed just enough. As crowds will in bars, 
it shifted and a guy put his quarters on the side of the table. 
     I looked the guy over, noticing that he seemed alone. I couldn't 
believe my luck, this guy was the Marlboro Man, for Christ's sake. I 
smiled to myself, praying that he wasn't gay and trying to pick me up. I 
was positive that this was the guy in my wife's fantasy. He hadn't even 
said anything yet, and I was "choosing" him. I finished the table slowly 
and we struck up a conversation. 
     His name was Cory and he said he was an investment banker. His 
voice was very deep, his chest and arms were covered with dark, thick 
hair. It was more like fur, actually. He said he was 24 and just out of 
college. He was in the area visiting family before moving to New York 
City and starting his new banking job. He had three weeks before he had 
to report for work and he said he wanted to catch up on some partying.
     Cory was about six foot tall and 170 pounds. He was in very good 
shape. His arms bulged against his short-sleeve shirt. In my mind, I 
crossed my fingers, Sue would LOVE to get her hands on this guy. 
     We shot pool and drank beer, taking turns buying rounds. I heard 
the band start up, I hadn't realized how quickly time was flying by. 
Cory and I were having a really good time. The difference in our ages 
didn't even seem evident. This was a really nice guy.
     About 10:00, I was starting to wonder about Sue. Where was she? I 
had expected her by 9:30 at the latest. I hoped that nothing had 
happened with her car or that she had chickened out. I thought that I 
wouldn't get real concerned for a while yet.
     At 10:15 or so Cory said I should see what was going on over on the 
dance floor. He said there was a really sexy girl dancing with some guy, 
putting on quite a show. I looked up from the table and there was Sue, 
dancing with some guy. A big smile broke out on my face!
     The song was a fast Southern Rock piece. Sue is a very good dancer 
and she knows full well the effect her sexy, dirty, dancing has on the 
men in bars. Most of the guys in the place were watching my Sue show her 
stuff. I told Cory that I would like to get MY hands on something like 
that. Cory said, "Dream on, buddy, with all of this competition here 
tonight we probably don't have a chance at getting into a woman like 
that. Besides, she is probably here with someone, either a husband, a 
boyfriend or a really UGLY female friend. This woman just can't be 
     I smiled and asked if he was going to shoot or not. He hesitated, 
taking another look at Sue, before missing an easy shot. He was 
definitely distracted. Maybe this was going to be easier than I thought.
     I had to "wake" Cory several times. He seemed obsessed with my 
wife. He watched her go through the crowd, teasing and talking to lots 
of men. Cory said, "Jesus, John, she is the absolute sexiest woman I 
have ever seen! I'd give my left nut to fuck her. Shit! Look, John, 
she's coming this way!" I had trouble hiding my shit-eating grin, I was 
really proud of my beautiful wife.
     Sue looked like she was getting pretty loose. She had enough to 
drink to give her the confidence to play this wild, sexy, slutty and 
beautiful woman. She was really getting into all of the attention she 
was getting. I silently hoped she didn't forget about our original 
     Sue had on jeans that looked like she'd poured her body into them. 
She was wearing her high-heeled eel-skin western boots. Her legs and ass 
were the best in the room. She had on a lacy white blouse that was very 
transparent. She was wearing a sexy, tiny bra that could be seen through 
her blouse. Her tits strained the bra. Her shirt was unbuttoned to the 
middle of her chest. Her large breasts were swinging and bouncing as she 
walked. ALL the men in the bar seemed to love it. She had on a shiny 
silver metal belt that accentuated her fantastic figure. 
     What I really noticed, though, was her new hairdo. She'd had her 
previously long straight blonde hair curled and permed at the 
hairdresser. She was a totally new, sexy woman, looking good -- and she 
knew it. 
     Sue worked the crowd and made her way to the bar. At least four 
guys tried to buy her a drink. She accepted a brandy and water from one 
of the men, a short ugly guy who seemed to think that he had just gotten 
lucky! Sue sipped the drink and when the guy started to say something to 
her, she affectionately squeezed his inner thigh, thanked him for the 
drink and walked off, leaving him with his mouth hanging open. He looked 
like he had cum in his pants when she had touched his inner thigh!
     My wife was walking through the huge crowd, obviously looking for 
me, but trying not to be obvious about it. When our eyes met, she smiled 
and winked. 
     Sue went from table to table, talking to the players, acting more 
loaded than she was (I think). One guy let her take a shot for him. She 
treated everyone watching to a great view of her tight ass as she bent 
over the table to line up the shot. The crowd of guys in the front of 
her was quickly growing! They all wanted to get a look at those big tits 
hanging in front of their eyes. Sue pretended that she didn't realize 
the effect she was having on the guys and took quite a while to shoot. 
She missed the shot, stood up and stamped her foot on the floor in faked 
disgust. She had done that on purpose to make her big tits bounce for 
the men. Little by little, she worked her way to our table. 
     Cory bumped me and told me that this woman was approaching. I lined 
up a very difficult shot and sank the ball with a fast and hard snap of 
the cue. Sue stepped up behind me and said, "That was a really good 
shot. Are you always that good at putting things in holes?" 
     I smiled and glanced at Cory who was trying to think of something 
to say to this Sex Goddess. I told Sue that I did my best, but not 
always as hard or as fast. 
     Sue was really getting into her act. She acted like she had no idea 
who I was, I joined in and played the stranger to her, too. She 
introduced herself as Mandy. She giggled and asked if she could "play 
with you guys." I acted a little aloof, Cory seemed to go into shock at 
the thought that I might chase Mandy off. He jumped in and told Mandy 
that WE would be happy to have her join our game. 
     As Mandy racked up the balls, the crowd around our lucky table 
grew. Mandy handled each ball as if it were a man's testicle. Each man 
there caught the tease right away. Cory bent over behind my wife and 
helped her get the rack straight. Mandy shoved her jeans covered ass 
back against Cory and asked him what that was in his pocket. Cory 
blushed a little bit and stepped back. 
     Sue turned and smiled sexily at Cory, letting her eyes devour this 
young, well-built, hairy man. Her eyes seemed to linger at his growing 
bulge and she wet her lips with her tongue. Cory was hooked! Now all WE 
had to do was reel him in.
     Sue/Mandy whispered in my ear, "How am I doing, darling? I hope 
this hunk is the man you picked for me. I am SO hot, my pussy is 
dripping." I laughed as if she had just told me a joke.
     We shot four games, Cory and I missing many a shot so we could 
watch Mandy shoot more often. The audience of guys watching our game 
appreciated our efforts, too. Mandy was really getting into her act. Now 
and then she would walk up to some guy, squeeze his buns and tell him 
she liked his tight ass. This always brought cheers and cat calls from 
the crowd. Between shots, Mandy was dirty dancing around the table to 
the band's loud music, sometimes doing very suggestive things with the 
cue stick. She rubbed it between her legs and once took about four 
inches of the butt of the cue into her mouth. When she did this I saw 
one girl slam her boyfriend on the shoulder with her hand, pulling him 
from my wife's audience. She was yelling at the guy, wanting to know 
what the hell he thought he was looking at! The poor guy allowed her to 
pull him out of view. I think it was not so much jealousy at her guy 
enjoying another sexy woman as jealousy of my wife. She wished she could 
look as sexy as Sue!
     We surrendered the table and followed Mandy to a vacant bar table. 
I went to get fresh drinks for the three of us, leaving Cory and my wife 
alone to talk. When I returned, they were both laughing loudly after 
Mandy told a good sexy joke. 
     I set the drinks on the table, took a seat on the other side of 
Mandy from Cory, and asked her to tell us a little about herself. Mandy 
said she was out to party tonight. She said her husband was out of town 
on business again and she wouldn't see him for another 10 days, at 
least. Cory looked disappointed at the idea that this fox was married. 
I'm sure he thought this was just a frustrated married woman out on the 
town having fun and that she planned on going home alone after having a 
good time at the bar. Mandy said she was tired of being left alone by 
her husband for so long. She added that she hated going without the 
great sex that she and her husband had together. Mandy looked directly 
into Cory's eyes and told him she was very horny, that she was wet 
between her legs and needed some relief soon. She told him she was tired 
of playing with herself to relieve the itch. 
     Cory's eyes lit up, he boldly asked what she would like US to do 
about this. I liked the way he included me!
     Sue/Mandy looked at both of us and asked if Cory and I would like 
to get out of here and come over to her place for a "drink." Cory and I 
slammed our beers in seconds! The three of us got up and headed for the 
door. We heard a few guys commenting on "those lucky guys."
     I asked where Mandy lived and offered to drive. She said it wasn't 
too far and the three of us got into my 'Vette. I drove and Mandy had to 
sit on Cory's lap in the other seat. Mandy commented on how cozy a 
'Vette was for three people. She was acting impressed with my car. 
     Cory didn't seem to mind having this sexy woman sitting on his lap. 
He seemed pretty excited about the prospect of what was going to happen 
tonight. He couldn't believe his good fortune. He must have had a big 
hard on. Mandy was adjusting her position on his lap, telling him she 
had trouble getting comfortable. She remarked again about the hard 
object in his pants that was poking her. 
     Before Cory could say anything I watched as my wife bent and kissed 
him hard on the mouth, running her tongue deep into his open mouth. Cory 
kissed her back and I saw his right hand squeezing her heaving tits. 
Cory reached his hand inside Mandy's blouse and then inside her bra to 
feel her bare breast against his probing hand. I could tell he was 
rolling her nipple in his fingers. Sue was breathing hard, getting very 
hot with this young stud. 
     Sue broke away from the embrace. Acting embarrassed, she said she 
was sorry if she was giving us a wrong impression of her. She said that 
she had NEVER had another man touch her other than her husband. She 
added that she just couldn't control her sexual urges any more. Besides, 
she said, her husband was probably getting laid all the time when he 
went away. Playing the role to the hilt, she added that she wasn't sure 
she was going to be able to go through with this. She wanted a drink to 
calm her nerves. 
     Cory was beginning to think that our chances of getting laid were 
dwindling before his eyes. Mandy pointed to "her" driveway, telling me 
to please park out of sight so any neighbors wouldn't notice the strange 
car in her driveway. 
     The three of us approached the house. As Mandy fumbled with her 
keys, Cory bumped me to get my attention. He shrugged his shoulders, 
nodding his head toward Mandy with a question-filled face. I smiled and 
made the OK sign with my fingers.
     Sue opened the door to our house and we entered. I made comments on 
what a nice house she and her husband had. Sue pointed the way to the 
living room and told us to make ourselves at home. She asked me to make 
drinks, pointing to the bar cabinet. She told Cory to light a fire in 
the fireplace, if he would like. She was going to get out of her tight 
boots and into something more comfortable.
     When Sue went up the stairs and disappeared around the corner, Cory 
turned to me. He wanted to know if I thought that we were going to get 
lucky. He said he never would have expected to end up in this woman's 
house tonight, although he had HOPED. I told him it looked like we were 
definitely going to get lucky. I asked him if he had ever been to bed 
with more than one person at once before. 
     Cory said that once, in college, he had fucked one of his 
girlfriends and her roommate had joined them. Another time, still in 
college, he and one of his friends had bedded one of the math 
Professors. She was, he said, a very prim and proper 55-year-old 
spinster. She had asked him and his friend over to move some furniture 
at her house. He said they NEVER thought she wanted them to move her 
bedroom furniture. He laughed, saying, "She wanted us to move her bed 
with her in it." She told them she wanted her bed springs moving, up and 
down, while they fucked her. She wasn't much of a looker but she was one 
of the best lays he had ever had, he said. He added that he and his 
friend both got an "A" that semester. They each fucked her three times 
the last semester. 
     I told him things hadn't changed in college. I was just going to 
tell him one of my college stories but was interrupted by my beautiful 
wife standing in the doorway. Sue/Mandy was standing there watching the 
two of us talk. 
     Sue had definitely changed into something more "comfortable"! She 
had on one of her skimpiest black and red negligees, black fishnet 
stockings, a red garter belt, crotchless panties and spiked heels. She 
slyly asked if we men minded if she joined us on the couch and 
interrupted our conversation. Cory jumped to the side, giving Mandy room 
to sit between us. I reached up and turned out the light; the fireplace 
flickering was plenty. 
     We didn't waste much time. I asked Mandy if she were absolutely 
sure that she wanted to go through with this. She answered that she had 
thought hard about it upstairs and had decided it just would not be fair 
to the two hunks she had lured home if she asked them to leave before 
this got out of hand. Mandy said she really needed to get fucked -- she 
wasn't going to wait another day!
     With that, she reached over to me, took my face in her hands and 
kissed me hard. She kissed me like a possessed woman. Her tits were 
heaving against the thin material of her negligee. She lifted her left 
leg over Cory's lap, giving him an unobstructed view of her dripping 
pussy. I saw him running his hands over her stocking-covered thighs. One 
of his hands went up her thigh directly to her hairy muff. She bucked as 
he inserted two fingers in her tight cunt. His thumb rolled her clit and 
she bit at my tongue, causing me to jump. I ran one hand down to her 
breast and reached right in to grab one. I was holding her head with my 
other hand. The new hair style felt so different, it was almost like a 
different woman. I pulled her left tit from her skimpy top. As I rolled 
the nipple in my fingers, I saw Cory staring at my wife's beautiful 
     Sue shifted to kiss Cory and I took the chance to get up and get 
undressed. When I sat back down I rubbed my hot and very hard cock 
against Mandy's thigh. She reached over and took my cock in her hand, 
pumping it up and down. She broke off the kiss with Cory and bent to my 
throbbing cock. Just before she took my cock in her mouth she told Cory 
to get comfortable -- she wanted to see his beautiful body. Then she 
bent and swallowed my cock to my balls!
     I watched Cory all but rip his clothes off, throwing them into a 
pile on the floor. Sue was busy and couldn't see, but I knew she was 
going to be VERY pleased when she saw this young stud naked. This guy's 
whole body was covered with fur! He was THE hairiest guy I had ever 
seen. I thought I had a lot of hair on my body! He had a big chest, a 
tight and taught stomach that rippled with muscles and the fattest cock 
I had ever seen. It wasn't really that long -- no more than seven or 
eight inches at most -- but it was as big around as MY wrist! He was 
uncircumcised and his cock looked like something hanging from a horse -- 
not as long, but at least as thick.
     I told Sue that maybe we could all get on the floor to be more 
comfortable. She got up saying she would get a blanket for the floor. 
When she saw Cory's naked body she froze in place saying, "You're so 
beautiful! Please don't go away -- I'll be right back!" She trotted from 
the room and returned in seconds with a comforter. She spread it in 
front of the fireplace and took her place on her back in the center.
     Cory and I each cuddled up next to Mandy, one on each side. Sue 
whispered in my ear that she hoped I didn't feel neglected or left out, 
but she just had to make it with this beautiful young stud laying next 
to her. I kissed her and gave her a little shove of encouragement 
towards Cory. I whispered to her, "Happy Birthday, my love, enjoy your 
present. I'm sure I will enjoy myself seeing you enjoy yourself. Just 
save some of you for me when he's done with you."
     My wife turned to Cory and let him take her in his arms. She was 
making out with this kid like she was back in high school. Their hands 
were all over each other. She was having a good time running her fingers 
over his hairy chest and his hair-covered, rippling stomach. Sue began 
kissing and licking his nipples and slowly worked her way down to his 
crotch. She parted the hair around his erect cock and took it into her 
hand. She pumped it several times and I saw her tongue snake out and 
lick the drops of pre-cum from the tip. 
     Cory gave me the thumbs-up sign. He was enjoying having this older 
woman working him over. I returned the sign and ran my hands over my 
wife's back, cupping her ass cheeks. I wondered what Cory would say if 
he knew the woman sucking his cock right now was also my wife.
     Sue was really slobbering over Cory's cock. She couldn't fit it 
into her mouth. She sucked on the end of it and licked it up and down. 
Now and then she would bend down and take one of his balls into her 
mouth, sucking gently on it.
     She rose and said she just had to fuck this wonderful cock! I 
watched my wife squat over his hard cock. She got on her knees and 
reached to insert this strange cock into her hot pussy. I could see his 
FAT cock spread the lips of my wife's cunt. I watched as she lowered 
herself onto his erection. She was mumbling about NEVER feeling SO 
stretched before. I could tell, too. I couldn't believe how Sue's pussy 
lips stretched as Cory's cock entered her body. Once he was totally 
inside my wife, she sat there, her mouth hung open, adjusting to his 
     After about two minutes of adjusting, she rose up further, onto her 
knees. Cory was playing with her big tits, which he had freed from her 
negligee. When Sue rose up, he pushed his hips up, fucking his cock deep 
into her pussy. He then began a hard and fast fucking motion. I watched 
his cock sliding in and out of Sue's cunt in a blur. Sue's juices were 
coating this young man's cock, dripping onto his balls. Sue bent forward 
to offer her tits to Cory to suck on. They were bouncing around, swaying 
from side to side, as they fucked each other. He held one tit still 
while he reached up and engulfed her nipple in his mouth. He sucked like 
a baby on it, making loud slurping noises.
     I rubbed my fingers over Sue's ass, moving near her cunt and 
catching some of her juices coming from her stuffed pussy. She was 
really getting hammered by Cory. I knew that she was going to have a 
sore cunt tonight! I coated her asshole with her own juices and inserted 
my finger into her. Surprisingly, her ass opened up and accepted my 
middle finger to my palm. She was turned on, and I guessed all of the 
drinks she'd had helped to loosen her muscles as well as her 
inhibitions. My wife was actually shoving back against my finger fucking 
her ass. I could feel Cory's cock through that thin membrane of skin 
between her ass and cunt. It was the first time I'd actually FELT 
another man's cock in my wife. I couldn't believe how loose her ass was. 
It opened to accept yet another finger. Now I was ramming her ass with 
two fingers as Cory fucked into her tight pussy.
     I don't think I'd EVER seen Sue so turned on. She turned to me and 
said, "Darling, please fuck my ass! I want to feel two big cocks in me 
at once...Stick your wonderful cock in my ass, honey -- I CAN TAKE IT!" 
     Sue was getting pretty carried away, I was hoping she didn't get 
too much more graphic and let it slip about our true relationship, as 
husband and wife. I hoped she knew what she was asking for, because I 
was MORE than happy to comply with her request. 
     I got on my knees between Sue's thighs and between Cory's legs. Sue 
held her ass up, reached behind her and spread her ass cheeks for me. 
Her asshole was puckering open and closed in anticipation of the fucking 
she wanted. Cory stopped fucking into her for a moment while I inserted 
my hard cock into my wife's ass. I went very slow at first and let her 
move back against me to bury my cock in her ass. The alcohol had 
definitely helped her to relax her ass muscles, I seemed to glide in 
without hurting her. Soon after I was all the way inside of her 
beautiful ass, I felt Cory fuck back into her pussy, burying himself in 
her also.
     Sue screamed, "MY god...I can't believe I have two big cocks inside 
of me at the same time! I feel like I'm being ripped apart! Please don't 
stop! Both of you fuck me hard! John, fuck my ass as hard as you want! 
Cory, slam that fat meat into my pussy! both of you fill me with your 
     We began pummeling her body. Sue's tits were bouncing all over, 
sometimes slapping into Cory's face. It didn't take long! Sue began her 
orgasm, screaming obscenities, trying to draw our cum into her body. 
Cory and I fucked her for another 10 minutes until we both slammed into 
Sue, burying our cocks to the hilt in her ass and cunt. Both of us 
sprayed our scalding cum into Sue/Mandy. Sue began another orgasm, this 
one much more intense than the first. Sue was planting kisses all over 
Cory's chest and face, thanking him for the best cum of her life. She 
reached behind her and squeezed my leg, thanking me, also. 
     We all got up, made another drink and talked about everyday things 
until Sue got in the mood again. Sue wanted to fuck Cory again, doggie 
style. First she wanted me to suck her pussy though. She laid back and I 
dove between her legs. I began lapping at her pussy, sticking my tongue 
as deep into her as I could. I could taste this other man's cum in my 
wife's cunt. When I hesitated slightly thinking about it, Sue said, "Go 
ahead, honey, suck his hot white cum from my pussy! It turns me on so 
much to see you eat me and his cum!" What could I say? I continued, 
happy that she was happy. I rose up to kiss her and passed a big load of 
Cory's cum into her mouth from mine. She eagerly sucked it in and 
swallowed all of it. She told Cory that his cum was very sweet.
     Sue turned over and, bending forward, stuck her ass into the air, 
trying to tempt Cory into fucking her again. I told Cory to mount her 
and fuck her willing and waiting pussy. He positioned himself behind my 
wife and inserted his cock into her pussy again. In one big stroke, he 
sunk his fat meat into her tight pussy. I could see her asshole still 
puckering, more open now from the fucking it had taken. Cory bent 
forward into her and began slamming into Sue, fucking her into the 
ground. She was grunting like an animal, fucking this man like she was 
never going to be fucked again. I knelt before her, asking her to suck 
my cock while Cory fucked her. She lifted up until she was even with my 
cock, then sucked my swollen member into her throat. I saw Cory watching 
me bury my cock into this woman's face as he fucked furiously into her 
pussy from behind. The three of us started cumming at once. Cory and I 
blasted our loads deep into her pussy and throat, her orgasm made her 
buck and hump back into Cory. She eagerly received our cum into both of 
her orifices.
     At 2 a.m. I drove Sue/Mandy and Cory back to the bar to get their 
cars. When we got there Sue kissed both of us deeply, thanking us for a 
FANTASTIC evening and saying she would never forget this. I said goodbye 
to Sue and shook Cory's hand. I told him I would probably see him again 
and beat him at pool again. We got into our respective cars and drove 
off to our homes. 
     I was home before Sue, waiting in the living room as she came in. 
She hugged and kissed me, saying tonight was SO special, and I was 
wonderful for allowing her to fulfill one of her fantasies. She 
commented me on my GREAT TASTE in men. Sue added that when she was 
kissing Cory goodnight, he'd whispered to her that he wanted to go home 
with her again, alone. She'd told him it was not a good idea -- the 
neighbors might talk if they saw him there in the morning. She added 
that she wouldn't want her husband returning home either and finding 
another man there. Sue'd told him that MAYBE they could meet again here 
at the bar sometime. He'd seemed a little hurt and rejected, she said, 
said he understood. He'd thanked Sue for a great time, saying he would 
never forget her.
     I told Sue I'd really enjoyed fucking Mandy and watching Mandy fuck 
that young stud. I asked her how she felt? She said one word: "SORE"!
     We went to bed, me thinking about what I might want for my 


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