The following story is for adults only. It contains scenes depicting 
incestuous sex among minor children and, between adults and minor 
children. It is entirely a work of fiction and the characters contained 
within are completely the figment of the authors imagination. (they do 
sometimes embody his fantasies, however.) If homosexual activities 
offend you or sexual activities among and with pre- and just pubescent 
children I suggest you hit the back button. 

This book does contain episodes of masturbation, voyeurism, oral, anal, 
heterosexual, homosexual, and lesbian sex. The range also covers solo 
to group sex, incest and pedophilia. You have been warned.

If you are under the age of 18 or if it is illegal in your community it 
is illegal for you to read this, please hit the back button 
immediately. (Can't you just see a horny twelve year old zipping up his 
pants, (or pulling up her panties as the case may be), and hitting the 
back button at this point. I should live so long.)

Copyrighted by the author 1997. This book may be reposted in any not 
For profit electronic medium. It must not be altered and it must be 
attributed to the author. 

If you haven't hit the back button yet, enjoy. I would like to have 
your opinions of my work and, and while I don't promise, I usually try 
to answer my e-mail. 

                           FRIENDLY NEIGHBORS
                               By D. Abby

                              Chapter - 1

Friday, April 1; Evening, The Motel:

Joan Wright and Harry Black checked into the motel as Mr. and Mrs. John 
Smith. The clerk barely looked at the register and he didn't even grin. 
The two of them had been registering the same way every Friday night 
since he was hired there six months ago. It could even be their right 
names as far as he was concerned. 

Joan was stacked. She didn't show her thirty five years at all. She was 
five, five and weighed in at about one hundred and twenty pounds. Her 
figure measured a classical thirty six, twenty four, thirty six and she 
wore a D cup bra. She had steel gray eyes and shoulder length, wavy 
brown hair.

Harry was a six footer. He took care of his body with exercise and a 
good diet. He weighed just over one hundred and sixty five and didn't 
have an ounce of fat on him. His hazel eyes made an interesting 
contrast to his black hair.

Neither of them wasted any time when they got into the room. They 
stripped and fell into a clinch. After trading hugs and kisses Joan 
licked her way down Harry's body until she was kneeling in front of 
him. She licked off the drop of pre cum that was oozing from the end of 
his prick. She licked all around his cock head then ovaled her lips and 
sucked his prick into her mouth. Harry pushed his prick forward and she 
swallowed around its head as it entered her throat. Joan's bobbed her 
head and Harry pumped his hips fucking his prick into her sucking 

Harry, with all his experience, couldn't take this treatment very long. 
He hadn't had any sex, except for his hand, since last Friday and he 
was ready as soon as Joan sucked his prick into her mouth. In a little 
more than a minute his hips jerked, he pushed the head of his prick 
down her throat, and he shot off into Joan's mouth. The first spurt 
jetted directly down Joan's throat and she drew her head back to savor 
the rest of his load of cum. She sucked his shrinking prick till it was 
as soft as it was going to get and let it slide out of her mouth.

Continuing the procedure they'd been following for months Harry lifted 
Joan onto the bed, positioned his head between her thighs and licked 
the excess moisture from between her cunt lips. Joan lay back and 
enjoyed the sensation of having her cunt lapped by an expert. Her hips 
bounced up off the bed and she rubbed her cunt up and down Harry's 
face. Harry sure did know how to lap cunt. Joan tossed her head back 
and forth and moaned as she climaxed in multiple orgasms.

Joan and Sam Wright and Harry and Sally Black had been next door 
neighbors for ten years. They'd moved in about the same time and had 
formed a close friendship. A year after they met Joan and Sally were 
comparing notes on their sex lives and each discovered that the other 
couple went in for group sex. 

At first group sex had been easy. Joan's girls were two and four years 
old and Harry's boys were three and five. They would put the kids to 
sleep and would have an orgy at one of their adjacent houses. As their 
kids grew up they hired a baby sitter and got a motel room every Friday 
night. When Susan was killed in an accident they continued as a 

After Sam died of cancer six months before and Harry and Joan continued 
the old arrangement. They would wait a year for appearances sake then 
get married. They saw no reason they should abstain from sex while they 
waited. It made economic sense to combine the two families and they 
could sleep together every night. That made sense too. The two of them 
were very compatible, and to tell the truth once a week sex was far 
from satisfactory.

Lapping Joan's cunt had rejuvenated Harry's prick as it usually did. He 
moved his body over Joan, she positioned the head in her cunt hole, and 
he slowly pumped his prick in and out of her cunt. Joan matched his 
speed and lifted her hips to fully engulf his eight inch prick each 
time he pushed down. The action was more leisurely, after five minutes 
they speeded up. Joan had her first orgasm and her cunt contracted 
around Harry's prick. By the time Joan was on her third orgasm; spurt, 
spurt, dribble, dribble; he flooded her cunt with a load of cum. They 
lay side by side, Harry ran his fingered Joan's cunt and she gently 
massaged his rather limp prick.

Joan may have been out swapping but she was still a mother. No matter 
what she worried about her two girls. "I hope the kids are all right, I 
don't like leaving them without a baby sitter."

Harry had been a little overprotective of his two boys since their 
mother's death too. "I know what you mean but I guess they're all 
right. They really don't need a sitter any more. At fourteen and 
thirteen the older ones sit for other kids on the block, there's no 
good reason for them to need one."

That didn't stop Joan from being a mother. "Yeh, I know that but 
they're still my babies. I worry."

Harry was struck by another thought. "Talk about worrying, what happens 
when we get all four of them in the same house. We'll have to watch 
them like hawks."

Joan smiled at Harry's concern, "Hell, they're together all the time 
now. I don't guess they can do any more living together than they can 
do right now."

Harry mused, "If I were my boy, Allen, I'd be trying to get into 
Alice's pants. The way she twitches her ass when she goes by me gives 
me a hard on now and then. I'd like to get her in bed and I might if 
she weren't your daughter. I think she does it on purpose."

Now Joan laughed outright, "You can bet your life on that. She's 
practicing on you. She feels you're safe and she wants to learn how to 
attract a boy. If she got a positive response from you she'd be both 
flattered and scared to death. Allen's cute too. He springs a hard on 
every time I get into that bikini. I bet he'd run too, if I ever came 
on to him. If he weren't your son I just might try that. I get wet when 
I see that bulge in his bathing suit.

Harry knew that there were differences between his two boys. "I worry 
more about the younger ones. David and Susan spend too much time 
sitting together holding hands. Those are the two that might try to do 
some experimenting. They're more mischievous and they're more 
venturesome than the older two anyway."

Joan wasn't that concerned about them. "David and Susan are in the 
throes of puppy love. I wouldn't worry too much, they'll probably get 
over it in a year or so. About the older ones, I'll make a deal. You 
seduce Alice and I'll seduce Allen. Now there's an idea, how does that 
grab you?"

"Right around my prick, but they're too young yet. Let's wait a couple 
of years and we'll see if we can get all of them into family sex."

"You're on! I hadn't realized how interesting that idea was. I'm horny. 
Let's sixty nine."

They sixty nined.

Friday, April 1; Evening, At Home:

The four kids played monopoly. Alice was a big girl who had developed 
early. She was the same height as her mother and had her mother's 
coloring. She wore a C cup bra and was embarrassed by the way it pushed 
out from her chest. Her figure was an enticing thirty four, twenty, 
thirty two and more than one boy turned his head when she walked past.

Allen had his father's coloring and was growing into the stature of a 
basketball player. He was taller than his father and he wished he 
weighed more than his hundred and forty pounds. He didn't weigh enough 
to push the boys around for position under the basket. He was shy and 
was embarrassed by the attention the cheer leaders gave him as the star 
of the junior high basketball team. He got a hard on when he saw them 
in their brief costumes but he liked Alice a lot better than he liked 
any of them.

Susan was still wearing her training bra and was anxious to grow into a 
B cup. She pushed her chest out every time she thought about it. She 
had silver blond hair and deep blue eyes that sparkled. She was in love 
with David but was pleased when the other boys in her class looked at 

David was a red headed, freckle faced, extrovert with a big grin and 
dimples. He was barely five two and weighed ninety pounds. He got his 
more cautious older brother into situations that Allen would rather not 
get into. Since their mother had died, Allen considered David his 
responsibility. He tried to avoid any trouble but David sometimes got 
him into scrapes.

At eight forty five the four kids broke the game up and the boys were 
home by the required time. They had an hour to kill before bed time and 
they didn't like any of the things on TV. Allen picked up a book to 

David sprawled on the floor. "Allen?"

Allen was lost in his book.

David got a little louder. "Allen?"

Allen finally responded, "Uh, Yeh?"

David threw a blockbuster at his brother. "Where do pop and Joan go 
every Friday?"

Allen had some ideas but he wasn't about to try to explain them to his 
kid brother. "Uh, I don't know."

David continued along the same vein, "They never say where they're 
going. They've gone out every Friday since I can remember. When mom and 
Uncle Sam were alive they used too go out every Friday night too. I 
wonder where they go."

Allen wasn't about to let on to his kid brother that he had any idea of 
where they went. "I don't know. They've never told me either."

David was persistent. "Do you think they go to a movie?"

Allen didn't think so. "They'd take us if they went to the movies."

More questions yet. "Do you think they go dancing?"

Allen was sure that wasn't it. "Uh, uh. Remember how mom complained 
about pop not wanting to dance?"

David did remember that, but he wanted a more definitive answer." I 
guess so, but what can they do so late. It doesn't take that long just 
to have dinner. Don't you wonder what they do?"

David backed Allen into a corner. Allen wasn't about to lie to David 
but he certainly didn't want to discuss his suspicions with his younger 
brother. "Yeh, I guess so. But they could be doing lots of things."

"Like what?"

"Uh, I don't know"

"You said there were lots of things. Like what?"

"Gee, I have no idea. They have things they enjoy doing together or 
they wouldn't go out together every Friday."

David shocked Allen with his next question. "You said they could do lots 
of things. I know some of the things a man can do with a woman. Do you 
think they're doing them together?"

Allen blushed and stammered. David had the same ideas he had. "Uh, well, 
yeh, I guess so. They might be."

"Wow! Would I like to do some of those things."

"Gee, so would I, but we're too young."

"Uh, I wonder what they do with each other. Uh, I sometimes think of 
them doing things together when I jerk off. Do you?"

Allen squirmed and looked away from his brother. His brother was 
hitting too close to home. "Gee, well, I guess I do. It makes it feel 
better when you come."

"Yeh, I know. What do you think they do to each other?"

"Uh, I guess they fuck."

David thought for a moment, "Do you think that's all they do?"

Again Allen was caught in a bind, He didn't want to be specific. "Uh, 
maybe they do other things."

"Do you think so?"

Allen gave up and suggested, "I don't know. Pop could lap Joan's cunt 
and she could suck his cock, I guess. I don't know if people really do 
that but I've heard they do."

"Wow! Uh, Allen?"


"Do you have a hard on? I do."

Allen couldn't deny it. The front of his pants was pushed out. Thinking 
about what his father and Joan did together always did that to him. The 
fact that David had observed it embarrassed him. Allen blushed and 
stammered again. "Uh, I guess so."

"So do I. Sometimes I get hard when I hold Susan's hand. Do you get 
hard when you think about Alice? I get hard when I think about Susan. I 
think about doing things with her and I have to jerk off. Do you jerk 
off when you think about Alice?"

This was more personal than they'd gotten before. Allen didn't want to 
tell David his innermost thoughts. He looked at David and decided the 
hell with it. "Gees yeh, I sometimes jerk off thinking about how Alice 
and Susan would look without any clothes."

David cocked his head to one side and studied his brother. Allen 
waited, he knew that David was making a decision. 

David heaved a deep breath. "Allen, if I show you something real secret 
will you promise never to tell anyone?"

Now what was David up to? "Sure, I won't tell."

"Cross your heart, hope to die?"

What was David thinking about? Allen didn't mind going through the 
ritual. "Cross my heart, hope to die."

David hesitated and looked at his brother. "It's almost ten o'clock. 
Come to my room."

A very similar conversation was taking place in the house next door. 
The girls had cleaned up and put away the Monopoly set. Alice read a 
magazine while Susan looked off in the distance getting her thoughts 
together. The girls, however, were much more direct than the boys were.


"Uh, yeh?"

"Where do mom and Harry go Friday night?"

"I don't know, I think they go somewhere and do things with each 

"Uh huh, I think so too. What do they do?"

"Well, if they're doing things I guess Harry fucks mom and they may do 
other things too."

"Other things, like what?"

"Gee, I've heard of people doing some things but I don't know if they 
really do. Mom might suck Harry's prick and Harry might lick her cunt."

"Wow! Do you think so?"

"I don't know, but if they went dancing or to the movies they'd say 
something about it. They never say where they went or what they did."

"Gee, I get wet between my legs when I think about them doing things 
together. Don't You, Alice?"

"I sure do. I get wet thinking about what Allen has in his pants too. 
Sometimes I think about doing things with Allen and finger fuck myself. 
Do you get wet thinking about doing things with David."

"Yeh, I get wet thinking of doing things with him and I get wet just 
sitting and holding his hand. I wish he'd feel me between the legs and 
let me feel him too. I do the same thing you do. I think about him and 
push my fingers between my legs."

Susan stopped and looked at Alice. Just as Allen knew the signs of 
David making decisions, Alice knew when Susan was going through the 
same process.

"Uh, Alice, if I show you something real secret will you promise never 
to tell anyone?"

Alice couldn't remember Susan asking for such blanket secrecy. She 
couldn't think of anything that couldn't be kept secret. "Sure, I won't 

"Cross your heart, hope to die?"

What was Susan getting at? Well there was one way to find out. "Cross 
my heart, hope to die."

"I know what David looks like down there. And that makes it even better 
when I rub myself." 

Alice burst in on her little sister. "What do you mean, 'you know what 
he looks like', have you seen him without his clothes on?"
Susan studied Alice again and Alice had to wait a while. Susan's answer 
was rather indirect. "Uh, It's almost ten o'clock. Come on to my room 
and I'll show you something. Remember you promised you wouldn't tell."

The two girls went up to Susan's room.

In the other house David took Allen's hand and pulled him upstairs into 
his room. He moved a chair to one side of the window and told Allen to 
sit in it. He turned on the light and undressed. Allen started to pull 
the shade down and David stopped him.

"No, this is what I wanted to show you. Uh, Susan has the room right 
across from me and," David blushed beet red, "uh, I let her see me get 

Allen watched wide eyed as David stripped to his under shorts, turned 
his back to the window, and pulled down his underpants. His three inch 
miniature prick pointed up to the ceiling and throbbed. It was 
surrounded by a few strands of bright red hair. 

David slowly turned around so that he was facing the window. He posed 
there for a moment then quickly pulled on his pajamas, heaved a sigh of 
relief, and went over to turn off the light. He looked at Allen and 
whispered. "Gee, I've been doing that for almost a month and it doesn't 
get any easier. Now watch through the window."

The girls arrived in Susan's room as David turned the light on in his 
room. Both the girls watched David get undressed. When he turned toward 
the window Susan gasped and rubbed her cunt through her pants.
David turned off the light. Susan got Alice out of sight and put on the 
light. Now Alice gasped, Susan was going to let David see her without 
any clothes on! 

Susan put on much the same performance David had. She removed all her 
clothes except her bra and panties. She turned away from the window and 
removed them, she pushed out her chest, and then turned to the window. 
Her breasts barely mounded away from her body but the nipples were 
swollen and jutted out. She posed and let David have a full view of her 

David reached in to his pajamas and massaged his prick as his eyes 
devoured Susan's slim figure. He couldn't see inside the slit between 
Susan's legs but the silky fine blond hair hid nothing. 

Allen was much too interested in what was going on in the next house to 
notice David's hand pumping back and forth on his prick. He had to stop 
rubbing the front of his own jeans before he shot off into his pants. 
How could his kid brother do something like this? Where did he get the 
nerve? "Wow! How could you watch that without jerking off?"

"Uh, I just did."

David pulled down the shade and turned on the light. He lowered his 
pajamas, and continued pulling his prick. Allen stared. Watching his 
brother jerk off was as exciting as watching Susan get undressed.
Allen blushed, pulled out his five inch prick, spit on his hand, and 
started pumping. David hadn't seen his brother with a hard on before. 
He didn't know a prick got that big. Spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, 
dribble, dribble; he shot another load of cum into his hand. He slowed 
down and held still hard prick while he watched Allen. It was as 
exciting as seeing Susan without any clothes.

Spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; Allen released his load 
of cum. Allen's prick subsided to a limp state. David had loads of 

"Wow! Your prick is big. Will mine get as big as yours someday? How 
come it gets soft after you shoot off? Mine stays hard until I stop 
jerking off. When I watch Susan undress, I jerk off three or four times 
and have to stop because my balls ache. I think I jerk off too much but 
it feels so good I can't stop. How often do you jerk off? Do your balls 

ache if you jerk off too much, mine do. Gee, I wish my prick was as big 
as yours."

Allen was so amused at his brother's string of questions and he forgot 
to be embarrassed. He was surprised his brother didn't loose his hard 
on. He only had himself as an example but he thought that all boys got 
soft after they shot off. He couldn't admit that he didn't know 
everything. He held up his hand to stop the stream of questions. "Whoa, 
little brother, one at a time."

He tried to answer them in order. "I guess your prick will get this 
big. My prick was smaller than yours when I was your age and it hasn't 
stopped growing. It grew real fast at first but now it's a months 
before I can measure a difference. It always gets soft after I shoot 
off, but if I'm really horny it gets hard again real quick."

To illustrate this point Allen's prick pulsed up to another erection as 
Allen continued, "Let's see? I do feel the same way as you do about 
jerking off. I think I do it too much too, but it feels to good to 
stop. And, yes, sometimes I jerk off till my balls ache. Does that 
answer all your questions? Uh, David, can I come in here every night 
and watch?"

"Gees, yeh." David gave his brother a big grin. "Then we can jerk off 
together while we watch. I'd like that. I like watching you jerk off 
and having you watch me do it."

David paused again. "Uh, Allen?"

What was David thinking now? "Yeh?"

David had a suggestion. "Why don't you try doing the same thing with 
Alice? Her room is across from yours. That would be real neat. I wonder 
what her big tits look like. I'll bet they're awesome. They're almost 
as big as Joan's"

"Gee, I couldn't. I'd be too embarrassed. How did you ever get up the 

"Well, I forgot to pull down the shade one night and got undressed. 
When I turned off my light I saw Susan's light turn on and she got 
undressed. Wow! I jerked off four times that night. I know my balls 
ached before I stopped. The next night she did the same thing. The 
night after that her window stayed dark and I got the message that 
she'd let me see her if I let me see her if I let her see me. It wasn't 
easy but I turned on the light and got undressed. If I wanted to see 
her, it was only fair that I let her see me. I wanted to see her so 
bad, I had to get up the nerve."

Allen sat there and thought. He looked at his hard prick, stroked it a 
few times, and considered his brother's suggestion. He watched his 
brother go through the same motions.

"Uh, David, will you come with me while I try it?"

"Wow! Gees yeh! I'd like that. I want to see Alice too."

The girls were on the same wave length as the boys. They talked about 
the boys. They were doing the same things too, if you took into 
consideration the physiological differences of boys and girls. Alice 
watched Susan pump her finger in and out of her pubescent cunt. She 
pulled down her jeans and joined her. After each of them had several 
orgasms they slowed down and stopped to catch their breaths.

"Wow, Susan, how did you ever get started doing that with David."
Susan explained how she and David had gotten started. When she was 
finished she gave her sister a speculative look. "Gee, I want to do 
even more. One of these nights, when I get up enough nerve, I'm going 
to rub my cunt while he's watching and try to get him to jerk off for 
me. That would be neat. I'd like to see what happens when a boy shoots 

Alice pondered for a moment then grinned at her sister.

"Come on to my room. Allen's is right across from it. I've seen him 
start to get undressed lots of times but then he pulls down the shade 
before things get interesting. Let's see if I can get him to show us 
his prick."

The two girls rushed into Alice's room, turned on the light, and pulled 
up the shade. The boys arrived in Allen's room and saw the light go on. 
They ran to the window to watch without turning on the light. What was 
happening? Why was Susan with Alice?

"Wow! Do you think Alice was with Susan like you were with me?"

"Uh, I guess so. I don't know if I can get up the nerve with both of 
them there."

"You gotto, Allen, or they won't let you see them again. I'll tell 
you what, I'll get undressed at the same time you do. Gee, Alice must 
have already seen me naked tonight anyway. I wish I'd known, that would 
have made it even better. I want to see what Alice looks like naked. 

Susan saw David as the boys came into Allen's bedroom door. "Oooo! 
David is with Allen! Do you think Allen was with David like you were 
with me?"

"I'll bet he was!"

"Wow! He must have seen me get undressed. Knowing he was watching would 
have made it more exciting. I'll get undressed with you, I want to see 
Allen's prick looks like. They've been thinking the same thing we were. 
I'll bet Allen's going to get naked for you too."

Susan sat on the bed and Alice disrobed. Both boys were panting by the 
time Alice was down to her bra and panties. She turned her back to the 
boys and slowly removed them. 

She took a deep breath, pushed out her chest, and turned toward the 
window. Her dark bush let only the slightest glimpse of the slit 
between her legs show. Susan got up, faced the window, and made a 
production of taking off her pajamas. 

The girls stood there and posed, Susan then drew a deep breath. "Alice, 
I'm going to do it!"

Before she had a chance to loose her nerve Susan pushed her middle 
finger into her cunt and pumped it in and out. Both boys shot off. 
Alice wasn't going to let twelve year old Susan upstage her. She was 
almost two years older than her sister and she had to show that she 
wasn't too chicken to do the same thing that Susan was doing. Alice 
pushed two fingers into her cunt and pumped them in and out.

Allen had just shot off but his prick came back to attention in a hurry 
and David's hand speeded up again. David looked as Allen started to 
pump and he suddenly realized that they had to let the girls see them 
jerk off in a few minutes. He knew that he'd be ready but Allen's prick 
would be soft if he shot off again. He grabbed his brother's wrist.

"Gee, we better stop. They're going to want to watch us jerk off."

"I couldn't do that!"

"But they won't finger fuck themselves again if we don't"

"That's right! I guess I have too."

The boys watched the girls' fingers move faster and faster. It was 
seconds until the girls hips jerked and they brought themselves off. 
The boys had the academic knowledge that girls didn't shoot anything 
out of their cunts but it seemed anticlimactic to jerk your hips like 
that and not have anything happen.

"Wow! Finger fucking yourself sure feels better when you know the boys 
are watching."

"It sure does! Why don't we leave the light on and do it again if the 
boys jerk off for us. I bet it feels even better if we're watching the 
boys jerk off."

"Yeh, let's try that. That'll be neat."

The girls didn't turn away from the window or put their pajamas on. 
They sat down on the edge of the bed facing the window and watched. 
David blushed beet red, he knew what was required. "Okay, Allen. I 
guess they're going to leave the light on. It's our turn to get naked." 
The changed situation registered on him. "Gee, they're not getting 
dressed, it'll be neat to see them like that while we're jerking off. 
It'll make jerking off even better."

The boys went through the same procedures that the girls had except 
that Allen was a good deal more bashful than Alice had been. Before he 
could turn to face the window he hesitated and blushed several times. 
When he couldn't put it off any longer he turned toward the window and 
let the girls see his throbbing prick. 

David took off his pajamas and stood beside Allen, and almost lost his 
nerve. "Uh, Allen. We have to jerk off for them."

Allen had buck fever. "Gees, I can't!"

The girls left the boys no choice. They got up from the bed and moved 
toward the window. Alice put her hand in front of her crotch and made 
jerk off motions with it. What she expected them to do was obvious.
David took a deep breath and pumped on his rigid prick. Just as he'd 
thought, jerking off while he watched the girls finger fuck themselves 
was even neater. "Come on, Allen, you gotta!"

Allen looked at David and, as if mesmerized, pumped on his five inch 
cock. The girls pumped their fingers in their cunts in the same rhythm 
that the boys were using. The boys lasted more than two minutes before 
their spurts of cum arched through the air. The girls twitched and 
shuddered at the same time. They all slowed down. The boys gently 
massaged the dribbles of cum into their cocks, the girls rubbed their 
fingers over their throbbing clits.

Allen noticed the time and got worried that their father would be home 
soon. He warned David and chased him to his room. Alice had the same 
worry at the same time and sent Susan off. None of them put their 
pajamas on. They turned off the lights and were deep in an exhausted 
sleep when their parents got back to the house. 

Harry and Joan both looked in on their kids before going to bed. They 
both found it strange that their kids were sleeping in the nude but 
thought it was just an aberration.

                              Chapter - 2 

Saturday, April 2; Morning:

The kids slept late the next morning. Their parents got them up about 
nine to go on a trip to the zoo that had been planned several weeks 
before. It had become customary on these occasions to get a fast food 
breakfast on the way to where they were going. Neither car was big 
enough for all six so they split up in the usual three and three. Joan 
loaded David and Susan into the rear seat of her car, Harry took Allen 
and Alice.

Joan noticed at once that the kids weren't acting as they normally did. 
Each time they looked at each other they blushed. David and Susan 
didn't hold hands, sat at opposite ends of the seat, and they avoided 
looking at each other. She wondered what had happened between them. 
Last night had been the first time the kids had been left by themselves 
at night.

After breakfast the kids seemed more settled but they were still 
somewhat reserved with each other. Joan was sure something had happened 
night before. They toured some of the exhibits and when they got to the 
monkey house Joan signaled Harry to stay with her while they let the 
kids go inside and sat down on a bench to wait for them. 

"Harry, do you notice anything odd about the kids?"

"Now that you mention it they do seem to be a little subdued."

"Hmm, did you check on them before you went to sleep last night?"

"Yeh, they were both sleeping in the nude, they don't usually do that 
except in the summer."

"Something must have happened. Something that they're having some 
trouble handling. They all blushed when they saw each other this 
morning. They weren't chattering as much as usual this morning either."

"Uh, yeh. I wondered what was going on but didn't think too much of it. 
Something must have happened though. I wonder what it could have been."

"They don't act like they're upset with each other, they just act like 
they don't know how to handle something that's come up. I'll bet it has 
something to do with what we were talking about last night. Maybe they 
just realized what we do on Saturday nights. No I don't think they 
would talk to each other about that yet.

"When that little redhead of yours blushes I could eat him up. Hmm, 
there's an idea. I bet it would drive him up a wall. I'd like to try 
it. Sucking a load of cum out of his little cock would be lots of fun."

"Whoa, he's still a little young. Give him a chance. However, from what 
I saw last night his prick isn't that little any more and he's been 
changing his sheets lately. He's beginning to mature. Hmm, you might 
frighten David at first, but that wouldn't last. He'd be after you for 
more of the same every chance he got."

"I bet he would but I do think he's a little too young. For that 
matter, I bet you just drool at the idea of lapping Susan's little 
cunt. We better keep our eyes open, however. Maybe we can find out 
what's going on."

"You're sure right about Susan and I guess you're right about the rest. 
They were acting a little strange, but they seem to have gotten over 
it. Here they come now."

When the kids had entered the monkey house they were still a little 
embarrassed about what had gone on the night before. They hadn't been 
out of hearing of the adults yet and each was afraid that one of the 
others would want to discuss what they'd done. All of them knew that 
they were going to do it again but they weren't ready to talk about it 

They split into natural pairings and wandered along the row of 
exhibits. David and Susan stopped in front of the capuchin cage and 
watched their antics. One of the young monkeys was fingering his penis, 
then jerked off. Susan giggled and looked at David. He sprang a hard 
on, blushed, looked at Susan and realized she wasn't going to say 
anything about it. She grabbed his hand and held it while they watched 
until a few spurts of cum flew out of the monkey's prick.

The older pair noticed the interest shown and came to watch too. They 
both giggled then looked at each other. Each of them realized the other 
wasn't going to mention last night. 

The four kids came out of the monkey house laughing and talking 
together. Susan held David's hand and Alice's and Allen's arms brushed 
when they walked. They wouldn't have to talk about last night. Things 
could go on as they were. They could have their shows at night and no 
one would say a word.

The rest of the day went as planned and everyone had a good time. They 
had dinner at a restaurant, went to a movie, and it was close to the 
kids bedtime when they got home. Both Harry and Joan were surprised 
that the kids didn't raise the usual minor fuss when they were sent to 

Saturday, April 2; Evening:

Joan decided to visit with Harry for a while. She passed a window on 
the way to the door and noticed the light in David's room. She looked 
up and almost burst out laughing. David was at the window without a 
stitch on. His hand pumped on his prick. Harry was right, it wasn't 
that small. Her cunt got wet and she started too drool. She may have 
been kidding this morning but now she intended to suck on that young 
cock and in the not too distant future.

Why was David standing at the window jerking off? It didn't take a 
genius to figure that one out. He was letting Susan see what he was 
doing and giving her a show. That must be what had happened last night. 
Was last night the first time? It probably was, that must be why they 
had all been so shy and tongue tied that morning. His little prick was 
enticing. She'd love to suck a couple of loads of cum out of it.

The older kids had acted the same way. Were they doing the same thing? 
Joan looked at Allen's window and saw the shade up and the light on 
too. She moved to the dining room and Allen was doing the same thing. 
That adolescent cock looked good enough to eat also. Maybe they would 
have to get in to that family sex earlier than they had planned.

Joan hurried next door, put her finger to her lips, and led Harry over 
to the dining room window facing her house. Susan was standing at the 
window of her bedroom finger fucking herself. Harry's chin dropped, and 
his prick came to attention. 

He turned to Joan and whispered in her ear. "You're right, I'd have a 
ball lapping that almost hairless cunt. What the hell's going on?"

"Your boys are at their bedroom windows jerking off too. Let's see what 
Alice is up to. I'll bet she's giving Allen a show too."

They moved into the dining room. Alice stood in the window nude, rubbed 
a tit with one hand and ran the fingers of the other in and out of her 
cunt. The adults watched until her hips jerked and she shivered with 
one of the best orgasms she'd ever had.

Alice moved from the window, the show was over. The adults returned to 
the living room and sat on the couch looking at each other. How did 
they handle the kids? How did they handle themselves? They'd had a very 
satisfactory time the night before but Harry had a raging hard on and 
Joan's cunt was sopping wet. 

Harry broke the silence. "Where do we go from here."

"Well, the first thing is get on the couch and fuck. The show the kids 
put on has me too horny too wait until next Friday night. The kids must 
have guessed what we do every Friday night. Let's put on a show for 
your boys. I'm sure they'll hear us and spy from the head of the 
stairs. After that we can try to figure out what to do about them."

Harry didn't need very much persuading. He was stripped before Joan was 
out of her bra and panties. Joan leaned over, licked a drop of pre cum 
from the head of his prick, pushed him down, and mounted him. Her cunt 
slid down over his prick and she leaned forward so he could suck on her 
tit. Harry sucked it into his mouth and gently nibbled on the nipple.

Neither Joan nor Harry were quiet when they fucked. The couch springs 
squeaked. Joan moaned and Harry grunted. They made quite a racket. Both 
boys finished their shows and were getting into bed. They heard the 
noises coming from the lower floor and met at the head of the stairs.

Joan bounced on Harry's prick and he pushed his hips up to meet each of 
her down thrusts. They moved faster and faster. Harry's back arched, 
his whole body quivered, and he grunted. Joan moaned even louder than 
Harry did. Harry settled back onto the couch and Joan lifted her cunt 
off his limp prick, allowing it to slide out with a squishing sound.

Both boys were astonished when Joan turned and sucked Harry's limp cock 
into her mouth. Harry lapped the rest of his cum from Joan's cunt. The 
boys observed the sixty nine and had to squeeze their pricks to keep 
from coming. They watched till the pair separated then tiptoed back to 
Allen's room to talk this over.

The adults sat next to each other on the couch and caught their 
breaths. Joan fondled Harry's prick and he massaged her clit. Joan 
grinned at Harry.

"I'll bet all that noise attracted their attention. I hope they enjoyed 
that show."

They considered what to do about the kids. "Harry, they're not going to 
be satisfied with shows very long. I don't want inexperienced virgins 
to take my girls' cherries. That's what happened to me when I was 
sixteen. It took over three years and an experienced lover to get me 
over the hang ups that I developed from that disaster. We have to move 
up our time table on the training of those kids."

Harry gave her a big grin. "You're trying to tell me you want to train 
my boys before they go after your girls?"

It was Joan's turn to laugh. "That's not a bad idea, I like it. 
However, My idea was that you should train my girls."

Harry's grin faded and he got a thoughtful look. "You know as much fun 
as that would be, I'd rather not. One of my big disappointments is that 
I never fucked a virgin. I don't want to take that away from my boys. I 
think the girls would like to have the boys take their cherries too. 
Having you train the boys is the best idea. You'll enjoy doing it. 
Don't misunderstand me, once the boys have had them I'd like to try 
them both on for size, but I don't want to be the one to start them 

"Hmm, I hadn't thought of that angle. I guess you're right about the 
girls too. How about a deal? I'll teach the boys all about sex. I can 
tell you I'll enjoy doing that. You teach the girls about oral sex. 
That way the boys will know what to do when they get to the girls and 
the girls will have an expert to get them started."

"I like the idea but what do I do if the girls try to rape me?"
"Use the excuse that your prick's to big for them and you don't want to 
hurt them. Oh, I have a better Idea. They're not on the pill, you can 
say you're afraid of getting them pregnant. In fact you could lecture 
them about fucking the boys before they get on the pill. I think 
they'll go along with that. I'll get them on the pill as soon as we're 
finished with our sex education courses."

"How do we go about all this? You won't have much trouble getting the 
boys to cooperate while you seduce them. They might be scared at first 
but I don't think that would last long, they'll be too interested in 
what's happening. I won't force myself on the girls though, and that 
might slow things down. Another thing, the kids are always together, 
how do we isolate the kids so we can put our plan into operation?"

"Pooh don't you realize it's the female that does the seducing. We'll 
just set it up so that the girls can rape you. It's best to start with 
Alice. Wear thin pants and no underpants. When she twitches her ass at 
you, let her see your hard on. Tell her what she's doing to you and let 
nature take its course. I want to start with that little red headed 
devil of yours. I watched him jerking off tonight and I drooled. How do 
we isolate them? I know. We'll nit pick. Let's start out with David. 
He's usually into some sort of mischief. Catch him at something, 
ground him, and make him stay home with me while you take the other 
three out. That's the punishment we usually use."

"There's another problem we're going to have."


"Once we get them trained, and they get together their not going to 
want to sleep alone. It won't look good to have David coming out of 
your house in the morning or Alice coming out of mine. Besides, I'm 
tired of sleeping alone. This sex on the living room couch is fun and 
it's certainly better than waiting for Friday night but I want to have 
you in bed with me. I have an idea that we'll both want to be with them 
now and then. As they would say, it'll be neat."

"All right the hell with appearances. We'll get married and live in the 
same house. Gee, neither of our houses is really big enough. I know. 
Your lot is a little bigger than mine. The six of us will move into my 
house while we renovate yours. It will be crowded but I'm absolutely 
certain that the kids won't mind sleeping two to a bed. Once your house 
is renovated we'll rent mine out to cover the cost of the renovation.

"Hmm, I wouldn't mind the crowding either. My mouth waters at the idea 
of catching that little redhead when he gets home from school and 
sucking a fresh load of cum out of that cute little prick of his."
Having solved the problem of segregating the kids and adjusting the 
living arrangements, they went back to the other problem and sixty 
nined again.

Upstairs the boys just sat there. David glanced at his cock and started 
to jerk off. Allen joined him. In short order both of them had a 
handful of cum. David sat and looked at grayish white viscose fluid in 
his hand.

"Gee, women actually do suck on a man's prick. I wonder what that feels 
like. I'll bet it's neat."

"Yeh, and men lap a woman's cunt."

"Uh, Did you see pop lick his cum out of Joan's cunt?"

"That seems nasty. Uh, I wonder what it tastes like?"

David looked at his hand, blushed, made a decision, looked at his 
handful of cum again, lifted it to his mouth, and touched it with the 
tip of his tongue. He grinned at his brother and licked the rest of it 
out of his hand. Allen watched n amazement. David was doing what he had 
been thinking about. 

For the last year Allen had been bringing his hand to his face after 
jerking off and smelling the cum. He even stuck his tongue out a few 
times but never completed the action. He wanted to taste his cum but 
didn't have the nerve. His younger brother was being more daring than 
he was again. He copied David's motions and found it wasn't nasty after 
all. What would it taste like coming from a woman's cunt? He shrugged 
and thought it would be a long time before he ever found out. 

The boys lay on the bed and compared notes on what they'd seen Joan and 
their father do. They speculated on what lapping cunt would be like and 
how it would feel to have your cock sucked. Allen's prick got hard 
again. David's never got soft. Both boys fondling their pricks. They 
weren't really jerking off, just making their pricks feel good. David 
watched Allen's hand, got a studious look, and cocked his head again. 
Allen waited for what he was going to come up with this time.

"Uh, Allen?"


"Uh, Can I feel your prick? I want to find out what a bigger prick 
feels like. That wouldn't make me gay, would it?"

"Gee, I don't think your gay. Why would you be so interested in Susan? 
Uh, yeh, I guess you can feel my prick. Can I feel yours?"

Since Allen wasn't going to object to it, David grinned at his brother 
and moved his hand toward Allen's prick. Allen wrapped his fingers 
around David's hard prick. Wow! That was neat. Somebody else holding 
your prick felt real good. Both the boys had the same idea. They looked 
at each other and grinned.

Each released the other long enough to spit on his palm and pumped his 
hand up and down his brother's prick. Each watched his brother massage 
his prick. They fucked their pricks into each other's hand. Wow! This 
felt better then jerking yourself off.

David slowed his hand motion down. He didn't want Allen to shoot off 
too quick, he wanted to make his brother's pleasure last as long as 
possible. He slowed down his own hip thrusts at the same time. 

Having Allen's hand pump up and down on his prick sure did feel good. 
Would a girl's hand feel any better? Would Susan's? He was sure it 
would. What would someone sucking his prick feel like? Wow! That would 
be awesome! But he was sure that he wouldn't have a girl do something 
like that to him very soon.

Allen knew what David was doing when he slowed the action and he 
followed suit. David's hand felt better on his prick than his own ever 
had. He wanted this to last as much as David did. Could it feel even 
better than this if he were pushing his cock into Alice's cunt or 
having her suck him off? He didn't expect that would happen very soon.

The boys felt tension building up. Their hips came up off the bed. Jets 
of cum spurted out of their pricks and dribbled down their hands. The 
motion slowed down, Allen's prick deflated, David's prick stayed hard 
but his hips relaxed onto the bed.

David looked at his hand, shrugged, and licked the cum off. He wanted 
to find out if Allen's cum tasted the same as his did. It wasn't quite 
the same, it was a little stronger, but he liked it. He grinned at 
Allen, pleased with his own daring.

Allen hadn't thought about tasting his brother's cum. When he saw what 
David did, he wondered if David's tasted the same as his. There was one 
easy way to find out. David certainly couldn't object to his tasting 
it. Allen looked at the viscous fluid in his hand, licked at it and 
came to the conclusions that it was more delicately flavored than his 
own but just as good tasting.

The boys didn't say another word. They both knew they wanted to do this 
again. They both knew they were going to do it every chance they got. 
David got out of Allen's bed, still without a stitch on, to go back to 
his room. Harry was coming up the stairs. This was the very situation 
he and Joan had discussed.

"David, you were supposed to be in your room an hour ago. The next 
convenient group activity, you're grounded."

David didn't put up an argument. This time he was really caught with 
his pants down and there was no way he going to use the defense that 
he'd caught his father with his own pants down.

                               Chapter - 3

Sunday, April 3; Morning:

It was customary on Sunday morning that both families breakfast 
together in a family restaurant and go to church. David groused about 
being on restriction all through breakfast. When his father suggested 
that they go to a movie that afternoon Joan demurred saying she really 
didn't want to see that picture. David knew he was going to miss the 
picture and it was a good one, one he wanted to see. He groused some 
more in a good natured way and claimed it wasn't fair even though he 
knew his father had caught him dead to rights.

Joan followed the conversation and her cunt lubricated. Harry would 
take the rest of the kids to a movie and keep them out of the away for 
two and half to three hours. That would be plenty of time to have a 
ball with David. She wondered if David would complain if he knew what 
was going to happen that afternoon. 

After the services Joan and Harry were standing away from the rest and 
Joan wanted to know how he had managed to catch David out so soon. 
Harry gave her a big grin and gave her an account of what had happened 
along with his appraisal of what had gone on before David had been 
caught. "He was running from Allen's room to his when I went up stairs. 
He was bare assed naked, his prick was hard as a rock, and it was still 
glistening with cum. I'm sure the two of them were discussing what 
they'd seen from the head of the steps and jerking off. I wonder if 
they've gotten to the point that they jerk each other off."

Sunday, April 3; Afternoon:

At one o'clock Harry left with Allen and the two girls. Joan would stay 
home and read. This set the stage for David's punishment to go into 
effect. David wandered over to her house and found her leaning back in 
an easy chair reading a book. 

David did a double take. Joan was wearing a short skirt and no panties, 
he could see her bush of brown hair. He blushed beet red and got a hard 
on. She had even more hair down there than Alice. Maybe he could see 
the slit between her legs. David sat on a couch opposite Joan. He tried 
to see some more without appearing to be looking in Joan's direction. 
He sat for few moments and squirmed. Joan observed David trying to get 
a better view so she wiggled her hips a little, and spread her legs a 
little farther.

Wow! Now he could see a pink slit between her legs and his prick 
throbbed. It was more than his adolescent libido could take. He hurried 
into the bathroom to jerk off so he wouldn't come in his pants. He had 
spit on his hand and was sliding it down his cock when the door opened. 
Joan walked in on him. He blushed and pushed his prick down between his 

"Oh! I'm sorry, David, I didn't realize you were in here." Joan went 
through all the motions of a double take. "Uh, what are you doing?"

David was doing just what she expected him to be doing and his prick 
was just as cute up close as it had appeared from his bedroom window. 
David squeezed his thighs together to keep his prick hidden. He 
couldn't look Joan in the eyes, he let his head hang. 

He was expected to answer when an adult asked a question but how could 
he tell Joan that he was jerking off? You just didn't say things like 
that to a grown up lady even if you could do it while Susan watched.
"Oh, don't hide it, David, you weren't hiding it from Susan when I saw 
you jerking off last night. I'll bet she finger fucked herself while 
you watched?"

David's chin dropped to his chest. Joan knew what he and Susan were 
doing. How did adults get to know things like that.

For once the ebullient David was at loss for words. Joan pushed the 
door farther open and moved into the bathroom, pulled his hand away, 
and wedged her hand between his clenched thighs. She wrapped her 
fingers around his still hard prick and pumped several times. She 
grinned at David and said, "You seem to have a hard problem right now, 
maybe I can help you with it."

Joan felt David's pulse throb in his prick. She ran her thumb across 
the head. David's hips jerked and he deposited a load of young boy cum 
in her hand. She massaged David's prick until his balls were drained 
and she was surprised when his prick didn't subside. 

David was one of those males who didn't loose his hard on! Boy was she 
going to have fun with him. She watched David's chin drop farther when 
she licked the cum off the palm of her hand. This would be an afternoon 
they would both remember for the rest of their lives. 

"Why don't you come to my bedroom, David, I have a lot of ideas about 
what we can do about a hard problem like this. You may not even have 
heard about some of them."

David's mind was churning. It was obvious that Joan wasn't upset that 
he'd been having shows with Susan, or that he was jerking off, or that 
he shot a load of cum into her hand. She'd calmly licked his cum off 
her hand. What was happening? Did Joan want to do things with him? Had 
Joan planned what was happening? He'd never seen her without her 
panties on before. David didn't know what to do or what to say.

A woman holding his cock felt even better than when Allen held it. Was 
he going to find out those other things? What it was like to fuck? Was 
he going to get a chance to find out a cunt tasted like? He wasn't sure 
he wanted to do that. David was a pretty bright boy, he knew when to 
roll with the punches. He'd go along with what Joan wanted, that was 
the way to find out. He finally found his tongue and asked some of the 

"You want to do things with me? You want me to do things with you? Why 
would you want to do things with a little kid like me? You can do 
things with dad and his thing is a lot bigger than mine is."

"You bet I want to do things with you, and don't worry about the size 
of your prick. There's an old saying 'it isn't the size, it's the way 
you use it'. A woman can get just as much pleasure out of your boy 
sized cock as she can get out of your father's monster. I decided we'd 
do things together when I saw you jerking off last night."

David had strong ethical sense and at this point he had an acute attack 
of conscience. This was his father's girl friend. He'd seen them doing 
things together last night so it was obvious that Joan belonged to his 
father. With his powerful feeling of family loyalty, he didn't want to 
usurp his father's rights. "But you do things with Dad! It isn't right 
for me to do things with you."

"David, let's get some things straight. I don't do things with your 
dad. We fuck, I suck his cock, he laps my cunt, we sixty nine, and 
sometimes other things. I was holding your prick when you shot a load 
of cum into my hand. You know all those words, get accustomed to using 
the words if you are going to do the acts."

David cocked his head and grinned at Joan. He was willing to play that 
game with her. "Well, uh, yeh, I guess you know I saw you fucking dad 
last night. Then you sucked his cock and he lapped your cunt; gee, it 
does feel better when you say things like that; but it doesn't make any 
difference, it isn't right for me to do things with you."

"David, Your parents, my husband, and I had sex together for a long 
time. When your mother was killed the three of us kept on, and when Sam 
died your father and I still kept having our Friday nights out. Your 
father knows exactly what's going on here today and approves of it. 
He's going to keep the rest of the kids away as long as he can so we 
can have some fun."


Joan had David in the bedroom and had his pants off. She took off her 
dress and was nude beneath it! This beautiful woman, with tits that 
didn't stop, wanted to do things, uh, wanted to suck his prick and have 
him fuck her. David stood there and stared with his mouth hanging open. 
He still couldn't believe it.

"Come on, David, I want to have some fun with that cute little prick of 
yours. You're not being fair with me. You still have some clothes on."
David found himself in the same room as a naked woman. He could even 
smell her and she smelled real good. It took a while before he could 
take his eyes off Joan and strip off the rest of his clothes. 

Joan, in turn, was admiring David's hairless young body. She thought it 
was as beautiful as he thought hers was. He had the smooth thin creamy 
skin of many red heads. His prick stood up at a sixty degree angle and 
throbbed with his pulse. A drop of pre cum formed on his pisshole as 
she watched. The head of his three inch cock was bright pink and the 
translucent skin on the shaft showed a tracery of fine blue veins. 
His prick was pretty enough to eat and that was the first thing she 
intended to do. He was adorable enough to deserve a trip around the 
world. She'd make his first come with a female a memorable one. 

Joan picked David up, hugged him close, and kissed him. It was like no 
kiss David ever had. Joan let her lips go soft and her tongue touch his 
lips. He opened his lips and let her tongue probe his mouth. It touched 
his tongue and it felt like an electric shock. The combination of the 
kiss, her tits pressed against his bare chest, and his prick rubbing 
against the bare skin of her belly almost made him shoot off again.

Joan laid him down on the bed and lay down beside him. She kissed him 
again and David pushed his tongue into her mouth. He was a fast 
learner. After sucking each other's tongue, Joan licked her way around 
to David's neck. Wow, did that feel funny, a good sort of funny. It 
gave him goose flesh. David wiggled. Joan nibbled on his ear lobe then 
pushed her tongue into his ear. David almost jumped off the bed.

Joan licked her way around his neck to the other ear, gave that ear the 
same treatment and got the same reaction. She moved on down licking 
David's neck and upper chest. David wiggled again. The way he reacted 
to every move she made was beautiful. She licked one of his nipples and 
sucked on it till it hardened. 

David was startled. This was something new to him. "I'm a boy. My 
nipples aren't supposed to be sensitive. Why do they stand up like 

Joan didn't answer, giving David a trip around the world was too much 
fun. Her cunt was tingling from his reactions. She licked on his other 
nipple till it erected then laved his torso. David jumped again when 
she pushed her tongue into his navel. Joan continued down and wet his 
sparse pubic hair with her spit. Wow! She was going to suck his cock! 
He lifted his hips off the bed offering Joan the tender morsel.

As much as Joan wanted to suck a load of cum out of his pubescent cock 
she wasn't ready yet. She licked a couple of drops of pre cum from its 
head and continued on down the sides of his legs and then the bottom of 
his feet. David wiggled and giggled. 

He didn't know why but this was real sexy. Joan sucked on each of his 
toes then turned him over and started up the back of his legs. She 
reached the back of his knees and David jumped again. He didn't know he 
had so many sensitive spots.

David wiggled when Joan licked at the inside of his thighs. He lifted 
his hips and Joan sucked his balls into her mouth one at a time. He 
didn't know if he could last much longer, he felt he might shoot off 
before Joan ever got his prick into her mouth.

David's hips bounced when Joan licked his ass crack. Wow! how could she 
do something that was so nasty? Joan probed David's cute hairless 
pucker with her tongue and David almost went through the roof. Joan 
turned David on his back again. Now was the time but Joan wasn't in any 
hurry. She'd said she was going to drive David up a wall and she was 
going to do it.

She licked the drop of cum from the head of his prick and slowly ran 
her tongue around the rim. She massaged the underside of his prick with 
her tongue, her lips gathered in a little of the loose skin just under 
his pisshole and she sucked on it. David's head was up and he watched, 
awe struck, as her mouth slid over the head of his prick. His hips 
jerked and; spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; Joan sucked 
this load of sweet young boy cum into her mouth and swallowed it. David 
had never felt anything this good in his life. He wished he could have 
held off a little longer. Watching Joan drink his cum as it shot out of 
his prick was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen.

Joan had a sympathetic orgasm as she sucked that first load of cum out 
of his balls. His prick still didn't get soft and his hips kept 
pumping! Wow! Joan bobbed her head as David's hips relaxed back onto 
the bed. They didn't relax for long. His hips rose to meet her 
descending mouth. He fucked his prick into her mouth as fast as he 
could. Joan bobbed her head in time with his hip thrusts. Each time her 
head came up she massaged the sensitive underside of his prick with her 
tongue. She rubbed her tongue all over the head of his prick at the top 
of each stroke. She sucked as hard as she could on the way down and 
pressed his cock against the roof of her mouth with her tongue.

David was building up to a crescendo again. His hips arched up and; 
spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; another load of young 
boy cum gushed into Joan's greedy mouth. As before she sucked this load 
out and swallowed every drop. She sucked gently until David's hips 
relaxed again. He still had a hard on! 

At that point David wasn't very articulate. "Wow!"

Joan sat back on her heels and she grinned at David. She'd had several 
orgasms just from the reactions she got from David while she was giving 
him a blow job. "You liked that, did you?"

David grinned and shook his head yes. He cocked his head at her again 
then blushed. What could make him blush after the blow job she'd just 
given him. "Uh, Joan?"


"Uh, I've never seen a girl down there. Uh, can I look at you?"

"Now wait a minute. I know Susan's shown you her cunt."

David blushed again at the reference to Susan. He explained his 

"It's easy to see what a boy is like across the lot but you can't 
really see what a girl's like."

Now Joan grinned at him. "I don't know if I want you 'messing around 
down there' but if you want to explore my cunt, okay. I'll enjoy every 
minute of it. You do have a point there, a girl's plumbing is much 
better hidden than a boy's."

David grinned again, he was beginning to feel a little more comfortable 
with the situation. "Uh, can I see what the inside your cunt looks 
like? Is that better?"

"Now you've got the idea."

Joan lay down on her back, raised her knees, and spread her legs. David 
scooted between her legs and positioned his eyes about a foot away from 
Joan's sopping wet cunt. Wow! Did that smell good. He'd sometimes 
smelled a little of that odor around Susan but hadn't known what it 
was. He reached out his hand then looked up at Joan asking for 
permission to go farther.

"Go ahead. It doesn't have teeth and it won't bite you. Explore as much 
as you want, I'll enjoy it as much as you do. Wouldn't you like to have 
Susan play with your prick?"

David grinned and turned his attention to the strange piece of anatomy 
in front of his face. He ran a finger lightly along the slit he could 
see buried in Joan's bush. It was real wet and slick. He placed one 
hand on each side and spread the outer lips. By this time he was so 
engrossed in what he was doing that he almost forgot that this cunt was 
attached to Joan.

There were a pair of inner lips toward the bottom of the slit and a 
bump right at the top of that slit. He pushed one of his fingers into 
the slit. It slid right in with no resistance. He wiggled it back and 
forth and felt the slick sheath mold itself around his finger. This was 
where Susan pushed her finger. He pushed another finger in then 
another. Boy it sure would be neat to feel this around his prick. He 
wondered whether Joan was going to let him fuck her.

He rubbed the bump and Joan wiggled. He rubbed again and looked at her 
with his eyebrows raised.

"That's my clit. It gets hard just like your prick does and it's 
supposed to be just as sensitive as the head of your prick. Oooo, rub 
it again that feels good."

David rubbed it again and it did seem to get a little bigger. He rubbed 
it between his fingers and Joan wiggled again. He pulled his fingers 
from her cunt and he there was that good smell again. Wow! That smelled 
real neat. David blushed again, looked at Joan, and touched the tip of 
his tongue to his finger. He sucked his finger into his mouth. It 
tasted real neat too. 

Joan was watching him closely and startled him by reading his mind. "Go 
ahead, try it from the source. You might like it. Most men do and for 
sure your father does."

That was like a dare. He might not be a full grown man yet but he 
wasn't going to prove that he was only a boy. He moved toward Joan's 
cunt and licked her clit. It wasn't nasty at all! Joan's hips jerked 
and he licked again, harder. It felt good when Joan sucked his cock and 
Joan said her clit was just as sensitive. He molded his lips around 
Joan's clit, sucked, and massaged it with his tongue. He was pleased 
when he made Joan's hips come up off the bed. He was doing things 

David ran his tongue along the inner lips then thrust it between them. 
Wow, that really made Joan wiggle! He pushed his tongue in and out. He 
liked lapping cunt, he'd do it even if she didn't suck his cock in 
return. He sucked on the inner lips and rubbed them with his tongue. 
Joan tossed her head from side to side and moaned. He must be making 
her feel real good. It was as much fun making her feel good as it was 
to have her suck a load of cum out of his prick.

Joan had about as much as she could take. This pubescent kid had given 
her multiple orgasms. She'd lost count toward the end. She didn't 
remember having a more exquisite orgasm. David was very young and he 
was male. Any male ego, particularly a young one, thrives on praise. 
Joan supplied a little moral booster. "Boy, you're as good at that as 
your father is and he's one of the best cunt lappers I've ever met. Did 
you like your first taste of poon?"

David sat back on his heels and grinned. Joan thought he'd done a good 
job. Wow! His chest puffed up and he was proud of himself. "Gee, that 
was fun. I liked it. I liked that as much as I liked having you suck my 
cock. Uh, can I do it again?"

David moved his face back toward Joan's cunt. Joan grinned and wiggled 
while he licked a couple of times. Joan grabbed his ears and held his 
face so he was looking her in the eye. "Eager little fucker, aren't 
you? Wouldn't you rather find out how well your prick fits into that 
hole you just lapped?"

"Wow! Can I really fuck you? I always wanted to fuck a girl but I 
thought that I would be real old before I did. I didn't think I'd get a 
chance till I was at least fifteen or sixteen. Uh, do you really think 
my prick is big enough?"

Joan burst out laughing but pulled the young boy up along her body. He 
was more fun than a barrel of monkeys. As a matter of fact he was a lot 
more fun than most of the men she'd been to bed with. He had really 
enjoyed making her feel good.

"Here, put your knees between my legs and hold yourself up on your 

David followed her instructions and Joan guided his prick between the 
inner lips of her cunt. He had been right. That tight sheath did feel 
neat around his prick. It didn't quite feel the same as having his cock 
sucked but it felt just as good. He eased his hips down and felt Joan's 
cunt hair tickle his belly. That felt good too.

Nobody has to give a male, no matter what his age, instructions about 
what to do when his prick is in a woman's cunt. David's hips flexed and 
his prick rode out then back in again. As he lowered his hips Joan's 
came up to meet him. Her stomach slapped against his and that felt neat 
too. He pulled back and pushed in again. In his excitement he pulled 
back a little too far and his prick came out of Joan's cunt. There was a 
mad scramble as he tried to find the hole again. Joan reached down, 
positioned him again, and he resumed his pumping motion.

Joan's tits were in front of his face. He lowered his head and sucked 
the nipple into his mouth. It had felt real good when Joan had sucked 
on his nipples. He felt the nipple harden in his mouth and kept on 
sucking. His hips flexed even faster. Joan moaned, tossed her head, and 
met each one of his thrusts. He moved to the other nipple and sucked on 
that. Spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; His last virgin 
load of cum shot into Joan's cunt.

Joan expected David to slow down but she was mistaken. It may have his 
last load of virgin cum but it wasn't the last load of the day. It only 
served to add to the lubrication. He didn't miss a beat, his hips kept 
thrusting his prick in and out of her cunt at top speed. 

Joan was having continuous orgasms. She might share this treasure with 
her daughters but she certainly wasn't going to give him up. Her hips 
kept bouncing off the bed to meet each of David's thrusts. She didn't 
know how much more of his pumping she could take but she sure wasn't 
going to try and stop him.

Just as she thought she'd reached her limits; spurt, spurt, spurt, 
dribble, dribble, dribble; David delivered another load of young boy 
cum. At that point in time, neither of them were very eloquent.



After a moment Joan switched him around to suck his still hard prick 
clean. David saw Joan's sloppy cunt in front of his face. Well, he 
liked the taste of her cunt and he'd seen his father lick his cum out 
of Joan's cunt. David pushed his face forward and slurped some of the 
mixed juices out of Joan's cunt. 

Like everything else he'd done with Joan, it was neat. David sucked his 
cum out of Joan's cunt and licked all around to get the seepage. Joan 
licked his ass crack again! Some of his cum had leaked down along her 
ass crack. He followed the trail of cum and his tongue licked across 
her asshole. Joan jumped.

Gee, that wasn't nasty either. Joan was probing his ass with her tongue 
and it felt real neat. He hardened his tongue and tried to push it up 
her ass. Her hips really jerked then. David kept tongue fucking Joan's 
ass as long as she licked his. When Joan moved her attentions back to 
his prick he moved back to her cunt. This must be what they called a 
sixty nine. He'd seen his father do this with Joan Friday night. 
David ran his tongue all the way up the length of Joan's cunt then 
settled back to the things he'd learned earlier. He sucked her clit, 
rubbed it with his tongue, licked between the inner cunt lips, then he 
sucked them into his mouth while he massaged them with his tongue. 

Joan was doing as good a job on his prick as he was doing on her cunt. 
His hips flexed faster and faster. Joan's hips jerked and she rubbed 
her cunt all over his face. Spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, 
dribble; his prick delivered the sixth load of cum of the afternoon.
David collapsed onto the bed. They rested a few moments then Joan 
gathered David into her arms again and smothered him with kisses. His 
prick was still hard and he hunched his hips a couple of times as it 
pressed against her belly but he was worn out and his balls ached a 
little. Joan didn't know about David but she was sure that she couldn't 
take another round.

Joan looked at the clock. She chased David into the shower and followed 
him herself. Both of them stunk from sex. She wanted to shower with 
David but she knew that two people of the opposite sex in a shower 
together take longer than one after the other. They were dressed and 
presentable by the time Harry got back with the other kids.

Joan warned David that he wasn't to say anything to any of the other 
kids. David had a lot of questions but he didn't have a chance to ask 
them before the rest of the families arrived.

It was almost a half hour before Harry could get Joan by herself. He 
was dying of curiosity. After all David was only twelve. Had the pre-
teen ager been able to handle the situation? "Well, how did it go?"

"Susan's going to have to fight me for him."

"He didn't do bad then?"

"Bad! He'd make a fifty year old whore come at least a dozen times. 
Why, that kid's an absolute treasure. We ought to package him and sell 
him by the hour."

"What the hell happened? How did you get into his pants? Was he 
frightened at first? How did he handle the situation? I don't remember 
a thing about the movie, I was thinking about you and David and what 
you were doing. I had a hard on the whole while. I was having fantasies 
about how I would have reacted at his age under the same conditions."

"One thing's for sure, you couldn't have reacted any better. I didn't 
wear panties and I teased him by letting him see my cunt. His eyes 
popped out of his head and he pretended he wasn't trying to look. He 
went to the bathroom to jerk off and I walked in on him. He was 
startled rather than frightened. He did have an attack of conscience 
about stealing me from you. He didn't think it was right to be 'doing 
things', as he put it, with his father's girl.

"He was so cute and excited that I started with a trip around the 
world. He shot off his first load as soon as I got my mouth around his 
prick but he didn't get soft or stop pumping his hips. I sucked another 
load of cum out before he relaxed. He took to cunt lapping like a 
veteran and when I led him on, he even rimmed my ass. He is always hard 
and doesn't get soft when he shoots off. I almost passed out when he 
fucked through his first climax and took quite a while until his 

"Oh, I did warn him not to tell the other kids."

Sunday, April 3; Evening:

It was after dinner before David cornered his father with none of the 
other kids around. There were lots of things he had to know. "Uh, dad?"
Harry knew what was coming and he was very interested in what his son's 
reactions had been and what sort of questions he was going to ask. 


"You know what Joan and I did today."

"Yep, you were sort of set up. Joan and I had it all planned out."

"You don't mind that I fucked her and that I lapped her cunt and she 
sucked my cock?" David blushed. "Uh, Joan said I should use those 

"I'm sure Joan told you that your mother, Sam, Joan, and I had sex 
together for quite a while. We don't consider sharing to be stealing. 
If you're going to do the deeds you should use the words. However, 
those words that describe rather private acts and you rally shouldn't 
use them except with someone that you expect to perform those acts 
with. Don't sprinkle them through your speech or in general 

"Uh, Allen and I saw you uh, fuck Joan last night, then we watched 
while she sucked your cock and you lapped her cunt. Were we supposed to 
see you?"

"We weren't very quiet, were we? Watching your jerk off shows got us 
horny. Last night wasn't planned but I guess we didn't care very much 
if you did catch us fucking. You're pretty bright kids, didn't you 
suspect what Joan and I have been doing on Friday nights?"

"Uh, yeh, We sort of guessed you were doing that." David was struck 
with a thought. His mouth dropped open and he looked at his father. 
"Uh, is Joan going to do the same things with Allen that she did with 

"That's the plan."

"Are you going to do the same thing with Susan and Alice?"

"Well, that's where I drew a few lines. Joan wanted the girls to have 
an experienced partner the first time, and I wanted her to teach you 
about sex. I think you and Allen should have at least one virgin in 
your lives and I didn't want to take that chance away. We decided I 
should teach them about the joys of having their cunts lapped and, if 
they want to, how to suck cock. I don't want to take their maiden 

"When you and Joan teach the other kids about sex are we all going to 
do things together? We won't have to sneak around and spy on you to see 
you're doing with Joan? We won't have to have shows at night from 
different bedrooms?"

"When everything gets arranged, you kids can adopt any sleeping 
arrangements you want. If you want to try group sex, Joan and I would 
love it, but that will be up to you. Remember, nobody has to do 
anything with sex that they don't want to."


David paused to think things out. Events were moving rather fast. He 
might get to do things with Susan pretty soon but he wasn't sure how 
soon. David's brow furrowed and his face got serious again. "Oh, then 
I'm not supposed to do anything with Susan till you and Joan say it's 
all right?"

"You got it right buddy. You can keep up your nightly shows but no 
touching. Remember, she isn't on the pill and you could get her 

David went into another brown study. When he had his first wet dream, 
he'd told his father and they had talked about sex, but it had been 
pretty clinical. This was different, his father was being rather 
specific now, and was talking to David as if he were an adult. His 
father and Joan were being awfully good to him. He didn't know any 
other kids whose parents were teaching them all about sex. Maybe he 
should make some sacrifices. "Uh, Dad, you let me fuck Joan and you 
don't mind, I wouldn't mind it if you fucked Susan first."
Harry picked his son up and hugged and kissed him. "I love you David. 
You think that now but I'd prefer that you have the first chance."

"Uh, dad?"


David blushed and Harry wondered why he would do that at this point.
"Uh, it might take a while before you and Joan finish with the other 
kids. Is it all right if I sneak away with Joan now and then till that 

"I'm sure she'll be delighted if you can arrange it, but the way things 
are going I don't think it will take too long."

David cocked his head, grinned at his father, and jumped on him to hug 
and kiss him some more.

Sunday, April 3; Night: 

That night Susan was surprised at how forward David was. Tonight he 
didn't even blush when he got undressed. He came into the bedroom, 
turned on the light, pulled the shade up, and stripped off his clothes. 
He didn't turn around when he took off his underpants. He walked over 
to the window stood there, grinned, and fingered his prick as he waited 
for Susan to undress.

Susan had let David see her push her finger into her cunt but she was 
still shy about stripping in front of him. She still turned away when 
she took off her bra and panties and blushed when she turned toward the 

David lifted his balls and turned so she could see his prick in 
profile. He turned around, bent over, and spread his ass cheeks. It was 
cute the way his prick and balls hung down between his legs. She 
usually didn't see as much of it as she did now. David wondered if Joan 
was watching from downstairs and got real close to the window so she 
could see what he was doing if she was.

Susan tried to match David's exhibitionism. She cupped her hands under 
her budding tits, then she spread the lips of her cunt as far a she 
could. She turned and did the same thing from the rear. David could see 
the inner lips and the bump her clit made right over it.

Susan turned, bent over, and spread her ass cheeks. Wow! Her ass wasn't 
hairy like Joan's. David wanted to lean out the window and run his 
tongue over her cute pink pucker. He'd bet that would make her jump. 
Susan's cunt was exposed and he wondered if he could fuck her in this 
position. It might be fun. When he had the chance he would try it.

It was time for the main show. David spit on his hand and ran it up and 
down his prick. Susan didn't have to use spit, her cunt was as slick as 
it could get. She spread the outer lips of he cunt with one hand then 
pushed two fingers of the other between the slick inner lips. She 
pumped them in and out several times at the same rate of speed that 
David pumped on his prick. 

She pulled her fingers out of her cunt hole and rubbed her clit. David 
couldn't wait till he could lick her there until he made her hips jerk. 
He didn't expect it would be too long before he got the chance. He 
wanted to make Susan feel real good. 

Both kids were young and horny. They were ready to come. David held his 
prick with two fingers and moved to a profile position so Susan could 
see the jets of cum shoot from his pisshole. Susan shuddered and rubbed 
along the length of her outer cunt lips. Both of them grinned at each 
other and went to bed.

Allen and Alice undressed and jerked off for each other but they didn't 
have David's more advanced training to help them out.

Harry and Joan were watching from her living room window. David's act 
had her just as horny as she'd been that afternoon. Harry's hand was 
inside Joan's panties and was massaging her cunt. His fly was open and 
Joan was massaging his eight inch prick.

"That little fucker, and that's a rather accurate description of him, 
sure is an exhibitionist. I can see why you're attracted to his little 
prick. I never thought of it before but I guess women would be just as 
attracted to pubescent young boys as men are attracted to budding young 

"You better believe it. David is quite a show off, but he can act out 
his intentions as well as brag. I'd like to get the chance to take him 
on again. He was a lot of fun and he sure brought me off a lot of 

"You may get your chance at that. He asked if I minded if he tried to 
sneak off with you and do some of those things again. He didn't know if 
he could wait till we initiated the rest of the kids."

"Why that little devil, what did you tell him."

"I told him you liked sucking his cock and you'd probably enjoy it and 
that you'd take him up on it if he could figure out a way to get you 
alone without tipping off the rest of the kids."

"Good, we'll find out how inventive your little fucker can be. If you 
want to bet I'll take six to five that he manages it. After watching 
him I'm hot again, how about pumping a load of your cum into my cunt."

"You know the boys caught us last night, your girls might do the same 

"Good, I hope they do. Let's get things into the open."

"You're right. David said they'd already guessed what was going on 
Friday nights. Would you enjoy a good noisy fuck? Let's put a show on 
for the girls."

Joan's answer was to head to the couch, stripping off her clothes on 
the way. Harry followed her and had his pants off by time she lay back. 
He stopped to suck on her tits one at a time and run his tongue along 
the length of her cunt.

"Oooo! That feels good. Come on push your prick into me. Ahhh! that's 
even better. Fuck me, Harry, fuck me!"

"My pleasure, Joan. David doesn't seem to have worn you out."

As planned the noise attracted the attention of the girls. They arrived 
at the head of the stairs at the same time. They looked at each other 
and then paid attention to what was happening on the couch. Neither of 
them wanted to miss a thing that was going to happen.

They watched Harry fuck his prick in and out of their mother's cunt. 
Their mother shuddered and moaned like they did when the finger fucked 
themselves. Harry's hips jerked the same way the boys' hips did when 
they shot off. 

They were fascinated when Joan and Harry did the clean up bit. They 
were doing all the things the girls had discussed on Friday. They 
watched their mother suck Harry's prick into her mouth while he lapped 
her cunt. Wow! They continued to watch until Harry's hips jerked again 
and they saw their mother drink down a load of his cum. The way Joan 
moaned they were sure he was having orgasms at the same time.

They sneaked away after that and retired to Susan's room to discus what 
they'd seen. Alice now knew that women did suck on men's cocks and 
drink their cum. She also knew that men lapped women's cunts until they 
had their orgasms. She had only suspected that they did before but know 
she'd had a demonstration.

"Gee, mom sucked Harry's prick, girls do suck men's cocks. Harry lapped 
her cunt so I guess boys really do lap girls' cunts too. I want Allen 
to fuck me and I think I'd like him to lick my cunt too, but I don't 
think I could suck his cock or lick his ass though. That seems nasty."

"I don't know. I want David to fuck me and lap my cunt. If I have to 
suck his cock I don't think I'd mind it too much. Mom seemed to like 
doing it with Harry, maybe none of it's as nasty as it seems. Uh, David 
turned around and spread his ass cheeks tonight. His pucker was sort of 
cute, I think I could even lick it if he wanted me too. It doesn't make 
any difference though, we're not going to get a chance to do anything 
like that for a long time."

"I guess not, but I sure would like to fuck Allen right now. I'm all 
wet down there again. I wonder how it would feel if Allen pushed his 
finger in my cunt?"

"Gee, I'd like to have David do that to me too, and I want to play with 
his prick. It would be neat to make him shoot that stuff out the end. I 
wonder if it feels any better if someone else plays with you." Susan 
paused for a second. "Uh, Alice?"


"You finger fuck me and I'll finger fuck you? It won't be a boy, but 
it'll be someone else doing it."

Alice wasn't as reticent as Allen had been. She liked the idea. She was 
all for it.

"Gee, yeh. That would be neat!"

"Let's do it. Can I feel your tits? I wish mine were that big."
Susan fondled her sister's tits. It was neat the way her nipple got 
hard. Her own nipples got hard when she fondled them, or when she saw 
David naked, but they didn't stick out nearly as far as Alice's. She 
pushed a finger into Alice's cunt and pumped it in and out. Alice was 
probing Susan's cunt and it felt better than when you did it to 

Each of the girls pumped her middle finger into her sister's cunt and 
flexed her hips to get more action from what her sister was doing to 
her. Both of them had orgasms and they gradually slowed to a stop. 
Would it be any better if it were doing this with the boys? This was 
useless speculation. They knew that they wouldn't have a chance to find 
out very soon.

"I like doing that, let's do it again. Uh, let me do you this time then 
you do me. I want to concentrate more than we did last time."

Alice didn't answer but lay back on the bed and spread her legs. Susan 
moved between her legs and got a good view of her cunt. Alice's cunt 
did look sort of neat. She could see why a boy might want to lick it. 
Susan pulled her finger out of Alice's cunt and sat there and looked at 
her hand. 

What did a cunt tasted like. She cautiously sniffed at her finger, it 
didn't smell bad at all. She tentatively licked it, grinned, then 
sucked her finger into her mouth. Alice as startled. 

"How could you do that? Doesn't it taste nasty?"

"Well, I know I want David to lap my cunt and I was thinking about 
having David do it. I wondered what it would taste like to a boy. It 

wasn't bad at all." Susan hesitated. "Uh, it tasted pretty good. If you 
want I'll lap your cunt for you."

If Susan did it to her, and she really wanted to find out what it felt 
like, she would feel honor bound to do the same thing for Susan. Could 
she make herself do that? She pushed a finger into Susan's cunt again, 
tested it with a careful lick, and made a quick decision.

"You do me first?"

Susan got between Alice's legs and moved her head toward Alice's 
crotch. It was a little scary but Alice's cunt smelled real good to 
her. It couldn't be all that bad, it hadn't seemed to bother Harry. She 
lowered her head and licked the outer lips of Alice's cunt. It wasn't 
bad at all. She pushed her tongue between the outer lips and licked 
along the inner ones. Alice had been holding her breath. When she felt 
Susan's tongue she let the breath out, wiggled, and rubbed her cunt 
against Susan's face.

Susan's nose rubbed against Alice's clit. It was almost an inch long. 
She rubbed the head of the clit with her tongue and Alice jumped. She 
wrapped her lips around the clit and sucked. Alice's hips arched up off 
the bed again. Susan alternated between licking the inner lips of 
Alice's cunt and sucking her clit. Alice moaned and tossed her head 
from side to side. Alice never acted like this when she finger fucked 
herself. She redoubled her effort. Alice couldn't take any more and she 
pushed Susan's head away.

"Ohhh! You wouldn't believe how good that feels. It beats finger 
fucking by a mile. Wait a minute and I'll do you."

As soon as Alice recovered she went to work on her little sister. She 
cautiously lowered her face toward her sister's cunt, she liked the 
rutty odor too. She tested the moisture on the outer lips with her 
tongue and it tasted even better than it did from her finger. There 
wasn't anything nasty about it. If Allen's prick smelled this good and 
his cum tasted as good as Susan's cunt juice, she wouldn't mind sucking 
his prick at all. 

Alice had taken lessons from Susan. She gently nibbled on Susan's clit 
and Susan almost went through the roof. It was fun making Susan react 
like that. It would be just fun making Allen act that way too. Even if 
it gagged her she would suck his cock one day. She had Susan bouncing 
and wiggling just as she had done when Susan lapped her cunt. 

Susan pushed her head away and the girls hugged and kissed. Each held 
the other in her arms until they'd both calmed down. Each was surprised 
she enjoyed lapping her sister's cunt as much as having her cunt lapped 
by her sister.

They rested that way for a few minutes then each of them slid a finger 
back into her sister's cunt. They kissed each other and Susan slid her 
body around so her mouth was over Alice's cunt. She licked and Alice 
followed suit by licking at her cunt lips. It wasn't long until both 
girls were at it hot and heavy. It took a little longer this time. Both 
girls had had a recent climax and each of them had the diversion of 
lapping their sister's cunt to hold their attention. Both shuddered, 
eased off, and rested again.

"Uh, Alice?"


"I wonder what the boys would do if we let them see us do that?"

"Gee, if we get a chance lets try it."

Joan came up the stairs while the girls were lapping each other's 
cunts, listened at the door, and rubbed her own cunt while she 
listened. Things were moving much faster than she had expected. They 
weren't going to get those kids trained any too soon.

When they were finished, she quickly went back downstairs. She waited 
till Alice came out of Susan's room and caught her in the same 
infraction Harry had caught David. Now all they had to do was set her 
up alone with Harry. 

                               Chapter - 4

Monday, April 4:

The next morning Joan told Harry what the girls were up to. What the 
girls were doing shocked neither of them. They suspected seeing them 
sixty nine had driven them to more sophisticated methods of relieving 
their sexual drives. They were rather glad things had come to a head 
and were now sure that their approach was the right one for the 

Alice was the next victim. They considered what had been done and 
decided tonight would be too soon after David's being grounded. It 
would begin to look fishy. David would know what was going on but it 
might arouse the other two kids' suspicions. It would be arranged for 
Joan would take the kids to the movie on Tuesday night. Harry found 
that he was rather impatient to get on with the seduction.
Monday night went as usual. The kids were separated by an empty lot and 
they put on their separate shows. 

After her experience last night Alice looked at Allen's prick from a 
different perspective. What would it be like to suck it into her mouth. 
The more she thought about it the better she liked the idea. If she 
sucked on it would he lap her cunt? 

Susan paid more attention to David's pubescent prick too. Thinking 
about sucking it made her mouth water as well as her cunt. She thought 
she would like sucking on David's prick until he shot off even if he 
didn't want to lap her cunt in return.

Tuesday, April 5; Afternoon:

On Tuesday David got inventive. Now he was initiated to full color sex, 
jerking off wasn't nearly as much fun any more. It was much neater to 
do things with a girl. One look at Joan when he got home from school 
and his eyes lit up. 

His prick had been hard all day thinking about what had happened two 
days earlier. David had to think of a way to get Joan off by herself. 
David developed a toothache, and asked Joan to take him to the dentist. 
He even had Joan fooled, but not for long.

As soon as she had him in the car, David reached up under her dress, 
pushed his hand into the leg hole of her panties, grinned, and plunged 
three fingers in and out of her cunt. Joan didn't push his hand away. 
She wiggled her hips and looked for a quiet, secluded place to park. 
She found the spot she was looking for just as David brought her off 
for the first time.

Joan pulled the car into a blind dead end street with no houses and 
parked. She pulled David to her, hugged and kissed him, then pushed her 
tongue into his mouth. David rubbed her tongue with his and pushed 
back. David leaned over and Joan felt his hard prick pressed against 
her side.

"David, I think it's something beside your tooth that's aching. Your 
father told me that you would try something like this but you put on a 
real good act. I didn't know what you were up to until you pushed your 
finger in my cunt. Let's get that cute little tool of yours out and see 
what we can do for it. I think I know how to make all those aches 

Joan unzipped David's pants and pulled out his prick. She'd never seen 
it when it wasn't hard. She sucked it into her mouth. With his 
adolescent hair trigger, he shot off at once. Joan swallowed his sweet 
tasting young boy cum and continued sucking.

David closed his eyes and pumped his hips. This felt just as good as he 
remembered it. In about two minutes the tension built up in his loins 
again, he arched his hips off the seat and shot another load of cum 
into Joan's sucking mouth. His hips relaxed again and he grinned at 
Joan. Now David knew it was his turn to lap Joan's cunt. That was as 
much fun as getting his cock sucked. He wouldn't miss it for the world.

David pulled up Joan's dress and, as she lifted her hips, pulled down 
her panties. He got down on his knees between her legs and inhaled 
deeply. Joan's cunt smelled just as good as he remembered it. He ran 
his tongue along Joan's slit, it tasted just as good as it had too. 
Joan lifted her hips and he darted his tongue into her asshole. He 
remembered all the lessons he'd learned on Sunday, he wasn't going to 
miss a trick. He lapped her cunt and sucked her clit until Joan moaned 
and bounced around on the seat.

"You're the best little muff diver I've ever run across, David, and I 
think you've developed a real taste for poon. Now let's get into the 
back seat and I'll fuck you before we have to get home."

Sometimes, just like his father, Joan used words that David didn't 
know, but he usually could pick up the meaning from the context. He 
liked those two words and tucked them into his vocabulary. He'd dive 
into any muff he could find and he thought poon tasted real good.

They moved into the back seat and Joan had David lay on his back. This 
was new to David but he couldn't see anything wrong with the idea. If 
Joan got on top she could slide her cunt up and down his prick as 
easily as he could push his prick in and out of a woman's cunt. He was 
prepared to enjoy himself.

Joan moved over David, held his prick in position, and eased her hips 
down. David arched his back and drove his three inch prick as far into 
Joan's cunt as he could get it. Joan lifted up and he relaxed his hips 
then drove back up again. Wow! He'd never get too much of this. David 
was panting and Joan was having orgasms by the time his first load of 
cum was released.

David kept on pumping. Joan hung on for the ride. David was one of the 
best lovers she'd ever had. In five minutes David shot another load of 
cum into Joan's cunt and she was hanging on for dear life. David's hips 
collapsed onto the car seat, he'd had enough for now and his balls were 
beginning to ache. Joan was well satisfied by the encounter. Susan was 
going to have to fight her for this little satyr.

After licking each other clean they rearranged their clothes and drove 
back home. David was sorry that they hadn't had time to sixty nine, 
that had been fun on Sunday. Joan looked him over and laughed. "David, 
look at your fly. It's soaked with cum and cunt juice. You better sneak 
into the house and change before anyone else sees you."

David, looked down, blushed, and guessed she was right. He was struck 
by a thought. "Uh, Joan?"


"Is dad going to do things with Alice tonight?"

"You got it. I don't know about things, but I do know he'll lap her 
cunt and at least have her jerk him off, I guess you know by now he 
won't fuck her. How did you ever guess?"

"Well, I - oh, you're teasing me."

"I guess I am."

"Boy, would I like to stay home and peek. That would be neat."

"So would I but we can't. Don't be so impatient, you'll get your chance 
with Susan and Alice too."

"Gee, do you think Alice will want to do things with me? I hadn't 
thought of that. I'd like to lap her cunt and have her fuck me too but 
I sort of thought she'd just want to do things with Allen."

"Remember your father and Allen will most likely want to do things with 
Susan too. Do you think you'd mind that?"

David had to stop and think that one over. He had thought of Susan as 
being exclusively his. Would Susan want that? For that matter did he 
want to give up doing things with Joan? Didn't he want to do things 
with Alice too? He furrowed his brow and looked at Joan with his head 
cocked to one side.

"Uh, gee, I don't know. Sometimes I think I want Susan for myself but I 
guess if she wanted to, I wouldn't mind too much. Dad doesn't mind when 
I do things with you and I don't want to stop that either. Gee, I guess 
it's only fair for Susan to do things with dad and Allen if she wants 
too. I wouldn't want to not do things with you."

"David, you're a gem. I love you. Here we are home, better sneak in and 
change your pants."

Tuesday, April 5; Evening:

Both families had dinner together and David invented a story about what 
happened at the dentist. Harry looked at Joan and she grinned and nodded 
her head. 

Harry decided he would do some reading so Alice's punishment went into 
effect. She would stay home while the rest of the kids went to the 
movies. As they left for the movies David ginned at his father.

"Have a good time, Dad."

"I'll enjoy it at least as much as you enjoyed that trip to the dentist 
this afternoon."

David's Eyebrows shot up and he blushed. How did his father know? He 
had changed his pants and he didn't think it showed anywhere else. His 
father hadn't been alone with Joan since he got home from work. She 
couldn't have told him what they'd done. He knew that Joan would tell 
Harry but how had he found out so soon? Sometimes he wondered how 
adults found out all the things they did.

As Joan had suggested Harry changed into some light shorts and left off 
his underwear. He seated himself in the living room with a book and 
hollered for Alice to come in when she knocked on the door. Alice knew 
she'd been in the wrong and hadn't complained too much. She didn't know 
what her mother would do to her if she knew what she and Susan had been 
doing in Susan's room.

She would put the time to good use by practicing her seductive walk in 
front of Harry. He looked up as she walked past and grinned at her. 
Alice went into the kitchen, got a soft drink, and twitched back out. 
Harry looked up again, lifted his book, and looked at his lap.

"Now look at what you've done to me, Alice."

Alice saw his eight inch prick pushing out the front of his pants. She 
got confused. He had always been very careful not to say anything about 
sex to her before. She practiced in front of Harry because he wouldn't 
say anything. Her cunt got wet at the sight of that big bulge, but she 
wished she could see it bare. She blushed and Harry went on the attack.
"If you're doing it on purpose, I think it's only right for you to do 
something about it."

Alice blushed some more. She couldn't take her eyes from that big 
prick. Joan and Harry were absolutely correct that the kids were ready 
for bigger and better things. Last week she'd have run and hid. She was 
ready to go farther now but it was difficult to talk about it to Harry.
"Gee, I'm sorry, Harry, I was doing it on purpose but I didn't mean to 
make you uncomfortable. Uh, uh," 

Gee, maybe this was a chance to feel a prick. Harry seemed to be 
suggesting something like that. "Uh, if you want I'll try to do 
something for you."

She blushed some more and turned her head. Harry wasn't going to let 
her off. "Come on now, what can you do for me?"

Alice still wasn't comfortable talking about such things with someone 
of the opposite sex. "Uh, well, I could play with it till that stuff, 
uh, shoots out." Then with a little more confidence, "I think I'd like 
to do that."

Harry continued on the attack. "You know stuff shoots out because you 
saw it shoot out of Allen's and David's pricks?"

Again, Alice was flustered. "You know about what we do at the windows?"

Harry gave her no room, "Yes, and you finger fucked yourself while 
Allen was watching."

Alice suddenly realized Harry wasn't angry about it at all. "And you're 
not mad? You and mom aren't going to punish us?"

Harry gave her a reassuring grin, "Why should we punish you? You're 
doing what comes naturally. Joan didn't want your first encounter to be 
with an amateur. We felt you've been going pretty far with the boys and 
might decide to go farther. She wanted me to teach you how some things 
are done."

Alice was shocked. "Mom knows about this!" Alice stopped and her 
eyebrows shot up. "Oh, gee, did mom do things with David on Sunday."

This time Harry laughed, "Right on the button, and he had a ball." 
Harry gently took both of her hands in his, and looked directly into 
her eyes. "Now to be serious. You were set up, but you don't have to do 
anything. When it comes to sex, remember it's supposed to be fun, never 
do anything you don't want. Now, if you want to forget about this it's 
all right with me. I really mean that, I won't mind if the only thing 
you want is to watch me jerk off. If one of the partners in a sex act 
isn't having fun, neither of them is. More than half the fun is making 
the other person feel good."

Alice stood there, her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide. She 
enjoyed lapping Susan's cunt because she made Susan feel good. Susan 
said she felt the same way about it. Now she had to decide if she 
wanted to make Harry feel good. He had placed the whole decision on 
her. If she said no, everything would stop right here. At this point 
she was absolutely sure she didn't want things to stop.

She could get to feel Harry's prick and feel a man's fingers in her 
cunt. If she asked him to lap her cunt would she have to suck his cock. 
It wouldn't be fair if she didn't do it. Did she really want to suck 
his cock? If she didn't then she didn't want him to lap her cunt 
because she would feel bad about it. She wanted to have Harry lick her 

Once her thought processes got that far she took a deep breath, that 
settled matters. "Uh, I do want you to teach me things, Harry, but I'm 
a little scared. I've never done anything with a boy before. I really 
don't know what to do."

"Why don't we start by getting undressed. I think you want to see me 
and I want to see you. Just remember, nothing that you don't want."
Harry stripped, Alice examined his prick. Would Allen's be as big as 
that some day. Harry helped her off with her clothes. She reached down, 
touched the head of his prick then looked at him. "Uh, can I play with 
it till the stuff shoots out?"

"Be my guest."

Alice squatted on the floor between his legs, her face no farther than 
a foot from his prick. It was fascinating. The plum shaped knob on the 
end was a deep bluish red. The shaft was white and there were blue 
veins running from the head to the root.

She took hold with her thumb and forefinger and pulled a little. The 
silky skin moved over the iron hard shaft. A drop of clear liquid 
formed on the end. Alice spread it across the head of Harry's prick. It 
was real slick just like her cunt juice. 

She grinned and looked up to Harry's face. "Allen always spits on his 
hand, should I do that?"

Harry grinned back and nodded his head. "If you want. It makes your 
hand slide better."

Alice spit into the palm of her hand and ran it up and down Harry's 
prick. She watched what her hand was doing then the expression on his 
face. Harry grinned and pumped his prick through her loosely held 
fingers. That was neat. The skin started to stick so she spit on her 
hand again, squeezed harder and pumped faster.

Harry grunted and his hips moved faster. He wasn't grinning any more. 
Alice was waiting for that stuff shoot out of his prick. Harry panted 
and grunted louder. She felt the beat of his pulse in his prick. She 
squeezed her hand harder and pumped faster. Harry's hips came off the 
couch. A jet of cum hit her on the cheek and the next spurt flew into 
her open mouth. Alice almost gagged on it then decided she liked it. 
More of the grayish white viscose fluid ran down her hand as Harry's 
prick got soft.

Alice looked at the grayish white gooey fluid on her hand, barely 
touched her tongue to it, hesitated, then licked it off. She liked the 
taste of cum. It was even better than Susan's cunt juice and that had 
tasted real neat. She wasn't going to mind sucking Allen's cock and 
having him shoot his cum in her mouth. When Harry's prick got hard 
again she was going to try it. Then she'd know what to do when she and 
Allen finally got together.

Maybe some of the other things she thought were nasty would turn out 
the same way. She looked up at Harry again, she blushed, and licked the 
cum from the head of his prick. Wow! His hips jerked and his prick 
started to get hard again. Alice licked the cum from the rest of his 
prick and grinned at him.

Harry was surprised at how fast Alice moved ahead. It was becoming even 
more obvious that the kids were ready for their sex lessons. After 
licking his prick, Alice deserved some tender loving care. 

He carried her to his bedroom, and prepared to give her a trip around 
the world. Harry laid down beside her, kissed her, and pushed his 
tongue into her mouth. She was a fast learner, she rubbed his tongue 
with hers and pushed hers into his mouth. 

They kissed again then Harry licked his way around Alice's neck. Wow, 
that really gave her goose flesh. Alice wiggled. Harry nibbled on her 
ear lobe then, when he pushed his tongue into her ear, Alice almost 
jumped off the bed.

Harry licked around to her other ear, probed it, then moved down 
Alice's neck and upper chest. Harry was pleased with the reactions he 
could get from this adolescent kid with his every move. He licked one 
of her nipples and sucked on it till it hardened. Alice was surprised 
to feel a twinge in her cunt. She knew it felt neat to rub her tit but 
hadn't realized she would feel it in her cunt if it were sucked. The 
nerves in her nipples were connected to her cunt.

Harry was having as much fun giving Alice a trip around the world as 
she was having getting it. He switched tits and sucked on her other 
nipple till it was as erect and hard as the first then laved his way 
down to her torso. Alice jumped again when he pushed his tongue into 
her navel. Harry continued down and wet down her pubic hair with his 
spit. Wow! He was going to lap her cunt! Alice lifted her hips off the 
bed offering Harry easy access to her soaking slit.

Harry wasn't ready yet. He ran his tongue along the length of the 
proffered cunt to collect the excess moisture, and continued on down 
the sides of her legs and the bottom of her feet. Alice wiggled and 
giggled. She didn't know why but this was real sexy. Harry sucked on 
each of her toes then turned her over and started up the back of her 
legs. When he reached the back of her knees Alice jumped again. She 
never knew she had so many sensitive spots. 

Alice really wiggled when Harry licked the inside of her thighs. She 
lifted her hips and Harry licked her cunt again. Alice didn't know if 
she could last much longer, she was afraid she would have her orgasms 
before Harry ever got to lapping her cunt.

Alice almost bounced off the bed when Harry licked her ass crack. Wow! 
It felt real good, but how could he do something that nasty? Harry 
probed her asshole with his tongue. Alice almost went through the roof. 
Harry turned Alice on her back again. Jane had described what she'd 
done with David and Harry was going to give Alice as good a trip, he 
wasn't in any hurry.

He licked along the outer lips of Alice's cunt again then pushed his 
tongue between them to tickle her clit. Alice's clit was almost an inch 
long, as long as a baby boy's prick. He'd found out long ago that clits 
this long were usually very sensitive. He could really suck it into his 
mouth and give it a working over. He applied as much suction as he 
could and massaged the shaft with his tongue. He bobbed his head up and 
down. Alice bounced all over the bed.

It had been a lot of fun when she and Susan lapped each other's cunt 
but Harry really knew what he was doing. She'd started to have orgasms 
when Harry licked her ass now she was out of this world. Harry gathered 
her inner cunt lips into his mouth and gave them the same treatment he 
had given her clit.

Alice moaned and she tossed her head back and forth. When she was sure 
she couldn't take any more Harry eased up and gently licked just inside 
the outer lips of her cunt. Her orgasms subsided and her hips relaxed 
back onto the mattress.

Wow! If sex was always like this she wanted to have a lot of it. She 
had to try some of those things on Allen, and David too, if Susan 
didn't mind. She'd bet she could have David jumping all over the bed.
Harry was right about sex! She wasn't thinking of how good Allen or 
David could make her feel, she was thinking of how good she could make 
them feel. Right now all she'd done was jerk Harry off. That wasn't 
right, not after what Harry had done for her. "Oh, Harry, I never felt 
anything like that before in my life. I'm glad mom wanted you to teach 
me about sex. I want to do things you now. Do You want to put it in me? 
I think I'd like that."

It was time for the language lecture. "I'd never want to put it in you 
Alice but I might want to fuck you. I enjoyed giving you that trip 
around the world. Your mother and I like to use the proper words for 
the proper occasions."

This wasn't quite as easy for Alice at first. "Uh, all right. Harry, 
will you, uh, fuck me?" Alice blushed. This was the first time she'd 
used that word with anyone but her sister.

Harry used the prepared excuse, "You aren't on the pill and I don't 
have a condom. I'm not getting a fourteen year old pregnant. I want to 
fuck you and when your mother gets you on the pill I will and I know 
I'll enjoy it, but not till then."

Alice was stopped by this. She hadn't thought it out but Harry was 
right. What else could she do? That trip around the world had been 
great. "Uh, then I guess I could do the same thing to you that you did 
to me." Suddenly she grinned. "I could practice on you so I know what 
to do with Allen and David. I'd like that. Can I do that to you? I've 
never, uh, I never sucked a cock before."

Harry's grinned. Alice hugged him and pursed her lips for a kiss. She 
realized that was wrong and opened her lips to brush his lips with her 
tongue. Harry opened his mouth to accept her tongue, she marveled again 
at how exciting it was. She rubbed her tongue against his and sucked 
his tongue into her mouth. It was just as good this time as it had been 
the time before.

Alice did the things Harry had done to her. She licked around to his 
ear, nibbled on his earlobe, and probed his ear canal. She got the same 
responses that he had gotten from her. She licked her way down his 
chest then licked one of his nipples. It got hard under her tongue just 
the way her nipples did! That was interesting, boy's nipples were 
sensitive too. She'd remember that when she did things with Allen and 
David. She licked the other nipple till it was in an aroused state and 
continued to the tongue probe of his navel. Harry jumped just as far as 
she had.

Alice licked her way down to Harry's aroused prick. Was she going to be 
able to get all of it into her mouth? Well she didn't have to try yet. 
She lapped up the drops of pre cum. Harry's hips came off the bed just 
as hers had. She did the same thing Harry had, she licked on down his 

Alice licked Harry's feet and got a good response from him. She turned 
him over and got his hips to jump when she licked the backs of his 
knees. He wiggled as much as she had while she laved his inner thighs. 
She wanted to lick Harry's hairy ass but her head stopped when she 
tried to move it in that direction. She settled for sucking on his 
balls. Each of them was a mouthful and the way Harry wiggled she knew 
it felt good to him.

Harry rolled over on his back and his prick was throbbing with his 
pulse. Alice licked all around Harry's prick. She noticed how he 
reacted more when she licked right under the pisshole so she continued 
doing it. Harry had his hips off the bed again and this time Alice took 
the plunge. She opened her mouth as wide as possible and lowered it 
over Harry's prick.

Harry's hips bucked and Alice had six inches of hard prick in her 
mouth. She felt the head of his prick hit the back of her throat and 
almost gagged. She swallowed to stop the reflex, that made Harry jump. 
Alice swallowed again. She lifted her head and pressed Harry's prick 
against the roof of her mouth with her tongue. As she lowered her head 
again Harry's hips came off the bed and drove another inch of his prick 
down her throat.

It didn't bother Alice, she swallowed and got another neat reaction 
from Harry. On her next head bob, her chin rested on Harry's balls and 
Her nose was in his crotch hair. It felt as if half his prick was 
pushed down her throat. She swallowed each time his cock pumped into 
her throat and got a neat reaction each time.

Even a mature male can't take much of this action. Harry grunted and 
lifted his hips one more time and a Jet of cum squirted right down 
Alice's throat. She lifted her head and sucked the rest of Harry's load 
from his gradually deflating prick. Alice kept right on nursing until 
Harry pulled her head away. He pulled her up beside him and hugged and 
kissed her.

Harry looked at the clock. The family would be home soon. He had time 
to give Alice a quick lap job before they arrived. He got between her 
legs and brought her to several orgasms in a rather short time.

Alice had lots of questions but Jane and the kids arrived before she 
had a chance to ask them. She resolved to corner her mother at the 
earliest possible time.

She did things that had Allen blushing that night. He did his best to 
keep up with her but she just had more experience than he had.

                              Chapter - 5

Wednesday, April 6; Afternoon:

Alice didn't corner Joan until after school the next day. The rest of 
the kids were doing homework and she had a chance to discuss what had 
gone on. She was practically bursting. "Mom?"

Joan knew exactly what was coming. "Yes?"

"You know what Harry and I did last night?"

"Well, you jerked him off and licked his prick, then he gave you a trip 
around the world. You wanted him to fuck you but he wouldn't so you 
gave him the same treatment he gave you. By the way, he said you were a 
pretty good cocksucker. After that he lapped you cunt one more time 
before we got home."

Alice blushed when her mother referred to her as a cocksucker. Joan 
noticed the blush, "Don't be embarrassed. That's a compliment coming 
from Harry. You have the most fun when you know you're giving 

"Yeh, I found that out last night. I want to do those things with Allen 
and have him fuck me too. How soon can I go on the pill?"

"Well, As soon as Allen and Susan are initiated I'll get you to the 
gynecologist for a prescription. I don't suppose that will take more 
than a week."

"Oooo, good! Uh, mom?"


"Was it fun doing things with David?"

"It sure was. Susan's going to have to fight me for that little bugger. 
It's fun to suck Harry's big cock, but I can do a lot more with David's 
little three incher. We adults have as much fun with sex as you kids 

"Uh, how soon do you think it will be before you get a chance to 
initiate Allen?"

"Not long I expect. If it is, I won't get much peace around here. 
David's after my snatch. He didn't have a toothache yesterday he just 
wanted to get me alone."

"Oh, wow! could I do something with him while your teaching Allen and 

"No way! He could get you just as pregnant with his twelve year old cum 
as Harry could and he's more likely to, he can shoot off ten times in a 
row. You'll have to be satisfied with having your sister lap your cunt 
till things are set up."

Alice went beet red. "You know about that?"

"Yep, the two of you did it after you watched Harry and me screwing 
Sunday night."

"You know about that too?"

"Of course. We weren't being very quiet about it. We were tired of 

"Oh! Uh, your not mad about Susan and me doing things, uh, lapping each 
other's cunts?"

"Why should I be. Sex is fun. Sally and I did that while we waited for 
the men to get ready again. It's a good way to pass the time. Anything 
you want to do with is perfectly okay as long as no one gets hurt. That 
'hurt' means psychological too. You don't want anyone to do something 
that might bother them later."

Alice studied this philosophy for a while. "Harry told me the same 
thing and I guess I know what you mean. Harry licked my ass and I 
wanted to do it to him but I just couldn't make myself do it. He never 
said a word about it and he licked my ass again the last time he lapped 
my cunt. It felt real good when he did it to me but I just couldn't do 
it. It doesn't seem fair to have someone do something for you when you 
can't do the same thing for them."

"That's it, don't do it if it bothers you. You ought to think about 
that though. Did you think you'd like sucking Harry's cock?"
"Gees, no. I was really frightened that I might gag if he shot off in 
my mouth."

"From what Harry said you rather enjoyed it, didn't you?"

"Uh, yeh, When I tasted his cum I liked it."

"Having your ass licked is neat and you can get a reaction from licking 
ass that's a lot of fun too. You might want to try it and find out if 
that isn't the same way. You can always stop if it really disturbs you. 
Men seem to react more to that than women. You might want to use it as 
a special treat someday on Allen. Don't do it till you're ready, then 
you'll have as much fun doing it as the rest of us."

"'The rest of you', did David to do it to you?"

"I didn't suggest it, he did it to me as soon as I did it to him, but 
that shouldn't make you do it. Wait until you're ready. Look what time 
it is, aren't you supposed to be doing your homework?"

Alice went to do her homework but didn't do too well. There was too 
much else on her mind.

Wednesday, April 6; Evening:

That night Harry had to work late. David let the cat out of the bag, and 
the boys went on to bigger and better things. The kids had their nightly 
show and David went to Allen's room to discuss what was going on, and 
incidentally for a mutual jerk off. It sure felt better when Allen 
jerked him off. Not as good as fucking Joan or having her suck his prick 
but he couldn't figure a way to get alone with Joan. 

Allen was ready and willing. He still thought a mutual jerk off was the 
greatest. They fondled each other's prick, not wanting to be too quick 
about it when David made the slip. "Gee, having you jerk me off is 
almost as good as getting a blow job."

Allen was startled, what the hell was David talking about? "Huh? When 
did you ever get a blow job?"

To Allen's astonishment, David started to cry. He huddled up on a 
corner of the bed and cried as if his heart was breaking. Allen 
couldn't stand to see his happy go lucky brother in this condition. 
David wasn't a cry baby, he couldn't remember the last time he'd seen 
David cry. 

He put his arm around David and made soothing noises. "It can't be that 
bad. I don't mind if you were making things up. Why are you crying so?"
David continued to sob, "Uh, I promised not to let you know what was 
going to happen. I promised dad and Joan and they'll never forgive me."
This didn't make sense but Allen continued to soothe his kid brother. 
"I'll never let on I know, David. Whatever it is I won't let them know 
that you told me. What could be so bad? Uh, you said you had a blow 
job. When could that have happened and how could they have found out? 
You're not making sense."

David calmed down some and sat there looking at his brother. "I don't 
think you can keep it from them. You'll have to be a good actor or Joan 
will know right away."

This was very perplexing, "Why would I have to put on an act? Why would 
Joan know right away? What will she know?" Allen threw his arms up into 
the air. "What the hell are you talking about?"

David started to sob again and Allen made some more soothing noises. 
David took a deep breath. "Uh, I guess the best way is to tell it from 
the start."

David got some Kleenex, wiped his eyes, blew his nose, looked at his 
brother, and took a couple more deep breaths. "It all happened when I 
was on restriction on Sunday, Joan sucked my cock, I fucked her, and I 
lapped her cunt."

Now Allen was really startled. "I don't believe it! Why would she do 

David's sobbing had eased off. "Well, dad and Joan both want us kids to 
be trained right when it comes to sex and they saw us jerking off at 
the window. They figured that we might do more things soon and decided 
they had to work fast. Joan, uh, what's the word, oh, seduced me on 
Sunday and dad did the same with Alice last night. Joan is going to do 
the same thing with you next time you get grounded and dad is going to 
do it with Susan as soon as they find some reason to ground her."

Having revealed this much David was a little more relaxed, he grinned 
at Allen. "I didn't have a toothache yesterday. I wanted to be alone 
with Joan and we did the same things again."

"Wow! I don't believe it." Allen's needle might have been stuck but his 
mind was going a mile a minute. He did believe it. His brother might 
tell stories sometimes but he couldn't be making up something like 
this. He wanted to hear all the details. It was obvious that his little 
brother knew a lot more about sex than he did. "Gee, David, you gotta 
tell me everything that happened. You just gotta! Please?"

David led Allen, step by step, and lick by lick, through the trip around 
the world. When David got to the bit about the nipples, Allen rubbed his 
and felt them erect. Every now and then he squeezed his brother's prick 
and forced his own prick through David's loosely clenched fist. David 
got to where Joan sucked his prick into her mouth and his brother 
stopped him. "Gee, what does it feel like to have your cock sucked?"

David hesitated, "Uh, I can't describe it. You have to feel it."

That didn't satisfy Allen, "Can't you give me an idea?"

David opened his mouth to answer, had a thought, then he stopped. He 
made another false start, cocked his head to one side, blushed beet 
red, and blurted out the next sentence in a whisper. "Uh, Allen, If you 
won't think I'm queer, and you want me to, I'll show you."

David hung his head and wouldn't look at his brother. Was Allen going 
to despise him for the suggestion. He wanted to suck Allen's prick but 
he didn't want his big brother to think badly of him. Allen turned the 
idea over in his mind. Allen looked at his brother and took a long time 
answering. David was thinking the worst. 

Allen finally came through. "I couldn't think you were queer. You get a 
hard on when Susan holds your hand. You wouldn't want to do things with 
the girls if you were gay. You wouldn't invent a toothache just to be 
with Joan if you were gay either. There's just no way you could be a 
queer and that's all there is to it. Uh," Allen came through with the 
clincher, "I don't think I'm queer and if you suck me off, I'll do the 
same thing for you."

During this statement David slowly turned back to look at Allen. By the 
time Allen had finished David had a big grin on his face. "Would you? 
Wow! That would be neat! I'd like to give you a trip around the world 
like Joan gave me but we don't have time. Lie back on the bed and I'll 
give you the best blow job I can. I'm probably not as good as Joan. 
She's had a lot of practice."

Allen moved to the center of the bed and spread his legs. David crawled 
between them and took Allen's prick in his hand. There was a drop of 
pre cum on the tip. David grinned at his brother and licked it off. 
Allen's hips jerked. David grinned again. This was going to be fun. He 
wanted to see how much he could make Allen wiggle and how many times he 
could make his brother's hips jerk.

David had taken lessons from Joan and he wasn't in too much of a hurry. 
He licked all the way up the underside of Allen's prick where he knew 
it was most sensitive. He moved down and, as he'd described to Allen, 
he sucked his balls one at a time. Allen lifted his hips off the bed 
and David licked his ass crack and rubbed his asshole with his tongue. 

To David's delight, Allen almost went through the roof. "How could you 
put your tongue there?"

David stopped for a second. "Gee, I don't know. Joan did it to me and I 
didn't think I could ever do it, but when it came time, I did it right 
back to her and it wasn't nasty at all. I knew it would feel good to 
you so I just did it. It's fun to make you jump like that."

David went back to work, he licked back up the underside of Allen's 
prick and collected a few more drops of pre cum. He rubbed Allen's 
prick with his tongue. He ovaled his lips and slid his mouth down over 
the head of Allen's prick. Allen's hips shot up off the bed and pushed 
his five inch prick into David's sucking mouth.

David bobbed his head. Allen flexed his hips. David copied the things 
that Joan had done to him but his brother's prick was bigger than his. 
He did the best he could. He pushed Allen's prick against the roof of 
his mouth with his tongue and sucked as hard as he could.

David's tongue massaged the underside of Allen's prick each time he 
bobbed his head. Allen reached his limit and his cum flooded David's 
mouth. It tasted even better coming right from Allen's prick than it 
did when he licked it from his hand. 

It was neat the way he made Allen's hips fly up off the bed. It was as 
much fun making Allen feel good as it was to make Joan feel good. He 
hoped Allen liked sucking his prick as much as he liked sucking 

David gently sucked on Allen's shrinking cock until it was completely 
soft and Allen's hips were relaxed on the bed before he let Allen's 
limp prick slip out of his mouth. He licked a stray drop of cum from 
his lips, and grinned at his older brother. "See, wasn't that better 
than having someone jerk you off? I thought I would go up the wall the 
first time Joan sucked the cum out of my prick."

Allen was breathless, "Wow! It sure was neat. It was awesome! That bit 
about licking my ass, though. That almost put me through the roof. I 
don't know if I can do that to you but I'll try. It seems awfully 

David hesitated for a couple of seconds. He'd digested quite a bit of 
philosophy about sex in the last few days. He thought it was only right 
he should pass it on. "Uh, Allen, both dad and Joan say you should 
never do anything you don't want to. I know you said you'd do it but if 
you don't want to suck me off that's all right, and if you think 
licking my ass would bother you, you don't have to try it. They both 
say that sex is supposed to be fun for both people and if it isn't fun 
for one of them then the other one doesn't have much fun either. I 
don't want you to do anything for me that you don't want to do. 

"I don't think it'd be much fun for me and it wouldn't feel nearly as 
good. I had fun sucking your cock and It was neat making you jump by 
licking your ass. If you want I'll do it for you again but if you don't 
want to do it to me, you don't have to. Even if you don't want to do 
those things to me, I want to suck you off again. I like sucking your 
cock and making you feel good."

Allen looked at his brother and didn't know what to say. For the first 
time in years Allen hugged his brother to him and kissed him on his 
mouth. David had been reconditioned when it came to responding to a 
kiss. He pushed his tongue between his brother's lips. 

Allen was startled but he'd heard of french kissing from the boys at 
school. He cautiously opened his mouth and let David's tongue touch 
his. Wow! He rubbed tongues with his brother and that was wild. He 
pushed his tongue into David's mouth and his prick started to harden. 
David had just given him the best come of his life. He wanted to make 
David feel just as good as David had made him feel. He remembered 
David's description of a trip around the world, especially the bit 
about the nipples. 

He pushed his brother back on the bed and got over him. He moved down 

on the bed and stopped to lick David's nipple. Sure enough the nipple 
hardened to a point and David got goose flesh and wiggled. Boys did 
have sensitive nipples!

Allen copied David. He held his brother's prick between his fingers and 
licked a drop of pre cum from the head. Making David jump like that was 
fun. He sucked on David's balls and David lifted his hips. He licked 
David's ass crack right below his balls and couldn't go any farther. He 
was disappointed but he just couldn't do it. He licked under David's 
balls once more and licked his way back up the underside of David's 
prick to the head.

True to form as soon as Allen's mouth covered his prick David shot a 
load of cum into his mouth. Allen knew his brother by this time and 
swallowed the cum but kept on sucking. It took a little longer before 
David's body jerked again. Spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble; David 
fed Allen another load of cum. Allen sucked on David's still hard prick 
until David's hips relaxed and moved down onto the bed again. 

David was right it was fun sucking the cum out of David's prick and 
making him wiggle and jump like that. He'd suck David's prick any time 
David wanted him to do it even if David didn't suck his cock in return.

Allen let David's prick slide out of his mouth and grinned at his 
brother. David felt he wasn't being fair. "Gee, you made me come twice. 
Let me suck you off again before dad gets home."

David got into a sixty nine position. Allen's prick wasn't fully 
hardened so David sucked on his brother's balls then pushed his tongue 
up Allen's ass. Allen's prick became rigid and David sucked it into his 

David's prick was in front of Allen's face. He took a deep breath, 
licked up David's ass crack, and over his pucker. David Jumped the same 
way Allen did. It wasn't nasty at all. It was fun making David jump 
that way. He wondered if he could make Alice jump. Allen licked David's 
ass till David moved back to Allen's prick then he moved back to 
sucking David's cock.

Both boys had come several times and they had more staying power. 
Tensions gradually build up and each bobbed his head and fucked his 
prick into his brother's mouth as fast as they could. It was a while 
before David's prick erupted into Allen's mouth. That set Allen off and 
he shot off too.

They gently sucked on each other's prick until Allen's was limp and 
then they hugged and kissed some more. They parted and grinned at each 

"There, see, I told you. Licking ass isn't so bad after all."

"I guess you're right. You just have to make yourself do it the first 
time, then it's all right."

David related all the other things that he'd done with Joan. Allen hung 
on to his every word.

"David, how do I get Joan to do things with me?"

"Gee, you can't, that would give away the fact that I told you. You 
just have to wait until she, uh, seduces you."

Allen thought for a moment, "Uh, yeh, I guess that's right. What should 
I do so she doesn't guess?"

David studied that question, "Well, if she tries the same thing with 
you that she did with me, act a little scared and go along with her. 
Just let her lead you, maybe she won't find out."

At this point Allen was impatient. "Gee, I hope she does it quick. I 
can hardly wait."

David was practical about it, "You'll have to wait until you're 
grounded for something. That's the way it worked with Alice and me. 
Oooo, I have an Idea. Why don't you leave your bed unmade tomorrow 
morning. We always get punished for that, and it is something we do now 
and then."

Allen grinned at his brother. "That's a good idea. I love you David."

The boys kissed again and separated. David barely made it back to his 
room before Harry got home.

                               Chapter - 6

Thursday, April 7, Afternoon:

Allen followed David's suggestion and as expected he was caught out the 
next day for failing to make his bed. Harry was more than a little 
puzzled about that. David was careless about making his bed about once 
a month, but it had been more than a year since Allen had forgotten. 
Allen was still doing his homework that night when Harry got home. 
David took the opportunity to corner his father in the kitchen while he 
helped his father prepare dinner. "Uh, dad?"


David grinned, "Did you have as good a time Tuesday night as I had 
Tuesday afternoon?"

Harry grinned back at his son. "You're getting pretty personal there, 
young feller, but I expect I did."

David had the grace to blush. "Aw, I knew what you were going to do. 
You told me yourself. Did Alice do some of the things with you that I 
did with Joan? Did she have as much fun doing them as I did?"

Harry realized that he'd opened the door, "I guess I did tell you and 
maybe I shouldn't have done that. I won't tell you anything that 
happened between us. It's just not proper, never kiss and tell. Why did 
you ask?"

"Well, if you've already done things with Alice, could I see if she 
wants to do things with me?"

Harry thought about that. "David, if your sure no one will overhear, 
you can talk to her about what happened to you and what you'd like to 
do, but that's all. I don't want you doing things with her for three 

"First; she's not on the pill yet and you could get her pregnant. 
Second; she's your brother's girl and you shouldn't get in ahead of 
him. Would you like him to get with Susan before you do? Third; Allen 
or Susan would find out. There's no way you kids can really hide from 
each other."

David scowled, "Gees, I guess your right. I just hadn't thought it all 
out. I'm sorry, dad. I shouldn't even have had to ask about it."

Harry hugged his young son. "David, you had thought it out. You wanted 
me to say no. If you didn't care, you wouldn't have asked, you'd have 
gone ahead and done it. I want you to talk to me about anything, not 
only sex, whenever you have any doubts. Talking things over with 
someone you trust sometimes makes your own thoughts clearer to you." 

David was willing to make the best of things. "Then it would be all 
right if I talk to Alice about the things we've done?"

Harry nodded. "Just remember to be sure neither Allen and Susan hear 
about our advanced sex education classes."

David was satisfied with this concession. "Okay, dad, I promise."

Allen came downstairs, the three of them had dinner, and they all 
trooped next door for some games or TV as they usually did when all the 
kids finished their homework in the afternoon. They just got in when 
the phone rang. Joan's boss had tickets to a concert and he couldn't 
use them, could Joan use them at this late date?

Thursday, April 7; Evening:

There was a conference. The kids promised they would be in their own 
houses at nine o'clock and in their own beds by ten o'clock. Harry 
looked directly at David while this discussion was going on and Joan 
looked directly at Alice. Both of them understood exactly what they 
were being told. 

The adults left and Susan went to pick out some records to put on the 
hi-fi. Allen joined her and David whispered to Alice that he had to 
talk to her. Alice knew exactly what David wanted to talk about and she 
there was a record at the Black house that she wanted to listen to. She 
and David went to get it.

"What's so important, David?"

"You know, what we've done with your mother and my father."

"Yeh, I know, but I can't do anything with you until I get on the pill. 
Besides that I think I want to do things with Allen first."

"I thought that, I want to do things with Susan first too, and I 
wouldn't want to do things with you before you did them with Allen. Uh, 
but after that do you want to do things with me? I'd like to do things 
with you if you want."

"Oh, David, of course. I want to do things with you too. It sounds a 
little scary but I think I'd like to have all four of us do something 
together sometimes. We do it now at the bedroom window."

"Gee, that would be neat. It was a lot of fun doing things with your 
mother. Did you like the things you did with dad?"

"I sure did, but he wouldn't, uh, fuck me. I really wanted him to do 
that. Did You really get to fuck mom. What was it like?"

"Gee, yeh, it was neat, but I really can't describe something like 
that. Could you describe what it felt like to have your, uh, cunt 

David wasn't too comfortable about using four letter words, he was 
following his father's teachings, he was supposed to use those words 
with Alice because he was talking to someone whose cunt he wanted to 

Alice pondered, "I guess you're right. I couldn't really describe the 
feeling. I'll just have to wait till Allen fucks me and I find out. I 
hope mom gets to him soon."

"He left his bed unmade this morning so he is on restriction. I hope 
dad gets to Susan real soon too. Uh, what I really wanted to talk about 
was tonight. I'll talk to Allen and you talk to Susan. We haven't put on 
a show together since Sunday night. I want to see you again. I think 
you're beautiful." David blushed. "Uh, can I feel your tit? Do you think 
that would be all right? We won't do anything else."
Alice gave David a peck on the cheek and grinned at him. "Well we 
aren't supposed to but if I let you feel my tit will you let me feel 
your prick."

David didn't even answer but he shyly reached over and molded one of 
Alice's tits and felt the nipple harden. Alice reached down, felt his 
hard prick, and rubbed it a little. Both of them, wanted to do more 
than that but they weren't going to get into any trouble right now. On 
the way back to the Wright house Alice said she thought his idea about 
the show was a good one.

As soon as they got back and put the record on David passed the 
information on to Allen and Alice made the suggestion to Susan. Both 
were enthusiastic about the idea. They couldn't wait to get started. At 
eight the boys went back to their house.

The boys made a beeline for Allen's bed room, Susan and Alice were 
waiting in Alice's room with the shades up and the lights on. As soon 
as the boys came in the girls started to strip. 

The boys followed suit and before long all four of them were nude. 
David had an idea and he whispered to Allen that they should jerk each 
other off. 

Once the were all nude Susan stopped and looked at Alice. "Remember 
what we said we'd do the next time the boys were both watching?"
Alice blushed beet red. "Oh gee, I don't think I could do it."
This reticence didn't stop Susan, "All right, I don't mind, I'll lap 
your cunt, then we'll see what the boys do."

Both girls blushed as they got in position. Each of the boys reached 
for the other's prick and watched what was going on in the other 
bedroom. Alice stood three quarters toward the window with hips forward 
and her legs spread. Susan knelt before her. She licked along Alice's 
cunt and buried her face in her sister's crotch.

The girls were giving them a real show. What could they do in return, 
jerking each other off would be awfully tame after this. David had the 
obvious thought and blushed. Could he suck Allen's cock with the girls 
watching? Susan was lapping Alice's cunt while he watched!

The boys really couldn't see very much. Susan's head would get in the 
way when ever she went deep into Alice's cunt. David could figure out 
what Susan was doing but Allen had to guess. The thing he could really 
see was when Susan sucked on Alice's clit. That had his prick drooling 
pre cum.

David's breath would catch each time Susan moved in and thrust her 
tongue between Alice's inner cunt lips. He could tell by the change in 
motion when Susan licked or sucked Alice's cunt lips into her mouth. He 
wished he was sucking on Alice's cunt.

Neither boy paid any attention to what he was doing. Each pumped his 
hand along his brother's prick in time with the motions of Susan's head, 
and each fucked his prick through his brother's hand. Alice threw her 
head back and her crotch forward and jets of cum arched out of both boys 
pricks. Neither of them had wanted that to happen while the girls 
weren't watching but they couldn't help themselves.

It was David's turn to suck Allen's prick but Allen didn't have a hard 
on since he'd just shot off. What could he do? Allen had gotten hard as 
soon as he licked his ass last night, he do it again even though the 
girls were watching. He got on his knees behind his brother and applied 
his tongue where it would do the most good.

The girls watched, Alice let the cat out of the bag. "How can he do 
that? I couldn't do it to Harry."

Susan did a double take. "What do you mean, 'you couldn't do it to 

Alice put it off. "Uh, I'll tell you later, let's just watch now."
They watched.

David's ploy worked. Allen's prick was hard and David moved around to 
his front. He licked the drops of pre cum from Allen's pisshole and the 
remaining cum from the rest of Allen's prick. The fact the girls were 
watching made what he was doing more exciting. He sucked Allen's balls 
and licked his sensitive spots before he sucked his brother's prick 
into his mouth.

Susan and Alice watched David work his brother over. Susan's hand moved 
to Alice's crotch and Alice's hand moved to Susan's. Each slid a finger 
into her sister's cunt and pumped it in and out. They'd never thought 
of the boys sucking each other off. They thought only gays did that and 
both of them were sure that their boy wasn't gay. Well, they weren't 
gay either, the boys were doing the same thing they did.

The boys were in profile to the window and the girls could see Allen's 
prick riding in and out of David's mouth. David hollowed his cheeks 
with the suction he was applying. Allen's hips pumped his prick in and 
out of David's mouth faster and faster. Allen's head went back and his 
hips thrust forward. The girls watched David swallow Allen's cum. Alice 
wished she was drinking that load of cum.

Both girls were pumping their own hips back and forth and they were 
experiencing multiple orgasms. Each of them withdrew her fingers from 
her sister's cunt and idly sucked their fingers into their mouth as she 
watched David slow his head bobbing and let Allen's limp prick slide 
from his mouth. They hadn't seen Allen's cum shoot out but it was even 
more exciting to watch David swallow it.

The girls looked at each other. They had no way of letting the boys see 
what they did in the same detail that the boys could show them. Alice 
was ready lap Susan's cunt. Susan pondered the problem of giving the 
boys a better view. "Gee, how can we do it so the boys can see it as 
good as we can?"

Susan looked around the room, "Suppose we pull the bed over and you lay 
so they can see you through the window."

The girls moved the furniture around and the boys wondered what they 
were doing. Susan took her position on the bed and David whistled. 
Everything was there for him to see, the pink inner lips, the bump over 
them, even the cute pucker that he wanted to push his tongue in to make 
her jump. He'd never seen this much of Susan before.

He wished he was going to lap Susan's cunt. He wished his father and 
Joan would get on with the seduction of Allen and Susan. It seemed like 
forever since Joan seduced him. He'd lap Susan's cunt all day even if 
she didn't want to suck his cock.

Alice got into position and the boys could see more of what was going 
on. Alice licked Susan's inner cunt lips and Susan's hip rise up off 
the bed. She licked Susan's clit then sucked on it for a moment and 
Susan's hips wiggled. Alice switched activities. The boys heard Susan 
moan and saw her hips twitch as Alice applied her mouth to different 
sensitive spots. Susan's hands pressed Alice's head to her crotch and 
she rubbed her cunt all over Alice's face before she pushed Alice away. 
David shot off another load of cum and Allen's prick hardened again.

Allen licked David's cum off his hand as they discussed how they should 
put on their show. Allen was no longer bothered that the girls would 
see him sucking David's prick. As David had found out, someone watching 
a sex act made it more exciting. It was an interesting discovery. He 
could remember loosing his hard on in the boys room at school if he 
thought someone would see him jerking off.

The boys used almost the same position the girls had. The girls took up 
their position at the window and each inserted a finger in her sister's 
cunt again. It felt good to pump your cunt on your sister's finger 
while you watched one of the boys suck the other one's prick. You could 
make your orgasm happen at the same time the boy shot off and that was 

Allen licked a drop of cum from David's pisshole, cleaned the rest of 

the cum from his prick, and sucked on his balls. When he finished the 
preliminaries, David's hips were arched off the bed begging Allen to 
take his prick in his mouth. David was true to form. As soon as Allen's 
lips closed around his cock, spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, 
dribble; David fed Allen a load of cum.

The girls knew David had shot off by the way Allen swallowed. Allen 
moved his head very slowly as it bobbed up and down with most of 
David's spit covered prick appearing each time Allen raised his head. 
Allen wanted to make this last as long as possible for David. 

In spite of Allen's slow movement it wasn't long before David threw his 
head back, pressed Allen's head against his crotch with his hands, and 
futilely tried to push his miniature prick down Allen's throat.

The tension again built up in David's loins and his hips came up off 
the bed. His hips jerked with each spasm as the cum jetted out of his 
prick again. Each time it happened, David thought that this was the 
best come of his life. When he thought to look in the opposite window 
he saw the girls' hips jerking and his hips jerked again as one more 
dribble of cum was ejected from his balls.

Again there were conferences in both houses. It wasn't quite nine 
thirty yet. They still had half an hour and the girls decided to let 
the boys watch them sixty nine. The boys watched and did the same for 
the girls. It took longer this time and the boys could feel the climax 
building up over a period of time before they finally sucked a load of 
cum out of each other's cock.

All four kids were satiated. David went back to his room. Susan turned 
out the light in Alice's room but didn't leave. She wanted to find out 
what Alice meant about not being able to lick Harry's ass. "Alice, what 
did you mean by, 'you couldn't do it to Harry.'"

Alice had hoped that Susan would forget about her slip. "Uh, please 
don't make me tell you, Susan, I wasn't supposed to let you know."
Susan wasn't buying that, "But I want to know, and just having a hint 
is a lot worse than knowing the whole story. When did you have a chance 
to lick Harry's ass. I bet I could. Did he lick your ass? Did you do 
anything else with Harry? It sounds like you did. Did he fuck you? Wow! 
Is his prick big. You gotta tell me all about it, you just gotta!"

Susan had been too busy before to give Alice's remark her full 
attention. Now, she was jumping up and down in her excitement. She 
wasn't going to let her sister put her off with 'it was a secret'.
Alice realized Susan might do something that would spoil everything. 
Alice didn't want anything to get in the way of her having Allen in 
bed. She would tell Susan everything and they would plan together so 
that Harry wouldn't realize that Susan knew. "I guess I ought to start 
at the beginning. Mom, dad, Harry, and Sally used to do things together 
before dad and Sally died just like mom and Harry do now.."

Alice was interrupted by Susan's, "Wow!".

"Well, mom saw the boys jerking off Saturday night then went to Harry's 
and saw us finger fucking ourselves. They were afraid we might get 
together with the boys soon. Mom wanted us to get some sex instructions 
from an experienced person. She also thought the boys should get some 
instructions so they knew what to do when they got together with us."
Susan whistled, "You mean that Harry's going to do those things with me 
and mom is going to do those things with both the boys?"

Alice grinned at her little sister, "Well, mom's already done things 
with David. The way she says it 'she sucked his cock, fucked him, and 
got him to lap her cunt. He even licked her ass, that's why I'm so mad 
I couldn't do it. She says he's real good and you're going to have to 
fight her for him, but I think she's kidding."

"She has! Wow!" Susan thought for a minute. "I'll bet it was last 
Sunday, that's why he did so many more things Sunday night."

"Well, mom says as soon as all four of us get educated, she'll get us 
on the pill and we can do things with the boys. I think I want Allen to 
be the first one to fuck me. Harry wouldn't because I wasn't on the 
pill. He lapped my cunt and I sucked his prick. It was real neat."
Susan was almost jumping up and down. "I want to do those things too. 
How do I get Harry to do those things with me?"

Alice considered, "Gee, you have to get grounded and get left home with 
him. Hey, tomorrow's your day to clean up after breakfast, why don't 
you just forget to do it? Uh, Allen's already on restriction, you'll 
probably have to wait till mom's finished with him."

Susan thought that was a good idea. "Gee, yeh. I can hardly wait!"
Friday morning Susan arranged to be grounded. Now she just had to wait 
for her turn with Harry.

                               Chapter - 7

Friday, April 8; Evening:

Joan and Harry decided it wasn't necessary to sneak out on Friday 
night. They didn't want to leave the kids to themselves at this stage 
of the game. They just might get themselves in too deep and not be able 
to stop what they were doing. 

The rest of the schedule was completely worked out. Susan and Allen 
were on notice that they were to be grounded. Joan would give Allen his 
sex lessons that evening, Harry would seduce Susan and give her sex 
lessons on Sunday, and Joan could take the girls to the gynecologist 

The kids were surprised when Joan said she was too tired to go out with 
Harry that night. They caught on quickly when Harry suggested he take 
the kids to the movies. Oops, Allen was grounded. It slipped everyone's 
mind that Susan was due for grounding too. That would have spoiled 

Allen knew what was expected. He gave Joan enough time to prepare 
herself, pretended to be nonchalant, and wandered into her house. Joan 
was there with her skirt up and her legs spread. He didn't have to put 
on an act. His prick was already hard in anticipation, he blushed and 
got confused. Just as his brother had done he tried look up Joan's 
skirt without appearing to be doing it. He wanted to examine the cunt 
displayed as closely as possible. Joan made sure that he was getting 
more and more of an eyeful. Even if he hadn't known the next move he 
would have dashed for the bathroom.

Allen had his pants around his ankles and was sitting on the john 
fondling his hard prick when Joan opened the bathroom door and walked 
in on him as expected. He followed what David said he'd done and pushed 
his prick between his thighs and squeezed them together. Even though he 
knew what was going to happen he didn't have to act, his blushes almost 
reached the intensity of his red headed brother's. 

Joan went through the motions of a double take that she'd used 
with David. This sequence had gotten spectacular results last time 
there was no reason it shouldn't work again. It was amazing how closely 
Allen's reactions followed David's. "Oh! I'm sorry, Allen, I didn't 
realize you were in here. Uh, what are you doing?"

Allen thought he was prepared but somehow being caught up in the game 
was scary. It was very helpful that Joan was using the same approach on 
him that she'd used with David. Allen had gone over that script in fine 
detail with David several times in the last few days. He had it 
memorized every line along with all the stage directions and blocking. 

"Oh, don't hide your prick, Allen, you haven't been hiding it from 
Alice for the past week. I'd like to see your prick up close. I haven't 
been able to get too good a view of it, watching you from our dining 
room window."

This gave Allen his cue and he found his tongue in order to recite the 
lines the way he had rehearsed them with David. "Uh, you know what 
Alice and I have been doing?"

Joan continued with the lines that would cue Allen as to what to say 
and do next. "Of course, when you kids started to go up to bed without 
any argument last week I got curious. It was Saturday that I caught 
sight of David jerking off in the window. 

When I checked your window you were pumping away on that nice looking 
five incher of yours, I had to assume Alice was putting on as good a 
show for you as you were putting on for her. As a matter of fact I went 
over to your house and your father and I watched the girls finger fuck 

Allen gave his line at this point. "You're not mad at us? You aren't 
going to punish us?"

This was so much a repetition of her seduction of David that Joan fell 
right in with it. "Why? For doing what comes naturally. No punishment 
is going to stop you from behaving normal and being interested in sex. 
We'd be foolish if we thought we could stop you. What we can do is see 
that you are knowledgeable about what you're doing. Now, let me see 
what you're hiding between your legs there. I want to get a feel of it 
and teach you how to use it properly."

Jane went over to Allen and pried his thighs apart. Allen's hard prick 
jumped out from between his thighs. Joan spread the drop of pre cum 
over its head with her thumb. Allen found that a woman holding your 
cock felt even better than having your brother hold it. He knew he was 
about to find out how it felt to have a woman suck your cock, how 
fucking felt, and what cunt tasted like. He wanted to get started right 
away but he had to follow the script. "You're going to do things with 

It was time for the four letter word lesson. "Allen, we're not going to 
do things. We'll fuck, I'll suck your cock, and if you want, you'll lap 
my cunt. We might even sixty nine and do some other things. I'm holding 
your prick and when you get up the nerve I want you to stick your 
finger in my cunt. If you're going to enjoy sex you might as well use 
the proper words."

Allen went scarlet, this was something David hadn't mentioned. He never 
used those words except with David and the boys at school. He took a 
deep breath and grinned to cover his embarrassment. "Well, uh, yeh, I 
want to fuck you and lap your cunt. I want you to suck my cock too." He 
took another deep breath, " Gee, it does feel better when you say 
things like that. 

He kept up his ignorant pose, "But, but, why do you want to do things 
like that with me. David and I saw you do things," Allen stopped and 
grinned at Joan again, "uh, fuck dad on the couch Saturday night. You 
sucked his cock then while he lapped your cunt. I saw dad's prick when 
it was hard for the first time, it's a lot bigger than mine. Why do you 
want to, uh, suck my prick and have me fuck you with my little prick 
when you can have one as big as Pop's?"

Joan gave Allen a hug, "You bet I want to do things with you, and, as I 
told David -"

Allen interrupted and put on a good act. "You did things with David?"

Joan still wasn't suspicious, "I sure did. He's a good little fucker 
and I enjoyed his little three incher. As I was saying, - don't worry 
about the size of your prick. There's an old saying 'it isn't the size, 
it's the way you use it'. A woman can get just as much pleasure out a 
cock the size of yours or even one the size of David's, as she can get 
out of your father's monster. I wanted to suck that cock of yours when 
I saw you jerking off."

Allen frowned and followed his brother's script. "Is it right to do 
them with you when you do them with dad?"

Joan told Allen of the family sex arrangements and the fact that Harry 
knew what was going on. "Another thing, outside of the fun that I'm 
going to have, we want you kids to be knowledgeable. I don't want Alice 
to have her first fuck from a rank amateur. I want to teach you how it 
should be done. She'll enjoy it much more that way and so will you. 
We'll talk more later and you should talk to your father too. Now I 
want to get you in bed. My cunt's practically dripping."

Joan kept hold of Allen's prick and led him to the bedroom the same way 
David told him she had done with him. Allen was tense and she figured 
that he was on the verge of coming. A kid his age was bound to have a 
hair trigger and unless he was like his brother and could keep his hard 
on, he would be out of commission for a while. She sat him on the bed, 
leaned over, and sucked his prick into her mouth.

Allen emulated David; spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; 
Joan found that his cum was almost as delicately flavored as David's. 
Joan swallowed it all and kept massaging his shrinking prick with her 
tongue. She didn't release his prick from her mouth until it was limp. 
Allen was crestfallen. He'd hardly had time to feel her mouth on his 
prick. He'd done nothing for Joan and now he knew he couldn't perform 
for a while. He had wanted to fuck Joan and now he couldn't, at least 
for a while.

Joan was reading his mind. "That's all right, Allen, don't be 
disturbed. You were so horny that you'd have shot off if your prick 
barely touched me. I know it'll be hard again before very long. 
Remember I saw how quickly you recovered your hard on when you were 
giving a show for Alice. As soon as you get hard we'll see what else I 
can show you how to do. I know you want to fuck me and get a real blow 
job and I know there's one way for you to get hard again in a hurry."
That line hadn't been in the script David had given him. "Uh, how can I 
do that?"

Joan lay back on the bed and spread her legs and raised her knees 
a bit. "Why don't you scoot down between my legs and examine my cunt. 
You'll be able to see a lot more about how a woman's made that way than 
you can see from across the yard. As David said a woman's plumbing is 
much better hidden than a boys. I'm sure you want to find out more 
about it."

This was in the script and Allen sure did want to examine the 
inside of Joan's cunt, he followed her advice. Allen knelt down between 
her legs and moved his head to within a foot of her cunt.

Gee, David had been right again, there was a real good smell down 
here! Allen sniffed. He moved his hand toward Joan's cunt, almost 
touched it, then he hesitated. He looked at Joan with raised eyebrows. 
This was a repeat of what had happened with David. 

Joan wasn't trying to be original in her response either she used 
practically the same words she had used with David. "Go ahead. It 
doesn't have teeth and it won't bite you. Explore as much as you want, 
I'll enjoy having you play with my cunt. Wouldn't you like to have 
Alice play with your prick?"

Allen gently ran a finger along the outer lips of her cunt. Joan 
reached down and spread them apart to give Allen a better view. The 
good smell was stronger. Allen touched Joan's clit and she wiggled. He 
grinned, rubbed it harder, and Joan wiggled some more. Allen turned his 
attention to the inner lips. He ran a finger along them, it slipped 
right in the slick hole. There was lots of room in there. He stuck 
another two fingers in and wiggled them around. Joan squirmed some 

Just as David had, Allen found the smell real interesting. He leaned 
his head closer and sniffed. It was Joan's cunt that smelled that way. 
David said it was fun lapping cunt and that he liked to do it. He 
leaned closer and licked the inner lips of Joan's cunt. Joan's hips 
came off the bed. Cunt tasted good. Joan raised her hips to get more of 
the action. Her pucker wasn't as cute as David's but he knew how good 
it was to get your ass licked. He licked down and pushed his tongue 
into her asshole. Wow! Did that make Joan jump.

This was as much fun as David said it was. He got as much pleasure 
making Joan jump as he had when she sucked his prick into her mouth. He 
licked his way back to her cunt and went to work in earnest. He tried 
to remember everything that David told him.

He licked her clit, he rubbed it with his tongue then sucked it between 
his lips and massaged it some more. He had Joan moaning now and she was 
still squirming. Allen knew that he must be doing things right. He 
sucked the inner lips into his mouth and massaged them with his tongue. 
Joan tossed her head back and forth just like David said she did that 
when she was coming. He was glad David had told him what to do and that 
that he could do this to Joan.

Joan wondered what it was with these adolescent virgins. They brought 
her off in half the time that Harry could. Harry was much more expert 
but these kids were much more exciting. Joan was on her fourth orgasm 
already and she'd had enough for the moment. 

She pushed Allen's head away and grinned at him. Allen wasn't that much 
older than David and he was male. She used same technique on Allen that 
she'd used on David, she bolstered his ego a little. "Boy, you didn't 
need any instruction on how to lap cunt. Are you sure you never did 
that before? You do that good with Alice and she'll never let you go. 
Your father isn't much better than you are and he's had years of 

Allen's chest puffed out. He hadn't disgraced himself and he'd made 
Joan feel real good. David was right again. Making Joan come was just 
as much fun as shooting off was. He'd lap cunt just to lap cunt. Joan 
wouldn't have to suck him off to make him do it.

Joan came off her high and things didn't seem quite right. Allen hadn't 
been quite as good an actor as he thought he was. He hadn't licked his 
finger to find out what a cunt tasted like before he'd buried his head 
in her cunt. He hadn't wasted a minute before he licked her ass crack 
and her ass? Wait a minute, she hadn't even licked his ass yet. How did 
he know he should do that. 

He hadn't done anything with Alice. Where had he gotten the idea and 
how had he gotten up the nerve to do those things? It just wasn't 
natural. It was odd how closely he was following David's script. She 
had expected his reactions to be similar to David's but it was almost 
as if Allen had rehearsed it. 

At this point she was willing to bet that David had let the cat out of 
the bag. She'd have to investigate what had happened later. Right now 
something else interested her more. Allen's prick was hard again and 
she wanted Allen to fuck her. It was as if she were reading from her 
copy of the script. "I'll bet you're ready to try fucking me about now. 
Come on, move up between my legs, rest your knees between my thighs and 
support your weight on your hands. You're ready for your first fuck. 
We'll see how well that five inch prick fits my cunt."

Allen's prick was standing at attention and drooling pre cum. He 
followed Joan's instructions to the letter. When his prick dangled over 
her cunt she took hold and guided it between the inner lips. Allen held 
his breath. Wow! This wasn't like having your cock sucked but it sure 
did feel just as good.

He slowly lowered his hips and watched his prick disappear into a cunt 
for the first time. He wasn't a virgin any more. He pulled back and 
watched his prick reappear glistening with Joan's cunt juice. He pumped 
his hips in and out fast as he could. 

Joan put her hands on his buttocks and held him steady for a moment. 
"Whoa, slow down, make it last as long as you can. If you pump like 
that the first time with Alice, you'll shoot off before she has an 
orgasm. Take it easy, the longer it lasts the more fun it is."
Allen's hips were quivering. He lowered himself to his elbows and took 
a couple of deep breaths. Joan was right, he did want to make it last. 
He was glad Joan was teaching him how to fuck. He wanted it to be 
perfect for Alice the first time.

He pumped his hips and Joan matched his thrusts with thrusts of her 
own. He watched his prick come most of the way out of her cunt and 
start back in again. The tension built in his loins. Joan moaned. He 
panted and his hips pumped as fast as they could. Spurt, spurt, spurt, 
dribble, dribble, dribble; he pumped a load of cum into a cunt for the 
first time. He let his prick soak in her cunt Joan's contractions 
slowed down. He was proud of himself, he'd made Joan moan and toss her 
head again.

Joan rolled them on their side and switched around. This is what Allen 
had seen her do with his father. As soon as Joan sucked his soft prick 
into her mouth, he buried his face in her cunt. Sucking your cum from a 
woman's cunt was fun! In spite of what he'd seen and what David had 
said, he still hadn't believed it.

Some cum had leaked out of Joan's cunt. He licked down her ass crack 
and over her asshole. Joan did the same. He pushed his tongue against 
her pucker. Joan did the same. His prick got hard again! That happened 
when David licked his ass last night. Did having his ass licked do it? 
He'd have to ask about that later.

Joan moved toward his prick and sucked on his balls. Taking his cue 
from her, Allen moved his mouth back to Joan's cunt. Joan licked the 
sensitive underside of his prick, he tongue fucked her cunt. Sixty 
nining with Joan was even better than sixty nining with David, though 
he still wanted to do that now and then. He liked to make David feel 
good just as much as he liked making Joan feel good.

Joan licked Allen's prick and he tickled her cunt here and there with 
his tongue. Joan sucked his prick into her mouth, Allen applied himself 
to cunt lapping. David had told him they would sixty nine after they 

He'd found that Joan reacted each time he changed his point of attack 
so he changed it often. Joan seemed to do different things to his prick 
too, but he couldn't figure out what it was.

Allen had more lasting power now and he had a lot more time to try 
things out. He tried rubbing his nose against Joan's clit while he 
pushed his tongue into the slit between the inner lips. Joan wiggled 
her hips and he knew she liked that. He sucked the inner lips into his 
mouth and massaged them with his tongue, more hip wiggles. So far so 
good! Everything David had told him worked and so did some of the 
things he tried himself. He ran his tongue all the way up and down 
between the outer cunt lips. 

He pumped his prick in and out of Joan's mouth. He couldn't hold out 
any longer. Joan sucked the spurts and dribbles of cum out of his 
prick, her own body shivered and shook. Harry could have Susan and 
Alice. She'd take David and Allen any time.

Joan let Allen's prick slide out of her mouth and pulled her cunt away 
from his face. Both of them lay there panting. It was getting late and 
the rest of the family would be home soon. Joan had some questions she 
wanted to ask anyway.

The two of them showered, dressed, and went back to the living room 
even though Susan would be the only one that didn't know what was going 
on. They sat down and Joan studied Allen.

"Allen, something's wrong. You haven't done anything with either of my 
girls have you?"

"Uh, no, honest! Except that David and I do give shows for them almost 
every night."

"I didn't think you had really. You haven't done anything with another 
girl or a lady either. Is that right?"

"That's right. You're the first one, honest you are!"

"Then how did you know so much about lapping cunt. You weren't an 
expert but you knew what to do and did it without hesitation. You even 
licked my ass before I licked yours. How did you know even know you 
were supposed to do that? That's not a normal behavior for someone 
who's never done anything before, particularly a young teen ager like 
you. You have to build up your courage before you could do something 
like that."

"Aw, David will be mad at me."


"We were jerking each other off - uh, does that make us gay?" 

"Not at all. You both like girls too much. You might want to talk that 
over with your father. Go on with your story."

"Well, we were jerking each other off and he wasn't thinking about what 
he was saying. He said, 'A blow job feels better.' I made him tell me 
how he knew what a blow job felt like. He really didn't want to. He 
thought you would be mad at him. He even cried when I wouldn't let him 
put me off."

"Oh, poor kid. I'm not mad at all. I would have liked to catch you by 
surprise the way I did David. I guess it was too much to expect kids 
your age to hold back on such an exciting thing for any length of time. 
I hope Alice is more careful with Susan. I know that they 'do things' 
as you kids say, she might let it out the same way David did."

Friday, April 8; Night:

The rest of the two families returned at that point. David wanted to 
find out what had happened with Joan. Allen wanted to talk to Harry as 
Joan had suggested. The two boys dragged their father to their house 
for a conference. They went into the kitchen for some soda and sat 
around the kitchen table.

"Did you do it, Allen, did you do it?"

Allen was just as eager to tell as David was to find out. He started to 

answer then realized what his brother had said and grinned. It was 
about time he caught his younger brother off base on something to do 
with sex. He cocked his head the way David sometimes did and looked at 

"What is 'it', David?"

Harry burst out laughing. "Your brother wants to know if you fucked 
Joan, lapped her cunt, and had your cock sucked. What's more I wouldn't 
be the least bit surprised if he wants a very detailed description."
Allen blushed at that point but David was now accustomed to his father 
using those words. "Yeh, I did all those things, I fucked her, she 
sucked my cock, and I lapped her cunt. I even licked her ass and had my 
ass licked. You were right, David, it was neat."

"Uh, Allen, did she find out?"

Now both boys had let out the fact that Allen knew what was going to 
happen. Harry picked that one up immediately. "What do you mean, 'did 
she find out?'."

David hung his head and appeared crestfallen. "Aw, dad, I'm sorry. I 
let something slip and Allen made me tell him what was happening. I 
really didn't want to tell, but after I made the slip, I couldn't not 
tell. I'm sorry."

Harry had the same reaction Joan had. "It's all right, David, I should 
have expected that you couldn't keep something as exciting as that to 
yourself. I'm sure you couldn't help it."

Allen explained, "Uh, dad, that was why I left my bed unmade, so you 
would ground me."

Harry grinned at the boys. "I should have suspected. Now I think you 
ought to go to bed. We have a lot to talk about and we can have a 
family conference in the morning. I want to go over and talk to Joan. 
Maybe I'll take up with Joan where you left off Allen. After all it is 
Friday night. I wouldn't want to break up such a long standing 

                                    Chapter - 8 

Saturday, April 9:

Weeks before a picnic had been planned for this Saturday. It was almost 
noon when they reached the park and it wasn't much later that the kids 
had demolished the lunch much faster than it had taken to pack it. They 
separated onto natural pairings.

Joan and Harry sat at the picnic table, talked, and fondly watched the 
kids. David and Susan sprawled under a tree and held hands. Allen and 
Alice found a secluded bench to talk over the exciting things that were 
happening. Joan smiled at Harry. "I know what Alice and Allen are 

"How could you guess?"

"Well, the whole charade will be played out tomorrow afternoon. I'm 
sort of sorry it'll all be over."

"I know what you mean. I'll be a little sorry too. I wonder how Susan's 
going to react."

"You'll find out, she'll be more willing than Alice was. She is more 
adventurous. She and David make a good pair. It could be that Alice let 
it slip though, just like David did."

"Yeh, David was devastated that he'd let Allen find out. Allen said he 
even cried before he would tell him about it. I haven't seen David cry 
in five years."

The older kids conversation was following the lines that their parents 
suspected. Alice wanted to know in minute detail everything Allen had 
done with her mother last night. "Did mom fuck you and suck your prick? 
Did you lap her cunt? Did you like it? Was it fun? What did it feel 
like? Were you surprised?"

This made Allen blush. In spite of their shows, they'd never even 
mentioned sex in conversation before. Allen didn't expect Alice to use 
those particular four letter words. 

He couldn't get away with using circumlocutions either, he had to 
use those words too. Alice would tease him if he didn't. Well, dad said 
you should use those words with someone you intended to do them, with. 
He blushed again and took a deep breath. "Uh, yes to most of your 
questions. Your mom sucked my cock then I lapped her cunt while my 
prick got hard. After that she taught me how to fuck. That was neat! 
Then we did a sixty nine and there wasn't any time left. I'm glad she 
taught me those things, now I know what to do when we get together the 
first time. I'm sorry that David let it slip, It might have been more 
fun if I didn't know what was going to happen. Uh, what did you do with 
dad? Did you like it? Uh, did he fuck you?" 

"Gee no, he was afraid he might make me pregnant and wouldn't fuck me 
because I wasn't on the pill yet. I wanted him to but now I'm sort of 
glad that he didn't. I want you to be the first one to fuck me. He 
lapped my cunt, and I learned how to suck cock. That was fun and I 
found out how to make you feel good."

They continued their discussion and compared notes. Each of them wanted 
to know in great detail what the other liked best. They were determined 
to make their first time together the best possible. The more they knew 
about the other's likes and dislikes the better it would be.

Susan and David sat and held hands. David wasn't going to let anything 
slip so he kept quiet. He was happy just to sit with Susan even if his 
prick did stay hard. He kept thinking about the things he would do with 
Susan after tomorrow. He would have to visit the rest room pretty soon 
and jerk off. 

Susan wanted to talk to David about what was going to happen and 
couldn't find a better ploy than the direct approach. "Uh, David?"
David was cautious when Susan used his name with a question mark after 
it. "Yeh?"

Susan threw a blockbuster. "Was it fun fucking mom?"

David was startled. He blushed but he wasn't going to let anything out 
this time. He was careful not to admit anything but he didn't lie 
either. "Uh, what makes you think I ever had a chance to do something 
like that?"

Susan was very mater of fact, "Alice let slip that she'd had her cunt 
lapped by Harry and I asked questions until she told me. Harry will do 
things with me tomorrow afternoon then we can do things together. I can 
hardly wait for that. My cunt gets wet thinking about it. Your prick is 
hard too. Was it fun doing things with mom?" 

Now that Susan knew what was going on David drew in a sigh of relief. 
He didn't have to watch what he said so closely any more. He really did 
want to talk to Susan about everything that had happened. "Gees, yeh. I 
really wanted to do things with you first but now I'm glad that your 
mother showed me how to do those things. I can make you feel a lot 
better now that I know how to do them and I always want to make you 
feel real good."

Susan was thoughtful, "I'm sorry I know what'll happen tomorrow. I 
don't think I can hide what I know. I wanted to do things with you the 
first time too, but I guess you're right. It will be better if we know 
what to expect."

David couldn't see any reason for Susan to fret. "Uh, Susan, don't be 
worried about knowing. I let it slip to Allen and your mother knew 
right away. Neither dad nor your mother were mad about it." 

Susan's eyebrows shot up. "Oh? That's neat. Then I don't have to 

David was getting uncomfortable. "Uh, excuse me, I have to go to the 
men's room" 

Susan grinned at him, "Are you going to jerk off. I'm going to finger 
fuck myself. My cunt's dripping wet."

David was startled by Susan's directness, but he recovered quickly. 
"Yeh, I guess I have to. My prick's been hard so long my balls are 
beginning to ache. I had to do it right after we got to the park too."
Susan just shrugged, "I know. I finger fucked myself then too."

They went their separate ways. Virtually the same conversation took 
place on the bench. Allen blushed and said he had to visit the men's 
room. Alice giggled and asked him if he was going to jerk off. Both of 
them admitted that this was the second time.

Joan and Harry watched the kids and burst out laughing when they 
disappeared into the rest rooms.

"I wonder how come they all had to go at the same time." 

"I can make a good guess and if I weren't an adult I think I might join 

"You're not alone. I think they have the right idea. When they're 
through in there I think we ought to take them home and separate them. 
The boy's balls must be aching by now. 

Sunday, April 10; Afternoon:

It was Palm Sunday and it went as it had the week before. They went to 
church, had lunch at a restaurant, came home, and Jane took three kids 
to a movie. To nobody's surprise, Harry felt like staying home so 
Susan's grounding went into effect.

Harry prepared himself as he had for Alice and waited for Susan to 
appear. Susan had been doing some thinking. David had told her Harry 
and Joan weren't upset that Allen knew what was going to happen. If 
that case she was going to take the bull by the horns or, in this case, 
the man by his prick. 

Harry was seated in his easy chair when she wandered in. She looked at 
him shyly and moved toward him. "I don't think you love me any more. 
You haven't asked me to sit on your lap for more than a year."

She pushed his book away and sat on his lap. She felt a lump and 
wiggled her hips. Harry's prick hardened and pushed itself into the 
crack of her ass. Susan got in the tag line before Harry had a chance. 
"Oh, I'm sorry, did I do that to you? I'll have to make it soft again. 
Does your prick get soft like Allen's does when he shoots off? I saw 
mom make it soft a couple of times when you were doing things with her 
on our couch."

She reached into the waistline of his shorts and wrapped her hand 
around his prick. It felt even bigger than it had looked when he was 
fucking Joan. She wondered if she could get it in her mouth and if it 
would ever fit into her cunt. "Wow! Your prick is way bigger than 
David's. It's even a lot bigger than Allen's and I thought that his 
prick was big."

Harry was startled but once over his surprise was almost doubled up in 
laughter. "All right, you know what's supposed to happen this afternoon 
and your not going to let me seduce you, but you can't rape me either. 

You'll have to save that cute little snatch of yours for David. Outside 
of that it's your choice of what you want to do. The reason I haven't 
let you sit on my lap is that I didn't think you were ready to make my 
prick soft again before this and the last time I had you in my lap you 
were getting mature and attractive enough to make it hard."

"Oooo, can I suck your cock? I want to do that so I can practice up to 
do a real good job on David. I can't wait to suck his cock and have him 
fuck me. Mom will get us the pill on tomorrow, won't she? Can David fuck 
me then? Oooo, I can hardly wait for that. I know he did a lot of things 
with mom on Sunday and Tuesday when he said he had to go to the dentist 
too, but he wouldn't even let me feel his prick when I wanted to."

"Whoa, slow down. Let me try to take those one at a time. I'd love to 
have you suck my cock. I'm sure your mother will have you on the pill 
the first thing tomorrow morning. If she does you can spend tomorrow 
afternoon 'doing things' with David and tomorrow night you can spend the 
whole night with him. You can do anything you want with him. I'm sure he 
wants to do every one of those things with you too. I know he wants to 
lap your cunt and fuck you. He wants to make you feel as good as you 
want to make him feel.

"Don't worry about how good a job you can do on him. Anything you do 
will seem perfect to him. He loves you as much as you love him. As 
far as not letting you feel his prick, hooray for David, I'm proud of 
him for that. I don't think I could have done that at his age. Has that 
covered all your questions?

"Now, why don't we go to my bedroom and get undressed. I'll be 
happy to teach you as much as I can about sucking cock. You ought to 
ask your mother for some pointers too. She's an expert cocksucker and 
she knows what David likes."

Susan was on her way upstairs by the time Harry finished the sentence, 
stripping off her clothes as she went. Harry followed her and picked up 
her garments on the way. They got to the bedroom and Susan bounced on 
to the bed. "I want to learn how to suck cock, Harry. Can I do that 

Harry grinned at her. "Be my guest."

Harry lay back on the bed, Susan got between his legs and held his 
eight inch cock in her hand. She watched a crystal clear drop of pre 
cum form at his pisshole, licked it off, then she looked up with her 
eyebrows raised. "What shall I do? What would feel best to David?"
"Honey doll, you started out just right. Why don't you do whatever you 
want to and find out how I react? That's the best way to find out what 
you want to do. Not everybody likes the same thing. You have to test 
each partner before you find out what's best."

Harry was so hot he didn't have the patience to lead her through step 
by step. Harry was sure Susan would know what to do and as hot as he 
was he was sure whatever she did would feel good to him. 

Susan licked the sensitive underside of Harry's prick. She found the 
loose skin under the pisshole that made Harry react most and spent some 
time massaging it with her tongue. She licked another drop of pre cum 
off the head of his cock. She sucked Harry's hairy balls, one at a 

Alice couldn't lick Harry's ass but Susan wasn't as squeamish. She 
wanted to practice that too so she could do it to David. She was sure 
he was going to lick her ass and wanted to be able to return the favor. 
She licked Harry's ass crack and over his asshole. Wow! It was worth 
doing, it really made Harry jump. Susan tongue fucked Harry's ass. She 
was going to make David squirm when she did this to him. She licked her 
way back to Harry's prick and sucked on his balls on the way.

Harry's prick was huge. She'd never get it all in her mouth. She 
wrapped a hand around the base of his prick and lowered her mouth over 
its head. Harry's hips bucked and Susan's lips rested against her 
fingers. She pressed her tongue against the underside of Harry's prick, 
sucked as hard as she could, and lifted her head. To her delight, Harry 
wiggled and pulled his hips back.

Susan sucked hard and bobbed her head. These young virgins could bring 
him off in half the time it took Joan. It was very exciting to have sex 
with them. The tension built up in Harry's loins, his back arched, his 
body quivered, he grunted; spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble; Susan got 
her first taste of cum.

Susan thought it was neat. She didn't think she would ever get enough 
of it. Her cunt contracted in a sympathetic orgasm. She hoped Harry 
liked what she'd done. She hoped David would like it when she did it 
for him. She sucked on Harry's shrinking prick until it was limp then 
let it slide out of her mouth and sat back on her heels and looked 
anxiously at Harry. "Did I do it right? Did I make you feel good? I 
want to do it right. Tell me if I missed anything."

"Honey doll, it couldn't be more perfect. David couldn't possibly find 
anything to complain about. Let me catch my breath and I'll give you a 
trip around the world. That's something special and you want to wait 
for a special time but it's something you want to do to David too. Your 
mother says it drives him up the wall."

"Oooo, good. That's what you did to Alice, isn't it? She told me all 
about it. I want to know all the special things."

Harry started out with french kissing and Susan caught on right away. 
She enthusiastically sucked his tongue when he thrust it in her mouth 
and offered her own tongue to have him suck it. Harry nibbled and 
licked all the appropriate spots. He found her barely pubescent tits 
were very sensitive and sucking them was exciting to him as well.

He stopped for a few licks of her sopping cunt on the way down to the 
bottom of her feet, got the appropriate wiggles and giggles, and 
proceeded along the backs of her legs. Susan jumped when he licked the 
back of her knees and wiggled while he licked the inside of her thighs. 
Harry made a production of licking her ass crack and rimming her ass. 
When Harry turned Susan over she arched her back and moaned with her 
desire. She wasn't thinking of David now she was feeling her own urgent 
need. Her almost hairless cunt begged to be lapped.

A quick swipe of Harry's tongue along the length of her cunt had Susan 
squirming all over the bed. Susan was having more massive orgasms than 
she'd ever had before. Her head tossed from side to side and her hips 
arched up off the bed. Harry kept the action going until she collapsed 
and shudders ran through her body. It was his turn to sit back on his 
heels and grin. He'd given this little virgin the time of her life.

"Wow! Nothing could feel that good!"

Harry moved up beside her and hugged her and she held him close. Her 
shivering subsided and she offered her mouth for some more kissing. 
Something interesting was pressed against her thighs. Harry's prick was 
hard again! Susan turned end for end and licked the drop of cum from 
its head.

Harry moved his head between Susan's legs and rimmed her ass. She 
returned the compliment. She couldn't understand why Alice couldn't do 
that. She liked the way it made Harry's ass cheeks clench and relax 
when she did it. She was going to see how long she could make David do 
that. It would be fun.

Susan was much less violent this time when she sucked on Harry's prick. 
She took her time. What really felt best to Harry? She licked all around 
it and studied all the responses she got. She took the head of his prick 
in her mouth and massaged it with her tongue and found that Harry's 
thighs tensed when she did it. She filed that for use with David.

Harry's more gentle cunt lapping felt good to her too. Susan slowly 
sucked Harry's eight inch cock into her mouth. The head hit the back of 
her throat and she swallowed. Harry's hips jerked. Susan moved her head 
back and pushed it forward again. More of Harry's prick went down her 
throat this time and she swallowed around the head again. She rubbed 
her hot young cunt against Harry's face. It felt real good when he 
changed from licking her clit to lapping between her inner cunt lips 
and back again.

Harry pumped his hips and she felt his crotch hair brush against her 
chin each time she bobbed her head. She had his whole prick in her 
mouth! After David took her cherry maybe she'd even be able to get 
Harry's big prick in her cunt? She wanted to try it anyway.

Susan felt her first orgasm coming on. She sucked harder and bobbed her 
head faster. She wanted to drink Harry's cum at the same time she was 
having orgasms. Her cunt was pressed tight against Harry's face and she 
shuddered with multiple orgasms. She sucked real hard, moved her head 
back, and fluttered her tongue right near Harry's pisshole. Harry 
rewarded her with the load of cum she wanted.

Both of them slowed down, but Susan didn't stop sucking until Harry's 
prick was limp again. They switched positions again and cuddled and 
kissed some more. Harry looked at the clock and suggested that the rest 
of the families would be back soon and it was time to dress. 

Susan had a very smug look on her face when the rest of the families 
arrived home. She was ready for David now!

As soon as David was in the door she ran over and hugged him. She 
rubbed her body up against his and got the results she wanted. She felt 
his hard prick pressed into her crotch. She reached down between their 
bodies and squeezed. David shot a load of cum into his pants and 
blushed. It didn't stop the French kiss he was giving her. 

Susan broke away. "Oh, mom can't we sleep together tonight if we 
promise not to fuck? Can we? I want to suck David's cock and have him 
lap my cunt. Please! Please!"

David was all for it. "Yeh, dad, I promise I won't fuck Susan till she 
gets the pill. Honest I won't. Can't we sleep together tonight?"

Allen and Alice were right in there pitching for approval. Joan and 
Harry stood there and shook their heads no until the uproar died down.
"Why not, dad, if we promise we won't fuck?"

Harry ginned at his sons. "Allen, did you ever swear that you wouldn't 
jerk off any more?"

"Uh, yeh."


"I guess so."

"What happened?"

Both boys hung their heads

"Uh, I didn't jerk off for almost a day."

"I guess I didn't last that long."

"Point proven. Not till tomorrow."

The kids were all crestfallen. They didn't like the decision but 
realized its justice. They kissed and rubbed bodies. In the process 
Allen shot off in his pants.

Sunday, April 10; Evening:

The families separated. The girls went to their house and boys went 
upstairs to change their pants. Both families had lengthy conferences 
on the proper procedure for a first sexual encounter. Both family 
conferences went on well into the evening.

In the Black house the boys wanted to know what they could do to please 
the girls. They wanted all the information their father could give 
them. Harry used the opportunity to get some fundamental ethics planted 
in his son's heads.

"Hm, I guess I should go through my lecture routine. First; the words 
we use when we're talking about sex; fucking, lapping cunt, sucking 
cock, and so on, are descriptive, accurate, and proper. They have their 
place but they should only be used when you're with someone you expect 
to do them with.

"Next; what is 'right' and what is 'wrong'. I want you to remember when 
it comes to sex anything that two or more people want to do together is 
right as long as no one will be hurt. If everyone concerned wants to do 
it, and no one will be hurt then by what they're doing, there's no way 
it can be wrong."

"Uh, dad, is it right for two boys to jerk each other off?"

"Do they both want to do it and would hurt either of them?"

"Well, sure, they want to or they wouldn't be doing it."

"The book you gave us said jerking off didn't do any damage."

"Then there's nothing wrong with it as long as both boys want to do it 
and no one will be hurt."

"But doesn't that make them gay?"

"Not necessarily, some males like to do things with other males now and 
then, even though they aren't homosexuals, and that's not wrong 

"What about boys that suck each other's pricks?"

Harry was surprised. He kept the conversation in the third person 
pretending that he didn't suspect the boys were speaking of themselves.
"Do you think it would hurt either of them?"

"Gee, I don't see how it could."

"Did both of them want to do it?"

"I guess so, nobody made them do it."

"Then what I said stands. If they're gay it's certainly not wrong for 
them. Why shouldn't gays enjoy sex as much as hetros? The same rules of 
right and wrong apply to them too. If the boys like girls too, then 
they just want to try things out. There's nothing wrong with 
experimenting. Some boys that aren't gay find they like doing things 
like that for some variety now and then."

He hoped the boys didn't develop any hang ups because they were doing 
something that the general public considered improper in spite of the 
fact that many adolescent boys did engage in the practice from time to 
time. He was pleased his sons were willing to accept his explanation. 
Both boys thought for a while and nodded their heads.

"I guess you're right."

"Uh, yeh."

That problem settled, Allen started on another track.

"Uh, dad, Why did my prick get hard right away when Joan licked my ass? 
It was only a couple of minutes since I'd shot off."

Allen was surprised he didn't blush when he used those words with his 
father this time. 

"That's a little complicated because there are several factors. Do you 
tickle your ass when you jerk off sometimes because it feels good? I 
did when I was your age."

Both boys admitted they'd done that. They hadn't even told each other 
about it. Both said they didn't know why it felt good.

"The nerves of your anus, your asshole, are interconnected to the head 
of your prick. Anything that stimulates one set of nerves stimulates 
the other. Have you noticed that your ass contracts when you shoot off? 
It's on account of that. 

"There's another factor too. Right inside your anus there's a gland 
called your prostate. Its nerves are directly connected to the nerves 
of the glans. It's when the nerves of your prostate are stimulated 
enough that you shoot off."

"You mean the prostate is what makes you shoot off?"

"That's right, when your glans, the head of your prick, is massaged it 
stimulates the nerves in the prostate in sympathy with the nerves in 
your prick. Pushing a finger up your ass and rubbing against the 
prostate can make you come. I tried that a couple times when I was a 
boy. Have you?"

"Wow! I wonder what that would feel like?"

"Gee, I never even thought of it."

"Some men like it. They'll massage their prostate themselves or even 
let another man fuck their ass and massage their prostate with his 

"That sounds nasty. I don't think I'd like it."

"I don't think I'd like it either."

"Don't knock it if you haven't tried it. Licking ass seems nasty. You 
had to try it to find out it wasn't."

"Uh, I guess so."

"Gees yeh. I didn't think I could do it but now I think it's neat."

"Point proven. I'm not saying you should try it, but remember, -" Harry 
paused and looked at the boys expectantly.

The boys grinned and chorused, "If both want to do it and it doesn't 
hurt anyone it's all right."

"Joan says that neither of you had enough time to fuck her ass. She 
likes to be fucked that way. If you want to try that sometime. It might 
be best to do it with Joan first so you have some experience when you 
do it with the girls. 

"Fuck a woman's ass?"

"What does it feel like."

"About the same as a regular fuck except the asshole is tighter. It's 
different but feels as good, just as fucking and having you cock sucked 
is different. You don't have to engage in any of the acts you haven't 
tried but you might want to experiment. If you try something and don't 
like it you don't have to do it again. I'm sure that you've found out 
that variety makes sex more interesting."

"Uh, I have to think about that."

"Gee, I have a lot to think about."

"Dad, how do you do it the first time so you don't hurt the girl?"

"Yeh, dad, I don't want to hurt Alice."

"You got me boys. I've never fucked a virgin. This calls for a 

Harry picked up the phone and called Joan, told her the urgent nature 
of the request, and asked her to come over. Joan came right over. These 
boys were going to take her girls' maidenheads. Sex Ed 301 was about to 
begin. She was sure that none of the kids were going to get this 
knowledge at school. She wanted them to have as much information as 

"No matter what you do it's going to hurt Alice and Sally some. One 
point in your favor is that they're so young. The hymen, that's the 
cherry or maidenhead, gets tougher and much harder to tear as a female 
grows older. Oh, in spite of what you may have heard, it's better to 
start with a steady pressure than it is by plunging your prick in hard 
and fast.

"If you're afraid of hurting the girl, you might let her get on top. 
Then they can do it themselves. I fucked you that way in the car, 
David. Once the deed is done, don't be impatient. Wait until the girl 
is ready. It shouldn't be long and I'm sure it will feel good to have 
your prick soak in a cunt. You can switch positions or just fuck like 
that, whatever you want. Hmm, anything else, nope, that about covers 
it. Any questions, the girls are waiting for me. They want to know the 
things you boys like best too. From the way you boys acted with me, I 
don't think there will be any problems. Oh yeh, go real slow that first 
time, it might take the girls a little longer than usual."

Jane grinned at the boys, tousled their hair, gave each of them a kiss, 
and went back to her girls. Harry looked at the boys with his eyebrows 

"There you have it boys, any more questions?"

"Gees yeh, David doesn't have to worry, his prick never gets soft but 
mine does after I shoot off. Once I shoot off I have to wait for a 
while before I can do anything. How do I keep from shooting off too 

David put in his two cents worth. He wanted the sensations to last 
longer too and he felt he shot off too quickly.

"Aw, I may not get soft but I don't want to shoot off right away 
either. I want it to last as long as possible."

"That's a problem most boys, and a lot of men have. It's a good idea to 
do something rather than fuck first. You last longer the second time. 
There's another trick that I've used. If you feel you're going to shoot 
off to soon, do multiplication tables in your head. Another way is to 
suck a tit and when you get one nipple hard switch to the other. 
Concentrate on what your doing to the girls' tits and it takes your 
mind off of what's going on down below with your prick and her cunt."

"Gee, that's right, dad. The longest I ever lasted with Joan was when I 
sucked her tits while I was fucking her." David stopped to think. "But 
that was my fifth come too, maybe that had something to do with it."

That got a laugh and a hug from Harry. 

"I should last through my fifth come any more. I haven't done that in 

In the Wright house the females were having a conference of their own. 
Joan went over most of the things that Harry went over with the boys. 
She wanted the girls as well founded in sexual ethics as Harry wanted 
the boys. She repeated the maidenhead lecture for the benefit of the 

She warned Alice about sucking the first load out of Allen prick and 
not to be too fancy about it or he might shoot off before she got his 
prick in her mouth. He would probably get it hard again by lapping her 
cunt. When he regained his hard on he would last plenty long enough to 
satisfy her. If he shot off too soon, she shouldn't let him know. She 
should tell him how good it felt. Boys needed their egos boosted and 
when they felt good about what they'd done they tried even harder.

Susan had David's peculiarities to handle. Just as with Alice and 
Allen, she should suck his prick into her mouth right away. He would 
shoot his first load immediately then she could take her time and do 
anything she wanted because it would be a while before he shot off 
again and he wouldn't loose his hard on. If he took a while lapping her 
cunt after she sucked his cock, he might do the same thing again when 
he fucked her, shoot off and continue fucking until he shot off again. 
She smiled at her younger daughter.

"You do know your going to have to fight me for that little red head 
now and then."

"Oh, mom, I won't mind, you can borrow him when you want to do things 
with him. At least not after the first couple of days."

"You too, Alice, Now that I've tried him out, I don't want to do 
without Allen either."

"Can we borrow Harry now and then too? I don't know if it will fit, and 
I'm half scared, but I would like to be fucked by his big prick."

"Just remember, he's no kid. I think David can shoot off eight or ten 
times. I expect Allen is good for five or six rounds. Harry usually 
only comes three or, on a real strong night, four comes before he's 
finished. You have to take it easy with someone his age and not be too 
demanding. One thing's for sure, however, he won't shoot off before 
you're ready."

The conversation settled down to fine technical items that really had 
no bearing on kids that young, but Joan was just as tolerant of her 
children's quest for knowledge as Harry was with his. The discussion 
lasted for quite a while.

By mutual consent, none of the kids put on a show that night. They each 
left their light on and their shade up. They undressed slowly and faced 
the window often, both to see and be seen. It was enough just to look 
at the object of their affections.

Once in bed all of them closed their eyes and masturbated thinking what 
they were going to do tomorrow night.

Later that night, after they'd had a session on the couch, Jane and 
Harry compared notes. Harry cocked his head in the way that David 

"Oh, by the way, the boys didn't exactly admit it, but from the 
questions they asked I've concluded that they've been sucking each 
other off."

Joan raised her eyebrows. "That is interesting. The girls are lapping 
each other's cunts too."

                              Chapter - 9

Monday, April 11; Morning:

It was spring break and Joan took vacation. She had already made a 
doctors appointments for her girls for ten o'clock and ten thirty 
Monday morning. The girls were up and six and impatient to get started. 
They wanted to get on the pill as soon as possible. Every minute they 
waited seemed like an hour. Joan stalled them as long as she could and 
still wound up in the doctors offices thirty minutes early.

Joan listened with amusement to her daughters whispered conversations 
about what they wanted to do with the boys this afternoon. If they 
accomplished all of their intentions both of the boys were going to be 
worn to a frazzle by the time the girls were finished with them. On 
second thought she didn't imagine that the boys would object. 

Joan was surprised that the doctor took birth control pills for kids 
that young in stride and didn't act as if it were anything unusual. 
Could it be that it was common for mothers to get the pill for girls 
that age? He gave each the girls a thorough examination, questioned 
them about their periods, and said that they no problems at all. 

They stopped at the druggist on the way home and picked up the pills. 
The girls were thrilled. Taking the pill was their rite of passage. It 
meant that they were grown up. They couldn't wait to start the series 
and were a little miffed when Joan made them wait till they got home. 
Once they got home Joan insisted that they take another shower before 
they went to the Black house to meet the boys even though they'd had a 
shower that morning before going to the doctor. Her girls were going to 
be raised correctly. 

"You should always be absolutely spotless before you entertained a 

Harry had gone to work that day but found he couldn't concentrate so he 
took off and headed back home. He got home and saw Joan returning from 
the doctor with the girls into their house. He went inside and chased 
the boys upstairs to shower before the girls arrived. 

"It's only good manners to be spotlessly clean when you intend to 
entertain a girl." 

The boys were freshly showered and waiting for the girls and Joan when 
they arrived.

Susan ran to kiss David and Alice rushed over to Allen. Both girls 
remembered what happened last night and were very careful not to rub 
the boys too hard. They wanted to wait till they were in the bedroom so 
they could see their pricks when they shot off. The adolescent couples 
had previously decided that they wanted privacy for their first 
encounters and were tugging at the leash to get to the bedrooms and get 

Joan insisted that they all eat a good lunch before they did anything 
else. The boys would need all the strength they could muster. The kids 
were too excited to eat very much. When they were finally permitted to 
leave the table they split into pairs and made a dash for the boys' 
bedrooms. Harry and Joan decided to wait the afternoon out. They'd use 
his bedroom that night.

Monday, April 11; Early afternoon:- Alice and Allen

Alice and Allen got to his room. They'd been giving shows but that was 
from across the yard. There was no longer the safety of thirty feet of 
lawn between their bodies. They were in the same room. This was what 
they had wanted but it was scary too. Each was shy about disrobing in 
front of the other. They stood and looked at each other.

"I love you Allen."

"I live you too."

"Oh, Allen!"

Alice Hugged Allen to her. Then she shyly unbuttoned her blouse. Allen 
watched what she was doing and removed his T shirt. That broke the ice. 
Both of them stripped out of the rest of their clothes and were in 
their birthday suits in nothing flat. Allen cautiously put his hand on 
one of Alice's tits. Alice reached for his crotch and stopped. She 
remembered her mother's warning and she didn't want to embarrass Allen 
by making him shoot off right away.

"Mom said I shouldn't touch your prick. She said I should suck you off 
first. Do you want me to do that? I think I'd like to."

"Uh, yeh, I can get hard again while I lap your cunt. Then I can last 
better when we do it."

Alice giggled and said, "Do what, Allen."

Allen blushed then recovered, he wasn't going to let a girl be more 
brazen than he was. "When I fuck you for the first time and take your 

Alice led Allen over to the bed and it was her turn to blush as she 
positioned herself between his thighs. This was the prick she'd been 
fantasizing about ever since she'd had her first period. It was 
beautiful. She liked it a lot better than Harry's monster. This was the 
prick she really wanted. She really wanted to suck this cock.

Alice licked the sparkling drop of pre cum off the tip. Allen's hips 
jerked and Alice immediately moved her mouth down over the head and 
eased her lips down along the five inch shaft. She'd no sooner sucked 
his entire prick into her mouth than Allen's hips shot off the bed and 
his first spurt of cum jetted into her mouth. Alice sucked desperately 
and swallowed each of the spurts, then continued sucking till she had 
drained the rest of the load from his balls. She tried to get some more 
action from Allen but his prick softened and he finally pulled it out 
of her mouth.

He sure didn't last as long as Harry, but she liked the taste of his 
cum more and having him shoot off in her mouth gave her a mild orgasm. 
Alice was disappointed that she hadn't a chance to really make Allen 
feel good. 

Well, after he fucked her, she'd suck his cock again. Her mother said 
that he wouldn't be on a hair trigger then and he would last long 
enough then so she could use all the tricks she'd learned when she had 
practiced on Harry.

Allen was disappointed too and more than a little crestfallen. He'd 
been fantasizing about Alice sucking his cock and had hardly had time 

to feel her mouth go down over his prick. The only good thing about it 
was that he could lap her cunt right now. He'd fantasized about that 
too, and now he'd get a chance to do it. Alice moved up beside him, 
pressed her body against his, and kissed him. 

David had described a trip around the world in great detail. Allen had 
hung on to his every word. This was the way you started it, french 
kissing. Allen picked it up from there. He wanted to make Alice wiggle 
and jump the way David said he did.

He broke off the kiss and licked his way around to her ear. He nibbled 
her earlobe and Alice wiggled, she jumped when he poked his tongue in 
her ear. He couldn't wait till he got down to suck Alice's tits. He'd 
wanted to do that for a long time too. However, he followed the script 
as he knew it, and licked his way down across Alice's neck and upper 

Allen made a discovery for himself. He licked all around the swell of 
Alice's tits and she wiggled wildly when he licked the crease at the 
bottom. He'd found a sensitive spot. He worked it over to make her 
wiggle some more.

He moved on to suck on a nipple. It was hard when he sucked it into his 
mouth but he could feel the aureole crinkle and Alice really jumped. He 
took his time sucking on it then moved to the other tit and sucked on 
that nipple till it was real hard and that aureole was as crinkly as 
the first one. 

He licked her lower chest and belly on his way down to her cunt 
stopping to probe her navel. She reacted the way David said he had When 
Joan did that to him. The aroma of her cunt hit him in the face and he 
stopped to lick up some of the juice. Alice had her hips arched up off 
the bed and she was moaning but Allen didn't want to bring her off yet. 
He wanted to do the whole thing the way David had described it.

He licked on down her legs, and went to work licking the bottom of her 
feet. He sucked on her toes, one by one, then turned her over and 
started licking up back the backs of her legs. Alice jumped when he 
licked the backs of her knees and wiggled when he tickled the inside of 
her thighs with his tongue. 

Her hips were raised at that point and Allen didn't hesitate, he licked 
right up along her ass crack and probed her pucker with his tongue. 
Alice gasped and almost jumped off the bed.

Allen turned her over and applied his lips to her cunt. Her clit was 
longer than Joan's. He sucked it into his mouth and bobbed his head. 
Alice moaned and tossed her head from side to side. She wasn't any 
older than he was and had no more control than he had. She didn't last 
much longer than he had under this direct attack. She shuddered with 
come after come and had to push his head away.

Allen hugged and kissed Alice. Working Alice's body over had another 
desired effect, Allen's prick was hard and it was pressed right against 
her crotch. Alice wanted that prick inside her cunt. She rolled onto 
her back and rolled Allen on top. He placed his knees between Alice's 
legs and supported his body on his hands.

Alice placed his throbbing prick between her inner cunt lips. He 
lowered his hips and the head of his prick penetrated about an inch, It 
wouldn't go in any farther. He applied a little more pressure and 
nothing happened. He was afraid of hurting Alice and he didn't want to 
do that.

"It won't go in, Alice."

"Push a little harder."

"I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

"Oh, you're a scardy cat. Let me get on top."

The kids rolled over and Alice squatted over Allen's groin. She 
positioned his prick again and lowered her cunt over it. There was the 
same one inch penetration. She pushed harder, something tore, and her 
cunt slid down over Allen's prick.

"Ouch, That did hurt, but it's beginning to feel better already. Oooo, 
I like the feel of you cock in my cunt. Wait a little more and I'll be 

"I don't want to hurt you. Tell me when you're ready."

Allen let his prick soak in Alice's tight cunt and it felt as good as 
Joan said. He wanted to pump his hips as fast as he could. He wasn't 
supposed to do that. Alice's tits were swinging over his face. Dad said 
you could slow yourself down by sucking a tit. He liked sucking Alice's 
tits anyway. Allen latched on to a tit and nursed.

That turned Alice's hips on. As her crotch lowered Allen's pushed up. 
His groin pressed tight against Alice's and it felt real good to him. 
He kept control and remembered not to pump too fast. The nipple he was 
sucking on was hard so he switched to the other and he concentrated on 
making that one hard too. Her hips flexed and Allen's hips matched her 
rhythm and he started multiplication tables. He couldn't shoot off too 
soon. He needn't have worried. 

Alice was into multiple orgasms. She moaned, bounced, and shuddered. 
Allen's prick in her count was better than the trip around the world. 
Allen's restraint evaporated. His hips jerked spastically and spurt, 
spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; his load of young boy cum 
inundated her no longer virgin cunt. Allen had never felt anything 
better in his life.

Alice slowed and Allen's prick shriveled to its limp state. He knew the 
procedure, he reversed position and applied his mouth to Alice's cunt. 
Joan had instructed the girls in the proper etiquette after fucking. 
Alice grabbed onto his blood and cum streaked prick and sucked it into 
her mouth. She sucked it clean but after two comes it stayed soft. 
Allen licked her ass crack. Joan had told Alice the sure way to make 
Allen's prick hard again and she was going to do it now no matter what. 
She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and licked along Allen's ass 
crack. There was some leakage there and Alice cleaned it up. Before she 
knew it she was licking the leakage of their mutual juices from his 
asshole. It wasn't that bad! She liked the way Allen jumped.

Allen was licking her asshole too. She pushed her tongue against his 
pucker and rubbed. His prick was getting hard. Licking ass wasn't all 
that nasty. She liked making Allen jerk his hips that way. From now on 
she would be very careful when she said she couldn't do something. 
Allen's prick was hard. Now she could give him a real blow job. 
She went over all the things she'd done to Harry and tried them one at 
a time. Allen sure was making her cunt feel good. He was lapping her 
cunt as good as Harry had. Allen moved his attention from one spot to 
another in her cunt and pumped his prick into her mouth. Her mother was 
right. She could do more things with this five inch prick than she 
could with Harry's monster. She could suck on Allen's prick for hours 
and enjoy every minute of it.

Allen couldn't take it for hours. He was reaching his limit, for that 
matter so was Alice. The spurts of Allen's cum jetted from his prick. 
Alice's hips convulsed and she experienced several more orgasms. Alice 
sucked the dribbles out of Allen's pisshole. Allen tried to lick up all 
the juice that Alice was producing. The kids lay there, Allen's head 
clenched between Alice's thighs and his shrinking prick in her mouth. 
They switched around and hugged and kissed some more. They rested and 
dozed for a while. 

Monday, April 11; Early afternoon:- Susan and David.

David and Susan got to his room and they didn't have the problem Allen 
and Alice had. They stripped out of their clothes before the door 
closed. As soon as they were nude they stood back and each of them 
devoured the other with their eyes. They fell into each other's arms 
and clinched. David kissed Susan and pushed his tongue into her mouth. 
In the process he also pressed his hard prick against her crotch. She 
rubbed tongues with David as they lowered themselves to the bed.

Susan knew Joan said she should suck David's cock the very first thing. 
Susan liked the idea but wanted to do what Harry had done to her. She 
wanted to make David jump all over the bed before she sucked the cum 
from his prick. Susan licked David's ear. David knew what she was doing 
and had wanted to do Susan first but since she started it he let her 

She probed his ear with her tongue and got the jump she was looking 
for. She licked around David's neck to his other ear and was rewarded 
with multiple wiggles. She was so thrilled with his reactions that her 
own body shivered in sympathy.

She licked her way down to David's nipples. She found out they hardened 
just like hers did and that licking them gave David goose flesh all 
over. She moved down to his navel and pushed in her tongue. Another 
good jump from David and that pleased Susan. Lower still, she licked a 
drop of pre cum from the head of David's prick. David's hips shot up 
off the bed and he delivered a man sized load of young boy cum to 
Susan's greedily sucking mouth.

Her mother was right. David did shoot off quick, but that wasn't going 
to stop her, she was going to do the whole bit. She swallowed his cum, 
bobbed her head, massaged his prick with her tongue, and shook with an 
orgasm of her own. She could do a lot more things with David's three 
inch prick than she'd been able to do with Harry's. David's hips 
relaxed back onto the bed and Susan continued down his legs.

She licked the bottom of his feet and sucked his toes. She was liked 
making David wiggled and giggled like that. She knew she was giving him 
a special treat and that he appreciated it. She made him jump by 
licking behind his knees, and wiggle by licking the inside of his 
thighs. She licked his ass crack then pushed her tongue in his asshole 
and that made his hips fly off the bed. She massaged his pucker with 
her tongue and found herself enjoying it. This was David's asshole and 
she loved it as much as any other part of him.

David reacted beautifully and she was getting twinges in her cunt 
again. Susan rolled David on his back again and took her time getting 
down to the main attraction. She wanted to suck his prick right into 
her mouth and drain another load of his sweet tasting cum out of it but 
she also wanted to do the things she'd practiced on Harry and all the 
things her mother had told her David liked.

She sucked his balls, licked around his prick head, sucked the loose 
skin under his pisshole, and lapped all around his prick and over the 
head. David had his hips in the air and Susan slowly lowered her lips 
over his prick. By the time her nose rested in his sparse pubic hair 
she could feel the tension in his body.

She swirled her tongue along the underside of his prick, sucked as hard 
as she could, and slowly raised her head. David gasped, Susan continued 
that routine. When her head was up she ran her tongue over the head of 
his prick. She repeated the routine again. David's hips were off the 
bed and she felt him quiver. One more time and; spurt, spurt, spurt, 
dribble, dribble, dribble; Susan sucked another load of cum out of 
David's prick. She continued a gentle sucking until his hips, but not 
his prick, relaxed; then moved up to kiss and hug him.

David took several minutes to recuperate then he went to work on Susan. 
He wasn't going to let her do more for him than he did for her. He gave 
her the same tender loving care she'd given him. He didn't miss a 
sensitive point on his way down to lick her cunt. He worked on that 
until she came before he moved on down her legs.

He copied all her moves on the way up from her feet, and just as he'd 
lasted less than a minute when she sucked his prick, Susan lasted less 
than a minute when he lapped her cunt and sucked her clit. It took them 
some time recover. Neither of them could possibly be happier.

Now it was time for David to fuck Susan. They were lying side by side 
and Susan pulled David on top of her. David knew the proper etiquette, 
he supported himself on his knees and elbows. Susan took a little time 
positioning his prick. She liked the feel of it in hand and didn't want 
to give it up. David pushed down and his prick went about an inch into 
Susan's cunt and stopped right there. David pushed a little harder and 
penetrated no farther. He tried again, still no luck.

"Push harder, David, push harder!"

"I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't! Push harder!"

"You get on top. Your mother said that way you can do it."

"You're the boy. I want you on top."

"I'm afraid of hurting you! I don't want to do that."

Joan and Harry were discussing the kids and what they were doing when 
two nude cherubs appeared on the stairs. They looked like cherubs until 
you noticed that the male's prick was standing straight up in the air 
and the female's cunt was dripping. They were both close to tears.
"David won't push hard enough to get his prick in me."

"I'm afraid of hurting her and I don't want to do that. I want to make 
her cunt feel good not hurt it."

"What can we do?"

"Would you come up and help us?"

Both adults managed to keep Their expressions serious in the face of 
this emergency. They realized both of the kids were deadly serious. 
They made soothing sounds and accompanied the kids to the bedroom. 
The kids got in position on the bed and David's prick made the same 
slight penetration before it was pressed up against Susan's hymen. 
Harry stood behind his son and pushed firmly on David's ass cheeks, 
Joan held Susan's hand. 

Both kids felt something give and David's prick slid right into Susan's 
cunt. Susan wiggled her hips and pushed her body right up against 
David's. She didn't even wince. The kids forgot about the adults in the 

"Oooo, that feels good. I like it."

"Wow! You're real tight. It feels good to me too."

David flexed his hips twice, his hips jerked, and let go a load of cum. 
That was normal for him and he kept right on pumping his prick into 
Susan's cunt. This felt good. Susan was in seventh heaven. David was 
finally fucking her! She wrapped her legs around David's hips and 
pushed her hips up every time David flexed his hips down. She never 
thought fucking David would feel this good. 

The adults watched. Harry's prick was trying to tear its way out of his 
pants. Joan's cunt was dripping wet. They looked at each other and 
decided that they wouldn't wait. They retired to Harry's bedroom for a 
couple of rounds. 

David had learned his lessons well. He kept the rhythm slow and pushed 
against Susan's crotch with his own each time his prick made maximum 
penetration. He wanted this to fuck last forever. Susan had been warned 
about speeding up the pace. She was having orgasms but, outside of a 
hip jerk now and then, matched David's slow pace. David resorted to the 
multiplication tables and lasted more than three minutes before he let 
loose another load of cum. Susan shuddered and moaned.

David rolled off of Susan. She kept her legs wrapped around his hips 
and rolled with him. David's hard prick in her cunt was very comforting 
and she wasn't going to let it free. David was perfectly content with 
his prick soaking in Susan's cunt. They hugged and kissed each other 
and rubbed tongues. They almost dozed off but Joan had conditioned 
David to lick a girl's cunt clean after he shot a load into it. 

He gave Susan another French kiss and turned end to end applied his 
tongue. Susan knew a sixty nine when she saw it, she'd watched her 
mother and Harry do it after they fucked. She sucked David's blood 
streaked prick into her mouth. Neither was going to miss any of the 
sensations that went with their first time in bed with each other.

David lapped cunt and Susan sucked cock. Both made forays to their 
partner's rear end. Each made the other jump when they poked the 
other's ass with their tongue. David stopped and pulled away before he 
shot his load of cum. 

Susan stopped and looked at him. His head was cocked to one side and he 
had a speculative look in his eyes. She sat up and looked at him. What 
was he thinking about now? It wasn't like David to stop lapping her 
cunt before she came.



"What are you thinking about?"

"Uh, nothing."

"Don't tell me that. I'm Susan, remember. I know you. You're thinking 
about something different."

By this time both kids were sitting cross legged in the center of the 
bed and facing each other.

"Uh, well, I guess so, but maybe you wouldn't like it anyway."

"Why don't you try me and find out?"

"Uh, oh well, dad says some women like to be fucked in the ass. He says 
your mother likes it. You jump even further than your mother when I 
lick you back there. Would you like me to fuck your ass." 

Susan studied the idea. Joan had mentioned it last night when they had 
their conference. She hadn't said much about it and she only gave it 
passing notice. It was true she liked it when David pushed his tongue 
against her asshole. Would it feel just as good if he shoved his prick 
up her ass. There was only one way to find out she was going to like 
having her ass fucked. Her mother had said she should try new things, 
she knew David would stop if she asked him. 

"Uh, David?"


"If I don't like it will you stop?"

"Oh, sure. I wouldn't want to do anything you didn't like. It wouldn't 
be fun for me either if you didn't like it."

"It sounds sort of kinky but it does feel good when you push your 
tongue against my ass, let's try it."

"Are you sure you want to do it?"

"Yeh, mom said she likes to have her ass fucked. I'll never know how it 
feels if we don't try."

There was a knock on the door. The kids started to pull the sheet over 
their naked bodies and realized how silly that was. David said to come 
in. Allen and Alice poked their head around the door then came into the 
room. They weren't wearing any more clothes than Susan and David were. 
David's eyes fastened on Alice's almost ripe figure and Allen took in 
Susan's pubescent body. The females examined the male bodies just as 
closely as the males were examining them. David's prick was still hard 
of, course, and it was pointing toward the ceiling. Allen's prick 
wasn't quite soft but it wasn't hard either. 

They'd seen each other's nude bodies before but not in the same room. 
They all wanted to touch and feel but it wasn't urgent. Susan broke the 

"Did Allen fuck you?"

"Gees yeh. It felt real good after Allen broke my maiden head."
She wasn't going to embarrass Allen by telling how chicken he'd been. 
Susan wasn't as worried about David's ego and, in truth, he really 
didn't mind.

"Wow! David wouldn't push hard enough so we had to get mom and Harry to 
help. It didn't hurt me at all." 

She remembered her mother's admonition about making the boys feel good. 
"David didn't shoot off a second time till I didn't think I could take 
it any more."

David grinned at this and his chest puffed out a little. He was still 
interested in how things had gone with the other pair.

"What else did you do, Allen?"

"Just about everything, I guess. We gave each other trips around the 
world, we fucked, and we sixty nined. What did you do?"

"The same things. Uh, we were talking about ass fucking. Dad said that 
Joan liked it? Susan said she wanted to try it to see if she liked it 

"Wow! Can we watch?"

David and Susan looked at each other. Why shouldn't they let the older 
kids watch? The boys had watched the girls lap each other's cunts and 
the girls had watched the boys suck each other's pricks. Why should 
mixed activity be any different? 

It had been exciting having the others watch them doing things through 
window. It could be even more exciting to have them watch in the same 
room. None of them said a word but all of them were thinking of the 
future when they knew they would be doing things with each other.
There was another knock on the door and the kids chorused a "Come in."
Joan and Harry came in. They were wearing the uniform of the day. They 
took in the scenery and enjoyed the view. Harry's prick was limp. It 
was obvious to the kids that the adults had been doing the same things 
they'd been doing. 

Allen was impatient to watch David fuck Susan's ass. If it was as good 
as everything else they'd done, and the younger kids liked it, he 
wanted to try to get Alice to let him do it to her. 

"Dad, David and Susan said they were going to try ass fucking. Do you 
want to watch too?"

The adults laughed.

"That's pretty advanced for a first session, kids, but why not if you 
want to? Do you mind if we watch, David? Susan?"

"Gee, you watched our first fuck, I don't know why you shouldn't watch 

David looked at Susan then his father. He'd had some expert 
instructions from his father the night before and knew that he was 
supposed to rub Susan's clit while he fucked her ass, but he had no 
idea about the mechanics of getting started. He cocked his head to one 
side. "Uh, what am I supposed to do, dad?" 

The adults looked at each other and laughed again. Group sex with these 
almost innocent kids was going to be a ball. Harry sobered up. "Well, 
you have to make sure her ass is well lubricated or else you might hurt 
her. I like spit better than Vaseline or K.Y. jelly myself. Hold on to 
her hips and push your prick in slowly. It might hurt a little but not 
for long. Did I miss anything, Joan?"

"Not that I can think of. Go to it kids! Have a ball." 

The kids went to it. Susan got on her knees and watched over her 
shoulder as David used the proper lubricant, spit; and the proper 
applicator, his tongue. Her hips jerked when he pressed a gob of spit 
into her asshole. He held Susan's hips and needed a third hand to 
position his prick on target. Joan supplied the third hand. He eased 
his prick into Susan's ass.

"Wow! That feels strange! But it feels good to. I like it! Fuck my ass, 
David, fuck my ass!"

David fucked. With all the time since he last shot off, David added a 
lot of lubricant in the form of cum after the first two strokes. 

Susan's ass was even tighter than her cunt. It didn't feel like 
anything he'd done before but it felt just as good. He reached around, 
dipped his finger into Susan's cunt for some cunt juice, and massaged 
her clit while he continued pumping his prick into her ass. 

Susan thought it was neat too. It sure was different but it was just as 
much fun. She was glad that she'd had the nerve to try it. At the 
moment she didn't think she'd ever say no to anything David suggested, 
but she reconsidered and reserved the right. Her hips responded and her 
ass slapped against David's groin each time he pumped. David's balls 
bounced against her cunt and that felt good too. 

It was be the sixth time David shot off, he had a lot of lasting power 
now. It wasn't until Susan's orgasms had her ass contracting around his 
prick that the added stimulus brought him to a climax. He deposited a 
diminished load of young boy cum in Susan's ass. The motion eased off 
and both kids were panting.

David eased his only slightly softened prick out of Susan's ass and 
moved down to clean it up. Someone sucked his prick into their mouth 
but he was paying attention to what he was doing. Whoever it was knew 
how to suck cock. He looked down and saw it was his father. David 
forgot what he was doing and watched in astonishment. His hips quivered 
and he shot off again. His father sucked it right down his throat. This 
time he let his hips relax and his father let his prick slide out of 
his mouth. 


"You do it with your brother, David, don't you want me to do it to 

"Gees, yeh! It's neat! But I never even dreamed you would."

"I like boy-boy sex too. I started out with your Uncle Stanley when he 
was your age. Later Sam and I did some things together. We couldn't see 
why your mother and Joan should have all the fun. When you asked those 
questions about boy-boy sex it made me happy. I want to have fun with 
the both of you."

Watching his youngest son fuck Susan's ass then sucking his cock had 
Harry's prick hard again. One look at his father's monster and David 
gasped. He wrapped his hand around it and licked the drop of pre cum 
off the tip. David blushed.

"Can I suck your cock, dad?"

"Why not, I just sucked yours. Do you want to suck me off or do you 
want to sixty nine?"

David started to answer and shook his head no and blushed. "Uh, dad, can I just suck you off. Uh, my balls are starting to ache."

The adults covered their amusement. David was embarrassed because was 
incapacitated and he'd only shot off seven times. Harry only wished he 
could have that problem. He'd fucked Joan once and they'd sixty nined 
before they came into David's room. He had been totally spent at that 
point. It was only the excitement of sucking off his just pubescent son 
that got him hard again.

Joan realized what the situation was. She looked around the room and 
decided enough was enough. 

"David, I know you want to try that monster of your father's but he's 
come twice already and he doesn't have your recuperative powers. He'll 
have aching balls too before you're finished. Give him some time to 
recuperate. Let's wait till after dinner, and we'll see what else 
develops. You kids may want to be alone for a while but if you don't we 
can have a group session tonight."

David was disappointed but he was reasonable too. He was willing to 
wait. Harry was disappointed too, but he knew that Joan was absolutely 
right. He really wasn't up to it and had acquiesced to his son's 
request in the heat of the moment. He'd be much better if he waited 
till evening. They decided that all those nude bodies around could be 
rather distracting so they scattered to their various rooms and 

                             Chapter - 10

Monday, April 11; Evening:

The adults realized the kids would get restless and took them to an 
early movie to let them cool off before returning home for a late 
dinner. Joan was sure that Harry was going to need all the rest he 
could get before the evening was over.

The conversation at the dinner table wasn't normal for the average 
family. The kids had some decisions to make. They could sleep with 
their chosen partner for the night. Each wanted to spend a night alone 
with their selected lover but there were other options. All of them 
were attractive and the kids had trouble choosing among them.
Susan wanted Allen then Harry to fuck her. She wanted find out if a 
bigger prick in her cunt made any difference. She wanted to lap her 
mother's cunt too. 

Alice wanted David to shoot off in her cunt and keep right on fucking. 
She wanted to suck his cute little cock too. She had to try Harry's big 
prick. Wow! Like her sister, she wanted to show her mother how much she 
loved her by lapping her cunt. 

Allen was intrigued with Susan's hairless young cunt. Alice's cunt had 
been tighter than Joan's. He wanted to find out if Susan's was tighter 
yet. He was a little jealous of David because Harry had sucked David 
off and hadn't done the same to him. He wanted to suck his father's 
cock too and lap Susan's little slit. He wanted to do things with Joan 

David knew he wanted to do everything with everybody. His mind was 
racing so fast he hardly had time to realize what he was thinking. He 
could probably accomplish all his desires in one night, but he would 
have been exhausted and his balls would have ached. 

They were like kids in a candy factory with a small bag. They couldn't 
decide how to fill it. David came up with the solution. 

"Uh, why don't we do things together then when it's time to go to sleep 
separate into pairs? I want to sleep with Susan but I want to do 
things, uh, fuck and suck with the rest of you too. I know we'll be 
tired out before bedtime, but if we wake up during the night Susan and 
I can do things together." 

The rest kids thought it was a good idea. When could they get started? 
They all retired to the family room which had a thick pile carpet with 
a heavy pad under it. It would be the most comfortable place for a 
family orgy. The kids left a trail of clothes on the way to the family 
room. In a minute the adults were as naked as the kids. 

Again they all took inventory and liked what they saw. There were three 
stiff pricks and three dripping cunts. 

"Dad, you said I could suck you cock." David looked at his father 

Harry saw a look of envy in Allen's eye and he didn't want him to think 
that David was his favorite even though there was some truth in it. "I 
haven't sucked Allen off yet," Allen's eyes lit up. "why don't we form 
a daisy chain?" Both boys looked at Allen with their eyebrows raised. 
"In case you've never heard of that one it's where you get in a circle 
and every one sucks everyone else off." 

Alice was indignant. "What are we girls supposed to do while you boys 
are having fun?"

Susan watched the males get into position and turned around and grinned 
at her mother. 

"Mom, can girls do a, uh, oh, a daisy chain too?"

"You bet. How about it Alice?" 

"Gees, I hadn't thought of that. That'll be neat." 

Joan was struck by an idea, she looked around and developed a big grin. 
"Here's an idea. Harry wants to suck Allen's cock and David want's to 
suck Harry's. Alice has always said she wants to suck David's prick and 
I think Allen wants to lap Susan's cunt. I want to lap one of my 
daughters and be lapped by the other. I haven't tried either yet. Susan 
can do me while I do Alice. All of us can be doing something together 
and none will be doing something with somebody we've done things with 

Everyone looked at everyone else. Each would be sucking some one new 
and someone new would be sucking them. They were all for it. They 
arranged themselves in a big circle. Susan reminded Alice not to stop 
when David delivered his first load of cum. That was only an appetizer. 
David faced his father's crotch. His prick was big but it was made just 
like his or his brother's. He must like the same things that Allen and 
he liked. He licked a drop of pre cum off the tip and licked the 
underside just as he would have with Allen. 

Harry reacted the same way Allen did. With more assurance he went on to 
suck his father's balls. He could only get one at a time into his 
mouth. He made the rounds of licking his father's ass, probing his 
asshole with his tongue, and sucking his balls. Then he moved back to 
the head of his father's prick. 

Harry faced Allen's maturing cock. David was the more mischievous of 
his sons, took more of his attention, and was probably his favorite, 
but he loved Allen just as much as he loved David. He tenderly licked 
the drops of cum from Allen's pisshole, massaged his prick with his 
tongue, and licked his balls and ass, then moved back to the head of 
his prick.

Allen held himself rigid in anticipation of the first contact of his 
father's tongue. Once he felt it he relaxed some and examined the cute 
almost hairless cunt in front of his face. He'd been looking forward to 
lapping her pubescent cunt. It looked so fragile that he was afraid of 
hurting Susan. 

Very lightly he ran his tongue just inside the outer lips. Susan's hips 
wiggled and he gained a little courage. He licked along her ass crack 
and pushed his tongue into her cute pink pucker. When Susan's body 
jerked Allen grinned to himself. Susan reacted the same way everyone 
else did, he wasn't going to her any harm no matter what he did. He 
moved back to further explore her cunt with his tongue. 

Susan examined her mother's cunt. She separated the outer lips and 
licked. It had a richer flavor than her sisters. She licked again, 
moved to her asshole, and massaged as hard as she could. When Allen 
moved back to her cunt, she moved back to her mother's and sucked 
Joan's clit into her mouth. 

Joan sampled her older daughter's cunt. Susan was doing a good job on 
hers and she would do as good a job on Alice. She knew how much being 
skillful in the art of love could enhance your life. She would show 
Alice how it should be done. 

She licked her daughter's cunt. She massaged the entire area between 
Alice's outer cunt lips and moved on up her ass crack and over her 
asshole before returning to the point of her main interest. 

Alice was having a ball with David's pubescent cock. She was now ready 
to lick his ass crack and tongue fuck his ass. His hip jerks were 
rather violent so she moved back to the head of his prick and sucked it 
into her mouth. His hips pumped twice and spurts and dribbles of his 
first load of cum filled her mouth. He kept pumping and she swallowed 
the nectar and kept on sucking. His prick was small enough so she could 
really give it a working over with her tongue as she bobbed her head. 

As David shot off for the first time he sucked his father's huge prick 
into his mouth. Susan said she had sucked on it and his mouth was as 
big as hers. He had about half of it in his mouth when the head tickled 
his throat. He wanted to do better than that. He bobbed his head and 
pushed harder this time. 

The head of his father's prick entered his throat but there was still a 
lot left to go. One more time and he found his nose resting on his 
father's balls. He started to gag and resisted the reflex by 
swallowing. Harry's hips jerked when he did that. 

Harry went slow on Allen's prick and he used every trick he knew to 
make his son feel good. When David swallowed Harry's prick it 
galvanized him. He bobbed faster and sucked harder. 

Allen fucked his father's mouth, sucked Susan's clit into his mouth, 
and plunged his hardened tongue into her cunt. He was going to shoot 
off pretty soon and wanted to have Susan come at the same time. 
Susan shuddered with her first orgasm and buried her face in her 
mother's cunt and lapped faster and faster. 

Joan felt her first orgasm come on, she pushed her finger up Alice's 
ass and ran her tongue in and out of her twat. 

Alice bobbed her head faster, quivering with the intensity of her 
feeling she swallowed David's second load of cum. 

David's hips jerked and he delivered his seed to Alice's sucking mouth 
as he swallowed his father's massive load of cum. 

Harry released his load of cum in his younger son's mouth as he 
attempted to suck his older son's balls dry.

The action slowed and came to a stop as flaccid pricks slipped out of 
slack mouths and panting faces fell away from satiated cunts. After 
moments rest there was a flurry of motion as each sampled the sex 
organs of everyone else. No one was in a hurry and each was willing to 
accept the other's ministrations. 

Joan looked at the three males and asked to use them all at once. She'd 
never done that before. Her daughters agreed on the condition that they 
get the same chance in the not too distant future.

The boys were as hard as a rock but Harry's prick was just coming to 
attention. Joan sucked on her finger, inserted it in Harry's ass, and 
massaged his prostate. The kids watched fascinated as Harry's prick 
rose to the occasion. 

Joan wanted her three holes filled. Harry would fuck her cunt, David 
her ass, and Allen her mouth. 

Joan got on her knees, David got behind her, laved her asshole with his 
tongue and poked his prick at it. Nothing happened. 

"Take it easy, son. Grab hold of Joan's hips and ease your prick in. 
Here let me help you." 

Harry held his son's prick to Joan's pucker, David gripped her hips 
firmly and pushed his prick up her ass until his hips were lodged 
against her ass cheeks. Joan rolled to her side and Harry took his 
position in front his slid his monster into Joan's cunt. 

"Oh, dad, I can feel your prick riding over mine!" 

"I know, that's always a surprise the first time you try this position. 
I always liked the way that felt.

"Shove your ass in front of my face, Allen. I'll give you a reaming 
while Joan sucks a load of cum out of your cock." 

Allen moved into position and the action started. David's prick rode in 
and out of Joan's tight ass and right along the length of his father's. 
His hips jerked and his first load of cum added lubrication. 

David's prick made its full penetration, Harry flexed his hips and 
David felt his father's prick slide over his. Joan sucked on Allen's 
prick and she massaged it with her tongue. Harry applied his tongue to 
Allen's ass. 

David and Harry built up the alternating rhythm that gave each of them 
the maximum feel of the other's prick riding in and out of the opposing 
hole. Joan picked up their rhythm and slapped her ass against David as 
he pushed his prick in and against Harry when he made his thrust. Her 
head bobbed in time with her hip movements and Allen fucked his prick 
into her mouth. 

The girls watched and decided they didn't have to be left out. Susan 
moved in behind David and licked his ass. Alice had no trouble licking 
Harry's ass this time. They moved down a little lower and each licked a 
prick as it was retracted from the hole it was fucking. This type of 
activity doesn't make for lasting power. The action speeded up. 
There was panting and grunting as the four of them reached a climax. 
David delivered his second load of cum into Joan's ass. Joan sucked a 
load out of Allen's throbbing prick. Harry inundated Joan's cunt with 
his massive adult load. 

Harry's prick shriveled and slipped out of Joan's cunt. Alice pounced 
on it to clean it off. David withdrew his still hard cock from Joan's 
ass and Susan loving performed the same service for him. She managed to 
suck another load of cum out his prick in the process. Allen moved down 
and lapped his father's and brother's cum out of Joan's cunt and ass. 
They all completed their cleanup chores and sat around again. Joan 
decreed it was time for bed. They could take up the group activities 
tomorrow. The kids were ready to agree and Harry was in no condition to 
continue anyway. They kissed and hugged all around and the kids went 
off to their respective bedrooms but not to sleep. Harry did have to 
sleep for a while before he woke and entertained Joan with a leisurely 
sixty nine. 


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