Sister to Sister

                             Chapter 1


     The sisters loved to be home alone.  Maybe that would seem
strange for most young teen who would rather be gallivanting
their siblings.  But Sue and Alice were different.  They were
comfortable with each other.  They enjoyed each other.  They
actually liked each other.  And they had much in common.  Their
attraction for each other was in no small part due to their well-
to-do parents who were always away, usually at their respective
offices making more money.  For years they had had private
schooling, nannies galore and all of the other niceties that
comes to the upper crust.  They had the requisite pets, a dane, a
newly-acquired pointer, a nice home and secluded pool.  They
never lacked for anything.
     For all of their silver spoons, Sue and Alice were neat
kids.  Nicer ones you couldn't imagine, no presumptuousness, no
smugness, nothing like that, just nice kids.  Hard to believe,
     Well, that's not all.  Although they weren't the stunning,
teeny-bopper, movie starlets, they were good looking.  They were
similar, both about five-two, nicely proportioned, with trim, but
not athletic, bodies.  The single year between them didn't show,
to Sue's chagrin.  They both had sweet oval faces, haloed by
soft, lush brown hair flowing over their shoulders and cascading
down their flawless, ightly tanned backs.
     Their intriguing young breasts would never turn the eye of
the Madison Avenue-conditioned male trained to gravitate to the
protruding mountains of silicone, but their appeal was beguiling.
The soft pink flesh gently, but irresistibly, rose from their
slim chests to lusciously peak at the most adorable areolas you
could imagine.  The wee nipples crowned the Grecian mons to
perfection.  'Tis a pity that no mortal beyond their own hands
had ever rejoiced in their caress.
     But the Creator would be disappointed if the viewer stopped
there, for His greatest works were yet to come.  Tearing one's
self away from the mounds of the youthful Venuses, one delights
in following another immaculate trail over the most graceful
curves imaginable.  The rolling curves gently ebb at the waist,
but carefully hasten outward again at the youthful hips.  The
flow so docile that one might be mesmerized into forgetting that
Sue and Alice were women ÄÄ women, who could bedazzle any male,
if given the opportunity.  If the Creator had also given them the
desire to attract the male of the species, all would be in chaos.
     But, dear reader, don't lose our train of thought.  We are
not finished our wonderful tour.  As we continue our luscious
travail over the sensuous hips we pause only a moment to note
that the soft curls of pubic hair enticing conceal what mere
mortals could not even imagine, so we will bypass heaven for now.
As delicious as our excursion has been the tantalizing and
provocative rise of the twin-mons derriere command attention.
Many plastic surgeons could triple their business if they could
duplicate this magnificent sight before us.  But the soft
roundness without the slightest hint of flaw or blemish is
irreproducible by Man.  If designer clothes didn't hide these
consummate domes from our sight Sue and Alice would have been
submerged in Italian hands.
     As we unmercifully sever our sensual attachment to these
heavenly hills we are greeted with two identical long, slender,
shapely legs, consistently without imperfection.  The lovely and
delicate feet don't disappoint us, just sledgehammer our minds
that we are at the end.  We shiver in ecstacy imagining the first
trembling hand to follow this last leg of our journey the other
     But the tour we took is only in the imagination, as these
two delights are just now awakening from a satisfying sleep, clad
in filmy, expensive baby-dolls.  This was one of the few mornings
where they awoke together.  They tried to do this often when
their parents were going to leave the house early.  As nice as
the house was, it was big and sort of spooky when they were
along.  They had slept together less and less in recent times.
Although they enjoyed the companionship of each other more than
other siblings, they did have independent interests.
     As they lounged around in bed, they talked of various things
and interspersed their ramblings with mutual hugs and sweet,
sisterly kisses, something they had each missed.  With no
noticeable change, their embraces and kisses seemed to last
longer and longer.  For some reason, this morning, the very touch
of each others faintly-clad bodies was exciting.
     When they awakened this morning Alice had commented that
this felt like a special day, but she couldn't place her finger
on exactly why she felt like that.  Sue only felt excited, just
as she did any rainy and dreary day.
     It was Sue who first noticed, "You feel so warm and soft
this morning, Alice.  And you smell so good.  You didn't get some
perfume, did you?"
     "Hardly, but I was thinking the same thing.  When I hold
you, your body seems to radiate heat.  When you trembled a few
moments ago, it sent a delicious flutter up my spine.  Do you
suppose that was an orgasm?"  she chuckled.
     They were comfortable with each other.  They had totally
confided in each other early on, so they were very relaxed
talking about this sort of stuff.  Since they had commonly slept
together they had even advanced to some pretty sensuous fondling
of each other.  Neither had ever experienced an orgasm, though.
They had once mutually revealed that they wanted to, someday, but
passion was not really foremost in their young minds.
     "I don't think so, but maybe we should go with the flow."
     "Now, what are you suggesting, Young Lady.  Do you imagine
me to be one of those brutes in Daddy's videos?"  Alice spoke in
mock rebuke.
     Once they had discovered a porn video that their father had
rented.  That struck them as odd, as he never seemed to have time
for that sort of stuff at home, or at least that is what they had
heard their mother tell a friend over the phone one day.  But she
had added that it was just as well, "I would rather work than
screw, anyway," she had remarked.
     Anyway, all the girls saw was huge-busted whorey-women
benignly presenting themselves to a string of self-centered
creeps with huge cocks.
     Over the years the girls had gradually learned about
physical love-making.  First, it was from friends at their
schools, then a few clandestine books borrowed from here and
there.  (These same tutors had advised them that huge cocks were
rare and not of significance by themselves, anyway.)  And then
the video.  For a long time that had turned them totally off of
this line of thought.  Only recently had the subject come up a
few times, usually because of comments friends had made.  They
all wondered if there wasn't something more to this thing.  Or
was it just another something for men, like TV football.
     Anyway, Alice's tongue-in-cheek rebuke was taken correctly
and Sue responded in kind, "I don't know.  What do you have?"
     Alice threw off the covers, stood up on the bed, pulled up
her tops and quickly back down, and shot back, "Help yourself."
She tried to keep a mischievous smile on her face, but somehow
the joke was wearing thin.  She trembled in anticipation, hoping
beyond hope that Sue wouldn't think she was joking.  The thought
flashed through her pretty head that she was actually holding
something back from her sister for the first time in her life.
"Why in the hell must physical love have to cause the
psychological distress it does," she thought.
     Sue's grin faded quickly as she glanced from the lowers to
Alice's lovely face.  "Really?  Can I really look.  I have wanted
to do this for a long time."
     "God, Sue.  I have wanted you to and wanted to look at you.
Why couldn't we have just talked about it like we do everything
     But she didn't wait for an answer.  With a sensuousness that
would have aroused a eunuch she slowly lifted the gossamer
pajamas and slipped it over her head.  With a catch in her breath
she dropped it off the bed and slowly lowered herself back down
next to Sue.  Never once did she take her eyes off of Sue's.
     Sue, copping a quick glance at those delightful, pert and
perfect breasts, sporting exquisitely erect nipples yearning to
be touched, reached out to hold Alice.  Without any word they
embraced and began a kiss that might never end.
     At first every movement they made, be it the fleeting search
by their tongues or the seemingly random motion of their soft
hands over each others bodies, was slow and almost unsure.  But
as the kiss deepened and they grew more comfortable with the new
heights they unknowingly were ascending, the indecisiveness
dissolved and they moved, seemingly in unison, with new
confidence, conscious and deliberate, then eager.
     For many long, dreamy minutes (for us clock watchers) they
passionately cavorted, rejoicing in the delightful sensitivity of
each others bodies.  Somewhere along the line, Sue's babydoll
rode up to around her neck so that as they extended their kissing
their bodies pressed flesh to chaste flesh.  The difference
between adult urgency and childlike joy was so very apparent now.
Only fleetingly did they venture near Society's designated erotic
zones, but their mounting intensity did not reflect the youthful
omission.  How wonderful is innocence!
     Only when Alice accidentally caught her finger nail in Sue's
filmy covering did the spell break.  A quick cry escaped the
narrow opening between their cleaving lips and they parted.
     "Ouch.  Your jammies are in the way, Sue.  Let me take them
     The normally jocular Sue, taking a role new to her,
overlooked that opening and said, "I could do it, but I would
rather you did.  Your hands are so soft and warm.  Remember when
I let Jack get his hand inside my blouse last month?  He felt
like a rough, clammy dish rag.  He even scratched me.  If he had
felt like you I would have given him my cherry, I know!"
     As Alice extricated Sue from her pajamas she quickly resumed
the kiss which had so excited them.  This time they only held the
kiss for a few moments.  With no visible sign they parted and
held each other a foot or so apart.  For many moments they held
each others loving gaze.
     At exactly the same moment each reached up and placed their
hands on the others lithe waist for a few sighs.  Again, with no
visible sign their tender fingers began a slow trace, first
around a small circles, slowly growing larger.  Their respective
touches were scarcely perceptible and, no doubt, wouldn't even
have been noticed if their sensitivity wasn't so intense.  As the
bravery of their gentle and kind digits increased they moved
upwards towards the luscious globes.  Although Alice lingered
around Sue's naval, Sue did not prolong the agonizing delay and
reached up to enfold the delectable mounds.  As her fingers
slowly encircled the soft, heaving orbs, Alice reciprocated.
     Being careful not to interfere with their dallying progeny
exploring the delights they leaned together and commenced another
fervent kiss.  Their mutual heavy breathing made it difficult,
but they survived.  And prospered.
     Another eternity passed unnoticed by the lovingly entwined
couple.  Who is to say how long it would have continued or where
it would have ended.  But fate interrupted.


                             Chapter 2

                            To the Dogs

     A loud crash echoing through the empty house broke the
wonderful spell.
     "My god, what was that," Sue exclaimed.  "Are mommy and
daddy back already?"
     Together they jumped out of bed and threw their robes over
their bare, save undies, bodies.
     "Maybe we should call the police?"  Alice asked before they
had reached the stairs as the crashing and banging continued.
     "No, Oscar would have barked if someone had come in.  Even
mommy or daddy, for that matter.  It must be the dogs."
     They found Oscar chasing Julie, the pointer, wildly around
the house knocking things over as they went.
     "You creep.  Stop that, Oscar," Alice yelled as she grabbed
his collar.  Unfortunately, Oscar was stronger than Alice and
Alice was unwillingly dragged along after the cavorting dogs.
     Finally, due to the minimal impediment Alice placed on
Oscar, Sue is able to guide Julie to the pool changing room and
slam the door.  Oscar smashed against the closing door and
commenced to scratch and whine to get in.
     "What has gotten into you, Mutt?  You have been after Julie
ever since we got her.  Leave her alone."
     Alice drops into the sofa exhausted after her struggle with
the dane.  "Sue, I want to go back up stairs.  Do you?"
     "Sure, but we better let the dogs out so they won't
interrupt us again."
     Sue went over to Oscar and squatted down in front of him.
"You naughty boy.  We were having a wonderful time and you
spoiled everything."
     "It won't take me long to find my place and some how I don't
think it will take you much effort either, will it?"
     "It sure won't, Alice, but even if it did, it would sure be
fun trying to find it again," she laughed as she turned towards
Alice.  As she did her robe fell open revealing her lovely and
lush body exposed.  Since no one else was there she let it go.
     As they continued their idle banter, Oscar, for the first
time since the girls had rushed down stairs, allows his attention
to wander from the closed door.  With no warning or foreplay he
stuck his head down into Sue's crotch.
     "Hey, what are you trying to do?"  she exclaimed.  She tried
to close her parted thighs and stand up simultaneous, but only
succeed in sprawling backwards.  As she flung her hands back to
catch her fall her legs flew out grotesquely.  With a heavy
"thud" she crashed painfully on the thick carpet.
     "Nice move, Sue," Alice flashed as she laughed uproariously.
     Sue didn't feel like laughing so she just lay where she fell
as the shock coursed through her.
     Oscar, started by the rebuke and flailing limbs stood for an
instant over Sue.  He recovered first and stepped forward to,
once again, bury his cold wet nose in Sue's cotton-clad genitals.
     That brought an immediate reaction as Sue's still-present
pain disappeared instantaneously.  Sue scrambled to regain her
feet, but again Oscar stepped forward and knocked he down.  Alice
was still laughing hysterically on the sofa.
     "Dammit, Alice, help me.  Get this mangy mutt off of me."
     Alice opened her eyes to be greeted with another funny
scene.  Her sister was sprawled out, practically naked, on the
floor, flailing helplessly as their huge dane hovered over her,
tongue hanging out two feet, tail wagging furiously.
     "What are you doing, Sue?  You look like..."  But before she
could finish, something caught her eyes.  He hysteria left
instantly.  "Look, look at that!"
     For an instant nothing moved, except the heaving tongue and
thrashing tail.  Sue looked to her sister to see what was the
matter.  Her eyes tried to follow Alice's, but the big dog was
practically staring her in the face.
     Alice quickly scrambled off the sofa and threw herself at
Oscar.  No other action would have altered the stand-off.  As
Oscar tumbled heavily against the wall, Alice reached down to
help Sue to her feet.  The dog and girls were upright at the same
instant.  Only Alice's quick thinking got the pair safely into
the changing room with Julie.
     For a few moments only heavy breathing by two humans and the
dane could be heard.  Then the door scratching began in earnest.
     "Thanks, Alice.  I don't know what has gotten into that dog.
He has never done anything like that before."
     "Do you know what he wanted to do, Sue?  He wanted to fuck
     "What!  How do you know?"
     "Because his penis was sticking out.  You should have seen
it.  It must have been six inches long."
     Alice turned around to look at Julie, happily dancing around
the pool changing room.  "Yah.  She's in heat, Sue.  That is what
it was."
     "Any port in a storm, right?"  Sue quipped.
     "Sort of, but you know, they say that women in passion
lubricate their vagina, in preparation for you know what, and it
is supposed to be like an aphrodisiac.  It must work on dogs.
You know, I sort of felt myself getting moist as we were fooling
around up stairs."
     "Well, this doggy sex symbol wants to take a refreshing dip
and continue our homework up stairs.  Want to, too"
     "Sure.  You know, I don't want to get my suit, why don't we
go in like we are?  Actually, maybe we should skinny dip.  I have
always wanted to do that,"  Alice said.
     "You're on.  Or should I say, you're a turn on."
     In an instant they had stepped out of their briefs,
innocently diverting their attention elsewhere in the process.
The "mood" was gone, but not too far, and certainly not
     Sue was out the door first and ran for the pool.  A
cannonball acquainted Alice with the water an instant before she,
too, dived in.  Julie followed them, but disdained the pool for
the sunny grass nearby.
     The girls gleefully frolicked in the pool for a about a
quarter of an hour.  They, unintentionally or not, seemed to
avoid any major contact with each other.  It was almost like they
were saving themselves for later.  First things first.
     But once again their interlude was interrupted by a noise.
This time it was a loud yelp.  They turned to find the source and
were surprise to see the dane frantically trying to hump the
pointer.  Youthful exuberance was no substitute for experience
when it come to lust, it seems.
     The girls rushed as fast as they could to rescue Julie from
the bestial grips of the dreaded male.  But by the time they
arrived, it was not clear that Julie wanted to be rescued.  She
was just standing there heaving under the weight of the brute,
panting.  She was making no effort to extricate herself, but
neither was she falling all over herself helping the unseasoned
Oscar.  The girls stood dumb, dumb and nude.  What should they
do?  Try to push Oscar off?  Try to pull Julie away?  Run into
the house and hide?  Or...
     "What say we help the poor guy.  Julie sure looks like she
wants it.  He sure does.  And I would like to see him put that
big thing in her and see what happens.  What say?"
     "Why not.  No one will get hurt.  I wonder if he would let
me touch it?"  But she didn't wait for a response.  She squatted
down and reached out quickly with one finger to stroke the long
flaming red staff lashing about.  "It feels hot and slimy.  It
feels a lot like my vagina does when I'm masturbating."
     "Let me feel, Alice.  You never told me you masturbated.  I
do, too,"  admitted Sue quickly.
     They exchanged places.  Sue now feeling the hard, yet soft
penis quickly slip against her out stretched finger.  Alice,
still squatting. reached an arm around Sue and held her close.
For a brief moment only Oscar moved.
     Her hand slowly closed over the penis, but rather than
capturing it she just formed a fist.  She cooed and purred as his
hips jerked over and over as she grasped the shaft.  The furious
cock rammed in and out seeming trying to escape its captor.
     As her free arm went across his back, Sue laid her cheek on
his side and whispered, "There, there, baby.  I'll make it better
for you."  And she began to slowly slide her hand against his
stroking.  The big dog stood there with his hips twitching in
unison with Sue's strokes, his long tongue hanging from the side
of his mouth as he panted in time with his hips.
     Alice was totally absorbed in this fascinating scene.  For
what seemed like fifteen minutes she stroked and caressed his
long pointed shaft.
     Suddenly he gave a sort of half cry and half bark.  Sue
jerked her hand away.  Oscar groaned.  That is the only way to
describe it.  He was still humping, but now it was the air.
     "Help him, Sue,"  Alice whispered.  At the same time her arm
encircling Sue's lovely body lowered.  Her hand followed the
contours of her soft hips, down lower to the crowning mounds of
her perfect, ripe butt.
     Sue reached out with one hand to steady Julie's rear end,
her tail hard over to one side, expectantly.  The other hand
again reached for the attractive penis.  But it was clear that
tack wouldn't work, so she reached around the heaving dog to move
him closer to the pointer.  Oscar succeed in at least contacting
Julie.  With an almost human yelp he renewed his ministrations
under the helpful hands of Sue.
     But Sue could not resist the spine-tingling touch of Alice,
though and almost abandoned the dogs as she tried to turn around.
     "No, Sue.  You just help them.  Don't mind me."
     Sue leaned over to sneak a quick, lascivious kiss from
Alice.  And at the very same instant Oscar penetrated Julie.
Simultaneously the two dogs yelped.
     "Oooooo," Sue cried, turning around quickly.  "Look at him.
Look at him slide right in.  He is already coated with slime.  It
looks so easy, so slick, so, well, like it is so much fun."
     As the excited girls watched Oscar's savage thrusting, Sue
lowered her hand down to give Alice's an encouraging pat.  Then
it instinctively reached around to her own genitals and swiftly
found her erect little clitoris.
     For several minutes all was quiet except for the panting
animals.  Sue continued to stroke Oscar's glistening cock every
time he extracted it from Julie.  She could feel the raging cock
begin to bulge and expand.  She was utterly fascinated.
     Alice seemed to ignore the puffing dogs and never took her
eyes off of Sue's face.  She also never let her hand stop it
gentle caressing.  She did let her other hand reach out to steady
them both, it was difficult to remain squatting next to the dogs
for this long a time, but neither showed any impatience.
     Then Alice leaned closer to Sue, intensifying her massaging
of that lovely derriere and whispered, "I would like to do that
for you.  May I?"
     It didn't sink in what she meant, but Sue was not in a
questioning mood.  A quick nod was all the response given.
Slowly and deliberately Alice let her hand seductively slide
under Sue until it rested next to her stroking hand.  Then she
ran it up over Sue's and squeezed it.  Only when she tried to
move it did Sue come out of her reverie.
     "God, I forgot what I was doing.  I know I shouldn't be
doing that, but it feels soooo good.  Please let me continue,"
Sue groaned.
     Sue voluntarily moved her hand away from her crotch with a
deep sign.  For an instant she wanted to get up and rush into the
privacy of her room.  It is a good thing she hesitated as almost
immediately Alice crept her soft warm hand in place under the
passion-filled girl.
     "Ohhhhhh, that feels soooooo good.  Please don't stop.  I
have wanted you to do this for a long time, but I could never ask
     "I have wanted to myself.  Now you won't have to ask, my
love.  Now we can share everything.  I want to do so much for
you.  Why don't we leave the dogs alone and go back in the
     "Alice, I will go anywhere with you.  But please let me
watch the end.  It feels so good imaging that I have that penis
inside of me.  I can feel it in there.  I can feel him sliding
around inside of me.  It feels so wonderful."
     By this time Oscar and Julie had their "act" together.
     Alice put her other arm around Sue and gently began
caressing her soft, pliable breast rolling her erect nipple
gently between her thumb and forefinger. Sue wriggled her butt
against Alice's still probing other hand.
     As Oscar thrust in and out of the pointer, they could see an
inch or two of his hard prick exposed on the quick back stroke
before he thrust into her again.
     Then, at a moment punctuated only by Oscar's impish squeal
the dogs wound up their "act", so to speak, as Oscar's penis
locked itself inside Julie.  He slid off her back and swung a leg
over.  They just sort of stood there stupidly looking like
Siamese twins joined at the rear.
     The girls had heard that when a male dog ejaculates inside a
bitch, he gets a knot in the head of his dick to ensure that all
the semen remains in her, and that it takes several minutes for
it to go down so he can pull out.  One of their "experienced"
friends had told them this when she had complained that the boys
she had had, just pulled out when they came and got up.
     The girls continued squatting there next to the two
senseless dogs for a few moments before Alice said, "I think we
have helped all that we need to.  Why don't we get up?"
     Sue, who was in seventh-heaven by this time and could barely
move, slowly twisted around.  "But I don't want you to stop,
     "I won't," she whispered, as she quickly got up.  "Come with
me, you beautiful wench, and we will explore the hitherto unknown
depths of depravity, together."
     "Young lady, what do you have in mind?"  she mocked, but her
reluctance was cleverly disguised by her scrambling to get up.
She was just a few paces behind Alice in their headlong race for
the house.


                             Chapter 3

                          New experiences

     Once in the house, they paused only an instant before
heading for their parents bedroom.  It had a king-sized bed and
just looked the part, although both girls knew it hadn't been
used "properly" for years.
     They burst in, dumped their robes on the floor and made a
bee-line for it.  Alice did a belly flop on it and Sue landed
right on top of her.  For a few moments they wrestled like they
used to when they were younger, tossing and tumbling and rough-
     The eroticism of these two lovely, lithe girls, au naturel,
would have been clear to any lucky viewer, but it wasn't to Sue
and Alice.  They were joyously reliving earlier, carefree days.
The tinkling of their childish laughter echoed through the empty
house.  The soft moan of the great bed was more in relief than
pain.  Even it seemed to revel in this innocent display.
     Then for an instant the struggling ceased.  Alice, with a
big grin, had pinned Sue to the bed.  "I win," she cried.
     Before Sue could protest, Alice took what she obviously
considered the victor's reward ÄÄ a kiss.  She leaned down and
carefully, but deliberately, brought her lips to Sue's. The kiss
was tender, at first, not overtly sensual.  It lengthened and
intensified.  It gradually deepened as she poured more passion
into it, more than she had ever showed in all of her youthful
years.  At last, the kiss was a deep, fervent, open-mouthed kiss
of unadulterated passion.
     Sue gasped, but she returned the kiss with an equal helping
of lustfulness.  Quickly the kiss overwhelmed them until they
became near-observers, as their concupiscent bodies overpowered
them.  Their involuntary tongues flicked in and out, excitedly
searching new vistas, and enjoying their new-found freedom.
     Alice broke away, gasping for breath.  "That was wonderful,
Sue.  Thank you."  And as she spoke her lips brushed against
Sue's ear, breathing her words into the canal, bringing intense
fervor with it.
     They kissed again.
     So preoccupied were they in intensifying their oral
ministrations that for a moment neither noticed that Alice's
hands, which had been pinning Sue's softly rounded shoulders,
laboriously moved up to the side of her sister's neck and slowly
worked to the top of her chest.
     Sue stifled a muffled giggle, or was it something else, as
the fingertips made their way to that soft space between her
breasts.  For an instant Alice seemed to revert to another time
and another place as she moved her hands to her own breasts,
turgid with ardency, nipples stiff and upright.  Then, almost
reluctantly they slipped off the firm flesh to search out another
     Instinctively, Sue responded and moved her hands, which had
become inert after failing to throw her sister off of her in the
previous struggles, to just beneath Alice's breasts.  Alice
thought she was going to touch her there, but she didn't.  Her
hands remained still.
     Again Alice parted and planted a gentle kiss on Sue's soft,
brown hair.  As she buried her face into those fine, delicate
tresses, she slid her hands over and down to her upper arms,
crossing the sister's heaving chest on the way.  Sue raised
herself slightly to allow them to slip under her.
     Sue traced her fingers from Alice's ribs to the sensitive
nape of her neck, by-passing her breast.  Then she pulled her
sister against into her soft body.  But Alice continued moving
those soft warm hands over Sue and kissing each new fear away and
breathing endless passion in her ear.
     Beneath these motions and the hotheaded mouthings, Sue
sensuously writhed.  Seizing the only other means of
communication at hand, she moved her hands.  She moved them down
to search for Alice's swelling buds.  Her gentle hands found and
cuddled and fondled the base of each, forming a supportive cup to
mold and envelop them.  She found each erotically swollen,
crowned by a magnificent blossom, proudly standing midpoint in
the exquisitely formed areolas.  Her tender fingers enfolded
them, eagerly tracing each sensuous area.
     Alice had, too, found a perfect pair of breasts.  On these
she drew circles, circles around the nipples with her gentle
fingertips, exciting the ultra-sensitive tissues and membranes of
the surrounding areola while she softly blew more warm air into
her ear, causing Sue's whole body to shiver. The sexual
atmosphere that filled the room was unbelievable.
     Sue gasped for breath as she covered those perfect orbs with
her palms.
     Alice breathed, "God, that feels good, Sue.  Keep doing
that."  And, maintaining the full body contact she now possessed,
she slowly and sumptuously slid down until her mouth found Sue's
awaiting and inviting breasts.  Hesitantly unfolding the hands
that had struggled to find these globes of the gods, she gazed
longingly at the perfect vision for a few moments.  Then she
leaned down and slyly flicked her tongue on the first ripe dome.
Sue's response, expressed by her hands still firmly attached to
Alice's breasts and an unmistakable escape of breath from her
ruby lips, was not lost.  Alice proceeded to lavish her tongue's
warm fury over Sue's entire breast, acerola and nipple.  Ah, yes,
those exquisite buds of passion.  Each stroke brought fervent
sigh and showered a libidinous shiver over Sue's entire taunt
     Alice caught the electric feeling as Sue's body also writhed
under her weight.  The girls were stretched full length, leg to
leg.  As Sue squirmed Alice drifted off of her position until her
right leg was next to Sue's left and her left was between those
lovely virginal thighs.  Alice felt keen pressure against her
mons and knew she was doing the same to her sister.  The feelings
were new and delicious, but the girls possessed a patience, maybe
grounded in fear, maybe rooted in the desire to give the most
pleasure, maybe both.  For more than twenty minutes they entwined
savoring the musky smell emanating from them, oblivious to all
else, save each other.
     Finally, Sue could endure no more.  "Alice, please let me
lick you, too.  I can't bear for you to stop, but I want to taste
you.  Let me change places."
     Alice, did not want to stop, and did continue for a few
minutes.  Then she groaned, "Sue, I'll turn around."
     "But I want to feel you all over me."
     "Patience, little one, patience," was Alice's
uncharacteristically worldly reply.  And she unwilling raised
herself off of the soft form of Sue.
     She did not give up her oral grip on her sister, however.
Instead, she scooted on her knees around in semicircle until she
was kneeling over Sue's upturned face.  The potential for this
position eluded the innocents, for the moment, at least.
     She lowered her unspeakably lovely body down over Sue,
groaning in excitement when Sue orally grasped her breast.  Sue
reached up to cup the suspended charms alternately stroking the
free nipple and massaging the bulging breast being suckled.  She
alternated a few minutes on each, guiding Alice by way of
     The stillness of the house was now punctuated by deliciously
sounding slurping and sucking and licking.
     Only when Sue abandoned Alice's breasts to eagerly explore
new territory did the mood change from one of mutual satisfaction
to one of searching.
     Sue looked up following her inquiring fingers as they passed
over Alice's perfect navel on her flat stomach.  Her hands traced
the contours and carefully slipped over Alice's back to cling to
those lovely buns, the smooth, white ass of Venus.  She then
pulled them down and ran them along her exquisite thighs.  Her
eyes, ahead of her hands by now, caught the dark place between
Alice's slightly parted legs.  She could see the delicate brown
fur covering that place that in Sue brought so much pleasure when
     Sue could not see Alice, but subconsciously she knew that
she, too, had unloosed her grip on her breasts and was enjoying
the exposed expanse of her young lithe body.  Alice was feasting
her eyes on Sue's almost hairless little mound, longing to bury
her face in it.  She had never seen anything so erotic and
beautiful in her life as that developing mons before her.
     Alice's fingers began moving down Sue's body, over her
navel, toward her mons.  Sue's legs were slightly apart and bent
at the knees.  Alice could see the smooth white of her inner
thighs.  She placed her hand on the inside of that perfect
alabaster altar and gently traced the warm, flowing, sensuous
skin.  Sue didn't pull away or tell her to stop, in fact she
arched her body upward, to meet the wandering hand.  The
electricity flowed from her finger tips through her body.
     Sue felt the electricity, too.  She wasn't sure what to do,
but she didn't have to do anything but lie there and savor
Alice's touch and her own textural senses cavorting on the shrine
above her.
     Alice had intensified the motion of her hands on her
sister's thighs.  Her hand had inched it's way up so that it was
once again near Sue's magnetic vagina, as it had been out by the
pool.  Alice could feel the intense heat radiating from Sue.  She
could feel the moistness of her vagina as her finger gently
traced the labia.
     "Mmmm... That feels good!"  Sue said softly.  And in thanks,
with her elated finger tips, found and carefully caressed Alice's
fledgling, pudgy labial prominence.  It was lovely and elicited a
gentle compassion in Sue that she had never felt.
     As if by magic, Alice's hips began a slow involuntary
sensual dance under Sue's ministrations.
     Alice closed her eyes as her flushed face showed the height
of her craving.  She merely nodded and moaned.  But she could no
longer support herself and sank to the bed next to Sue.  They
rolled together, squirming until their faces were plunged near to
their seats of passion.
     With an urgency they had never felt before, they forced
themselves between each others legs and searched with their
tongues for the deep dark hollows of love and the sweet buds of
pleasure.  The searches and discoveries were joyful and loud.
     For nearly twenty minutes they thrashed around engorging
themselves in each others fiery lust.
     Then at the height the intense frenzy of moans and
flailings, groans and convulsions, gasps and writhing they
simultaneous emitted loud cries of ecstacy and collapsed against
each other.
     All was still for nearly five minutes as the lay, totally
spent, in each others arms.  No one will ever know how long they
would have stayed in their reverie if Alice had not kicked out
her foot at something tickling it.


                             Chapter 4

                          An Interruption

     "What is that," she cried, fearing it was a bug, or worse, a
person.  She sat up leaving Sue smilingly dozing.
     "Oscar, you dolt.  What are you doing here?  You should be
out servicing Julie again," she laughed in relief.
     That awoke Sue who also sat up to see what had happened to
her lover.
     "Ooooooo, he's back.  And look, Alice, his penis is still
sticking out!" she squealed.
     Sue hopped off the bed and once again knelt beside the big
dog, fondling her old friend, by now.
     "Go get Julie, Alice.  I want to see them do it again."
     "No, Sue.  You may be able to bring the horse to water, so
to speak, but you can't make her drink."
     "Then I'm going to masturbate him.  I always wanted to see a
guy squirt."
     "You've seen many in those videos, haven't you?  Besides,
hadn't notice, Oscar isn't much of a man?  Well, in some ways,
anyway.  Of course, from where you sit, they are pretty much the
same I guess.  Go ahead.  I doubt he'll mind."
     Again Sue reaches out.  "Come here big fella', let me look
at you a little closer.  This time we won't have that other dog
in the way."
     "Ahhhhh.  That feels so nice and slippery.  Does it feel
good to you?"
     Oscar barely acknowledged her touch for he was already
panting up a storm and wagging his rear end to beat the band.
The only reaction was a little more exposure for his already
provocatively protruding flaming-red penis.  The tip flailed
around in time to his waggling hind-quarters.  Sue's fingers
gently began tracing the length of the projecting staff, slowly
enveloping it in her trembling young hand.
     Sue thought she had finally excited a response when he
stopped panting.  But he began sniffing the air intent on
following his nose.  His head twisted and turned trying to locate
the enticing scent wafting in.  His big head finally turned
nearly full around catching Sue on the shoulder sending her
falling to the ground for the second time that day.  Her grip on
his cock released, but not before he gave a yelp of pain.
     Alice, steadfastly engrossed in the show unfolding before
her couldn't help but chuckle once again.
     "She too much for you, stud?"  she laughed.
     Sue wasn't so amused.  All she could say was, "Sorry, Oscar,
but you deserved that," as she lay sprawled.
     But Oscar paid neither any heed for he has found the source
of his excitement.  It was no other than his seductive nymph,
Sue.  With no preliminaries or introductions he once more buried
his massive muzzle into her crotch, this time exposed him, and
stuck him cold nose unceremoniously against her labia.
     Sue's scream would have awakened the dead.  With a strength
far beyond her years she simultaneously clamped her out-stretched
legs together and sat up.
     "Damn you, Dog!  That was cold!  And you shut up, Alice."
     After a few moments of settling, Sue stood up and returned
to the relative safety of the bed and Alice.
     "What a stupid dog.  I really wanted him to squirt," she
said, practically in tears.
     Alice placed her arms around Sue and pulled her close.  "If
I had a penis, I'd let you jerk me off."
     "You would?  That would really be neat."
     And then, "Maybe if I put on some clothes I could do Oscar
without him goosing me."
     "You know, if he had a warm nose I think it might be neat to
have him root around down there.  Suppose he tried to lick you.
Wouldn't that be neat?"
     "I think I'll try something.  Let's occupy both ends of him.
I'll let him nuzzle me and you jerk him off.  He ought to really
like that."
     "Yah!  How do we do it?"
     "Well, let's see.  You let me scoot over to the edge of the
bed so I can kind of sit there," Alice said as she followed her
own instructions.
     She had draped her slender, elegant legs over the side so
her bare feet rested on the floor.  Then she cautiously spread
her legs and chucked for Oscar, "Come here, boy.  Look at what
Alice has for you."
     Oscar seemed to gain as much enthusiasm for Alice's
delicacies as he had for Sue's.  As he stumbled clumsily forward,
Alice reached out to head off his wet, cold nose.  For a few
moments she succeed in keeping it covered so that it didn't come
in direct contact with her sensitive flesh, yet allowed him to
absorb all the fragrance he liked.  Within a flash he decided
that this stuff not only smelled great, but had an exciting
taste.  He didn't lavishly slobber right away, it fact he never
did, just sort of extend his great, long tongue to her hot
opening and retract it.  He would then sort of pause, savoring
it, lower jaw trembling uncontrollably.  Then he would taste
again.  Each time probing slight further into the honeyed pot.
     Sue, fascinated at the goings on, nearly forgot what she had
wanted to do.  Only a quick yelp followed by Oscar's frustrated
attempt to climb in bed with Alice brought the reminder.
     "I'll help the other end busy, Alice.  You just tell me what
it feels like."
     "God, it feels great.  It feels like what I think a boy
would feel like.  Not like one of those video flakes all intent
on getting his.  It is like Oscar is trying to drive me up the
wall.  He is so wonderfully, deliciously slow.  But his tongue is
so rough.  I don't know if I'll be able to take much more, so
hurry up."
     Sue hastened to her task.  She reached out for a third time
to that sumptuous cock floating before her.  She grabbed it with
her fist as far down as she could, determined to see him squirt
when the time came.  Actually she didn't have to worry, as she
soon saw that she could wrap both hands about that steel-hard rod
and still see the shiny, slim tip sticking through her delicate
     Oscar responded this time and set up a quick series of
lightening-fast thrusts, like he was trying to find Julie's
vulva.  Sue tightened her grip, which seemed to convince the dog
that he was safely ensconced inside.
     For a brief second, upon hearing Alice moan and cry out in
what Sue took to be pain, Sue glanced at her sister spread-eagled
above her.  The erotic expression on her face told Sue that there
was nothing to worry about.  She did a double take, though, when
she saw what Oscar was doing.  Each slow deliberate lap of his
enormous tongue went straight for Alice's vagina, sank down, deep
into the warm moist recesses.  There it remained buried for a
brief instant before he pulled it halting back out.
     "Oh, Alice, that looks like it would feel wonderful.  I want
to do that to you.  May I?"
     But Alice, didn't hear.  She flung her head back in the
ecstatic throws her second orgasm.  Unspeakable sounds gurgled up
from her half-parted lips.  And she collapsed back onto the bed.
     Oscar, apparently didn't notice, for his lubricating
ministerings continued.  But Alice could not manage more and with
all of her remaining strength rolled over, away from the
bewildered dog.
     It was apparent that Sue did not provide enough
preoccupation for the dog so she abandoned him to protect her
vulnerable sister from attach by the disconcerted and unslaked
dog.  With difficulty she was able to pull the heavy beast back
from trying to get on the high bed.  For a moment he sat back and
proceeded to lick his own erect cock.
     "Do it yourself, then," Sue told him, as she leaned over the
prostrate and satiated sister.
     "Are you OK, Alice?  Alice?"  she inquired.
     Alice, apparently still on some far distant garden of eden,
heard nothing.
     With a smile on her lips Sue leaned over and whispered, "Now
I can do what I will with you."
     She leaned back a little and paused to gaze longingly at
that still raging inferno designated a vagina.
     Suddenly, Sue felt an incredible weight on her back and a
pair of strong forelegs grips her waist.  It all happened so
quickly that she couldn't respond.  She could feel a warm furry
body hugging her incredibly tightly.  Then she felt Oscar's
hunching hindquarters against her bottom.
     "Get down, you fool.  What are you..."  But she stopped as
she felt something incredibly hot, something incredibly wet,
something incredible hard, something incredibly big strike the
back of her leg.  Then it happened again.  And again.
     "My God, he is trying to stick his thing in me.  Alice!
     But by the time it took Alice to comprehend what was going
on, Sue had decided she didn't want help.
     By some unseen source Sue had been able to hold herself off
of the bed, saving Alice from being crushed under both their
weights.  Quickly, Alice pulled herself up and away from the
incongruous pair.  She only paused for a moment when her still
radiating genitals passed under Sue and she bent down and gave
them a hurried kiss.
     "I'll come back to you later," she whispered, scarcely
     When Alice was free, she glanced over Sue's back and
instructed her worried sister to scrunch down lower on the bed.
She somehow accomplished this by leaning on her elbows and
bringing one, then the other leg under her, until she was in a
virtual fetal position.  Her rear end, covered by a staggering
dane, hung over the edge of the bed a few inches.  This new
position allowed Oscar's wild thrusts to strike Sue's pert buns,
rather than her legs.
     Sue gasped each time his male-hood glanced across her flank.
"," she mumble in a staccato in time to
his furious jabs.
     And continued, "Please help me," to no one in particular.
     Alice hopped off the bed and struggled to propel the huge
dog over a few inches and down a tad.  Finally, she just reached
around and forcibly tried to aim that extended spike towards
Sue's quivering vagina.
     With no little trepidation, Alice moved the great dog and
holding him back a second, cried, "He is there, now.  Do you
really want it?"
     A guttural wail, "Yes!" rang out, just as Oscar escaped the
puny efforts of Alice.
     The next thrust caught Sue's clitoris a glancing blow.
     "Ahhhheeee.  Again!" was the retort.
     Alice shivered as the monstrous cock recoiled once again and
aimed slightly higher on the lovely backside before her.
     He had struck heaven.  He penetrated no more than an inch,
but he knew he was home.  But on the return stroke he slipped
free.  With a yelp, as if being struck with a whip, he rebounded
with even more fury and once again entered Sue delicious vagina.

     This time he lodged at least two inches into her small body.
     For a few moments it continued like this.  A savage thrust,
met with a guttural scream of ecstacy from Sue's oral lips and
met by enveloping folds of virgin tissue from her genital lips.
The screams gradually weakening as the penetration of the holy
land increased.  Yet on the back stroke Oscar would still slip
     He continues to pump furiously, but his elongated cock keeps
slipping out.  His frustration is evident as he keeps charging at
her, going in and then slipping out.
     Mercifully, nature finally takes over and after one
particularly strong thrust he only twitched his hips back an inch
or so.  He was engaged.
     Through out all of this Alice had a look of real fear.  Her
small and fragile sister, only recently having been ravished by
Alice's own tongue, was now being violated, monstrously attacked,
by one of those damned males capable of absolutely no feeling
except the insatiable desire to fuck.  Various ways to extract
this demon flashed through her mind, but she was frozen in awe at
the event - this hard, cruel prick viciously submerged, tearing
at Sue's tiny, sensitive vagina.  But, unbelievably, Sue, her
virgin sister, was indiscreetly humping her nearly non-existent
hips right back at him!
     Sue barely realizes what is going on, so far out in space is
she.  At first, the shock of his stanchion entering her brought
pain, but it was immediately masked by the wonder of something
inside of her.
     "There is someone inside of my body," she thought.  "No one
has ever been there before.  I am giving pleasure and getting
pleasure just by letting him come in me.  And I, aaahhhhhh, I am
going crazy."
     For a brief moment she figuratively floated above the
struggling coupled bodies seeing his turgid manhood plunge again
and again into her juicy, awaiting body.  The sight of her lovely
form impaled on that bulging shaft sent shivers up her spine,
just as it did Alice.  She watched in awe as Oscar withdrew,
paused and plunged.  Her remote body seemed to suck his penis
inside, somehow, where it remained embedded for a fraction of a
second, before he withdrew, her vagina clenching in vain to
prevent its escape.  But her return to her own body was even
better as the exquisite feeling of something sliding inside was a
delight she could never have imagined.
     Alice was just about to interrupt the efforts of these two
impassioned creatures, when a cry, more like a howl broke the
stillness.  She had never heard a dog make a noise like that.
     At the same time, oblivious to the noises, just when Sue
felt she could not stand the sensations any longer, felt
something else, at first puzzling.  It felt like his penis had
exploded.  Tendrils of heat struck her sensitive vaginal walls.
Then it happened again.  It was like a hot flash within her.
Then a third time the searing heat flowed into her vagina.
Gradually the rapidly pulsing sensations diminished.
     Unfortunately, although Sue's passion had not reached its
peak, Oscar's had.  Except for a few brief tics, each sending a
delectable tremor through her, he held still.  She remained
helpless to her feelings that needed to still be met.  As her
passion waned she struggled to keep them at the lofty level.
     "Oh, Oscar, don't stop!  Please don't stop.  It felt so good
when you were moving in there.  I didn't ever want it to stop.
     But Oscar, the archetypal male, was uninterested in his
mates desires.  He was where he had wanted to be and that is what
was important.  Sure, nature required him to hang around for a
few minutes, but it wasn't his fault.
     Ironically, Sue's physical exertion to keep Oscar in motion
only succeeded in jarring him loose from the natural tie.
Unceremoniously, he backed off and began tending to his own
     Sue dissolved in tears.  Alice, still flushed with amazement
at what she had just seen lay down next to Sue and pulled her
over on herself in a comforting manner.
     "Dear, wonderful, Sue.  You should have what you wanted.
Won't you let me bring you off again?"
     "I..., I... guess so.  But it was nice, too."
     With extreme gentleness, Alice eased Sue off of her, back to
her near-fetal position.  Sue's body still spasmed with each
difficult breath.
     Quickly Alice scooted off the bed and knelt before the
lovely derriere.
     She paused to absorb those perfect, flawless alabaster
globes.  "You have such a gorgeous ass, Sue," she croaked
     Her hands rose to fondle the exquisite soft spheres.  The
they paused and slowly moved down until the reached the entrance
to the holy grotto.
     Alice could not take her eyes off of the half-parted,
well-moistened lips.  She could smell the pungent, womanly odor,
delicious.  At this time she could not have imagined a more
attractive, a sweeter aroma.  The taste, already sampled, was
ambrosia.  Oscar's fluids oozed.
     Alice banished that fact from her thoughts as she leaned
forwards to place a fleeting kiss.  The perfumed honey fragrance
invaded her soul as she met the warm, moist opening.
     Alice let her hands scurry down and frolic on the chaste
purity of Sue's inner thighs.  The she brought them slowly up the
inside.  She moved her hands to gently stroke the soft brown hair
adorning the portal.  Tenderly they parted the labia exposing the
soft, pink, shiny surface on the inner side of the labia.
     Again she brushed her lips against the now opened sanctuary.
Seemingly with practiced tenderness, she teased, allowing only
the edge of her lips to touch the delicately soft tissues.
     Instinctively, she snuggled her pert nose into the inviting
opening and parted her lips.  Her eager tongue flicked, searching
for the bud of happiness.  Before she located it, a low, guttural
moan told her she had found it.
     Slowly Alice worked her tongue around, over, under the sweet
blossom, alternately tracing the folds of flesh around it to
scampering over the top of it.  Her antics increased, encouraged
both by her own rising passion, but also by Sue's labored grunts
and groans.
     Alice continued to lavish juicy attention on the lush pink
tissues lining the inside of the walls of Sue's love passage.
Her tongue darted towards the erect sensitive blossom like love
arrows.  One could barely hear the humid sounds against the
growing animal noises emitting from Sue passion-distorted face.
     Suddenly, as if on clue, Alice clutched the curled form and
rammed her face into her genitals as a feral, primitive scream
exploded from Sue's lips.
     Sue's body jerked uncontrollably in spent passion as Alice
hung on to that dear figure.
     Only Oscar's unconcerned departure altered the status quo,
but it did not disturbed the unconcerned passion-impaled pair.


                             Chapter 5

                     One Sister's Introduction

     Alice slowly crawled up next to Sue to snuggle.
     "That was so wonderful, wasn't it?" see purred.
     "Yes.  What we have been missing.  Never again."
     They dozed peacefully for a long time.
     Finally, Alice stirred, rolled over and stretched.  "You
know, I'm hungry.  You stay here and I'll dig something up."
     She glanced at the clock on her way to the bathroom.  "Wow!
Do you know it is after 3?  No wonder I'm starved."
     Sue continued to nap with a satisfied smile on her face.
Her dreams were wonderful.
     She awaken when Alice returned.
     "I ordered some Chinese carry out.  They'll deliver.  I
couldn't see fixing anything in the shape I'm in.  I'm going to
take a shower.  Toodle."
     Sue rose and headed to the bathroom, too.  "Care if I
accompany you?"
     "OK, but no hanky-panky.  I don't know if I could stand any
     "I could."
     "You are a regular nymphomaniac, aren't you?"
     "No, I just have a new, how shall I say it, 'toy.'  Why not
take advantage of a good thing?"
     After a while Alice leaned over to turned on the water.  Sue
couldn't resist.
     "Ooooohhhh." Alice cried.  "Don't do that.  At least wait
until I get out.  Maybe we could fool around some more then."
     Alice stepped in and lathered up.
     "Do you need any help?"  Sue offered.  "I'd love to get in
there with you."
     Just as Sue finished her "chore" she glided over to the
shower, intent on joining.
     "Oh, there is the food.  I'll go get it, but watch out for
when I return."  Sue warned.
     She grabbed a robe and headed for her room and some money.
The bell kept ringing impatiently.
     "Hold your horses.  I'm coming."
     By the time she reached the door the ringing had stopped.
She flung it open in time to see the deliver boy just descending
the steps.
     "OK, I'm here."
     He turned and headed back up the stairs.
     "Duh, yur stuff is here, m'am.  $8.47, no checks, no
     She stood in the door way fumbling with her wallet.  It was
a struggle to search for money and keep her robe closed, but she
     "Oh, come on in.  I don't have enough with me," she said and
turned around.
     "I ain't supposed to go in houses, ma'm," he said
     "Well, I don't want to stand here with the door open, either
come in or leave."
     "Well, uh, I cain't go back cuz I'ma going home, m'am.  The
boss give me sumpun extra if'n I take some stuff on the way
     "Then you aren't working.  Come on in," Sue commanded in
     He stepped in, well, more like sidled in, like a crab.  Sue
closed the door and started to turned to leave to find some
money, but turned back toward the delivery boy.
     "What's you name?"
     "Uh, Sam, m'am."
     "Don't I know you, Sam?  Don't you go to Jefferson?  And cut
the 'm'am.'"
     "No, m'am.  I go ta Hen'a'son Tech, m'am."
     Sue, shrugged.  All she knew is that the dummies went there.
He sure did act that way.  He wasn't a bad looking kid, a little
older, kind of short, not more than a few inches taller than
Alice, and stocky, almost muscular, but more like muscle-turned-
     Poor kid, she thought, "What does the boss give you for this
extra service?" she inquired off-handedly.
     "Uh, he gives me a dedukshion, m'am."
     Sue made a mental note to give him a generous tip and said,
"Wait here, I'll get the change."
     A few minutes later she returned with the change.  Her robe
had parted slightly in her rush.  Sam's eyes dropped to ogle the
elegant gams showing through the gap.  His jaw dropped open and
his eyeballs practically fell out.
     "Here's your money.  Keep the change," she said.
     Sam didn't hear a word.
     For a few moments Sue stood there holding out her hand with
the money in it.  She continued to watching as a little drool
dripped from the corner of his mouth.  It was fascinating.  No
one had ever leered at her before.  She felt kind of good, sort
of powerful.
     She was just going to yell at the poor guy when she heard
Alice coming.
     "Where is the food?  I'm starving," Alice yelled.  All of
that sexy stuff made me ravenous."  It was obvious that Sue was
blocking her view, so she couldn't see Sam still standing there.
     Sue saw Sam look up, at the new arrival.  Sam immediately
began to, what could only be called, pant.  He swallowed hard a
few time and became very agitated.  Sue was puzzled, but it
didn't occur to her to turn around as something caught her eye.
     As Sam's confusion began his hands both dropped to his
crotch.  One sort of covered the other.  The other one
immediately began to rub his fly.
     "What are you standing there for, sis?  And where is the
Chinese?" Alice continued from somewhere behind Sue.
     But now Sue was intrigued as she saw one leg of Sam's
trousers begin to move, then it sort of inflated.  Sam's jeans
weren't real tight, but they were tight enough for Sue to make
out the distinct outline of an erecting penis shooting down.
Sam, noticeably embarrassed, sort of hunched over, like he had to
go to the bathroom.  More drool followed the first few strings.
     "Sue, are you crazy?  Aren't you listening?"  Alice said and
placed a hand on Sue's shoulder.  Only then did she see Sam.
     "Eeeeeeeeee.  Yowie!" she cried and turned to run.
     "Stop, Alice, stop!"  Sue yell, as she quickly regained her
lost composure.
     "I don't have any clothes on," she yelled as she continued
towards the stairs.
     "That's OK.  Come back here.  NOW!"
     For a few minutes all was still.  Sue was still absorbed in
watching the growing excitement in front of her.  Sam was
engrossed in watching the now-frozen Alice, from the rear.  And
Alice was paralyzed in mid-flight, one foot on the stairs and one
on the floor.
     Another command, issued at even high volume and intensity,
brought Alice around.  Her hands immediately took the classic
positions of covering up the exposed strategic areas.
     She hurried back to Sue, huddling behind her robed sister.
Then both arms went around Sue holding her close.
     "You must be crazy, Sue.  Why did you want me back?  I'm
naked?" she hissed.
     Again, silence prevailed for a few moments.  Sam's eyes were
riveted on what little he could see of Alice.
     Then Sue said, quietly, "Alice, our friend Sam, here, has
something very, very interesting to show us.  Don't you, Sam?"
     "Sam! . . . Sam! . . . SAM!"
     "Uh, yessum.  What do you want, m'am."
     "What are you trying to hide from us, young man.  I think
after seeing my sister naked, you should show us what you are
trying to hide."
     Alice whispered, "What are you talking about?  This doesn't
sound like you."
     "Alice, Sam, from Henderson, here, is trying to hide
something in his pants.  Obviously he thinks he should be ashamed
of it, but we don't think so, do we, sis?  Do we!"
     "No, no, of course not," she replied, dutifuly obedient.
     Then Alice peered over Sue's shoulder, down to where Sue was
pointing.  She was pointing at that still growing bulge in Sam's
pant leg.
     Alice's mind raced.  The only possible conclusion she could
come to was that Sue wanted to see Sam's cock.  The guy sure
didn't look dangerous, but this situation sure was getting that
way.  Then a bell rang.  She remembered reading about Sam in the
local paper.  There  was a big scandal.  He had been committed as
an infant and been cruelly treated by the state.  Within the past
few weeks he had been released and was doing very well.  The
article had said over and over that he was just a little kid
mentally and that he was very gentle.  But, this could backfire.
     "Do you really think we should, Sue?"
     "Ya'.  What better chance will we have.  He's OK.  We'll let
him go in a few minutes."
     "I'd kind of like to see it myself.  Let's try it.  It's two
against one, anyway."
     At that she slowly dropped her arms from Sue and moved out
from behind.  Then when she was right next to her, she stepped
back a step, more in self-defense, and said, "Look, Sam.  I'm not
covering anything up.  Why should you?"
     The spital fairly gushed from the parted lips.  His tongue
protruded nearly an inch as his breathing got heavier.
     "Sam.  I'm speaking to you.  SAM!"  Alice braved.
     That seemed to do it.  Sam's eyes dropped to the floor, but
his hands stayed put.
     "Come on, Sam.  Just drop your pants.  Why don't you just
unbutton your fly for Alice.  Don't you want to please her?  She
would be very happy."
     Slowly, very slowly, Sam moved one hand up to reach the top
button of his jeans.  It must have taken him over a minute to do
it, but eventually it fell open.
     Sue could hear Alice's breathing steadily increase, just
about in time with her own.  "He's going to do," she whispered
out of the corner of her mouth.  "Oh, boy."
     "Now the zipper, Sam.  If you don't hurry, I'll have to help
     He seemed to respond to that suggestion and quickly unzipped
his fly.  They both expected his jeans to fall down, but
obviously he was going to have to push them down.
     "Don't stop now, Sam.  You must push them down."
     Slowly, he pushed them down.  Once past his briefs the girls
gasped as they saw his penis actually protrude out one leg and
down into his pant's leg.
     "Hurry, Sam."
     He leaned over and pushed them completely off, then slowly
stood up again with his hands at his sides.
     There he stood, his feet surrounded by his limp jeans,
standing very erect with a humongous cock striving to bolt
upright, but being thwarted by his under pants.
     "Ok, Sam.  Now your undies."
     Sam responded as fast as he could but he had much difficulty
holding his enormous prick down while he tried to extract his
underwear.  But finally he got them down, too.
     There he stood, clad from the waist up, standing at
attention with his drawers at his feet, with the most magnificent
penis pulsing proudly straight out before him.  The awe in their
eyes was readily apparent, and this from the viewpoint of kids
who have seen only the grotesque monsters usually seen in low-
grade porn videos.  At this point in there lives they had not
savored the real ones, six or so by an inch and a half or so.  To
them, an eight-incher was not unusual.
     But Sam was like nothing they had ever seem.  It approached
a full foot long and easily three inches across in the middle.
The ruby head formed the most delightful crown peaking warily
through the uncircumcised collar of foreskin.  And it was so
rigid.  It seemed to twitch every few second.  The penile skin
hugged the staff so tautly that it shone in the glare of the sun
shining through the window.  Light blue veins wriggled across the
unblemished surface forming exciting knots all along the smooth
contours of the erectile creature.
     Now it was the girls turn to have their jaws drop open and
slaver lavishly in astonishment.  In unison, they whispered, "My
     No one knows how long they all stood dumbly.  In the
interim, I'll review the scene.  Sue, a comely lass, clad in a
drooping robe parted in the middle, and Alice, a slim, sensuously
alluring virgin, lusciously au naturel, each stood with jaw agape
and eyes riveted to Sam's glorious and splendid erect manhood
throbbing.  And Sam, dim witted as ever, stood at as rigid
attention as his newly freed penis, also agape, leered at the
succulent and exposed Venuses.
     When any viewers patience would have been exceeded many-
fold, Alice sluggish moved forward, first one step, than another.
Then another, until she was within an arms reach of that "thing."
As if in slow motion, she reached up and out towards the
     Without speaking a word, she extended one graceful digit and
placed it upon the wand.  For a few moments she rode on top of it
as it danced up and down.  Then another finger extended and
rested next to the first, then another and another.  They rested
there for a few more moments before they slowly and sensually
traced along the taunt upper surface from the middle to the base
and then towards the glans.  Then they flowed over the exposed
glans creeping next to the foreskin, gentle slipping it back,
watching the shiny moistness glisten in the suns rays.  Then even
further forward to the gaping entrance to the urethra.
     As she finished tracing the glans around she ran her hand
down to check out the loosely hanging testicles.  They hung
nearly six inches below the ever-present and attentive dick, in a
soft, loose bag of skin.  She had never felt balls before, so it
was a puzzle when she had trouble grasping them.  They felt like
tennis balls made of gelatin.  They were pliable and soft, yet
turgid, exciting, for what they possessed.
     Sam was frozen in time, except for the heavy breathing, the
heaving of his chest in time to the quivering of his manhood.
     Then Alice allowed her tiny hand to close around that
stallion.  Or at least she tried, for she still had half way to
go.  Her other hand then joined the first and together they
retraced the initial explorations, again stopping just behind the
retracted foreskin.  Together, both hands barely encircled the
surging cock.
     She hesitated only a second.  Then squeezed firmly and said,
"Come, Sam."
     She pivoted daintily towards the stairs, virtually dragging
the reluctant Sam by the lead.  He stumbled trying to step out of
his clothes, almost causing Alice to lose her grip, so perilous
was it.  But he recovered and followed obediently.
     They were a few steps past Sue, when she recovered and
cried, "Alice.  You can't do it."
     "Like hell I can't.  You can stay here, if you like, or you
can come up and watch.  I watched you before.  I suggest you
watch me now."
     Sue needed no more argument.  She bounded after the fleeing
     At the bedroom door, Sam balked, but Alice persisted.  Now,
she had the upper hand.
     Alice backed into the room pulling her diffident stud with
both hands.  At the edge of the bed she continued to pull him
forward.  She sat back, pulling him to the very edge.  Apparently
there would be no trouble getting him on the bed for as she
scooted her hips back and spread her legs and tugged, he raised a
knee and placed in on the edge.  The other followed.  He followed
her further like a puppy dog, but this was no Oscar, no siree.
     Alice's breathing was more quick gasps.  Her chest heaved
causing her budding breasts to swell.  Her nipples appeared
painfully erect, striving to join the foray.
     When they were safely ensconced on the bed, Alice licked her
lips and said, "Sam, this is it.  I have never had a man.  Have
you ever done this before?"
     A furious head shake was the only response.
     She lay back down, not releasing her grip, until Sam could
barely stay on his knees.  Once close to toppling over on the
young girl he resisted.  In a flash Alice reached up her lithe
legs to encircle his waist, keeping her shoulders on the mattress
and keeping her grip on that flailing staff.
     It took her no more than a few seconds to scrunch herself
into position so that the upraised stalk was pointed at her
delicate genitals.  With all her available strength she pulled
his penis down and slowly clasped her legs tighter around his
loins until the huge glans was nestled between her moist and
awaiting labia.  For a second she lost her grip and the stanchion
flew up vibrating free.  As it escaped it ran past her small
erect and projecting clitoris.  A shock coursed through her
trembling body.  With the wild fires burning ever more fiercely,
she grasped the elephant again and returned it to it rightful
     A quick squeeze of her legs lodged Sam up against the
willing, but unable, opening.  The twinge she had felt when his
cock had crossed her clitoris was such a delightful thing, she
couldn't resist trying it again.
     Taking great care to be sure she didn't lose her grip again
she relaxed her legs and allowed his stiff penis to slip juicily
up until it was right on the blossom.  She held it there allowing
the amazing quiver of it massage it.  It seemed to have a life of
its own, but it also took orders well.  She found she could even
force her little bud right into his opening.
     The sensations were beyond her endurance.  With a cry of
delight she flung her tousled head back onto the mattress gasping
in fierce, yet exquisite, delight.
     Sue started, when she saw the spectacle in fear that Alice
was in pain, but she thought better and just stood by the bed
engrossed in the erotic scene.
     Sam still was frozen in fear at his feelings and just knelt
stiff in body, as well as cock.  Alice's slim hips had begun an
extremely sensual grind around the captive pole, each revolution
carrying her higher and higher in her ecstacy.
     She surely would have been satisfied being allowed to orgasm
in this manner, but Sue, who could not have know the utter joy
that Alice felt, could not stand seeing the poised penis still
not enveloped.  She just assumed that since Oscar had penetrated
her, so should Sam penetrate Alice.  So she imprudently reached
in to assist.  For a few minutes she stroked the glistening stave
as it oozed over Alice's delicate pink labia.  Neither of the
other parties seemed to notice or care that an intruder had
arrived on the scene.
     Then with a big sigh of envy she placed her whole hand on
the fiery stalk and tried to push it downwards toward the
yearning entrance to Alice.  She found that it would take a great
deal of force, so she had to come close to Sam and lean around
     Sue's robe had fallen open long ago and she had entertained
herself with manual stimulation during much of the preceding.  So
when she leaned against Sam it was with her bare, warm flesh
pressed against his side, still covered with a shirt.
     The touch of this supple flesh startled Sam, who up until
this time had clamped his eyes tightly closed.  One instant of
seeing this lovely face near his, the softly parted lips
breathing in the heights of passion, the naked breast pressed
hard against him, that tiny little hand resting on his swollen
manhood, caused him to groan and squirm in utter agony.
     Alice at once thought he was trying to get away and pulled
even harder on him.  These slight perturbations caused Sam to
lose his balance and he started to fall forwards.  Alice's legs
propelled his and Sue's closeness prevented him from recovering.
     Over he went.  The only thing preventing him from falling
full length on Alice was his steel post, tightly engaged at the
opening of Alice's love-cave.  For an instant he just slowly fell
over.  Until Alice's raised hips landed on the bed.  But Sam kept
coming.  The full weight of Sam's stocky body crashed down on
that sturdy cock.
     With a cry that would have brought dread to the most hard-
hearted, Alice tried to absorb his enormous cock in one earth-
splitting stroke.  She should have been rent from stem to stern,
but nature allowed Sam to penetrate several inches, absorbing a
great deal of the energy.
     Sue screamed in sympathy and began trying to throw Sam off
of her grievously attacked sister.  Alice's hands, so long
preoccupied with capturing Sam's cock, now flew up to also try
and extricate Sam.  And she threw her legs off from their
embrace.  But something had snapped inside the poor devil.  No
mere mortal could keep him from his allotted task now.  He had
tasted the honey of passion and wanted to be slaked.  He dug in
to the immediate job at hand.
     One arm flung Sue aside like a yelping puppy.  Then both
reached down to grasp the luscious orbs of Alice's derriere.
With a strength he could never have realized he possessed, he
pulled himself closer to the goal before him.  Another cry
bubbled from the prone virgin.
     His hips then pulled back an inch or so, allowing the glans
to gather some of that lovely oily slaver so richly coating every
crevice and cranny in that delicious haven.  Then he plunged
forward once again. The cry elicited this time was less that the
first two.
     Again he withdrew a short way.  From across the bed where
she had landed, Sue could see the sheen covering the first few
inches of that mammoth penis as it slurped out, nearly escaping
its tight confines.
     Then he rammed home again.  Alice's response was more a
groan that a cry this time, although her arms still were extended
to hold this monster away.  Her face, contorted in a mixture of
agony and ecstacy turned towards Sue.  For an instant, when Sam
withdrew this time, Sue saw a flutter from Alice, then a brief
smile, before the battering ram once again delved deep into her.
     A wail of dismay came from Sue as she looked again and saw
that about eight inches of this horribly gargantuan organ still
showed from between those racked labial lips.
     Then an improbable thing happened.  To her utter amazement,
Sue saw Alice's out-stretched arms extend around Sam.  Her legs
slid up and bent at the knees next to Sam's heaving body, but
they did not return to their original position.  And she hear an
indistinct gurgling from the lips of her sister.
     As Sam's desperately thrusting body increased in pitch and
magnitude, Sue detected a returning of the motion by Alice and
grunts and groans of what could only be described as delight
coming from her sister.
     Sue's concern about Alice's safety were relieved when she
finally saw Sue's lovely slim legs rise over Sam's thrusting rear
and lock around his churning haunches.
     Sue could only guess that what pain might have existed a few
moments before was now gone.  All Alice could feel; was the
delicious warm, firm stroking of a gigantic thing inside of her.
She had so longed to have this part of her entered and savored,
and now it was.  She cared not that Sam's face was screwed up in
horrible determination, not love, for she couldn't see it.  All
she knew was that someone was reaching far inside of her, to her
most innermost, deep and private place, the place she dreamed of
exploring herself, but would never be able to do.  She felt
     Sue, though utterly fascinated by the goings on before her,
had finally come to the realization that Alice was indeed
enjoying herself.  Knowing that she was simply a bystander in
this erotic play did not sit well with her.  Her hands absently
wandered over her budding breasts, playing casually with her
tiny, erect nipples.  While the heated action gained in intensity
before her one hand crept down her lithe body, past her flat
stomach and abdomen towards her genitals, radiating erotic
sensations.  The other cautiously reached out to the struggling
couple.  The space between the sweating bodies was obviously
dangerous so she just watched in awe, but she let her hand slip
around behind Sam's flailing hips.  She reached up underneath
searching for something.  She had wanted to again feel that awful
manhood for herself, but instead she encountered the pendulous
testicles dancing back and forth trying in vain to keep up with
the pumping hips, but always they seemed to lag behind.  She
reached out to explore these wondrous creatures that seemed to
have a life of their own.
     No sooner had she began fondling these shy beings than an
unearthly moan began, growing steadily louder and louder.
     Sue felt the testicles contract and Alice felt the initial
shot of semen destined to penetrate her very soul.  A hot searing
flood followed.  Not quite having reached her climax, Alice could
only strive to climb the last few yards as he just kept cumming
and cumming.  Neither girls quite knew what to expect, but
somehow they both suspected that they were witnessing a phenomena
seldom seen or felt.
     For over three minutes Sam poured forth inside of Alice,
totally oblivious to Alice's unsatiated actions or Sue's wonder
and wanderings.  Poor Alice was in desperate straits for she
could begin to feel herself slide off of the mountain, back down
towards the dreary real world.  Not even this outpouring could
nudge her over the edge.  She tried to reinitiate the ferocious
bucking of her hips and the delicious gliding and sliding of that
wondrous shaft in her vagina, to no avail.
     After his momentous flood any interested viewer would have
expected Sam to pull out, and smugly light up a cigarette the way
guys do.  But apparently he wasn't quite through yet.
     He was still enlodged inside Alice and he was still as hard
as steel.  Suddenly, with a grunt of satisfaction he began his
ministerings again.  The stallion was going to take Alice for
another ride!
     With utter elation Alice grasped him around the neck again,
re-clutched his full loins and welcomed another onslaught.  He
started gently, with short strokes.  Alice tried to extract him
on his up stroke so he would have momentum on his down, but
didn't succeed.  He just withdrew a short ways and slid back to
the same place he has erupted.
     He appeared to display no frustration at only being able to
invade a few inches.  But his still pulsing penis seemed eager
and ready to fully penetrate Alice's body.  Steadily his
horse-stabs grew longer.  The added lubrication of his prolific
ejaculation, finally assisting the eager couple.
     Sam seemed to pour his whole being into each monstrous stab
now, and Alice slowly, juicily and with obvious relish, absorbed
more and more of the incredible staff.  His plunges had met her
involuntary resistance before, but she was slowly opening up
allowing this gargantuan thing to delve further toward her soul.
The wild, flailing thrusts were rewarded with the delicious,
lubricated sliding of that gorgeous vein-studded, flaming penis
in her creamy pink vagina.
     Alice shrieked with pleasure every time the huge flaming
cock thrust into her.  She squealed and murmur, urging the boy
on, and them she started to pant.  It was as if she couldn't get
enough air.
     This superb stallion found renewed energy somewhere and gave
a cry of pleasure, redoubled his efforts.  As the fantastic,
scintillating penis slipped deeper into her, she arched her back
and groaned, "My god!"  Over and over he drove his glorious penis
deeper and with each stroke both grunted in unison.  As his
strokes approached ten inches in length the penetration by his
spectacular organ was very nearly complete.
     It was the final lunge at the end of a superb eight inch
stroke that did the trick.  Both emitted muffled cries when that
immense penis finally thrust home.  Together, they froze in
seemingly amazement.  Alice just had time to catch her breath
when he began again.  Again he filled her to the hilt.
     As his long, stiff bull penis slid into Alice's wanton body,
her eyes got big and bright.  She gasped sharply and groaned,
"Oh, God! It's in. He's in me.  Oh, God!".
     And then, with a huge flash, the world exploded.  With one
magnificent plunge Sam came with a heart-wrenching shriek.
Alice's response was far from muffled.  As he struggled to unload
another gigantic wad into her, her whole body stiffened and she
went into a spasmodic orgasm.  His testicles boiled up and
erupted their contents inside of her until she could practically
taste it.  All Alice know is that his hot sticky semen continued
to spew and spurt inside of her for what seemed like eternity.


                             Chapter 6

                        Not to be out done

     Unfortunately, after no more than a few moments, Sam
regained contact with the real world and practically tore himself
out of Alice and bolted upright with little regard for the
gentle, giving creature beneath him.  He, no doubt would have
regained his feet and ran out of the room, but for two things ÄÄ
his enormous cock was still rigidly at attention, he never could
have managed his pants over that thing, and Sue was aroused.  The
former did not enter his mind as he was struggling up, but the
latter performed a open field tackle that would have been the
envy of any NFL defenseman.
     The next anyone knew is that Sam was sprawled on his back on
the quaking bed and Sue was lying full length on top of him
beginning to plant a tonsillectomy-kiss on the stricken boy.
Alice lay spent next to the engrossed pair.
     He was gasping and Sue was panting.  They were both drenched
with perspiration, which made their bodies all slippery against
each other.
     When Sue finally felt a positive response from Sam, that is,
his struggling to break free finally petered out, she quickly got
up off of him and sort of spun around on his stomach until she
was facing that marvelous penis before her.
     A slight string of drool escaped Sue's lips as she bent over
his erect cock glistening in the light.  Slowly she reached out,
scarcely daring to touch it.  She was fascinated by this bulging,
hard stick, that pointed straight up.  As she stared intently at
his tool, she stopping just short of grabbing it.
     Her eyes drop down to take in that funny lose sack that
dangled between his legs and rested on the bed.  Gently, she
reached down and picked up his testicles, exploring each new
wonder.  After she had investigated each fold and lump, she
eagerly allowed her hands to find and lock themselves around the
base of his slowly throbbing penis.  While still holding firmly
with one hand, maybe to keep it from getting away, her other hand
began a miraculous journey up the craggy sides, following
fascinatingly a distended vein until it disappeared just beneath
the base of his foreskin.  As she continued up she squealed with
delight as she found that his foreskin moved.  Slowly she
retracted it on its moist tracks until the flaming glans was
revealed in all of its glory.  Her other hand was fascinated by
every pulse in his body each bringing a new surge of blood to
enlarge his organ.
     Slowly she leaned over and sought to run her tongue over his
stiff staff.  She found the taste of Alice still clinging to it
delightfully sensuous.  When she was about half way up his
erection she heard Sam moan and felt his hips begin a rhythmic
pattern up and down on the soft bed.  In just a short time his
movement reached a fanatical pace.  She had to hang on to keep
from being bucked off.
     She stopped in awe at what was before her.  Then, in open
mouthed amazement, Sam's wad shot up, nearly hitting the ceiling.
Then another gigantic shot surged upwards.  For the longest time
Sue and Alice watched this magnificent performance, each
succeeding ejaculation slightly less then the preceding one,
until only a little oozed from him and ran down his proudly
waving shillelagh.
     Only one thing disappointed the girls, and that was that Sam
was unable or unwilling to do anything but lie there inertly,
while Sue relieved Sam.
     When the ejaculations had finally subsided, Sue twisted
around until once again she straddled his stomach and faced the
lucky boy lying there.
     "Have you ever been inside a girl before?  Before Alice,
that is?"  she asked him.  He shook his head.  She reached back
and found his cock, still hard and hot and throbbing just behind
her.  She leaned back a bit so she could feel it press into the
separation of her derriere.  Sam groaned a little bit at the
     Sue leaned forward onto him and gave him a big, wet kiss
right on  the lips.  Her tongue reached out and forced its way
between his clinched lips.  Almost reluctantly his hands came up
to roughly stroke her back.  Then they slid down and squeezed her
so squeezable rear.
     Wordlessly, she knelt up and moved back, then crouched over
him.  His dick was stiffly erect, straining at about a forty-five
degree angle from his abdomen.  Reaching back, she grabbed his
prick with one hand and lowered herself till it was against her
awaiting labia, which was blood-swollen, incredibly moist,
exquisitely sensitive and begging for attention.
     With a massive effort she forced herself down upon that
magnificent elephantine cock.  If it were not for the combination
of Sam's intact foreskin and Alice's residual juices and his
semen, liberally released just minutes before, thoroughly coating
his cock and Sue's own self-preparation the effort might have
been impossible.  As it was, only his glans had entered that
delightful and inviting cave after several minutes of fierce
     Dogged determination and Sue's sheer weight forced more
inside of her, until maybe a third of him was inside her.
     Sue paused.  Under the urging of Alice, now along side the
laboring couple cheering them on, she tried to relax.
     "Stop, Sue.  Just stop and imagine yourself opening up.
Imagine that beautiful cock filling your whole being.  Close your
eyes and pretend that it is someone else.  Pretend it is me
trying to work up inside of you.  Relax and let me in, Sue.
     After a few minutes of silence, punctuated only by a quiet
groaning from the boy under her, and motionlessness, except for
his continuing efforts, Sue took a deep breath.  She held it for
a moment and let it out, whispering, "Come in, Alice.  I am
waiting for you.  Come into me, my love."
     At that Alice leaned over and planted a moist kiss on Sue's
lips.  She would have held it for a long time, but she felt Sue's
body go rigid as she withdrew from Sam.  She pulled herself
completely off of him.
     With her weight off of him, Sam's hips began bouncing up and
down on the bed like a pile driver.  He would never have found
his haven again if Alice had not reached down and grasped that
stupendous prick in her hands.  With all of her strength she
tried to hold it steady, resisting the temptation to fondle it
     "Now, Sue.  Now lower yourself back down.  I'll hold him
     She quickly engaged that engorged cock and eased herself
down slowly enveloping the raging bull.  This time he slipped in
half way.  With a gigantic sigh, Sue withdrew again and quickly
pressed down again.  He slipped in further.  Several more times
she pulled him out and slid back over him until finally she sank
down until he was nearly all the way in.
     "Aaaarrrrgggg.  That feels so good, Alice.  Now, move around
in me."
     The feeling of his dick sliding inside of her was like
having a long-time itch scratched.  His prick had spread and
opened her, filling a void that somehow she hadn't even known
existed, until then.
     She moved her slender hips in time with her emotions while
his hips rammed that stiff, throbbing cock up, relentlessly up,
at a feverish pace, with no consideration for her needs or
     She could feel him spasm as she continued to press down as
hard as I could on him and feel his cock sliding in and out of
her.  A low animal growl began in her abdomen and rose in pitch
and volume as her orgasm soared in her.  She made no effort to
keep quiet.
     But long before she had played out, the thoughtless boy
beneath her had exploded with a grotesque grunt and sent yet
another surge of semen coursing though his vas, destined for the
holy place.  It shot out, bolt after amazing bolt.  It not only
entered Sue, it permeated every nook and cranny of her delightful
vaginal cavity.  All she knew was the shattering, shredding
pleasure ripping through her passionate little body.  His dick
swelled inside her and throbbed and jerked for a few minutes.
     Sue toiled to reach the pinnacle of her orgasm by continuing
to move her hips around Sam.  But he grabbed her and pulled her
down on him, holding her motionless.
     For a time they lay there, Sue sprawled across Sam
contacting as much of his body as she could.  Unfortunately, in
his tight clutches, all she could do was keep twitching her hips
and rolling a little, as his spent penis finally shrunk and
collapsed.  A thick mixture of juices, his and her's, seeped out
of her vagina.
     Alice had one hand busily at work on herself trying to catch
up with Sue, the other toying with Sam's flagging balls.  Alice,
sensing her sister's unsatiated anguish, groaned in
disappointment at the turn of events.
     Could that have been what finally "awoke" the boy?  Because
with no warning he suddenly and ruthlessly threw the poor,
unslaked girl off of him like a rag doll and hurled himself off
the bed.  In a flash he ran down the stairs, hurriedly put on his
clothes and bolted out the door.


                             Chapter 7

                           Second String

     For a moment Sue lay there kind of in a stupor, the slimy
oozings still extruding from her now empty vagina.
     Alice leaned over to look at her.  She smiled seeing her
laying there, her flawless breasts still heaving, and a near-
gratified look on her lovely flushed face.  As a matter of fact,
Sue's entire body was blushing a deep glowing pink.
     "Did you like it, Sue?"
     "Yah, I've forgotten the beginning, and the end, thank
goodness.  That wasn't too great.  Don't men have any
consideration at all?  I have the distinct feeling that he
wouldn't have done anything differently if I had been a plastic
dummy.  He was so intent on satisfying himself that nothing else
mattered.  The fact that he might give me pleasure never entered
his mind.  Most of the time, at least until the very end, I
really enjoyed what I was doing to him.  That made me feel even
better.  I never detected any response from that guy except an
urge to squirt.  Do you suppose I was mistaken?"
     "I don't know.  It seemed like that to me also, but then I
didn't care much.  It felt nice having that great big thing
inside of you, didn't it?  Did it hurt you?  And what did it feel
like to you when he squirted?  It sure hurt when he jammed it in
me the first time, but that feeling went away.  It sure felt good
having him move around inside.  I have always dreamed about going
in myself.  Doesn't that seem kinky?"
     "No.  I guess we have no secrets anymore, do we?"
     Before Alice could agree they heard the door bell again.
     "Damn, do you suppose Sam is back?" Alice laughed.
     Sue didn't, but she hopped off the bed and groaned, "What
time is it?  Don't you remember we were doubling with Ken and
Sean this evening?"  A quick glance at the clock radio confirmed
her worst fears.
     "Let's ignore it.  They'll go away," she continued.
     "No, we can't do that.  They're nice guys.  I'll go down and
let them in.  They can watch TV while we get ready."
     "But I don't want them here.  I am still high from that
darned Sam running away too soon.  I want to make love to you,
     "You get ready, Sue.  Leave everything to me," Alice said
over her shoulder as she ran out of the room pulling on her robe
at the same time.
     The door bell was still ringing as she opened it, breathing
heavily from the exertion, and maybe something else, who knows.
     "Hi, Sean.  Hi, Ken.  Sorry, to make you wait.  You know how
girls are.  You'll have to come in and entertain yourself while
we get ready.  Hope you don't mind."
     "Hi, Alice."
     "Hiya.  No, we don't mind."
     The boys were both about thirteen, nice clean-cut American
teens from the upper crust.  Neither would win any beauty or
body-builder contests, but both were good athletes at their
school.  The girls had been "going" with them for about a year
now.  Nothing serious, except to them.  The boys had tried to
fool around with them, but it never amounted to more than some
mild french kissing and heavy breathing.  Clearly, the boys were
not as "worldly" as they would like you to believe.  But they
were nice kids.
     "Say, who was that guy we saw running away from here?  It
looked like he was still putting on his clothes."
     "Don't know about that, but he was just delivering some
Chinese stuff.  Here it is.  There's enough for all.  Help
     As Alice pointed towards the food on the table next to the
door, lonely and forgotten, her robe fell open revealing not only
her lovely slim legs, but that delicious triangle where they met.
Ken, her date, did a double take, but Sean had not seen.
     Alice turned to leave the boys, revealing even more in her
wake, when Ken, the older and dominant one, burst out, "Alice,
wait a minute."
     "Yeh?"  and stopped.
     "Uh...  Hey, Sean.  Could you go out...  Just a minute," and
went over to whisper something in his ear.
     After a moment, he muttered, unconvincingly, "Oh, darn, I
forgot something.  I've got to run home and get something.  "I'll
be right back."
     "Sure, take your time.  Sue will probably need an half hour
to shower, etcetera.
     "What did you want, Ken?"
     "Well, I...  Uh..." he stammered, until Sean had shut the
     "I just thought you looked so beautiful I wanted to kiss
you," and rushed over to the young girl, still sporting an open
     He grabbed her roughly around the waist and drew her to him
tightly.  His kiss was strangely urgent, Alice thought, but when
she felt his cold belt buckle against her bare flesh, she knew
     She struggled to escape his grasp, but strangely enough she
didn't struggle very hard.  She was no match for Ken, but she
knew that he would obey her orders, if she should choose to give
     "Oh, Alice, I love you," he whimpered, gasping for breath.
He pulled back to look into her eyes, trying to sense her
     "Ken, I like you, too, but don't be so rough.  You don't
hurt someone you love, do you?"
     That took him back.  He released her and stepped back,
expecting Alice to back away.
     Alice hesitated for a long time staring into his brown,
puppy-like eyes, before she move close to him again.  This time
she did the kissing.
     For an instant, he seemed to crumple.  It took all of her
strength to hold him up.  She was sure he had fainted.
     Then she pulls away again and sits down on the couch.
     "Here, Ken, you better sit down, too."
     With obvious relief he plops down and grabs Alice,
practically climbing on her trying to kiss her again.
     "Back off, Ken.  We've plenty of time.  Here let's get your
clothes off."
     Ken, caught up in the whirlwind of new emotions and
experiences, hurriedly disengages himself and tears his clothes
off, babbling all the while that Sean is going to be back and Sue
will come down and Alice's parents will barge in.
     Alice tries to reassure him that nothing will happen as Sue
sloughed off her robe.
     "Relax, big guy.  You'll hurt me if you're too rough."
     With his clothes off, he is even more impatient.  He roughly
gropes for her breasts.  Alice is practically stretched out on
the sofa trying to stay the impulsive boy.
     When his crude hands finally find her delicate nipples and
squeeze them she cries in pain and musters enough force to throw
him off the edge of the sofa.
     "Now you stay there until you can be gentle, Ken.  This has
gone too far.  You aren't going to rape me and that's that."
     That seemed to calm the boy.  He just sort of sat there next
to the Alice as she rolled over so her back was facing him.
     Finally, marshalling his courage Ken moves up and lies
quietly against Alice, close, pressing his chest against her
back, cradling her body.  It was a nice touch.  Only when he was
sure he was not being rebuffed did he reached around her to cup
her small, girlish breasts in his hands, stroking and massaging
them, gently this time, feeling her nipples erect.  Then he moved
his hand down toward her groin, pressing into the soft hairs,
against the mons and stroking gently, too.
     She responded by pushing her buttocks back against him,
parting her legs in the process, raising her leg and lazily
resting it on his hip.  Then, in an assertive way, she reached
between her legs and took his cock, now fully erect, in her hand,
guiding it to, but not into, her.  She slowly moves his penis
around between her legs, rubbing it in a slow, circular motion
against her labia.  Not being able to reach her clitoris, she
titillates it with her own hand and continues to work Ken into
her fluid labia.
      When he shifted his position slightly in an obvious effort
to slide himself into her, she pushed the shaft back, then
whispered, "Uh-uh.  Not there.  I want you somewhere else."  Why
not all sorts of first today, she thought.
     As she was relishing these thoughts, she reaches down
further and places the head of his cock right in the middle of
her anus, then rubbed it back and forth across the opening.
     "But I want to fuck you, Alice,"  Ken protests.
     "Just do it.  I want to feel your cock inside my ass," she
said softly.  She rubbed the glans a few more times against the
opening.  "Mmm, Ken, I want it deep inside my ass."
     After some moments of flailing around it was clear that his
inexperience combined with their difficult position would get
them nowhere so she said, "Ken, get up for a second."
     When he reluctantly had stood up she slipped her lovely legs
off of the sofa until she was kneeling on the floor.  She turned
around for just an instant to glance at his erect penis standing
before him.  She leaned over, planted a kiss on the tip of it and
whispered, "Enjoy yourself, my friend."
     The she turned back leaning down so her upper body was
resting on the seat.
     "Now kneel down and have at it."
     He scrunched down and grabbed his cock with one hand and
placed the other on her lovely ivory tail quivering before him.
He placed the head of his cock against the pooching rosebud and
     "Not too hard, now, Ken.  I haven't done this before."
     "God, neither have I," he grunted in a panic, finally
realizing what was before him.
     Even though his cock was already greased from being rubbed
between her moist labia lips his strenuous pushing and probing
could not gain him entrance.
     Alice reached under herself and grasped the rock-hard cock,
pressing it against the very center of it.  "Now push hard.  Push
real hard."
     Ken grabbed her upper thighs and slowly pulled themselves
together.  Slowly, ever so slowly, the glans spread the lips
apart overcoming the sphincter.  Alice cried in pain and
     "Am I hurting you?"
     "A little," she replied, punctuated by a gasp of breath.
"But oh, it feels so good!  Don't stop.
     "Slowly.  Work it in slowly."  She shifted her hips slightly
to accommodate the unaccustomed presence of something inside her
     "Maybe it would help if you rubbed my breasts some more."
     He stopped his straining and reached under her groping for
her luscious bosoms.  Quickly, he found them and massaged them as
best he could in his excitement.  At the same time he leaned over
and snuggled against her, burying his face in her sweet-smelling
tresses.  Then he softly kissed the nape of her neck.
     "I can't believe how good this feels for me, Alice."
     "Are you in all the way?" she gasped.  "I feel like I've
been split in two!"
     "Just a little more," he replied as he pressed forward some
more.  When he moved it felt like he was in a vise as her
sphincter muscle spasmed.
     Then with a lunge, he was buried.  Fire rippled along her
nerves and she moaned out loud.  She babbled, twisting her ass
against him, feeling his body up against her buttocks as tight as
he could get.
     The boy was a captive of his urges and her body now.  His
hips jabbed in and out of her uncontrollably.
     "Oh, it's so hot!  So good!" he mumbled, thrusting into her.
     He was having trouble keeping his balance, she was churning
so, but he valiantly humped on, never missing a stroke.
     He continued kneading her breasts, kissed her neck and
shoulders while his stiff phallus slowly entered and withdrew
from her.  He knew the entry had been somewhat painful for her,
but he had long since forgotten that in light of the exquisite
thrills associated with the current state of affairs.  The walls
of her rectum were warm and smooth against his cock. From time to
time, she contracted her anus around the sheathed sword, each
time sending a chill up his spine.
     The anal contractions were having a tremendous effect on the
boy.  "I'm going to come.  I feel close already."
     "No! Please, don't come yet!  You just put it in, you
haven't really got me up yet.  Can you hold off?"
     "I'll try.  I can't tell you how good it feels!"
     Another luscious contraction proved to be overwhelming.
     "Ohhh, I'm cumming for sure, now," he pleaded.
     "No, you won't.  If you do, I'll never let you do this
     But, alas, he could do nothing. He shuddered and shot into
her bowels, filling her rectum with his seminal fluids.
     "Oh ... I'm cummingggggg!!!" he screeched, forgetting
everything, but the fantastic sensation.  His many amateurish
masturbatory attempts were nothing like this.  Her ass sucked at
his prick, squeezing it like a vise, and he filled it with
     Within moments he had spent himself and fell over on her as
the pent up air escaped him.
     Alice, still scaling that orgasmic peak could only resort to
the ever-present self-relief and in a few strokes tries to bring
herself to a climax.  She was practically delirious, and sank
forward in ecstasy, her vagina throbbing, her rectum clutching at
the rapidly shrinking cock.
     A muffled cough from the other side of the room shocked Ken
into attention.  It was Sean, returned from his "duty," totally
enthralled, ogling the erotic scene before him.  One hand tried
to stifle any noise, the other trying to stifle an erection.
     Before he could utter a sound he saw Sue come up behind him,
wrap her arms around his slender body and grab at the swelling in
his pants.  "And just what are you doing here, Sean?  I've been
watching you peeping at these two.  Shame on you."
     Sean blushed beet red.  He almost looked like he was going
to try to turn and leave the room, but Sue held him fast.
     Come on in and let's see what there is to see.
     She only had to drag him in a few feet before he lost his
reserve and eagerly followed.  He wasn't sure what was to happen,
but if it was anything like what had happened to Ken, be would be
willing to sacrifice himself.
     Sue, having showered, had heard the commotion downstairs and
had not bothered to don anything save the old faithful robe.  In
one quick movement she sat on the sofa, next to her smiling
sister and ordered Sean to knee before her.
     "Interested in this, Sean?" she said as she parted her robe
giving the flustered boy a unobstructed, closeup view of her
beautiful naked body.
     "Gosh," he breathed, staring at her. "Wow!" his gaze was
locked on her luscious breasts.  As he watched, she slowly parted
her legs, revealing her pinkish genitals and said, "How about
     Then she reached down with her hands and seductively spread
the labia revealing the juicy interior.
     "Have you ...have you ever seen a cunt before, Sean?"  Sue
asks, her voice hoarse.  She felt an electric thrill of
excitement and power at exposing herself to the boy, watching his
eyes glaze with desire.
     "No ... no, ma'am, just in pictures," the boy stuttered.
"Can I ..." he stopped.
     "Can you what?"
     "Can you kiss it?  Sure you can, Sean.  I would like you to
do that very much."
     "Well.... I didn't want to do that..."
     "Well, I want you to.  If you expect anything else, you
better do that."
     He hesitantly leaned forward, eyeing what was before him
with some trepidation.  "Do I have to?"  he whined.
     "If you don't, you can leave now and I'll let Ken do it."
     That seemed to do it for he took in a deep breath and leaned
     "But first, Sean, I suggest you take your clothes off before
you mess them up.
     In a shot, he was up and his clothes were gone.  A stiff
erection stood out before him.  He looked down at it and slowly
took it into his own hand pointing it right at Sue.
     "If you are going to do it yourself, you won't need me, will
     Finally, it all got through his poor thick male head, that
Sue had a vested interest in the proceedings, too.  He kneeled
back down and indelicately stuck his face into her crotch.  For a
few moments he literally kissed her labial lips, but scarcely
more.  Then, something seemed to snap as he hesitantly probed his
tongue to them and snuggled down in them like he was actually
enjoying it.
     At about this time, Alice had recovered and was absorbed in
watching the goings on next to her.  She had gotten up and sat
back down on the sofa, resting her pert buns on her legs beneath
her.  Ken just sort of stood there in a trance, his penis slowly
returning to its attentive position as Sean became more and more
dedicated to the task at hand.
     It was too much for he blurted out, "Alice, can I do that to
     For an instant, Alice paused, then wordlessly she slipped
her legs out from under her and let them dangle over the edge.
That way she could still watch the pair next to her.  The thrill
showing on Sue's face as she leaned her head back on the back of
the sofa was too much to miss.
     Ken, with a zest at least equal to Sean's dove in.  Now both
girls flung their heads back as their passions were being aroused
once again.
     Then Sean raised his head.  He still knelt between her
thighs uncertainly.  He knew what to do.  The boys at school had
laughed about it, and he had seen pictures.  But actually doing
it was far different!  He held his cock in his hand and pointed
it at the gaping wet mouth of her vagina.  "I...would you help
me?  I'm not sure ... I've never done this before," he said
     "Oh, darling ... here, I'll help you," Sue said.  She
reached out, guiding his drooling penis to her heated vagina.
"Just put it where your tongue was and move it back and forth.
You'll get the hang of it," she crooned.  She opened herself for
him with one hand and guided his turgid cock with the other.
     "Aaaaaaggghhh," Sean groaned as the head of his penis
slipped into her.  It was incredible, feeling the hot moist labia
grasping his penis, not like his cold shaking hand.
     With a grunt he thrusts forward.  He enters her, pushing
slowly until he is buried fully the very first time.  For a long
time he savorys the feeling, the feeling all young boys yearn for
more than anything.  His mind is racing trying to remember all of
the things he probably should be doing, but all that seems to
come through is to excite that sensation of the stroking of his
penis.  To this end he draws back out, gasping at the sensations
tingling up through his body.  Then forward again.  Then out
again and forward.  In and out.  In and out.  Faster and faster.
     "I'm fucking!" he yelled.  "I'm doing it!  I'm fucking your
     Sue's concentration on her own ecstacy is nearly broken by
this childish outburst.
     He could feel his cum surging forth.  Somewhere back in the
dusty regions of his passion-racked brain he knew that girls
didn't want a guy to cum immediately and he did want to make Sue
happy, but his body was not his own.
     Sue feared his stroking was too fast, too soon and tried to
ease him back by reaching up and putting her legs around him, but
even that could not restrain the youthful, self-centered
     Sean grunted with his feeble effort not to climax.  His
hands were now clamped on her breasts, using them as handles, as
he flailed back and forth between her thighs.  He could feel her
vagina clasping and unclasping around his cock.
     Then, suddenly, he felt his ejaculation on him and knew
there was nothing he could do about it.
     "I'm cumming!" he sobbed, as he slammed his elated body
against her.  He thought for an instant that Sue should be
cumming, too, but his senses were blocked by the roar of his own
orgasm.  His little balls lifted and blew, shooting his thick
young semen into her.  He felt like it was spilling out of his
guts.  He couldn't remember cumming like this when he jacked off!
     "Oh ...what's happening?  It won't stop, ohhh!"  And he fell
against her, his hips still twitching weakly as he still feebly
ejaculated into her.
     Sue, hesitant to hurry things along before this, now allowed
her hips to move, adding a twist or two along the way.  She
bucked her hips up to his and rolled on him, feeling his penis
still and lifeless.  She rode it for all she was worth.
     But it was over for Sean, and just started for her.  "Oh,
well," she thought, as she put her arms around him, collapsed on
her chest, smoothing his hair, running her hands lasciviously
over his slim young hips.
     "Oh, Sue!  Wow - it was great!" Sean mumbled into her neck.
He was drained but happy!
     She glanced over at the pair next to her and met Alice's
eyes gazing back in disappointment.  "Nice pair we have here,
isn't it?" they seemed to say.
     Sue lay back.  Her body was still burning.  The feeling of
being led part way up the delicious mountain, and then being
abandoned was depressing.
     Although both boys were spent, they were, nonetheless boys.
     Alice began first.  She began to whisper sweet nothings in
Ken's ears and sensuously trace lewd pictures on his back,
carefully explaining exactly what she was doing.  In no time, Ken
had perked up and was returning the fondling, albeit a good deal
more clumsily.
     A deep moan escaping Ken's youthful lips first aroused Sean.
As he turned to see what was going on, Sue said, "Let's not them
get ahead of us, Sean."
     The poor kid was trembling all over after a few minutes of
Sue's ministerings.  Sue could feel his incipient manhood already
begin to expand and swell as he lay on her.  She was all set to
boost him up and have him enter her again, when she heard Alice
murmur, "Have him stick it in your rear.  It's great."
     Although the thought had never really appealed to her, she
had seen it on the videos, but they hadn't been a turn-on, but
she figured that Alice was a good and fair judge.  It would soon
be clear would who reap the benefits of this judgement, too.
     Sean raised his head and looked into Sue's bright eyes.
When their lips met, her tongue went right for his tonsils.  She
ground her abdomen into him slowly, sensuously, creating the same
stirring that he had just lost.
     She was excited, too, as she continued to feel his growing,
and she slipped her hand between their clasped bodies and quickly
located it.  Her tongue searched every nook and cranny inside his
eager mouth as she slowly stroked him back to full hardness.
     He lifted his head, smiled, then moved his hands to her
buttocks, feeling that delightfully firm and flawless mounds.  He
squeezed the globes between his fingers, prying them apart,
exposing her anus to the uncaring seat of the sofa.
     "What are you doing, young man?" she sniped, with glee.
     "I saw Ken do this and I want to, too.  I have always wanted
to do this,"  he replied, searching for her anus with his finger
and, upon finding it, pressing inward slightly, not penetrating
her, but letting her know that he was eager to play back there.
     She squeezed his cock tightly, then released it, before
working her hand toward the glans and squeezing it firmly once
     She was slowly masturbating his cock now, alternating the
squeezing with up and down movements of her hand.
     But she had not done this more than a few time when she
sensed that he was ready to cum again.
     "Quick.  Get off and I'll turn over."
     He was off in a flash standing poised for a totally new and
rewarding experience and he knew it.
     She rolled over until she was resting on the sofa seat.  No
amount of inexperience could have impeded the forthcoming events.
Sue's alabaster body lay totally exposed on the sofa, with her
lovely firm buttocks presenting the guide rails toward the target
clearly discernable before the trembling boy standing poised with
his rigid cock stuttering and stabbing in the air before him.
Slowly and with a great outflow of breath he lowered himself to
his knees, almost in submission.  His rigid penis was at exactly
the right height.  He nuzzled the glans against the presenting
mark and gentle pushed in.
     At first only a little of him was allowed in.  Sue gasped,
wonder what in the world Alice saw in this, but allowed Sean to
persist.  Somewhere in the far reaches of her body she felt a new
tingling that she liked.  She slowly gyrated her hips hoping to
help the poor boy penetrate further.
     It worked.  With a grunt he pushed harder and slipped in an
inch or two.
     He seemed to stick there, probably due to fear on both their
parts.  She remembered that in the videos, the men liked the
women to talk dirty so she thought, why not.
     "I'm opening it for your cock, Sean.  Your big beautiful,
beautiful cock.  It's hungry for you inside there.  Please put it
all the way in.  Please!"
     He responded immediately by withdrawing the glistening cock
from Sue.  Unfortunately, it slipped out much to their chagrin.
     "Ohhhh,  put it back in.  Put it back in, now!"
     He moved the head of his cock back up to the between the
widely opened cheeks, which Sue had reached up and spread.  As he
touched the splayed anus with his penis, she cried out, "Ahhhhh!"
     His only response was a practical, "It seems awful tight."
     "I can take it.  I don't care if it hurts.  Just put it in
slowly.  Oh, yes....slowly....Ahhhh!  I can feel it going inside
me, Sean."
     "Do you want me to stop?"
     "No!  Please!" she cried simultaneously with a loud breath.
"Just keep easing it like you are.  Oh!  It feels so big, so
     Both Alice and Ken were enjoying the close encounter next to
them.  But Alice was not willing to settle for that.  Ken was
abruptly reminded of the business at hand before him by the firm
and not too gentle grip of Alice on his own staunchly erect cock.
     He needed little motivation.  He put his arms around the
back of her neck and pulled himself up to kiss her on the lips,
     It was a long time before he calmed the frantic mindless
probing of his tongue and became less demanding and urgent, and
then the kiss became sweet, as well as passionate.
     He kissed her again and his hands slid back over her
shoulders.  She released his cock and grabbed him around the
waist.  She could feel that iron-hard young cock throbbing
against her.  He pressed closer and the kiss got deeper. Tongues
got into the action again.
     Within a few minutes, they were running their hands all over
each other.  She trapped his leg between her thighs and rubbed
her labia up and down on his leg.
     "Put your hands on my breasts," she said quietly.  He
complied with trembling fingers, sliding his hands down to her
breast, just letting his fingertips rest on them.  After a few
seconds, he began moving his palms over them, sort of learning
their curves and contours.  Finally, he pressed them slightly,
then cupped them.  It was incredibly sensual to her.  She felt
heat in her belly.
     She took his hand and led his fingers to her nipple.  She
pushed his fingertips the erect tip and compressed them a little.
He didn't need much coaching after that.  He grasped the other
nipple and began gingerly pinching and pulling them.  Each touch
and movement sent a lurching spasm through her belly.  Her eyes
half closed and she smiled.
     Finally, he bent and started suckling one nipple.  He ran
his tongue over the tip, quickly.
     By that time the clutching couple was pretty well draped
over the sofa.  He had rolled onto his side, though, to allow his
cock to stand straight out.  It throbbed in time with his rapidly
beating heart.
     He crawled over her and continued madly kissing and licking
all over her breasts, pausing only to take one nipple or the
other between his lips and suck crazily.  She took one of his
hands in her's and led it down over her quivering belly down to
her soft pubes and guided him in his explorations.  She carefully
taught his fingers the way to her clitoris and once he found it,
he dallied and was fascinated by the effect his combined licking
and fingering had on her.
     His finger found the vagina and slid in. He gasped,  "It's
so wet and hot!"
     She could feel his throbbing cock against her thigh.  She
then rolled him over until he was back on top of her and
arduously slipped down until she was half off the sofa.  By then
he was kneeling before her.
     For a brief, so very brief, moment, he was reminded of her
loveliness, for indeed, Alice was a beauty.  Her skin, soft and
warm, her graceful curves so perfect that in the dim light they
looked as though they were carved out of marble.
     But Ken's eyes were now in his hands as he slowly worked his
way up her smooth legs, touching her ever so lightly with his
tongue.  As he approached her inner thighs she began wriggling
and slid down even further down in the sofa as if to meet his
mouth on the way up.
     But he moved up and kissed her neck gently.  Their lips came
together and her tongue worked its way swiftly into his eagerly
awaiting mouth.  He put his arm around her neck and the hand on
her shoulder moved carefully downward.  Slowly it hand crept
towards her firm breasts gently stroking her neck on the way
down.  Her silky skin was moist and cool as he touched it.
     He was sweating profusely as his hand again slipped down,
ever downwards.  His mouth followed closely behind.
     Alice pulled her knees up and apart and encouraged him to
started kissing his way down into the awaiting and inviting vee
offered to him.  His breath was like fire on her exposed labia
lips and throbbing clitoris.
     "You'll have to help me find the right spots," moaned.
     "I will, but you're doing fine, just fine," she murmured
     And indeed he was.  His tongue went into the hollows between
her thighs and swollen labia.  When he shifted from one side to
the other, his breath and sometimes the tip of his tongue just
barely grazed her and that tantalizing touch made her groan and
grind her hips.  She was writhing, trying not to escape his
tongue.  She arched her back and bringing his face closer to her
     He cupped his hands around the smooth cheeks of her buns and
held her tightly.  He lifted her and pulled her to his lips and
kissed her firmly.
     Then, seemingly abandoning any shyness, he stuck his tongue
inside of her and began to work it in and out.
     A few quick strokes and she growled, "Higher!", guiding him
up.  "Lick there, ahhh, right there!"
     As he reached it her body quavered and squirmed.  Her scent
seemed excite him even more.  Gently, he let her down and moved
his tongue up her supple body to her breasts.  As he reached them
he felt her twist and reach down to grab his cock firmly.
     He was panting so heavily that Alice was afraid he was going
to come just kneeling there.  He was to excited to delay any
longer.  He apparently thought so too, because be whined, "I'm
going to cum again, Alice.  Help me."  And backed away from her.
     She sat up with difficulty and leaned over grabbing him by
the head with both hands, kissed him real hard on the lips and
said, "Don't you dare.  You wait for me."  And pushed the
helpless boy over on his back.  He landed with a crash, but he
was clearly not hurt as his cock still waved.
     She was on him in a flash, pinning his shoulders to the
floor, straddling him with her knees.  She trapped his cock
between his belly and her genitals and stroked along it a few
times.  The underside of his dick, turned upward, dragged over
her blood-rich clitoris.
     Recovering, he pulled her down so her face was against his
neck and her chest crushed against his.  She reached around
behind herself and held his steel-stiff cock steady while she
slid backward.
     One quick slide and she had engaged his hungering member.
He groaned in ecstacy as she slid further down on him taking him
fully inside of her in one motion.
     She held still for a few seconds savoring the moment.
     Unfortunately, when she started moving forward again it was
all over for Ken.  With an loud cry he came in her.  He was
jerking and spasming inside her and groaning.  Meaningless babble
escaped him.
     In a few moments he subsided and she felt his seminal fluid
seep out of her and drip down on him.
     Alice hadn't reached her orgasm yet, and she continued to
churn her body up and down on him she groaned in anguish as she
felt his cock quickly begin to shrink.  And all to soon it
slipped from her yearning vagina.
     For a long time she continued humping against his flaccid
body, but he soon tired of it and encouraged her to get off of
     In the mean time, Sean was busy with Sue.  He could not take
his eyes off of his cock as he saw it slowly move into Sue's
expanding sphincter, while Sue moaned and groaned.  She kept her
hips quite still, making him do all the work this time.  Then the
glans was completely swallowed again.
     "I'm in again," he cried.  "Oh, shit, does that feel good!"
     "Yah, it feels good.  But go slowly and don't fall out
again, please."
     As the young boy continued the pressure, feeling her anus
tighten its grip, the rigid shaft inched inward.  Sue was beside
herself once more, making animal sounds.
     Then he was half-way in, and then suddenly all the way in.
Sue was moaning softly, from deep within her throat.
     "It's in all the way," he cried with a sound of satisfaction
in his tone.
     And as she contracted around him, he continued, "Mmm, I like
that,"  and his hips began moving even as he spoke.
     Sue managed to work her hand under herself and back to her
clitoris.  Her manual stroking was much slower and more
deliberate compared to his intense churning.
     "Damn, it feels so gooood!" he moaned and increased his
pumping with long, hard strokes that plunged inside her.
     "It feels so damn good!" he wailed, his strokes now getting
shorter and faster.
     Then all too soon he let our a scream and jammed himself all
the way into her and held fast, his fluids pouring into her anus.
     He fell onto her, with his cock still in her rear.  He sort
of embraced her like that, in silence, planting soft kisses moist
on her neck as he cupped her breasts in his hand and gently
kneaded the pliant flesh.
     Both boys had spent themselves again, while the girls were
still languishing somewhere up the side of the orgasmic mountain,
disappointed and dejected.
     Ken, who had finished first and shrugged the unsubmissive
Alice off of him scrambled up off the floor and said, "Man, I've
gotta go, its late.  You coming with me, Sean?"
     The affirmative reply disappointed both girls who would
really have like some more activities.  But all they could do was
plaintively protest to deaf ears.  One only feared that they now
had all of the ammunition they needed to return to their peers
and be welcomed as heros.
     They disappeared nearly as fast as Sam had done less than an
hour ago.


                             Chapter 8

                     Twice is Better Than Once

     For a long moment the girls lay partly in dejection and
partly basking in a delicious glow.
     Slowly Alice got up off the floor and sat next to Sue.
     She moved over and leaned down until her face was just a few
inches from Sue's and whispered throatily, "Sue, I love you," and
leaned further until their lips touched.
     "Hold it, Alice, let's go back up stairs."
     It took some doing, but eventually they made it by half
carrying each other.
     When they got back to the bedroom, Sue told Alice, "You lie
here and just let me look at you for a while."
     Alice complied and smiled up at the beautiful glowing
features of her sister gazing at her.
     Sue kissed Alice tenderly on her lovely smile.  Slowly she
slipped her tongue out to part Alice's ruby lips.  For an few
moments they toyed with each other.  Then with a groan as earnest
as anything she could muster, Sue intensified her kiss pouring
her soul into it.
     Sue backed off.  She slowly let her gaze drop down and take
in Alice's whole body.  Then her soft, delicate hands also took
the same trip.  "My, my," she whispered as her hands gently
fondled her ripening breasts.  Alice's nipples still erect seemed
to reach out to greet Sue's touch.  Her warm hands then traced
Alice's youthful contours to her slim hips.  Then she carefully
took Alice's hands and placed them on her own small breasts.  No
encouraging was needed to persuade Alice to return the playful
     The tingling sensations were driving Alice crazy and when
Sue reached around and enveloped Alice's small, but firm,
buttocks and stretched further to trace between her legs, she
thought she could stand no more.  She tensed.
     That seemed to halt Sue's dallying.  But Alice caught the
hint and protested as adamantly as she could.  "Sue, I have never
felt so wonderful, so needed and so wanted as I did just now.
Just these little touches bring more pleasure than that whole
time with Sam.  Please don't stop.  Please."
     At that Sue let her hand creep down to Alice's loins.  She
felt herself get sort of wobbly as Alice followed suit.  She
closed her eyes and felt the tingling between her legs.  Her hand
gently stroked around the juicy labia fondling every wrinkle as
if it was the last time she would be there.  It was Alice who
first reached the uppermost fold hooding that delicate creature
that when properly stimulated could raise a woman to heights no
man could imagine.  The electricity flashed through them as they
writhed and squirmed and moaned in unison under the exquisite
instinctive, yet caring touch of each other.  Their own desires
reflected in their own actions.  Each mirroring the other.
     As the animal noises grew louder and louder, Sue slipped a
hesitant finger inside of Alice's hot vagina, all slimy with her
own and Sam's fluids.  But she never left that delightful
clitoris as she slid inside.
     Then when they seemed near to the peak of ecstacy, Sue
released her probing hand and turned around so that she straddled
Alice and buried her innocent young face into the awaiting folds
of pink.  Alice, anticipating this move, helped her move and when
Sue had turned completely around she reached up to enfold each
firm buttock and pulled herself up until she could tenderly kiss
her way slowly up the inside of Sue's leg to the awaiting
sensitive engorged rumple of lusting flesh.  Then she, too,
immersed her own face in the honey-scented genitalia poised over
     Sue shivered and goose-bumps appeared on her delicate
     They each snuggled into the innermost fold of labia until
their faces were covered with the love-fluids.  Their tongues
glided out to probe the turgid fleshy folds, searching for other
ways to bring joy to the other.
     In one fell swoop, they felt themselves depart the world of
children and enter the sensuously enchanting world of lovers.
The first touch of the other's tongue on their private parts
caused them no anxiety, although just a few hours ago it would
have been unthinkable.  They writhed and twisted in a frenzy.
     Lasciviously their warm tongues continued to invade the
other's every fold and recess, bringing hot saliva to moisten and
oil, and leaving a tingling they had never imagined in their
wildest dreams.
     The sensations were exquisite.  They uttered not a word as
their warm lips and tongues played games of passion on the
other's genitals.
     All the while they were orally stimulating each other, their
hands were not idle.  They had crept around to each other's
buttocks and were slowly and sensuously stroking them, not in a
lewd way, but like caressing a delicate flower.  They didn't miss
a contour.  The feeling aroused them even more, if that was
     In unison they nodded, like urging the other on, sending
additional shivers of passion down their spines.  They nuzzled
deeper in the other's crotch.
     Sue took the next step as she ever so gently touched Alice's
clitoris with the very tip of her tongue, sending shudders threw
both of them.  Alice let out a growling moan.
     Then, quickly Alice followed her sister's lead and let her
moist tongue delicately probe until she, too, finally found Sue's
clitoris, which had swollen to visible size and was peeking out
from under the protective fold.  Eventually, they again found
each other's clitoris and indulged themselves in mutual
stimulation of that delightfully sensitive organ.
     Sue involuntarily arched her back under the urging of
Alice's warm hands still massaging her buns.  Sharp cries erupted
as an intense flash coursed through them.
     The scene was marvelous and lascivious beyond imagination.
It was almost like a soft, warm, pink and white, luscious
creature was eroticizing herself on a life-sized mirror.  The
smoothly rising ivory breasts were each crowned with a delicious,
little pink nipples, arrogantly erect.  The smooth white legs,
the delicate inner thighs, framing lovely and innocent faces,
gently curving to converge where the silky pubic hairs nestled
around passionately heaving mons of flawless contour.  The labia,
swollen and ripe and juicy, sheltering the other's probing,
incessant tongue.  The beloved, exquisite clitorises, corpulent
and sturdily erect, voraciously lusting for an amorous touch.
The moistness slowly oozing from the engagingly delicious and
inviting darkness of the vaginas.
     Only when they had reached the very peak by their lavish
lathering, did they pause, figuratively, standing at the crest of
passion, realizing that all was not quite right.  They had
provided all of the physical stimulation any mortal could ask,
now it was time for spiritual stimulation.
     Like in a dream, Sue backed away from her haven in Alice's
luscious crotch, and floated over her sister, sliding over the
taut awaken body until once again she was lying full length on
Alice, toe to toe, face to face.
     "Sue, thank you for turning around.  I want to join with you
and share my very being with you," she gasped, and pulled the
lissome girl down to her awaiting lips.  For a short second they
kissed gently as their hips writhed desperately searching for the
other's genitals.
     The instant they found each other the gentle kiss exploded
into one of such intensity that they each thought they were
dying.  Yet they cared not, for this moment was worth it.  Their
bodies strained against each other, the labial lips as intimately
engaged as their oral lips.  The eruption began in their genitals
and shot like a bolt of fiery lightening up their exultant bodies
radiating intense heat as it went.  Only when it reached their
heads did they finally disengage that perfect kiss and erupt in
groans of utter agony and delight.  Their racked bodies flailed
and thrashed in convulsions beyond their control as if they were
on the brink of death, itself, rather than that other ultimate
     They heaved and tossed and wailed and screamed and groaned
and writhed.  The world around them totally and completely
forgotten and beyond all caring.  Time passed unnoticed.
     Finally, as the ecstacy subsided they resumed their kissing
and fondling as if they intended to commence that wonderful climb
once again.  But that was not the intention, for they were as
emotionally and physically spent as it was possible to be.
     Their eyes were still closed to all else besides each other
and their bodies devoid of any sensation or stimulation beyond
that being imparted by the other ÄÄ the gentle and tender
touches, the sensitive fondling of their small, firms breasts,
the enveloping of the unblemished ivory mounds, the tracing
around the delicate areola, the toying and teasing of the perfect
nipples, turgid still with passion, genitals engaged, lips to
lips, clitoris to clitoris, life to life.  Together they moaned
in ecstacy as they rode the wonderful slow ride down the mountain
of perfect joy.
     They continued this after-play for more than an hour.
Finally, they drifted into the consummate sleep of the innocent.


                             Chapter 9

                     Eat Your Heart Out, World

     Alice awoke first.  It took her a few minutes to recollect
where she was and why.  The hint of a rosy glow remained with her
and Sue, sleeping benignly next to her.  A smile etched on her
lovely face.   Alice slowly leaned down and with just the very
tip of her tongue touched just the extreme tip of Sue's nipple.
The electric shock brought a wave over Alice and she squirmed.
She continued her interest in the sensitive nipples of the
sleeping beauty, although Sue began to stir after that first
     Somehow she had lost her inhibitions.  Maybe it was the warm
room or maybe it was the recent memories.  Or maybe it was the
barely perceptible feel of the exposed flesh innocently lying
before her.
     What had happened just a few moments before had still not
congealed in her mind, but her desire to repeat what she
perceived as a dream was incredibly strong.  She reached out her
hands and began gently exploring and caressing the exquisitely
formed body before her.  Her mind, obviously off in the
netherworld did not notice that Sue had awaken, but continued to
lie motionless beneath the warm, exploring hands.
     Alice delicately stroked Sue's stomach, around and around in
larger and larger circles, slowly edging down her sides to the
outside of her thighs.  Then, ever so slowly she felt her way
around to the marble-white virginal inner thighs, slightly
parted, and gently fondled the sensuous curves leading towards
the awaiting cavern of delight.
     Quickly, Sue found herself rocketing out of control.  (It is
said that once the mountain has been climbed, the next times are
easier and more rewarding, as the challenge of conquering it is
gone.  She thrashed and twisted beneath the passionate petting,
Alice not braking stride.  Sue's mons heaved in time to her
heavy, almost labored, breathing as Alice's fingers crept closer
and closer to that warm moist receptacle, beckoning ceaselessly
and irresistibly.  Nearer and nearer, until just as they reached
the soft labia and she began to trace the delicate line up to
where they met, the exquisitely hooded clitoris just sitting,
anticipating, Sue was racked once again by the passion of still
another orgasm.  She could not hold back the verbal sign and the
low moan scaled upwards, just as the charged emotions inside of
her body soared, and ended in an animal-like cry of pure delight.
     But Sue would not let her ecstacy prevent her from sharing.
In fact, it seemed that this orgasm, so quickly brought on, was
simple and small compared to the ones she had shared with her
sister.  Still in the throes, she struggled, reaching up and
pulled Alice down to her.  She kissed her passionately on the
lips.  It was not a short peck, it was a lingering, deep and
loving one that lasted for several minutes.
     For several minutes they lay there savoring the kiss of
love, Alice trembling in Sue's arms.  Then Sue let Alice hold
them together as she let her own hands set off to explore as
Alice had just done.
     She reached down and cupped those delicate trembling breasts
in her still-moist hands and caressed the exquisitely sensitive
alabaster skin.
     They shared an incredible feeling, a glorious compassionate
feeling.  Neither had ever quite felt like this before.  Before
it was almost like manipulation, now it was togetherness
unimagined.  There was no lust in their feelings, just love.  So
close.  Each felt as if she were opening up, absorbing another
form, becoming one with a totally new entity.  At last.  True
fulfillment, they thought.
     As many, many waves passed through them, they basked in the
glow of heart-felt passion.  Then Sue broke her hold on her
sister and slowly sat up.
     "Don't move, Alice, I just want to look at you."
     But Alice was not to be commanded so quickly.  She struggled
up to a semi-kneeling position, resting her appetizing buns on
her heels as Sue tailor-sat in front of her.
     "You're pretty neat to look at, too, Little One."
     The Alice again leaned over and kissed Sue full on those
luscious lips.  It felt like the first time.  The feeling in her
body was totally different, almost foreign, yet it made her feel
whole.  It made her feel heavenly.  Her kiss was warm, heartfelt
and deeply passionate.  As it lingered, Sue gently caressed
Alice's lips with her tongue until Alice consented and parted
them.  For what seemed like hours she explored everywhere,
beginning with her lips, then her teeth, and, like someone
scouting new territory, didn't miss anything.  But it was done in
such a way that it never felt like an invasion or violation.  It
felt like, "Hey, Alice, this is me.  I want to share me with you,
but take me along."  And she did.  Alice felt as one with Sue as
they sat snuggled on the bed.
     Seemingly refreshed by this "first" kiss Alice smiled most
bewitchingly and leaned close to Sue again, first kissing, then
playfully licking her mouth, her face and eyes, her ears and her
throat, her bare shoulders.
     Sue slowly and cautiously allowed her warm hands to slip
down, down until then rested on the small twin domes of Alice's
budding breasts of velvet.  Sue's eyes never left Alice's.  For a
few moments they lay there comfortably.  Then ever so tediously
they began meandering along those perfect, graceful curves.
     After a very long while Sue's hands gently cupped Alice's
firm breasts like they belonged there.  Alice's already erect
nipples seemed to struggled to gain their rightful place in Sue's
kind and sensitive fingers.  With utmost tenderness these fingers
stroked the ruby areola, the sprouting nipples until they became
as hard as a penis.
     Those loving hands delicately departed, sadly, the breasts
to continue their journey.  Spontaneously, with no effort to
moderate her voice, Sue cried out, "My god, I never realized you
were so beautiful!"  As if star-struck, she just sort of stared
with her mouth hanging open.  Slowly Sue's eyes absorbed what
seemed like Alice's entire being.  Again, Alice did not have the
slightest feeling or hint of licentiousness, it was two people
sharing themselves.  The feeling of this woman in all honesty
telling her what was, quite obviously, a simple fact, filled
Alice with love for Sue.  The tears filled Alice's eyes.
     "What have I done," Sue cried when her eyes again found
Alice's, saw the tears and pulled her close.  Alice reached her
slender young legs around Sue's elegant thighs to ease her
concern.  She also reached out and gently cup Sue's luscious and
full breasts in her warm hands.  She extended her hand and
caressed her determinedly stiff nipples.  Another slow, fervent
kiss exchanged lips several times.
     As they held the kiss long and hard their hands wondered
silently over each other.  Their hands softly and hesitantly
meandered among the heavily bedewed hills and valleys of each
other.  Their nipples stood at rigid attention like lovely, ruby
flowers stretching out.  Their fingers continued to enjoy their
childlike romp.
     Sue stole her hands lower, to Alice's delicately smooth,
creamy white inner thighs, tenderly stroking the satin skin.
Then delicately inched towards the rising mound at the apex of
her shapely young legs, searching for that place, that place so
rich in erotic senses.
     She ran her fingers carefully around the blossoming labia.
Sue's affectionate hands gently followed Alice's pliant labia
slowly tracing each lip end to end, slowly approaching that
hollowed grotto.  Alice's hips began to move.
     Before entering, however, Sue's finger found Alice's
clitoris, that blood-rich bud, that flower, the seat of driving
passion, still achingly hard and proudly erect.  She rubbed her
finger gently back and forth over it, causing little groans of
pleasure to bubble from Alice's lips.
     With exquisite care and tenderness Sue surrounded Alice's
exquisitely sensitive flower and caressed every crevice.  Alice
gave a reflex intake as she reached the tip.  Her moans were
equalled only by Sue's.  Sue dallied with trembling hand as
shivers of passion waved through Alice's graceful body.
     Sue's warm fingers gently moved the soft covering hiding her
erect clitoris and began tracing the base of that lovely and
sensitive organ.  Slowly she crept up that tiny organ, the home
of such immense feeling, until with exquisite care she reached
the top, the very tip, and another impassioned wail fell from her
lips.  The ensuing moments of pause were broken only by her
laborious and loud panting.
     She leaned over that quivering body, tense with pent up
passion, trembling before her.  Once again she followed the exact
trail left by her fingers, but with her hot tongue this time.
Twice on her way to the very tip of her clitoris Alice was
overcome with passion and released the passion and lustful
sensations within her.  Sue mirrored each release, paused, and
probed still further.
     She slowly began to let the tip of her finger delve down
Alice's cleavage.  She used her fingers to pull the labia wide
open, revealing the juicy pink interior.  Then, while using the
thumb to keep tender contact of Alice's clitoris, Sue slid her
forefinger down and began to slide the fingertip towards that
fierce grotto.  Down, down she went, finally into that wet, juicy
slit and right up into her hot vagina.  Alice groaned as Sue's
finger rhythmically slid in and out of her hot humid vagina.
Stroking, caressing, searching, Sue continued slowly exciting
Alice more and more.
     To Sue this was the most delicious moment of all.  She had
found the long sought after, the hidden depths of Alice's velvety
rosy vagina, the love-shrine.  The mixed fluids of Sam and Alice
were perfect to moisten and lubricate her touch.
     Sue paused to look down at the beautiful sight.  Her finger
was slowly sliding deeper and deeper into the juicy little
crevice.  The soft thin pubic hair hid none of her slit from her
view.  Slowly, she inched her finger deeper until she was
twirling her fingertip in the very depths of heaven itself
     They flew together higher and higher under the gentle lead
of Sue's touching, caressing, embracing Alice's her warm, moist
vagina and her very soul.  She pressed onwards harder, deeper.
Their hearts quickened in response.  They could feel their breath
catch, release simultaneously.
     They were in an uncontrollable, sensual whirlwind.  Both
were trying desperately not to let it get away from them.  They
both felt like they were falling, tumbling joyfully over and over
into an abyss of soft sensual pleasure.  Neither had ever felt
this exact feeling before and neither wanted it to ever pass.
This was like no addiction imaginable.
     Slowly and steadily they climbed (or were lead by an unseen,
invisible force, together).  For nearly twenty minutes they
     There was no real peak in their simultaneous climax, only a
crest.  Slowly they approached the zenith.  They happily dallied
on the crown, as smooth as Alice's mons heaving in a steady
rhythm, of the mountain for many, many minutes and then slowly
drifted down the other side.
     Words were inadequate to describe it and an outsider could
never have comprehended anyway.  It will suffice to say that the
joy was delightfully and deliciously inexplicable.
     After an eternity, Sue slowly, so as not to break the spell,
for they were still at the very peak of a fantastic high, turned
and moved one leg over the supine sister until she straddled her.
Lowering herself on the still sensitive body of her sister she
let her budding breasts play upon her sisters heaving bosom.
     They were nipple to erect nipple.  Slowly Sue gyrated,
stimulating Alice who had never quite returned to normality.  She
lowered her pelvis onto Alice's abdomen pressing into her, slowly
rotating her pelvis in circles.  The slightest suggestion of
motion at their nipples sent tremors deep into their flesh.
     Sue loved the way Alice kept moaning and moving with
pleasure beneath her.  It was like telling the world, "This is
how sweet and good and beautiful passion is, not ugly and dirty,
the secret hurtful thing everyone makes it out to be!  When you
care, there is no beauty like it."
     A gasp escaped Alice as she felt herself once again rise
towards that awful and wonderful peak she had so recently
discovered and explored and longed to return to.  She reached out
to hold Sue close and let her soft warm hands play on Sue's back
sidling down to her rotating buttocks, cradling each ripe globe
in her hands.  Then she tried to spread her legs so that she
could feel the sensuous movement on her mons, but found herself
pinned by Sue's thighs pressed close to her sides.
     Not wanting to break the spell, she moved no more, but Sue
recognized what her body language was requesting.  Slowly and
with great care she pulled away from her sister and slipped her
knees down the bed until she was lying full length on her.  Then
she snuggled in forcing Alice's legs apart until she could move
her yearning genitals down and against Alice's still moist labia.
     For an instant she wished that she had a member like Sam's
so she could be inside of her sister, but the wish passed as her
subconscious quickly convinced her that with that tool came self-
centeredness and self-indulgence.  What she wanted to do was
share.  She wanted to share in the joy of sensuality.  She wanted
to help her beloved sister reach the pinnacle of orgasms at the
same instant she did.  She wanted to give and receive equally.
It made no sense otherwise.
     Their kiss lengthened and intensified as Alice instinctively
spread her lovely lithe limbs out to enfold the delicate churning
hips ever searching to become one with her.  Their labia, both
wet and slippery with delicious fluids touched, aroused and slid
over each other, ever moving, never still.  The delicately soft
and sensitive folds of blood-engorged flesh sent electric tingles
ever time they contacted the other's tiny erect clitoral buds.
     Each child was rapidly moving up the ladder to heights
neither had ever achieved and few adults could even imagine.
     Each opened their soft petals of impeccable and infinite
perception and receptiveness to the other with a trust not known
before.  Here was trust and sharing as God had truly intended
when He created His greatest masterpieces ÄÄ Love and Passion.
Other mortals had abused these by hording the fruits of passion
for themselves.  These two wonderful children were intent on
bringing the other along with her.
     They came in long, gentle, building and rolling waves of
pleasure, all  clenched and slippery and writhing. Their beauty
only heightened by the flooding of passion to each extremity in
totally and complete, perfect, innocent passion!
     After an eternity of bliss, the young lovers, as fresh as
all creation settled back into a pleasant, dreamy state.


                            Chapter 10

                      Feasting at the Garden

     Sue spoke first, "Oh, Alice, that was so wonderful.  Will we
ever be able to experience anything like it again?"
     "I don't know, Sue.  We can sure hope so."
     "I hate to get up, but we can't stay like this forever,"
Alice finally said and rolled gently off of her sister.  "Besides
I must have crushed you, didn't I?"
     "Hardly.  You were like a feather.  A very sexy feather,"
she laughed in response.
     But when Alice sat up she realized that after a whole day of
passion and no food, one didn't just hop up and run a race.  A
dizziness enveloped her as she paused.  She decided that it would
be the better part of valor to just go about this slowly.  So she
sat back cross-legged next to Sue.
     I just want to look at you for a few minutes before I go,"
she whispered as she soaked up the exquisite beauty lying before
     "Do you know that the Creator made a appalling mistake when
He disallowed people to make mad, passionate love remotely so we
could see the beauty of the human body," she said.  "Well, at
least some bodies.  Your's, for instance."
     "Might I say the same about your's?" Sue responded, as she
also sat up in front of her sister.
     As Alice reached out to gently cup Sue's small, but
luscious, breasts in her warm hands, Sue extended her hand and
caressed Alice's nipples.  A slow, fervent kiss exchanged lips
several times.  Cautiously, at first, their tongues explored, as
their hands softly and hesitantly meandered among the newly found
hills and valleys of each other.  Their nipple stood at rigid
attention, being like lovely, ruby flowers stretching out in
greeting.  Sue paused a moment to delicately plant a warm, moist
kiss on each sweet breast.  Gently she encircled the nipple until
her passionate tongue embraced the exquisite extreme tip.  Their
fingers continued to enjoy their romp, as children at play.
     One of her hands crept up to stroke Sue's hair and fell
lovingly to gently massage her shoulders and back of the neck and
ear; the other stole lower to her delicately smooth, creamy white
inner thigh and delicately inched to her pubic area, rich in
erotic senses.  It was still dripping wet with Sam's seminal
fluids, but it bothered her not.  Alice gently traced the
contours of her sister's pubic mound and tangled her fingers
lovingly in the hair.  She leaned over and plucked a small,
perfect, white daisy from a vase next to the bed and wound the
stem amongst the fur and then tenderly frolicked over the mons
and cautiously ventured further.
     Sue's hands, far from being idle, caressed Alice's breasts
and arms and followed the flawless, tinging skin down towards the
deep and dark nether regions.
     Quickly, Sue found Alice's clitoris, her blood-rich bud,
flower, seat of driving passion.  But not until after she had
deliciously sought the hidden depths of her creamy pink vagina,
the love-shrine.  The fluids moistened and lubricated her touch.
With exquisite care and tenderness she surrounded her exquisitely
sensitive flower and caressed every crevice and tip.  Alice gave
a reflex intake as she reached the tip.  Alice's moans were
equalled only by her sister's.
     Not to be outdone, Alice dallied with trembling hand at the
brink as shivers of passion waved through Sue's graceful body.
     Together they lavished joyful touch upon tender touch on
each other as they shared their exquisitely lovely and passionate
moment.  As their soft and gentle frolicking continued their
breathing meshed into one.
     Imperceptibly each clung to the other.  At no time did their
eyes wander from each other, being constantly focused on their
finger's meanderings, awed by the innocent and sweet "children"
at play in their enchanted meadow, below.
     As one they looked at each other as if to verify that their
time was now.  The electricity of the moment was awesome.
     Their eyes again dropped as Sue untangled her lovely long
legs and laid them on either side of Alice.  They played as a
perfect team.  As one of her hands continued the caress of her
neck and back, the other alternated between the tender awakening
of her clitoris and sensitive probing of her warm cave of joyful
love.  Simultaneously, one of her hands sought Alice's back and
pulled her closer and the other continued the dancing over Sue's
bloated labia and clitoris.
     As passion once again overtook them Sue slipped her hand
down to Alice's craving and yearning vagina, exploring every
inviting fold.  And as Alice opened slightly her vagina she
allowed Sue's softly probing fingers to run around the lips ever
perceptually creeping closer to the warm, dark cave, as her
flowing juices graciously covered paved the way.
     They both watched in utter amazement as their now
self-activated genitals meshed together.  With faint help from
either, their labia folded together like the Creator might have
designed them and their erect little clitorises gentle kisses.
The mood was electric.
     Only then did they look up to gaze into each other's eyes.
     With a sly grin Alice said, "What now, the best part is
     Sue smiled back and said, "Let's just wait and see."
     Snuggling closer, they remained locked, totally engaged.
     Sue squirmed and uttered a delightful squeal, "Alice, it
wasn't even like this before.  Can we keep this moment?"  The
rhetorical question went unanswered.
     Still lovingly gazing at each other, they sat linked in
ecstacy for close to fifteen minutes.  Then at a moment totally
without sign, Sue whispered, "It is time."
     Slowly she lowered Alice to the bed and lay on top of her.
She gazed into Alice's wide eyes for a second before she gently
kissed those ruby lips.
     Alice deftly and gently cupped Sue's buttocks.  Sue first
pulled away, then with a rocking of her hips, artfully guided her
genitals towards Alice's awaiting womanhood.  As they made
contact, she paused.  She carefully moved against her engorged
clitoris causing both to cry out in joy.  The ecstatic caressing
of their passion flowers continued to drive them higher and
     Then with nearly imperceptible movement they began the dance
of love that could only end their delight.  Only their impatience
and the continued urgency of their loins were needed now to
assure complete coupling.  After a few minutes of delightful
gyrations, squeezes, and grunts and groans, they meshed.
     Their mutual motions were not so much in and out, as the
love-dance of a man and women would be, but a side-to-side and
circular motion.  Their flushed, vibrant genitals remain in
exquisite contact at all time.
     As each circle was completed the delicate clitorises would
once again kiss and nestled next to each other.  The pair would
pause and the subtle tremble or tremoring of their bodies would
excite the two turgid organs and allow them to flutter against
each other in the most gentle and exciting fashion.  At each
contact the lovely young girls squealed in delight.  And began
another circular movement.
     As the gentle rhythms of their swaying pelvises gradually
increased in intensity, their breathing took on a certain
urgency.  With this heavy breathing, their pelvic churning
followed suit.
     Since Alice was virtually supporting Sue's whole weight
anyway, it seemed like all that was needed was to close the door.
Alice reached up around Sue's neck, kissed her hard on the lips
and pulled herself up until she could wrap her legs around her
sister's loins.  She Alice stretched her lithe, lovely limbs up
to increase the intimate contact of their bodies and enfold her
sister in their grip of desire.
     The fluid noises of their combined juices, a slight
bed-centered squeak and their passionate breathing were the only
     Precisely on cue their breathing became more like grunts and
groans as the heated motion of their bodies became more
spontaneous and impulsive and less restrained.
     As their exertion approached the agonizing stage (to a
casual observer) the sensuous groans became a constant barrage of
erotic and carnal grunts.  Alice half-heartedly attempted to
control the fantastic gyrating of Sue, just to make the moment
linger, but to no avail.
     Then at the exact same instant they paused.  Then,
reinforced by Alice's fiercely gripping legs wrapped about her
waist, Sue drove her hips against Alice.  Simultaneously, she
erupted with a monstrous and guttural primeval cry.  Alice fought
her urge to scream and only partially succeeded.  A shrill wail
of ecstacy bubbled from her lips along with the cry, "Oh, no,
God!  Don't let it be finished!  Bring it back."  Their
simultaneous cataclysmic orgasms gushed.
     As they strove to extract the last vital drop of lust, Alice
clung for dear life with her graceful long legs and lithe arms
enfolding Sue.  Their virtual life fluids flowed freely.
     In unspeakably wonderful joy, they lay spent in each others
arms.  With gentle smiles they kissed.  No words were spoken as
the night closed in on them.

                           NOT THE END,
                         BUT THE BEGINNING



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