Fantasy about Two Women

      I have been thinking  much about Dianne lately.  You see,  she is a very
beautiful single woman, very open sexually,  and very caring for others (it is
difficult for a man, and some women, to resist such a combination).  I met her
several months  ago -- of  all places  -- in the  waiting room of  my dentist,
where  she shared  with me  her business  (which is  of no  relevance to  this
story).   My wife,  Kristin, and  I  decided a  few  weeks later  to join  her
business venture,  and because of this  association we have since  developed a
very close friendship with Dianne.

      Kristin apparently  has also of late  been thinking a lot  about Dianne.
The signs are obvious -- daily phone  calls, visits to her apartment, her name
being brought up in our conversation, etc.  Last week, Dianne and Kristin went
backpacking by  themselves to the local  wilderness area while I  kept our two
kids at home  (it is important for  my wife, a financial planner,  to get away
from the daily grind and enjoy her friends apart from me)....

      Last Friday, Dianne called me up and  wanted me to meet her for lunch at
our favorite  restaurant.  After  a light  lunch with  some equally  light but
strangely forced  conversation, Dianne looked  into my  eyes with a  look that
I've never  seen before, a look  of fear combined  with a look of  desire, and
asked, "Mark, it  is difficult for me to  say this, but I have  fallen in love
with both you and Kristin."

      I didn't know how to respond to this.  On the one hand, my sexual desire
for  her  was burning  bright,  and  I got  excited  about  what was  soon  to
transpire,  yet  her simultaneous  love  for  my  wife confused,  scared,  and
intrigued me.  What  could I say?  I  looked at her for a  moment, and without
thinking I said, "Does Kristin know your  feelings for her?  As far as I know,
Kristin is straight, and has never  in our relationship stated anything to the
contrary.  All  I know is that  my desire for you  is very strong, and  that I
have wanted for several weeks to make love to you."

      "I know about your feelings for me,"  Dianne replied, "I could see it in
your actions, in  your words, and in  your eyes.  And my feelings  for you are
just as strong.  Kristin  knows about my love for her and for  you, and she is
in love  with me as she  is in love with  you.  It was during  our backpacking
trip that we expressed our love for one another."

      I didn't know what to think, I was really confused by my feelings.  "But
why are you telling me this?  What do  you want from me if you and Kristin are
lovers?" I asked.

      Dianne replied,  "Kristin wanted me to  tell you these things  if I felt
from our conversation  that it would not damage your  marriage relationship --
she wants me to  tell you that she still loves you deeply.   She has known for
awhile  that you  were infatuated  with  me.  You  know, women  can see  these
things.  I desire you  so much and I want to make love  to you.  Let's go back
to my apartment  and there we can  enjoy one another and talk  more about this
crazy situation."

      Making love  to Dianne  that afternoon was  heavenly.  Her  body, though
short, was well proportioned, more like a 21 year old rather than her real age
of 35.  Her breasts were not large, and not small, but were of the right size,
firm and did not sag one bit --  taking her brassiere off, which was a low-cut
front snap  design, was an  experience I'll never  forget.  When I  cupped her
breasts in my smallish hands, I wished  that I could become her brassiere so I
could cup  her breasts all  day.  And Dianne was  sexually free, boy,  was she
free.  She  was even more open  about her sexuality than  Kristin, and Kristin
has always been a tiger in bed.

      What was  even more surprising to  me was that my  sexual excitement was
greatest whenever I  fantasized my wife Kristin making love  to Dianne while I
was watching.   In these  fantasies, Kristin and  Dianne totally  shared their
bodies -- there was  no inhibition of any kind.  The  number 69 appeared often
in my  mind.  And I imagined  my throbbing, erect penis  being inside Dianne's
vagina from the rear, while Kristin, my beautiful wife, was in front massaging
Dianne's clitoris  and sucking on her  breasts, and that Dianne  was massaging
Kristin's swollen clitoris.  And I imagined that  we all came to orgasm at the
same time this way.  What a fantasy!

      After one hour  of sheer erotic sex  (I have never made love  to a woman
who could  have several  strong orgasms in  a row like  Dianne could),  we lay
together exhausted.   I asked  Dianne, "When  did you  and Kristin  first make

      She said, "During our backpacking trip.   It was cold, and we were close
to each  other in our sleeping  bags.  And we  just talked, and slowly  we got
closer, more  intimate, touched each  other more,  and finally we  were making
love.  Kristin said to me afterwards that that was the first time she ever had
sex  with  a woman.   She  never  consciously  realized  before that  she  was
bisexual, although she said that she recalled having strong feelings for other
women  before.  Her  greatest fear  was that  you would  reject her  for being
bisexual and for making love to me."

      I said,  "If she made  love to a  man, I would  have been jealous  and a
little angry -- I'm sounding a little  hypocritical here -- but the thought of
her making love to another woman, especially you, excites me, and I don't know
why.  Maybe  most men would be  turned off and  very angry if they  were faced
with  this situation,  but I'm  not.  I  really would  like to  watch you  and
Kristin make love and  I want to share in your lovemaking,  for I want Kristin
to be happy and I know that you and  I can sexually fulfill her in ways that I
cannot alone."  Dianne smiled, hugged me, gave  me a dreamy kiss, and said, "I
would like that.  I  love you.  And tell Kristin when you see  her that I love
her, too."

      When I came home in the evening,  it was, suffice to say, a very unusual
conversation.  I told  Kristin that I was with Dianne  that afternoon, that we
made love, that I knew about Kristin's  love affair with Dianne, that I am not
angry or jealous, that I loved both of you, and that I would like all three of
us to make love to one another.  Kristin was quite taken aback by what I said,
but she quickly recovered  with a look of anticipation and  desire that I have
never seen  in her  before.  Kristin  then said,  "Let's send  the kids  to my
mother's for the  weekend, I'll think of  a good excuse, and  invite Dianne to
stay with us."  I agreed to this, we called Dianne, she  readily agreed and we
were all  excited.  Needless to  say Kristin and  I made passionate  love that
evening and we later talked very openly about the different ways we could make
love together with Dianne.

      ....Watching two passionate women, who love each other, mutually gratify
their sexual  desires is something  that every man should  see -- and  I'm not
talking about those  loveless scenes one sees in most  X-rated films.  Men can
learn an  awful lot about  how to  please a woman  sexually by watching  how a
woman does it to another woman.  After  all, who knows more about a woman than
another woman?...

      Kristin and  Dianne were obviously  very much  in love with  each other.
You could  feel the passionate  heat they  generated even before  they touched
each other.  They  made me sit in a  chair while I watched them  in bed.  They
each wore  a negligee, and I  could see the  outlines of their breasts  and of
their black triangle  of hair where female sexuality  resides.  They obviously
loved the way they were dressed, since they looked at each other just as I was
looking at them.  They started with  slow kisses, which became more passionate
as time went on -- it seemed like an eternity.  Their hands, which started out
being fixed on  each others back, became  more and more mobile.   There was no
part of  their bodies that their  hands did not touch.   Kristin, my beautiful
wife, was gasping at every caress  given by Dianne.  Dianne, being very turned
on by now,  loosened Kristin's negligee and took it  off, gloriously revealing
Kristin's body to  both of us.  "Your breasts are  so beautiful," Dianne said,
"please let  me kiss them."  Kristin pulled Dianne's  head to her  breasts and
moaned "more" as Dianne eagerly yet tenderly licked them.

      Dianne then broke the kisses, got on her back, and told Kristin, who was
sitting  upright on  her  knees, to  move  forward until  her  vulva was  near
Dianne's mouth, as  she has done for me several  times.  Dianne eagerly thrust
out her tongue  to Kristin's moist clitoris, and licked  and kissed and sucked
it in a way I've never done  for Kristin before.  You could see Kristin's body
slowly swaying, like  a pendulum, which started to speed  up as Dianne speeded
up her tongue motion.  Then, in a  frantic way that I have never heard Kristin
say, she said,  "Please... more."  At that moment, Dianne  inserted one finger
into Kristin's vagina and another finger from the other hand into her anus and
began to earnestly  and rhythmically bring her down the  home stretch with her
tongue and lips and fingers.  Kristin exploded into a orgasm that I have never
seen in any woman before, even Dianne  on Friday.  She gasped and fell limp on
the bed, exhausted, and content.  I was in awe.

      As  Dianne  was  slowly  caressing  Kristin during  her  short  time  of
recovery, my passion arose to a height  I've never felt before.  I walked over
to  the bed,  took my  clothes off  (so  I could  relieve the  pressure of  my
super-erect penis) and got on the bed  next to Dianne and started to kiss her.
I helped  Dianne take off her  negligee, revealing her beautiful  breasts with
very hard  and erect nipples;  I could feel the  animal heat emanate  from her
vagina, begging  for satisfaction.  She then  took hold of my  very hard penis
and began  to rub it firmly,  and then went down  on me and began  to lick and
suck it.  I could feel the moistness around her mouth, no doubt from Kristin's
vaginal juices.   Dianne then completely inserted  my penis into her  mouth as
far as it could  go and really began to suck.  It  was a beautiful experience.
As I approached an explosive orgasm, but before it was too late, she let go of
my  penis,  leaned back  on  the  bed,  with  her beautiful  breasts  pointing
majestically upward, and begged Kristin to come down on her.

      Kristin, whose  passion was  beginning to  come back  again, got  on her
hands and knees and began to lick Dianne's clitoris with her tongue.  Kristin,
being  very   flexible,  had  no   trouble  with  this   position.   Kristin's
super-swollen  vulva  revealed itself  to  me  in  all  its splendor  in  this
position, which I  could not resist; I entered Kristin  from the rear, reached
around her  to massage her swollen  and moist clitoris and  her erect nipples.
When I  did this, my wife  began to moan,  and increased her tempo  on Dianne.
Dianne  began to  moan wildly,  too, and  Kristin reached  up to  cup Dianne's
breast and  knead them  vigorously.  For  one minute  this went  on, and  as I
approached ejaculation, Kristin  sensed that, quickened the  pace, and brought
Dianne closer to ecstasy.   We all reached climax at about  the same time.  My
orgasm was the  most intense I have  ever experienced.  I felt as  if I filled
Kristin up to the brim.

      This did  not end here.  Kristin  continued her oral caress  on Dianne's
clitoris in  the most loving, tender,  and yet vigorous manner,  and from this
very delicious stimulus, Dianne had four more orgasms in the next few minutes;
each orgasm was  more intense than the  previous one.  Her last  orgasm was so
intense and  obviously so pleasurable  that Kristin  broke down and  cried for
Dianne in happiness.  We all then fell into a long and dreamy sleep, snuggling
close together, to recharge for another  round several hours later (I'll spare
you the details of our subsequent lovemaking, except that it was even better).

      Many  would say  that nothing  good could  ever result  from a  bisexual
menage a trois such as ours; however, Kristin's and my love for each other was
enhanced by  this experience  (which, by  the way,  never happened  again with
Dianne, for  reasons that will  remain unsaid to  the outside world).   I also
learned how to  become a better lover  to Kristin, since my  teachers were two
beautiful women who passionately loved  one another and understood one another
in ways that men can never fathom.


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