My sister was always one of the most popular girls in her school. Four
years younger than me, she was outgoing and friendly to everyone. She
was her class president, nearly an all A student, always elected to
Who's Who (usually as Class Favorite), a majorette in the marching band,
and actively involved in church activities. Everyone who knew her liked
 She was, and is, a beautiful girl. I suppose this did not hurt her
popularity. She is fair skinned, 55" 110 lbs., with soft brown shoulder
length hair and big, beautiful brown eyes. At the time of the events I
am about to relate she was 15 and already very nicely developed. Her
tits were large for a girl her age, but not so big that she looked top
heavy. Her waist was trim and her stomach flat. She had an ass you would
like to walk behind and stare at all day. Her legs were long and taut.
Her calves were well defined from her daily exercise routines. In short,
my sister was a babe and the apple of my parents eye.
 As for me, I was 19 and still in pretty good shape even though my
serious athletic endeavors ended nearly two years before when I
graduated high school. I had attended college near home for a while but
had soon dropped out.  My folks raised hell over this, but I assured
them that I was planning on returning the following semester. I told
them I had just needed some time off to find a direction for myself.
That seemed to pacify them for the time being and, except for my dad
giving me a hard time about finding a job instead of just hanging out,
they pretty much left me alone. I mowed lawns and did odd jobs
occasionally for spending money, and as long as I didn't ask them for
dough I felt like they didn't much care what I did.
 I had a girlfriend at this time, but our relationship was a rocky one
at best. We fought almost constantly, breaking up one day only to get
back together a few days later. It was a pain in the ass but at least
the make-up sex was good when we did reconcile. My sister was not
allowed to date much at this age and she didn't have a steady boyfriend,
although she had been out a couple of times lately with the same boy,
and my mother said she was afraid that they were getting serious about
one another.
 Unlike a lot of brothers and sisters I know, me and my sis really got
along well together.  After she came home from school and on weekends
when we neither one had dates, we were usually always spending time with
each other. We would go out to eat, go to the mall or go to movies
together, just the two of us. We kidded each other that it was if we
were dating. My bitch girlfriend, Sheri, once complained to me during
one of our frequent break-ups that she thought Id rather spend time
with my sister, Dionne, than I would her. I told Sheri that if wasnt
for getting to fuck her once in a while I would rather be with my
sister. Needless to say, that statement didnt prevent us from breaking
 Also, I began making up excuses to my guy friends about why I couldnt
hang out with them as much anymore. If they had known I just preferred
being in my sisters company I would have really caught it. Gradually it
dawned on me that Dionne wasnt just my sister  she was my best friend.

 I am not really sure when my feelings of just "brotherly love" for her
began to change. But looking back, I believe three incidents combined
were probably the cause.
 The first occurred about a year and a half before the date of this
story, when Dionne, or Dee-Dee as my family called her, was 13. Our
house only had one complete bath and two half baths. This meant everyone
used the same shower. This was during my senior year of high school and
I came home late one Friday afternoon to get ready to go out for the
evening. My parents were still at work and Dionne was in the house
alone. I started to go into my room when I saw that the bathroom door
was ajar and I could hear the shower running. She was in the shower and
had left the door open to hear if the phone rang. A wicked grin spread
across my face and I thought Id give my little sister a hell of a scare
by bursting in on her in the shower. Stealthily, I crept up to the door
and nudged it open a bit more. The reflection of the medicine cabinet
mirror gave me a direct view of the tub. I could see the steam from the
hot water boiling over the top of the  shower curtain. The bathroom door
being left open prevented the mirror from fogging up, much to my good
fortune. Within a minute or two the water shut off and I readied myself
to throw open the door and scare Dee Dee as soon as she stepped out. But
when she slid the plastic curtain back I was stopped cold in my tracks.
         Her glistening, wet body was one of the most beautiful sights I
had ever seen. Although she was only 13 her hips were already beginning
to form the hourglass shape signaling her advent into womanhood. Her
breasts were certainly smaller then, but they were still a good handful
each. Going from the hot water to the cooler air caused her pert nipples
to become erect and the waterdrops cascading down her tits gave me a
tingling sensation that I knew all too well. Instinctively, my gaze
shifted to between her legs. A triangle of soft, wet, jet black pubic
hair greeted my eyes. She turned around to take the towel off the rack
and for the first time since she was a very little kid I saw her bare
ass. The tingling sensation had become a full fledged hard-on.
Regardless of how many Ive seen by now, whether live, in pictures or
film, my sister has one of the best butts its been my pleasure to view.
And even though it was in its developmental stage at this time, to a
perpetually horny 17 year old boy it was a sight to behold. I watched
her dry off as long as I dared, but all thoughts of scaring her had
 The next incident happened about a year after the shower scene and I
think had much more to do with my later incestuous  feelings towards my
sister than did seeing her coming out of the shower.
 Dionne had a classmate and close friend named Michelle. Birds of a
feather flock together so naturally Michelle was pretty and popular too.
In fact, the two girls were very similar in their height, weight and
looks. Michelle was only an inch or so shorter than Dionne and her hair
was only slightly darker. Like Dee Dee, she, too, had a nice set of
 Michelle also had a major crush on me. She made no effort to disguise
this and was always coming on to me in her inexperienced schoolgirl
fashion. Michelle frequently spent the night with us, much more
frequently than Dionne did with her, and whenever she was over at our
house she did everything she could o get my attention. Whenever my
parents werent around she would sit next to me and rub her hand up and
down my leg. She would press up against me at every opportunity,
allowing me to feel her tits, and it seemed like she spent an inordinate
amount of time bent over with her butt blocking my line of view. To me,
Michelles attentions were amusing, and flattering, but I never really
took them very seriously. I figured within six months she wouldnt even
remember my name. Dionne put on an air of exasperation whenever Michelle
was flirting with me, but sometimes it seemed she was almost jealous.
 Then on one of her sleepovers Michelle made it clear she wasnt content
just to flirt with me anymore. I had driven the girls to McDonalds. The
drive-thru was jammed so we parked and Dee Dee went in to get our food.
As usual Michelle was sitting snugly up against me, and she made no
effort to slide over when Dionne got out of the car. She made some
pretense about liking my shirt and ran her hand over my stomach, edging
lower and lower. A little taken aback, I decided to call her bluff and
just see how far she was willing to go. But she wasnt bluffing. Her
hand snaked its way over my belt and into my lap where she gently began
to massage my quickly hardening cock. I looked her in the eyes and told
her she was going to get herself in trouble like that. She looked me
right back in the eyes and said, "Maybe I want trouble to get inside of
me." With that she reached up and kissed me and I returned the kiss,
even slipping my tongue into her mouth a bit. I gingerly squeezed her
left tit as she continued caressing my dick through my jeans. We petted
and kissed for a couple of more minutes before Dionne came back. By then
I had begun to see Michelles innocent little crush in a whole new
 I lie awake late into the early hours that night, still turned on by
Michelles advances, even though I had masturbated shortly after we had
returned home. I decided to see if Michelle wasnt still awake too.
Maybe, if she was, I could sneak her back to my room, and from there,
who knows?
 My sisters room was just down the hall from mine and our parents room
was on the other end of the house, so I knew if I was careful they
wouldnt hear. As quietly as possible I crept down the hall, making sure
to step over the spot in the floor that always creaked. With barely a
sound I pushed open the door to the girls room and stood in the doorway
listening. Faintly, I could make out both their low, steady breathing. I
felt sure they were both asleep. I started to go back to my bed when an
idea hit me. Maybe I could get my rocks off anyway, even if Michelle was
 I entered the room and stole over next to the bed. The room was almost
pitch black. The only light came from the weak night light out in the
hallway and it hardly cast any glow into Dee Dees room. No matter
though, I thought, I didnt necessarily need to be able to see for what
I had planned.
 I knew Dionne always slept on the far side of the bed when she had
spend the night company, so I knelt down in front of the near side of
the bed and carefully ran my  right hand up under the blanket and sheet
covering the girls. Going very slowly so as not to awaken Michelle, it
took me a minute or so to reach my destination, but soon I could feel
the soft heat from her skin. Eagerly, my fingers touched her leg. I
paused a moment to make sure she hadnt awaken. I leaned forward close
to where I knew her head had to be and sure enough, I could still hear
her consistent, natural breathing. I traced my hand upwards and realized
I was caressing her upper thigh area. My already semi-hard cock was now
fully erect, making a tent of my jockey shorts. She was lying on her
back. My hand slid its way upward until I came into contact with her
panties. Nylon panties against smooth, young female flesh. God, what a
wonderful feeling! As I lightly rubbed around I could tell that her hips
were slightly angled towards me, with her right leg lying somewhat on
top of her left leg. As gently as possible my fingers glided over her
pubic mound. She stirred, shifting a little and for a second I thought
she might wake up. But just as quickly she settled back into her deep
sleep. She had, however, adjusted to where she was flat on her back,
with her legs slightly spread.
 By now my cock was throbbing as I took a deep breath and eased my hand
over her panties and down to the spot where I could feel the heat from
her pussy. It felt so good. The only thing separating  my fingers from
that 14 year old virgin pussy was a thin film of material. I began to
work my hand back and forth over her cunt and I could feel it becoming
moist. She stirred again, this time a barely audible moan escaping her
lips, and her hips began to move ever so slightly under my touch.
 I replaced my right hand with my left hand and I moved my now free hand
up her body. Her tight stomach trembled a little as I passed over it.
About midway up her belly I encountered the hem of the short nightshirt
I had seen her wear to bed. The mental image of her sleepwear hiked up
over her waist made my prick ache and I longed for a third hand to
stroke it with.
 My right hand slipped under her clothing as my left hand continued to
grind against her pussy. I came to the swell of her left  breast and my
hand eagerly sought out her nipple. I began to knead it between my
fingers as I squeezed softly on her tit. I couldnt help but notice she
was bigger than I thought she would be. Her breathing became more
labored and ragged. I thought she was about to wake up so I rested both
hands and listened. She made a soft sighing noise and then I heard her
breathing return to normal and her breast began its slow rise and fall
under my hand, signaling her continued slumber.
 For the better part of an hour I continued my fondling of the girl. Her
panties had become wet beneath my left hand and I inched my fingers
underneath the waistband. I worked my way down to her bush and stroked
my fingers through her tight, curly hairs. Several times I came in
contact with the top of her pussy lips and I desperately wanted to
insert my finger inside of her, she was definitely wet enough that this
would not have been a problem,  but I didnt. I was afraid she would
wake up and become afraid when she realized someone was groping her in
this almost black room. She would panic and this would wake Dionne up
and there was no way I could talk my way out of being in their room in
the middle of the night with my hands under the covers.
 When I at last decided I could not take this anymore I removed my hands
from beneath the covers and stood up. I leaned over and by moving my
face until I could feel her breath against my skin, I lightly kissed her
on the mouth. Her lips were slightly parted and it was all I could do to
keep from ramming my tongue into her mouth. I settled for delicately
licking her lips and then I silently left the room. Back in my bed, I
pumped my rock hard cock until I came, which didnt take long at all.
Making sure I shot off into my shorts, I removed them and slid them
under the bed, making a mental note to put them in the hamper first
thing in the morning. Then, I quickly fell asleep.
 It seemed I hadnt been asleep anytime when I awoke with a pressing
need to take a piss. I must have been asleep a couple of hours though,
because the morning light was straining in through my window. I got up,
put on a clean pair of jockeys and headed for the bathroom.
 As I started to go into the john, I noticed I had not pulled the girls
door to when I left their room. I tiptoed to the door to do so, but with
my hand on the knob I froze. The early morning sun was filtering in
through the curtains, casting the room in a warm, hazy glow. There on
the bed I saw the two girls. The covers had been partially tossed aside
while they slept, leaving both girls uncovered from below the waist up.
The girl on the far side of the bed had rolled onto her right side,
facing the wall. The other was still on her back, with her head turned
toward me. It was Dionne.  For whatever reason, she hadnt slept on the
far side of the bed and I realized it had been my own sister that I
fondled in her sleep!
 Afraid to even breathe, I stood there staring at her face, making sure
she was asleep. Her nightshirt was still pushed up, exposing the lower
part of her left tit. I ran my gaze down and saw that the top of her
panties were slightly pushed down, just revealing the top of her bush. I
couldnt believe it. I had groped and kissed my little sister, and had
wanted to do a whole lot more, and I had loved the hell out of it!
Without a sound, I pulled the door to and went into the bathroom.
 For the next few months I stayed in a state of confusion over my
midnight visit to Dionnes room. On one hand, I had not known it was her
I was touching that night so I told myself it was an accident. But on
the other hand, I was getting more of a charge out of reliving those
memories now that I did know it had been her. I tried not to think about
it but it was no use. I just couldnt get how good she had felt out of
my head. It was about this time the third incident started taking place.

 I began to have erotic dreams about my sister. Not just once, and not
the same dream. It got to where at least once a week I was having these
wild, wet dreams where my sister and I were starring in our own little
passion play. In my subconscious we performed every sexual act known to
man, and it always ended the same way. Me waking up with an enormous
erection and frustrated as shit that it had only been a dream. The first
few times after these dreams I would masturbate forcing myself to think
of some other girl, be it Michelle or someone else. But soon I didnt
even try to pretend anymore. Id jerk off thinking only of Dionne. It
always seemed better this way.
 For a long time I felt guilty about my newfound emotions and I told
myself it was just the effects of the accidental fondling and the dreams
which I could not control. I assured myself that soon I would be back to
normal. After all, I hadnt planned this. She was my sister, for crying
out loud, and you werent supposed to want to bone your sister. Now my
Aunt Cecilia, that was a different matter . . . but thats another
 The trouble is, my feelings did not change and I did not "get back to
normal." As I said, I had an on again off again girlfriend at this time,
and sometimes when we were fucking I would find myself fantasizing that
she was Dionne. After one of these couplings Sheri told me that had been
the best sex we had ever had. She said I had never screwed her that long
and that hard before. I just told her that I loved her. How could I have
told her that I had been pretending she was my sister the whole time?
 Then one day while we were having yet another argument, Sheri said
something derogatory about Dionne and I dumped her like a hot rock and
we never got back together, although she tried to several times.
 I began to think something was wrong with me. That I was some kind of a
pervert, a deviant. But then I would see Dionne in a pair of shorts and
a halter top, or I would see her first thing in the morning when she had
just gotten up and she would only be wearing a T-shirt barely long
enough to cover her panties. The large, dark circles of her titties
straining against the flimsy material of her shirt. I realized I would
be strange if I was not attracted to somebody this hot . . . even if she
was my sister. I decided to just go with my feelings and see where they
led. Even then, though, I never expected them to lead me as far as they
 Now she was 15 and about to finish her sophomore year of high school.
While she was at school and my parents were away at work I began going
into her room and going through her things. I have always had a panty
fetish so I would rummage through her panty drawer and find her sexiest
ones. I would imagine her wearing these and nothing else. I would lay on
her bed which was never made from the night before and I would jack off
into her panties. The first time I did this my conscience bothered me. I
knew my incestuous feelings were wrong but the soft, satiny material of
her panties felt so good against my cock that I could not help myself.
 I would shoot my load into the crotch panel of her panties then I would
rinse them out and put them into the hamper to be washed. Soon, that
wasnt enough. I began creaming into her undies and then I would rub my
cum into the material, trying to keep it in the paneled area, so it
would not be too obvious. Then I would put them back into her drawer
underneath some unsoiled ones. It really turned me on to think about her
wearing the panties I had fucked, my now dried spunk pressed tight
against her pussy.
 One day, after wanking off into my favorite red lace pair of hers
again, I was nosing around in other parts of her room. By then I had
shot off into all of her panties that I found appealing and the thrill
of this was beginning to wear off. I was going through her closet,
trying to find something else of hers that I could use in my fantasies
when I found a small book on the back of the shelf. I took it down and
looked at it. It was her diary. It was a cheap vinyl covered one with
flowers printed on it and her name emblazoned across the front. It had a
tiny lock on it that she had secured. Thinking this might prove
interesting, I tried to pick the lock. This took all of twenty seconds.
 I thumbed through the usual dull schoolgirl shit until I came to the
last few entries. What I read there made my heart pound and my limp dick
again began to rise to attention. My little sister described in great
detail about her first sexual intercourse, which, according to the date
on the entry had just happened a few weeks before. She had lost her
virginity to the boy she had been dating the last few times my parents
let her go out, Donny. I already didnt like that little motherfucker, I
dont know if it had been jealousy or what, but now I really despised
 According to her diary, the two of them had gone to a party at one of
his friends house and she had a few drinks, which I knew she wasnt used
to. Afterwards, he took her parking and practically forced himself on
her. She wrote that he told her she had been leading him on only to
leave him high and dry when he tried to go all the way. Knowing my
sister, I knew she was not a prick tease but still I could sense his
frustration at not being able to do it with her. As a matter of fact, I
knew exactly how he felt.
 I was frustrated too, not being able to actually do anything, or even
having someone to talk to about the way I was feeling about Dionne. Who
do you confide in that you have been wanting to screw your little
 But hell, at least he had been able to go out on real honest-to-God
dates with her, kissing her, feeling her lips on his, her body pressed
against his. So far he had it better than I ever thought I would where
she was concerned. As I read the diary it made me mad as hell that he
had coerced her into doing something she obviously was not ready to do.
But, truth be told, it also made me as horny as a rhino thinking of
Dionne in the back of a car, her luscious legs spread and some guy .any
guy.ME!.sliding his cock into her cunt. I masturbated again, then and
there, and left her room, taking the diary with me. I had an idea!
 I picked her up in my car after school that afternoon, and I was
intentionally cold toward her. She repeatedly asked me what was wrong,
but I wouldnt say. After much questioning all I would tell her is that
I had found something out about her and that it was bothering me. We
rode the rest of the way home in silence.
 When we got home I went directly into my room and closed the door.
After a bit, I heard her go into hers. I eased to her shut door and
listened. I could hear her moving around in there. Usually, when she got
home, she would turn on her stereo or call one of her girlfriends on the
phone. Today she didnt. I could tell that what I had told her had upset
her. After a couple of minutes of listening to her pace about in her
room I heard her open her closet door and my pulse began to race. I
could hear her sliding the clothes in her closet along the rod. I expect
she was deciding on what to wear to school the next day. Suddenly, the
sound stopped. In my minds eye I envisioned her looking up on the shelf
and not seeing her diary in its accustomed place. My heart leapt into
my throat. Hurriedly, I rushed back into my room and closed the door.
 What would her reaction be, I wondered? Would she come screaming into
my room, demanding the return of her private journal? Would she wait
until our parents got home and tell them I had stolen her diary? If she
did I could just imagine the shit that was going to hit the wall. I
didnt have to wait long until I got my answer.
 A timid knock came at my door and cautiously she opened it. I was
sitting on the edge of my bed holding the diary. All the color rushed
out of her pretty face as she saw me. I felt my own face become hot and
I prepared myself for World War III. But I was completely taken by
surprise when she began to cry. She told me that she was ashamed of
herself, that she felt like a pig for letting "that guy" use her like
I got some satisfaction out of the fact that she wouldnt even call him
by name.
 Without me having said a word she dropped onto her knees in front of me
and begged me not to tell our parents. At first, I felt like a real
shit-heel. It had not even occurred to her to be mad at me for going
into her room and stealing her most private possession. I had robbed her
of her private thoughts and here she was pleading for my forgiveness and
asking me not to get her into trouble. Yet as crappy as I felt about
myself for having put her in this situation, I realized I had the upper
hand in this ordeal.
 I could feel my cock begin to stir in my pants. Here was this beautiful
15 year old girl kneeling in front of me, her trembling hands on my
knees, pleading with me, saying she would do anything if I just would
not tell on her. God, I wanted to pick her up, throw her on my bed, and
fuck the hell out of her then and there. But I didnt have the nerve.
Instead, I told her that I wouldnt say anything for the time being and
that maybe we could work something out. She took a little convincing,
but at last she got up and thanked me. She leaned over and kissed me on
the cheek. Her moist, trembling lips felt like heaven on my flushed
face. Summoning all the resistance I had I told her to go and we would
not say anymore on the subject for now. Sheepishly, she left my room. As
she walked out I admired her perfect ass and I knew what my terms for
surrender were going to be.
 I kept my word and nothing else was said about the diary for the next
two months, although it was always on my mind, and Im sure, hers as
well. School let out for the summer and this meant Dionne and I spent
even more time together. Things seemed to get back to normal between us,
yet there always was an undercurrent of tension whenever we were alone
 She broke it off with Donny and the next day he came over to talk to
her.  I met him in the drive and told him that she had told me what had
happened. I told him if he ever came over again, or even called her,
that I was going to put him into the hospital, then I was going to tell
my dad and that he would probably kill him. Donny apologized profusely
and then left. I was sure that was the last we would ever see of him.
 All this time, however, my carnal urges for my sister grew stronger and
stronger. It got to the point where I was jerking off thinking of her at
least once a day. I had begun to use her panties again to relieve
myself, but now I wasnt putting them back in her drawer. I was keeping
them, hiding them in a duffel bag in the bottom of my closet. That way,
I didnt have to wait until she wasnt around and sneak into her room.
I dont know if she was beginning to miss them or not but she never said
anything if she did. She started filling my thoughts almost all the
time, whether I was awake or not. I lost interest in everything else.
All I could think about was fucking my sister. I knew I would have to
act before long.
 Then one fateful day, my opportunity finally arose. It was a Tuesday.
We were alone in the house together as usual. I was in the den watching
TV when Dionne walked through wearing a bikini with a beach towel slung
over her shoulder. She said she was going to lay out by the pool and
work on her tan. Immediately, the wheels in my head began to turn. I
waited for her to get settled outside and then I went into the half bath
in my parents room. It had a small window that overlooked the deck and
pool. I went to the window, parted the curtains slightly and looked out.

 My sister was laying on the towel, face down. She had untied her bikini
top and I could see the sides of her breasts heaving out from either
side of her. She was laying in a vertical line with my eyesight, giving
me a wonderful view of her back, ass and legs. She had hiked up her
bikini bottom over each ass cheek for maximum sunning. Instinctively, my
hand went into my gym shorts and I began to pull at my already enlarged
organ. Sweat had popped out across her back and legs, coating her in a
mesmerizing sheen of dew. How I wanted to lick that sweat off her body!
Her already tanned legs were spread a little, and I could just make out
the contours of her pussy beneath her swimwear. And that ass! Each cheek
had a well defined tan line and she was rocking her hips back and forth
in time with the music she was listening to. It would have been the
easiest thing in the world for me to have whacked off right then,
watching this incredible sight. But I didnt. I had other intentions.
 Ever since I decided that I was going to have to take action, I had
been keeping up as best I could with Dionnes menstrual cycles. When she
wasnt around I would check the trash can in her room for feminine
napkin wrappers. By doing this I pretty much knew when she was on her
period and when she wasnt. It had been about two weeks since I last saw
one in her trash, and I knew now would be as good a time as any for me
to make my move. I was nervous as hell, but horny enough and frustrated
enough to decide today was the day. As I watched, Dionne rolled over
onto her back, and for a brief second I caught a glimpse of her gorgeous
tits before she lay her top across them. That clinched it. I was going
for it!
 I pulled back the sliding glass door, and with a glass of lemonade in
my hand, walked out and stood over her on the deck. She sat up and asked
if I was going swimming. I said no, that it was time for us to have a
talk. She looked up at me puzzled for an instant, then I saw a look of
recognition on her face and she nodded. I sat down beside her and
dangled my feet into the water of the pool. Holding her top with one
hand she slid forward and did the same.
 "What are we going to do about this?" I asked.
 "I dont know," she said, "have you been thinking about it?"
 "A lot." I replied.
 "Me too. I just dont want you to tell mom or dad, theyd kill me."
Dionne said.
 "Thats right. They would." I offered her my glass and she took it,
sucking on the same straw I had used. My dick lurched upward at the
sight of her full lips wrapped around the shaft.
 "Well, what do you want me to do . I could wash your car for the next
hundred years or something," she said, looking at me. I just shook my
 "What, then"she said "I dont have a lot of money, but if you want, I
could give you what I have."
 "I dont want your money Dee Dee," I replied, looking back at her. "But
my silence ought to be worth something to you."
 "It isyou know it is. Just tell me what you want me to do," she
 I squinted my eyes as I said, "I dont knowIm not sure if youre
ready for this."
 She elbowed me in the ribs. "Would you tell me already?!"
 I looked at her and hesitated. I was at the threshold. Did I dare step
over the line, not knowing what the consequences would be? I took a deep
breath and went for it, but it seemed like someone else was saying my
next remark.
 "I want you to give me the same thing you gave Donny."
 If I had told her God was a lobster she couldnt have looked at me with
a stranger look.
 "Whatdoyoumean?" she finally stammered out.
 I dropped my eyes from hers and I looked down. Her hand holding her top
in place had fallen a little and I could see the tops of the dark
circles at the ends of her tits. My gaze wandered further down to her
flat stomach, which I noticed wasnt flexing in and out. She was holding
her breath. Just beneath her navel I could make out the fine blonde
hairs that led down to her bush and I could imagine the treasure
underneath her bikini panty. I was willing to risk anything to obtain
that treasure.
 "I want to have sex with you," I at last said. For what seemed an
eternity she didnt respond.
 "Youre just joking, right . . . . youre not serious, are you?" Her
voice was weak and low. Her eyes were opened wide.
 "Im dead serious." Having at last vocalized my lust seemed to restore
my determination. "If you want me to keep quiet about what I found in
the diary youre going to have to fuck me."
 The "f" word seemed to send her reeling. She momentarily lost her motor
skills and the top fell into her lap. I looked appreciatively at her big
boobs for a second before she regained some control and pulled her top
back over her tits.
 "Butbutyoure my brotherIm your sisterwe cant do that." Her voice
now had a pleading quality to it.
 "You did it with a guy who you had only been out with a couple of
times," I reminded her, "you can do it with a guy youve grown up with
just as well."
 She tried to set the glass of lemonade down beside her but it tipped
over. She drew her legs out of the water and pulled them up to her. She
wrapped her arms around her legs and dropped her head onto her knees. I
thought she was going to cry.
 "Ive been wanting to tell you about how I felt for a long time," I
said, "but I was never sure how to approach you about it. I love you.
Not just the way a brother loves his sister, but the other way. The way
mom and dad love each other. I cant help this. If we hadnt been born
into the same family what Im telling you wouldnt be a big deal. Its
not my fault we are brother and sister. Ive been feeling like this for
a long time, and its driving me out of my mind. Dont tell me youve
never wondered what it would be like to be with me."
 She looked at me again. She was crying, just a little. "I dont
know.maybe.but I couldnt.youre my big brother."
 I edged up against her and put my arm around her bare shoulder. My palm
was sweating.
 "Do you love me?" I asked.
 "Yes, you know I do," she answered.
 "Do you love me enough to show me that you love me?"
 "IIdont know. If you werent my brothermaybe."
 "Look at this way," I said, "Ive loved you for fifteen years. I was
the first boy to ever love you. If you do love me, and I know you do,
you have loved me practically your whole life. So what is wrong with two
people who love each other expressing how they feel by showing each
 She had pulled away slightly when I put my arm around her. Now she
relaxed a little and settled back into my embrace. I could tell she was
contemplating what I had said.
 "If we do this," just the trace of a smile crossed her lips, "do you
swear your not going to tell mom and dad about the diary?"
 "What could I sayDionne wrote in her diary about having sex with a
guy, so I talked her into having sex with me, too?" I said
 She laughed a little, and I slipped my hand down around her waist.
 "And you promise your not going to tell your friends, or anybody? If
anyone ever found out"
 "No one is ever going to know. This is just a one time thing, if you
want, and it will be just between you and me."
 "If I agree to it, when do you want to?" I thought my cock was going to
explode! I was within sight of  fulfilling my deepest fantasy!
 " and dad wont be home for hours yet. Weve got the whole
house to ourselves." I said. My heart, not to mention my prick, was
 She didnt say anything. She just sat there with an embarrassed smile
on her face.
 "Cmon,"I nudged her, "its just sex. Its just skin touching skin.
There wont be any lightning bolts come down and strike us or anything.
Its just two people making each other feel good. I know you didnt
enjoy it the first time. Thats because that dipshit did it wrong and
you werent ready. This time it will be different, I promise. It wont
hurt and I wont rush you. Itll be good." With my right hand I turned
her face to look at me.
 "Im your big brother, remember? I wouldnt do anything to hurt you."
 She sighed deeply. "Okay, big brotherlets go inside."
 I thought I would cum right then and there. I leaned over and kissed
her gently on the lips. She didnt pull away, and I was glad. I got up,
took her by the hand, and led her into the house. As we were going in I
caught our reflections in the sliding glass door. She had let her bikini
top fall to the deck and her bare tits bounced slightly as she followed
me in.
 I led her through the den, down the hallway and into her room. I wanted
the first time I fucked my sister to be in her own room. I pulled her in
and closed the door behind us. My raging cock hurt it was so hard. My
all consuming lust told me to grab her and ravish her. But my brain,
what little of it still had blood left in it, told me to take it easy
with her at first.
 I pulled off my T-shirt and then took her into my arms. Her tits,
pressed against my bare chest, sent a shiver down my spine, and my
petrified manhood, snug against her stomach, was almost more than I
could stand.  Our eyes locked for a moment and then I lowered my mouth
to hers. Our kiss was delicate at first. Our lips caressed each others
for half a minute before I felt she was relaxed enough to slip my tongue
into her mouth. As I did I could feel her tense up just a bit, so I
gently moved my tongue. I ran it slowly across her teeth and lips before
pushing it deeper. I covered every area of the inside of her mouth
before wrapping my tongue around hers. I felt her relax as our tongues
danced together, and within seconds she was giving as good as she got,
pushing her tongue into my mouth.
 My hands traveled down her back to her ass. Her bikini was still
bunched up in her crack and I could feel her bare cheeks. I had wanted
to get my hands on this butt for so long and now here I was, doing it! I
squeezed her ass gently but firmly, lifting her up onto her tiptoes as I
did. My right hand slid underneath her bikini and worked them out of the
fleshy vice holding them. I ran my hand across her butt crack and pulled
her left cheek apart just enough to ease my hand between her cheeks. The
moist warmth there felt glorious to my hand and with my index finger I
lovingly massaged her anus. I felt her tense up a little again so I took
my hand away, reminding myself to take it slow with her.
 At last we broke our kiss and I looked at her. Her face was flushed and
she was taking deep breathes through her mouth. Her eyes had a sort of
wild, hungry look to them. I could feel her little nipples, hard as
pencil erasers, pressing into me. She spread her legs a bit and
semi-straddled my left thigh. She began to slowly grind her pussy
against my leg. I pulled my chest away far enough that I could get my
right hand onto her left tit. I squeezed it and lowered my mouth to the
nipple. She leaned into me as I engulfed her nipple in my mouth. Her
right hand went to the back of my head and pressed me into her harder.
Her hips continued to undulate as she masturbated herself on my leg.
 I flicked her nipple back and forth with my tongue. I didnt think it
could get any harder than it had been but it did. I rolled my tongue
around her nipple, then bit down on it with my teeth just hard enough
for her breath to hitch. I tried to suck her entire tit into my mouth
but it was just too big. She began to moan a little. I went to her right
tit and gave it the same attention. She was really hunching on my leg
now, trying to appease the burning in her young slit. I put my left hand
on her right hip, sliding it underneath the waistband of her bikini. I
helped her push harder onto my contracted thigh.
 Pulling my head up at last I looked into her face. My God she was
beautiful! She ran her tongue seductively over her lips and had a
fuck-me look in her eyes that would have done a grown woman proud.
 "Do you have any idea how long Ive wanted this to happen?" I asked, my
voice deep and husky.
 "I didnt until that night you came into my room when Michelle was
over," she replied.
 For a second I was stunned. I was almost embarrassed, but the heat of
her pussy rubbing on me assured me we had gotten beyond that.
 "You knew about that? I thought you wereuhasleep."
 I had almost said that I thought she was Michelle, but it dawned on me
in mid-sentence that she thought she was the intended object of my visit
that night and she still hadnt objected to it. Besides, I sure as hell
wasnt going to risk offending her now.
 "I woke up and I could feel somebody touching me, and for a second I
was scared. But somehow I knew it was you."
 "Why didnt you let me know you were awake?," I asked.
 "Im not sure," she said, "maybe I was a little frightened. But it felt
so good, having you touch me like that, and I knew you werent going to
hurt me."
 "You mean you trusted me," I said. She nodded. "Then trust me now."
 I kissed her again and taking my hand off her hip, I pulled my left leg
from between her legs. I placed my right hand on her stomach. I could
feel her tight muscles quiver slightly. Slowly, I ran my hand under the
front of her bikini and inched my fingers down, coming in contact with
her nether hairs. Her right hand glided across my chest and she began to
tweak my left nipple. My hand continued its descent until I could feel
the crease of her pussy lips. Here I was, at heavens doorstep. My
fingers went downward until I rounded her mound and was now at the entry
point. She was so wet that my middle finger slid into her crevice with
no difficulty. She moaned and leaned her head backwards as I began to
work my finger in and out of her.
 I lowered my mouth to her throat and began to massage it with my lips
and tongue. Her juices flowed over my finger and I inserted my ring
finger into her as well. She raised her head and our lips and tongues
met again in a passionate kiss. I pumped her cunt with my fingers,
sliding them out to the tips and them pushing them back in as far as
they could reach, lubricating her hole more and more each time I did.
 My left hand took her right hand away from my chest and I guided her
down to my shorts, where I pushed her hand against my raging tool. She
began to rub my cock through my thin shorts and I had a hard time
keeping from cumming right there. We had so much more to experience, I
sure did not want to spoil it now!
 Taking her wrist, I pushed her hand past the waistband of my shorts.
Her fingers pulled through my pubic hairs and sought out my dick. She
wrapped her fingers around it but was unable to completely encircle my
engorged pecker. I was now furiously finger fucking her love slot and
she was groaning and grunting continuously. She pumped my cock up and
down, making me even harder and longer. I knew I would not be able to
hold out much longer at the rate we were going.
 I took my hand away from her pussy. My fingers were coated in her
juices. I put my two fingers up to her mouth and she took them into her,
licking and sucking her own flowings off my fingers. Our hips came
together and we ground them against each other. After watching her suck
my fingers a little bit longer I took my hand away from her face. I
started tugging at my shorts, working them down, and she leaned over and
helped me finish the job. As my shorts hit the floor and I stepped out
of them I saw her eyes fasten on my shaft. It was standing straight out,
the tip barely touching her belly just above the navel. A drop of
pre-cum had leaked out of my cock head and adhered to her skin. As I
pulled back just a bit, a thin line of fluid hung between her and my
dick. She looked up at me questioningly and I smiled.
 "Dont worryits supposed to do that. Theres a lot more where that
came from," I said.
 She smiled and took hold of my prick, gently rubbing the head around
her stomach, smearing the clear liquid on her skin.
 I hooked my thumbs under the bikini at her hips and began to pull them
down. She shifted her hips to help in the removal. I knelt down on one
knee and as the material cleared her crotch I inhaled deeply of her
scent. It was a wonderful, musky smell. My head reeled a bit as her
bikini panty slid over her thighs, her knees, and finally fell to the
floor. I pushed my face into her lower belly and my tongue ran across
her bush. She had trimmed away all the excess hair from between her legs
and what was left was cropped short. It felt marvelously rough against
my tongue. I slipped my tongue just inside the top of her cunt lips and
she gasped. I began licking her clit and her hands went to my head,
trying to push my face in deeper. I tongued her for a few more seconds
before standing up.
 Grasping her shoulders I gently moved her backwards until her legs
touched the side of her bed. I eased her down onto the bed. She scooted
back until her knees were at the edge, her feet off the floor. I
positioned myself on top of her, my head at her breasts. Licking her
tits, I worked my way down. I kissed and tongue bathed her stomach,
feeling the heat from between her slightly spread legs against my chest.
The tan line of her bikini was tantalizing to me and I traced over it
with my mouth.
 Dropping onto both knees, I put both hands on the sweaty crook in her
legs and spread them wider. I was looking directly at her pussy. It was
moist and warm. Running my hands down to the backside of her thighs I
spread them apart further until the lips of her vagina parted and I
could see the beautiful pink folds of the inside of her cunt. With a
half suppressed growl I sank my mouth onto her.
 My tongue plunged into her and she let out a pleasured moan. Her hand
went to my back and she raked her nails up and down as I buried my face
into her groin. Never had I experienced such a wonderful oral sensation.
I wanted my tongue inside her as deeply as possible, and I pushed it in
farther and farther. I could feel her wetness on my lips and chin as I
ate her. I wriggled my face against her and her hips began to buck up
and down. I vowed to myself that this was going to be the best tongue
job she would ever get and I wanted my little sister to be able to
remember it for the rest of her life!
 For the next twenty minutes I ate her, making her cum at least three
times. She was alternately screaming out loud then making whimpering
little kitten noises as waves of ecstasy washed over her. Goosebumps
speckled across her outstretched thighs and her nipples jutted into the
air. Her left hand was stroking my hair and as I glanced up I saw her
other hand squeezing her right tit and playing with the nipple. Just as
she was about to reach her fourth orgasm I stood up, wiped the excess
moisture from my chin and climbed onto the bed with her.
 She looked a little disappointed that I had stopped pleasuring her, but
I kissed her and whispered that it was her turn. A twinkle lit up her
eyes and she smiled. I lay on my back, with my cock pointing straight up
at the ceiling. She kissed her way down my stomach and took my member in
her hand.
 "Ive never done this beforetell me if I do something wrong," she said
 I put my hand on the back of her head and gently lowered her toward my
rigid dick. She lightly licked the tip, her tongue sending ripples of
pleasure through me as she kissed the super-sensitive head. She licked
up and down the length of my shaft, cradling my full sac in her left
hand. After a minute or two of this I could not stand it any longer and
I took my cock in my hand and guided it to her mouth.
 "Put it in your mouth, Dee Dee," I hoarsely moaned.
 She opened her mouth and my cock head disappeared from view as she did
as I said. She slowly worked it in, a little at a time, until almost
half of it was inside her mouth. Slowly, I began to thrust my hips
upward, trying to bury my schlong in her throat. Her throat constricted
a couple of times and she almost gagged. I told her to relax her throat
and just to let it slide down. A couple of more tries and she had done
it, engulfing my tool in her mouth until her nose was buried in my cock
 She began to raise her head back and forth, coating my cock with her
saliva. She would pull back until just the head was in her mouth and she
would bite down on it ever so slightly, then she slammed her face
forward, swallowing my dick to the hilt. Over and over she did this
until I could feel my balls begin to tighten and I knew I was about to
shoot my jet stream into her throat. I finally had to tell her to stop
and lets rest for a moment. She snuggled up next to me and we kissed
and petted  for a few minutes until I had regained control.
 At last I told her to she could start sucking me again and she eagerly
obliged. I put my left hand between her legs, just below her ass, and
pulled her around. She didnt know what I was doing at first, and I had
to tell her to straddle my face. She threw her leg over my head and
shoved her ass back to where I could reach her pussy with my tongue. My
sister was one fast learner!
 I crammed my tongue back into her pussy and my hands squeezed and
fondled her ass cheeks. I could see her puckered brown hole just above
my face and I knew I had to try again. Inserting the middle finger of my
right hand into her pussy as I flicked her clitoris with my tongue, I
lubricated it. I took it out and gently began rubbing her asshole with
my wet finger. She tensed up for a second but then relaxed. Very
delicately I eased my finger into her butt. She wiggled her ass a
little, but continued slurping away at my cock. I sank my finger deeper
and deeper into her, until it was up to the knuckle. She was groaning,
and her dark hole spasmed around my finger, but she made no effort to
remove it. With my tongue in her cunt and my finger in her anus I moved
them in and out independent of each other. This sent her over the edge.
She was now rocking back and forth on top of me. With my pecker still in
her mouth she cried out, and her body began convulsing as she came for
the fourth time in the last thirty-five minutes. I worked her ass until
my hand started to cramp, then I pulled it out and used my tongue on her
butthole. Finally, I had free access to the ass I had wanted for so
long, and I could not get enough of it!
 At last she twisted off of me and sat up. Her face was flushed and
sweat glistened all over her body.
 "I want you to fuck me, big brother!" She didnt have to ask twice!
 I sat up and pushed her onto her back. I positioned myself between her
legs, sitting on my knees. Holding her by the ankles, I spread her
sweaty, beautiful legs wide. I pushed myself forward until my shiny cock
was laying on her stomach. With her right hand she guided my dick to the
entrance of the promised land. Looking into her eyes, I said, "No
lightning bolts.I promise." She smiled and slowly I entered her.
 There is no way mere words can describe the rapture I felt as my cock
slid grudgingly into her juicy pussy. When I was completely inside her,
I paused, enjoying the wet warmth of the cocoon my rod had found. I
looked down at her. Here was my little sister, who I had grown up with,
and had watched grow up. The one person in the world I loved more than I
could ever express, giving me the greatest gift a female can bestow. She
looked at me with loving trust in her eyes, a smile spread across her
lips, as I began to pump.
 Slowly at first, I worked my cock in and out of her. As I pulled back
she would pull back, until my cock was barely inside her. Then I would
hump forward, feeling her cunt muscles tighten around my length. She was
so tight! Her pussy clung to my dick, urging it further into her, and I
pushed against her as tight as I could before pulling backwards and
doing it all again. My hands traveled all over body, I didnt want to
miss a square inch of her flesh. She grabbed my arms and pulled me down
on top of her, thrusting her young tongue into my mouth. Her legs
wrapped around my ass, her strong leg muscles pulling me deeper into
her. I took this as my cue that she was mine to do with as I pleased, so
I began to ram into her as hard as I could, her body lurching upward on
each heave. I could feel my cock piercing her insides, flesh of my
flesh, blood of my blood, and I wanted this feeling to last forever.
 When I began to feel myself losing control again I pulled out of her
and rolled her over on her stomach. With a little help I made her
understand what I wanted. She put her knees into the mattress and raised
her ass in the air. I rose up behind her and shoved my throbbing slab
into her pussy from behind. As I thrust forward I spread her ass cheeks
wide so I could penetrate her even deeper than before. On each shove she
groaned aloud, even though her face was buried in her pillow. I looked
down marveling at the sight below me, of my swollen cock jackhammering
in and out of her sopping wet hole. I could see her asshole, stretched
out invitingly, and I thought how easy it would be to dip my penis into
its forbidden depths. But I didnt think she was quite ready for anal
sex to that degree just yet. Besides, I told myself, unless I was very
much mistaken, there were going to be plenty of opportunities for us to
explore other avenues of carnal delights together.
 Suddenly, I could feel my balls begin to roll and I knew this time
there would be no holding back. I pounded into her faster and faster,
wanting to get in as much as I could, wanting her to be completely
satisfied. I wanted her to want this again and again. I wanted to make
her lust for me whenever she was horny.
 All at once I felt the cum begin to release and I jerked backwards out
of her and then, grabbing her hips, pulled her back against me, my cock
sliding up between her ass cheeks, my balls slapping against her pussy.
The first jet of sperm flew into her hair, stringing down onto her
shoulder blade. The rest splattered across  her sweaty back and thin
waist. I lurched forward time and again, each time sending my jizm
spraying across my sisters body. I have never cum that much or that
long before or since. I did not think it would ever stop. Finally, when
it had, I eased my still hard prick back into her waiting cunt and
pumped her for another few minutes, until she had cum yet again and my
swelling at last started to subside.
 Afterwards, we lay together for another half hour, holding each other,
kissing, and telling each other how much we loved one another.
 I said, "I know I told you this would be a one time thing if thats
what you wanted, but Ive got to tell you that I want this to happen
 She looked at me, a broad smile on her face. "You had better," she
said, "or Im telling."



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