Perverted Passions

                            Chapter 1

     Every sensual muscle in her sleek body in motion, Katt
MacNeil swung out of the Cessna and padded across the sand in the
blazing noonday heat.
     The tall, leggy blonde was used to ignoring the scorching
desert sun a well as the admiring stares from a few local males.
There were not many fair-haired women to be found among the sand
dunes in the Indian Desert.
     Eyes alert for her husband's tall, lean form, Katt strode to
the fingerprint-smudged door, and went in out of the sun.  But it
was even hotter inside and smelled stale and rancid.
     With relief she saw a trail of dust in the distance.  A few
seconds later, Sandor, her husband's driver, stopped the jeep in a
cloud of dust and bounded out.
     Feeling an incredible letdown because her husband hadn't met
her, Katt shoved the door open and went out.
     Loading her bags in the back of the jeep, Sandor looked up
and saw her.  His grin was broad and welcoming in his dark face.
     At least somebody was glad to see her, she thought irritably.
     The handsome native bowed respectfully at the waist.
     "Hello, Sandor.  It's good to be back."  He straightened.
     Even though he understood very few words in English, Katt
didn't know what made her say it.  "I see you have a big hard-on
for me again.  I wish my husband did.  In that case he would be
here instead of you."
     His head bobbed.  "Yes, mem-sahib!"
     No matter what she said to him, Sandor would still answer her
with, "Yes, mem-sahib," or "No, mem-sahib," depending on her tone
of voice and her facial expressions.  He was so willing.  If he
wasn't at Ted's beck and call all the time, she would teach him
enough English so they could communicate easier.
     There were no doors on the jeep.  She got in and they roared
away.  Katt sighed again as dust flew out behind them.  Not until
she returned to civilization again would she bother with glamorous
hairstyles.  It would have been nice if Ted could have seen her
before her hair got caked with dust.
     Why hadn't he met her?  Ted was far too intent on this
project.  He lived and breathed it.  Trouble had been brewing in
their marriage because of it.  Sure, they worked on the same
project, but they never spoke intimately, or had any time alone
even for breakfast.  The noon meal was always alfresco, taken
separately, because Ted was never willing to break for lunch when
she did.  And dinner she ate alone because he never came home
until she was in bed fast asleep.
     Even though the Western monsoons would be starting in a
month, and there would be blowing sands, Ted had promised her they
would spend more time together when she returned from her sister's
wedding in the States.  He was not showing good faith in that
promise. Not good faith at all.  Damn him!  Other men panted after
her.  Why did she have to marry Ted?
     For no known reason, she'd fallen for Ted, her university
professor, a man older, wiser, more experienced. When Ted was
offered another grant to head an archaeological dig in Jakhanur,
he had proposed.  Katt had married him and came along, full of big
ideas about working side by side on the prehistoric dig.
     The lure of unearthing a Dravidian civilization in the desert
that would boggle scientific minds must have played a part in her
decision.  Perhaps it was the idea of being swept off to parts
unknown by her lover?  She was--had been--a diehard romantic.  Not
anymore. After two years of grim reality, Katt could not recall,
with any clarity, exactly how she had felt about Ted in those
days, or even why she had married him.
     This past month in New Hampshire, she had relieved her sexual
tensions--discreetly.  Her eyes homed in on Sandor's big prick, so
deliciously outlined by the thin cotton shorts.
     Sandor, as all the local labourers, was loyal to Ted. But he
had a hard-on for her.  Could she trust him to keep his mouth
shut?  It was a question she had asked herself many times before.
She needed a lover here.  All those nights alone...  What would
happen if Sandor spoke of it and Ted did in some way find out?
     Ted might divorce her...  One thing for sure, it would
certainly get his attention.
     For traveling, Katt had worn white heels, a slender, pale
mauve skirt and white silk blouse.  Now, she wondered if she had
been crazy.  No matter what time of year, the temperature in the
Thar were high.  To allow the wind to dry, if not cool the sweat,
she worked the skirt up around her thighs until the tops of her
silk hose came into view.  Out of the corner of her eye, she could
see Sandor looking at her legs.
     Her sexual encounters of the last month had reawakened her
appetites, rekindled her needs.  One more blissful time before she
reached camp?  Daring, Katt kicked off her shoes and twisted in
the seat, putting her left foot on Sandor's muscular leg, which
served to part her silk-encased legs and expose her panty-covered
     Sandor's eyes were ready to bounce out of his head. She
grinned at him, but he didn't notice.  His attention was torn
between her crotch and keeping the jeep in the dirt road.
     Through her panties, Katt massaged her pussy with one long
finger until it was good and wet.  She watched Sandor watch her
play with herself, which she found highly arousing.  Her clit grew
stiffer and stiffer as she eyed his boner.  Now she wondered if
the fool was ever going to stop the jeep, pull over and make love
to her.
     She was being so nasty, tempting her husband's driver like
this.  Katt began to moan, and work her hips.  She stared hungrily
at the huge swelling between Sandor's legs.  Spreading her knees
wider apart, Katt pulled her panty crotch aside, so he could see
her finger herself.
     Sandor's breath whistled past that even row of perfect white
teeth.  Although he slowed down, the man kept driving.
     Here Katt was, laid out in front of him, all wet and ready
and the aggravating stud with the big dick didn't jump her.
Indians were surprisingly loyal.  Did Sandor's loyalty to Ted run
to such lengths?
     His eyes flashed back and forth between her pussy and the
road.  She slid a finger deep into her pussy and plunged it in and
out, making squishy sounds in her wetness.  Katt masturbated her
clit with her other hand. She was getting desperate.
     "Stop the jeep!  Pull over.  Take your cock out and fuck me!"
     Sandor grinned and bobbed his head up and down. "Yes, mem-
     At least he caught part of it, she thought as she watched him
unzip his shorts.  Out sprang his dick.  He drove on with the
enormous, turgid cock sticking bolt upright, throbbing wickedly.
Man juice leaked from the mulberry-coloured knob and ran down the
thick stalk.
     "This is my last chance for a fuck before we reach camp.
Pull the stupid jeep over and screw me, you fool!" she cried out,
feeling totally horny.  Katt waved her hand, indicating by gesture
what she wanted him to do.
     Sandor grinned.  "Yes, mem-sahib!"  This time, he whipped the
jeep off the beaten track, but there was no cover, no outcroppings
of thin scrub of any sort.
     Katt looked around at the rolling sand hills.  What the hell,
there was no one about.  Most likely there would be no one else
through here for hours.  She took her clothes off and placed them
neatly in back.  Then, she scooted her butt to the edge of the
seat and pointed from his mouth to her snatch.
     "Yes, mem-sahib!" Sandor stuck his head between her thighs
and she felt his hot breath on her cunt just before his tongue hit
her clit.  He slid his hand under her buttocks and lifted her up,
jamming her sopping cunt against his darkly handsome face.
Avidly, he sucked her pussy.
     Sandor was a thrilling cunt-sucker.  His educated tongue
darted swiftly and deftly into her hole, thrusting like a mini-
cock.  It teased her clit until she was ready to scream.  The
erotic sucking sound he made as he ate her pussy turned her on
even more.  He opened his jaws wide and gently licked at her
mound.  He made long, adoring laps up and down her pussy from clit
to anus. He chewed and nibbled her pussy like Katt had never
experienced before.
     "Eat my cum," she cried, and squirted steaming cream into his
slurping mouth.  Katt was so flaked out that she clutched his wiry
hair, scissored her thighs around his ears, squeezed hard, and
wildly pumped her load into his mouth.  How far her shrieks
carried in the quiet landscape did not concern her.
     Sandor pulled her thighs away from his ears and came up
gasping for air.  His dark eyes, lust-fogged, were hopeful as he
pointed from his dick to her pussy.
     "Yes!  Fuck me!" Katt moaned, reaching toward his great stalk
to draw it to her soppy hole.  But Sandor was moving away.  Damn!
     With long strides, he came around the vehicle to her side and
turned her around in the seat.  He said something that she thought
meant up.  Offering her a hand out, he drew her out of the jeep.
Pointing to the uneven, sandy ground, he shook his head.  Pointing
to the hood of the jeep, he shook his head.
     Katt understood that he was telling her the sand was unsafe
because of poisonous insects and snakes, and that the hood of the
jeep was scalding hot.
     Sandor pointed to her, then bent forward until his head
nearly touched the ground.  He straightened, waiting expectantly.
     Katt laughed as she got his message.  He wanted her to bend
over and would fuck her standing up.  Eager to have him take her
any way at all, she turned her back to him and bent over.
     No more foreplay.  Sandor took his colossal tool in his hand
and aimed it at her fuck hole.  With unbridled passion, the stud
entered her, swift and sure of himself. Dark hands locked on each
of her creamy hips, Sandor held her tight.  Then he began to fuck
her heat-sizzling pussy with far-reaching master strokes.
     Filled with a wild, uncontrollable lust, Katt spread her
thighs wide to allow his talented passion pole to insinuate itself
as deep inside her as possible.  She felt like one voracious cunt.
It was the biggest cock she had ever been stuffed with.  She gave
a cry of ecstasy as he plowed her more urgently.
     From behind, Sandor watched her labia, swollen so invitingly,
swallow his dick time and again.  Her beautiful ass was churning
and that incredible gash was rotating on his impaling shaft.  She
was making him moan with anguish and joy.  He could still taste
her pussy on his lips.  She squirmed more fiercely on his cock and
cried out.  He felt a rush of warm juice flood his prick.
     In a dizzy fury, Sandor fucked her and spurted his seed
inside her boiling, sucking cunt.
     His spitting shaft rapidly unloaded its substantial contents,
but it did not lose its virility.  The sights of her upturned hind
end was enough to keep his red-blooded erection throbbing
     Katt straightened up; the motion pulled his still-hard prick
out of her cunt.  She turned to face Sandor, and with a smile,
wiped her finger through her cunt.  She pointed to him.
     "You cum."  Katt pointed to her cunt.  "In me."
     Sandor grinned.  "Yes, mem-sahib!  You cum in me."
     Katt smiled.  "Close enough.  Can I call on you whenever I
need a good fuck?"
     His teeth flashed in his tan face as he gave her the closest
thing she'd ever seen to a roguish grin.  "Yes, mem-sahib!"
     Sandor stopped at the hut that she and Ted called home.
Knowing full well her husband was at the dig, Katt changed her
clothes and rode out with Sandor. Her husband did not look up when
the jeep pulled up in a cloud of dust.  He did not even rise when
she walked over to him and said.  "Darling, I'm home," in a
carefully light tone of voice.
     Ted MacNeil did fritter away a few minutes to smile and ask a
few pointed questions.
     "How was the trip?"
     "Enjoyable."  Katt had learned from experience to keep her
replies short and precise.
     "The wedding?"
     "Your folks?"
     "They send their--regards."  She could not say they send
their love.  They didn't.  Neither of them had forgiven her for
'throwing herself away' on a man twice her age.
     "Good, good.  We have found evidence of human life." His face
took on a sort of glow.  "Facial bones ... a vessel ... I'm close
here.  Today, tomorrow..."  His mind, as always, began to leave
her.  "We'll talk more later."  He began to scratch around in the
earth again.
     Katt had expected no more, yet she felt hurt, ridiculously
disappointed and unreasonably angry.  She wanted to grab Ted by
the collar and scream at him that he couldn't treat her this way.
     But she knew he would look at her with half-seeing eyes and
mutter.  "What way?"  He hadn't the foggiest idea of her misery,
damn him.  Why couldn't he understand her?
     He understood this country, its soil, its history, its
language--past and present.  He knew its people and its politics.
He knew everything, geology, chemistry, photography.  Yet, Ted
MacNeil did not know the first thing about his wife.  Period.
     Katt plodded wearily across the sand to the tent to inspect
the new finds that he had made while she was gone.  Her own
archaeological mind wondered if he had used the C14 radiocarbon
test to date the artifacts--if he had chemically treated them to
preserve them in a different climate?
     There were two pieces of bone in the glass case; both were
tagged.  Putting her hands on the edge of rough board, Katt bent
over to decipher her husband's scrawled handwriting.
     "How could someone with a bottom as pretty as yours be
interested in ancient artifacts?"
     The tone was deep and lazy and Katt's first reaction was to
whirl and face the male intrusion.  And it was male.  No woman
alive could mimic such bedrock bass. Besides, she was the only
woman at the dig sight.
     Katt pushed herself to a standing position.  Then, with a
deliberately casual movement, she turned to face him.
     The first impression she received was of an American male
whose stance and tight-fitting jeans emphasized the force of his
thighs and the slimness of his hips.
     "Well, well, well," he said with frank admiration, his dark,
insolent eyes sharp and assessing.
     In a matter of a second, Katt took him in.  A thick crop of
dark, wavy hair tumbled carelessly across his forehead.  His wind
and sunbaked face held the shadow of a beard, which gave him an
even more manly aura. Massive shoulders filled the tee shirt he
wore to bursting.  His arms were muscled and his hands long-
fingered and strong.  Her eyes lingered at his crotch, acutely
conscious of the tempting, magnificent bulk cupped by the denim.
His long, quarterback legs moved toward her, and her eyes flew
back up to his face.
     "If Ted would have told me he had a beautiful assistant
arriving today, I would have rolled out the welcome mat."  He
stopped and extended his hand.  "Hunter Beal."
     Katt shook his hand, trying to conceal the effect his
electric touch was having on her.  "Katt."
     On hearing her name, he grinned, with more than a spark of
eroticism.  And even though it sent her pulse racing, she
deliberately, omitted her last name.  Something perverse in her
wanted to give the devil all the rope he needed to hang himself.
It would be funny to see his reaction when he discovered that she
was not an assistant to Ted, but his wife.
     "Cat ... short for Catherine?"
     "No.  Just Katt."  She spelled it out for him.
     "Unusual, interesting but still just as suggestive."
     "Oh?  How is that?"
     "It suggests that you might purr."
     "I do if I'm petted right," she retorted, feeling her insides
turn to mush as he took another step forward, bringing his bulging
crotch within flaming distance of her own crotch.
     "How do you like to be petted, Katt?  What makes you purr?"
He pressed forward slightly, his firm cock a whisper graze against
her.  Light as it was, his touch was like an act of possession.
     Hunter gently stroked the backs of two fingers from the base
of her chin up her left cheek.  Her gaze met his and her heart
turned over.  Her core seemed to turn liquid and drip down her
thighs.  The flesh there began to throb.
     "This is insane."  Katt thought, and sidestepped, avoiding
him without retreating altogether.  His body beckoned to her
irresistibly.  In her own best interest, she stood rigidly erect,
and remembered her resolve to behave herself once in camp.
     She glanced around.  "This is hardly a place to make
anything, even a cat purr, Mr. Hunter."
     "Beal is my surname.  Just call me Hunter."
     "Well, Mr. Hunter Beal.  Out here all cats are predatory.
They're quite wild you know."
     "Not all.  You are the one exception.  You, I will make
purr," he replied with a devastating grin.
     "Surely, you have another, more significant reason for being
here?  Surely you aren't an archaeologist," she said a little
testily, and in a defensive gesture, folded her arms across her
     His soft, intimate laugh sent titillating shivers down her
spine.  "Why are you afraid of me?"
     She was afraid of what he could do to her.  One touch, one
kiss and she would forget that she was Ted's wife, which would
cause untold pain and scandal.  Manner crisp, she scoffed, "Hardly
that!  I can call Sandor any time and have you thrown out of
     "Professor MacNeil would not look kindly on an assistant who
ruffles the feathers of his major backer."
     "Professor MacNeil's grant is from the university."
     "Is that so?"
     He shook his shaggy head.  "The professor had a small grant
from the university, which he used up months ago. He's running on
my time now."
     Frowning, Katt gazed at him and sensed he was telling the
truth.  But why hadn't Ted told her?  No wonder he had been
putting in such long hours.  He had been trying to unearth
something which would merit further financial support--from Hunter
Beal, who seemed to be standing far too close to her.  It struck
her that this man she had been verbally fencing with was, in
effect, her husband's boss--and therefore hers as well.
     Oh, hell, and she had talked to him so...  When he found out
who she really was ... Damn!  What a mess and she'd been in camp
less than an hour.
     "Well, Mr. Beal, since you are paying the bills, I'd best get
to work."  She turned to the table and picked up the skullbone of
some Dravidian tribesman with shaky fingers.
     "Show me what you have there," he said coming up behind her,
arms around her, hands braced on the table edge.  He leaned over
her, pressing the devastating length of his body against her back.
     Katt choked back a cry, half-alarmed, half-electrified, as
his hard male cock pressed between her buttocks in a perfect fit.
She fought to restrain her involuntary reaction to press back
against him.  A war of emotions raged in her.
     Katt was so disconcerted, cross at him for putting her in
this position with her husband working close at hand. But then he
didn't know Ted was her husband.  Her mind was a crazy mixture of
hope and fear.  She breathed in shallow, quick gasps.
     It was necessary to rebuff his advances, even though she
wanted to melt against him as he nibbled her ear-lobe.
     "Get away!" Her voice cracked, wavered.  "My husband will see
     He withdrew his arms slowly, but his hands tightened on her
arms, bringing her around to face him.  He tucked a wayward strand
of blonde hair behind her ear before letting her go.
     Katt flattened her sweaty palms against her thighs.
     There was a glint of the devil in Hunter's eyes.  "Which
Indian is your husband?"
     This hadn't turned out at all like she expected.  Katt
managed a tremulous smile, but there was no satisfaction in
telling him who her husband was.  None at all.
     "My name is Katt MacNeil."
     He shot her a twisted smile.  "The professor's daughter?"
     She couldn't tell if he was serious or being sarcastic.
     "Ted is my husband."
     His surprised reaction, as her words registered, was too
natural to be faked.  Hunter Beal was taken aback.
     "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you right off."
     He seemed to give himself a mental shake.  "Serves me right.
Jumping to conclusions does not always make for happy landings,
especially in this case."
     Relief flooded her.  He was being a good sport about it!
     Hunter made a slight gesture with his right hand.  "To put it
simply, I found you too attractive, too fresh and sexy and alive
to be Ted's wife.  My feelings on that haven't changed.  Ted is a
devoted man--to his work."
     Her thoughts shot in three or four fantastic directions at
once.  He was telling her what the score was.  He wanted to carry
on an affair right beneath her husband's nose!  What a dreadful,
irresistible idea!  There was every possibility that Ted would
find out.
     But if she refused ... her mind reflected on the past two
years of long, horny nights she'd spent alone.  Those nights could
be spent in the arms of this man, making love.  How long could she
get--sleeping with Ted's backer?  No matter what she did or said,
it was either a halo or a noose.
     "I'll have my cook prepare a special 'welcome home' dinner in
your honour tonight.  I'll call for you and Ted at seven."  Hunter
turned and abruptly left the tent.
     "He knows as well as I do that Ted will never leave the dig
for any dinner, in my honour or not," she muttered and wondered
what she should do.  There were four heads on her shoulders, each
screaming a different answer.
     One thought played over and over in her mind. Hunter would be
a devastating lover.
     Later, Katt strolled across the sand to tell Ted that his
benefactor expected them to dine with him that evening.
     "You met Beal, then?  Good man.  Can't leave tonight. You go,
Katt.  Give my regrets to Beal.  He'll understand."
     It was no more than Katt had expected.  She reminded her
husband that it was not good form to ignore a dinner invitation
from Hunter Beal.  Even as much as Ted cared about finances, he
remained adamant.
     "Keep him happy for me, Katt.  You can do it."
     What was Ted saying?  Did he expect her to sleep with Beal?
Surely he had not meant it as she had taken it. How could her
husband not realize that Hunter Beal was a handsome, virile man
and that she was a love-starved woman?  In disgust, Katt had
Sandor drive her back to their hut.
     She washed her hair, bathed and perfumed her body
automatically, refusing to let herself think.
     The harsh, bright sky had gone twilight purple by the time
Hunter arrived.  He had taken a cottage on the edge of Jakhanur,
less than half an hour's drive from camp.  It was as primitive as
theirs.  Cramped but cozy. The sitting room, bright with
lamplight, was neat and tidy.  One corner had been reserved for a
desk and bookshelves.  Through the doorway, Katt could see a
small, square table covered by a spotless white cloth and set with
two places.  An Indian servant moved in and out of her line of
     Hunter had been so sure that Ted wouldn't come that he hadn't
even bothered having a place set for him at table.
     "How long are you going to be staying in India?" she asked
     "Long enough."
     Hunter's eyes were half shut as he watched her from beneath
long, sooty lashes.
     With a wide-eyed curious look, she asked, "For what?"
     "For you," he answered quietly and advanced until she was
pressed against the wall.  Hunter did not touch her with his
hands.  The pressure of his body was enough to compel her to
     "I'm not a one-night stand."  Long, lonely nights loomed
menacingly before her.  His vigorous, hard cock felt so immense
and exciting pressing against her stomach.
     "Did I say you were?"
     "You implied..."
     "No such thing.  Tell me, isn't spending one night in rapture
worth more than three dozen in tortuous need?"
     Her mind and every fibre of her being screamed, "Yes!" But
Katt remained silent.  Giving herself to Sandor had been
different.  The Indian was unassuming, safe.  This man posed a
threat ... to her sanity.
     "I..."  Katt got no further before his hungry mouth came down
to smother any denial she was about to make.  His kiss sent the
juices in her snatch swirling. The involuntary jolt of her bush
against his leg gave her away.
     Hunter's hand swept under her skirt and up her inner thigh in
urgent exploration.  He nudged her legs apart.
     Katt felt his big, muscular shaft massage her passion-knotted
belly.  It was going to happen.  Oh, God, he was going to make
love to her and she was shaking like a virgin!  This man could get
too deep beneath her skin. He had already.  She had to think of
him as just another good lay.  That was it ... just another good
     Hunter worked his finger beneath the legband of her panties
and found his target.  Her snatch was wet with desire.  Good.  It
would get wetter.  He had no intention of making love to her just
yet.  For some reason, he wanted to drive her mad with desire for
him before he let her have it.  Something perverse in his nature
surfaced.  He wanted to bring her to her sexy knees, to strip her
of all pretense.  She was in heat; an erotic, sexual woman, and he
wanted her to prove it to him.
     Hunter teased her clit, which was already erect and
throbbing.  His other hand drew hers down to his heavy crotch.
     "Uuurgh."  The sound came from deep down as Katt gripped
Hunter's huge, hard cock as best she could through the white
trousers that fit him like a second skin. It pulsed and jerked
beneath her touch.
     Without warning, Hunter stopped kissing her and pulled his
hand from beneath her skirt.  It was with a shock that Katt
realized his servant was standing beside them, softly speaking to
Hunter.  He had seen what they were doing!
     Hunter calmly replied, stepped back, releasing Katt from her
trapped position against the wall.
     Afraid to move, afraid her knees wouldn't support her, Katt
remained where she was, her cheeks colouring beneath the servant's
passive regard.
     "Hazun will serve us now," Hunter said, offering her his
     For Katt, dinner was a blur of unreality.  Hunter's
overwhelming presence shoved everything else far into the recesses
of her mind.  For all she knew, she could have eaten lizard or
snake and never known the difference.
     "I want to pull your panties off with my teeth and lick your
pussy," he said as Hazun served them.  His hand slid up her skirt
to her cunt.
     Blushing and squirming, Katt shot an embarrassed glance at
Hazun.  "D-d-does he speak English?"
     Her colour deepened.
     "Don't by shy.  Hazun is a man of the world.  He admires
passionate women, don't you, Hazun?"
     Hazun's head bobbed and he grinned.  "Yeeezz, Sahib."
     "You are not being very discreet," she reminded him, thinking
of Ted.
     "Hazun and I have no secrets--from each other," he returned
pointedly.  "As for telling our secrets to others--you can rely on
us both, completely."
     "God, I hope so," she said with feeling.  "Ted would never
understand any of this!"

                            Chapter 2

     "That is unfortunate--for you.  For me, it is most
     Hazun's prick had risen to an amazing stand as he looked at
the mem-sahib with the golden hair.  Knowing that the sahib's hand
was playing between her secret places made Hazun want to bend
beneath the table and sneak a peek.  Only Hazun knew he would
immediately be suspect if he should attempt such a thing.
     Katt's overwhelming desire, for the masculine Hunter, altered
her normal behaviour.  It altered her codes or morals and
principles.  She forgot all personal, business, professional and
social ethics.  Even her sense of right and wrong took a nasty
     Hunter insinuated a finger into Katt's sopping wet slit, then
twisted it around inside.  Looking into her eyes, he lazily
watching her as he made her squirm.
     Flushed, Katt knew he was intentionally working her into a
stew, yet she couldn't stop her body from responding passionately,
even with the Indian servant looking on.  Her eyes closed and her
pelvis began to thrust rhythmically as Hunter's finger probed her
depths deliciously, then came out to frig her clit.  Katt stirred
faster, her heart in a flutter.  My God!  Was he going to get her
off right here at the table with Hazun looking on?  She couldn't
stop.  Couldn't...
     As Hunter's desire-inspiring fingers moved faster on her love
bud, Katt became more agitated.  Harsh, breathy moans of desire
welled up in her throat and seemed to fill the small room.
     Without warning, Hunter pulled his hand away. Katt's eyes
flew open in disbelief.  She was aquiver.  He was sitting there
grinning at her, smelling his finger.
     Crashing back to earth, Katt felt a sense of the ridiculous,
felt foreign to herself.  She seemed to be another person, another
woman behaving wantonly.
     The sweet-musk odour of her hot sex rose in Hunter's
nostrils, making his prick jerk.  How long could he keep teasing
her without driving himself crazy in the process?
     From the dark corner of the room, the silent Hazun discreetly
watched.  He wished she was a member of the cult so he could gouge
his finger into her rich pussy and smell it.  He imagined that she
would smell spicy as sandalwood.  It must be real wet by now.  His
cock throbbed.  Would her hair down there be pale yellow? He
     Any minute now, the sahib would take the golden woman to his
bed, and he, Hazun, would be forced to listen to the sounds of
lovemaking.  He would have to relieve his balls of their burden
while listening to the sucking sounds and grunts as the sahib
screwed her. Perhaps if he was careful, very much careful, he
could sneak a peek through the crack in the door and see if her
pubic flax was indeed golden.
     Hunter put a hand on Katt's breast and kneaded the flesh.
     "Don't!" she gaped, fully aware now that he was deliberately
teasing her.
     Paying no attention, Hunter tweaked her erect nipples until
Katt moaned softly.
     Hot himself, Hunter scrunched the silky blouse up over Katt's
tits and tugged her white, lacy bra down. Her large breasts burst
free in all their splendour.  His tongue flicked and caressed
Katt's fevered nipples with no thought of his servant's presence.
His skillful teeth nibbled at the excited nubs.
     With a strangled sob, Katt twined her fingers in Hunter's
hair.  Her other hand slid over his cock and began to stroke it.
     "Lick my nipples!  Suck them!" she cried, pressing his head
     Cupping her mound between his hands, Hunter clamped his lips
over the hard nipples and ravenously sucked.
     "Yes, oh, Yes!" Katt became wildly excited, watching and
feeling Hunter suck her nipples.  Over his head, she was shocked
to find that Hazun was watching too.  Even though she was
surprised, Katt did not object.  Eyes half-closed, she thrilled
beneath Hazun's carefully guarded gaze.  As hard as he was trying
to appear aloof, Katt saw that his prick was erect and poking out
the material of his pants.  It looked big.  Dazedly, Katt wondered
if all Indians had big peckers.
     Removing his mouth from her tit, Hunter said, "Come with me.
You have something between your legs that I want to suck too.  And
if we don't adjourn to the bedroom, Hazun will ejaculate in his
     With a sense of the preordained, Katt let the alluring man
lead her to the bedroom and in no time at all, they were both
     Enthralled, Katt sat on the edge of the bed and watched
Hunter move toward her.  His cock was a shaft the like of which
she had never seen, or even imagined. It was a thick mass of
branching blue veins about ten inches in length.  The big,
sizzling penis looked enormous enough to enter her cunt and exit
her mouth.  She was torn between a wild urge to grab her clothes
and run, and to beg him to fuck her with the throbbing monster.
     His balls hung heavy and thick and were lightly furred.
Hunter's strong hand shamelessly stroked his heated majestic
girth.  His eyes honed in on her vee.  "Spread your legs, I've
waited hours to see your pussy."
     Wanting his mouth on her tush, Katt enthusiastically lay back
on the bed and did as he told her.
     "Luscious ... inviting.  I want to drive my tongue into your
cunt!"  Hunter gripped her thighs and shoved his face between
them.  He was determined to make her climax in his mouth.
Excitedly horny, he thrust his tongue in and out of her slit.
     Katt jerked and cried out with the thrill of it.  How she
loved cunnilingus!  Once, right after they were married, Ted had
gone down on her.  It had been the most thrilling thing in the
world.  She had cum twice before he had stopped eating her.
     How much more experienced Hunter's dancing tongue was.  Or
perhaps it seemed so because he loved what he was doing.  His
tongue held magic as it flitted here and there and he sucked her
juices, making her quiver all over.  Her emotions fishtailed and
     Katt thrust her hips up and down and felt her climax build
rapidly toward a peak.  "Eat it!  Suck it!  Oh, God, yesss!" Katt
hissed as his entire mouth came over her mound.
     This lusty creature was boiling his nuts in oil!  Surprising
himself, Hunter knew he had never wanted a woman like this before.
What the hell was going on?  He had all the women he wanted.  Yet
there was a difference with this one.  What?
     He stuck his tongue in her hole and tongue fucked her.  His
cock had never been harder.  His balls had never been fuller.  He
wouldn't be able to tease her much longer, or he'd be ejaculating
in his pants like Hazun.
     When Hunter's tongue delved deep inside her tush, Katt's
bottom bounced on the bed like a basketball on the court.  And to
think that only hours ago, she had seduced Sandor, believing that
that fuck would be her last for a good long while, perhaps a year-
-or two.
     "Suck my pussy good!  I'm going to cum in your mouth,
     Hunter went wild, eating her ravenously.  When she spilled in
his mouth, he gulped it thirstily and then quickly moved up over
her.  He had to fuck her!
     "Glorious cunt!  Got to fuck it before my nuts explode, you
horny tart!"
     Katt felt as if she could not stand more ecstasy, or she
would burst wide open.  When she felt his cockhead press against
her hole, she automatically strained for more.
     "Screw you, baby!" Hunter growled.  He thrust his big weapon
forward.  Even though her pussy was swampy as hell, and she was
begging for it, her tightness stopped him from going all the way
with one plunge.
     Katt gasped in shock.  Not since she had been a virgin had a
man had such trouble getting his cock in her.  She wanted Hunter
to hurry.  She was frantic, her flesh white-hot.  She rotated her
hips and thrust upward, helping him to get it in her cunt as
quickly as possible.
     It took five or six thrusts before the entire ten inches was
buried inside her.  Katt could hardly believe how hard and thick
and long his cock was.  It filled her so rapturously full.  The
bulk of it was causing incredible rapture.  It was as if her
entire core was throbbingly cumming on his pulsating cock.  Yet
she was not having an orgasm.  My God, what would it be like when
she did?  She would lose her mind.
     Half-sobbing, Katt's cries became wilder as Hunter began to
fuck her with the huge rod.  His furry balls swung to and fro,
making dull slapping sounds against her ass.
     She shook all over with ecstasy and forcefully thrust herself
up at him.
     Her pussy was so tight!  Supporting most of his weight on his
arms, Hunter fucked her slow and steady, trying to hold back his
climax.  She was a frustrated woman, and he could not allow
himself to lose it before she did.
     Moans growing louder, Katt began to pound her cunt onto
Hunter's randy stalk.  She put her hands over her breasts and
kneaded them, something she had never done to herself before while
making love.  Mindless ecstasy made her toss her head from side to
side and cry out.
     Accelerating and strengthening his strokes, Hunter gazed down
at the vamp beneath him with gutter lust in his eyes.  "Cum!  Cum!
Cum!" he began to chant, realizing his own time was perilously
short.  With a forceful hip thrust, Hunter drove all ten inches of
his spear deep into her tight hole.  He groaned as his spitting
shaft foamed at the mouth.  Orgiastic, it jerked and raged as it
cast out gushes of hot cream.
     At the same instant that Hunter's milky load blasted the
insides of her belly, Katt's pussy erupted.
     At every gush of fluid hitting her cervix, Katt shrieked with
bliss.  The contractions were acute as they ripped through her,
twisting and jerking her body.  She had suspected that making love
to Hunter Beal would be astounding, but this far surpassed that.
It was a totally uncontrolled, mind-boggling climax.
     Hunter's prick did not lose its virility.  When he withdrew
it, her tight pussy clung, not wanting to relinquish it.
     Katt let her arms fall away from his back.  Laying limply on
the bed, seeing him through a fog, Katt tried to think of
something to say.  Nothing, however, came to mind.
     "I can't remember when I've ever been so hot for a woman."
Hunter grinned at her.  "Not regretting it, are you?"
     Seeing that he still had a seething hard-on, she shook her
head.  "I felt the same way.  I would only regret it if Ted would
find out.  It would hurt him deeply."
     His eyes narrowed.  "Are you sure?  He seems more interested
in his work than his wife."
     "No ... I'm not sure.  Though I believe that Ted would feel
betrayed.  He may not have as strong a need for sex, not like me
anyway, but he does have a need to know that I am there, in the
wings--supporting him, waiting for him."
     "Sounds like a lousy way to maintain a marriage to me."
     "Are you married?"
     "Have you ever been?"
     "I thought playboys seduced virgins, not other men's wives,"
Katt said saucily, eyeing Hunter curiously.
     "I wouldn't know.  I'm not a playboy.  I'm a hard-headed
businessman.  I've no time for globe-hopping and wining and dining
a different female every night."
     "You could have fooled me," Katt replied, running a finger
over his roughly stubbled cheek.
     "You are worth the trouble, and the time to wine and dine,"
Hunter said, his eyes twinkling and his rod twitching against her
     "You are so outlandishly brazen," Katt said, for lack of a
better word.
     "You made me brazen.  You're an irresistible witch. From the
moment I saw you stroll into that tent, I wanted to screw you.  I
want to screw you now.  You look so sedate, so regally cool, yet I
knew you would be a fabulous fuck.  You are even more passionate,
more stimulating than I'd hoped."
     Katt's fiery pussy seared Hunter's cock head as he raised her
leg and it slid into her.  He audibly caught his breath.  He
clasped her tight and kissed her hungrily, demandingly.  His hands
moved up and down her back and then slid lower over her shapely
     Katt thrust herself back and forth on Hunter's prick, her
buttocks clasping and relaxing rapidly.  Her strength and stamina
had returned.
     Katt's heart lurched, and she felt absolutely carnal, when
Hunter's fingers slid into her crack and rubbed up and down.  Hot
desire flamed through every fibre of her being.  She moaned and
began to pant.
     Hunter started hammering into her cunt with urgency, his rod
steelier and bigger than ever before.
     Hazun lurked behind the door jam staring at the golden
beauty's butt, which his sahib was unwittingly holding open for
his pleasure.  He beat his meat, suppressing his need to groan and
make other unwise sounds of pleasure.  His lust-filled eyes never
left her thrashing bottom, hoping to catch a glimpse of her golden
     He had been too cautious to peer in earlier.  But as his
vicious fluids stirred, and his dick grew more and more dense, he
had been driven to less judicious behaviour.  The sahib would be
very angry if he was discovered.
     Hunter groaned as Katt's pussy squeezed down on his cock.
Her cries of, "I'm cumming!" drove him wild.  He jackhammered into
her cunt, shooting off his boiling nuts in flaming spurts.
     On the spot, Hazun splashed the floor, frantically jerking
his dick and trying to make no sound.
     Katt felt Hunter pull out of her and roll her onto her back.
She opened her eyes to the feel of a tongue devotedly licking her
pussy.  Katt began to groan softly.
     Behind the door, Hazun had quickly stuffed his member back
into his fly and was frantically mopping up his mess.  He knew the
sahib was busy eating pussy, and he was anxious to see what it
looked like.  Yet he must clean up the evidence of his excitement
before he dared peek again, just in case the sahib decided to come
out of the bedroom.  He could hear every slurp that was made in
the room, for the walls were paper thin.
     Katt raised her head and looked down between her legs at her
muscular lover.  She could see the sinews in Hunter's broad
shoulders and firm back flex powerfully. Not only was Hunter
powerful in a physical way, he was damnably potent, and all too
capable of turning her into a nymphomaniac.
     Behind the door, Hazun felt his cock stiffen erratically as
he stared at mem-sahib's golden-haired snatch. What he could see
around the sahib's mouth, it was all wet and pink and beautifully
sexy.  He wanted to touch it, knew he never could.  If only she
would somehow become a cult member...  Hazun took his cock out of
his pants and began to stroke his second hard-on in isolation.
     Something, or nothing, made Katt look up.  She saw Hazun.
Her mouth dropped open.  Lust was written all over his face, and
from the movement of his neck and shoulder, she could tell that he
was jerking off.  He was spying on them!
     Hazun's startled eyes flew wide with fear as they locked with
hers.  He had been caught!  He froze in stunned tableau.  A spasm,
more fright than orgasm, shook him.  He felt his balls hurl their
load and his knees go weak.
     Blank, amazed, at the thrill she felt, Katt saw the white
streaks of sperm shoot with force from his cock.  She recalled
Hunter saying that they had no secrets from each other.  Did he
allow Hazun to watch and jerk off?
     Hunter had paid no attention to her cry.  In the very midst
of wild, intoxicating passion, Katt's attention sharply veered
from the servant as Hunter flipped her over like a sack of
     He ran his hands over her buttocks.  From behind, he came up
over her, double-handed her hips and shoved his cock into her
     Unable to see if Hazun had left his secret place, she felt a
tingle of something strange.  What if he was still watching?  He
had seen her letting Hunter lick and suck her pussy.  He could be
just as sneakily watching her let Hunter fuck her in this naughty
doggie position, for her back was now to the doorway.
     The deep, sudden penetration made her cry out with pleasure
as she took all of Hunter's meat to the hilt.  In this position,
his long, thick cock probed her cunt incredibly deep.
     At the moment of discovery, Hazun had been unable to move.
And when he realized that the mem-sahib was not going to turn his
sahib on him, Hazun lingered a moment longer, because his knees
had turned to jelly. Now, he was getting another hard-on as the
sahib fucked that golden delight full of cock again.  Very full of
cock. The sahib sure was hung!  Mem-sahib liked that big prick
too, if her writhing ass was any indication.  His own nine-incher
leapt upright with lust.  Hazun hoped she had liked his cock too.
When she had watched him shoot, Hazun had been transported to
blood and thunder ecstasy.
     Arising from her brain, shudders of raw passion began in
Katt's head and rampaged down her spine to her cunt, hitting every
nerve in between her pulsating twat as tongues of flame licked her
entire being.  Firebrands shot out in every direction.  Strong,
involuntary spasms caused her pussy to alternately grip and
release Hunter's gorilla prick.
     "You are a fiery piece!" Hunter mumbled, and with extreme
self-control, managed to keep from cumming.
     Making wild guttural sounds in her throat, Katt remained in
raging rapture, climaxing heatedly as Hunter teased a finger over
her wet clit.  Katt was glowing red-hot, therefore his act made
her even moreso than it might otherwise have done.
     There was a gnawing carnal need deep inside Hunter that made
him want to fuck her.  There was every chance that she had taken
it from behind before, but he couldn't be certain.  Although his
dick was still in her horny pussy plowing away, Hunter's mind had
it buried deep in her mouth, loving her.
     With long, fast, strokes meant to keep her cumming, Hunter
felt his balls tighten as they did every time he got close to his
orgasm.  Well, there was no stopping it.  His raging rod spewed
load after load of buttermilk in her cunt.
     Through envious eyes, Hazun watched his sahib fuck Katt, felt
his cock erupt again and pump a monstrous load of seed on the
     Hunter pulled his finger away from her cunt with a pop.  She
had not voiced even a token protest, which pleased him and made
him hopeful that the beautiful woman would be willing to indulge
in anything with him. He pulled away from her and tumbled with her
to the bed.
     Delighted, Hunter held her and kissed her.  "You are the
sexiest female I have ever known!  I want you totally, completely-
-in every way."
     "You have just had me," she murmured, her eyes shiny with
satisfaction.  "If you take me again, I'll not be able to walk
tomorrow.  How will I explain that to my husband?"
     "He'll never notice.  There are many ways to make love to a
woman.  Tonight, you have only sampled the most common one."
     "Three," she counted and snuggled her head against his
     "Ahh, you were counting," he chided, and gave her a playful
pinch on the rear.
     Katt yelped.
     "I want to make love to you all the ways there are, until we
are both ready to drop from exhaustion."
     "I want that too, darling" she replied softly.  "But it's my
first night home, and Ted just may keep his promise and come home
earlier than usual."
     Hunter scowled.  "He knows you're with me?"
     "Yes.  But it must be close to eleven o'clock and he would
     Hunter sighed.  He had hoped to detain her for another fuck,
dog style.  All he could think about was her fabulous wet cuntal
opening and how fuckably exciting he found it.  He sat up and
coaxed her over on her belly.
     "Just one kiss.  Then, I'll drive you home."
     A tremor of excitement raced down her spine at the slow,
sensuous movements of his lips over her buttocks.
     A fever began to rage in Hunter's flesh.  He raised Katt
until her enticing rear was in the air, her face pressed against
the mattress.
     Allowing him to position her however he wanted, Katt thought
Hunter only meant to continue kissing her buns. It was with a
shock that she felt Hunter spread her ass cheeks.  And it was an
ever greater shock when she felt his tongue wipe across her
     With a forward lurch, Katt cried out.
     Hunter held her fast and reverently ran his tongue all around
the tiny puckered opening, tasting its musky flavour.  His cock
turned to stone.  His tongue darted over her thighs.
     Discomposed, shocked, confused, Katt didn't know what to do.
She had forgotten Hazun until then.  Good God, was he watching
Hunter lick her ass?  Even in her abashed state, a stab of wanton
arousal shot through Katt.
     "Why not?  Your rosebud is so beautiful.  I just had to kiss
it, sweetheart," he said, making her believe for one crazy moment
that it was the most natural thing in the world for a man to kiss
a woman's asshole.
     He kissed it again.  "Now, doesn't that feel good?"
     "Yes, but it's not nice," she said.
     "I think everything about you is very nice."
     In consternation, Katt tried to twist away as he stuck his
nose against her asshole and sniffed.  But he had a hold of her
hips.  Hunter was smelling her asshole! What was she to do?  It
was so filthy!  She began to move, grind her rump around and moan
     Suddenly, Hunter's hands spread her buttocks and his tongue
went wild at her love opening.
     He didn't dare lick her pussy for long or he'd blast off.
Looking at her naked rear end, Hunter probed delicately into her
clenching cunt with one finger--tight.
     Katt was incited to a new high of lust as Hunter ignited her
mind with the insertion of a slick fingertip. Hazun ... where was
Hazun?  Rippling desire made her forget the peeping servant and
squirm uncontrollably.
     Wanting to hook her for one last sex act, Hunter kissed her
hole and gently pushed his finger deeper into her love nest and
carefully wriggled it around.  When she gave a low moan of
pleasure, he knew she was his.
     Being a lover of sex, Hunter knew what he was doing with this
woman.  He loved fucking women.  He'd rather fuck pussy anytime
than eat.  It was more exciting to Hunter.  That Katt was
accepting it so readily elated him.
     The hitch and hike movements of her bottom started Katt's
breasts swinging and bouncing.  Horrified, she heard herself moan
lustily and could not stop the rotation of her hips.  Hunter was
fucking her with his finger, pulling it out fast and cramming it
back into her.  Wow! She was behaving like a--a...
     Unpredictably, the rapture-giving digit left her.  Katt
glanced back to see why he'd quit playing in her cunt so suddenly.
     Hunter grinned at her, stood up, and took his rock-hard cock
in his hand.  "Have you had sex doggy style before?"
     "Yes!" she gasped, heart beating her to death, her face a
crimson blush.  Why was he asking her if she had done something
like this - with other men?
     Trembling, she heard Hunter say, "You are going to have lots
of sex with me, sweetheart."
     She knew she should adamantly refuse.  But Katt wanted Hunter
to do it to her, so, she kept still.  Nevertheless, she could not
still her body.
     Katt was shaking so hard that Hunter had doubts about
proceeding.  With one hand, he held his throbbing cock in
readiness, but did not move to mount her.
     "Don't be frightened.  I won't hurt you," he assured Katt in
a softly spoken tone.
     "I can't stop shaking.  I want you to--do it to me."
     "You're too uptight now," he said and guided his prick to her
pussy slit.  When she got hot and forgot about being scared, he
could take her again.  Then, she would not be so uptight about it.
     Katt had an urge to tell him to go ahead, to impale her again
and again on his big member.  But it was imbedded in her pussy
now, and it felt stupendous.  To Katt, it seemed like his super-
sized cock was actually submerged in her throat.  Exquisite
sensations of the most lewd nature bombarded her.
     "I'm happy you want to fuck me--you know..."
     "From behind?  I did.  I do.  But you are not ready to take
it all darling."  His finger moved between her legs to play a
frantic tattoo on her sensitive clit.
     Katt began to hump back and forth.  Soon, she was lurching
forward and plummeting back in wild abandon.  "Fuck me!  Fuck my
pussy, Hunter!  Your big cock makes me feel so good!  Faster ...
move, move faster ... please!"
     His cock jerked urgently in her clenching pussy. Damn!  He
had wanted her just as soon as she mellowed out and was hot and
ready for it.  But she had him so wild, so horny, he knew he'd
never make it now.  He would go off before he got it out of her
cunt and into her mouth.  His left hand remained at the top of her
hotly aroused vee, twiddling her wet clit.  His other went up to
her pitching tit, which he found her clutching.
     Seeking the other breast, Hunter pressed and squeezed the
nipple, manipulating it in his fingers, making her moan with
     Katt whimpered and trembled.  Arousal swept through her.  The
long, powerful strokes of his hard prick inside her cunt, while
his fingers frigged her stiff clit, caused intense pleasure like
she would never have believed.
     "Darling, I wanted to cum in your beautiful mouth," Hunter
gasped, plowing into her.  He had to be satisfied with looking at
it.  "Screw!  Fuck!  Hump!"
     His passionate commands sent ripples cavorting down her
spinal column and blood pounding even faster through her veins.
At that instant, Katt would have done anything Hunter asked of
     Gripping her waist, Hunter whipped his cock in and out of her
cunt at a dizzying clip.
     "Your beautiful ass!  Shake it, baby!  Bounce it back at me!
Fuck your brains out!"  He slid his fingers into her slamming
crack and found her asshole, teasing her rectum with his finger.
     "Want to fuck this lush body!" he moaned, driving his long
shlong to the hilt.
     Feeling his fuck-dick burrow deep in her pussy, Katt cried
out for Hunter to fuck her--hard!
     "Your mouth?" her big lover panted.  "Too fucking late!"
     Katt cried, "Yes!  Yes!  Fuck my face!"  Wriggling her ass,
Katt didn't recognize herself.  She couldn't believe how
positively nasty, how wonderfully lusty she felt.  She couldn't
wait for him to do that wild thing to her.
     While she was hot, Hunter thrust another finger at her clit
so that she was actually getting double pleasure.  He was so
fucking turned on, he could barely control the urge to shoot his
balls off.  Her pussy was so hot and tight...
     The slurp-slurp sound of her wet pussy suctioning his cock
incited Katt even more.  His finger at her clit made her feel so
     "Next time, I'm going to screw your face, darling!"
     Her cunt contracted deliciously.  Rigorous jolts of orgasmic
ecstasy jerked Katt's body like she was having a fit.  Turbulently
climaxing, madly insensate, she humped and ground her cunt harder
and faster as waves of passion spun her into outer space.
     Plowing his exploding cock deep, Hunter came, gasping for
breath and clinging to Katt's hips until his balls were drained

                            Chapter 3

     The rough sand dug into Katt's knees as she painstakingly
scraped away grains from what appeared to be a large, man-made
vessel.  Its meaning was clear. Dravidians had lived here.  The
bones had not been from some unfortunate wanderer.  The vessel
gave credence to the fact that sometime around the 3rd millennium,
when the Dravidian's were invaded by other Indo-European tribes,
some of them had fled to the Thar Desert.  Here, they had lived
primitively as compared to the near splendour they had enjoyed in
the Indus Valley.  She felt a sadness at their plight.  How they
must have suffered, before the elements finally killed them, or
drove them away.  Nevertheless, this had been their home.
     Katt adjusted her position and let her mind wander as she
     She knew that Ted was aware that fellatio had been prevalent
in India in ancient times.  He also was aware that currently,
sodomy was the favoured sex act. What would her husband say if he
knew she had let herself be initiated into wanton lust last night,
by Hunter?
     Hunter ... It was odd, this feeling she had about him. He had
been a good lover.  Not a great lover as she had expected.  Just
     At lunch time, Katt was eating alone, as usual, when Sandor
approached her very respectfully.  He bowed. She caught the
whispered word, 'auparishtaka'.  That was the word for mouthing a
man's lingum, his cock, wasn't it?  Sandor wanted her to go down
on him? Then, Katt caught the word 'jaghana'.  Sandor wanted to
give her head!
     Heart aflutter, Katt cast a sidelong look in her husband's
direction.  He was out of sight, down in the trench.
     Katt had her mouth open, ready to say no, but thought better
of it.  Why not?  Ted wouldn't even notice her absence.  She
motioned for Sandor to follow her to the jeep and said, "Home."
     It was a word that Sandor knew well, and when he heard it, he
smiled broadly.  The jeep roared to life and they sped away in a
cloud of dust.
     Upon arriving at the hut, Katt sent her ayah--female servant-
-to the communal well.  Bhadra spoke broken English.  But she
understood perfectly that mem-sahib wished to be alone with
     Taking his time, Sandor removed her shirt.  He kissed Katt's
earlobes and neck.  He licked her shoulders.  The bra was cast
aside.  His kisses covered her breasts and he nibbled deliciously
on her taut nipples.  His hands rubbed the skin of her back as he
gently continued to bite her flesh.
     Reading the Indian sex guide, Kama Sutra, had hardly prepared
Katt for the actual arousal of this simple act of nibbling and
biting of the skin.  Her whole being seemed to be filling with
passion beneath his seductive foreplay.  As Katt felt the eager
affection coming from Sandor, she loosened up to him.  Although
his hands were rough, they gently caressed her.
     Throat dry, Katt felt a dizzying current of desire race
through her as Sandor's hand cupped her cunt.  There was a
practiced ease about Sandor that intensified her response.  Katt
arched her back beneath his strokes. Even the hot desert air
seemed electrified.
     Katt heard herself moan and felt Sandor ease her crossways of
the bed, on her back.  Her eyes followed him as he aimed his huge,
pulsing erection directly over her head.  He leaned over.  Katt
opened her mouth, expecting him to insert his penis in it, but it
missed and bumped her neck.
     Sandor's capable hands grasped her waist and lifted.
     "Ahhhh," Katt gasped as she felt herself swept upward.  Blood
rushed to her head as Sandor once again stood upright, holding her
upside down.  Automatically, Katt wrapped her legs around his
head.  His hardened passion pole bobbed squarely in front of her
lips.  Her heartbeat throbbed wildly in her ears.
     Sandor lowered his head.  His tongue began to lick the pink
prettiness between her legs.  The delicacy, he found meticulously
clean, and spicy smelling.  The tip of his tongue teased around
the clitoris, sticking it with saliva and wetting the golden
fringe above.
     Excitement caused Katt's pussy to lubricate itself even more.
It caused her nipples to stand hard and the surrounding flesh to
pucker.  It caused a delightful shiver of desire and her mouth to
open and suck his member in.
     Highly aware of the strength and warmth of the Indian, Katt
felt a kindling of fire in her midsection as he used all his power
and undeniable talent to arouse her to orgasm.  She sucked
heartily on the sweet, musky, intoxicating cock.  Her limbs
trembled as she clung to him.
     Hands clamped on his buttocks, Katt pulled on his hips,
taking Sandor's entire pulsing length down her throat.  At first,
she gagged, but she kept trying.
     Sandor found it difficult to hold onto the squirming mem-
sahib.  Her golden muff tickled his nose.  Her pussy nectar was
unsurpassed.  And now her untutored mouth was running mad on his
prick.  Her fingers worked his nut sacs.  She would be fabulous
with a little training.  As it was, she already had his cock
dribbling pre-cum and he was ready to splash tartar sauce in her
     Wrought up, Katt felt a steamy heat permeate her. And then,
her clit went forcefully twitchy.  Unable to do anything but enjoy
her own pleasure, Katt pulled her mouth off Sandor's big prick.
     Sandor, in turn, pushed his tongue into her hot pussy and
twirled it around, tasting her juices.  They were sweet and highly
arousing.  Due to long training in the sexual arts, he held off
his own orgasm.  Her exclamations of delight and her wildly
twisting gyrations pleased him.  He ate her out until the
passionate fluttering of her clit stopped altogether.
     Oddly gentle and caring, Sandor lowered her down on the bed.
     Katt looked at Sandor and spoke to him, even though she knew
he would not understand.  "When I read the Kama Sutra, I did not
understand why you people of India seemed to have so many standing
positions for making love."  Her lips bowed in a satisfied smile.
"Now, I understand."  She raised her arms to him.  "You didn't
     Sandor came down on the bed beside her, his throbbing cock
incredibly stiff and seeping juices.  He stretched full length on
his back, his legs only inches apart.  By gesture and pressure on
her body parts, he indicated that he wished her to mount him.
     Unlike most American males, Indian men supposedly appreciate
the aggressive female.  Feeling undue excitement, Katt crouched
above her Indian lover.
     Copious juices flowed from his manly cockhead now. She
reached down to steady it.
     His dark eyes had a blazing, faraway look in them.
     She could not help but wonder at her reasons for enjoying
this man so much more than she had enjoyed Hunter.  Sandor had
neither the athletic body of Hunter, nor the handsome features.
But he sure knew what to do to please a woman--a pussy.  Not that
Hunter hadn't been good.  He had, but Sandor was excellent. He
seemed to ooze sexual excitement, while at the same time was
gentle and considerate, caring for her pleasure before his own.
     Slowly, Katt lowered herself over Sandor's thick-stemmed
prick.  She did not realize that it was her own look of
enthrallment that was mirrored in her lover's face.
     An electric shock scorched through his loins when her tight
cunt sank down over his meat.  As if she knew the position well,
the mem-sahib's knees bent parallel to Sandor's sides, and without
any assistance from him, she began to ride his cock.  Sandor
uttered a groan of desire, placed a hand at each side of her
narrow waist and assisted her in gliding up and down his iron
     Not worrying if she was doing it right, Katt simply rode him
to please herself.  His bulky prick made her flesh throb.  Her
syrupy cunt clutched at his dick.  She began to roll her hips on
his big phallus as she bounced up and down.  Good Lord, how she
loved to fuck!
     Beneath her, Sandor breathed harsh and heavy, his chest rose
and fell at a rapid rate.  His hips thrust as he drove up into her
descending, superslick pussy.  Her own body movements became more
     Of a sudden, Sandor's hands left her hips.  One stroked and
fondled her breasts and gently pinched her passion-swollen
nipples.  The other manipulated her clit.
     "Aaahhhh!  Oh, God, do it ... Make me cum!  Fuck me! Drive it
in me!  I love your cock, Sandor!  Give me all of it!"
     Her back arched, her head flew back; Katt strained for her
orgasm.  Her face was a twisted mask of passion.
     Sandor timed the squeeze of her nipples and her clit at the
same instant as he felt his balls explode in ecstasy. His prick
powerfully hammered her gyrating, sucking cunt.
     "Quite a show."
     Cumming, choking with surprise and passion, the heat of fear
in her jerking body, Katt whipped herself off Sandor's cock to
squarely face the intruder.
     "In the flesh," he drawled, regarding her from deceptively
lazy-lidded eyes.
     "Get out of here!"
     "Uh uh!" He shook his head.  "Send your lover away. I want to
talk to you."
     An icy fear overcame her and spread through her as Hunter
spoke sharply to Sandor.
     Sandor replied just as sharply, got off the bed and stepped
forward to confront Hunter.
     Menacingly, Hunter shoved away from the wall.  They stood
nose to nose, toe to toe, one fully clothed and devastatingly
handsome, one naked and common looking.
     For one insane moment, Katt thought the two men were going to
come to blows.  Grasping the sheet around her, she bounded off the
bed and grasped Sandor's arm, pulling him away from Hunter.  She
handed him his clothes and motioned that he should go.
     Katt could tell by his dark scowl that Sandor didn't like
being sent away.  Still, she didn't see what else she could do.
But when he left the room, she turned her anger on Hunter.
     "How dare you walk into my home without knocking!"
     "You forget that my money is paying for this roof over your
head," he replied with maddening calm.
     "That doesn't give you a right to..."
     "Shut up!"  He eyed her for a long moment.  "Ted know you
have a thing going with his servant?"
     "No!  And he doesn't know about my affair with you either,"
she said defiantly.
     Sandor hovered just outside the doorway, ready to intervene
if the sahib raised a finger to the mem-sahib.
     "Maybe he should."
     "You can't!"
     "Can't I!"
     "If you want to take revenge on me--because of Sandor--then
do it, but have the decency to leave Ted out of it."
     "Why should I?  Ted can't get verbal with me.  I'm his only
financial source, and he will never do anything to jeopardize the
     Katt that what Hunter said was true.  Ted would never
jeopardize the dig.  It was not wounded pride, or even the
embarrassment of facing up to what she had done that made her beg.
She loved Ted, and she did not want him hurt by learning of her
cheating.  Not from Hunter. Not this way.  If he had to know, she
wanted to be the one to tell him.  Terrible regrets assailed her.
     "Please, Hunter ... Don't bring Ted into this.  Let it remain
between you and me."
     Lazily this time, sure of himself, he pushed himself away
from the doorway and with two strides was standing before her.  He
jerked the sheet away from her body.
     Sandor was through the doorway in a flash.  Katt gasped,
tried to cover herself with her hands and wave Sandor off at the
same time.
     Hunter, although he ignored the servant, took a couple of
steps back from Katt.  He eyed her dispassionately.  "I've already
seen all you've got."  He tilted his head.  "So has he.  Ted would
be interested to know that we have fucked you," he added nastily.
     Shaking her head vigorously, her face pale, Katt felt a lump
in her throat choke her.  Her pleading eyes filled with tears.
     Immune to her humiliation, Hunter's eyes held an expression
of satisfaction,.  His voice was stern, with no vestige of
sympathy in its demand.
     "Ted is onto a major find.  You will turn over to me all
artifacts you uncover--immediately."
     "I can't do that!"
     "You will!"
     "The Indian government..."
     "Does not need to know exactly what you find.  Lie to them!
Give them just enough to keep them convinced that they are getting
it all.  If you don't, I will have nothing to lose by telling Ted
how his loving wife spends her lunch hour."
     Katt began to shake uncontrollably.  Hunter was blackmailing
     "You deliberately set me up for this, so I couldn't refuse to
help you steal from my husband!" she charged bitterly.
     Sandor?  Was he involved?  She looked at the Indian. No.  She
could never believe that.  Everything about him said that he
wanted to grab Hunter and throw him out.
     Hunter grinned.  "That's right.  Now get dressed.  I'm going
to drive you to the site and you are going to tag the three items
that were found this morning.  Then, you are going to place them
in my hands for safe transport to--Delhi."
     The way he stressed Delhi told Katt that they were not
destined for the capital at all.  What was he going to do with
them?  Smuggle them out of India?  Sell them to museums and pocket
the money?
     Ted--all his work, all recognition for his two long years of
struggle, of untold hours of searching--gone!  He'd be wiped out
by this man standing before her.  Why had she not listened to her
instincts before jumping into bed with Hunter?
     "Is this why you popped out of nowhere to pick up the
financing of the dig when the grant was up?  So you could smuggle
the artifacts out and make a fortune selling them?  Hunter, please
don't do this.  Ted has worked so hard.  He at least deserves
credit for his discoveries.  Some of these things are priceless.
You can share the credit.  Just don't deny him, not when he is so
     "Charming, the caring wife pleading for her husband," he
taunted sarcastically.  "Why should you give a damn?"
     His tone was nasty, and perhaps she deserved it, but in her
eyes, his remarks made the man into a mouse. Curiously, Katt eyed
Hunter.  This was what she had sensed about him deep inside
herself.  There was nothing about Hunter now that appealed to her
in the least. She did not think he was handsome.  She didn't
admire him.  She didn't respect him.  And she did not fear him.
However, there was a cold, terrible anger building in her.
     She began to pull on her clothes.  "If you want everything
dated, tagged and treated, it will take me well into the night.
No reputable museum will deal with you unless you can tell them
how old the artifact is."
     "I have some important calls to make.  I'll be out first
thing in the morning, and I'll expect everything to be ready."
     Katt gave him a curt nod and strode past Hunter, caught
Sandor by the hand and walked to the jeep with him.
     Thinking, Katt was silent on the drive to the dig. Sandor
kept muttering to himself and patting her leg. When the jeep
stopped before the tent, she gave Sandor a pat on the shoulder to
let him know she was all right. Then she got out.
     Katt sprinted across the sand and jumped down into the
     "Ted!"  She ran toward her husband, and saw him glance up
with a surprised look on his face.
     Ted knew she was not the kind of woman to show alarm.  His
wife's face was flushed, and there was a wild look about her eyes.
     Heart hammering in her chest like war drums, she said, "Come
with me!"
     Without one word of argument, Ted rose and followed her.  She
led him back to the tent.
     "Tell Sandor to stand guard and let no one in," she said.
     Ted, never having seen his wife so distressed, so worked up,
did as she asked, wondering what the hell was up.
     There, in the heat of the desert, beneath the shade of the
tent, Katt quietly told her husband about her sexual escapades,
leaving nothing out.  Her voice breaking now and then, was the
only sign of her emotional despair.
     Ted took her in his arms and held her.  Was he dreaming?
God, how he wanted to make love to her now--right now!
     Katt clenched her jaw to kill the sob in her throat. Through
her tangled black misery, she realized that her husband's cock was
rock hard and pressing against her belly.  Then, Ted was speaking.
     "Darling, there has been such a dreadful misunderstanding
between us.  I believed you wouldn't understand my driving need
for sex.  And all the time, you were wanting it as badly as I.
How unhappy, how miserable you must have been all this time!  I'll
make it up to you, I promise."  He rocked her in his arms.
     Katt began to cry softly.
     Suddenly, it struck the professor that something else was
dreadfully wrong.  He held her slightly away from him, gazing down
at her.  "What drove you to confess this now, darling?"
     Katt swallowed hard and wiped away the tears with the back of
her hand.  Her surprise and admiration for Ted veered sharply to
burning anger for Hunter.
     She spat out the word, "Hunter is blackmailing me! He is not
going to get away with it!"
     She regretted her words, because Ted lost his erection.  But
she was determined to leave nothing out.
     "That bastard!"  Ted flew into a rage.  He paced back and
forth in the tent with a vicious look of anger contorting his
     Seeing this side of him scared her.  It was a few seconds
before she ventured to speak.  "It was Hunter's own suggestion.
He said that if we make a major find, I should lie to the
authorities, tell them it was some minor thing.  I plan to do the
same thing to Hunter.  If he comes around, don't tell him the
truth about what you might have discovered.  In that way, we'll be
able to hold him off until we decide what to do."
     "He won't know that I know about any of this, so he won't
suspect me of holding out," Ted said thoughtfully. "However, he
could question the workers."
     "They are loyal to you.  Speak to them!  Tell them what we
suspect, if you have to, to gain their cooperation."
     Still angry, Ted nodded, his fists balled at his sides.
     "This is all my fault.  I'm sorry Ted--so sorry," Katt said
with deep regret in her tone.
     "It's my fault too," Ted declared.  "I should have understood
your needs better."  Ted came to her then and took her in his arms
again.  "I'm not angry with you for doing it with Sandor--or even
Hunter.  While you were in the states, I fucked Bhadra."
     "You did?" Katt's eyes were wide with astonishment.
     He nodded.  "This is erotic India, Katt.  Surely you know of
the Kama Sutra, even if you haven't read it."
     "I know it." Katt admitted huskily.  "I've read it from cover
to cover a few times."
     His expression softened and his eyes began to sparkle.
"Sandor is into the Kama Sutra pretty heavily.  Which position did
he use with you?"
     Katt blushed nervously.  "Reciprocal oral sex, I think it's
called, in a standing position."
     "I'll bet that was something to see!  Did you lick his cock,
suck it until he came in your mouth?"
     Astounded to hear her husband speak so openly about the
intimate details of her trysts, Katt felt his cock grow hard
against her belly again.  Ted was becoming aroused!
     She whispered, "Yes."
     "Did Sandor eat your pussy until you came in his mouth?"
     "Ted, why do you want to know?" she asked with a groan of
     "Feel."  He drew her hand down to his crotch.  "Tell me all
about it, darling, please.  How else did our Sandor fuck you?"
     Despite her rattled state, Katt felt her pussy respond
moistly to her husband's stiffness and to his intimate questions.
     "On the way from the air strip, we did it doggy-style."
     Quickly crossing to the door of the tent, Ted took the flap
down and lashed it in place.  Then, he turned back to his wife.
     "Pull your pants down.  Show me how you bent over and spread
yourself for Sandor.  Bend over the table."
     With unreasoning excitement, Katt eagerly complied with her
husband's wishes.  She could not believe that Ted was being so
open-minded about her affairs. Open-minded hell!  He had gotten so
horny during her "confession" that it appeared he was going to
fuck her himself.
     Just before Katt turned to drape her torso across the table,
she had the exciting thrill of seeing Ted pull his prick out and
stroke the big tool with his hand.
     Ted's lust-filled gaze impacted with her pouty, sexy pussy,
which was enticingly cupped between her velvety thighs.  The labia
were closed, but he could see lovejuices glistening on them.
     Katt felt her husband move up behind her.  His big finger
touched her lips, opened them wide.  "God, baby, you've got a
tempting cunt."  He slid a finger into her moistness.
     "Did Sandor lick your pussy before he fucked it?"
     "Uh..."  Katt could not remember if he had or not. But, she
wanted her husband to do it, so she replied, "Yes, he did!"
     "Baby," he groaned.  There was a shaky intensity in Ted's
voice.  "Did he lick your sweet pussy like this?"
     "Oh, God, yes, darling."  Katt's eyes rolled back in her head
as she felt her husband's warm breath on her flesh. When his
broad, wet tongue took long laps, making obscene licking sounds,
Katt grew tremendously excited.
     "I'm going to tongue-fuck you.  Cum in my mouth, baby," the
professor moaned as he stabbed his stiff tongue into the saturated
slit.  His long nose pressed against her anus; he sniffed the
heady aroma of his wife's asshole.  God damn!  How many times had
he dreamed of eating her sweet pussy out like this?  He had been
an idiot to believe that she would be shocked and repulsed. His
love for her had held him in check.
     Now, Ted's tongue went wild on her cunt.  He shoved his nose
against her asshole, and his tongue up her twat. Manually, his
fingers stimulated her clit.  A pussy epicurean, Ted munched her
cunt until she came.  Then he devoured her juices greedily.
     "Eat me." Katt begged, her fingers digging at the wood of the
table.  Her ass went into perpetual motion like Ixion's wheel.
     Unable to deny himself, Ted pulled his nose out of her ass
and his tongue out of her cunt.
     "Baby, I've got to screw you!"
     "Do it!  Fuck me, darling!" she cried, wanting her husband
     Much as Katt had learned about her husband in the last few
minutes, she was nevertheless staggered to feel his cock head
press against her lewdly.  Yes, her own husband, was going to take
     He grasped her by the thighs, stretched her apart, nearly
lifting her feet off the ground.
     Taking her breath away, Ted slid the head of his cock into
her open gash.
     "Ahhh, darling ... oh, yes, fuck me there, like that, like
Hunter did."
     She felt her husband's cock jerk in her hot pussy as he
steadily drove it into her.  Ted definitely got aroused whenever
she mentioned what she had let other men do to her.
     "Oh, God, Ted, the way Hunter fucked me was such a delicious
pleasure.  He shoved his big cock into my love tunnel ... took me
from behind ... fucked my lovehole like the very first time ever.
But not as magnificently as you are, darling!"
     "Keep talking, baby.  I love it!  I love sliding my prick in
and out of your hot cunt, while you tell me how another man did it
to you!"
     Katt rotated her rear on her husband's tentpole; her head
wagged from side to side.
     "Hunter told me he found the sight of my smooth white thighs
swallowing his prick, very exciting.  Do you, darling?"
     "How could I not," Ted groaned, and slid his finger down to
circle her clit.
     "This is a wonderful, wondrous fuck, Ted, and I love it,"
Katt gasped, feeling herself lurch closer to climax.
     "Oh, God, baby.  I've wanted to fuck you for so long." The
admission was dredged from deep within Ted.  He rammed and ground
harder into her lovehole.
     "I wish you had!"
     "There were so many times--when you'd bend over..." He felt
her ass cheeks squeeze around his dick and drove his huge cock
deep into her hair-rimmed pussy.
     "Ted!" Katt screamed, in raw passion.
     As his explosive climax splattered inside her, he uttered a
series of intense grunts.
     Katt's cunt seemed to burst wide open in a series of hot
sparks.  Her pussy climaxed at the same instant, clenching Ted's
dick in racking spasms.
     Ted gave a deafening groan of erotic rapture and sludged her
love canal with what seemed like barrels of sperm.  Leaning over
her back, he held her snugly as she continued to orgasm.  Ted
kissed her neck and nuzzled his face against her hair.
     Panting, Katt finally quieted beneath her husband. "Darling
... what on earth can we ever do to top this?" she asked.
     He chuckled with sheer joy.  "I'm looking forward to showing
     His mood was infectious.  Katt's laugh was low, throaty.
"I'm looking forward to finding out."
     "I'll be home early," he promised, pulling his flaccid cock
out of her juicy body.
     Katt turned, slid her arms around her husband's neck and
kissed him lovingly.  "Darling, I want you to know how much this
has meant to me.  The way you took it so well ... the way you
loved me.  You aren't angry with Sandor?"
     "No.  He has better sense than I do apparently.  And I'm not
angry with you either.  I'm just as guilty of cheating as you
are," he reminded her.  "Maybe even more so.  I promise I will
make a full confession later. Right now, I had better dispatch
Sandor to Hydurabad with a cable."
     At her puzzled look, Ted explained.  "I'll wire the
authorities in Delhi of our 'suspicions' about Hunter. Suggest
they do a background check on him.  If he does get away from here
with anything, they will be able to pick him up at the airstrip or
on the road."
     "We won't have to tell them how we know of Hunter's plot,
will we?"
     "No.  We'll simply word our suspicions strongly.  The rest
will be up to them."
     "But ... if they do arrest him, what will happen to the dig?
He is financing it, after all."
     Ted rubbed his day-old beard.  "We have proof enough of a
major discovery in the offing here," he indicated the glass case,
"to warrant university interest again.  There should be no
question of another, larger grant."
     "And if Hunter is arrested for smuggling artifacts out of
India, he will be unable to protest our switching back to
university funds."
     "Then we have to wait to see what occurs with Hunter before
we contact the university?"
     Ted nodded.  He gave his wife a long look.  "What are you
going to do if Hunter insists that you go to bed with him again?"
     "I'm going to refuse of course!"
     "If he threatens to tell me?"
     Katt shook her head.  "I don't think he will.  He needs my
cooperation to whisk the artifacts out from under your nose.
Without it, you would soon become aware of their disappearance and
begin to ask questions.  He has no control over you, only me--he
     "That's true."  Ted gave Katt a kiss.  "I love you madly.
Expect me home at six on the dot.  I have some exciting things to
show you."
     He grinned and lowered his gaze.  "Would you look at that?
The damned thing is going to be insatiable from now on."
     Katt giggled.  "Will wonders never cease!"
     Ted playfully smacked her on the butt and reminded her that
she had no pants on.
     Swiftly, she pulled her trousers up and watched her husband
raise the tent flap and step outside.  For sure, Ted would have no
trouble gaining Sandor's cooperation.  The Indian had not taken
kindly to Hunter.

                            Chapter 4

     Standing still, Katt listened as Ted spoke with Sandor. The
Indian smiled and nodded, his head turned as his coffee brown eyes
sought hers.
     Unless Katt was mistaken, they were discussing her. What the
hell?  Was Ted telling Sandor he knew he'd fucked his wife?  But
that couldn't be.  Sandor was smiling.  Maybe Ted was giving
Sandor the green light to screw her all he wanted.
     Whatever had been said, Sandor whirled, jumped in the jeep
and roared away.
     As the dust settled, Ted turned to his wife.  "I've invited
him to join us this evening, darling.  I didn't think you'd mind?"
     "No."  Her voice was choked because her heart seemed to be
lodged in her throat.  She was thrilled by this "new" husband.
Flashes of fire shot through her.
     Ted pulled her roughly against him.  His cock was hard again
just thinking about seeing another man screw his wife.  He
couldn't wait.  By damn, he'd screw her again right here, right
     Wordlessly, Katt helped Ted in his attempt to work the zip on
her slacks.  There was no doubt in her mind that he wanted to
screw her again.  Elated, she flung her clothes off.  Ted did the
     Neither of them remembered to lower the tent flap.
     Swiftly, Ted grasped her to him.
     "I'm hungry for you, baby," he groaned, thrusting his lean
hips forward, driving his erect cock between her quivering thighs.
     "Ahhh!" Katt cried out as the long shaft slid blissfully
across her clit.  She clamped her legs tight around his rod,
savouring the feel of it.
     Ted massaged her breasts with his hands and thrust his cock
back and forth in direct contact with his wife. But that rapidly
heightened his arousal too much.  He withdrew, lifted Katt up on
top of the table and stood in front of her.
     Thrilled to the core, Katt spread her legs wide for her
husband.  She leaned back, arms extended behind to support her
     Eyes filled with lust, Ted bent his wife's knees and lifted
her long, shapely legs over his shoulders.  Then he slid his hands
beneath her hips and bent down.  Her big clit was already out of
its hood, stiff and red with desire. Looking at it, Ted nearly
shot his wad.
     "Suck my cum from my pussy, darling," she whispered.
     Ted's head bobbed down and he licked and sucked hungrily.
His long nose rubbed her clit and he heard her cry out with
     "Eat my cunt!" Katt gasped, thrusting her pelvis upward and
holding it there, driving her husband's wonderful tongue deep into
     Panting, she asked, "Do you suck Bhadra's cunt like this?"
     Head coming up, his face all gooey and slick with juices and
saliva, Ted's eyes sparkled with lust.  "Yes! Does that excite
you?  I sucked her cunt and loved it, too!  Just like I'm going to
suck your cunt, right now!" He lifted her higher and clamped his
lips over her pussy.
     Katt squealed.  Then, "Darling, my cunt ... it's full of your
... cum!"
     Ted slurped all the louder and sucked harder.
     Katt came!  She twisted and cried out passionately.
     Still in the throes of her climax, Katt felt herself being
lifted bodily by the arms.  Her butt was against Ted's loins, her
legs still up over his shoulders.  Responding automatically, Katt
locked her ankles together behind his neck.  Ted pulled her
upwards by the arms.  She felt her husband's steel rod easily
penetrate her cunt and drive deep as she hung in mid-air.
     "Fuck me, professor!  Fuck my hot pussy!  Juice me!" In
absolute carnal heat, Katt had never felt anything so thrilling as
hanging in mid-air, connected to her husband only by his stiff
prick as he grasped her by the arms and guided her back and forth
on his fuckstick.
     "Deep, so fucking deep!"  Like one possessed, Katt's eyes
dilated, she saw nothing, heard nothing.  Yet, her sense of feel
was amplified a hundredfold.  Multiple climaxes rolled through her
lusty being until she was indeed out of her mind with ecstasy.
     Prolonging the ecstasy with deep, fast thrusts, Ted looked
down at his wife.  He had never had a woman so wild.  His nuts
tightened as his hot-blooded, erotic wife kept climaxing on his
cock.  Christ!  This was the height of debauchery to his way of
thinking.  His wife was the most indecent, beautiful, wanton,
magnificent woman in the world when she was satisfying the desires
of her flesh.
     His balls ready to burst, Ted pulled her tight on him and
splashed a thick load of spunk deep inside her creamy cunt.
     Too debilitated and drained to support her weight any longer,
Ted eased his wife down onto the table.
     Dazed and feeling delicate and unstable, Katt tried to focus
her eyes on her husband.  His edges appeared to be all soft and
fuzzy.  In an enfeebled voice, she whispered, "My God, Ted, I'm
     His chuckle held no strength either.  "Tired, baby, but never
wasted.  You were sensational!  That was an out-of-the-world-fuck
for me!"
     "Me too, darling.  It made all the other fucks I've had seem
like nothing.  I've never had multiple orgasms before."
     His chuckle had gained stamina.  "Good for my ego."
     "It's true!  You gave me so many cums, you sent me to heaven-
-and hell!"
     Ted drew his cock out of her with a soft slurp.
     "Then your cunt must be full of juices."
     "It's full of your spunk, too," she reminded him with a
sleepy-eyed look.
     "Let's just see..."  Bending Katt's knees, Ted planted her
soles on the table top.  He drew a slatted folding chair squarely
in front of her exposed sex and sat down on it.
     With long, bronzed fingers, Ted spread his wife's inner lips
     Katt felt a stab of excitement and rolled her head to the
side, twisting her torso until she could see Ted. After fucking
her, he was going to go down on her! What a cum appetite her
husband had!
     His tongue dipped into her cunt like a spoon and Katt sighed
with bliss.  No man had done cunnilingus to her as good as Ted,
not even Sandor.
     He seriously went to work sucking out the luscious hole,
clasping her thighs and burying his mouth in her snatch.  He was
feeding on her succulent fluids as well as his own.  Ted liked the
taste of his own sperm.
     Womb contracting wildly, Katt clutched at her quivering
breasts and began to pinch her nipples and move her hips.  She was
horny again!  It was incredible, but she wanted her husband again.
     "Fuck me, Ted!" she cried.
     He stopped sucking her pussy and raised his head, but he
didn't move.  His head was cocked to one side.  He seemed to be
listening.  Katt heard the excited cry then.
     "Sahib!  Sahib!" and the unmistakable soft thud of running
     The tent flap was unceremoniously jerked aside and Karim, one
of the workers, bolted inside.  He was halfway across the tent
when he saw them and froze. His eyes bugged out.  The Sahib was
sitting on a chair before the mem-sahib's splayed pussy!
     Ted jumped up, knocking the chair over.  It hit the ground
and folded up with a sharp clatter.
     Giving a cry of alarm, Katt jerked upright, her heels skidded
off the table edge, her knees came down, and cracked together
     At the sight of the golden-haired sex organ, Karim's cock
sprang stiff.  Now, he clasped his hands over it fast, backing out
of the tent so quickly that he stumbled and fell backwards out of
the door.  Landing on his back in the sand, Karim scrambled a safe
distance away on hands and knees.  Shaking, he knelt in the sand,
frantically praying to Brahma for his very life!
     Running his fingers through his hair in frustration, Ted
said, "I wonder what the hell that was all about?"
     "He sounded pretty frantic.  You'd better go see," Katt said,
wishing with all her heart they hadn't been interrupted.
     "Yes."  Ted pulled on his clothes, having difficulty cramming
his stiff prick into his shorts.
     Katt giggled.
     "So, you think it's funny do you?" he said, coming toward her
with a mock growl.  He kissed her while tickling her on the ribs.
     Katt twisted and giggled crazily, trying to fend him off.
Finally Ted quit tickling her.  She wound her arms around his neck
and gazed into his sparking eyes.
     "I love you, madly, crazily, desperately.  Oh, Ted, we're
going to be the happiest married couple in the entire universe
from now on!"
     A bemused smile on his lips, his eyes were compellingly
magnetic.  I'll drink to that!"  He patted her buns. "I'll finish
that drink later."
     Joy bubbling in her, Katt managed to dress herself
     Her head came up sharp as she heard Ted's bellow. Heart
racing with trepidation, Katt ran out of the tent. Spotting Ted,
in the trench, waving his arms at her, she sprinted toward him.
     Ted held his arms up and she jumped into them, nearly
knocking them both on their asses.
     "We found it!"
     "What?  What?"  Her heart sang with delight.  She gloried in
sharing this moment of pleasure with her husband.
     "Look!"  Ted lowered her to her feet and her eyes followed
his finger.
     Katt caught her breath in wonder.  "An intact skeleton?"  She
moved close.  "Ted!  A female--and a child..."  Eyes huge, she
turned to Ted.  "You did it! Congratulations, darling!"
     "We did it--together."  He spoke to Karim.
     The Indian listened, head bowed, to assure he was not tempted
to look at the Mem-sahib, in case his cock should grow stiff again
and make the sahib angry.  By the grace of Brahma, the sahib had
refrained from casting him out for looking upon his wife without
clothing.  It was his right, as her husband, to do so.  Karim did
not wish to give the sahib the slightest reason to change his
     As soon as Karim trotted off, Ted told Katt, "I've asked
Karim to assemble the workers.  This came sooner than we
anticipated.  So, I'm going to do as you suggested.  Tell them
what Hunter is up to and let them know that we do not wish him to
find out about this discovery.  We'll have to work throughout the
night to get it out of the ground.  Ted sighed.  "I'm sorry, baby.
Will you keep that drink hot for me?"
     Katt grinned and patted her crotch.  "It will be right here
whenever you get thirsty.  So will I."
     Ted's eyes grew soft as he looked down at her and his fingers
stroked her cheek.  "Thanks, Katt.  Have I told you lately, that
you're wonderful?"
     "Yes, but tell me again," she said, flinging herself into his
arms.  Theirs was a lingering, sweet kiss.  Her lips remained warm
and tingly for hours as she worked.
     Throughout the long night, they scraped steadily.  By dawn,
they were all close to exhaustion, but the skeletons were out of
the ground and on stretchers. Sandor drove them home and helped
Ted maneuver the sheet-covered stretchers beneath the bed.
     "There!" Ted said, dusting his hands together with
satisfaction.  "Let's have a quick breakfast.  Then, get back to
the dig before Hunter shows up."
     "I forgot!" Katt clapped a hand to the side of her head.
"Hunter wanted those bones we found dated and treated, ready for
him this morning!"
     "So, put a fictitious date on them and coat them haphazardly.
Hunter will never know the difference, The museum will do another
carbon dating, find out that Hunter lied about their age and will
not deal with him again."
     "Great idea!" Katt cried.  She felt wonderful.
     An hour later, they were back at the dig.  Hunter arrived
shortly thereafter.
     Bold as hell, he came into the tent and announced, "I've got
them sold."
     Katt turned slowly, "Hunter, don't do this.  If not for Ted's
sake, then for your own.  If you're caught smuggling artifacts out
of India, you'll go to jail."
     "Give them to me.  I'm not going to get caught.  Find any new
     "No."  Katt handed them over.
     "I'll be back to check you out first thing in the morning.
Now, go out there and keep your husband's attention off me until I
get these in the jeep."
     Katt had tried to save him.  So be it.  Casting Hunter a
vicious look, she shoved past him and strode purposefully across
the scorching sands to the trench.
     "The asshole has them sold - so he says.  Doesn't even know
how old they are.  He'll be back in the morning - wanting more."
     "Not until then?"
     "Good!  Let's call a halt.  We all deserve a rest after
working through the night.
     Most of the workers stayed in, preferring to curl up in the
shade of the tent and sleep.  Katt sat on her husband's lap in the
two-seater jeep as they raced toward home.
     Ted told Sandor that he should remain.
     Sandor grinned and nodded.  "You would share your wife in
friendship and camaraderie?"
     Ted's eyes glistened and his cock lengthened.  "The way of
the ancient Persian soldiers.  You undress out here.  I'm not sure
how she will feel about this.  So, wait until I have her hot
before you climb into bed with us."
     Sandor nodded.
     Upon the bed, Ted drew Katt into his arms so that she was
facing him with her back to the doorway.  He kissed her and
fondled her until she was hotter than a pistol.
     "Baby, you need a lot of cock, an awful lot of cock, don't
     "Yes, lover!  Give me your enormous prick."  Her heart leapt
and she gasped as she felt a warm, male body press against her
from behind.
     "We've got two big cocks, here, for you, baby.  You want them
     "Yes, oh, God, yes!" she cried, as lips began to touch her
shoulders and neck.  "Sandor!" she groaned, and felt his arm come
around her, his fingers begin to stimulate her clit.
     "Like it, baby?" Ted asked, his own hands squeezing and
kneading her breasts.
     "My God, yes.  I love it!"
     "Sandor is going to shove his big dick into you from behind,
baby, and I'm going to put mine in your mouth. Will you like that,
     "Yes!" Katt replied and thrust her cunt against Sandor's
fingers.  She was hotter than the hinges hell. Two men, making
love to her, one her husband, one her Indian lover.  What an
unbeatable combination!  In a state of overwhelming excitement,
Katt felt her husband suckle and squeeze her tits and his hands
slid between her legs to cares her ass.
     By looking down, Ted could see Sandor's fingers exciting his
wife's clit.  He, himself, was so turned on that he feared for his
ability to maintain any sort of control.  He felt rutty and
vulgar, earthy and obscene. God, how much time he'd wasted in
getting around to fucking his horny, willing wife!  He was an
     His prick twitching dangerously, Ted tried desperately to
think about something else, anything else but what was happening.
     He was going to have the kind of sexual intercourse with his
wife that he had always enjoyed with other women.  Especially the
women of India, who were eager for men to share their favours, and
double their pleasure.
     "She is ready," Sandor announced.  At Ted's jerky nod of
agreement, Sandor raised her topmost leg in the air.
     Katt felt his engorged cockhead press against her hole.
     "That's it!  Thrust your big dicks in my cunt!  Fuck me!
Oooh, God, fuck me!" she whined.
     Slowly and steadily, his prick entered her pussy from behind.
     "Yes, yes, yes!" Katt sing-songed.  The rapid cock-stuffing
drove Katt right over the edge.  Crying out, churning and
thrusting and bucking in the throes of climax, her wonderful, wet
cunt felt as if it would explode.
     Unable to hold out under such intense arousal, Ted caressed
the end of his cock across his wife's lips.  He filled her mouth
completely as he gazed over her shoulder at Sandor's lust-twisted
     The servant was still plowing his prick into Katt's love nest
with gusto.
     Sandor's mouth opened in a silent cry of passion.  One last,
forceful thrust drove his dick balls-deep into her sucking pussy.
He came, flooding her abyss with prodigious masses of sperm.
     Their movements slowed, then stopped.  Their breathing
quieted.  They slept.
     When Katt awoke, her husband's cock was still near her lips
and Sandor's cock was still in her cunt.  She wanted to lay
between them and take pleasure from the feel, let her eyes eat up
her husband's sleeping face.  She felt so radiant, so enchanted by
this glorious change in Ted, in herself, in their whole
     But she had to pee.
     Managing to unhook herself from them, Katt crawled out of
bed.  After relieving herself, she returned. Stretched out on
their backs, eyes open, hands behind their heads, she was
confronted by a pair of ear-to-ear grins and upright, hard-core
fuck poles.
     She was going to get screwed again!  Katt leapt back on the
bed between them, landing on all fours.
     Ted took her tit in his hand and guided it to Sandor's mouth.
     Willingly, Sandor sucked her taut nipple.
     Ted watched, thrills shooting deep into his groin.
     Katt felt her husband's big cock slap her leg rhythmically as
he watched the Indian suck her nipple.  Suddenly, she realized
that her husband would greatly enjoy watching Sandor make love to
her.  She wanted to do this for Ted.
     Intoxicated, Katt straddled Sandor's face and lowered her
cunt over his mouth.  The look of raw lust on Ted's face thrilled
her.  She reached down and ran her finger into his mouth and he
sucked on it.
     Katt gently flexed her cunt on Sandor's mouth in a fucking
rhythm, while watching Ted's reaction to her naughty, unwifely
     "His tongue is deep in my slice, darling," she moaned,
feeling his lips press tight against her labia.
     Breathing hard, Ted slid his hand over her buttocks and
tickled her anus.  After a moment, he began to caress her thighs.
     Katt squealed in delight as her husband's gentle fingers
played with her body and began to explore her everywhere.
     Sandor had a raging erection and wanted to fuck the mem-
sahib.  He reached up and flicked his fingers over her swollen
nipples while he gulped the juices out of her cunt.  Sandor felt
the sahib's arm rub his chest as he finger-fucked her clit.  A
monsoon of erotic pleasure built in his balls and he could wait no
     Ted's cock was granite hard, too.  The slurping sounds of
Sandor's eating her out, the buttery feel of her cunt, combined to
drive him wild.
     Sandor lifted her off his face and asked Ted, "You want to
put her between us?"
     "Not this time, my friend.  You fuck my wife.  I will take my
pleasures vicariously."
     Ted elbowed himself up and guided Katt around so that she was
now on all fours, facing away from him.
     "You do want Sandor's big cock, don't you, baby?"
     "Yes!" she screamed mindlessly.
     Ted stroked her buns.  "In your pussy?"
     "Yes!  In my cunt!  Tell him to fuck me violently, darling!
I like it like that best."
     "Screw her fast and furiously, Sandor," Ted hissed in his
servant's native tongue.  Licentiously, Ted watched as Sandor took
his huge wang in his fist and aimed it at Katt's defenceless
golden love hole.  Lord almighty, his wife was a hot one!
     "Wait," Ted suddenly bid Sandor.  He leaned up and licked her
lips, working spit into them.  Then, Ted sat back on his heels.
"Okay, my friend, stick it into my wife's chute."
     As Sandor pressed his huge tool deep into her body, Katt
whimpered with pleasure, and began to rotate on the impaling
shaft, thrilling herself as well as both the men.
     "Oh, baby, your lovehole is stretching wide open to swallow
his big dick!" Ted cried, passion kindling his desires.  He fisted
his hard cock and began to stroke it as he watched Sandor grasp
his wife's hips and shove her up and down his stiff prod.
     "Sandor's prick feels so good in me, darling.  He's ramming
so deep!"  Chills of rapture puckered her nipples and curled her
toes.  She knew Ted loved to hear her talk about how good it felt
to have another man fuck her.
     "His meat pole is so hard - screwing my hot cunt.  Darling, I
just love being fucked by a huge cum-filled cock."
     Ted's hand flew on his own huge prick, jerking hard and
urgently.  He twisted the stiff staff and squeezed his balls,
intrigued with the sight of Sandor's prick rooting deep in his
wife's pussy.  Ted reached a little farther down between his legs
and twiddled his fingers around his balls.  Then, he took his cock
and fucked it in and out of his fist at the same pace that Sandor
was fucking Katt.  Sandor drove into the mem-sahib's tight butt
with oscillating, propelling movements.  He solicited deeper
sexual contact and more erotic pleasure for both.  His skillful
maneuvers seemed to please her, for the mem-sahib was making all
manner of sounds in her throat and slamming her quivering hips
back at him.
     "All the way in me!  Fucking me deep, darling.  His cock is
making my cunt feel like I'm going to have a climax soon!"
     "Wriggle your ass, baby!  Fuck him!" her husband hissed,
feeling the cum rise in his cock tube.  He was freaking out on
watching his wife screw another man!
     Sandor fucked deep into her hot body and squirted hot liquid
seed into it.  He panted and grunted and ground his dick into her,
feeling her cunt lips contract around his meat.
     Feeling the burning jets sear her pussy, Katt squealed and
went into a gut-wrenching climax that left her feeling temporarily
disoriented and loose.  Shapes were unfamiliar.  She closed her
eyes and slept.
     When Katt woke, her husband and his servant were gone.  She
lay there for a long time, savoring the memory of her first
threeway sexual experience.  Everything that had happened to her
in the last few days flitted through her mind.
     Becoming horny, Katt slid her fingers down over her snatch,
feeling the stiff hairs where the semen had dried. She needed a
bath.  The key wound clock on the dresser told her it was five in
the afternoon.
     Would Ted be home at six as he'd promised yesterday?  With
time out for a nap, she doubted it.  Still...
     Katt rose and called to her ayah to fetch water for washing.
Bhadra was slow, but thorough and reliable. Here, in the desert,
the luxury of a shower was unheard of.  Bathing was done in a pan,
with the least amount of water possible.
     When Bhadra brought the water, Katt eyed her curiously.  She
tried to envision Ted fucking her and failed.  The girl seemed so
remote, so above the carnal act.  Yet, Katt knew that she wasn't.
She would love to watch Ted fuck her, just as Ted had watched his
servant fuck her.  But not tonight!
     Tonight, she wanted Ted all to herself!
     Katt was bathed, perfumed and eagerly awaiting Ted's arrival
in less than an hour.  She'd instructed Bhadra to prepare a light
meal for two and despite the heat, placed a candle on the table.
Feeling alive and eager as a new bride, Katt kept her ear tuned
for the sound of the jeep.  She wanted this to be a perfect night
for the two of them.
     Apparently, Ted did too, for five minutes to the hour, the
jeep charged up to the door and Ted climbed out. He sent Sandor
away and entered the house, caked with dust and dirt, but
     Not that Katt noticed his disheveled state.  She felt a rush
of heat throughout her body as their eyes locked. Hers were
brimming with love and happiness.  Pride and respect and desire
for Ted flooded her being.  Her heart beat erratically.
     Now, she remembered why she had married Ted. This was how she
had felt when they first met - how she had felt on their first
date and on their wedding night.
     She whispered his name.  "Ted?"
     "You look beautiful, darling."  He eyed the slender white
sheath she was wearing.  Her long blonde hair swirled softly
around her bare shoulders.  "You take my breath away.  Let me get
cleaned up."
     "Bhadra!" he called, and when she appeared, he asked for bath
     While her husband bathed, Katt explained to Bhadra that she
and Ted wished to be alone.  "Is there some place you would like
to spend the evening?  Sandor can drive you."
     "I may visit my friend?"
     "Yes, of course," Katt replied, relieved to get her ayah out
of the house.  "You may go right this minute.  I will serve my
husband and myself.  The cleaning up can wait until morning."
     All through the meal, Ted made love to Katt with his eyes.
Now and then, he'd touch her breast or squeezed her thigh.
     Flirting with her husband, Katt laughed and teased and
touched him in all the ways a woman in love does.
     Neither of them knew what they ate.  Neither of them cared.
The meal was a vehicle carrying them forward to other pleasures.
     Hitching his chair closer to Katt's, Ted slid his hand behind
her neck and kissed her deeply.  His wife's moist lips parted
beneath his in sweet surrender.  Ted rained kisses on her cheeks,
her nose and down the silken curve of her throat.
     Katt slid fingers through his hair, feeling an incredible
desire for him.  Her pussy juices were soaking her panties.
Inside her cunt was a strong desire to be filled.  Her husband's
big cock was going to slide in and out of her pussy and make her
     "Darling," she murmured softly.
     Ted released her, stood up and drew Katt out of her chair.
     "I want to make love to you, darling."
     "Now," she said, taking him by the hand and leading him to
their bedroom.  "Tonight is ours.  Tomorrow, there will be room
for others in our bed.  Even Bhadra."
     "You want to watch me make love to her?"
     "Yes.  Just as you wanted to watch me make love to Sandor."
     "You are ready," he said, eyes searching her face, "for an
introduction into the cult."
     His hands lifted her onto the bed and Katt did not ask him
any questions.  She was too busy filling his every desire of the

                            Chapter 5

     She whispered his name, feeling the irresistible tug of
desire grow stronger.
     Again, his mouth took possession of hers.  With expertise,
Ted seduced his wife's senses until she uttered a groan of desire,
wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him.
     Ted was good.  Gently, he drew her arms from around his neck
and pressed her away from him.  Holding her eyes with his, he
cupped her breasts and thumbed her hard nipples.
     Ted's mouth closed over her left breast and his tongue
flicked the hard nipple, carrying her to dizzying heights that
only he seemed capable of.
     Knowing her to be on the brink of climax, Ted felt his wife
tremble like a leaf in the wind.  Deftly, he guided her hand to
his groin.
     In sweet agony, Katt grasped the fully erect cock, and felt
all eight thick inches pulsate demandingly in her hand.  She began
to stroke it up and down.
     Ted, too highly aroused himself, urged her to let it go.
     Relaxing her grip, Katt felt her husband move her hand lower.
Her fingers explored his precious balls, so weighty and thick.
She hefted them as if calculating their weight.
     "Roll my nuts between your fingers, baby.  Mash them around a
little," Ted croaked, his mouth full of tit.
     Katt felt a tingle of delight.
     He moved his long legs further apart to give her plenty of
room to play.
     Doing as her husband asked, Katt caressed his testicles.  His
balls felt like stones.
     "Your pussy is on fire," Ted mumbled.  His teeth nibbled her
divine nipples.
     Katt shuddered with desire.  She arched into him, massaging
his balls excitedly.  Her clit was swollen and pulsing.
     All at once, Ted's hand was pushing hers deeper between his
legs.  Her husband pressed her fingers into his balls!  She
thought dazedly, 'Ted wants me to play with his sac.'  She was not
going to say no.
     "God, oh God, darling..."  Her entire body throbbed with
emotion and sensual pleasure.
     As Katt eagerly pressed the tips of her fingers against the
sagging testicles, she felt Ted begin to shake.
     His fingers entwined in her hair and pressed her head down.
     "Please, baby ... please..."  Ted whispered huskily.
     Somehow, Katt knew that Ted wanted her to blow him while she
played with his hairy nuts.
     Deeper and deeper her digits dug into his heavy, hot scrotum.
Wild!  She slid her body down the length of him.
     Ted rolled over on his back, bent his knees and spread wide.
His hand kept pressing her head downward even when her lips were
open, ready to suck his mushroom-capped dick inside her mouth.
     "God, baby, I want to fuck your mouth."
     "What?" she gasped, suddenly uncertain.
     "But suck my balls first, baby.  Suck those big fuckers," he
begged, arching his hips up and holding them off the bed.
     Digging her fingers into Ted's ass, Katt put her mouth on his
testes and kissed them wetly.  She ran her tongue over first one
and then the other.
     "Suck my nuts!" He groaned, pressing his pelvis higher.
     They were so large that Katt was doubtful if they would go in
her mouth.  But he was anxious, so she quickly worked saliva all
over them and opened her jaws as wide as they would go.
     She sucked as if drawing the thick cream of a milk shake
through a straw.  To her surprise, the nut popped between her
     "Aaahgh!!  Yeah, Baby!  Suck my balls.  You got the hottest
lips!  Roll them around in your mouth!  Work them hard!"
     Never having handled Ted's balls so intensely before, Katt
was more careful.
     Encouraging her to do as he wanted her to, Ted cried, "Baby,
baby, eat them!  Nibble them!  Make my balls roar!"
     Katt popped the ball out of her mouth and licked it.
     "Yes!  That's the way to do it, baby!" Ted reached beneath
his rump and pressed his testicles up against his wife's mouth,
holding them for her to eat.
     Getting into it now, realizing what Ted wanted, and how much
pressure was required, Katt sucked on her husband's big balls.
She took them in her mouth and rolled them wildly.
     "Eat those suckers!" Ted cried, jerking his cock hard. God
Almighty he had never felt such bliss in his life as when his own
wife was eating his nuts like this!  Other women had done it for
him, but he couldn't remember who, or when.  He loved Katt, and it
was only her mouth that would leave a marked memory.
     Thinking for sure that her husband was about to explode into
orgasm, Katt felt him jerking off.  He was really hot.  So was
     Wanting only to please him, Katt began to suck now on her
husband's balls in abandon.  She also shot a finger to her own
lovehole, along with another one, and fucked herself vigorously.
     Ted shoved his cock downward.  Every plunge of her mouth was
like a streak of passionate fire in his loins. On the way down,
his hard prick slapped the back of her head and stopped.  He was
going to unload all over her back!  It wasn't a nice thing to do,
but to shoot off while she was eating his balls would be glorious.
     Katt felt the hot spray of cum hit her.  She was not put off
by it.  In delight, she kept finger-fucking herself and mouth-
fucking his balls, listening to his cries of pleasure.
     Ted was breathing in great gulps of air.  Somehow, he managed
to gasp, "Stop, baby ... stop."  Ted pushed her away from his
     Licking her lips, Katt came up on the bed beside her panting,
weak husband.
     "Did I do it right, for you, darling?"
     He turned his head and gazed incredulously at her.
"Perfectly.  I had no idea you were so talented."
     "You'll have to show me just how you like everything. Will
you show me other ways of pleasing you?  Show me exactly how you
like me to do things to you so that it's the best you've ever
     "Promise," he panted, and managed to roll over on his side.
Ted lifted a hand and brushed her hair back from her cheek.
     Katt grinned.  "Darling ... I don't want to rush you, but I
didn't get off, and I'm so horny.  Do you think you could manage
to work me over?  I guess I was too uptight about getting you off
properly, about pleasing you--totally, to please myself."
     Exhausted or not, the very instant her request was out of her
mouth, Ted was down between her legs, loving her with his searing
     Ted licked Katt's inner thighs, and her passion-puffed labia.
They were wet with her fluids, and he loved her tangy flavour.  He
tapped her clitoris with the talented tip of his tongue.
     "Aaahhhh!" It was a soft, breathy sound of pleasure.
     Not wanting to get her off too soon, Ted slid his tongue down
to her wet slit.  He darted it into her hole and caressed her
fevered inner flesh.  There was a lot of juice there, and he
sucked it into his mouth and swallowed it all.
     "Pussy ambrosia," he muttered, then went back to work.
     Katt's whole body quaked beneath her husband's talented
     Ted felt her agitation and redoubled his efforts.  He pressed
her thighs up and out and rooted his head between them to get his
tongue as far up inside her cunt as possible.  He wished he had a
foot-long tongue and could lap the entire length of her right up
to her cervix!
     Katt pressed her husband's head closer to her fevered snatch
and thrust her hips forward in quick, urgent motions.
     "I love that!" she cried as his tongue flicked wildly from
wall to wall.
     Realizing his wife was going to cum anyway, Ted zeroed in to
suck on her erect clit.  If she was going to cum, he wanted it to
be an out-of-the-world orgasm.
     "I'm thirsty for your cum!" he gasped between flicks of his
tongue over her clit.
     "Okay, I'll cum in your mouth!  Drink it!" she cried,
twisting and humping wildly.
     All at once, Ted closed his lips over her clit and sucked.
     Shock waves passed through her with the speed of light.  Her
pleasure-wracked body went wild.  Heaving and panting, hips
writhing, straining, thrusting with a will of her own.  Katt's
cunt practically exploded.
     Silent rockets of pleasure burst forth from deep inside her.
As if from a distance, Katt heard herself inwardly screaming, but
couldn't stop.
     Knowing her pulsing, twitching clit was too sensitive for any
more sucking, Ted drove his tongue into her hole, wriggling it
against her cunt walls.  He collected her juices as fast as she
dispensed them.
     To Katt, it seemed as if she had floated back to earth in an
invisible, weightless parachute.  Her descending hips struck the
bed with a final, soft thud and she lay still.
     Ted came over her.  His voice was thick with passion, and his
face was shiny and slick with her juices.
     "That's the sweetest honey in the world.  You made me horny
again, cumming in my mouth like that."
     Katt tried to grin at him, but she wasn't at all sure she
     "You're at your sexiest when you're wildly seeking release,
so full of stormy passion."  Ted lay down beside her and his hand
stroked her tremulous breasts.
     "It was so good," she moaned, amazed that it really had been.
     "I'm glad.  Baby, I'll do anything to drive you into a frenzy
or erotic rapture.  Just tell me what you want and I'll do it.  I
want to fulfill your body, pour the love juices from my loins deep
into you.  I want to thrust into your cunt until you beg me to
stop.  Or whatever you want-- anything to please you, Katt."
     "Fuck me, darling," she whispered, highly aware of an
incredible desire for the feel of his big dick inside her,
     Knowing that his wife wanted him steamed Ted up even more.
He saw her knees fall open in invitation.  A rage of desire raced
up and down his spine.
     "It's hot and wet for you, darling," Katt sighed, tugging on
his shoulders to encourage him to mount her.
     Totally aroused, Ted saw that her pussy was indeed wide open
and beckoning.  His cock jerked in anticipation.  His own wife,
whom he'd thought too goody-goody for the baser acts of sex, was
turning out to be the best lover he had ever had.  Ted wondered
crazily if he could bear the pleasure his cock would feel when he
entered her cunt.  Would he shoot off right away?  God, she had
him hot!
     The bloated head of Ted's cock was as big as it had ever
been.  With one swift, smooth motion, he was kneeling between her
spread open knees.
     With shaky hands, Ted guided his drooling glans to her pussy
slit.  The fucking thing looked to him almost too big to slide
into that little hole.  But he knew it would, for he had had it
there before, after all.  Yet he felt like he was taking a virgin
instead of his own wife.  Drawing a deep breath, Ted began to
stuff his prick into her hot, ready pussy with short, quick jabs.
     Even Katt noticed her husband's extra girth and length, due
to his extreme arousal.  "You're so big, Ted..." she gasped,
lifting her head and peering downward at his staff.  It was bigger
and redder than she had ever seen it.
     "I'm damn hot for you, baby!" he admitted, easing forward by
exerting more pressure.  Katt's pussy lips stretched before his
eyes.  But her cunt steadily swallowed everything he fed it.  With
agonized slowness, his throbbing cock sank into his wife's cunt.
     "So full ... so full ... wonderful ... oh ... yes, honey."
     "Your hole's scorching hot ... tight, baby."
     Despite his randy condition, Ted held himself in check.  It
pleased him that his cock was so big it was all he could do to get
it in his wife's cunt.  But Ted didn't want to cause her even the
least twitch of pain.  He wanted Katt to like his prick so much
she'd beg for more.
     Katt planted her heels on the bed and levered her cunt
upwards, helping Ted work it into her.  What a monster! His eight
inches were shorter, but thicker and by far more talented, more
exciting than Hunter's longer one or even Sandor's.  Bigger was
definitely not better.  It all depended on the way the man used
     Ted knew how to use his.  He was energetic in his fucking.
And added to that, he used words to excite her as well as his
hands and even his eyes.  Oh, yes, Ted knew how to make love to
her like no other man could.
     Right now, just by letting her know how much he wanted her--
in any way she wished--he had opened doors that might otherwise
have stayed closed forever. Inside her was a primal lust that
begged for release.  It made her want to fuck her husband every
fantastic way under the sun.
     Katt worked her cunt on her husband's mighty erection until
it was all inside her.  She knew that his longing for her had made
it grow bigger, and that pleased her immensely.
     "Your pussy is so tight, baby, it makes me worry that I'm
going to cum too soon," Ted whispered, his eyes full of passion.
     The majestic thickness of his cock had to stretch her pussy
to its limits, it was true.  And it added new thrills for her too.
     With phenomenal restraint, Ted began to fuck Katt's tight box
slow and steady.
     On the second inward glide, Katt thrust up before he was
halfway back inside her.  Without warning Ted's footage was driven
deep into her nether regions and lodged there.
     Katt's back arched high, her head strained back into the bed.
A long, drawn out groan of exquisite pleasure emanated from her
     Experienced as he was, Ted still had trouble keeping his load
at that moment.  He knew the difference between a groan of pain
and a groan of pleasure.  It was all he could do to keep from
pounding his nuts against his wife's cunt like a wild man.
     God, Katt was beautiful in the rigors of ecstasy!  Her pussy
gripped his cock like a vise.  If she kept writhing like that,
he'd shoot his load no matter how hard he tried to hold off.
     Gritting his teeth, Ted concentrated on counting to twenty
while visualizing the numbers in his mind.  He was not going to
shoot off ... not going to shoot off.  With a will or iron, he
slid in and out of her pussy with easy strokes, setting a steady
rhythm of motion and controlling his breathing.
     But her body began to thrust and shake beneath him.
     Undermined, Ted, uttered a groan of desire.  His voice of
warning was thick.  "Easy, baby ... easy."
     "I c-can't ... you're so good.  Fuck me, darling!" Katt tried
to thrust her pelvis up, but found her husband holding her hips
down with both hands, so she was unable to move.  Katt moaned and
her pussy muscles began to milk his stiff staff, trying to suck
more cock into her hole.
     Determined to get her off once or twice before he shot his
load, Ted resumed the slow in and out rhythm, pressing down on her
hips for dear life.
     Not knowing why he was doing this, Katt looked up at her
husband.  His eyes told her of his ravenous desire. She knew he
was teetering on the edge, but so was she.
     Driven to the wall, Katt began to beg her husband to fuck her
     "Please ... please, fuck me!  Cum in me!"
     Without conscious effort on her part, her cunt muscles
snapped at his prick hungrily.
     "Deeper, darling ... please drive deeper.  Oh, God, Ted,
     In a half-savage jungle rhythm, Ted tucked her faster, if
quite disjointedly.  He began to use his grip on her hips to raise
her up to meet his thrusts.  Deeper, harder, he fucked her.  His
thrusts were urgent and sharp.  The faster he went, the faster he
wanted to go.  His thrusts drove her ass deep into the bed.
Piston jabs pounded her incredibly tight, sucking hump hole.
     "Oooohh, Yeesss!" Katt cried, and her hot, sweaty body
slammed up, colliding lustily with her husband's at every stroke.
Her long legs scissored around Ted's strong back, pulling him
closer.  Gasping out loud, she drew his dickhead deeper into her
     "Yesss, now you're doing it to me, Darling!  Cumming!" she
     Ted drove his swollen dickhead deep into her womb.
     Ted knew what was coming next.  When her hips shifted into
high gear, he knew he was going to dump his load.  His balls had
gone taut.  His shaft swelled inside her as the jism rapidly rose
into it.
     The sounds from Katt's throat made him lose it that much
quicker.  Thrusting deep and holding there, the professor was
surprised as hell to feel his wife grabbing a fist full of balls
between his legs and milking them.
     "Arrggghhhh!" Ted yelled.  He rammed her even deeper and
ground his dick around in her.  His cock gave a powerful lurch
inside her sucking womb.
     Now Ted's cock hurled a funnel of steamy cum into her
churning, sucking pussy.
     Out of himself now, Ted's body was completely hers to do with
as she wished--forever!  She was sapping his strength, the life
out of him, and it was glorious.  He felt like his whole being was
dissolving into hers.  They were as one.
     Waves of delirium spasmed through Katt.  Her orgasm grew ever
bigger and bigger until her body experienced one huge cum.
     Holding his cock deep inside her until it stopped spewing
fuck-juice, Ted realized he was shaking.  The climactic draining
left him weak.  He gazed down at his wife's beautiful face in a
kind of mind daze.  Then, Ted leaned over her, half laying on
Katt, half supporting himself weakly on the parallel length of his
arm between elbow and hand.
     Their jizz mingled.  Before long, he felt Katt go limp
beneath him.  It was awhile before he gained enough strength to
tenderly kiss her.
     Love flowing from every pore, Katt drank in the feel of her
husband's body, the masculine strength he exuded.  She felt so
serene, so content.  Her mind and body were at peace.  In her
euphoria, Katt knew that her happiness was at last complete.
     "Why are you crying, darling?" Ted asked, his eyes troubled.
     Surprised, she said, "I didn't know I was."  But she did know
how she felt.  "I'm so happy.  Oh, Ted, when we were married, I
was so sure it would be this way between us.  And now, it is!"
     He repeated softly.  "Now, it is.  It will get even better, I
promise you."  He took a deep breath.  "After all, we are in
India.  The first time I came here, I was eager to experiment with
the women who knew the Kama Sutra--who worship the Kama Sutra.  I
joined a--cult."
     "A cult?  You mean..."
     Ted nodded.  "The Kama Sutra is without liturgy. Skin our
vestments.  We worship the phallus and the cunt and faithfully
follow the Kama Sutra in joining them."
     "I never dreamed..."
     "We both know so little about each other even after two years
of marriage.  I was afraid to tell you before, afraid you would
think me a pervert.  Now that I know that to be a grave error on
my part, I am asking you. Would you like to come with me to the
next gathering?"
     Eyes glittery with excitement, she only said one word.
     "Tomorrow night.  There's a meeting every week.  But I must
warn you, our symbolic fluid is sperm."
     "The men will jerk off on me?"
     "No, darling.  They will all cum in your mouth.  After you
have drunk their sperm, you will be one with them. Only then will
you be passed from man to man.  Each of your lovers will initiate
you in a different Kama Sutra position.  Each will anoint your
body with his sperm. This will continue for five weeks, so as not
to tire you with too many lovers at one time.  Only five a night."
     "There are twenty-five men in the cult then?"
     "Yes.  At the end of the five weeks, you will have
experienced all the positions and will become a member of our
     "It sounds exciting!  Will you be one of the men to initiate
     Ted nodded and eased his body off hers.  Laying beside her,
he continued.
     "Every male member is involved in the initiation of every
female member.  And the reverse occurs when a man joins the cult.
Once you become a cultist, you will be responsible for performing
your part of the male initiation rites."
     "How many women are in the cult?" Katt felt hot stabs of
anticipation inside her cunt.  Slippery juices started to flow,
and her breasts trembled.
     Ted was both amazed and upended by her unabashed eagerness.
While he had hoped for this kind of reaction from her, he had in
fact expected her to recoil from his suggestion.  At the very
least, he thought she'd offer token resistance as any wife might
when suddenly confronted by this situation.  But not Katt.  She
was no hypocrite!  She was not going to make him work at
convincing her to do something she wanted to do all along.
     "There are seventeen women.  It is good that there are more
males in our cult.  We can keep the females well fucked that way.
There are other cults active in this area.  That accounts for such
few male members."
     Running her index finger around his nipple, making the flesh
pucker, Katt gazed at her husband.
     Ted thought Katt glowed, her eyes were bright and excited.
After two years of marriage, she still looked sexually innocent.
     No wonder he had held off introducing her to uninhibited sex.
Lord knows her looks belied her true nature and unfortunately, he
had not discovered that until now.  Yet he should have read the
signs, for he was finding her totally unpretentious now.
     Her flush was not from embarrassment, but from excitement.
Her body was not quivering with fear, but with passion.  She was
not the least self-conscious about speaking to him about her
desires, showing him her passionate needs.
     He watched her now with a feeling of regret in his soul, an
expression of delight and satisfaction in his face. Ted was
nevertheless shaken when she slid her hand down to his limp dick
and gave it a loving squeeze.
     "I want to fuck them all, but tonight, I want to fuck only
you," Katt whispered.  "I'll suck your cock hard, darling, so you
can stick this lovely prick back in me, in any of the Kama Sutra
positions you want.  You can fuck my brains out!  Which is your
favourite position?" she asked, wriggling downward.
     Katt took his breath away, and left no shadows across his
heart.  Ted revealed in her open desire for him.  He felt a warm
glow spread through him.  Katt's tongue took long, loving licks on
his fast-hardening prick.
     Katt knew what to do between his legs now.  Her fingers
pressed and worked his ball sacs with relentless enjoyment.
     Even this early, Ted was soon struggling to maintain his
composure.  As her succulent lips sank over his fully erect cock,
taking it into the hot, moist depths of her mouth, Ted trembled.
He didn't want to cum in her mouth.  She wanted to be fucked, and
by damn, he'd fuck her!
     Before Ted lost his resolve, he drew his wife off his prick
and held her in his arms for a moment to give himself a chance to
cool down.
     "Darling, I want you!" Katt wailed.
     "I know.  But you're going too fast.  You'll have me blowing
too soon."
     Breathing unevenly, he stroked her breasts, her back, her
buttocks.  He kissed the base of her neck.  His hand slipped down
over her flat belly to her magical vee.
     Hot and ready, Katt's legs fell open and she quivered hard as
his fingers fondled her pussy.  Twisting and shoving her pelvis
against his hand, Katt elicited more pleasure for herself, more
     This long awaited contact with her husband seemed unreal, too
wonderful for her to believe wholly in it.
     But it was real.  The stiff middle finger of Ted's hand was
exquisite, tangible proof.  It played in her honeyed hole,
scratching her itch--almost.
     "Your pussy is amazing.  I just stretched it all out of shape
and it snapped tight again."
     Her flesh thrilled as Ted ground his long finger as deep as
it would go in her horny cunt.  His other hand stroked her tits
and gently rubbed her swollen achy nipples.
     Suddenly, he pulled his finger out of her cunt and pressed
the slick digit against her erect clit.
     "This is my favourite way.  I want to fuck you with my
fingers and my cock!"
     "In a Kama Sutra position?"
     "I don't think so."
     Katt undulated fast on his finger as it shot into her love
hole.  Her breath came in short, quick gasps.  She gazed into her
husband's eyes.  They were full of lust, yes, but also admiration
and love.  She humped her ass, driving his finger deep into her
pussy and rotating on it.
     "Fuck me, darling," she moaned.  "I don't care how. Just fuck
me forever..."  She felt his finger slip from her cunt and whined
in protest.
     Ted was elated.  His wife was actually begging him for more
cock.  He was in no mood to deny her any damned thing in the
world, even if he was worn out.  Which he damned well wasn't!  He
would give her the fuck of the century.  If she had liked the way
he reamed her cunt out, just wait until he reamed it out again.
     "You're the best lover in the world," Katt breathed, letting
him pull away from her.
     Ted thought she looked a little dazed.  He grinned.
     "Come into the living room with me, lover."  He got off the
bed and strode to the other room.
     Katt was stumped, but willing.  She got off the bed and
followed him into the living room.  Standing behind the chair, Ted
beckoned his wife to him.
     "Here, baby," he said, picking her up.  He set her up on the
back of his softly padded chair.  He tipped her over backwards
until she was upside down, head in the seat, her weight resting on
her shoulders.  Her feet and legs were up over the back of the
     "Are you comfortable?"
     Looking amazed, Katt said, "Yes."
     "I can get you a pillow if there isn't enough support in the
chair seat for your shoulders."
     "No.  It's amazingly comfortable."
     "This is a position I favour, not one of the Kama Sutra. I
call it, 'The rush of the gods'."
     Katt's ragged breathing told him she was outlandishly excited
by the prospect of having him fuck her from behind in the 'ass up'
position.  After all, she had admitted that getting fucked doggy
fashion was the way she liked it best.

                            Chapter 6

     A tall man, Ted stopped over the chair back so that his legs
were on each side of hers and her bottom was against his thighs.
Her legs were over his shoulders.  He spit in his palm and rubbed
it over his dick.  Then, he rubbed the bloated head of his cock
over her sopping love nest.
     "You want it badly, baby?"
     "God, yes, Ted, stick it in me good," Katt moaned huskily,
eyes pleading with him.  It was nearly unbearable having that cock
tease her lovehole so much, without doing something about it.
     Ted never bulldozed at sex.  None of the Kama Sutra members
ever smashed into their lovers.  It just was not done.
     Katt trembled with desire.  She stared up between her legs at
her husband, who was high above her.
     Deftly, Ted pressed his cock downward until the tip touched
her flesh.  He guided his pulsing cockhead to her little love nest
and pressed down until the head popped into her neatly.
     In sweet ecstasy, Katt felt the huge bulb slide in.
     "Yes!  God, yes!" she cried as Ted began to slide all eight
thick inches into her body.  She wished she could move, impale
herself onto his stiff prick.  But she couldn't.
     To keep her from doing just that, Ted had chosen this
position instead of one of the other Kama Sutra positions for
fucking.  Now he bent her knees and hooked her legs over the
crooks of his elbows.  Gripping both her wrists in his hands, Ted
held her.  Already highly aroused himself, Ted knew she would have
him popping his rocks off too soon if he let her move at all, so
he meant to control her.
     Katt felt a deep, gut-wrenching sensitivity in her body. She
moaned with lust as Ted caught her wrists and held her hands back
so that she could not even touch him.
     "Your cunt is on fire," her husband mumbled, standing over
her.  He began to fuck his fabulously hard dick down into her.
     Nothing he could do would stop Katt from shuddering with
desire.  Her entire body began to suck in his cock. He could see
her large, red clit pulse excitedly.
     All at once, Katt felt Ted's cock push deeper into her pussy.
She whined with pleasure.
     "God, oh God, darling ... Fuck me!  I can't move! Drive it in
me faster, harder!"  Her entire body throbbed with emotion and
sensual pleasure.
     All at once, he turned her wrists loose.  "Play with your
tits!"  His fingers entwined in her hair and he grasped it
loosely, not pulling, just holding fistfuls of it.
     "Play with your tits, baby ... Roll your nipples, tug on
them," Ted whispered encouragingly.
     "Like this?"
     "Yes, you sexy doll ... God, baby, I love fucking you like
     "Give it to me faster!" she gasped, wild for the wild orgasm
that she knew would come.
     "Not yet.  I want this fuck to last, baby.  Play with those
big knockers," he hissed, thrusting his pecker deep into her love
snatch at a steady, maddening pace.
     Plowing his cock in and out of Katt's cunt, Ted watched her
play with her tits, which he had never seen her do before.  She
ran her fingers over first one and then the other, stretched the
nipples away from the flesh and then mashed her tits down, rolling
them flat beneath her palm.
     "If Bhadra was here, I'd have her suck your tits!" He
groaned, pressing his pelvis lower and lower, driving his cock
deeper and deeper into her intestines.
     It took her by surprise.  "Bhadra ... suck my breasts?"
     "Sure.  Women in the cult make love to each other all the
time.  You might as well learn with our servant.
     "But you fuck her!"
     "And so will you.  We will both fuck and suck our servant."
     "Yes, of course.  I will enjoy watching the two of you suck
and hump each other, and you can watch me screw Bhadra."
     "I'd like watching you."  Never having been with a woman
before, Katt was momentarily worried about doing it herself with
Bhadra.  She did not know how. Her current passion was too strong
to concentrate on anything but her pleasure of the moment.
     Letting her know what he would expect her to do with Bhadra,
he said, "You will love the taste of her pussy, especially after
I've fucked her."
     "Yes!  I will, darling!"
     "Like this?" he asked, beginning to jackhammer his randy dick
into his wife's horny body now.
     "More!  More!" she cried, realizing that she would do
anything that Ted wanted her to do.
     "Eat those suckers!" Ted cried, jabbing his hard cock into
     It took Katt a moment to realize that he was talking to
someone else in the room.  She glanced to her left. Then to her
right.  Bhadra was there, naked, her beautiful brown skin smooth
and inviting.  Katt couldn't believe the great hanging size of her
breasts.  They were huge hanging things.  Bhadra advanced and they
swayed and jounced on her chest.
     Dazedly, Katt realized that her horny husband had just told
their servant to eat those suckers.  She could only assume that he
had meant for Bhadra to suck his balls.
     Wrong!  Her ayah leaned over her and took Katt's rigid nipple
into her mouth and sucked it passionately. In the process, the
huge hanging mammaries fell over Katt's face, nearly smothering
her.  Katt let go of her own tits and lifted her ayah's off her
face.  Even so, the huge nipples pressed urgently against Katt's
     Too wild with passion to turn down a luscious meal like that,
Katt opened her mouth and sucked on the giant tips.  Taking
extreme pleasure in sucking the nipples, perhaps because her own
were being thrillingly sucked at the same time, Katt gobbled them
     Ted thought this scene between his ayah and his wife pure
delight.  His cock screwed Katt's pussy while their servant ate
her tits.  Many other times, women had made love to females he
happened to be fucking.  But it had never aroused Ted as much as
now, with Katt.  He nearly lost his load on the spot when he
realized her mouth was busy nursing Bhadra's tits.
     The professor was aware that, for an Indian woman, Bhadra had
huge breasts.  Without a bra, they hung heavily on her chest.
They had dark brown aureole, four inches across and the nipples
were nearly the size of a man's thumb.
     Realizing that what she was doing must be exciting Ted, Katt
was delighted when he started fucking her in frantic abandon.
     Ted shoved his cock downward.  Every plunge of his dick in
her body was like an electric shock to his system. His hard cock
rammed into her lovehole and his balls slapped the back of her
thighs.  He was going to release his hot load any minute!
     Bhadra wanted to suck the mem-sahib as soon as the sahib had
filled her pussy full.  So, the servant let go of the tit and
quick as a flash was behind him.  She knew from two years of
experience what the professor liked.
     Grabbing his balls, Bhadra unceremoniously scratched her
fingers over his ass and listened to his cries of ecstasy with
extreme satisfaction.  Soon he would be done and she would be free
to suck the cunt and ass that she had been lusting after for so
long! Ted was bashing down into Katt's pussy now, crying out
unintelligible things.  Somehow, he managed to gasp, "Up your
ass!"  Ted shoved his dick as deep as it would go and blasted her
cunt so full that the stuff gushed out around his prick and
flooded her upturned bottom.
     The moment Bhadra let go of her tits, Katt began to
masturbate her clit feverishly.  Now, feeling Ted flood her
lovehole with a scalding load of sperm, Katt exploded.  She had a
climax in her mind and her pussy at the same time.
     She came close to fainting.  And when Katt finally began to
rally, she felt a loving tongue licking her passion-juices pussy.
Dazed, she saw that it was Bhadra, her female servant--her ayah.
     Face still passion-drawn, Ted stood beside their servant,
watching the Indian woman lick his wife's snatch.
     "Up, up her, now," Ted said to the woman, tapping at his
wife's full asshole with his fingertip.  "There is plenty of my
ball jizz running down her ass.  He dipped a finger between Katt's
cheeks and then offered it to Bhadra to lick clean.
     "Aaahhhhh!" The woman made an excited sound of pleasure as
she licked.
     "Tastes like ambrosia, eh?" he asked, now working his finger
into Bhadra's cunt.
     Katt's whole body quaked beneath her ayah's delving tongue as
it spooned out her husband's sperm from her lower regions.
     Ted noticed that Katt now seemed uneasy.  He told Bhadra to
go back to sucking her cunt and clit.
     "Give her an orgasm with your mouth and hands, get her used
to woman love, and I'll give you a good fucking.
     Katt watched her husband position himself behind their Indian
servant.  He was going to fuck Bhadra! Katt knew when he thrust
his cock into the Indian woman, because her mouth butted Katt's
     "I want to watch you fuck her!" Katt gasped, her fevered
snatch flooding itself with more broth.  But Ted did not stop
fucking.  Nor did Bhadra stop sucking. Soon, Katt was feeling too
much rapture to want to move.
     Bhadra flicked her tongue in and out of the delicious pussy.
     Realizing the mem-sahib was about to squirt in her mouth,
Bhadra thrust her tongue deep into her cunt and worked her clit
with her fingers.
     "I'm going to cum in your mouth!" Katt gasped, not knowing
how the woman would take it if she did.
     "Do it, darling!  Bhadra wants your cum in her mouth!" he
cried, twisting his cock in the Indian's pussy and humping back
and forth wildly.
     All at once, Bhadra did the same thing that Ted had done to
Katt earlier.  She closed her lips over Katt's big clit and
sucked!  She rammed three bunched fingers up Katt's pussy and
fucked her fast.
     The same kind of shock waves--passionate, intense, passed
through Katt with the force of a speeding atom. Her pleasure-
wracked body whirled into oblivion.  Unable to move, she cried out
and her internal organs did the rest.  Katt's cunt exploded in
     Bhadra wriggled her tongue on the clit, fucking her fingers
into the hot cunt of the mem-sahib.  Then she felt her own pussy
snap tight on the sahib's fat dick.
     Ted came, pouring out his spunk in his ayah's lovehole by the
quart.  His voice was thick with passion.
     "You made her cum in your mouth, so I'll give you a load in
the snatch."
     As soon as he pulled his prick out of the woman's cunt, he
helped Katt right herself in the chair.  He picked her up and
carried her to the bedroom.  Solicitously, Ted lay her down on the
     "Was getting sucked off by a woman good for you, baby?"
     Katt gazed at her husband's adored face and purred, amazed
that it really had been.  "It was stupendous."
     "I'm glad you liked having our servant service you.  It
excited me watching, baby.  Anytime I see a female mouth on cunt,
ass or tit, I get excited, but not ever as much as this time."
     "I wanted to watch you fuck her body, darling.  Did you pour
the love juices from your nuts deep into her lovehole?"
     "I sure did, baby.  Want to see?"
     Katt nodded.
     "Sahib?" she asked, coming into the room.
     "Stand up here on the bed and bend over.  The mem-sahib will
see my sperm in your body."
     The woman eagerly did as she was told, and used her fingers
to spread her pussy open, so Katt could see how gooey it was.
     Staring up at the frothy hole, Katt felt a stirring in her
loins again.  She was becoming insatiable.
     "It's full of my spunk, darling.  Does it excite you?"
     "Yes!  God, Ted, looking at her cunt has got me hot again."
     "Good.  Later, you will love to kiss it and eat it, but right
now, I have a surprise for you, darling."  He motioned for Bhadra
to get down off the bed.
     "Send him in."
     Bhadra nodded, glanced at Katt and smiled.  Then, she went
     "Who?" She struggled to sit up.
     "Hazun, Hunter's servant.  He is damn hot for you.  It
occurred to me that I can not give you all the cock you want.  So,
I worked out a deal with Hazun.  He has promised to keep us
informed of Hunter's moves and plans, if he can screw you." Ted
chuckled.  "Not a bad deal, eh?  We get our cake and eat it too.
But, you don't have to agree if you don't want to," he quickly
assured her, sitting down on the side of the bed.
     Recalling how Hazun had frigged off while watching Hunter
screw her, Katt grew excited.
     "I thought you'd go for the idea," Ted chuckled, and looked
up as Hazun came into the room.
     Naked, his cock stuck out obscenely from his loins and swayed
menacingly as he crossed the room.
     "So big ... I didn't realize it was so huge."
     "Your hole will stretch to take it, we proved that, baby."
     Despite her raunchy excitement, Katt had her doubts. It
pleased her that Ted brought the man to her.  Obviously, Ted
wanted Katt to fuck the servant with the big prick.  The deal he'd
worked out about Hunter was just the icing on the cake.
     "It must be a foot long!" she gasped.
     "More.  It measures in at 13 3/4"."
     "You measured it?" She sounded shocked.
     Ted chuckled.  "Common knowledge.  Hazun and I are old
friends.  He's a member of the cult."
     "Oh."  Bigger may not be better, but it was certainly
     Hazun's eyes had not left her golden-fleeced cunt for one
second since entering the room.  He said a prayer to Brahma that
she would agree to let him screw her in exchange for information
about his sahib.  The sahib was not a good man.  Hazun did not
favour his unkind actions to others.  And if sahib Hunter was
trying to steal from the professor and India, Hazun would do all
in his power to stop him.  Besides, he did not want Hunter to
screw the golden lady again.
     Katt held out her hands to Hazun, and he came eagerly, his
big cock swaying between his dark thighs. There was lust stamped
all over his aquiline features.
     "You promise to tell us everything that Hunter plans to do if
I let you screw me?" she asked, stroking his mighty erection with
the tips of her fingers.
     Hazun's lust for her would have made him promise her the
moon.  He admired and liked the professor, and he liked her too.
He would keep his promise faithfully.
     "Her pussy is tight."  Ted said, his eyes full of concern,
"so take it easy."
     The majestic thickness of Hazun's cock was intimidating.
Katt knew it would stretch her pussy far more than even her
husband's had.  But she needed it inside her.
     "Would you like to fuck me now, Hazun?" she murmured.  How
naughty she was getting.  Knowing that Ted would be watching her
take it that way made Katt feel even naughtier.
     Surprising her, Hazun sat down on the bed.  He leaned back,
supporting his weight on his outstretched arms.
     "Back up to me and sit on it, or face me and sit on it, mem-
sahib."  He hoped she would face him so he could see that
wonderful pubic mound and maybe play with her tits a little.  He
could even manipulate her clit nicely in that position.
     Ted stepped aside.  Katt, he thought was beautiful, in her
rosy-faced exhilaration.  Even though Ted thought she was biting
off more than she could chew, having sex with over a foot of randy
meat, he did not try to dissuade her.
     Breathing heavy, Katt stood up on the bed, backed up, and
squatted between Hazun's slender thighs.  With a groan of desire,
Katt thrust her lovehole down on the upright pillar.  Again and
again, she hornily jabbed her ass down on it, steadily driving it
inch by inch into her throbbing pussy.
     Amazed and sweating, Ted watched.
     Hazun was sweating even harder.  His teeth were clamped
tight.  His body began to thrust and shake beneath her.
     Ted muttered a horny groan of desire and amazement.  "You've
crammed his whole dick into your body, baby.  Easy, baby ... ride
him easy."
     "Fuck me, Hazun!" Katt thrust herself up and down forcefully.
     Hazun's hands were around her, playing with her pussy and
     Ted dived between her knees and told her to lean back against
Hazun's chest and let him drill her ass.
     Knowing he had something exciting in the offing, Katt did as
he told her.  Her cunt muscles began to milk Hazun's super-cock.
     That's when Ted shocked her by going down on her. He licked
and sucked her clit like mad while Hazun fucked her.
     Hazun, finding his fingers supplanted by the sahib's tongue,
moved them up to stroke and fondle her tits. Then, he lowered his
head and nibbled the sweet flesh of her neck and thrust his dong
into her sucking hole.
     "Deeper, Hazun.  Fuck me deeper!  Oh, God, Ted, you're both
going to make me cum!"
     Deeper and faster, Hazun fucked her, his hands holding her
hips now, holding her on his prick as he plowed into her.  He
couldn't hold off, despite his intensive training.  He had never
fucked any woman who aroused him this much.
     "Oh, yes!" Katt cried, and her hot, sperm-laden lovehole
slammed up and down on her lover's dick while her husband sucked
her clit.
     "Do it to me!" she screeched.
     Driving into her deeply, Hazun let his cock have its head.
     That was all Ted needed to observe.  He came up on the bed
between her knees, aimed his dick at her cunt and fired his load.
     Cum splattered all over.  It hit her pubic mound, her cock-
filled lovehole, her belly, her thighs.
     The sounds Katt was making told both men that they had been
very successful in bringing her to a super climax.
     Hazun grunted, holding his prick in her as deep as it would
go.  He felt his cock fling a load of jizz into her golden snatch
ringed by the exciting blonde hair.  He would forever be her love
slave.  There was nothing in the world he would not do for her.
     The orgasm that tore through Katt was so intense that her
entire body stiffened in rigor.
     Holding his cock until it stopped seething and spewing fuck-
juice, Ted realized he was shaking.  He'd had no intention of
joining in--had been down for the count, and glad to have a relief
fucker to service his wife. Hazun, Ted knew, was capable of
screwing Katt all night long.  Yet, Ted had gotten horny, and to
his amazement, found himself in the action again.
     This young, sexy wife of his might very well become too much
for him to handle, even with help.  After all, there was ten
year's difference in their ages.  Cult-fucking was what she
     The climactic draining left Ted weak.  He gazed at Katt,
still seated on Hazun's lusty fuck stick, and saw her only half-
clearly through the mist which had formed behind his eyes.
     "Didn't hurt yourself, did you, baby?"
     "Hurt?  Oh, no, darling, I don't hurt."
     Hazun lifted her and pressed her forward, so her head would
have been right in Ted's crotch if he hadn't moved aside.  Ted did
so quickly, sure he would never be able to survive another climax
should she take his wang in her mouth and revive it--again.
     Hazun had no such worries.  He used his hands to fondle her
bottom and getting on his knees behind Katt, he began to lick her
ass cheeks.  He sucked her fanny until he was satiated with it and
his prong was throbbing between his legs.
     He turned her over on her back then, and went down on her.
He rubbed his face and cheeks and nose over her cunt and licked
the muff hair.  He took mouthfuls of pubic fur, and lapped and
licked it.
     "Do you want him to continue, baby, or are you tired?" Ted
     "Let Hazun kiss my pussy, darling.  I'd like one more fuck.
Do you want to screw me?"
     "I've had it, baby.  It's up to Hazun to give you more, I'm
     "I wanted tonight to be for us," she pouted prettily.
     "Want to send Hazun away?"
     She grinned.  "No.  Absolutely not!"
     Hazun spoke then.  "Would you not mind if I fuck you, in a
position that enables me to view the beautiful, golden hair--of
your wonderful pussy?" Hazun inquired politely.
     "You like the colour?" Katt asked, feeling pleased and
willing to grant him anything for one more go at his dick. "Fuck
me any way you want!"
     Ted lovingly watched his wife press Hazun's mouth to her
pussy.  He really marveled at her.  Even performing such an
indecent act in front of him, she still looked as sexually
innocent as a nun.
     There was no regret in Ted now.  He was making it up to her,
would continue to make up to her for lost time. He planned to see
that Katt got all the sex she wanted.
     Hazun was red-hot.  Her golden pussy turned him on like none
before.  He found himself struggling once again to control his
     "Hazun, will you fuck me now?" Katt wailed.
     Breathing unevenly, he immediately crawled up between her
legs, and supported on his knees, used his cock head to titillate
her clit.
     "You would have me stick it into you again?"
     "Yes, back into my cunt with you."  She saw the pulse beat in
the side of his temple.  His cock slid down over her clit to the
wet, slurping snatch.
     Hot and ready, Katt's legs fell open and she quivered hard as
Hazun's cockhead nosed into her hole.  Twisting and shoving her
pelvis against it, Katt knew she was hurrying the process too
quickly again, but was too horny to wait.
     Her flesh thrilled as the Indian worked his long hard prick
into her inch by inch again.  It was stretching her so
marvelously.  There was that same feeling of incredible, exciting
fullness that she had felt with Ted. Only this time, the feeling
borderlined on discomfort.
     Hazun began to sweat.  He grunted, panted, worked at
restraining himself from plunging in too forcefully. With
Herculean strength, he finally managed to get it all packed inside
her cunt.
     Tentatively, Katt undulated on his cock, once it was imbedded
deep in her belly.
     Suddenly, she flew into action.  "Fuck me, Hazun!"
     He drew his cock out and as he was just making a return
glide, she slammed her pelvis upward without warning.
     Hazun cried out as his big cock shot up her cunt like a
rocket.  His balls cracked against her ass smartly.  She cried
out.  Worried, Hazun cast a glance at the sahib, fearing the
professor would believe the unruly force to be Hazun's fault.
     But, having fallen for Katt's eager passions himself, Ted
turned his palms upward and shrugged.  "There is no stopping her,
no matter how big the cock," he said.
     Her breath came in short, quick gasps.
     "He's fucking me, darling," she moaned.  "Stretching my
pussy..."  She felt Hazun's long fingers slip over her ass and she
whined passionately.
     Ted was elated.  His wife was fucking like crazy.  If he had
been capable of it, he would have thrown her another fuck.  But he
wasn't up to it.  Still, he could enjoy this screw with her and
heighten her pleasure.
     "You're the best lover in the world," Katt breathed, as her
husband's mouth came down to suck her nipple.
     Ted grinned, and then licked her tingling bud.
     Katt's ragged breathing told him she was outlandishly excited
by the prospect of having him nurse her tits while another man
fucked her.
     Her nipples stiffened even more beneath the manipulation of
his fingers and mouth.
     Katt responded to her husband's caresses with fervour.  They
intensified the fucking Hazun was giving her like nothing else
could.  As he sucked her nipple, he made her cunt twitch on the
Indian's cock.  She reached up and grasped Ted's balls and tugged
on them.
     His cock remained limp, and the prospect of her husband
becoming impotent frightened her.  Now that they had discovered
each other sexually, nothing so horrible as that must befall them.
The fear rapidly diminished her pleasure.
     "Leave my balls alone, baby," Ted groaned.  "I need a rest
before I can fuck you again.  Tomorrow, you can have all my prick
that you want!"
     A rest, that was all Ted needed?  Relieved, Katt let herself
go and enjoyed the sucking and fucking.
     Hazun's motions were carefully controlled.  That golden pussy
spread out before him had his balls in an uproar.  He had to
carefully execute every movement, every breath he took, pray to
Brahma that she would not make any wild exciting moves that would
bring him off prematurely.
     Wetting his finger in his mouth, Hazun twirled it around her
erect clit.  It was far bigger than any he had come in contact
with before.  Since little clits were known to be highly
sensitive, it made sense that a much bigger one would be super
sensitive.  It would be easy to get her off before he lost it.
Without warning, Hazun took it between thumb and forefinger and
began to frig it up and down, just like a little cock.
     Now her entire body was on fire.  Katt rammed her pelvis up
and down in mindless eagerness for her cum, driving his cock in
and out of her womb.
     At the same time, Hazun fervently played with her tits.
     Whimpering, her body twisted left and right, rocking herself,
her head arching back, Katt gave out a cry of ecstasy.
     Forcing his dick deep as it would go, Hazun drove swift,
short thrusts into her cunt.  He could feel the surges of sperm
splash up his fuck-stalk.  The tension in his pole was
unbelievable now.  He was going to blow his load deep into her
belly, fill her up with his seed.  His brain foggy, he watched her
golden pussy contract, felt her big clit jerk between his fingers.
     His body gave up his sizzling liquid load.  It gushed into
her cunt so hard that he was certain it would blow her apart.
     Katt wrapped her legs around Hazun and held him tight in her
as she gave him back just as much juice, flooding his dick.
     The splashing of his sperm inside her made her entire body
respond in orgasmic heat.  She felt Ted's teeth bite into her
flesh, then both his hands squeeze her tits, and knead them.
     "Let yourself go, baby.  Fuck that cock.  Screw, baby. Pour
your sweet cream all over it.  That's it, pump it out, baby.  Let
it go, I'm here, right here, and it's okay.  I want you to enjoy
yourself on his cock."
     Before his prick even began to soften, Hazun pulled it out of
her so he could eat her cunt.
     Wide-eyed, Katt stared down at the Indian who seemed so very
taken by her pussy.  He was lovingly licking her pussy, his tongue
ladling out their juices.
     She let him eat his fill, and then, she sent him away. She
and Ted had quick baths and then she led her husband to bed.
     Katt held Ted to her breast and whispered how much she loved
him.  Their breathing quieted.  Both drifted off to sleep.
     Neither of them woke until Bhadra aroused them the following

                            Chapter 7

     The sun was high in the desert sky, and still Hunter had not
appeared at the dig like he threatened.  Katt wondered if Hunter
had been picked up by the police. She spoke with Ted about it, but
he had heard nothing. Finally, she asked Ted to send Sandor to
speak with Hazun.
     Sandor returned a short while later saying that Hazun was
just as puzzled as they were.  His sahib had not returned last
evening as expected.
     Throughout the morning, Katt worked side by side with Ted.
The workers had unearthed several bone shards, and it was a couple
of these that Katt held ready to foist on Hunter as their sole
finds.  By noon, Hunter had still not put in an appearance.
     Katt decided that she would take her kit home and date the
skeletal bones beneath the bed, and begin treating them.  She
would have Sandor stand guard outside the hut and alert her if
Hunter should appear. She knew she could also count of Bhadra to
assist her.
     But Hunter did not interrupt her work that afternoon either.
     Ted arrived early and reminded Katt, "There is a meeting of
the cult tonight.  I think you should stop now and bathe."
     No one wore clothing at the meeting.  Katt and Ted disrobed
in one of the tiny dressing rooms provided. They hung their
clothes neatly on wall hooks.
     "Ted, I'm scared," Katt murmured when her skirt had been hung
and every crease smoothed out of it.
     "You are beautiful, and a much awaited treat for these
Indians.  They are all taken with blonde-haired women. Don't be
frightened.  They are a kind, loving people, and will treat you
with respect.  You already know three of them."
     "I do?"
     "Bhadra, Sandor and Hazun."
     "They are all members of the cult?"
     "Yes, ma'am.  And so am I."  Her husband smiled at her, and
his voice softened.  "I will be with you."
     "Promise to stay with me until I loosen up?"
     Ted nodded and held the door open for her.  Heart in her
throat, Katt stepped forward with her fears, determined to face
the sea of strange new faces.
     It felt as if a thousand eyes were on her, when there was
only forty-two sets.  Noisy conversation petered out. The quiet
became deafening.  Katt blushed from head to toe and pressed
against Ted.  His arm came around her waist, and she found comfort
and courage in it.
     In a voice that easily carried throughout the entire room,
Ted said with pride, "I would like to introduce my wife and fellow
archaeologist, Katt MacNeil."
     Everyone seemed to murmur greetings at once.  Still they were
very orderly as they fell into a ragged line and filed past her,
shaking her hand and telling her who they were.
     It was the craziest feeling Katt had ever had.  Here she was,
standing nude, in a receiving line, being formally introduced to
men and women just as naked as she was!
     The really odd thing was that not one of the men let their
hands or even their eyes wander lower than her face.  They did not
make any lewd remarks, or smirk knowingly.  She might have been
the belle of the ball, dressed in a gown and wearing a tiara on
her head.
     Katt began to relax and enjoy the pleasant exchange with
those who spoke English.  She felt Ted's sustaining arm fall from
around her waist.
     The first man in line was also the last man in line.  Katt
vaguely remembered Ted saying that he was the head man of the cult
and calling him High Principal.  He took her hand again and spoke
to both her and Ted.
     "It is our unanimous agreement that you will not undergo the
normal initiation, Katt MacNeil.  It is obvious to us that you are
a bit nervous, and we have no wish to put you through any undue
stress.  Your husband is a member of good standing here.
Therefore, we shall forego the sperm ceremony and begin the Kama
Sutra instructions."
     Ted was impressed.  Nothing of this nature had ever occurred
in any of the Indian cults he had belonged to in twenty years.
Evidently, the High Principal and the other males really had the
hots for Katt, and were taking no chances of her being offended by
their unusual rituals.
     "We are honoured, High Principal," he replied, bending his
head downward.  With proper respect in his voice for the High
Principal Of Desire, Ted said, "You would do me greater honour, to
be the first one to instruct my wife."
     Dazed, Katt stood there, listening, and still didn't believe
what was happening.  Ted was offering her cunt to this tall,
elegant man of India whom he referred to as, "High Principal Of
     "The honour shall be mine.  Come..."  He held out a broad,
dark hand to Katt.
     She did not look at Ted.  She firmly placed her hand in his
and let him lead her away.
     The High Principal Of Desire took her through the room with a
striking, cathedral ceiling.  Tall gold candelabras softened, and
cast an impression of opulence over the plump pillows and low
couches that seemed to be grouped here and there.  The room was a
study of subtle, muted colours of the desert.
     As they climbed up three steps, she realized they were on a
broad stage, overlooking the entire room.  In the center was a
bed, to the left of it, an armless lounge and a couple of straight
back chairs.  To the right of it were more desert coloured floor
cushions in opulent fabrics scattered about.  And above them, of
all things, hung a swing from a beam in the ceiling.
     Speaking gently, so as not to frighten her more, the High
Principal spoke softly to Katt.  "Shall we just lay down on the
bed, side by side and talk a moment?  Your heart is beating like
that of a frightened bird."  He drew her down so that they lay
facing each other.
     "You are a beautiful woman ... beautiful."  He ran his hands
over her arms, but was careful to avoid touching her breasts.
"Are you frightened of me, or of so many eyes?" he asked kindly.
     "Not afraid, actually.  Just skittish."
     "You have made love to a man other than your husband?"
     "Then it is doing it before his eyes that worries you?"
     "No, not that," Katt admitted, not understanding it herself.
"I have made love to a man in front of my husband."
     "Then you are ready.  I am always first, since it is my right
as the head of this cult.  Although I waved the sperm ritual, I
will now claim it for myself.  You see, I enjoy the oral, mutual
pleasure of the Kama Sutra, which you most likely refer to as the
     Katt glanced down at his cock for the first time.  It was
about six inches long at full stand.  Pinkish-brown in colour, it
was slender and had a small head.  It would certainly not gag her.
She was pleased.
     "It is my duty to begin your teachings in control.  In this
side by side position, we will stimulate each other until we feel
the juice begin to rise.  Then, we will break contact.  You may
still use your fingers to stimulate me, to keep my cock stiff, and
I will continued to stimulate you.
     "When the danger of orgasm has passed, we will resume oral
contact.  In this manner, we will be able to prolong our sex act
for hours.  It is possible, if you are very adept at the art of
building tension in me, of maintaining it at a high level without
letting me climax.  Then I will reward you with continual orgasms
like you have never before had."
     "Why would not you wish to cum many times also?"
     "Ahhh, you will learn that answer for yourself--soon. But I
will tell you this.  Such prolonged tension, in a man, is a
coveted act, for when he does ultimately ejaculate, the sensations
are vastly intensified."
     "I may touch any part of your body?"
     "Any part."
     His fingers traced an arc around her nipple and as Katt
watched, her brain sent a message to her nerve centres.  She felt
an erotic tug at her uterus, and a warmth flood her abdominal
     The High Principal Of Desire's prick had risen stiffly long
before he had touched her glorious breast, for he had sneaked a
peek at her bush.  It was not seemly for him to be so taken with
her golden hair.  Yet he was, and he struggled to conceal his
vulnerability to her as well as to his cult followers.  Truth be
known, the High Principal was somewhat nervous himself.  What if
he should disgrace himself, and cum in her mouth, before the
minimum hour was up?
     Katt did not find the man of India all that sexy or
attractive.  But she did become excited thinking about him sucking
her pussy.  Also, Ted and all the others would be watching him do
it to her.
     Determined to show restraint this time in her lovemaking,
Katt reached down and began to lightly stroke the High Principal's
     In turn, he insinuated a finger into the core of Katt's
tight, lubricating pussy and wriggled it around.  Gazing down at
his hand against the blonde hair, he realized it was a grave
mistake to look at her pussy.  It would be his undoing.  His cock
lurched drunkenly in her hand.
     Flushed, Katt knew he was going to work her into a froth and
then not let her cum.  She tried to keep her body from reacting to
his fingers.  To her chagrin, she seemed to have little control
over her body's response. It did it without her permission.  She
would disgrace herself and Ted by acting like a slut.
     "I'll never learn restraint," she whispered to her new
     "Do you find me that desirable?" he inquired, sounding
pleased rather than the other way around.
     Katt told the truth without bruising the man's ego. "You are
driving me crazy."
     He whispered, "You are also tempting me.  I shall have to
keep my eyes closed and not gaze upon the fair hair as I go down
on you."
     "You are taken with the colour?"
     He nodded a bit shamefully.
     "In the United States, there are many blonde women."
     Her eyes closed dreamily and her pelvis began to thrust
rhythmically as the High Principal's finger probed her depths
deliciously, then came out to caress her clit.  Katt stirred
faster, her heart in a flutter.  Suddenly, she felt hopeless.  She
was going to come off right now.  She couldn't hold back.
     As his fingers moved slowly over her love-bud, Katt became
more agitated.  Harsh, breathy moans of desire welled up in her
throat and seemed to fill the small room.
     Instantly, he pulled his hand away.  Katt's eyes flew open.
She was aquiver.
     Gazing at her, he smiled slightly and winked.  "You are
beautiful when your face is all flushed with desire--for me," he
added and pivoted around on the bed in the 69 position.
     Katt had crashed out of passion and into reality.  This
surprised her.  Why did she have to learn restraint to heighten
her orgasmic pleasure?  It was already so intense at times that it
nearly drove her mad when she came.
     The spicy musk of his hot sex emanated from him as his crotch
came even with her face.  It was a pleasant smell, even heady.
She took his prick in her hand.  It jerked excitedly.  She
wondered how long he would be able to keep teasing her without
driving himself to orgasm in the process?  Was there a trick to
holding off? If so, she wished she knew what the hell it was.  She
should have asked Ted.
     Ted ... Katt's glance held the room, at least that part that
was in her line of vision.  She did not spot Ted.
     But Ted was there, watching her from a soft lounge deep in
the room.  With him was Bhadra and Sandor and Hazun.  The latter
was speaking softly to Ted about Hunter.
     The High Principal's eyes honed in on her pussy and she began
to feel on shaky ground.  Even so, he spread her legs and looked
at the pink perfection snuggled in the center of the soft, blonde
curls.  He took an in-depth look at her cunt.  It was wide open
before him.
     Katt felt him spread her open and inspect her pussy. She held
her leg up for him, stuck her tongue out and licked the drop of
oil off his cock slit.  It tasted salty and rich and she lapped
the head again and again.
     Inviting, exciting, he wanted to drive his tongue into her
pussy and feel that golden muff hair caress his face. But mindful
of his position, the High Principal slid his head between her
thighs and delicately titillated her flesh with his tongue,
holding himself in check.  Another strike against him was that he
wanted to make her climax in his mouth.  Instead, he must keep her
from doing so. It was his duty to teach her to build sexual
tension for as long as possible.  Excitedly horny, he thrust his
tongue in and out of her slit anyway.
     A cunnilingus lover, Katt jerked and cried out with the
thrill of it.  The High Principal Of Desire had an experienced
tongue, but it was not as good as Ted's. Still, it had a magic
about it as it flitted here and there, touching her clit only
briefly.  For certain, he was taking no chance of her cumming just
     At least, that is what Katt thought, until she felt his mouth
leach onto her pussy and ravenously suck at her juices, making her
quiver all over.  Confused, she felt her desires catapult toward
heightened excitement.
     Katt thrust her hips up and down.  Rapidly, the tension of
climax built toward a peak.  "Eat it!  Suck it!  Oh, God, yes!"
Katt hissed as his mouth turned into a sucking machine.
     This lusty lady was loving his mouth!  He plunged his tongue
deeper in her hole and tongue-fucked her lustily. His cock had
never been harder, nor his balls so spring-loaded, so he had to be
cautious.  He wouldn't be able to tease her much longer, or he
would be the one facing an unwarranted orgasm.
     When the High Principal's tongue delved deep inside her
asshole, Katt's body writhed and she mashed her cunt against his
     "I'm going to cum in your mouth!" she warned, and crammed his
cock into her own mouth.
     The High Principal Of Desire grunted and stopped his ravenous
eating.  He shoved her hips away from him and cautiously eased his
hips back, drawing his cock from her mouth before he spilled his
     To Katt's amazement, the High Principal brought her to the
summit time after time.  She could only assume that she had done
the same for him.
     Nearly two unbelievable hours later, he finally let her cum.
Multiple orgasms roll through her.  Like exquisite items on an
assembly line, they just kept coming, feeding through her.  She
was dizzy, her body strained to the limit of ecstasy, and still
they rolled on.  At one point, her mouth filled with jism and she
gulped it down. When he stopped sucking her off, Katt did not
know. She thought she had fainted, for when she came around, Ted
was beside her on the bed, and her lover had gone.
     Ted assured himself that his wife was all right.
     "Was it good?"
     "Glorious orgasm," she whispered weakly.
     Ted smiled.  "That's what we all say after the first lesson
in control."
     "I had no idea why he wanted me to hold off ... what he was
talking about ... Oh, God, darling, it was worth it!"
     One of the women brought a glass of wine to her.  Katt sat
up, leaned against the headboard of the bed and accepted it
gratefully.  As she sipped the heady wine, she watched the woman
go to the foot of the bed.
     The woman crawled up between Katt's legs and moved them
     Eyes round, Katt gazed about her.  "Ted--what..."
     Ted reached for Katt's hand and squeezed it.  "She lubricates
you for the next man."
     "Is it going to be another lesson in restraint?" Katt allowed
the woman to part her legs and even scrunched down on the bed so
she had plenty of room to perform her duty.
     Ted chuckled.  "Despite the pleasure, you hate that, don't
you?  Well, you will learn that it does have its advantages.
Restraint is practiced, yes, but mostly, the rest of your
initiation is the instruction of position."
     "Good, I'm not sure I can stand more restraint tonight. My
orgasm was ecstasy in its purest form.  It must have been.  No
human could possibly stand it any more pure. But I want to be
balled hard and fast now."
     "You must still restrain yourself or the High Principal will
feel that he has failed with his first lesson.  Are you ready for
another lesson?" Ted asked, glancing at his watch.
     "With you?"
     "No.  As your husband, I will be last.  It would be ill-
mannered to go before the others."  He raised his hand and
beckoned to someone.
     Out of the crowd came a short, heavy-set man.  His penis was
big, perhaps eight inches long, and nearly as thick as Ted's.
     When the man stepped up on the platform, the Indian woman got
off the bed and smeared lubricant on his poker-stiff erection.
     "This is Jhansa, darling," he reminded her, sure that Katt
had not caught his name the first time around.  "He does not speak
English, so I will tell you ... he does 'the swing'."  Ted left
her with the man then.
     Smiling, Jhansa took her hand and gently guided her from the
bed.  He took the glass of wine from her hand and sat it on a low
     He led her to the swing and sat her in it.  Then, he started
her swinging gently.
     Having read about the position, Katt knew what to expect.
Finding it exciting, she did her part by raising her legs and
spreading them apart.  She was thankful for the heavy dose of
lubrication with which the woman had laved her pussy.
     A few feet in front of her, Jhansa planted his feet wide to
brace himself.  His pelvis strained forward, in a direct line with
her pussy hole.
     Highly aroused herself, Katt couldn't wait to swing into him
and spear herself.  She believed this was definitely not sex that
either of them would be expected to exhibit restraint.
     The man gave her another little push and stepped closer.
     Katt swayed forward.
     Jhansa had adeptly aimed his cock correctly and it dipped
into her hole.
     Katt gasped, finding herself swinging backward almost before
her mind registered that she had been penetrated by eight randy
inches of meat.
     She was pleased to hear Jhansa groan too.  It meant that he
was just as excited by 'the swing' as she was and would not wish
to hold off their orgasms.
     Back and forth she swung, and each time, he penetrated her
cunt, until Katt was so highly aroused that she needed longer
contact.  Just a second longer would get her off.  She could not
get off on such short, quick jabs.
     Katt cried out to Jhansa, hoping he would somehow understand
what she wanted him to do.
     "Grab the swing!  Stop it and fuck me!"
     He did not react.  Katt found her desire building to a
screaming pitch.
     Back and forth, back and forth.  Her pussy was sopping wet
with juices intermixed with the lube.  She opened her mouth and
flung her head backwards in desperate, wild need.
     Half-mad with lust, she wondered how would the High Principal
take it if she jumped out of the swing, dragged her lover to the
ground, and impaled herself on his cock.
     Saving her from herself in the nick of time, he grabbed hold
of her ass as she swung forward and held her cunt locked tight on
his spitting cock.
     "Argh!  God!  Yes!  Cum in me!"
     As his erupting shaft foamed tons of jism into her, Jhansa's
pelvis thrust spasmodically, setting his round belly quivering
like a bowl full of Jello.  Orgasmic, his prick continued to jerk
and rampage in her cunt until it had cast out the last glob of
     At the same time, Katt's milky juices let go.  Tremendous
pleasure swept through her, leaving nothing untouched.  Her body
stiffened, her muscles locked in unyielding ecstasy.  As every
gush of fluid struck her womb, Katt shrieked with bliss.
     Afterwards, the magnificence of the sensations shocked Katt,
leaving her weak and shaken.  The unpretentious looking man was a
master at making love to a woman in the swing.  Katt knew she
would never pick him as a potential lover under any other
conditions.  Yet what a glorious experience she would have missed.
>From that point on, she would certainly pay less attention to
looks and more to talent.
     Fleetingly, she remembered how sure she had been that Hunter
would be a good lover, because he had the muscular build, the
devil-may-care approach, the whole nine yards.  And she had been
somewhat disappointed after he had made love to her.
     Hunter Beal hadn't even come close to giving her these
astounding climaxes.  No, he hadn't been able to match the
unsurpassed climaxes that these two cult members had given her.
And neither man could, by any stretch of the imagination, be
considered hunks.
     To her delight, Jhansa's prick did not lose its virility when
he withdrew it from her pussy.  Katt would have liked to ask him
to fuck her in the swing again.  But Ted was beside her now,
telling her it was time for her third lover.
     Katt let her arms fall away from Jhansa's neck, and unlocked
her ankles from his thick waist.
     Jhansa's stout arms let her down gently, until her feet
touched the floor.  Then, he lifted Katt's hand, held it and spoke
solemnly to Ted in Hindi.
     Ted translated.  "Jhansa wants you to know that you are an
incredible fuck.  He gets that you will allow him the honour of
screwing you again, after your initiation is complete."
     "If it is allowed, I'd let him screw me again right now."
     "It is not."
     "Tell him that he is a terrific lover and I would be
delighted to swing with him--often."
     Grinning, Ted relayed the message.
     Jhansa bowed himself out.
     "I can't remember when I've ever been so hot for a woman."
Ted's eyes glittered with need and longing as he gazed at his
wife.  "I hope you have enough energy left to give me a screw when
we get home."
     Katt smiled.  "I will.  But why wait until we get home?"
     "It would not be polite here."
     "What about in the jeep on the way home?  I do have to sit on
your lap," she reminded him with a wicked little wriggle of her
     "That you do," he said, "but it might be a mighty bouncy
     Ted chuckled.  "We fuck on the way home.  Sandor can't get
any more horny than he already is.  He and Hazun have been fucking
themselves silly tonight.  They watch you until they can stand it
no longer, and then they fuck one of the women.  I've noticed,
always in a position which allows them to continue viewing you."
     Seeing that her husband still had an incredible hard-on, she
said, "And is this my fault too?  Haven't you fucked anyone yet?"
     Ted nodded his head.  "Had to once, or waste my load on the
floor.  Are you ready for another lesson?"
     Eagerly awaiting his turn, a young man no more than nineteen
lunged forward.
     "Galpur spent two years studying in the States.  You can
communicate with him."  As the young man came up the steps, Ted
went down.
     Katt saw that Galpur had a small cock and though very eager,
was also very nervous.
     "Hello, Galpur.  What position are you going to teach me?"
     He bowed his head politely.  "Two birds flying together."
     "Ahhh, that sounds exciting."  Katt couldn't recall the
position, but didn't let it worry her.  She would let the young
man instruct her, and perhaps he would lose some of his
nervousness by doing so.
     "You would come with me to the bed?"
     Katt, still seated in the swing, took his offered hand and
let him draw her to the bed.
     "If you will lay down on your back..."
     Katt climbed on the bed and stretched out.  The mattress was
hard, but it felt good to be laying down.
     Galpur was handsome.  He crouched over her, his legs
widespread, one on each side of her thighs.  Then, he knelt, and
entered her cunt.
     Wishing his cock was larger, Katt nevertheless enjoyed the
feel of him inside her.
     "Now, you should keep your legs tight together and lock your
ankles.  My cock is small.  This position makes your cunt grip my
tool more tightly and therefore enhances both our pleasures."
     Far from being ashamed of his size, Galpur was matter-of-fact
about it.  Which made sense.  There was nothing he couldn't
compensate for by using a pressure-enhancing position.  Clever!
     To Katt's surprise, Galpur began to thrust and kiss and
fondle her breasts right off.  She enjoyed the sensation of
holding her pussy tightly around his cock.  It made it seem as big
as any she had ever had.  His mouth and hands certainly knew their
way around a woman's breasts.
     "Your cock feels so good inside me," Katt whispered,
thrusting her pelvis up to meet his plunges.
     "Your pussy grips my small cock very tightly.  I could hardly
wait my turn to screw you."  A funny look crossed his face.  "But
please, don't tell anyone that I said that."
     "I won't tell on you if you don't tell them how many times I
came while you fucked me!"
     Galpur's eyes widened.  "You that hot already?"
     "You've turned my pussy into an inferno."  With deliberate
intent, Katt contracted her muscles on his dick.
     Galpur audibly caught his breath.  He clasped her tight and
kissed her lips hungrily, demandingly.  His hands moved over her
tits wildly, squeezing and kneading.
     Katt thrust herself back and forth on Galpur's prick, her
buttocks clasped and relaxed rapidly with her movements.  This was
a chance to get off a couple of times with no one the wiser.  God
only knew what would happen during her next fuck.
     Katt's heart lurched, and she felt absolutely like a witch in
heat as she worked her finger up and down the young man's crack.
Hot desire flamed through every fibre of her being.  She moaned
and began to pant.
     "Fuck me faster, darling.  Harder!  I'm wild for your prick!
You're going to make me cum, darling!"
     The young man felt her finger on his anus and started
hammering into her cunt with urgency.  He was certain that his rod
was steelier and bigger than it had ever been.
     In the dim room, Ted watched, knowing for damned sure what
Katt was up to.  However, he did not think that anyone else would
be aware of it.  Ted stared at Galpur's brown butt pumping up and
down, driving his cock into Katt's golden hole.
     Ted began to beat his meat, suppressing his need to groan.
His eyes never left his wife's thrashing body. Viscous fluids
whirled in his balls, and his dick grew more and more dense.
Either he had to fuck someone or spill his cum on the floor.  He
drew the nearest woman in front of him, bent her over in the good
old American "doggie position" and slid his prick into her cunt.
     Galpur groaned as Katt's pussy squeezed down on his cock.
Her cries of, "I'm cumming!" drove him wild. Jackhammering into
her cunt, he shot off his boiling nuts in flaming spurts.
     Watching this sensuous display, Ted frantically jerked his
dick in and out of the Indian woman's cunt and splashed it full of
     Katt felt Galpur try to pull out of her and clung to him.
"Fuck me again."
     "It is not allowed.  One time only."
     Disappointed, she let him go.  She closed her eyes and waited
for Ted to come and tell her of her fourth lover. But he did not
come right away.
     "Sorry, darling.  I got so horny that I just had to empty my
balls," Ted said, still breathing heavy.  "You ready?"
     Nodding, Katt decided that it was time that she actually was
allowed to watch Ted fuck another cunt.
     To her surprise, Armbala was old.  He had white hair and a
somewhat wrinkled face.  One lesson Katt had learned well already.
She did not discount his talents because of his looks.
     "Armbala does not speak English.  His special is penetration
from behind."
     Contrary to most women, Katt was disappointed. However, she
still had a warm, welcoming smile for him as he approached.
     "Armbala wants you on the floor on all fours, legs spread
wide.  Keep your arms stiff.  Kneeling, he will enter you from the
rear, darling."  With that, Ted left the stage.
     At once, Katt got down on the floor and assumed the required
position.  Despite his age, Armbala had a stiff cock and it was of
a hefty size too.  There would be no need to lock her thighs
together for him.
     Taking his position behind her, the unsmiling old man patted
her buttocks gently.
     She didn't know what to expect next from this older man.  But
whatever he intended to do with her, she was willing to try, to
share and to learn.  Wasn't that why she'd agreed to join this
sexual cult?

                            Chapter 8

     His gnarled fingers spread her cunt lips apart and the old
man inserted his cock.  Guiding her hips with his hands, he pulled
her back, impaling Katt on his staff. An accomplished fucker of
long standing in the cult, Armbala reached his long arms around
her.  One hand began to stimulate her clit and the other to stroke
and fondle her tits.
     It seemed such a practiced ritual to Katt that she found
herself responding automatically, but feeling flat, even though
Galpur had left her wanting more.
     Still, when the old man got everything in motion, Katt felt
her body begin to respond.
     His cock moved in and out with long, precise strokes. His
hands were quick and direct on her clit and nipples. He stuffed
his surprisingly hard member in her cunt with finesse.
     Katt turned her head and looked out over the audience.  Some
of the candles had been extinguished. Cult members were screwing
in every position imaginable, yet their eyes all seemed to be
watching her and the old man.  Katt saw Sandor powerfully driving
his cock into a woman who was sitting atop it.  It thrilled her to
think that he was horny because of watching her. And there was
Ted, silent, raptly observing her as his hand played with an
Indian woman's pussy.  She perched crossway on his lap, her hips
rhythmically thrusting.  She wished Ted would fuck the woman.  If
he did, Katt knew she would cum on the old guy's cock immediately.
As it was, Katt might hold off a respectable length of time.
     At least that's what she thought until she caught a glimpse
of Hazun.  Katt stared at him, feeling her pussy convulse.  The
man's long cock was running in and out of some plump-buttocked
woman's cunt!
     It was exciting watching Hazun.  Even the old guy's steadily
sliding cock took on an exciting feel.  Her heart pounded and the
blood in her veins quickened.  Her pussy began to pulse and flower
on Armbala's staff.  The full length of Hazun's cock plunged in
and out of his woman, urgent, wanting.  Thrilled, Katt scrutinized
Hazun's cock and the woman's cunt as he fucked her from behind.
Her first view of the cunt with the big cock in it shook her with
pangs of envy and lust.
     Behind her, the old man grunted and gripped her hips tighter.
Although he kept fucking at a steady pace, his prick greedily sank
deeper into her belly.  His rocks banged against her mound.  She
gloried in the feel of his cock fucking her.  Despite his slow
pace, Katt humped harder and faster, trying to speed him up, for
she was extremely excited now.
     Armbala felt his cock stiffen erratically as the golden-
haired woman rode frantically on his cock.  Her cunt was all wet
yet tight, and sucking on his dick.  He longed to plunge into it
with ferocious abandon, knew he did not dare.  If only they were
alone, he would.  And no one would ever know he had broken the
rules of the cult. Armbala made very sure that his cock plunged as
deeply as possible in the lovely pussy with each stroke.  His
hands on her humping butt, the old man pulled Katt back against
him, driving his stalk as far as it would go into her.
     Meanwhile, Hazun stared at Katt as he fucked.  He thrilled
that she was watching him, and could tell that she was going to go
     Armbala pulled on Katt's stiff, more than generous-sized
nipples.  This, of course, added to her pleasure. Whether it was
permitted or not, Katt reached back and fondled his balls.
     Amazed, a thrill shot through Armbala.  His old body turned
young and his distended rod took on the potency of days gone by.
The mighty piston fired into Katt's sizzling cunt, setting her
orgasm in motion.
     At the same time, Katt saw Hazun jerk his giant dong out of
the woman.  White streaks of sperm shot, with force, from his cock
and flew all over the woman's wriggling, plump thighs.
     In the midst of this raunchy display, Katt's cunt kept
     From behind, hands jerked her back hard, driving the cock
deep into her, nearly lifting her off the floor.
     Armbala held deep, panting, amazed at his lack of control.
The stalk swelled within her to great dimensions.  In exultation,
he strained even deeper, wanting to wear her body over his.
     The deep, marvelous penetration heightened Katt's climax,
making her cry out with pleasure.  She took all of Armbala's meat
into her orgasmic depths.  His long, thick cock ground around
inside her cunt, keeping her in a continual state of climax as he
shot gout after gout of sperm into her.
     Writhing and moaning, Katt felt her cunt hole thirstily suck
on his dick, milking the luscious jizz out of it.  Her nerve
endings jangled deliciously and her belly rippled with mimicking
     At the end, Katt saw that Hazup had moved away from the
woman.  Other women were wiping his jizz from her buns now.
     Armbala pulled back, his limp prick slid out of her.
     Katt drew a shaky breath.  Had it been Armbala who got her
off, or Hazun?  It would crush the old man if he thought it had
not been all his doing, so Katt would not mention to anyone that
she had grown excited by watching Hazun fuck the woman.  Well,
perhaps she would tell Ted--but later.
     Her next and last lover was Sringa, a man of medium height.
Not as dark of skin as the others, he had an average size dick.
     Average to Katt meant anywhere in the range of five to seven
inches.  Anything below that was small and anything above that was
large.  Of course Hazun, Katt classified as huge, although she had
never actually given any thought to just what the determining
measurement between large and huge was.  Yet any dick that
measured as big as his was huge by any woman's standard of
     Sringa's member was about seven inches, she guessed.
     After Ted's introduction, Sringa approached her with a stiff
hard-on.  He had anxiously awaited his chance to fuck the golden
delight all evening.  Now that his turn had arrived, he was so hot
that he wasn't sure he could give her a decent lesson.  How awful
if she would find him lacking and not wish to screw him again.
     When the mem-sahib had watched him shoot, Hazun had been
transported beyond ecstasy once again.  He had begun to think that
his big cock would never stop casting out jism.  Now, he limply
reclined on pillows on the floor and watched the mem-sahib,
knowing full well that doing so would give him another incredible
     Once again Katt was led to the swing.  Her pussy twitched and
sperm and lube and her own juices flowed down her legs.
     Sringa took a moment to raise the swing seat. Maneuvering her
down on the floor on her back, Sringa carefully arranged a pillow
beneath her shoulders and head.  Then, he raised her legs up over
the wide seat and spread them.  This brought Katt's bottom end up
until she was supported only by her shoulders.
     Feeling her labia swell with excitement and her clit pulse,
Katt watched Sringa straddle her.  Signals from her brain sent
ripples of anticipation down her spine to her cunt.  This was her
last fuck of the night with the members of the cult, and it was
going to be an exciting one.
     Gazing at her pussy, Sringa's fingers slid over it, feeling
her mound before he spread her lips apart.  Gently, he pushed a
finger into her wet hole.
     Katt felt a flare of excitement in her pulsating pussy as his
fingers boldly screwed in and out of her.  Tongues of flame licked
up her hole and she moaned.
     Sringa stood there playing in her cunt, exploring her hole,
inspecting it inside and out.  He was delighted by her lusty
response.  Slowly, he bent his knees, pressing his cock downward.
     Flames licked higher in Katt.  Involuntary spasms caused her
to stiffen, which lifted her cunt higher to snap at his cock.
     Her soppy snatch alternately contracted and loosened as if
trying to suck the wary prick inside.
     The bloated cockhead kept kissing her clit, wetting it with
slippery pre-cum.
     "Fuck me!" Katt gasped, knowing he'd understand, for Ted had
told her that he spoke English.
     Sringa's glance shot to her face, saw the desire etched in
her features, and then looked back at her cunt.  It was time.
Pushing his cock into a lower angle, Sringa bent his knees more to
lower his stiff cock slowly, penetrating her cleanly and deeply as
he descended.
     "God, yes, screw me, Sringa!" Katt panted, clutching at him
with her hands, but unable to reach him.
     Bending and straightening his knees, Sringa lowered his hard
fucker in and out of her rhythmically.
     Making wild sounds in her throat, Katt felt like she was
going to break apart, she was quaking so hard. Something about the
angle of his cock made her cunt highly sensitive.  She climaxed
without warning.
     Heatedly, Sringa thrust deeper and faster.  His hand remained
on top of his pubic mound, pressing downward on his cock.  He
wanted to make sure it stayed at the proper angle to lower into
her without popping out of her hole.
     Red-hot, Katt cried out again and came as Sringa moved his
penis in a circular motion inside her.  The man was sensational!
     With long, fast strokes meant to keep her cumming, Sringa
felt his balls tighten.  He reached down beneath them and did as
Professor MacNeil had suggested.  He drilled a finger at her clit.
     So, tight!  So hot!  His cock swelled, and his balls
tightened.  Sringa worked his finger on her clit and frantically
fucked her cunt, still moving his prick in circles.
     Into shattering stars of ecstasy, Katt plunged.  She lay
there nearly screaming with rapture, unable to move much.
Finally, she gave herself up to the ministrations of her lover.
     Sringa's cock erupted, pumping a monstrous load of seed into
the far reaches of her genitals.  His knees began to knock against
her thighs.  Needing support, Sringa gripped her thighs with both
hands and was almost sorry that the most exciting fuck of his life
was over.
     Katt lay on the floor, exhausted, letting her body regain
strength.  She felt the emptying sensation of Sringa's prick
pulling out of her cunt.  Then she heard Ted's whisper.
     "Are you all right, darling?"
     Katt opened her unfocused eyes with effort, tried to smile at
her husband, who was bent over her, a worried expression on his
     "Give me a minute, and I'll be as good as new."
     "You mean as horny as ever, don't you?" Ted said with a
devilish smile.
     She managed a faint smile.
     "Do you have any idea of the turmoil you have stirred up in
this cult?  Your blonde hair and pale skin even have the women so
turned on that they are frigging off and begging to be fucked.
There has been talk that a less restrained manner should be
adopted, that the old rules hinder much pleasure.  It seems, my
dear, that not one of your lovers was able to hold out for his
normal length of time tonight.  And now, the others feel that they
are put at a disadvantage by having to wait for you so long, that
the anticipation will cause them to go off even quicker."
     "Oh, dear ... have I stirred up a hornets' nest?"
     With a grin, Ted admitted that she had indeed.  "Not only
that, but the High Principal Of Desire has ruled that he will be
first to initiate you at the beginning of every meeting."
     "What should I do?" Really worried that she would be
considered a troublemaker, she gazed at Ted for guidance.
     "If I were you, I'd be prepared for some wild fucking from
here on out."
     Katt's heart skipped a beat and she rejoiced at the prospect.
     "Yes, really," he mocked, shaking his head at her gurgle of
delighted laughter.  "You are incorrigible."
     Katt covered her mouth and giggled.  "Does that mean I'm
really bad?"
     "A little!  Come on, wench, there are refreshments to partake
of before we can blow this joint.  Have you forgotten that you
promised to sit on this stiff sucker on the way home?"
     "Oh, I hope Sandor hits lots of bumps!"
     Ted pulled her up from the floor and held her close for a
moment, wanting her ferociously.
     "Let's do it the way we both like it, darling ... fast and
furious."  Katt gazed up at her husband, who stood a head taller
than her.
     Ted caught his breath and his voice cracked when he replied.
"If it wouldn't hurt their feelings, I'd forget the food and whisk
you out of here right now!"
     "It's all right, darling.  We can wait, but not too long.
     Ted stumbled over his own feet, and swore as he led his wife
off the stage.
     An hour later, they were in the jeep.  Down the road a piece,
Ted told Sandor to stop.
     Complying, Sandor pulled to the side of the road and turned
to his sahib for further instructions.  What he saw made his cock
rise yet again.
     The sahib was pulling the mem-sahib's dress over her head.
He dropped the garment to the floor of the vehicle, leaving her
     Facing the windscreen, the mem-sahib grasped the dash bar and
pulled herself up off her husband's lap. The sahib undid his pants
and shoved them down around his knees.  Holding his stiff cock
upright, he guided the mem-sahib backwards onto his staff.
     Sandor gasped and ducked his head so he could see which hole
it was going into.  The sahib stuck it in her ass!
     Clawing his fly open, Sandor jerked his prick out into the
night air and with both hands, began to pump it and thrust his
hips, prepared to watch the show.
     The mem-sahib clutched the bar and bounced up and down on the
     "Drive, Sandor!"
     The order came sharp and clear.  Disappointed, Sandor let go
of his cock and put the jeep in motion.
     "Keep your eyes on the road!" Ted ordered the first time
Sandor glanced at them.
     Although Sandor did not look at them again, knowing what they
were doing kept his prick at full mast.  The cries from the mem-
sahib aroused him, even though he did not understand her words.
He drove fast, trying to reach home before they were finished so
that he could at least watch the end and get off on their
     "Yes, Ted, drill my pussy!  The bumps, good!" Katt shouted
into the wind riding the cock hard and wild as she had wanted to
do all night.  It was exhilarating, roaring along the road in the
wind, having that cock ravish her lovehole.
     Even Ted had broken his own rule of holding back. All of his
Kama Sutra training was forgotten in this moment of passionate
     Katt screamed her desire into the wind, free for the first
time in her life to do so.  A wildness was inside her, a need to
be as loud, as obscene as she felt with only two men as witness to
her lascivious bawdiness.  She stared over at Sandor and saw the
huge piece of meat thrusting up between his legs.
     In sweet agony, Katt cried, "Yes!  God, Yes!" and hammered
her cunt on Ted's eight thick inches.
     To keep her from flying out of the doorless jeep, Ted clasped
her waist, but let Katt ride him as hard and wild as she wanted.
Ted was about to get his rocks off, and hoped to hell she would be
with him.
     A gutter slut licentiousness had Katt in its grip.
     "Fuck me harder!" she screamed, bouncing fast and hard on his
     Ted fucked his fabulously horny dick into her and there was
not a damned thing he could do to stop his sperm from exploding
out his piss hole and into her body.
     "I'm going to cum!"  She felt her pussy flower, open, and
felt the stupendous ecstasy, that she had so recently discovered,
begin to drive her mad.
     Straining to bury his spewing prick deeper in her, Ted
unloaded, giving her a sperm douche.
     His fingers plunged deep into her pussy and held there,
twisting and flicking furiously.
     Exploding, Katt's cunt climaxed as she felt Ted's hot semen
blast into her.  The orgasm burst upon her.  Her head reeled, she
cried out, she twisted and ranted and came and came and came!
     Both hands gripping the wheel, Sandor had all he could do to
remain collected enough to guide the jeep. His body jerked.  His
cock shot sperm all over everything.  Splatters of his own jizz
hit him in the face.
     When it was over, they were all left gasping.  The jeep
crawled along the road at a snail's pace.  Rallying, Sandor put
his foot on the gas and drove them the rest of the way home.
     When Hunter didn't show up again the following morning, Katt
was certain that he had been apprehended by the police.  Despite
his heartless thievery, she felt sorry for Hunter.  He was too
handsome, too alive and vital to be caged.  What a waste.
     Taking advantage of his absence, Katt returned to the hut and
went to work on the skeletal bones.  She had had lunch, and was
hard at work again when she heard the scream of a vehicle's brakes
outside, followed by a yell.
     Katt jumped up.  "Bhadra, what's going on?  Bhadra!"
     The servant came running.
     "Help me cover these, quick!  We have got to get them beneath
the bed!"  Frantically, they worked.
     Without knocking, Hazun leapt thru the door.  "Sahib Beal is
on his way here ... seconds behind me!  Somehow he has found out
about," Hazun pointed at the stretchers, "those!"
     "Does he know they are here in the house?"
     "I do not believe so."
     "Go out.  You and Sandor try to stall him!" Katt and Bhadra
had the sheet spread over the remains and they pushed and shoved
until they had the stretchers concealed beneath the bed.
Carefully, they pulled down the spread, smoothed it over the side
of the bed.
     Meanwhile, outside there was an awful racket.  As soon as
they'd finished, Katt rushed from the bedroom. Hunter was standing
just inside the front door, and she confronted him.
     "What's going on?"
     "Where are they?"
     "The bodies!  Dammit, don't you lie to me!"
     There was an evil look about Hunter that frightened Katt.
But, she was determined not to let him walk off with Ted's
discoveries.  These were 3rd millennium bones of a Dravidian woman
and her child--intact--a once in a lifetime discovery--priceless.
Where were Sandor and Hazun?
     "Hold it right there, Hunter!  Don't you barge into my home
and order me around!"  She was stalling for time, hoping the two
men would appear.  "Now, what's this about bodies!"  In an angry
gesture, Katt crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.
     "You play games with me, you bitch, and you'll regret it!
You found two bodies.  I want them, or no more money for dear old
Ted.  He will be out!  I'll bring in my own team!"
     "Try it!  The government of India knows Ted and his
reputation.  He'll tell them what you are up to!  We both will!"
     "You do and your lives won't be worth two cents!"
     "Neither will yours, Hunter, if you try a takeover."  Katt
sighed.  "Anyway, all we've found is two bone shards, not bodies.
They may be of interest to some obscure museum or university, but
I doubt if they're worth much. They are at the dig, ready for you.
Why weren't you here yesterday?"
     Squinting his eyes Hunter thought, 'She's good ... very good.
If I let myself, I could believe she's telling the truth.'  Hell,
she even looked innocent.  But his informant had sworn they'd
unearthed two skeletons, not two bones.  She had to be holding out
on him.
     Well, two could play her game!  He'd sneak in after dark and
inspect the dig himself.  It was entirely possible that they would
try to cover the bodies with sand, to keep them hidden from him.
That very thing had happened once before.
     Let her think he believed her.  Hunter threw his hands up in
surrender.  "Okay, I guess I'm wrong.  Let's go to the dig and get
those shards."
     "I was just going back out myself.  Sandor will drive me,"
she said, proceeding him out the door.  She had no intention of
getting into a jeep with Hunter Beal.
     Outside, Katt stopped dead, and stared at the two men Indian
     Sitting back to back in the sand, tied with heavy cord, the
two men twisted and fought their restraints, uttering what Katt
was sure must be curse words.  She turned angry eyes on Hunter.
     "What is the meaning of this!"
     He shrugged.  "They were in my way."
     "Turn them loose this minute!  You've been watching too many
outlaw movies!"  Katt's scathing tone lingered in the hot, still
     Cutting their bonds, Hunter informed Hazun that his services
were no longer required.  "Obviously, you are not loyal to me.
Get your clothes and clear out of my house!"
     Hazun was not unhappy, at the break in his employment.  Sahib
Beal was an asshole of the first order, and Hazun was glad to be
done with him.  Still, he had no home, no place to stay.
     Sandor knew of this, and suggested that Hazun move his things
into his hut.  "It is a long walk to Sahib Beal's hut.  Wait here
for my return, and I will drive you there and back..."  Sandor
glanced at Katt.  "With the mem-sahib's permission?"
     Katt inclined her head in consent.
     "Thank you, Sandor.  You are a true friend," Hazun said.
     When they arrived at the site, Hunter was very displeased
with the bones that Katt showed him.  He roamed the dig, looking
at everything, checking the earth, questioning the workers.
Getting no useful information from anyone in the trenches, Hunter
questioned those men who wheeled the sand away.  They were all
     No, no one had hauled sand back.  No, no bones had been
covered up with sand.  No, no large bones had been unearthed.
     There was a conspiracy going on here.  They were trying to
outwit him.  The fucking liars would see that Hunter Beal was not
so easily fooled!
     Katt ... that blonde-haired bitch!  She was lying to him,
too.  Thinking of her caused his prick to begin to twitch. Hell,
he didn't have to love her to screw her.  Did he? No!  A fuck was
a fuck was a fuck!
     Hunter returned to the tent.  He walked up behind Katt,
palmed her tits and pulled her back against him. As his hard-on
pressed into the crack of her ass, he ground it against her.
     A wave of revulsion flooded Katt and she swallowed hard,
trying not to be sick.
     "Get your hand off me, Beal!" Katt flung his hands aside in
disgust and jerked away from him.
     "What's the matter, baby?  You liked it the last time I gave
it to you," his voice turned sarcastic as he added, "Ted know
about that--yet?"
     Whirling to face Beal, Katt felt a rage previously unknown to
her.  "You can't wait to tell him, can you Beal?"
     Unconcerned, he shrugged.  "You want to screw, or not?"
     "I wouldn't screw you if you were the last man on earth!"
     "The hell you wouldn't!"  Beal thought he saw a way to save
himself some trouble and make her talk.  "Tell me where the bodies
are!  I'm gonna screw you if you don't. How about right here,
where good old Ted can see us fuck?"
     "There are no bodies for you, you bastard!"
     Hunter's dark eyes narrowed meanly.  "You're going to regret
that, you whore!  Tomorrow they will be here!" He pointed to the
ground beneath his feet.  "Right here! If they are not, I promise
you, you will regret it!"  He swung around and stomped out of the
     Leaning weakly against the table, Katt took a steadying
breath and listened with relief as the jeep roared away.  In the
meantime, Sandor had brought the professor up to date on unfolding
events, and as soon as Hunter was out of sight, they strode across
to the tent.
     "Did he buy it?" Ted asked, putting his arms around his wife.
Her face was the colour of ashes.
     "No.  Someone told him," Katt choked.
     "I know.  Sandor told me.  Listen, Katt, Hazun has no place
to go.  I want to take him on to look after you, to assist you."
     "I could use the help."
     "Good.  Then it's settled.  I'll feel better having him with
you as long as Hunter is around."
     Katt gave a half sob.  "I don't think Hazun is your man for
that.  Hunter had the two of them tied up."
     "I know.  But next time, neither of them will be so easily
taken.  It will ease my mind, Katt."
     "Okay."  She nodded.
     "Now, why don't you go back with Sandor and get some rest?
He is going to drive Hazun to Beal's place to collect his things.
Then, he'll bring Hazun directly to you and then come here for me.
I'll be home around six."  Ted kissed his wife on the cheek.
     Suddenly, Katt did feel tired.  Putting up no argument, she
let Ted put her in the jeep.
     Bhadra, eyes full of fear, met them at the door.
     "It's all right, Bhadra.  Beal has been satisfied for the
moment.  The skeletons are safe."  Katt walked toward the bedroom.
     "I'm going to lie down and rest.  Wake me in an hour."
     "Let me help you," Bhadra said, bustling about, turning down
the sheets.
     Surprised, Katt thought she must really look awful to elicit
such behaviour from Bhadra.
     "I will bring a bowl of water and sponge you down. Cool and
refreshed, you will rest better."
     What on earth had gotten into her ayah?  Katt wondered.  In
the two years she had been with them, Bhadra had never made such a
fuss over her.  Sponge her down!  Like an invalid...
     Removing her clothes, Katt lay down on the bed.  She stared
at the ceiling, wondering how it was going to end. Had the Indian
government, or the police made any effort at all to stop Hunter
Beal from smuggling ancient artifacts out of India?  Who had he
sold the artifacts to? Sadly, they could never be recovered.
     A new idea struck Katt.  What if they had been sold and
remained in India?  If so, Beal had broken no laws other than
stealing from Ted.  Still, it was peculiar that the authorities
had not contacted Ted before now.  Sandor had sent that wire two--
no, three days ago.
     Bhadra broke into her thoughts.  "This will cool you."
Gently, she sponged Katt with the cool, wet cloth.  It wasn't
until she rant the rag between Katt's legs that she let her mem-
sahib know that she had an ulterior motive.
     Bending down, Bhadra lightly brushed her lips over Katt's
golden-fuzzed mound.
     Relaxed and drowsy, Katt murmured, "Go ahead, Bhadra, kiss
     On her belly, Bhadra wiggled between Katt's long legs and lay
there, licking her mem-sahib's pussy with delight.  After awhile,
the Indian servant quickly moved up and used her left nipple to
stimulate Katt's clit.
     "Ummm, yes, ayah ... Good--it's good..."  Every flick of the
giant nipple across her erect clit gave her an electric shock of
     "The sahib loves to watch you suck my pussy."  Katt began to
thrust and grind her hips.  "Do you like for my husband to fuck
you, Bhadra?"
     "Yes, mem-sahib.  He is a real man."
     "I'd love to watch him fuck you, Bhadra.  Would you mind?"
     "No, mem-sahib.  I would like for you to watch as your
husband shoves that big cock up my pussy and cums inside of me."
     "We must do it soon, very soon ... What else does my husband
do to you, Bhadra?"
     "Ahhh, he shoves his prick in my mouth and lets me drink his
     "You like to suck him off, swallow his jizz?"
     "Yes, mem-sahib!  Very much!"
     "Do you like taking my husband's cum in your mouth better
than taking it in your cunt?"
     "Yes, I do!  I have always like it that way."
     "Do you like to taste my pussy juice in your mouth?"
     "Oh, yes!  I love to drink yours, mem-sahib."
     "Then suck my cunt, Bhadra.  I'm going to cum. Hurry!  I'll
cum in your mouth!"

                            Chapter 9

     "Eat it!" Katt squealed as her cunt spasmed.  It felt like a
sea of cum was pouring out of her.
     Her slurping sounds filled the room.
     Yet, for Katt, the climax was a pleasant tension reliever,
not a grand slam orgasm as she had with a man. She closed her eyes
and allowed the loving tongue of her servant to lap the juices
from her.  Slowly, Katt drifted into a twilight sleep.  Gradually,
she sank deeper and deeper.
     Bhadra remained between her mem-sahib's legs, feasting on her
pussy for a long, long time.  Finally, her oral appetite appeased,
she began to think of her bodily appetite.  The servant crept out
of the room.
     In the kitchen, Bhadra plucked a long, wooden ladle with the
thick handle out of its holder.  Deliberately, she sat down in a
chair and lifted her feet up on the table top, her legs spread
lewdly wide, intent on satisfying herself.  One swift movement of
her hand and the scrumptious handle slid into her cunt with a
squashing sound.  Dreamily, she closed her eyes and hunched her
hips.  Back and forth her arm worked--faster and faster. Soon, she
began to moan softly.  Her fingers frigged her clit.
     That's how Hazun found her when he entered the kitchen.
Padding softly to her side, his dick growing by leaps and bounds,
he grasped her hand.  Slowly, eyes locked with hers, he drew the
handle out of her body and up to his mouth.  Sticking out his
tongue, Hazun licked the cunt jelly from the make-shift wooden
     Eyes filled with surprise, Bhadra smiled at him.  They had
fucked many times, at meetings of the cult, but never privately.
Reaching up, she undid his pants and let them fall to the floor.
A full head shorter, she rose, tilted her head far back to look up
at him, for he had stepped in close.
     Hazun pressed his lips to hers.  Then, he bent his knees
until he was nearly squatting, and deftly guided his cock into her
creamy slit.  With one swift thrust, he entered her.  He knew he
could do it for her cunt had previously taken his huge cock
easily.  Bhadra was a good screw.  Sadly, she preferred sucking
more than fucking, and Hazun was a pussy man.
     Not having had such a great cock in her cunt for weeks,
Bhadra bit off an ecstatic cry of pleasure.  She did not wish to
wake the mem-sahib now, with all this fun to be had with Hazun.
     "The mem-sahib?" he grunted.
     "Sleep.  I sucked her to sleep."
     "Ate her pussy?"  Hornily, he withdrew and rammed back in
     Bhadra grunted, nodded and groaned with rapture. "Yes, oh,
yes, pack it high inside me!"  Raising up on tiptoes, to get more
leverage, Bhadra tried to match his thrusts.
     "I love sucking pussy--sucking cock."  She pouted, "The sahib
has always kept my mouth and belly full until lately."  Getting
the hang of tall-fucking, Bhadra worked her cunt on Hazun's dick.
     "I like getting head--sometimes," Hazun admitted, wishing to
please the woman he was fucking.  "You can suck me off this first
time if you wish.  Do you want to eat my cock?"  His dark eyes
gazed down at the Indian woman.
     Always a gentleman, and a man of his word, Hazun pulled out
of Bhadra.  His cock was huge and red and throbbing wildly between
his thighs.
     The woman pulled her blouse and bra off.  Scooping some soft
butter from the dish on the table, she smeared it all over her
hanging tits.  Then, she lay down on the floor.
     "Put your cock between my tits."
     Hazun knelt over her and placed his pulsating prick in the
deep valley.  This was going to be much better than a straight
suck.  He had a long enough cock to tit-fuck and get head at the
same time.
     Bhadra pressed her heavy bags tight against his penis. "Now,
move back and forth."  As his cock came forward, the head slid
into Bhadra's ready mouth and she pursed her lips tight around it.
Then she flicked her tongue across his piss slit.
     Hazun gulped.  He had been close to cumming.  That was why he
had told her she could give him head.  It would give him a calming
space.  He always lasted longer when being fellated.  Usually.
     Bhadra held her buttery, hot, soft tits tight around his
cock.  Through her flesh, she could feel the lurches and
pulsations of his humongous organ.  Secretly, she had a
fascination for Hazun.  She wanted to please him so much that he
would be impressed with her talents and would want to see more of
her.  Perhaps, they would even become close.
     Another suck and Hazun groaned.  This was terrific! Her tits
and mouth almost felt better than a cunt.  In and out he shoved.
     "Fuck your tits ... fuck your mouth..."  he muttered,
grasping her nipples and rolling them between thumb and index
finger.  Mindful of her pleasure, Hazun reached behind him, found
her clit and manipulated it with the fingers of one hand while
continuing to work her nipple with the other.
     The woman's abandoned sucking and louder moans told Hazun she
was as close as he was to orgasm.  He used his free hand to pry
her tits apart enough to allow him to insert a good seven inches
of his prong in her mouth.  Then, he began to fuck her face and
tits in frantic earnest.  He wanted to cum!
     Even his balls were in her opulent tit valley now.  He found
it most exciting that the mouth he was fucking was a mouth that
had just finished sucking the golden pussy of the mem-sahib.
     Suddenly, Hazun felt Bhadra raise her legs high against his
back.  Her ass began to squirm all over the floor.  Hazun slid his
thumb under her asshole, and one finger into her cunt while
teasing her clit with another.
     Bhadra went wild.  Suddenly things went jet black. She didn't
realize it was because she had squeezed her eyes too tight in
rapture.  The floor tilted beneath her and seemed to spin.  Bhadra
came and came and came!
     The suction pressure of her mouth was unbearable to Hazun.
The Indian filled her mouth.  White-hot spunk kept gushing out of
him until he thought it would never stop.  As fast as Bhadra
swallowed to empty her mouth, he pumped it full again.
     Meanwhile, at the dig site, Ted was approached by Chandpur.
     "May I have a word with you, privately, sir?"
     The 'sir', instead of 'sahib', should have tipped Ted off,
but he had a lot on his mind.  As busy and distracted as he was,
Ted nevertheless nodded.  "Shall we walk over to the tent?"  He
moved away with the lanky Indian right beside him.  As they made
their way across the scorching sand, Ted was only vaguely aware
that there was something different in the man's demeanour.
     "You sent a message to Delhi."
     That got Ted's full attention.  Wondering how in the hell
Chandpur had found out about that, Ted stared at the worker.  Now,
he noticed that there was definitely something different about
Chandpur.  Was it his taller, prouder stance?  Perhaps the alert
look on his face?
     "You are wondering how I know of this."
     It was not a question, but Ted answered anyway.
     "Among other things--yes."  They entered the tent.
     Chandpur smiled.  "I am what you call in your country, a
government agent.  My people contacted me about your concerns, of
which you had already made me--and the other--aware."  He handed
Ted his I.D. card to examine.
     Ted pursed his lips and drew in his breath.  "For a
government spy, you sure had me fooled.  However, I'm glad you are
here.  Someone else has me fooled too. Apparently, there is
another spy in camp besides yourself."
     "I am aware of that.  What has made you aware of it?"
     "Someone has informed Beal that we had unearthed skeletons.
My wife tried to convince him that it was untrue.  I doubt she
succeeded.  I don't trust the man. Having received no response
from Delhi, I had no idea how to proceed."
     "Delhi is aware that Hunter Beal has spies everywhere.  They
did not wish a message to you to be intercepted by one of his
people.  There are three of his men right here in your camp.  They
are being paid by Beal to inform on you."
     Ted broke in with, "My God!  Who are they?"
     "It is best you do not know.  A look, a word, could tip them
off to your knowledge, and make the job of catching Beal in the
act of smuggling impossible.  Be assured, our people have Beal
under close surveillance every moment."
     "Then why did they let him fence the bones he took from me
without arresting him?" Ted demanded.
     "We are dealing with a smart man.  He did not try to take
them from our country.  We have only to stall--give him enough
time, a big enough treasure, and he will try to smuggle it out of
India.  Then, we will have him."
     "In the meantime, I'm losing everything I've worked for.  My
finds will be sold in every direction and I'll have no valid proof
that I ever discovered a lost Dravidian tribe."
     Chandpur smiled.  "Not to worry.  You see, those that buy
stolen goods are in violation of the law of India.  The artifacts
he sold have been confiscated from the purchasers by our people.
Your bones are safe in Delhi, being held there for evidence until
Beal is in custody."
     Ted threw back his head and laughed heartily, happily.
"Chandpur, I've got to hand it to you, you are a wily devil."
     "Do not praise me too loud," the other cautioned. "The three
informers believe I am one of them.  In fact, I am the informer
who told Beal about the bones.  It was that, or blow my cover.
Besides, it is perfect bait to trap Beal with."
     Ted choked, his eyes bugged.
     "Some way, we must let Beal get his hands on the skeletal
     "Easy, man ... listen to me.  From his home, one hour ago,
Beal made a telephone call to a museum in the eastern United
States.  They agreed to purchase the skeletons--sight unseen--for
a fabulous sum.  He has arranged to deliver them.  Yet, he has no
idea where they are.  He believes you have cached them in the
sand. As you know, he has questioned all the workers.  Thank God
none of the other informers knew..."
     "Do you?" Ted was stunned at the man's knowledge. How in the
hell did he come up with the information so fast?
     Chandpur's eyes sparkled.  I trust you and your wife slept
well last night?  If not, I could certainly understand why."  The
beginning of a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth.
     "Damn!  I'll bet you even know why we went to bed so late,"
Ted laughingly protested.
     "Actually, I do.  You see, Bhadra is my sister."
     The shock of it hit Ted full force and a betraying blush
darkened his skin.  Jesus Christ!  He had been fucking the man's
sister everyway from Sunday!  She had sucked Katt off!  Totally
flustered, Ted wondered if his ayah had informed her brother of
all this.  Was everybody a fucking spy?  Could no one be trusted?
     "Ahhh, you are embarrassed," Chandpur's hand clapped Ted on
the shoulder then quickly dropped away before someone saw the
comradely gesture.
     "Do not let it trouble you."  His expression stilled and his
voice softened in secret.  "My sister works for me, yes.  She
informs me of matters of interest to me ... nothing more.  Her
life is her own--private."
     Chandpur cleared his throat.  "I only knew of your
whereabouts last night, because Bhadra happened to mention that
she was attending a meeting of the cult."
     Ted looked at him enigmatically.  "And, you just happened to
know we were members, too."
     A flash of humour crossed Chandpur's face.  "Actually, I knew
you were a member."  His mouth twitched in amusement.
     Ted's chuckle was dry and cynical sounding.  "And my wife?"
     With a trace of laughter in his voice now, Chandpur replied,
"Is about to become a member quicker than any other woman in
history.  I hear the High Principal of Desire wanted her so bad
that he waved the sperm ritual.  Can't say I blame him."
     Exasperated, Ted swore.  "To hell with it, man.  Is there
anything you don't know?"
     Still casually amused, Chandpur replied, "No."  Then,
needled, "I even know that you had one wild, lurching ride home
last night."  He swung around and strode out of the tent.
     Watching him shuffle away, looking for all the world as if he
had just been upbraided, Ted stood stark still in the middle of
the tent.  Thoughts whirled in his head. Eventually, he shook
himself out of it.  There was no time to stand and stare into
space.  There was work to be done.
     As Ted walked back to the trench, he couldn't make up his
mind if he was comforted by Chandpur's presence, or annoyed.  For
all his nose-to-the-grindstone manner, Chandpur sure had a line of
information better than any grapevine in existence.  How?
     Sighing, Ted decided it was a damn good thing the man was on
his side.  Otherwise, Ted felt certain he would have been reaching
up to touch bottom by now. Devious minds baffled Ted.  He was a
straightforward kind of guy, and this cloak and dagger stuff was
beyond him.
     As usual, on the drive home, Sandor took off like a jet. Over
the noise of the jeep's rattles and groans, he managed to shout,
"Chandpur asked me to give you a message."
     Ted's left brow quirked upward, "What is it?"
     Foot jammed to the floor, hair wildly tangling in the breeze,
Sandor yelled his reply.
     "Beal plans a raid on the camp tonight.  Bury the bodies in
an obvious spot.  Then, he said that someone would keep Beal
occupied for at least two hours after dark so you can do your
work.  He said that you wished me to treat a certain five men to a
night in town, so they would not bother you either.  I have
already invited them--at his insistence.  Did I do right?"
     Ted nodded.  "Yes."  He dug into his pocket, pulled out some
money and handed it to Sandor.  "This should be enough to keep
them occupied.  You're driving. Don't drink more than a couple.  I
don't want you smashing yourself up on the way home."
     "I will only pretend to drink.  Chandpur says I must keep my
ears wide.  Men talk when their tongues loosen."
     "Good man!"
     "I would like to take Hazun with me."
     "No.  He is no longer in Beal's employ and Beal's stooges are
aware of that by now.  Another time--when this is over, you and
Hazun can have many evenings to enjoy yourselves.  Right now,
getting Beal out of our hair is our number one priority.  Agreed?"
     "Agreed."  Somehow, Sandor found another inch of pedal and
they shot ahead, leaving a trail of dust and sand that would take
an hour to settle.
     Awake and freshly bathed when Ted arrived, Katt met him at
the door with a welcoming kiss.  Although his kiss was sweet and
lingering, she noted that it lacked his usual passion.  Feeling
his body tense as a countdown against her own, alerted Katt to
trouble.  Her pleasure quickly turned to concern.
     Drawing back, Katt eyed her husband critically.  His lean,
strong face was strained across the cheeks, drawing his mouth into
a thin, tight line.  Something was wrong!
     "What is it, darling?  What's happened?"  Her heart lurched
sickeningly in her chest.
     "Let's have a drink.  We have to talk, baby."
     "Want a wash-up first?"
     "No.  I have to go back."
     He looked tired.  Without argument, Katt nodded. Ted working
overtime was easier to take, now that they had a good loving,
sexual relationship between them. Still, she was troubled because
he was pushing himself so hard.
     "I'll just be a moment."  It made her ache inside to see
Ted's face so terribly serious.  What on earth was wrong?  She
asked Bhadra to bring whisky and soda to the living room.  Then,
she rejoined Ted.
     In as few words as possible, Ted told his wife about
Chandpur, his message and the efforts being made to trap Hunter
     "A government man, here in camp all the time?  I'm so
relieved that Beal's thievery is not going to deprive you of your
work, darling."  She gave him an enthusiastic hug.  "That part was
hard for me to swallow."
     "There is that, if Chandpur is to be believed," Ted admitted.
"The thing that worries me is, if I hand Beal the skeletons on a
silver platter, and then there is a slip-up and he gets away..."
     With an inward tremor, Katt continued to display confidence
for Ted's sake.  "From what you tell me of Chandpur, I don't see
how Beal could put much over on the man."
     Ted jerked to his feet and paced the floor.  "We'd better
haul them out from under the bed."
     Following her husband to the bedroom, Katt slid her arms
around his waist.
     "Darling, let me drain your tensions, calm you down. You know
you need it."
     Ted stroked her hair.  Between his legs, his cock remained
limp and lifeless.  In his mood, an erection would be impossible.
     "Bhadra drained my tensions this afternoon," Katt whispered
to her husband.  She felt his cock twitch. "She bathed me, and
then she laid between my legs and sucked me off.  She was still
lapping the cream out of me when I drifted off to sleep."
Perching on the edge of the bed Katt opened her husband's fly.
His cock was rapidly growing to full erection.
     Caught off guard again by his unpredictable wife, too amazed
to offer any objection, Ted let her have her way, Her diversionary
tactics, if that's what they were, were working.  Tomorrow's cloud
no longer hung heavily over today's sunshine.  His cock stiffened
greedily.  Ted slid his fingers into his wife's golden tresses and
guided her mouth to his crotch.
     Lovingly holding her husband's prick in her hand, Katt licked
it all over.  When droplets of pre-cum formed on the piss hole,
she licked them off, savouring the salty taste.  Her juicy tongue
teased the flange of his cockhead until his prick was fully erect
and the head had turned an angry purple.
     Ted tasted sweaty and smelled musky.  Katt breathed deep,
filling her nostrils with his heady scent.  Salaciously, she laved
saliva all over his love-pole and then she pressed it up against
his belly, raising his balls.  Katt used her tongue to gently lick
his nuts.
     "Ahh, ah!  Yes, baby!  You knew what I needed.  You
understood.  Eat 'em!  Eat 'em!"  Ted strained into her.
     Even though Katt would have loved to have a cock in her mouth
while she was eating his balls, she knew that Ted needed this.
So, she devoted her efforts to him, foregoing her own needs for
the moment.
     Flipping around on the bed on her back, head hanging over the
edge, Katt reached up for her husband's meaty sac.
     "Pull your dick, love."  She opened her mouth and sucked his
left nut in, working it around in her mouth.
     "Yeah, baby.  I like you to mouth my nuts."
     Katt ran her free hand back between Ted's legs.  She spit out
his ball so she could talk.
     "Lean over me, Ted.  Rub your prick over my tits as you jerk
     Ted leaned forward, bracing himself with one stiffened arm.
He jerked her blouse open and her bra up around her neck.
     Lapping at his balls, Katt now had room to dig her fingers
into his ass.  When she did, Ted groaned.  She teased his ass with
her fingertips while continuing to suck his balls.
     "Oh, yeah, baby.  Suck my balls, just like that!  Lick my
balls!  You knew what l needed, lover!"  He humped her finger and
mashed his roiling balls against her lips.
     Ted's knockers were heavy now, filled with cum.  Katt
squeezed them and rolled them with her fingers.  In and out her
finger flew, teasing him everywhere.
     Listening to the obscene grunting sounds her husband was
making deep in his throat, turned Katt's cunt into a cauldron of
boiling juices.  Highly turned on, she wanted to be fucked.  Her
mouth sucked harder on Ted's fast-tightening nuts.  She could feel
his hand jerking his cock against her tits with hard pulls.  He
was going to cum!
     Katt grasped both his nuts, and compliantly pulled down.
With practiced wrist work, she squeezed the loaded balls, all in
one smooth, delicate maneuver.
     "That's it, baby!  Work 'em!  You know what I need now!  Get
ready, I'm gonna cum baby!  Cum on your tits!"
     "Squirt it on them, darling!" Katt cried, frantically
twisting and plunging her finger in her husband's anus.
     "Pump it out, darling!" she cried, working his balls as he
     Ted rammed his cock at her tits and gave a bellow. The orgasm
rattled his bones.  Like a volcano, his cock erupted thick lava
that rolled down her tits and gathered in the valleys of her body.
     Katt's cunt was on fire.  Her face was a mask of desire.
     Pushing off his wife, Ted dipped a cloth in water and gently
wiped her tits clean.  He used the same rag to cleanse his prick
before zipping up.
     Lifting Katt into his arms, Ted kissed her.  "Thanks, baby.
I feel like a heel, getting off and then leaving you in need.  I
just can't go again.  How would it be if I send Hazun in to screw
you?  You like his big cock.  It's nearly dark.  I've got to get
back to the site."
     "I'll come with you."
     "No.  You stay here ... with Hazun."  His gaze slid over her
body.  "I love you, baby.  Let him fuck you, satisfy you.  You
need it!"  He kissed her again.
     Katt's heart jolted and her pulse pounded.  "I'm okay. Let me
come with you."
     "No need.  Sandor and I can handle it alone."  Something
intense flared in his eyes.  He laid Katt back on the bed.
Tenderly, he pulled her blouse aside and her bra further up so her
tits were in full, glorious view.  "You want him?"
     "Yes..." It came out breathless and eager.
     "Sandor!  Hazun!  Come into the bedroom."
     Both men stepped through the door, saw Katt on the bed and
got hard-ons instantly.
     "Load the skeletons on the jeep, please," Ted said, pleased
at their instant response to his wife's body.
     After the jeep was loaded, Ted turned to Hazun.  "My wife is
horny.  I am relying on you to satisfy her craving. Fuck her until
she's had enough."
     Before the jeep was rolling, Hazun was back in the house,
charging into the bedroom.
     Katt sat up and looked at him.  "Ted didn't mean to order you
to fuck me, Hazun!"
     He nodded, stripping his clothes off as fast as he could.
     "You don't have to, if you don't want to."
     He laughed.  "I want to--bad."  He strode to the bed, his
meat swinging between his legs like an obscene billy club.
     "How do you want my cock, mem-sahib?"
     Katt turned and landed on all fours.  Looking over her
shoulder, she said, "I want all of you to mount me from behind,
Hazun.  But lick me first to get it good and wet."
     At one point, Katt was sure he was going to cum while he was
licking her snatch.  Hazun really got into it.
     Hazun kissed her lovely cunt and rimmed it with his tongue.
     Katt kept begging the Indian to fuck her, but Hazun knew she
loved him kissing her too.
     "Now, now!  I need it!" Katt cried, her back humping up and
down madly.
     Unbearably aroused, Hazun gave in.  Quickly, he mounted her
from behind.
     Cheek against the bed, butt in the air, Katt used her fingers
to spread her cunt lips open to receive the thick dick in her
craving love pocket.  Tremors of delight raced down her spine as
she poised there, waiting penetration.
     "Oh, yes," she cried as the randy Hazun entered her a little
swifter than he usually did.  He was hot!
     Hazun's heart drummed as he watched his long, dark cock sink
to the hilt in the mem-sahib's pink love hole and slither in and
out in obscene fornication.
     "I love your ass!"
     "Fuck me!  Fuck me deep, Hazun!  Yes ... make me cum!
Faster, lover!  Fuck me faster!  My husband made me so hot for
your dick!" Katt's fingers flew over her clit.
     She thought about sucking Ted's cock--eating his balls the
way he loved them eaten.  How exciting it would be if she had his
balls in her mouth right now!
     Hazun doubled his speed.  He thrust deeper, drove Katt higher
and higher until desire raged through her like a forest fire in
high wind.  Abruptly, her orgasm exploded and boiling juices
spewed out of her.  Her convulsing sex muscles snapped tight on
Hazun's prick.
     "Yeeeeeowwww!" he cried, driving it right to the hilt and
spraying her all full of cum.
     Neither of them were satisfied with one fuck or one orgasm.
They kept moving.
     "Fuck me, Hazun.  Drill me good.  I want you to fuck my butt
forever."  Her hips humped and she rocked back and forth on his
impaling shaft.
     All at once, Bhadra was there, on the bed, her head beneath
Katt's breasts, sucking them eagerly.
     "My ayah ... you darling girl.  That's it, oh, yes.  Good..."
     Behind her, Hazun watched his dick pull his sperm out of the
mem-sahib's pussy and push it back in again. The highly erotic
scene drove Hazun to ream her out faster.  His hands massaged and
worked Katt's hips for awhile.  Then, he began to run his hands
over her gold hair, which caused his cock to lurch inside her.
     As Bhadra sucked her tits, the mem-sahib's actions became
more frantic.  She rode Hazun's cock harder and faster.  His balls
began to slap her cunt.  Hazun began to shake and shiver.
     "Pump me!  Suck me!  Fuck me hard!  Oh, God, I'm going to
cum!" Katt heaved, choked and closed her eyes dizzily as an orgasm
ripped through her.
     The smell of sex filled the room.  Brow beaded with
perspiration, Katt lay on her back gazing at Hazun and Bhadra.
She was amazed to discover that his prick was still at full stand.
Apparently, he had not ejaculated.
     Her ayah's eyes were filled with lust as she stroked Hazun's
pecker.  She glanced hopefully at the mem-sahib.
     "You wished to watch the sahib fuck me.  Do you wish to watch
Hazun screw me, now?"
     The question was direct and to the point.  Katt perked up
     "Yes, yes I would!"  She had visualized, in her mind many
times, what an exciting spectacle she must make as a man screwed
her.  Now, she was finally going to witness the copulation act at
close range.  Although she had watched Hazun at the meeting
screwing a woman, Katt had been unable to see the actual joining
of their sex organs.
     Pulling herself up against the headboard, Katt prepared to
observe for the first time in her life.  As a sexual spectator she
supposed this made her a voyeur of sorts.  Her pussy began to
twitch as her ayah climbed up on the bed and turned so that her
bottom was in full view of her mistress.  Katt gazed at the wet,
dark pussy fringe.  She reached out and ran a finger over her
ayah's creamy slit.
     Bhadra wriggled to show her appreciation for the mem-sahib's
     Katt stiffened her middle finger and leisurely and
purposefully pushed it into Bhadra's cunt.  It was hot and wet and
she twisted her finger inside the swampy pit.
     "Ahhh ... Open my cunt up ... ready it for his big prick,
mem-sahib.  Use your fingers, spread me wide open for that huge
     Flushed and pleased, Katt felt her body respond wetly and
glanced at Hazun.
     He grinned and came onto the bed on his knees, behind Bhadra.
Holding his cock in his hand, the Indian aimed the bloated head at
the cunt that Katt's finger was still drilling.
     Obligingly, Katt removed her finger and spread her ayah's
lips wide.
     "No.  Let me hold her open," Hazun suggested, his big fingers
gently taking over from Katt.  "I believe you would, mem-sahib,
enjoy guiding my prick into her cunt hole--would you not?"
     "Oh, yes, Hazun!"  Heart pounding fast, her cunt spasming
crazily now, Katt lifted the huge tool.  The smoking prick pulsed
in her hand.  Katt drilled the head into her ayah's creamy, gaping
hole.  She held on to the thick sausage until it could sink no
deeper, then moved her hand and watched it sink deeper inside the
soft tissue.
     When it slithered back out, it was all gooey with Bhadra's
cunt cum.  Katt slid her fingers lovingly over it, then smelled
them.  She mewled at the delightful musk of her servant's cunt.
Fascinated, madly excited and aroused, Katt watched Hazun's big
dick plow in and out of the Indian woman's pussy hole.  All at
once, she felt Hazun drawing her against him with his right arm
and his left hand slip between her thighs.  His long finger slid
into her cunt and his thumb manipulated her clit.
     "Your golden pussy arouses me," he moaned, cupping her whole
mound in his hand and frantically working his stiff middle finger
inside her.
     "Watching you fuck my ayah excites me, Hazun!" she gasped
     Bhadra humped and cried, "Fuck my hole, you giant! Give me
and the mem-sahib a thrill!"
     Tingling and riled up, Katt watched Hazun's huge rod plow in
and out.  She hunched his finger in the same rhythm.
     "I want to eat your pussy!" Hazun gasped to Katt.  "I want to
eat it and fuck it at the same time!"
     All Katt's senses responded to him.  She felt a thrill at
seeing his plunging cock, a thrill at feeling his thrusting
fingers in her cunt.  She also felt a thrill at hearing his lewd
talk, couple with Bhadra's cries of pleasure.  The smell of their
hot set filled her nostrils.
     There was only one of her senses left to be fulfilled. Taste.
     Voice cracking with lust, Katt begged, "Pull your prick out
of her.  Let me taste it!"
     Boiling, Hazun withdrew his dong and offered it to the mem-
     Delirious, Katt opened her mouth and sucked on it, savouring
the slightly bitter, pungent taste of sex.
     "Mem-sahib, I'm going to cum," the servant moaned and jerked
his cock out of her hot, sucking mouth.  He shot his dick back
into Bhadra's cunt.  In a mad flurry of thrusts, geared at getting
the woman off, he grunted and came inside Bhadra's cunt.
     Bhadra kept crying out.  Writhing hard in orgasm, her huge,
swinging mammaries jiggled provocatively.
     Katt was now sobbing with desire.  Hazun pressed her back on
the bed.  Leaning sideways, cock still imbedded in Bhadra, he
contorted his body enough to clamp his mouth over Katt's cunt even
as his cock was still pumping sperm into Bhadra.

                            Chapter 10

     As soon as Hazun had pumped his balls dry in Bhadra, he
crawled between the mem-sahib's lovely long legs and sucked her
pussy good.
     Bhadra watched for a long while, then couldn't stand it.  She
began to suckle her mem-sahib's luscious tits and play with her
creamy cunt and clit.
     Twice they got Katt off.  Both were forceful orgasms, and
when the last one was over, Katt thanked them and sent them away.
Ted would be home soon, and she knew he would be exhausted and
worried.  She prepared his bath water herself.
     Upon his return, Ted said that all had gone according to
plan.  Chandpur had been on hand to lend assistance.
     "He is certain that Beal will have the bones spirited away
long before morning.  He swears he has a full force of police
watching the area.  If so, they must be damned well concealed, for
Sandor and I looked for them when we left the site, but could see
no one."
     "They must be there, darling, or Chandpur wouldn't have said
so."  Gently and tenderly, Katt bathed Ted. As he ate, she sat
with him.
     "Chandpur tells me that Hunter Beal is wanted in several
countries for smuggling.  It seems we are not his first victims.
If Chandpur has anything to do with it, we will be his last."
     Later, Katt lovingly tucked her husband into bed and laid
down beside him.
     "Everything will be all right, darling.  You'll see ...
everything will turn out fine."  She held him close until Ted's
breathing was soft and even.
     For a long time, Katt stared into the dark.  How sad that a
man who looked so delicious could be so rotten. Her thoughts
strayed to the not-much-on-looks men from the cult.  One had been
old, one unshapely, one far too thin, one downright homely.  Only
one had a handsome face, yet an ungainly body went with it.
Still, every man, despite his outward weaknesses, had something
that the dazzlingly handsome Hunter Beal did not have, she thought
     They were all fantastic lovers.  Not only did they make her
feel exquisite rapture, they did it graciously.
     With a deep sigh of contentment, Katt closed her eyes. Her
life with Ted had done a complete turn-around. She was the
luckiest woman in the world to have Ted.
     Chandpur, looking tired, but wearing a broad grin, greeted
them as the jeep pulled up in front of the tent the next morning.
     Katt jumped out and Ted followed.  "They gone?"
     With a curt nod, Chandpur said, "Got our man.  Beal boarded a
flight for the States early this morning, along with two coffins.
He will be taken into custody by our people as he disembarks.  He
will immediately be flown back here."
     "The coffins?"
     "Were exchanged by our people at the airport here.
Unwittingly, Beal took empties with him.  Your old bones are safe
in Delhi."
     "They must not be mishandled..."
     Chandpur held up a forestalling hand.  "I didn't make myself
clear, perhaps.  They are housed at the museum in Delhi, where
there are experts who know how to handle such delicate things."
He shrugged.  "To me, they look like any old bones.  If you'll
ready a copy of your documentation on them, I will see that it
gets into the proper hands."
     "I appreciate all you've done, Chandpur, but I'd rather
handle that myself"
     Chandpur inclined his head in compliance.  "I am flying back
to Delhi this very afternoon, if you would care to accompany me?"
     Ted smiled and ranged his glance up and down, gauging the
man.  "You look dead on your feet.  Are you sure you're up to it
so soon?"
     Chandpur's face cracked in a smile.  "I will give it my best
shot."  Touching his hand to his forehead in a mock salute, he
left them.
     Katt and Ted, arms around each other, strolled across the
sand to the trenches where the workers were hard at it.
     "One of us should stay here," she replied, sorry to have to
turn down the opportunity to shop.
     "Sandor and Hazun will keep an eye on things."
     "What about those sneaky informers, the ones who have been
feeding Hunter information?"
     "Damn!" Ted whirled, spotted Chandpur about to step in the
jeep and yelled to him.
     "Hold on, Chandpur!"  They caught up to the man.
     "About those informers..."
     "I felt they might impede your progress here, so I took the
liberty of sending them packing this morning.  I frightened them
by telling them who I was and what had happened to Beal.  They are
harmless enough.  But they will not be showing their faces to you
     The man was amazing.  "I should have known you'd be ten steps
ahead of me on that, too," Ted said with a tolerant chuckle.
     Chandpur's teasing grin clicked on.  "Right now, if I had the
energy, I'd like to be as far ahead of you on other," his glance
shifted to Katt, "matters, as my man, Hazun."
     "Hell, man!  Is there anybody who doesn't work for you?"
     "What are you talking about?" Katt asked, feeling left out.
     The men glanced at the beautiful woman.  Ted lazily drawled,
"Our double agent here is hot to fuck you, baby, only he's worn
     "Perhaps on the plane..."
     Ted chuckled.
     Chandpur flushed even darker as he climbed into the jeep.
All he needed was a little sleep, and he'd ride her all the way to
Delhi.  Tired, or not, his dick stiffened.
     Katt waved as he drove off toward Jakhanur.
     "What say we go home and screw ourselves silly. Then, we'll
pack a couple of bags and be off to Delhi with Chandpur."
     "Twist my arm!" she laughed, heading for the jeep and pulling
Ted along behind her.  Full of love, anticipation and delight, she
slid onto Ted's lap as the grinning Sandor put the jeep in motion.
Undulating her sizzling cunt against the bulge in Ted's jeans,
Katt giggled and winked at Sandor while Ted began to finger her
     Her husband ran his hand into her crotch, pushing her legs
apart so he could stroke her cunt.
     "I'm going to thrust my prick into you right here," he said,
pressing his finger against the denim above her hole.
     When her pelvis began to churn, he flipped open the button on
her jeans, pulled down the zipper and slid his hand inside.  He
thrust a finger deep into her steamy cunt.
     Ted mumbled in her ear, "Full of hot liquids.  Is some of
this stuff Hazun's?"
     "No, darling.  Hazun fucked me in the mouth last night."
     "Give me more."  He pressed her forward and slid his finger
lower and tunneled into her further.  "Ah, yes, I love the
     Katt stroked Sandor's bulging prick.  "Bhadra wanted to suck
it out, but I sent her away."
     "She is an oral freak.  I love her mouth," Ted admitted,
screwing his finger deeper into his wife's lovehole.
     "Ted ... do it for me.  Make love to Bhadra.  I've wanted to
see you do that for so long now."
     "All right, baby, if that's what you want.  But Sandor or
Hazun or both can take care of you while I screw her."
     "Sandor's ready!" she cried in delight.
     The servant shoved the pedal to the floor.
     Once again, Katt felt like the luckiest woman in the world to
be married to Professor Ted MacNeil.  Everything was turning out
fine.  Just fine.  She had never felt so well protected, desired
or so loved before.  Now she knew that she could look forward to a
wonderful life with Ted, one that was geared to both their sexual
needs and wants.  Could she ask for anything more while she was
still here on earth?  She doubted it!
     As the jeep sped away, Katt smiled and kissed her husband.
     "Happy, darling?" he asked.
     "Yes," she replied.  "I couldn't be happier."
     And she meant every word.


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