First Sight

                      A Secondary Love Story

     How could she tell him?  Yes, she was in love with him- she had
been for quite some time.  The realization dawned on her slowly.  There
had been an attraction the first time they ever met almost 25 years ago.
But duty and fate kept them seperate.  Later, much later it brought them
together.  They served together side by side, becoming friends, then
closer friends.  Then one day he was brought into her care and it
took every ounce of professional detachment to attend to the task at

     That was the first time she realized just how much of a physical
attraction there really was.  She stayed with him that first night- at
his bedside waiting, watching.  His chest rising and falling as
his breathing finally evened out.  Only a thin sheet covered him and for
the first time she had the opportunity to examine fully.  The isolation room
provided her with the privacy, his condition gave her the excuse.
Despite the years of training she couldn't resist the urge to touch him.
His flesh was warm and soft under her hands.  She healed the cuts, the
bruises- working her way over his torso, then his legs and finally
necessity required that she remove the sheet.

     She gasped.  He wasn't even erect and he was the finest male
specimen she had ever seen.  No medical text, no drawing or other
effort by clumsy artists could match what was before her now.  It was
love at first sight but how could she ever tell him?

      Yes, she had been in love with the whole man for some time.
She thought the platonic nature of their relationship would
somehow shield her from the intense desire she felt for him.
Now, they were the best of friends.  They shared *almost* everything
but ever since that moment she knew she would never be complete
until they did indeed share *everything*.

      The breakfast ritual became an unending source of frustration for
her.  For she knew that less than a half hour ago he had awakened alone
in his bed with that uniquely male salute to morning.  She watched him
walk across the room.  <If he only knew.>  The dark uniform pants did
their best to mask it but every now and then she could catch a glimpse as
he moved in his presise, measured manner.

      It had become a goal of hers to try and catch him in a more
*interested* state.  Sometimes she accidentally brushed against him or
stood closer than was necessary to see if she could detect any
change.  His face never giving any hint of any distress but there were
times . . .

      This morning was no exception.  She stretched out on the sofa in his
quarters.  She was exhausted having just come from an early emergency call.
He brought the tray of croissants and coffee and poured her a cup.
Throwing her head back wearily she closed her eyes and indulged in the
silence.  She could feel his gaze upon her but she didn't want to embarrass
him by opening her eyes.  She made a pretense of making herself more
comfortable as she shifted so that the lab coat fell open fully.

      She found herself wishing for one of Deanna's less formal uniforms
so that he might enjoy a better view of her legs and cleavage.  She
worked hard at keeping herself in top physical condition and she
had every right to be proud of the way the uniform hugged her curves.
She could feel him standing over her- the scent of his cologne mixed with
his own natural scent.  She could no longer contain herself; she had to
look at him.

      As her eyes opened she was just able to catch a pleased smile
passing away from his lips.  He coughed to clear his throat as he quickly
moved back to his chair.  She could detect the slightest tremble in
his hand as he poured his own cup of coffee.  She reached for her
cup and sipped it slowly still reclining on the sofa.  Running one
hand through the silken strands of copper that surrounded her shoulders
she began to feel the knots that had taken hold of her loosen
just a bit.  She set the cup down and moved both her hands to the back of
her neck to massage the aching muscles.

     He watched in silence, trying to concentrate on his breakfast.
Even the simple meal was becoming more difficult to digest as the
lump in his throat grew- not to mention another part of his anatomy.  He
inquired about the emergency- nothing serious, just time consuming she
told him.  She sat up and rubbed her shoulders now, rolling her head from
side to side lazily.

     He put down his cup and moved next to her on the sofa.  Replacing
her hands with his, he began to massage her shoulders.  She didn't
protest, he never said a word.  Moving her hair aside he concentrated on
one side of her neck then the other.  A satisfied moan escaped from her
lips.  He was behind her- it was maddening in a way, not to be able to
see his reaction; his face, his body.  He asked if she felt better, she
nodded yes and his hands dropped away from her.

     She turned to face him before he could move back to his place across
the table.  Her hand on his knee surprised him; his eyes held a
question.  She tightened her hold on him and began walking her fingers up
his thigh slowly.  A deep, penetrating grip that made his breathing
hasten.  He was too shocked to move.  Their eyes locked together they
bent toward each other.  Their lips met, at first tentative then quickly
building into a searing wake-up call for both of them.  He pulled her
against him.

      His strong hands slipped around her waist, reaching under her
uniform top.  She gasped as the heat from his touch inflamed her.  Her own
hands were now trapped between them. She tried to move them further up his
thighs but he pulled her even closer moving his arms under hers so that she
could only reach his back.

     His mouth moved to her neck, hungrily tasting the few inches of
exposed skin.  Somehow she managed to unzip his tunic and pull it forward
over his head.  His fingers fumbled behind her back as he muttered a few
choice words when he was unsuccessful in reciprocating.

     He pushed her onto her back and slid the labcoat from her shoulders.
Still unable to remove her top he slid his hands underneath and began
to caress her breasts.  She moaned as his fingers massaged her waiting

     His back, his chest, so familiar and delicious but she
longed for more.  Against her thigh she could feel him straining against
the material.  She remembered how he looked that morning as awoke in
her sickbay.  She knew he was well on his way to recovery as he saluted
that morning.

     She had to have him.  Just as she slipped her hands into his
waistband he released her top and began to pull it over her head.  She
moved her arms so that he could slip it off.  Having been called
from her sleep for the emergency and she had simply slipped her uniform
over the silk teddy.  His eyes took in the sight as her nipples pressed
tight against the creamy fabric; he touched them so lightly she wasn't
sure if had really touched her or if she just imagined his touch.

     He began a trail of kisses on her neck as he shifted himself forward
so that he could kick off his boots.  She kicked hers off as well.  She
could feel his pulse against her thigh as his weight rested fully on her.  
God, would she ever get to see that part of him again?

     There was still clothing to be removed but it would be difficult
from this position.  He hesitated before pulling back- not wanting to
give her the opportunity to change her mind.  His mind had already been
made up by the part of him that was now thoroughly in control and calling for
even greater attention.  He gathered her in his arms and headed
toward his bed.

     Not giving her the chance to speak he covered her lips with his as
he gently placed her on the covers.  He stood over her as she slipped out
of her pants.  Seizing the opportunity she sat in front of him and began
tugging his pants lower and lower.

     Her eyes went wide as she realized he was even longer than she
remembered.  He stepped out of his trousers as she continued to caress
him, first with just her eyes; then a tentative hand reached out to
grip him lightly.  He shuddered at her feather touch.  He could tell she
was a little apprehensive about his size so he began running his fingers
through her hair, patiently waiting as she judged how best to approach him.

     Stronger, tighter strokes; soft kisses on his thighs.  She stroked
him with her cheek; his body jumped in response.  Then their eyes locked
again and she leaned forward to kiss the tip.  A drop of moisture greeted
her tongue- she slowly covered him with her own moisture.   Deeper and
deeper she took him in- no one had been able to take all of him this way.
But she relaxed her muscles and concentrated on him fully.  He moaned as he
realized she had indeed taken all of him.  One hand massaged the area
around the base while the other squeezed his backside- both hands matching
the rhythm of her mouth.  There was no way he could endure this ecstasy.
He pushed away from her after a moment and moved her onto her back once

     She still gripped his shaft, refusing to yield her hold, she
directed him toward her entrance.  Now there was no hesitation in her
eyes.  He wanted to taste her, to dip into her wetness but he was beyond
those type of rational thoughts; he let her guide him.  Her body
adjusting to his, she cried out, partially in pain for it had been far
too long since she had lain with any man and this was not just any
man.  But the half-second of pain passed and it gave way to an
unimaginable wave of pleasure.  <Was that an orgasm, already?>  It was
too quick, she wanted to savor his fullness.  Another wave rolled over her
and another; she realized it was possible to have continuous orgasms
or maybe it was part of one extended one, she didn't care, what did it
matter, she was beyond knowing- only feeling was possible.

     He thrust into her again and again; she met his rhythm.  Stronger,
powerful strokes, he reached into her so deep she knew her soul had been
touched. Faster and faster, they moved as one being- sweat beading and
draining away their strength.  Wave after wave of pleasure rolled and
crashed over them until finally the stars collided giving birth to new
universe- a universe made of only them two.

     Perfect and whole in ecstasy.

     All motion, all breathing stopped; they cried out as a single
voice.  Collapsing into each other, hearts pounding, they gasped wearily
for each breath.  Their breathing slowed, their hearts continued to
race.  He raised himself to place a tender kiss on her lips.  Neither
able to contain the smiles that captured their faces they laughed at
their own efforts.

     What the hell had taken them so long?

     He started to pull away but she held him tight.  Even as he returned
to a more relaxed state he was still able to fill her.  She delighted in that
thought, that feeling.  They held each other and rested.

     He remembered he was due on the bridge 20 minutes ago.  A voice
spoke from the air, inquiring about his absence.  He looked at her
trying to think of an appropriate excuse.  He buried his head in the
covers over her shoulder trying to muffle his laughter as she spoke about
having given Doctor's orders that he stay in bed today.  The voice wished
him a quick recovery and assured them they wouldn't be disturbed again.
He was able to say thank you and that he felt he would be *up* again in
no time before closing the channel.

     As the transmission ended they both laughed heartily.  The motion
pressed their bodies against each other.  He looked at her with a gleam
in his eye; she gleamed back.  He was being true to his word.

     Another passionate session, this time slower but ending just as
intensely.  They slept for a little while but she could no longer stand
it.  Moving the covers out of the way she moved down to examine him
closer.  Eyes, fingers, hands, caressing him in his dreams.  Her cheek,
her breasts, lips, tongue massaging him as he awakened.

      He relaxed and watched her dreamily.  She was so
attentive to his every need, almost reverential in her handling
of him.  He would do the same to her; they had all day, all night.
He would make certain another night, another morning, another day wasn't

     They finally were able to say the "I love yous" out loud.  They had
been saying them all day with their actions.  Only taking time to sate the
more mundane appetite for food they threw the dishes aside as dessert became
each other.  Unable to keep their eyes open they slept.  He on his back;
she wrapped around him.  Her head rested in the crook of his shoulder;
her leg across his hips.

     She couldn't resist.  As they slept her hand found its way to that
part of him which fell in love with at first sight.

     How could she tell him?


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