Three Dog Night

The bulk of this story is bestial in nature.  The bondage and
non-consensual sex with a minor comes later, so read on.

Eric and Sam had driven up to their favorite climbing area on Friday
night.  It rained all night and into the morning. The weather report
was predicting more rain, so they decided to bag it and headed for
home. Eric came in the back door, dumped his climbing gear in the
kitchen.  He opened a beer and went upstairs to shower.  Hearing
peculiar noises from Karen's room, he peeked inside.  He was
momentarily startled by what he saw...

Karen knew it was going to be an awfull summer. Her mother sent her to
an exclusive girls school each year.  Summers were spent with her
father.  Things hadn't been to bad when her father had an apartment in
the city. At least she had some friends around. Then two years ago her
father had met Jenny.  Karen assumed Jenny married her father for his
wealth, and she was probably correct.  Jenny had a son Eric.  Karen
and Eric hated each other, and their fights were wicked.  Last summer
her father had spent a lot of time at Jenny's place in the country
leaving Karen at the apartment alone. Last winter her father had given
up the apartment and moved out to Jenny's place.  Karen had no choice
but to move out to Jenny and Eric's house for the summer.  She hated
Jenny.  She hated Eric.  Her father ignored her.  She had no friends.
Life sucked the big one.

Jenny was a dog breeder.  She raised an exclusive breed of great danes
that fetched big bucks at sale.  She had some thirty dogs in a huge
kennel on her property.  At first Karen showed no interest in the
dogs. But after a few knock-down-drag-out fights with Eric and Jenny,
Karen decided to use the dogs for some measure of entertainment.  She
would take one or two of the huge dogs on long walks each day.  One
dog she started to like a lot was named Duke.  She and Duke became
fast friends, spending more and more time together.  Duke was loyal
and unquestioning. He never got mad or made Karen do things she didn't
want.  One day a bitch in the kennel next to Duke went into heat and
made Duke very horny.  On their daily romp, Duke came up to Karen when
she was sitting down and began humping Karens leg.  It scared Karen
and she scolded Duke and took him back to the kennel.

That night, Karen had an erotic dream.  It started with a boy she had
met just before school let out, but the boy morphed into Duke.  The
dream-Duke licked Karen all over her body.  He licked her neck, her
breasts, and her belly.  He licked her feet, tickling them.  He
started licking his way up her legs, and when he reached her dream
pussy, she awoke.  Karen's sheets were soaked in sweat,  her pussy was
swollen and wet.  Her nipplies were stiff and hard.  Her hand was
between her legs, stroking.  She remembered the entire dream, and felt
disgusted.  She didn't stop rubbing, but couldn't bring herself to an
orgasm.  She smelled the juices on her hand and thought of her
boyfriend, then she thought of Duke.  Thinking of Duke scared her, she
thought it was perverted.  But the image of Duke kept coming back.  At
last she slept.

She avoided the kennel for a few days.  The dream kept recurring,
several times a night.  Soon the dream became a waking fantasy.  She
found herself drawn to the kennals again.  She took Duke on a few
uneventful walks, and calmed her fears about herself.  Then one day on
their walk, Duke sat down to rest and began to lick himself.  Just the
tip of his penis protuded from it's sheith, enough for Karen to see.
She stared at it, fixed. She couldn't take her eyes off of his
doghood.  She knew at that moment she wanted Duke, inside of her.  But
she had to feel safe about it.  This weekend would be perfect.  Her
father and Jenny would be off to a dog show for four days.  Eric was
going climbing with that geek, Sam.  She had volenteered to stay home
and tend the kennel.  She could be alone and private with her Duke.

Friday night her dream/fantasy was intense.  It went on and on, she
barely got any sleep.  Her hands rubbed her pussy constantly.
Sometimes she curled foreward, tounge out, trying to lick her own
genitals like the girl dogs in the kennel.  But she had to lick her
wet fingers to satisfy that urge.  That morning she tended to all the
animals, feeding and watering them, cleaning out all of the cages.
Her guts were trembling in anticipation and fear.  Then she decided to
do it.  She went to Dukes cage and called him out.  Duke obediently
followed.  She took him to the grooming area and bathed him
thoroughly, paying close attention to his scrotem and shieth.  She
then led him into the house and up to her room.

She took off all her clothes and sat on the edge of her bed.  Karen
put her hair up in a pony tail off the top of her head.  She glanced
in the mirror to examine her fifteen year old body.  She held her
breasts and examined the length of her now exposed neck.  One hand
slid down to her swelling pussy and began to rub.  "I have a great
body!" she said out loud, "Duke, you are going to love this."  As she
spoke to Duke, he came over to her.  He instinctivly put his nose
between her legs, she instinctivly spread 'em.  He wasted no time
licking her legs or belly.  No, he went straight for the pink.  His
long, wet licks sent shudders through Karen's virgin body.  She laid
back, holding her breasts, feeling her nipples grow.  The dog saliva
dripping from his mouth mixed with the pussy juices she drooled,
forming a wet spot on the bed.  She began to blush.  A healthy pink
bloom surrounded her sex, spreading up her belly and down her legs.
Her young breasts swelled and blushed.  Her neck turned pink, from her
collar to her ears.  Her skin began to feel hot and she started to
sweat.  Duke began to crawl onto the bed, but Karen wanted to do it
"doggy style", like she had seen on the nature shows on TV.

She got off the bed and knelt on the carpet, raising her ass into the
air. Duke got behind her and tried to mount her.  But Karen was still
a small woman, though, and Duke was a big dog.  Her raised ass was too
low to make connection.  Karen decided to get a foot stool.  She
walked down the hall to the sitting room.  Duke followed her closely,
and stuck his nose between her legs and licked.

Karen froze in her tracks.  Her body did not respond to her concious
will.  Her body reacted as though some new wiring had taken over.  She
started to arch her back and push her ass out backwards to him.  Her
legs spread wider, then she dropped to her knees.  This sexual access
behaviour was quite compelling, she could not control it.  She put her
hands on the floor, arched her back more, offering her pert little ass
and her pink, virgin pussy to Duke.   He stopped licking and tried to
mount.  She regained control, staggered up, and continued to walk,
knees stiff with excitement.  Duke pressed his cold, wet nose against
her anus, simultaneously licking her sex with his long tounge.  Again
she stopped and spread her legs.  She dropped to her hands and knees.
She lifted her butt into the air, completely offering herself and
accepting the dominance of his maleness.  When he stopped licking and
tried to mount, she stood up to walk.  A third time he licked her,
taking control.  She found herself on all fours, back arched, ass in
the air.  Duke was over her trying to get low enough to make entry.
Again she stood up.  This time, when Duke tried to lick her, it
tickled.  She squeeled in delight and jumped away.  Duke gave chase
and the two of them made a game of it.  She ran about the house trying
to out run him, laughing and shrieking.  He followed closely, licking
what ever he could get his tounge on, aiming for her ass.  Finally she
made it to the sitting room, got a stool and returned to her own room.

Continued, see part two...
Three Dog Night, part 2.

by Nine Ball

She put the stool in the middle of the room and laid across it, belly
down.  Her knees didn't reach the floor so she pushed upward with her
toes, shivering with dual emotions of fear and desire.  Duke knew
exactly what to do and mounted her immediatly.  His plunge hit the
mark, popping her cherry in one stroke.  She cried out at the pain,
then held her breath.  Duke began his rythmic pumping.  Just as Karen'
pussy began to adjust to the new feeling, she seemed to feel him grow
again.  Duke completely filled Karen's virgin pussy and kept fucking
hard.  She latched onto him and closed her eyes.  His thrusts went on
and on, and she felt the first orgasm welling up.  Duke began to come,
and Karen felt his hot dog seed squirting deep into her.  This pushed
her over the edge.  She grunted and groaned as they both orgasmed
together.  Wave after wave of extasy rocked her.  Finally she calmed
down and relaxed for a minute, Duke's big dog dick still in her.

After a minute or so, she opened her eyes.  There on the floor were
three polaroid pictures of her and Duke being dirty animals.  She
startled, looking around.  There was Eric, smiling and holding a video
camcorder.  Karen freaked and tried to get up.  Duke was much bigger
than she was, outweighing her by twenty kilos or more, and his weight
pinned her down.  She tried to squirm out from under Duke, but
realized she couldn't get Duke's dick out of her.  Her panic only
served to clamp her tiny pussy even tighter.  She put her feet down
and pushed, but this only managed to tip the stool over.  For the
briefest moment, she hung in the air.  The pain was intense!  It felt
like her plumbing was being ripped from her body.  Duke howeled in
pain also, as the tight bitch under him tugged on his penis. She
immediatly put her feet to the floor and supported her weight.

She began to sob in fear.  "My god Eric, what's wrong?  I can't get
Duke out of my... my..."  She couldn't say it in her shame.

Eric roared in laughter. "You mean you don't know what is happening?"

"No!  Fuckin' help me, please!"

"You mean you don't know about dog anatomy?"

"What is there to know? And hurry! This hurts and I am getting tired."

"I guess you have some learning to to.  All male dogs have a knot at
the base of their dick.  It's purpose is seal their come into the
bitch they have just fucked.  That is so it won't ooze out."

"Well, how long does it last.  I mean it, this hurts!"

"That depends.  For most dogs the knot lasts only a few minutes.  But
not Mom's dogs."

"I said hurry, you asshole!"

"I can't hurry anything.  These dogs are special.  They have been bred
for satisfying women.  They can keep an erection up for more than a
half an hour.  You fucked Duke for fifteen minutes, so you probably
get to enjoy him for fifteen or twenty more minutes."

"I'm getting tired and I am NOT enjoing this.  What can I do?"

"Nothing.  I'm afraid your stuck!"

Eric set the camera on a chair, record on.  He found Karen's
predicament was quite humorous.  He led Duke around the room, and
Karen had no choice but to prance along on all fours, her ass way up
in the air, Duke's meat firmly planted in her.  She launched a volley
of hatefull curses at him.  Finally Eric led Duke (and Karen) to the
middle of the room.  He placed the stool under Karen's midsection so
she could relax.

Eric said, "Now it is time to teach you some manners, bitch!  First,
you are stuck.  You are Duke's personal property for now.  You are
going nowhere until he says you may.  You may as well be siamese
twins, joined at the genitals.  Watching you has made me extremely
horny.  I think you are going to have to suck my cock.  Before you
refuse or say no, remember, I have photos and video tape of you
fucking a dog and loving every bit of it.  If you don't do as I say, I
will mail copies to your loving mother and to your friends at that
stuck up school you go to.  Think about that for a minute."

Karen tugged again at Duke's big dick, but it wouldn't budge.  It was
as if the two of them were one animal, not two.  Eric took off his
clothes, turned off the camera, and sat on the floor in front of the
Karen/Duke fuck beast.  Karen objected, but Eric grabbed her hair and
forced her down onto his waiting, throbbing prick.  Karen sobbed,
thinking how twenty minutes ago, she had never had even one penis in
her.  Now, she had two dickes in her, the one was a big dog buried to
the hilt in her virgin pussy, the other was that asshole Eric, rudely
forcing his dick into her mouth.  She could taste Eric's pre-come,
salty and slick.  Quickly Eric came, splattering his jism at the back
of her throat.  Karen gagged, then reached down and squeezed Eric's
balls, hard.

"Oh fuck!" Eric slapped Karen hard on the face.  The blow stunned her
and she lost her grip on Eric.  He scrambled back out of reach.
"Fucking bitch!" he yelled. "You dog fuck! That hurt!"

"I don't care.  I hate you, you goddam asshole!"  Come was dripping
down Karen's chin.  She wiped it with the back of her hand, spitting,
trying to get the taste out of her mouth.

"Fine.  I'll teach you, Dog Fuck."  Eric massaged his hurting balls
for a moment.  Then he went down stairs to get his climbing gear,
brought it up and dumped it out on Karen's bed.  He took some tube
webbing and tied her wrists together.  She tried to resist,  but she
and Duke were still linked into one eight-legged fuck animal.  Eric
tied rope to the wrist webbing and stretched it over to a leg of a
heavy dresser, securing it.  He captured one kicking leg with another
piece of webbing and secured it to a bed post.  He lassoed the other
leg and tied it to another dresser, pulling the rope tight.  As he
stretched her legs wide, Karen's pelvis rotated up and her vagina
protuded out.  Duke sensed the improved access and started to hump
again.  Karen gasped as Duke plunged even deeper into her pussy.  He
humped for five minutes, driving Karen up to another raging orgasm.

Meanwhile, Eric taunted her.  "Your name is now Dog Fuck.  I will call
you that whenever we are alone.  In the presence of others I will call
you DF.  It will remind you of the breeding bitch you are.  You chose
Duke.  A good choice, he is one of Mother's most favored dogs.  He is
gentle, friendly, and loyal, popular with the cients.  Our dogs
inflate their anchor knot as soon as they gain full entry to their
bitch.  That way the sexual penitration can't and won't stop for some
time, which is why women love this breed.  No slam-bam-thank-ya-mam
here.  A woman gets what she barganed for.  But Duke's penis is only
average sized, for our kennel.  It is twenty some centemeters long,
about the size of a human cock, and his anchor knot is about the size
of an apple.  I am going to introduce you to Emporer.  His tool is
almost thirty centimeters long, much bigger than nearly all men.  He
has an anchor knot damn near as big as a grapefruit.  Not too many
women can enjoy him, especially since his erections can last more than
an hour and he is so damned big.  You probably won't enjoy him, but I
know he is going to enjoy your tight little fuck hole.  I will go get
Emporer for you, Dog Fuck.  We will see just how deep your young pussy

Continued, see part three...
Three Dog Night, part 3.

By Nine Ball

Eric left the merged fuck animal alone to finish.  He went to the
kennel to get Emporer.  When he returned,  Duke had dismounted, and
lie on his side grooming his crotch with his toung.  Duke and Emporer
had not seen each other for months and the two of them bounded off,
playing and exploring the house.  Eric looked down at Karen's writhing
body, swollen pussy, milky white ass.  His erection returned.  "What
the fuck," he thought, "What can she do?  I have the tape."  He
dropped his trousers again, knelt down behind her and stroked up and
down Karen's pussy lips with the head of his cock.  She struggled and
called him names, but that only egged him on.  He plunged into her
young teenage pussy.  It was hot, wet, and slippery with dog come, but
not as tight as he expected.  Duke must have streatched her out some.
Erik pumped for a few minutes then withdrew from her vagina and placed
his cock up against her anus.

"No, stop! Don't! Don't! No, please! Don't..."

Eric pushed, and as soon as the head of his dick passed her sphincter,
he slipped all the way in.  He arched his back and tensed his whole
body.  He had never fucked an asshole before, and he liked it.  And
since he was so un-fond of Karen, and the act pleased her so little,
Eric was thrilled at what he was doing.  In and out, he pumped her bum
for ten minutes, then the dog come lubricant began to dry out.  He
pulled out, entered her vagina for a few strokes, and continued
working her anus over.  She wimpered, cried, pleaded, but to no avail.
Twice more he had to dip his dick intp her pussy for more lubrication.
He fantasized on what it would be like to see a dog fuck Karen in the
ass.  Then he perversely fantasized what it would be like to have a
dog fuck him in the ass.  This image brought him to his second orgasm.
He pushed hard, driving as deep as he could.

At this same time, Emporer had entered the room gaining an erection.
He got up on Eric's back and pushed his penis up against Eric's brown
hole.  Eric, who was still in post-orgasm delirium, allowed it to
happen.  But Eric failed to process two important pieces of
information at this time: assholes don't self lubricate, and it was
Emporer who was behind him.  Two quick, strong thrusts and it was too
late.  Emporer had buried his massive schlong in Eric's ass and
inflated his knot.  As Eric had described to Karen, the knot grew to
damn near the size of a grapefruit.  Emporer's generous thirty
centimeters FILLED his rectum.  The enormous pressure on his prostrate
gland meant Eric's own erection refused to subside.

Emporer's thrusts were not to be denied.  He was only five or ten
kilos heavier than Eric, but far stronger.  His knot was irretrievably
locked into Eric's ass.  To resist meant pain.  Eric had no choice but
to match the thrusts of his captor.  Now he was the one who was being
raped.  They were a three-in-one, twelve-legged fuck animal.   What
this meant for Karen was that the ass raping that had gone on for the
last half an hour continued, and not with just renewed vigor, but with
much stronger thrusts.  Soon the dog come that had been lubricating
the two humans began to dry out.  The skin of Eric's dick and Karen's
ass hole started to get painfully raw as the dried dog come became not
a lubricant, but a sticky adhesive.  Eric franticlly reached down
between thrusts and transfered some of the salty come leaking from
Karens cunt up onto their mutually painfull parts.  He couldn't reach
his own anus, though.  He just had to put up with that pain.

The description of Emporer's prowess was not overstated.  He kept
thrusting for well over an hour.  Poor Karen, it meant her ass fucking
went on for damn near two hours.  Finally Emporer orgasmed, filling
Eric with warm semen.  Emporer stopped humping and Eric was able to
withdraw from Karen's anus.  Her sphincter was stretched, raw, and
bleeding.  She was sobbing.  The knot up Eric's ass lasted for another
half an hour, but finally shrank.  Emporer pulled his limp meat out
and Eric was finally able to stand up.

As he hobbled to the toilet, dog come drooled down his leg.  He sat on
the john, feeling like he needed to shit, but only dog seed dripped
out. "Bloop...bloop...bloop..." it went.  Eric was hurting.  His
asshole hurt.  His rectum hurt.  The skin at the base of his cock
hurt.  His whole penis throbbed with pain from being erect for two and
a half hours.  Mostly his ego hurt.  In his mind, he blamed Karen.  He
decided to teach her a lesson.

As soon as the come stopped draining from his ass, he went back to
Karen's room.  "There are sixteen more male dogs in the kennel, Dog
Fuck." he said, "You are going to pleasure every single one of them."
He place the video camera on a short tripod behind Karen.  The only
thing the camera lens could see was the mounds of her ass, her
asshole, her pussy, and some of each leg.  From the cameras view, you
could not tell that Karen was in bondage.  He took Karens small
bedroom television, placed it on it's back right in front of Karen's
nose.  The screen filled her entire field of view.  Karen was to have
a ringside seat at her own canine gang rape.

Eric went to the kennels and returned with Rangler.  He placed a
single mark on her ass with a magic marker.  Then he turned the dog
loose.  Rangler mounted her without hesitation.    Karen's requests
for freedom were replaced with gasps and faltering moans.  Rangler
inflated his anchor knot and humped away for over half an hour.  Karen
responded with two full blown orgasms.  After Rangler came another
mark and another eager hound, Willaby.  During the fifth beast fuck,
Karens pleadings became profane.  Eric went to her laundry and
returned with some soiled panties.  He mopped up some of the growing
puddle of dog come on the floor and forced the wad, dripping with
come, into her mouth, taping it into place.

"How does that taste, Dog Fuck?  Does it taste better than mine?"  He
scooped up some more come in his hand and covered her nose with it.
When she breathed in, she sucked dog come in, coating her sinuses.
She sneezed, splattering the TV screen.  Eric wiped it up, then wiped
more come on her neck, ears and face.  With each dog he slopped come
on her neck and ears, encouraging the animals to lick and groom her.
Some of the dogs seemedmore interested in grooming Karen than fucking
her.  They would lick her entire body, reclaiming all of her salty
sweat.  Then they would dutifully mount the helpless young girl for a
howling joy ride.

By 5:00 am Karen had been skrewed by eighteen dogs, the last was
Emporer.  Her vagina was sufficiently stretched out to accomodate his
entire, royal sized penis, though the tip of him was pressed
uncomfortably against her cervex, for an hour.  The action had gone on
for seventeen hours.  Karen experienced well over twenty orgasms.
Three times Eric had guided a dog pole into Karen's anus, so her
asshole was stretched and painfull.  Two times Eric had turned off the
video tape and stepped in for a turn, being careful to watch his

By the end, she loved being called DF.  She knew now what she was
going to do for a living.

Karen knew this was going to be an awfully great summer.


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