
	I was tired, and in desperate need of a bath.  Having just 
finished a game of Powered Armor Soccer, an awful game in which even 
the ball shoots back, I was desperate for a long, soothing bath in my 
own tub, preferably alone-- a time where I could pick up a book and 
fall asleep and not have to worry about anything.

	So of course, the moment I walk into my own home, "Hi Dave, any 
news for me?"

	"Of course, Ken.  Do you want the good news or the bad news?" 
the thing asked me.  Set, Dave, I don't need this now, I'm tired.

	*Sorry, Ken.*  He switched back to verbal, "You might want to 
take a bath and a nap, then.  The bad news, other than the news-news, 
is that P'nyssa won't be home for a while."

	"Trouble?" I asked.  Having a doctor for a lover can be 


	"May I ask who?"

	"You may, and I will answer.  It's Tarrete'."

	Oh, ho.  Fascinating.  "Okay, and what's the good news?"

	"At about twelve lome' Ember wants you to meet her at the Arc 
dining hall for dinner.  Tomorrow's her hundredth birthday, you know.  
She asked me not to tell you that, but you asked me to remind you of 
important birthdays.  Tomorrow's also Beth's birthday, and Ricarn 
Settng's, both of whom are on your list of want-to-knows."

	"Oh, okay, thanks."



	"Your bath is ready."  Goddamn.  Does everybody know my personal 
habits by now?  Well, it does kind of figure Dave would know, he does 
see my every move.  Notice, also, he didn't ask for an RSVP on 
M'Bawr's invitation?  There is no way I was going to miss this, and 
he knew it.

	Twelve lome'.  I was as grateful as always that The Castle and 
D'Tangent Arc were on the same schedule, since I hate position-lag.  
I navigated among the green plants and white chairs of the enormous 
dining hall, admiring the incredible array of ferns and leafy plants 
hanging from the matrix of hydroponics tubes on the ceiling.  I could 
see the stars beyond them, and the night air was cool with just a 
hint of a rainstorm recently passing.  I scanned the room, trying to 
pick out a black-and-off-white-furred Felinzi among the all the white 
and shadow.  Despite the lowered lighting of nighttime operations, I 
found her.  Of course, other than a party of three centaurs in a 
quiet corner, she was the only person in the place, and she waved me 

	I walked towards her, and as I approached she rose and smiled.  
"Hi," I said, and returned her smile.

	"Hi to you, too, father."  She helped me with my chair, and then 
sat down herself.

	"This is kind of odd, isn't it?"

	"What do you mean?"

	"Well, usually it's me who asks the 
birthday...uhm...'victim'...out to dinner, and helps her with her 
chair, and such.  What's with the special treatment?  And why so late 
at night?"

	"Oh, I dunno.  I just wanted to see you.  Tomorrow's a special 

	"Is it?"

	"Well, it is my hundredth birthday."

	"I'll drink to that, but in that case I need to order a drink."

	At which point, almost on cue, a Tindal came striding over and 
said "Hi Ember, Hello Shardik, can I get y'all anything, or do you 
just want to sit and talk for a while?"  This person was unfamiliar 
to me, but Josh, the Arc AI, identified him as M'Arden, and said he 
was an excellent cook.  Of course he recognized me, but apparently he 
knew Ember as well.

	"I'll have my usual, sweetheart," Ember said.

	"And I'd like whatever you think is good, and two glasses of 
Orange Juice and Champagne, it's almost breakfast time," I said.  An 
old friend had introduced me to OJ&Champagne and I found I rather 
liked it.

	"Okay, I'll send out a domo with the drinks, and I'll bring 
breakfast around in a few minutes."  He strode off.

	I turned to Ember.  "Who is he?"

	"M'Arden?  He's just the late-night cook for the Arc.  He's the 
only night-owl around here who's willing to try and cook for this 
place. Of course, the only ones who come here are me, those three 
quiet drinkers, and a couple of flyboys who are out practicing 
late-night drills.  No big deal."

	"No other staff?"

	"Why bother?  Like he said, Josh'll run out most of the extras, 
and this place is great this late at night.  Deserted and quiet.  I 
come here often."

	"You stay up this late often?" I asked, incredulously.

	"Sure, why not?  After all, when I'm up all night working on a 
new program, you know how it lose all track of time.  I 
usually end up here."

	"I'd think you'd teleport to some daytime pub and get some 

	"Why?  By then, I'm tired.  I just want a quiet meal and to 
return to The Castle and crash out."

	I shrugged.  "I suppose."  A TDisk floated over and we took our 
drinks off of it.  She sipped hers, at first dubiously, then in a 
full draught.  "This is good."

	"Like it?  Dane taught me that."

	"Dane?  Who's she?"

	"Just a friend.  Sister of another old friend."  I smiled.

	She caught the smile and said, "Oh, THAT kind of friend."

	"Yeah, that kind of friend." I grinned.  She returned the grin.  
We sat sipping our drinks and staring at each other over our glasses, 
then began giggling uncontrollably.  I looked into her slitted eyes, 
and she returned the look, then leaned over kissed my cheek.  "I love 
you, you know," she said.

	"I hope so," I said.  "I'd be crushed if you didn't."  I paused 
a moment.  "Ember, I love you.  I know that after Donna was born I 
began treating a lot of people like they were less important, and 
when she... died, I was a real jerk for a while.  I just wanted to 
let you know that    I'm sorry for that, and that I love you very 

	She sighed, a little, and said, "Thanks.  I needed to hear that.  
You don't say that very often, and I sometimes wonder why."

	"It's just me.  I don't give my heart so quickly, sometimes."

	M'Arden again appeared out of nowhere, and dropped a pair of 
omelettes on our table, one for each of us.  "There you go, try this.  
It's your granddaughter's favorite."  He walked off before I could 
even say "Thanks."

	"What is it with him?" I asked Ember.  "Does he have a SDisk in 
his kitchen, or what?"

	"No, he just likes to cook.  I dunno about the rest."  She dug 
into her food with her fork.  I did the same, and found the food to 
be an incredibly fluffy omelette with just the right touches of 
garlic and jalapeno', but it wasn't hot to the tongue.  In fact, it 
was wonderful.

	Very little was said as we ate, and when we were done one of 
Josh's peripherals floated down and cleared the table, while 
scurriers cleaned up the floor around us, as if I'd dropped anything 
on the floor.  Ember rose, and took my hand.  "Father, come with me," 
she implored.

	I followed and she led me to a stepping disk, and when we 
stepped onto it I found myself on a beach.  No, turning around, I 
realized I was in a desert, as there was no ocean.  A magnificent 
silk tarpaulin was erected, with a soft, thick cloth under it, lain 
with pillows and candles.  A warming wind passed over the sand, and a 
moon was overhead.  "Ember, what are we doing on Pandora?"

	"You don't like it?"

	"No, no, I do, I do, believe me, it's just... why?"

	She smiled a small smile, and said, "Well, I just wanted to 
celebrate with you, and I thought you might like a quiet, romantic 
setting like this."  She walked onto the cloth under the tent, undid 
the  clasp about her shirt so it was open, sat down, and reclined 
against the pillows.  "Come here, Father.  Make love to me."

	I smiled, and crossed the sands towards her.  She was right 
about the setting-- it was romantic, warm, with just a zephyr of 
wind.  I settled down next to her, reached an arm around her and 
kissed her soft feline muzzle.  She responded warmly, her mouth 
opening to meet me and her rough, soft tongue against mine.  My hands 
caressed her back, my   nails scratching along under her wonderful 
soft fur, the scent of soap embedded lightly on her.  I rubbed her 
back slowly while I nipped her jawline, my fingers seeking her spine 
while my teeth sought her throat, and as I shifted my weight to reach 
the back of her neck a slight, subdued growl escaped her.  As I 
pressed against her neck, those spots where I knew my granddaughter 
was most vulnerable (in a nice way), her voice rose in response, her 
body shuddering.

	I grinned.  I love feeling my Ember respond to me, like I do 
many people.  I love showing my affections physically.  My hand 
caressed her sides lightly, tickling her fur, small tufts of fur 
caught in my teeth as I nipped along her shoulders, my teeth against 
my lip, her flesh between.  Her growls became loud mewls of pleasure, 
and finally she pushed herself forward away from me and said, 
"Enough!  You're going to drive me crazy, you know what that does to 

	I smiled back.  "Yes I do."  And lunged for her.

	She dodged, and as I went sprawling across the cloth, she slid 
over on top of me, and put her paws gently but firmly on my biceps, 
effectively holding me down.  I watched intently as her eyes shone in 
the moonlight, and she alit her teeth gently against my nipple, 
tugging at it, her tongue abusing me utterly.  I was agonized by the 
detail she spent on a single nipple, the sensations making me wild, 
the pleasure so strong I had trouble breathing.  She lifted her head 
and looked at me, her feline eyes moist and soft, but no hint of 
finality in them.  I panted, my breath returning, and gasped, 
"That's... that's damned unfair!" 

	She smiled again, "I know what to do to you, too, father, We've 
only made love, what, a thousand times or so?"

	"Something like that."  My hands caressed her legs at the knees, 
which was about as far as I could reach.  She released my arms, but I 
continued to gently play with her fur about her knees, up her legs 
and against her belly, avoiding the dark furrow of feline-gray fur 
between her legs, and she sighed in warm pleasure at the hints I 
gave.  I continued my soft caresses over familiar warmth, and my 
fingers slowly trailed between her legs and then out, teasing, not 
yet through the delicate fur of her cunt.  Her breathing was an easy 
susurrus, and I loved listening to it, looking at that face, the 
closed eyes, her ears still cavorting about like radar.  That always 
made me smile, but didn't break my concentration.

	My fingers sought her lips, and parted them, her inner lips 
already moist, her clitoris not yet fully exposed to the moonlight.  
My fingers gently ran along the sides of her cunt between her inner 
and outer lips, not yet ready to touch her sensitive core.  She 
whimpered aloud.  In the years I'd known Ember, she'd become a loud, 
passionate lover, not so reserved and quiet as when I'd taken her 

	I became bolder, and I slowly slid out from under her, trying 
not to jostle her as I caressed her.  My other hand, once free from 
the effort, slowly pushed her back down until she was again resting 
against the pillows, her legs opened, her cunt glistening pink.  I 
kneeled at her feet like a supplicant, and kissed the small mound 
above her cunt, and began to gently kiss around her cunt, working my 
way down until I'd kissed the small eye of her anus and the base of 
her tail, then worked my way back up.  I ran my tongue along the 
inner lips where my fingers had gone, and inched my way towards her 
clit, tasting the changing flesh from soft pink to engorged white and 
back again.  There was a slight musky scent I recognized at once, and 
I smiled; her menstrual cycle had just ended, and what I tasted was 
blood.  That's okay, I like the taste.

	Her mewls were working their way towards howls, and occasional 
"Oh, Fathers" escaped her when she managed sentience.  I licked her 
clitoris, now incessantly, and as I did so I slid a finger into her 
cunt to press against the soft ridge of her inner flesh, where I knew 
there was more sensitivity.  She growled, and her cunt clamped down 
against my finger and her hips bucked as her first orgasm washed over 

	I pulled back, letting her settle down, my tongue lapping her 
lips and around her clit, which I knew was too sensitive after she'd 
come, but in a short time I was again barrelling against her clit, 
pushing her on towards her second orgasm.  Ember's pleasure rises, 
each orgasm coming more quickly then the last until she's almost 
continually coming, and I wanted to see that.

	I kept on, and her second orgasm rose over her, both harder and 
softer than the first, and kept on, my tongue lighter over her abused 
clit, not to hurt her but to push her further, and her third orgasm 
rose quickly.  Tiny muscles along my jaw that I rarely heard from 
started jangling achingly but I ignored them, continuing.  Her 
climaxes were coming faster and faster, and she writhed and wauled in 
pleasure, until 
finally she pushed me away, covering her cunt with her hand.  After a 
few seconds that I spent smiling, she opened her eyes, and, panting, 
said, "No more... please... that's.... enough," as she gasped for 

	I sat back on my heels and waited for her to recover.  She 
rested a few minutes, and then, slowly, she rose to a sitting 
position, and with her paw she reached for my shoulder and pulled me 
towards her.  I bent for a kiss, but instead she began to lick my 
face clean of her juices.  I sat still and waited for her to finish, 
enjoying the eroticism of her tasting herself.

	Her muzzle covered my mouth, and the kiss we played out then was 
hot and wonderful, much like Ember herself.  She leaned into the 
kiss, pushing me off balance until I fell backwards.  She gently 
coerced me into a lying position with her paws, and she eased herself 
into a straddle over me, my semi-erect cock directly below her cunt.  
She smiled, and said, "I bet you'd like to put this somewhere," as 
she stroked my sex into full hardness. 

	"You'd win."  I smiled, and she pointed my cock into her and 
lowered herself down onto it.  I felt her cunt surround my cock, and 
she  sighed as her hips met mine.  She stroked herself up and down on 
my hardness, and the pleasure of each stroke sent little shocks along 
my body, my mind full of a friendly kind of lust for my 
granddaughter, no longer so little or so innocent, but still mine.  

	"Hmmm?" Her voice was a purr, animalian.

	"Love you."

	She grinned, and with that tantalizing slowness continued.  On 
one stroke, though, she pulled all the way off of me, and her paw 
grabbed my cock.  She leaned forward, supporting her weight with one 
arm while with the other she aimed my cock... back?  

	"Ember?" I asked.

	"Shhh..." she implored me.  I waited, and looked at her face.  
Her eyes were closed, and slowly, my cock slick with her juices, she 
lowered herself onto my cock.  I felt like I pressing against a wall, 
and slowly I felt her give way, her anus taking me in, slowly.  A 
small mewl of... pain?... pleasure?... couldn't tell, escaped her, 
and she lowered herself onto me.  My erection almost felt like it was 
going down, in worry for her, but she slowly slid down until I was 
all the way in, then, pausing, her eyes still closed, she began to 
pull away, stroking my cock with her ass.  I was worried for her.  
Her body shuddered.

	She stroked my cock slowly, the tight ring of her backside 
constricting me painfully, but what wonderful pain.  Her eyes opened, 
and she seemed to be easing.  "Fatherrrr?"  Her Felinzi accent 
returned, in full.

	"Yeah?" I breathed.

	"Do you rememberrr what tomorrrrow is?"


	"Do you rememberrr what we did on my sixteenth birrrthday?"

	"Yeah?" I urged her on.  

	"Do you know what you just did?"

	I smiled.  "I think I do.  Do you like it?"  I asked.

	"Urrr...It's fine," her voice trailed off, apparently in 
pleasure. She began to stroke in a wonderful, rhythmic play that sent 
shivers up my spine and made my teeth ache.  My cock too.  Her ass 
was tighter, hotter than anything I've ever felt.  There was 
something there that sent heat into me faster than anything, on man 
or woman, I've ever felt. It almost hurt, it was so intense, and she 
sped up, slowly.  "Fatherr...come forrrr meeee..."

	I began to respond, pushing my hips up slightly as she came 
down, our bodies beginning to come together in utter passion, 
slamming together, the speed becoming blinding, and we were moaning 
in pleasure.  I was only vaguely aware of her tail tickling my legs, 
and the sun rising to meet her birthday, and the sex we were having 
went on, faster, faster, the need in me stronger, until I came, 
shooting my semen into that incredible dark heat.  I screamed.

	And subsided.  She was looking down at me, her eyes concerned.  
"Fatherrr?  Arre you alrright?"

	I panted.  I wasn't back yet.  I waited, quietly, dizzy, for 
reality to assert itself, and the world stabilized into my lovely 
Ember's face, the sunlight just coming over the horizon striking her 
from the side, lighting up her black-and-white fur pattern, and 
somewhere inside me I wished for a camera, or a paintbrush.  She was 
smiling, and I realized that she'd gotten off from on top of me and 
was just sitting there, kneeling, waiting. 

	After a while, I said, gasping, "I think... I'm fine..."  Then 
another long pause of gasping and wheezing.  "Ember... I... Oh, Gods, 
Ember, I love you... you didn't have to do that."

	She smiled.  "But I did.  I waited this long, I just figured it 
was... right."

	"You are... you are a wonder, sweetheart.  Thank you, that 
was... that was incredible.  Bless you.  Happy Hundredth, beloved."

	She hugged me to her, and we lay in the rising sun and the 
warming sand, and waited until we felt the time was right and the day 
growing too hot, and we returned home, bathed together, and went to 
sleep in each other's arms in my bed.


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