We have just gone out for a few drinks and a quiet dinner. Our plans
have not yet been made, but the evening is young. The sky is dark and the
weather getting cooler. I mention that my friend has a cabin in the
mountains, not but an hour and a half away. I can use it anytime, and my
friend is on a New York business trip at the time. So, we look at each other,
and say "Why not?"

     There is no's the end of the week and neither of us have any
committments for the next two days. With open windows, we make our way to the
cabin, stopping only for some quick groceries, toiletries and a couple of gay

     The young man waiting on us was very helpful. He suggested a couple of
videos for us and gave us a price break on some of the grocery items. It was
enjoyable talking with him and difficult for me to imagine what was behind
that white apron and inside those tight jeans. Smooth facial features with
thick, medium length golden brown hair accented his already well-proportioned
body. He couldn't have been more than 20 or 21, my favorite. But, this was
OUR trip, personal time for you and me to get to know each other better, top
to bottom and inside out. A time for us to share our concerns and interest in
each other without outside interference. A time away from it all. Special and

     Figuring we have all we need, we pay the young man and head off to put
our supplies in the trunk. We get back in the car and get ready to take off
on the final thirty minutes of the trip. Before we are able to get out of the
parking lot, the grocery kid comes running out to our car. We stop, roll down
the window and ask what he needs. A bit out of breath, he hands us another
video for our use...on the house. More than you, I was anxious to see what
his selection was. With a big smile, I read "The Three of Us." Showing you
the title, you then catch the glimpse in my eyes and the wide, warm smile on
my face. We pause, each of us thinking the same thoughts. "Sure, why not?"

     Kevin says he has another hour to work before he could leave. It was his
job tonight to close up the store, but advises us to go ahead and he'd meet
us there shortly. He's bring some more beer and firewood for the evening. He
too, would be off from work till Monday, but he had to lock up tonight. Hey,
no problem!

     After giving Kevin a few simple directions, we head off to the cabin and
the dreams of a very exciting week-end. We leave our jobs, our concerns, and
our worries behind. The week-end will be what we make it, and, believe me, we
will make it.

     It doesn't take too long to get to the cabin from the store. The evening
is quiet, the sky is dark with bright stars stretching from one end of the
horizon to the other. The temperature has dropped with the threat of rain,
hopefully before morning.

     Being the good organizer that you are, you have everything unpacked and
put away when I return with a load of wood for the fire. A small fire at this
point would be nice to take off the cabin chill and set a relaxing and
restful atmosphere. We'll have it all ready when Kevin arrives...if he
doesn't change his mind.

     As you get the ice out for our first drinks, I use my boy scout
experience and get the fire going. After a few minutes, the glow from the
fire provids a comfortable warmth to the room as we watch the jumping flames
from the couch with drinks in hand. Ah...the peace...the quiet and the
absolute stillness. Could this last forever?

     For me, a fire is hypnotic. I can stare into it for hours. Getting more
comfortable, I lean closer to you, finding support from your body and comfort
from your arms around my shoulders. Your warmth, your friendship and your
love mean a lot to me. Tonight I am reassured. Tonight I feel good. As we
relax in comfort, few words are spoken. Few words are needed. Your hand is
gently massaging my shoulder and arms. You pull me closer...  tighter...and I
respond with no hesitation. We hug. We kiss. At this point, the world can go
to hell. Slowly I turn around and lay on your lap as you lower one hand
across my chest while using the other to go through my hair. I lift up to
pull you closer to me as we passionately kiss and tongue each other's mouth.
The world can go to hell------twice.

     As I lay there quietly with eyes closed, I can feel the heat of the fire
and the warmth of you. Your hand continues through my hair and across my
chest, gently, with affection and love. Your hand travels down each thigh and
back again for more chest massaging. I'm in heaven. I'm at total peace.
Slowly, you move your hand under my sweater and feel the smoothness and
warmth of my skin. God, that feels good. Keep it up, PLEASE. Very slow, very
warm, very relaxing. Your hand reaches all parts of my chest, stopping ever
so often to pinch my nipples. I tingle with pleasure and happiness as you
squeeze my skin and explore my whole chest area.

     Slowly your hand moves down to my waist, across my stomach...back and
forth... back and forth...up and down my chest as your fingers cautiously
move under my belt and into my jockey shorts. Cleverly you slide your fingers
further down into my jeans as your other hand continues through my hair and
around my face. You pause for a few hugs and long kisses with our tongues
meeting, touching and twisting around in our mouths. Your hand continues into
my pants after opening the belt buckle. Further you go down past the
beltline, but now it is easier and I have more room to breathe. Punching its
way through my white briefs, my cock and balls are about to explode. Your
other hand removes my sweater completely, revealing tanned, smooth skin as
the light and warmth of the fire continue to enrich the atmosphere of the
evening. You lower your mouth to kiss and tongue all parts of my chest as
your hand keeps busy rubbing and caressing my balls and cock. Again our
mouths meet...again we share our kisses...again we share our love.

     Lifting myself off your lap, I stand to remove my jeans, shoes and
socks. I pull you up with me and embrace you with the tightest hold I can
muster. My hands are exploring your back as yours' explore my ass. I remove
your sweater and slowly unbutton your shirt as my hand continues up and down
your back. After removing the shirt, I unbuckle your belt and open your jeans
to reveal your good sized cock patiently waiting for release from its
confines. Your hands are now sliding my briefs off as I drop your jeans to
the floor. Reaching down, I remove your shoes and socks and kneel before you
in complete admiration.

     Cupping your balls with one hand while massaging your hard cock with the
other brings a big smile to your face as your head looks up with eyes closed.
I like to be slow. I like to respond in the best way possible for you. I am
careful. I am gentle. I am good.

     After several minutes of gentle massaging, groping and stroking, I put
my mouth over your sweet cock, using gentle up and down motions all over it
while my tongue explores it very carefully. In the meantime, my hands are
reaching behind you and exploring all of your ass. I pull you closer to me as
my mouth and tongue work harder and a bit faster. Your hands are rubbing
through my hair, across my shoulders and down my back with loving care and
affection. The warmth and light of the fire provide an encouraging and very
peaceful atmosphere.

     Your hands are moving from my hair to my back to my arms to my hair to
my back in a faster sequence. Your signs and moans are getting louder as you
encourage me to keep going. I respond and go as fast and as hard as I can,

     Suddenly you pull me up on my feet and draw me to you in a tight squeeze
as our lips and mouths press together. Together we are one. Together we are
making it. Our bodies rub against each other till we can't squeeze any
harder. Locked together in pleasure we lower ourselves to the warm, soft
carpet, closer to the fireplace. Side by side our embraces, kisses and body
squeezes continue as we roll around in front of the spirited flames. We think
of nothing else. We are one.

     I turn around so that I can continue sucking your huge, hard and
beautiful cock. In return, you taste mine as we find a mutual rhythm. I lick
your cock and your balls while my hands feel all of your body. You respond as
well. Our paces pick up as the sexual electricity in the air heightens and
our passions intensify. Within seconds of each other, cum flies out in
majestic spurts on each of milky...tasteful. More! More!

     As the final cum drops emerge, you turn around and grab my body as we
meet again face to face, body to body in a tight and loving embrace. My lips
kiss all over your face, neck and chest as you engulf your arms around me. In
turn, you do the same.

     As we separate, we lie there in the warmth of the fire's glow, side by
side with one arm wrapped on the other's body. No words are spoken. No words
are needed. Within a few minutes, we are in each other's arms again to relax
and rest. The fire is dying out a bit more, but we have the warmth of each
other for the time being.

     As we lay in quiet, we begin to hear the soft sounds of a gentle rain on
the cabin roof. For a second you leave me to put a couple more logs on the
fire. The fire sputters and crackles. It becomes  brighter and warmer.
Coupled together on the floor, we face the fire and watch the flames take
their unpredictable direction. Yes, the world can go to hell.

     In the distance, we hear the sound of a car driving up the road to our
cabin. We almost forgot------Kevin. It's been a few hours since we left the
store and, sure enough, Kevin is here to meet us. Quickly we get up and put
on our briefs, jeans and shirts before the car reaches the top of the hill
and the driveway to the cabin. We run to the windows to watch. We see
headlights getting brighter and brighter until the car pulls up alongside
yours and stops. The rain continues to gently beat against the roof, the
driveway, the cars, and now Kevin. Not wasting anytime, you add another log
to the fire and make way to fix a couple more drinks while I open the door
for Kevin.

     I help him to remove his jacket and discover that his jeans are tighter
than I thought. Without an apron, he looks magnificent. Without clothes, he
will look glorious. Having gotten our drink order, you prepare them as Kevin
and I get seated and comfortable with each other. In a few minutes you return
with the drinks and some snacks and join me on the long couch. The fire burns
brightly as the rain continues its delightful descent. We talk much about
ourselves with you and I asking questions of Kevin as he asks about each of
us. We talk and we laugh.

     Eventually, Kevin removes his shoes and socks to better feel the warmth
of the fire. I ask him if he would feel more comfortable taking his shirt off
as we had already discarded our sweaters. With a smile, he accepts the
invitation and I, only too eagerly, go over and lend him a hand in removing
it. As he sits there stretched out a bit, my dick begins it's second stir of
the evening. I'm sure yours does too. You should see the look on your face. I
thought you were going to jump off the couch right onto him. He asks if we
had seen any of the videos and we truthfully have to say "no." I think you
said something like, "We forgot all about them?"

     Kevin gets up to look for the videos and the VCR. Without saying
anything, he selects one, turns on the TV and VCR. Quickly he inserts the one
he gave us when he ran up to our car at the grocery store: "The Three of Us."
We all settle back, shirts off and drinks in hand. The room is filled with
the glow of the fire, the warmth of the flames, and the electrical charge of
our thoughts, passions, and friendships..

     Within seconds, the video begins showing credits and introducing us to
several of the young men who would be appearing. A few of them we have seen
and lusted for before, but most were new names, faces and bodies. Our
anticipation heightens as you and I glance at each other and smile.

     It always amazes me how film producers like this can sometimes find such
beautiful and remote locations for private filming. As we pan over the lake
and woods during the evening twilight, the camera settles in on a good-sized
cabin set in the tranquility of a mountain side. Parked along side of the
cabin we notice six cars. Interesting!

     After setting the atmosphere for our viewing pleasure, the camera brings
us inside where we find six hot looking men sitting around, enjoying some
beer and chips while conversing about their college and work experiences.

     As the conversation continues, the boys are in discussion about "The
Club." Bill, who doesn't seem to be the oldest, apparently has invited the
other five to join him in forming an exclusive and very private "social"
club. Bill explains the details and guidelines to the group as the others
listen with sincere interest and excitement. In offering the invitation, Bill
had done some preliminary explaining, but the time was right now to explain
more fully.

     Bill further explains that each meeting begins with a strip poker game
whereby the winner becomes the leader for the evening's session. Moreover,
the one who loses all his clothes first becomes the "slave." As we get more
comfortable in our own chairs, the boys move to a round table to begin play,
restocking their drinks and snacks beforehand.

     As play begins and the boys periodically remove an article of clothing,
Kevin gets up to stir the fire and add some more wood in preparation for one
eventful evening. Watching him do so with his bare chest and back, tight
jeans and thick flowing hair, I reach over to feel your cock pressing hard
against your jeans. You squirm and smile as your hand crosses over my
shoulders and down my back. When Kevin returns, he brings his drink and snack
bowl to the couch, taking his seat right between the two of us.

     As the card game continues to unfold, it seems that Bill was in the lead
wearing more clothes than the others. One by one, losers are quickly
identified as more and more clothing articles are removed and tossed. Steve,
who loses first, gets up and heads for the john. After a few minutes, he
returns and continues watching the game from behind the group. Standing stark
naked with a slender, but powerful looking sun-tanned body, the six foot
nineteen year old moves around the group, gently placing his hands on each
shoulder. When he gets to John, he rubs John's shoulders with particular
attention. His hands then slowly slide down his back and all over his chest.
At this point, I put my arm around Kevin as he moves closer to me and as you
palm his right thigh. I draw Kevin to me more tightly as your hand continues
to rub and squeeze his thigh before making its way to his firm crotch and
zipper. Kevin nestles closer and tighter to me as you continue your
exploratory hand operations, realizing that Kevin is getting hotter with
every move.

     As we predicted, the game ends with Bill retaining his black trimmed
white jockey briefs. The other five are completely nude as six piles of
clothes await in the corner for use later on....possibly tomorrow. Bill
instructs Steve to remove the table and chairs and set up a mattress in the
middle of the room. John, Keith, Tony and Jeff are requested to put their
briefs back on while Steve is directed to lay flat on his back on the
mattress. The others circle around, sitting on the floor near each other
within a couple of feet from Steve. Following the step-by-step instructions
of Bill, Steve places both hands on his open chest and gently rubs it,
pinching his erect nipples as he passes over them. He does his whole chest,
neck and as far down as he can reach across his masculine thighs before
moving to the crotch.

     The boys watch in heightened anticipation as you, Kevin and I begin to
rub our own stiff dicks through our jeans. By now you have Kevin's zipper
down and your hand is searching inside his white briefs. Kevin and I tighten
our embrace as he leans over to kiss my neck, cheeks and, finally my lips.
Our soft touches and kisses are preliminary to tongue searching and some long
passionate kissing.

     Periodically we glance at the video to see Steve slowly jacking off in
the center of five hungry boys. The boys are held in restraint by their
briefs and Bill's orders not to touch a dick until advised to do so. They are
allowed, however, to take hold of each other for anything else. For now,
briefs remain on. Working within these guidelines, the boys begin exploring
each other with their hands while keeping an eye on Steve. Hands roam all
over the place: faces, necks, shoulders, chest, nipples, back, thighs and
legs. Even Bill gets in on the action, careful not to break his own rules.

     Not to be outdone, you get off the couch leaving us in our romantic
tongue and mouth explorations. On your knees, you slowly pull Kevin's jeans
off entirely, adding them to our own little pile. Your hands gently rub up
and down his legs and thighs, inching each time under his briefs. At this
point, Kevin rolls over more on top of me as he exposes his smooth back, snug
ass and manly legs to you.

     Both of your hands are moving more vigorously now as our excitement and
anticipation continue. With my hands, I hug Kevin tightly while moving my
hands up and down his back as our tongues entangle and our mouths seal us in
long, successive kisses. Kevin reaches down to open my jeans and finds my
firm dick that is already past due in exposure. I squirm as I feel his warm
hand grab my throbbing cock and moan as he gently rubs it up and down. Taking
the cue, you slowly remove my jeans and toss them on top of Kevin's. My
extended dick is harder than ever as it protrudes at the top of my briefs.
With my own body, I can feel every part of Kevin's as we continue to roll and
satisfy each other.

     In the background, we catch glimpses of our VCR action. Bill allows the
briefs to come off of each boy, but only by means of another's biting teeth
and lips. As the boys work on each other, sometimes in pairs, Steve continues
his center-stage jack off session enjoying every minute of it, but also
desiring to have his hands on the young male spectators. When all briefs are
removed, Bill orders Steve to stop and stand up. With a nine inch cock about
to release the juices of life, Steve stands in the midst of his new friends
and watches as the boys become more involved with each with NO
restrictions. We take a short pause in our own action to watch and predict
what might be next.

     After several minutes of standing alone naked, Bill invites the boys to
reach out for Steve as their desires direct. In seconds, Steve is covered all
over with five hot ones reaching, touching, feeling and grabbing. Sort of
like a K-Mart blue light special. Taking our cue, you remove Kevin's briefs
with your own moist lips and sharp teeth while Kevin's hands remove mine,
struggling to keep our bodies in contact. Already half off the couch, you
slide us to the floor within the warmth and pleasure of the fireplace.

     Video action continues as Bill offers Steve to the boys, one at a time
or in pairs to "have" in any way they choose. The only condition is that
Steve is not allowed to cum. That special treat will be Bill's... "of

     Our own activity prevents any detailed description of the film, but the
background music and action continue to add charge to our own scene. In turn,
the boys have their wishes answered by Steve, frustrated as he might be for
the moment. In time, Steve makes the rounds leaving Bill for last. Our screen
is filled with live, hot action as the college guys fully get involved with
Steve and each other.

     Without a doubt, you, Kevin and I are really enjoying this. Few words
are spoken and NONE from me as I suck Kevin's long hard dick as you tongue
his ass, holding tight to the young handsome body. I suck that pulsating rod
like there's no tomorrow. It is long, thick, firm and very hot. As I swirl my
tongue around the shaft, Kevin moans in distinct pleasure. Gently, I tug on
those hard, young balls that are tight against the base of his prick. My
hands join yours on his ass as I pull him closer to me. Kevin is twisting my
hair, as he vigorously grinds his cock into my a
speed that increases each second.

     You place your hot lips on his burning asshole and your tongue
penetrates into the depths of his love channel. Your tongue is followed by
one huge finger and then another, stretching his tender hole. Kevin's dick
seems to get harder when your finger finds his prostate and gently brushes up
against it.  Within minutes, you feel that the moment is right and you begin
to lubricate your excited dick and Kevin's ass. You arch his back for a
better view and a more comfortable entrance for your own patient dick. Kevin
lowers me to the floor as the action intensifies. Finding the proper rhythm,
you proceed to fuck the young man as forcefully as you can.

     "Fuck me--fuck me!", cries Kevin. You need no further encouragement. His
ass-muscles close around your dickhead as you motion your cock in and out,
back and forth at an increasing pace. Kevin reaches down and grabs my dick
and balls, finding them very receptive to his touch. His hands are all over
my body, but special attention is given to my hard dick that is about ready
to explode.

     "Oh,...I've wanted forever...don't rush...let me feel that pole...fill me up...I've long", cries Kevin. He
feels every inch of your eager dick in his hot ass. As his ass loosens up,
you pound harder and harder, faster and faster. The room echoes with Kevin's
moans of delight.
     Not wanting you to explode so early, I pull Kevin all the way down on
the floor in front of the fire's warmth. Turning him over and arching his
back a bit, I move around behind him to continue our shared fucking
experience. You take the hint and move in front of Kevin for him to work on
your monstrous prick. It's so big that Kevin isn't sure he can get it all in
his mouth. He licks the precum off your velvety smooth top knob and works all
the edges with his tongue before actually taking it in. It was obvious that
Kevin had done this before and I knew for sure that we weren't the first ones
to fuck his beautiful asshole. He certainly had no trouble taking your big
cock all the way down to the root. The sensation is fantastic, hot and moist
with an agile tongue that seems to know all the most sensitive places. At the
same time, his hands are fondling your balls and caressing your butt and

     I carefully place my dick at his hole and push inside. You have already
prepared the way. It is incredible! Every muscle in his body seems to squeeze
my thick rod as I slowly work it in and out of his hole. Begging for more, he
pushes his ass back toward me. I plow his young hot butt like a bull in heat,
my hands reaching under his chest and waist as he continues his rhythmic
sucking action on you. I grab his balls and dick as best as I can, stoking
his warm, smooth and hot cock.

     After he gets used to the size of my dick in his ass, he relaxes and my
body pumps harder and faster as I near my climax. As he speaks, I begin to
jack harder and faster on his prick while trying to maintain a constant
fucking motion. It didn't take long and soon I felt my muscles go rigid ready
for the first cum splash of the evening. Withdrawing my prick, I soon erupted
with my hot juices spurting all over his back and ass.

     My pleasures were intense as I screamed at the top of my voice,
squeezing and pushing against my prick to get it all out. Spurt after spurt,
I covered his back with hot liquid cum, collapsing along side the both of you
in gleeful joy. The country was never like this.

     Knowing how close you are to your own climax, you turn Kevin over on his
back and pull his slender legs over your shoulders. Again, your thumping dick
enters his soft warm ass. After stirring the fire a bit, I return to lay
beside Kevin. My lips travel all the way from his lips to his hot and ready
dick. More difficult this time, Kevin's body wretches in glorious pleasure.
My mouth covers his prick and my tongue finds its own way up and down his
thick shaft.

     With closed eyes at the pleasure he was receiving, we suddenly feel his
body stiffen. "I'm going to cum", he growls, as you continue to slap your
huge balls against his butt with each heavy stroke of your dick. My hands
were like wildfire all over his chest, face and legs. Within seconds, he
shouts and pulls my head down tighter as his throbbing cock explodes down my
throat, the spasms of my swallowing bringing more hot cum shooting out. I
feel a tremor pass through his rod as he pushes me partially away before
bringing me back and ramming it in again, allowing me to get every last drop
of cream he has to offer.

     Your banging back and forth now is more one wild animal
getting fucked by another mad animal. I love it!  As your fingers dig deeper
into Kevin's waist, you signal your impending blast of jism. For a split
second, you hold your pulsing horsecock all the way inside of Kevin's
twitching ass, breaking your steady pounding tempo. Kevin feels your buried
cock stretch and strain deep inside of his hot guts. He can also feel it
lengthen with one final, pulsing throb.

     "Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh, Kevin!" and I know you are ready to shoot now. "I'm
cumming...I'm going to up your asshole!"

     With a swift jerk, you pull your prick back to just inside his twitching
sphincter. The bulbous head fills the outer muscles of Kevin's asshole,
stretching it as far as they could go.

     "Shooting...shooting my hot cum in your guts..." you bellow out, as you
lunge in for one final, pulsing, shooting, filling moment. Blasting away
inside of him, Kevin feels your hard steel-hard dick filling his tender,
aching asshole. I grab my own prick in tense excitement to feel it harder
than ever and ready to cum again. I grab tight and fiercely pump as hard as I
can to shoot all the remaining sperm I have unto Kevin's tanned chest.

     In exhaustion, we collapse on each other in restful tranquility. We've
lost track of time and space, but we haven't lost track of our senses. After
we catch our breath, we adjust our bodies to glance at the long-forgotten
video. I suppose that a lot has happened with the charter members of the
special social club since we last noticed. Presently, we see Bill, Steve, and
Jeff lying side by side in each others' arms comfortably asleep in bed as the
film draws to a close. Perhaps tomorrow we can check back and discover how
each of our college friends faired during their first club meeting. Probably,
very well, with "votes" cast more than once.

     For Kevin, you and me, the bed can come later. Right now we remain
comfortably relaxed at peace in front of our fire. I feel your loving hands
on my chest as I lay my head on Kevin's chest. At this time and in this
cabin, tonight it IS


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