Four Exposures

His offer:
     I have four frames remaining in my old manual drive Olympus.
     Each time you see me with this camera you may nod assent or
     call it quits. If assent is given, I will advance the film
     one frame. You may offer no further protest until the
     shutter has been released. I choose the locale, the
     background, the costume, the action and the pose. Each shot
     will be progressively more interesting. Do we have a deal?
     I gave this some thought before replying. I love the way my
     husband's inventive mind keeps sex fresh for us and I could
     tell from the way he emphasized "interesting" that he had
     special photography in mind. He knows as well, the
     importance exhibition has in my fantasy life. The thought of
     four "exposures" certainly pressed one of my hot buttons.
     The knowledge that I had some measure of control over
     proceeding or stopping convinced me, and I answered with a
     seductive smile and a forward nod of my head.
     I expected him to loop the camera strap over his neck and
     begin right then, but he merely smiled back at me and placed
     his camera up on the shelf with the others.
     "Need different light," was his only explanation.
     We made love that night (at bedtime of all times)!. Thoughts
     of what might lie ahead made for a very pleasant encounter.
     The next morning, Thursday, was a foggy summer morning and
     we both went through the morning routine and then on to our
     respective jobs with no further mention of photography. The
     weather was much improved on Friday. Our bedroom is on the
     west side of the house and summer sunrises warm our room and
     fill it with bright yellow light. One could complain that
     the light comes too early in the day, but on this day we
     pulled open the drapes, kicked back the sheets and soaked
     for a time in sunshine and caresses. I love to stretch out
     beside him and lazily trail my fingers though his chest
     hair, across his belly and then furrow through his pubic
     hair before encircling his cock in my hand. I never cease to
     be amazed by a penis. So soft, small and vulnerable one
     moment. So mighty and virile moments later. I give thanks
     for being able to bring about and witness this magical
     The sight of his hardening cock was awakening a strong
     intent on my part to sample some morning delight but he had
     other plans. He hopped out of bed and mentioned he'd be back
     in a moment. He returned with his camera and a questioning
     look on his face. I nodded my head and watched his fingers
     advance the film by one frame.

1. The Sunlight
     He explained that he planned to go to work later than normal
     today and that he would drive with me to the university. He
     told me to go ahead with my breakfast and shower, that he
     wanted to jog a couple of miles while I got ready. I
     wondered what was planned for the morning but went ahead and
     prepared breakfast and took my shower. When I returned to
     the bedroom I noticed that clothes had been set out for me.
     I suffered a moment's dread as I wondered whether I had to
     face my coworkers in slutty clothing but, on closer
     inspection, saw that these were items I might well have
     chosen myself. Bra, panties,  shoes and a summer dress. No
     pantyhose had been left for me but my legs were tan enough
     to get by.
     I dressed and finished with my makeup. I had a short wait
     while Brian took his shower. He shaved and dressed and we
     set out on the fifteen minute drive to work _ Brian at the
     wheel, the camera by his side. We did not head directly to
     my building. Instead we drove downtown to Birch avenue, one
     of the busier streets in the commercial part of town. It was
     only 7:45 but there was already a fair amount of activity
     with people walking to work and delivery trucks unloading
     before traffic made things difficult.
     Brian pulled over to a parking spot by the sidewalk and
     motioned for me to get out. He handed me a dollar and asked
     me to pick up the morning paper at a newstand about a block
     away. I strolled down the street and greeted a couple of
     university staff that I knew. The sun was still low in the
     sky and beaming directly into my face. The warmth felt
     wonderful and I regretted turning inside to enter the
     newstand. I purchased a copy of the morning paper and walked
     back to join my husband. He was in the middle of the
     sidewalk, camera in hand, framing a shot as I walked towards
     A three-fold realization hit me at that moment. The sun was
     directly behind me; my dress was very thin; Brian had not
     included a slip among the items prepared for me. There could
     be little doubt my husband was focusing on the outline of my
     legs and crotch as clearly as had I been standing in my
     underwear. I wondered how much of myself had been exposed on
     the brief walk down and back. There was a man behind Brian.
     He looked with interest for a moment at Brian taking his
     picture but his attention then turned towards me. I did not
     recognize him, so teased him with a brief smile as he passed
     by. The camera was still at Brian's face and I knew the
     picture had not yet been taken. I stopped about twenty feet
     before him, placed the paper on the ground and struck a
     pose, shoulders back slightly, breasts tight against my
     dress. I placed my hands on my hips and spread my feet
     slightly apart.
     The shutter released and Brian showed me the huge grin the
     camera had been hiding. "Very good," he said. "Have a nice
     day at work."
     He dropped me off and headed on to his job. I concentrated
     on work as best I could,  with perhaps a bit more
     daydreaming than usual.

2. The Mirror
     The next time I saw the camera was late one evening as I was
     heading upstairs to bed. The camera was mounted on a tripod
     and a large telescopic lens had been attached. I was tired
     from a hard day and more in the mood for sleep than for
     photography. Brian sensed my mood and quickly explained that
     all that would be required would be to wait ten minutes and
     get ready for bed _ he would do the rest. With this
     established, I gave my go-ahead and watched, perplexed, as
     he left the house.
     When I reached the bedroom I saw that two preparations were
     in hand. The drapes had been removed from the bedroom window
     and were nowhere at hand. The overhead lights were on and
     the light switch had been taped stuck in the on position. I
     sat on the edge of the bed to give the photographer the time
     he had requested and to consider the situation. Our bungalow
     was on a slight hill with our bedroom facing the street.
     There would normally be little of me to see given the angle
     of view through the window, but in a bright room on a dark
     night, with a viewer properly situated up the street, I
     could not be sure what would be revealed and what would not.
     I stripped to my bra and panties and walked about the
     bedroom as if searching for something. I found a brush, went
     to my mirror and began brushing my hair with long slow
     strokes of the brush. I was well aware that I was likely
     framed and magnified by the zoom lens but wondered as well
     whether anyone else might be watching. A neighbour out with
     his dog perhaps? A horny teenager experiencing a wet
     daydream? I finished with my hair, removed my bra and began
     a breast self examination. There was little of a clinical
     nature to this exam. I placed my left hand behind my head,
     causing my left breast to lift high on my chest. I reached
     over with my right hand and cupped the bottom curve of my
     full tit. This left my thumb in position to brush slowly
     over the nipple, a motion I repeated several times until the
     nipple hardened and stood out. I brought my hand to my mouth
     and briefly sucked on my middle fingers and then returned my
     wet fingers back to the hard nipple. I moved my fingers in
     lazy circles around the nipple. I repeated this
     "examination" on my right breast and then lifted and cupped
     both breasts together producing impressive cleavage. Due to
     the calm stillness of the night I managed to hear a distant

3. The Beach
     A few days passed before I saw the camera again. Brian
     phoned me at work mid-morning to ask if I could get the
     afternoon off.  I had some flex-time available to cash in
     and mentioned that it wouldn't be a problem. He said he'd
     stop by near noon to pick me up. Around 12:15, he breezed
     into my office, camera in hand. With no further prelude I
     indicated I was ready and eager. We left my car in the lot
     and hit the highway in his vehicle. Nice day for a tan was
     the only hint he'd give me.
     We drove for an hour and it became apparent from the route
     he was taking, we were on the way to our area's only nude
     beach. We reached the parking lot and set off along the
     trail _ about a ten minute walk to the cove favoured by the
     local sun worshippers. My curiosity was aroused. I wondered
     what possible opportunities for exhibition could occur on a
     nude beach! We'd been here before and I had never associated
     the place with sexuality. The only thing that felt a bit
     awkward was the way I was dressed. I cannot recall the last
     hike I took in a business suit _ a light brown skirt with
     matching jacket. I removed my shoes for much of the walk.
     There was the usual collection of 40 to 50 people on the
     beach, probably about ten or fifteen women, the rest men.
     Most everyone was naked, except for one young woman still
     wearing her bikini bottom. Brian picked out a spot, not far
     from the largest group there, and spread our blanket. I sat
     down and began to remove my clothing when Brian asked me to
     wait. He quickly shed his clothes and then leaned over and
     whispered what he wanted me to do. The awkward feelings I
     had experienced earlier were suddenly magnified. Let me
     relate what was asked of me by explaining how I complied.
     I stood up, walked down to the water's edge and felt the
     water with my fingers. As if unable to reach a decision, I
     pulled my pantyhose off, took them in hand and waded
     tentatively into the surf. I slowly moved deeper into the
     water until the waves were cresting just above my knees. I
     lifted up the hem of my slip and skirt, high enough to keep
     them dry, perhaps higher than needed but also low enough to
     cover my panties. I sampled the water a few moments longer
     before turning quickly around and returning to our blanket.
     As I suspected, I noticed several men quickly glance away.
     They had a notion that I was about to strip and this had
     grabbed their attention far more than the already naked
     female bodies nearby.
     I returned to my husband and mentioned in a voice loud
     enough to carry, that the water felt wonderful. While
     standing, and still facing most of the beach crowd I dropped
     my pantyhose and then slowly removed my earrings. I placed
     them in my jacket pocket which I then removed the jacket and
     placed on the blanket. With deliberate hesitation, I removed
     my belt and then pulled my blouse loose from my skirt and
     slowly began to unbutton it from bottom to top. When the
     last button was undone, I let it fall open to reveal my bra
     and then reached down and leisurely pulled my half slip down
     to my fee and kicked it aside. I reached back to lower the
     zipper of my skirt. I let my skirt fall and lifted it with
     my toes back to my hand. I took my time, neatly folding the
     skirt before dropping it down on top of my jacket.
     I often wear bikini style panties and today was such a day.
     They were plain white cotton with high cut hips and a V
     front. The vertex of the V did not quite cover the top of my
     pubic hair. The shape of my mound was clearly defined by the
     tightness of the panties. I took a moment to undo the
     buttons at each cuff of my blouse and then removed it
     entirely. I felt a surge of the power I've always craved
     from exhibitionism. Many men were staring openly now at the
     slow show unfolding before them. This was so different from
     the hunched and hurried undressing that normally occurs on a
     nude beach. At least a couple of men had twisted their
     bodies to hide their embarrassment,  but one bold fellow met
     my gaze and then glanced down at his hardening cock. I
     followed his gaze and when he looked back at me, I gave him
     a quick wink.
     I debated which of the remaining two items left should come
     off last. I reached a decision and removed my panties first,
     stepping out of them in a manner that exposed my pussy in
     the most dramatic fashion. I saw that Brian had snuck his
     camera from the back pack and that it was now pointing at
     me. I pulled my bra off without undoing the hooks. I crossed
     my arms, grasped opposite edges of my bra and lifted it over
     my head slowly as though I was pulling off a sweater. This
     moment lifted my breasts and thrust them forward. I paused
     briefly with the bra in hand over my head.

4. Eighteen Wheels
     Our day at the beach must have inspired Brian because the
     camera made a reappearance the next day. It was Saturday and
     a hot humid day. We do not normally need air conditioning
     where we live, but today was proving to be an exception. I
     was hot and sticky from the regular Saturday morning chores
     when Brian came into the kitchen, Olympus in hand.
     "How about a nice leisurely drive in our air-conditioned
     chariot?", He asked.
     I knew that having totally and publicly exposed my body for
     the previous shot, that the last frame would involve more
     daring. On the other hand, the photos to date had been
     harmless fun or pleasant experiences for me. I agreed but
     suggested that a shower beforehand would be in order for
     each of us. We showered together, teasing each other with
     our soapy hands. My husband made sure I was thoroughly clean
     and I returned the favour for him. I did not wish to
     diminish the fun that might lie ahead so refrained from
     climax and made sure Brian did as well. His cock was still
     hard as he finished towelling off. I dried off all of my
     body parts save one (why bother) and then picked out some
     lightweight clothes _ panties, bra, a thin low-cut dress
     that buttoned all the way down the front and a pair of
     Brian started driving and it was not long before we were on
     the highway. This was not an interstate but a two-lane
     highway with occasional passing lanes up long hills. Despite
     the danger to life and limb, we passed the time flirting
     with and caressing one another. He kept gliding his hands
     between my legs and lightly probing my pussy through my damp
     panties. I spent my time with my fingers dancing over his
     stiff cock that was plainly outlined beneath the short pants
     he was wearing. This kept up for nearly forty minutes and
     combined with the interrupted shower earlier was truly
     starting to get to me. I escalated the tease somewhat and
     slid my hand up his pant leg opening, under the elastic of
     his underwear and encircled his large cock in a tight
     squeeze. I loved the look on his face and just had to make
     him suffer more.
     Please _ no lectures about highway safety. I trusted him to
     keep his eyes on the road and the car steady. I wanted him
     inside me but knew my pussy was out of the question. I undid
     my safety belt, yanked his fly down and pulled his hefty
     organ out and quickly took as much of him in my mouth as I
     could comfortably handle. His freshly showered cock tasted
     wonderful. I wrapped my right hand around the base of his
     cock and began to pump with the same tight grip and fast
     stroke I've watched him use on himself. I let saliva collect
     in the front of my mouth and swirled this hot wetness over
     his cock head with my tongue. I bobbed my head up and down
     rapidly, exerting suction with my cheeks to keep firm
     contact on the sides of his shaft.
     His body became rigid and I knew I could bring him off in
     short order. Fortunately his sense of personal safety
     prevailed and he  pushed me away. He called me a devil and
     said he had never backed away from a climax so imminent.
     "You'll pay for that," he said. "Unbutton your dress!"
     I did as he asked. I felt I was still decent as oncoming
     vehicles could not get a good look inside our car. In fact
     I've had my dress undone on several trips prior to this. I
     would usually pull it closed if we were passing another
     vehicle or being passed _ especially if a transport truck
     was involved. Today was to be different. He asked me to pass
     the camera from the back seat and then told me to remove my
     dress completely. I did so, laying it the space between our
     seats. Before I could protest, he picked up the dress with
     his right hand and flung it to the back of the car where it
     landed on the rear windowsill. I folded my arms in front of
     me to provide some modesty and we drove on like this for
     I began to notice that passing drivers, many of them male,
     were peering into our vehicle as they went by _ no doubt
     they had seen the dress lying in the back window. One
     vehicle in particular seemed to overtake us very slowly and
     when I glanced across noticed there were two men staring in
     at me. Brian told me to place my hands at my side which I
     did with some embarrassment. The tops of my breasts were
     exposed. The nipples were covered but two dark semi-circles
     were open to view. I was embarrassed but was turned on too.
     My nipples were stiff against the material of my bra. My
     panties were beginning to soak through to the car seat. The
     passing lane came to an end and the car along side completed
     overtaking us. Brian slowed our vehicle somewhat to let the
     two travellers get a safe distance ahead.
     Remove your panties, he said and hand them to me. I slid
     them off my hips, pulled them down my legs and carefully
     stepped out of them so they did not catch on the straps of
     my sandals. I wadded up the panties and passed them to him.
     He made a fist and squeezed them for a moment, smiling as he
     felt how moisture laden they had become.
     "My my," was all he said.
     He shook them out, brought them to his face and inhaled
     deeply. He repeated this, told me they smelled delicious and
     then tossed them back with my dress. Bra next he ordered. I
     removed it, and in a moment of boldness, flung it to the
     back window myself.
     "Excellent!", He continued. "I want you to open your legs
     and close your eyes. Do not close your legs or open your
     eyes unless I give permission."
     We drove on like this for at least fifteen minutes. It was
     torture keeping my eyes closed. I could hear other cars pass
     us and occasionally we would pass another vehicle. In due
     time, Brian asked me to play with myself. I brought my left
     hand to my breasts and my right hand to my sopping cunt. I
     was desperate for relief from the sexual tension and began
     to massage my clit in a serious fashion. I felt our vehicle
     begin to go up a steep grade and could hear the loud
     labouring engine of a transport truck ahead of us. I felt
     our vehicle move left into the passing lane but rather than
     accelerate, Brian overtook at a pace close to that of the
     truck just next to us. I knew the trucker must be getting an
     eyeful of my naked body and my fingers began to race faster.
     Open your eyes! He said. I did and looked over to see we
     were now parallel to the truck. I looked up and saw the
     trucker staring down at me with an undisguised look of need
     in his face. His eyes were jumping from my tits to my pussy.
     I spread my legs wider, pulled back on the hood of my clit,
     covered it again with my fingers, looked back into his face
     and then exploded!
     Within two minutes, Brian had pulled into a logging road and
     pushed his seat back to the full extent possible. He pulled
     his pants down and pulled me on top of him. I stuck my tits
     in his face and slid my cunt down the full length of his
     hard prick. I just bottomed out when his mouth hungrily
     fastened on my right tit. The moment his tongue touched my
     nipple I began to climax again. I continued to rock back and
     forth on his cock, squeezing my cunt as tightly as I could.
     Before my orgasm was done, his began. He groaned long and
     loudly as his semen pumped from his balls and splashed
     inside me.
     I cradled his face against my breasts and languidly waited
     for life to return to normal. In due time, I could once
     again hear the sounds of the nearby traffic. I gave my
     husband a long, deep, tongue-filled kiss.
     "Can we start with a full roll next time?", I asked.


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