The Craft

     Neve Campbell slowly opened her eyes, staring at the ceiling
above her. A fuzziness covered her vision as she shook her head.
"What the hell?" she muttered. The last thing she remembered was
walking into her trailer on the set of "Party of Five." Now she
was lying on--
     It hit her that she couldn't feel anything lying under her.
Glancing to the side, she could see why. She was hanging ten feet
over a wooden floor, with a strange symbol on it. The room was
darkened to almost pitch blackness, light coming from torches
placed around the room. Glancing at herself, Neve saw she was
wearing a dark black robe, fastened with a buckle at her waist,
showing a plunge to the breasts and legs. From the coolness of
her skin, Neve could tell she was naked underneath. "This is
getting weird," she thought to herself. 
     A groan caught her attention. Glancing to her side, her head
the only part of her body she could voluntarily move, she saw a
girl about her age, dressed in an identical robe, hanging in the
air next to her. It took a moment for Neve to identify her.
"Robin? Shit, is that you?" 
     Robin Tunney turned her head to look at Neve. Her hair was
only slightly lighter than Neve's, reaching to her shoulders.
Blinking, she focused her gaze on Neve. "Okay, one of us is
dreaming here, is it me?" 
     "God, I hope so." The sudden voice caught both girls'
attention. Looking down, they could see another woman lying next
to Robin. It was as if the lights in the room had suddenly
brightened to show her. Her short dark hair was permed close to
her scalp and her lips seemed darker than the others. "If it's
me, someone's got hell to pay," Fairuza Balk said as she shook
her head. 
     "Why am I getting the uncomfortable feeling that there's one
person missing here?" Robin asked. 
     "She isn't." The deep tone of Rachel True cut through the
silence. She was lying next to Fairuza, the black robe blending
with her dark skin, her hair springing out as if electrified.
"What the hell's going on?" 
     "Great, we've been kidnapped by a psycho movie fanatic,"
Fairuza remarked. 
     "Fair, I don't mean to criticize you, but how does that
explain the fact we're levitating?" Neve asked. 
     "The guy hangs out with David Copperfield, I don't know." 
     "Anybody remember how they got here?" Robin asked. 
     "I'm walking into a restaurant-BAM-lights go out and I'm
here," Rachel replied. 
     "Same story," Fairuza said. "Whoever got us was good." 
     "Oh, a professional kidnapper and molester. It's so
relieving to know it wasn't an amateur who undressed us," Neve
said sarcastically. 
     All went silent as they heard someone approach. Stepping
into the circle below them was a black-haired woman who appeared
to be in her mid-thirties. She wore a dark black slip that was
transparent. The women could see a full set of breasts and a dark
clit along with a smooth body. "Ladies," she said in an accented
voice. "Welcome." 
     "Who the hell are you?" Fairuza asked. 
     "My name is Camille and I am a witch." 
     "Sorry, I don't believe in witches," Neve said. 
     Camille flicked a finger and a jet of flame rocketed from
one of the torches. It completely circled Neve's limp body,
nearly singing her eyebrows before returning to the torch. 
     "Then again, I'm open to all possibilities," Neve squeaked
     Camille smiled as she walked around the circle, looking up
the women. "I am a witch, my dears. The real thing. Four hundred
years old and quite powerful, I can assure you. I haven't had
many chances to practice my craft for a few years, but this is a
special case. I saw that movie of yours. 'The Craft?' Horrible.
You take an ancient and traditional art and make a mockery of it.
Hasn't been the first time of course, but the reception that film
got infuriated me. Top film in both theaters and rentals in the
first week? Don't bother denying it, I read Variety, I know these
things. And then you have the effrontery to use that to boost
your own careers? I think it's time I taught you a lesson." 
     "Wait a minute," Robin protested. "Just because you hated
our film, you're going to kill us?"     
     Camille raised an eyebrow. "Kill you? Oh, no. I don't work
that way. There are other ways to punish you." 
     "What are you going to do?" Rachel asked with a touch of
fear. "Turn us into toads?" 
     "Tempting, but no," Camille answered. "To paraphrase the old
saying, abandon all free will, ye who enter here." She undid the
robe and let the smooth fabric fall away from her. Naked, she
closed her eyes and softly chanted. Even if the girls could hear
her words, they wouldn't be able to understand them. They were
from a language that was older than their ancestors. But even
though they couldn't understand the words, they could feel their
effect. A buzzing feeling filled their heads, blurring their
minds and vision. A lethargy overtook them, their bodies going
limp as the spell took effect. Their bodies began tingling, like
a wave of goosebumps flowing over them. 
     Camille smiled. It was done. The spell had entranced the
girls and aroused them, placing in them an enhanced arousal that
would push them to quick sex. With a thought, Camille brought the
four down. They slowly straightened and lightly landed on their
feet. Robin's eyes were closed, Rachel's were almost there and
Fairuza and Neve were blankly staring at Camille. "Let's see,"
Camille said. "Where to start?" After a moment of thought she
reached over and took Neve by the hand, gently pulling her close.
"Play with each other girls. I'll get to you soon enough." 
     Camille pulled Neve close to her and kissed her. Neve let
out a small gasp as she felt Camille's lips on her own, a brief
hesitation before her spellbound mind urged her to answer.
Camille embraced Neve, running her fingers over the smooth silk
on her back. Camille leaned Neve forward, the two falling only to
sop a foot above the floor thanks to a handy spell. Camille
raised them up another two feet before burying her head beneath
Neve's breasts. Licking the young but full mounds, Camille could
feel the pleasure flowing through Neve's body. She placed her
mouth over one nipple and began slowly suckling it, lapping her
tongue around the erect nipple, her hands smoothly massaging
Neve's breasts. 
     As Camille took care of Neve, she decided to help the other
three out a bit. Another levitation spell allowed Rachel, Robin
and Fairuza to rise five feet above the floor. The three barely
noticed since they were so intent on each other. They had their
faces together, exchanging kisses and flicks of the tongue.
Fairuza took the initiative, moving herself on top of Robin,
pushing her so her back was parallel to the floor. She ripped
away Robin's robe, letting it fall around her. She and Robin
kissed long and hard as Fairuza massaged Robin's breasts. She
moved up on Robin's body so Robin could kiss her pert nipples. 
     Rachel wasn't to be left out of this. She maneuvered herself
to Robin's clit. Placing her hands on Robin's thighs, Robin swung
her body so she was underneath Robin, her ass hanging in mid-air.
After inhaling Robin's sweet smell, Rachel moved her mouth into
the clit, jabbing away with her tongue. Robin was already
beginning to spill, since she was eating away at Fairuza's pussy.
As Fairuza thrusted herself onto Robin's face, Rachel continued
to lick at her clit. Pleasure coming into her mouth and running
out of her clit had Robin in ecstasy. She placed her entire mouth
around Fairuza's clit and nearly swallowed a load of cum. She
spilled herself onto Rachel, her cum sparkling the dark face.
Fairuza arched her back in joy, falling off of Robin and lying
content in mid-air. 
     Below, Camille had Neve's face shoved between her thighs.
Holding the young woman in, Camille urged her to continue licking
her pussy, gripping her head with both legs even as she helped
move Neve's hands along her breasts. She shot onto Neve's waiting
mouth, gripping her legs in. She didn't let go until Neve had
licked all the cum away. Looking up, Camille saw Fairuza floating
above. With a thought, she sent Neve floating up and Fairuza
down. She brought them down, letting the young girl lie on the
floor. She pulled away the flimsy robe and moved to a small
table. She took one of the lit candles off of it and moved to
Fairuza's waiting body. 
     Camille slowly tilted the candle over Fairuza's breast and
let a drop of wax hit it. Fairuza hissed, not from pain but
pleasure. Her entranced mind couldn't register the pain, only the
ecstasy her mistress was giving her. Camille let more wax drip,
onto Fairuza's breasts, her stomach and finally a pool just above
her clit. Moving down, Camille began licking at the hot wax, not
even minding the burning sensation. She let her tongue drag,
moving the wax around Fairuza's body, hearing her moan in
response. She moved her tongue down, coming to the pool above her
pussy. She mingled the wax with the dark hair below it before
moving it and her tongue into Fairuza's womanhood.
     As Camille ate out her burned slave, the other three girls
were hastily going at it above them. Having lost their robes, the
three were in the process of giving each other as much pleasure
as possible. Robin and Rachel were in a 69 position, kissing at
each other's clits as hard as they had kissed on the mouth. Neve
had placed herself over Robin's face so the girl was alternating
between the two clits before her. Robin licked at Neve's clit
before burying her face in Rachel's dark pussy. Neve was
fingering both herself and Rachel, who returning the favor to
Robin. Moving her finger in and out of Robin's ass as she lapped
her juices, Rachel had the girl in almost continuous orgasm. Neve
sat back and cried as she felt herself cum on Robin's streaked
face. Her cry echoed with Fairuza's as she spilled herself onto
Camille, who licked up the juices as she sighed in gratitude.
     The next morning, Camille smiled as she made herself
breakfast. She had returned the girls to where she had taken them
with explanations ready for their absence. They remembered what
had happened to them. Every moment. They remembered being utterly
helpless under her control and wanting more. However, as much as
they might like to, they would be unable to tell anyone for as
long as they lived. Wherever they went and whatever they did, the
knowledge of their night of slavery would stay with them forever.
A just punishment in Camille's mind. 


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