The Family Swappers

                            Chapter 1

     Erick pulled he young maid down with him into the tall
willowy grass of the sand dune.  He'd carried her far enough away
so that he knew they would not be disturbed, and the fact that she
had come with him made him know that he could do what he wanted
with her.  Not that he hadn't really known that all along.  There
were few maids who cared to resist him for one reason or another,
and the reason was usually that he knew just how to get to them.
He'd been watching this one ever since she came to the house.  She
was his sister-in-law Sylvie's personal maid.  And because Sylvie
gave her little to do, it appealed to him to take up a little of
the young servant girl's time.  She was not more than 19, dark
haired and freckle-faced.  What a little beauty.  He'd gotten her
out of the house in her full maid's regalia, that ridiculous gray
and white outfit with the ruffled apron in front just like some
old fashioned French maid.  Erick knew that it was his mother,
Thelma, who insisted that all the family servants dress this way,
even though she had her own town house in Grandville and only came
out to the nearby shore from time to time to check up on what was
going on.
     Erick pushed himself down over the faintly struggling girl's
body and kissed first the nape of her neck, and then started
pulling away the top of her uniform.  It was easy enough to pull
the zipper down and to spread the front of it so that he could
touch and kiss her pale freckled shoulder.  She giggled and
protested, but his hands sought out the small round orbs of her
breasts, beneath the prim little brassiere that she wore.
     Christ, he hadn't been with a girl who wore a brassiere in so
long, it felt positively wicked!  Suddenly, he knelt up and pulled
her up to her knees in front of him.
     "Beautiful!" he cried, "you're exquisite!"
     "Mr. Cassidy ...  Oh ... please ...!"  The maid, Ella, was
blushing and looking down into the sand before them.  She wanted
to run away, but yet she knew she couldn't.  At the same time, she
felt flattered that Erick Cassidy had been paying all this
attention to her.  For the past two weeks now he had been
whispering compliments into her ear whenever he saw her about the
house, and now today what with everyone gone and the others either
resting in the blockade of rooms reserved for the servants or gone
to town themselves for the day, and Mrs. Cassidy up in her room,
he'd found her and taken her out to walk on the beach.
     Ella thought about the letter she'd been writing to her boy
friend in the Army.  When he returned they would be married.  How
wonderful that she had not gotten pregnant in spite of having
given into him the night before his departure for Vietnam.  She
was not pregnant and no one would know of the evil thing she had
done.  It had, after all, been very quick, and she'd scarcely felt
a thing, except the initial pain and then a few quick thrusts and
she'd waited and then Johnny told her that it was over.  Erick
Cassidy had told her she could finish writing the letter later,
that a beautiful day like today wouldn't wait for them to enjoy
it, and now here she was.
     He was so strong ... so good looking and his fingers seemed
to burn her skin wherever he touched her.  He was like a young god
kneeling before her, and she felt unaccountably lowly and ashamed
in his presence.  She also felt a strength of emotion at his
insistent nearness, his touching and his kissing that she could
not remember ever feeling with her boy friend, Johnny.  She felt
herself beginning to tremble even though the sun was very warm as
Erick began to peel away her uniform.  Bit by bit it was being
taken off of her there in broad daylight.  Even though there was
no one about for miles she seemed to feel eyes on her.  Everyone
would see her, know what she had done.  But she remained limp,
unable to understand why she did not stop the young master of the
house.  He was famous ... they were all famous and they brought
all those wonderful people she had only seen in magazines to the
house, and now she was here alone with him, and he wanted to be
with her!
     Erick's hands smoothed downward pushing her short dress down
along her torso until it rode around the young girl's full rounded
hips.  Then he pulled it all the way down treating his eyes to her
blushing beauty, her almost schoolgirl attitude as her semi-
nakedness was revealed bit by bit to his lusting eyes.  Soon she
was wearing nothing but stockings and panties and her high heeled
pumps.  Her dark curly hair blew in the wind as ashamed, the young
girl avoided his stare.  The soft nakedly trembling protusions of
her breasts now freed from the enclosing fabric of her cotton
brassiere seemed to be just waiting for Erick's lips to take the
brown nipples in like ripe berries that he would suck for a long
     Erick ran his hands up the length of Ella's calves, letting
the thin skin of her nylon stockings sing beneath his fingers
until he touched the nakedness of her fully rounded thins and then
her panties and then her small waist.  He hooked his thumbs in at
the top of her panties and pulled them down exposing a gently
rounded belly with deeply inset navel and then as he continued
rolling the nylon material, the dark twining curls of the servant
girl's pussy hair became evident.
     "Ah!" Erick cried, feeling his hunger for the little teen-
ager mounting by the second. Ella squirmed and began to whimper.
"No ... no ... oh, pleassseee don't, Mr. Cassidy!"
     But they both knew that it was too late for that sort of
thing and she did not protest as he slid down both her panties and
stockings which were attached together by snaps.
     Ella felt cold now that she was naked and she felt her entire
body begin to quake.  Erick had replaced her high heels upon her
naked feet and she felt utterly strange ... dreamlike, sitting
there in the sand with him like that.  She felt it couldn't be
really happening to her, and yet she knew it was, and Erick
Cassidy was undressing in front of her, moving with an urgency
that frightened her.  His hard and muscular body stood tensed and
naked before her within seconds and she found herself staring at
the hard-up-thrusting weapon of his penis.  It was long and
fiercely red, the bloated tip fully emerged from the thick
foreskin as the sturdy vein covered shaft bobbed expectantly
before her.
     The teen-aged girl uttered a cry, her eyes big as saucers as
she stared mesmerized at the lewd sight of her employer's
     "Like it?" Erick inquired, his voice thick with lust as he
moved toward her.

                           *    *    *

     The snow white curtains billowed inward as the sea breeze
blew against them, and Sylvie lay on her side in bed watching the
clear blue sky that showed through the open glass panes.  She
could feel the emptiness of the big house downstairs, and the vast
upstairs bedrooms that flanked hers were empty, tool she knew.
The young woman sighed and turned over on her back staring up now
at the unmarred surface of the high white ceiling above her.  Her
long blonde hair lay spread behind her on the pillow creating a
frame for her softly availed face with its finely chiseled
features.  In her white cotton beach robe, a long, simply cut gown
that covered her swim-suit clad nakedness beneath, Sylvie looked
like a fairy-tale princess come to life.  It was a look that her
husband had loved in her, that he had in fact required of her.
     "You'd look just perfect in the oval room of the White
House!" he'd told her once, "and I intend to see you there often!"
     Sylvie could feel her heart beating, and could hear the inner
sound of her blood rushing through her veins, pounding at her
     "I should have gone with him!" she said suddenly out loud,
her voice breaking into the lazy silence of the room.  Sylvie sat
up and moved toward the door.  She couldn't stand a moment longer
in the room alone.  It was too dreadful having Tim away ...
hundreds of miles away from her.  She couldn't even stand to
imagine him, speaking to all those people campaigning in all those
small towns in the northern part of the state.  She knew what it
was like to see all those faces turned toward you, some with
admiration, but others with suspicion and curiosity.  That feeling
of being touched, clutched at as she walked through the density of
the crowds, or passed them in a slow motorcade.  Tim Cassidy was
not even Senator yet, but the crowd sensed that he soon would be
... that they in effect would be the ones to elect him and see
that he got the position.  From District Attorney of Grandville to
Senator was not an unusual step, but for such a young man, and so
good-looking ... it was exceptional.  They knew a winner when they
saw one, all right!  That was the feeling throughout the state,
and with the election a few short months away the campaign was in
full swing.
     Slyvie's long, tanned legs felt just a bit unsteady as she
hurried down the stairs.  Somewhere in a separate part of the
house there were servants, and she fervently hoped they would
remain there.  She did not want to have to face another one of
them that day.  She knew that behind their pleasant subservient
expressions they were watching her coldly, probably thinking
dreadful things about her.  She was sure that they talked about
her, too ... that they probably knew that Tim hadn't touched her
in weeks.  Servants always knew such things, of that she was sure.
     Sylvie felt a familiar aching in her loins as she walked
barefoot across the tiled terrace after traversing the big heavily
furnished living room.  The tiles were burning hot from the August
sun and she ran to reach the smooth grassy lawn that continued for
a way behind the house and finally turned into the tall grass of
the dunes that signaled she had arrived at the beach.  She looked
back at the big sprawling house.  The Family "Meetingplace" the
papers called it, and of course they were right.  At any one time
it was not unusual for the house to be filled with not only Tim
and herself, but Tim's two bachelor brothers, Ron and Erick, and
their various school buddies and girl friends ...  Not to mention
the mother of them all, Thelma Cassidy, who was apt to pop in for
a week's stay with her sons at any moment.
     It was nothing at all like ordinary married life, Sylvie
thought for the millionth time as she felt her feet sinking into
the sand which was hot, but not unbearably so.  The house was
comparatively empty now.  Only Erick, the youngest of the three
brothers was around somewhere, Ron, the middle brother, having
gone along on the trip with Tim, in his capacity as campaign
manager.  It was a tight knit little family, and sometimes Sylvie
wondered if she would ever really fit into it.  She felt she stuck
out like a sore thumb, and on more than one occasion each member
of the family let her know that so far she was not working out as
they had hoped when she married Tim in a glittering ceremony only
a year before.
     Tim, too, had told her of this, and they had had a bigger
argument than usual just before his departure for this upstate
swing.  He had counted on her coming.  "Those housewives up there
want to see what my wife looks like," he'd yelled at her, "and
there's a bunch of school children in Middleton waiting to present
you with flowers or something ...  What do you mean, you can't
     "I just can't, Tim ... not this time ... I just have to stay
home this time!"  That was what she had told him, and finally it
had been arranged that she would stay.  She'd seen him and his
brother, Ron, off at the airport, and all the cameras had filmed
her smiling and radiant as usual, and she'd returned to the real
emptiness of her life.
     Ron had told her with a terse smile before dying her a peck
on the cheek, "This state is dying to elect a Senator that looks
like he really gets laid, baby, and you're our ticket to ride.
Get some rest and shape up, huh?"
     The words still burned like hot coals in her mind, even now
as she walked along the waters edge, the water from the bay
spraying at her toes, and her long dress whipping against the
smooth curvaceous contours of her body, outlining the details of
her firm breasts, and the sensuous line of her hips and thighs.
They were all counting heavily on the young sexy image of the
family to appeal to the hearts and minds of the populace.  The
current State Senator was a diligent and much revered white haired
gentleman, but his advanced age was not working for him in this
election.  Sylvie knew from what the columnists wrote about her
that she was very much in favor not only with the press but with
the average man on the street as well.  Her husband Tim and his
brother Ron would often gloat over some particularly favorable
article about her, as though it had nothing to do with her.  The
way she looked was 90 percent of it, and she was born that way,
tall and well proportioned, with a natural poise that announced
that she was happy in her own skin.  Beneath the femininity of her
appearance, one guessed at a healthy athleticism that marked her
as a true American girl.
     Photos of Sylvie Cassidy playing tennis or water skiing were
freely circulated throughout the nation, and she was heralded as
the most photogenic news item since Jackie Kennedy was in the
White House.  It was not truly easy for Sylvie to endure the
meetings with newspaper men, or the full day type interviews with
TV reporters such as Rady Walters of the Good Morning Show, but
somehow her winning smile and seemingly self-assured manner got
her through every time.  No one ever guessed at her deep
dissatisfaction ... no one that is but her husband and his
brothers.  As for Tim's mother, Thelma, she had known right away
and had opposed the marriage from the very beginning, warning her
son that Sylvie might look like first lady caliber, but in essence
was still nothing but a "shop-keeper's daughter from the sticks".
There was a thinly disguised hatred between the two women that
went far beyond the ordinary friction between mother-in-law and
     Sylvie stopped and looked around her.  There was nothing but
clear sky with little puffs of white clouds here and there, the
calm of the ocean and the sandy beach stretching for miles in each
direction.  She had already gone a great distance from the house,
and it was a small speck on the horizon ...  Already she felt
relieved, and she lifted her slender arms and pulled her beach
robe up over her head, revealing the splendor of her long full
thighs, then the large vee of her white bikini briefs that just
barely covered the secret triangle of her hidden pussy in front,
and in back showed the top of the deep cleft of Sylvie's dimpled
buttocks.  Her bare midriff appeared, and finally, the twin mounds
of her gently quivering breasts cupped underneath in the white
cloth of her bathing suit top.  It was a bathing suit that Tim had
forbidden her to wear, even at times when she was sure she would
not be seen, like now.  Cameras with telescopic lenses were
forever lurking in the most unexpected places, he warned, and
besides, I don't want anyone to know that you are that good-
     The flattering remark had made Sylvie want to do as Tim asked
she recalled now, as she flaunted her near nakedness to the winds
of the sea.  But if he thought she was so beautiful, why didn't he
show more interest in her himself?  She had deliberately decided
to wear the suit today, as though by doing so she might get back
at him for his lack of desire for her neglected body.  Even with a
schedule as hectic as her husband's Sylvie knew that there was
always a little bit of time for loving.  She remembered well the
times when they were first married when Tim would never tire of
her, and his strong brown body would gather her softness into him
again and again morning, noon and night, and she would wrap her
trembling legs thirstily around his back, accepting his nakedness
against her willingly wide held thighs, feeling the hardness of
his rampant cock insinuating itself deep, deep into her womanly
cunt, worming ever upward until she could hardly breath it felt so
     Sylvie took a deep breath now, her entire body remembering,
wanting to feel him again between her legs, to know the thrilling
weight of him over her, crushing her breasts back against her
chest.  A violent thrill raced through her belly, culminating
among the softly throbbing folds of her tenderly nestled golden-
fringed pussy in a wrench of yearning that was so intense it made
her cry out.  A sea gull looked at her curiously and she continued
her slow paced walking along the edge of the surf, feeling filled
with desire that she knew could not be fulfilled for at least two
days when her husband would return to the family house.  And even
then, Sylvie was not certain that she would be able to focus her
ambitious Senator-to-be's attention sufficiently upon her
neglected charms to bring about the love-making that she needed.
The whole thing made her so sad that the bright sea-scape before
her blurred as she felt tears coming to her eyes.
     "I hope you know what you're getting yourself into ..." her
father had said when she had announced to him that she and Tim
Cassidy would marry.
     "Of course, Dad!" she'd replied impatiently.  She was looking
forward to the excitement of it all, and then just going on 23,
she felt fully capable of handling whatever the future had in
store for her.  Just out of college, she'd been working a year in
the State Capitol, in Tim Cassidy's office.  Her pay was nominal
but the glamour of working in the District Attorney's office had
more than made up for that.  It was easy to share an apartment
with one of her fellow workers and to get by in the big city on
her salary.  Her father, of course, had never really forgiven her
for not taking him up on his offer to come work at the department
store in the small town of Tillings where she had been brought up.
He had visualized that one day she would succeed him as head of
the store, a position which held a great deal of prestige in
     Sylvie bent to pick up a sea shell, and nearby saw others
that she liked even better.  She began to collect them, trying to
ignore the straining, hollow sensation in her loins that had begun
to plague her. She had thought she knew what she was getting into.
Tim had carefully explained to her that it would be difficult,
that his work schedule would be three times that of any ordinary
husband, that she herself would be expected to show a perfection
that most wives would find impossible, that her own duties would
grow as his position in the state and perhaps later in the country
grew.  Her words in public would always have to be perfectly
measured so that they would never reflect poorly upon him, or
betray a political stance that was not correct.
     "Oh, yes ... Tim ... I'm up to it!" she'd replied and then
later, in his arms, she'd been certain of it, more certain than
ever.  "Oh, yes, yes, yes!!" she'd cried as his sweating nakedness
glistened against hers, their bodies slipping and sliding against
each other, tormenting and fulfilling each lustful request the
other had; Tim's rock-hard penis thrusting high into her tightly
clenching, smoothly gyrating cunt.
     Never once had she envisioned the loss of those carnal joys
with her ardent young husband.  Never had she thought about what
it would be like to have to be perfect and follow all those rigid
schedules without the dark tangle of his limbs with hers to
bolster each day and give her strength for any task.
     She had never suspected that the cool hostility of her 36
year old husband's younger brothers would disturb her so, or that
they could be so cruel to the woman that their brother had
selected to marry.  The frosty exchanges with her mother-in-law
might have been tolerable were it not for the fact that her
husband in every instance advised her to give in to the older
woman, and more than once told her point blank that Thelma was
right, and she was wrong.  Daily, since the long arduous campaign
for Senator had begun, Sylvie had grown more and more
disillusioned with the powerful machine that was thrusting her
husband into office.  The ideals that Tim had seemed to stand for
were turning into nothing but political fodder for the machine,
and Sylvie herself was sometimes doubtful about her own
motivations, or just what her real feelings were on what the
newspapers called "the pertinent issues".
     In private Tim showed a good humor toward his two brothers'
blatantly uncaring attitudes toward such issues as the labor
movement, the poor, the blacks, and corporate mergers.  They
planned their campaign for Tim so as to carefully avoid stepping
on the wrong toes, and they were willing to wheel and deal at
almost any cost to get the votes.  Sylvie often had to contain
herself as her husband accepted yet another deal that Ron had set
up by giving his ruthless brother a pat on the back.  As for
Erick, the youngest, he too was a lawyer, or at least had an
office in Grandville and his name up on the door with Ron's, but
as for practicing, Sylvie had never known him to spend more than a
few days a week at the office.  The playboy of the family, he was
more content with enjoying the privileges of the family money.
(Thelma Cassidy had married Jenson Cassidy, the now deceased oil
millionaire some 50 years before.)  And he made it a point to date
some of the prettiest starlets that Hollywood had to offer.
Sylvie had met many of them and had been curiously unimpressed by
their beautiful faces and their outsized measurements.  She had
tried to get Tim to ask his little brother Erick to refrain from
going into sordid and crude details about his love life with her,
but Tim had told her not to be a prude and to humor Erick by
listening politely.  Nevertheless, Sylvie found the young 23 year
old to be the most odious person she had ever met, and she
despised the very sight of him, with his casual good looks, his
blonde hair, just like his older brother Tim and Ron's difficult
to keep combed, always falling attractively in his eyes.
     And that horrible way he had of coming up to her from behind
and whispering into her ear.
     "Know something?" he confided, cheerfully, "Jill Jamison
sucks cock like a real trooper.  Had to finally jerk it out of her
mouth before there was nothing left of it!"
     This was a typical lewd statement, and Sylvie felt a ripple
of revulsion as she thought of it and other equally untoward
remarks the youngest brother of the "clan" had made to her in
reference to his latest conquest.
     Sylvie turned and walked higher onto the dunes, still walking
away from the house.  She hoped to walk until sundown, when she
could at last count the long day as being officially over.  The
following day she had several appointments and then the day after
that, Tim would come back home again.

                            Chapter 2

     Ella began to mindlessly shake her head from side to side as
Erick bent over her.  Underneath her bare back she could feel the
shifting sand grinding into her sensitive skin.  She was so
frightened that she felt frozen to the spot.  How had she ever
gotten herself into this?  But then his chest was pressing against
her nakedly quivering breasts and pushing against her so hard that
she was pressed deeper and deeper into the sand.  All lucid
thoughts were being erased from her mind.  This familiar man ...
one of the brothers of the Cassidy family was really a total
stranger to her.  She had never once dared to think of him like
this, flushed with desire, naked ... his nakedness touching her,
pushing against her!  His mouth crushed against her parted lips,
and she had one last thought of her boy friend, off fighting in
the war ... somewhere in danger at the very moment perhaps while
she ... Erick's tongue entered her mouth and suddenly she
swallowed it hungrily, feeling excitement building inside her
shivering body.  The young blonde lawyer was breathing hot moist
air all over her and then all his weight was on her and Ella knew
that within moments she would be penetrated by that fearsome
looking instrument she had seen between his legs.  When she had
been with Johnny that one night she hadn't even seen him ... he'd
spared her that!  But now, she knew, in fact she could already
feel its hardness against one of her thighs.  Would it ever fit
inside her?  "Oh, lord, does he think," she wondered, "that I'm
some experienced whore?"
     His heavy legs were pressing against hers now and he shifted
upward letting the fiery pole of his desire-hardened cock pulse
against her flat white belly.
     "I ... I've only done it once before!!!" she blurted out
suddenly, and she was startled by his response.  At first he
looked surprised and then he flung his head back and laughed a few
short peals of laughter that made a coughing sound in his throat.
Brusquely, he stopped, and his face mirroring his lewd intentions,
Erick Cassidy whispered to the girl, "There's always a second
time.  You'll like it ... you'll see!"
     With one sudden movement, Ella's legs were being parted by
his leg and the rubbery head of Erick's pulsating cock was sliding
inside the narrow cleft of her dark-haired pussy.
     "OH!"  It moved up and down and back and forth slowly within
the moist confines of the young girl's seeping cunt until Ella
heard herself moan and call out his name.  "Ooooh ... mmmisss ...
mister Cassidy!" she cried, and the young lawyer in his conceit
did not bother to tell her to call him by his first name.  It
simply wasn't necessary.
     Ella's unprotected secret passage began to sense what it
could be like to feel that burning, sliding cock rising inside her
soft almost unused vagina.  She wanted it! she realized with a
certainty that alarmed her.  She had finally truly come to the bad
end her mother had long ago predicted for her when she was caught
up in the attic playing doctor with the neighbor's son.  Yes ...
she wanted it!  In spite of all her upbringing and going to church
every Sunday and Johnny off fighting in the war.  She wanted him
so badly that she felt she would scream for him to hurry any
moment!  His hands were moving, working steadily at her soft naked
breasts and they felt raw and swollen.  That was all that seemed
to exist of her now ... her stinging yearning breasts and the
moist pussy that accepted the blunt tip of her employer's swollen
cock as it rubbed obscenely against her tiny hair-lined slit,
creating an unbearably increasing friction.
     "OH OH OH OH OH OH OH!" she chanted, squirming down into the
shifting sand.  She started pushing her hips up higher and higher,
trying to get a release from the torment he was creating inside
her, but Erick's lust-hardened cock continued to tease the young
teenage maid's tormented hair-fringed pussy until wildly, she
began to claw at his naked back.
     "Oh ... please ... I can't stand it ... I can't stand it!"
she cried in a raspy voice that made Erick's hair stand on end.
     He was sweating profusely, and every muscle in his eager lean
body was tensed toward the moment that was to come.  The thick
rubbery head of his desire-bloated penis stopped its incessant
rubbing between Ella's soft fleshy cunt lips and slid down, poised
at the tiny pink entrance to her wide-spread seeping vagina.
Hastily, his hands went underneath her legs drawing them up so
that they splayed outward and nestled for comfort upon his back,
her high heels digging for support.
     "CHRIST!" he exclaimed.  "There was really nothing better on
earth than cunt!" he thought, as he let his swollen penis part the
sparse black pubic hairs and insinuate itself into the incredible
wetness that surrounded the small pussy opening, burrowing,
sliding, and at last finding just the right central place.
     His muscles started jerking involuntarily as he began to push
and push hard against her, feeling the softness of her down there
opening up, giving against his driving hardness, the petal-like
lips parting as the little hair-fringed mouth between her pale
open thighs gave way unwillingly in one sudden thrust.  Erick
rammed halfway up inside the trembling, almost virgin passage of
the young maid's wide-held cunt.
     "AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" she cried out in pain.  She
had never felt anything like it.  She thought that she had been
split apart down there by the enormous hard circumference of the
thrusting penis.  Absurdly, she wondered how any woman could take
such a thing inside her.  And then the wealthy young man was
moving higher inside her already torn and pain-filled passage and
she started crying and begging him to stop.  She couldn't believe
that he wasn't paying the least bit of attention to her that he
just kept right on grinding the impossible hardness of his cock
straight into her, enjoying the pressure of her tightly clenching
vaginal muscles as they rippled involuntarily in wet torment
around his surging penis.
     "OH NO OH NO OH NO ... IT'S TOO BIG ... NO NO NO!!!"
     But Erick had decided that he couldn't stop now no matter
what.  He knew that he was hurting the little servant girl but he
also knew that chances were she would begin to enjoy it before
long.  In any case, it felt too good for him to stop himself now!
The tenderness of the girl's inexperienced inner pussy was wrapped
elastic-like around his churning, tingling cock, as grunting
loudly he pushed it all the way to the end of her tightly
resisting cuntal passage.  With a moan, he rocked his full weight
against the sobbing young girl splitting her flailing legs wide
apart and arching his cock upward inside her.
     He was dimly aware of her fists pounding at his back and
face, but he could only grab onto her cushiony white buttocks,
separating the already parted loaves of flesh still further and
pulling Ella's loins up still higher to meet his engorged cock's
     "OKAY? baby ... OKAY ... I'm gonna fuck you ... fuck you good
and hard!"

                           *    *    *

     Sylvie started to turn away.  She was horrified to have
stumbled upon the wildly copulating couple right there in the
grass on the open dunes.  At first she really couldn't believe
that that was what they were doing, but then of course there was
no room for doubt after the initial shock had worn off. She ran a
few steps away from them, holding her hand over her mouth as
though to stifle an unuttered scream. And then she stopped and
stood motionless. From where she stood she could still hear them
going at it back there, moaning and groaning and making wet, lewd
sounds.  How had she not heard if before?  She had walked right up
upon them, totally engrossed in her own thoughts and problems, and
in fact she might have stumbled over them if she had not finally
noticed in time!
     "Oh, god, it's so awful!" she thought, bitter that she had to
be exposed to such a sight, when she was already distraught enough
as it were.  It was only after she had stood there for a moment
longer that Sylvie knew that just what was so awful about it.  She
had not seen their faces at all, but the golden yellow hair was
terribly familiar to her.  Everyone of the Cassidy boys had it,
from her husband right on down to Erick.
     "ERICK!"  The name fairly exploded in her brain.  It was
Erick back there with some girl.  Going at it like animals in
broad daylight!  At first she thought she was going to be sick
right then and there, her stomach gave such a turn, but the bad
moment passed, and Sylvie turned back toward the scene of her
brother-in-law's passion.  Later she was to wonder just what
motivated her return to that lustful scene, but at the time, she
felt moved by her own righteous indignation to stop them.  Yet
when the offending couple came into view once more, their total
nakedness and involvement with each other, the fact they were
totally oblivious to her intruding presence, made her stand
motionless above them, watching their private act with undisguised
     Within the next few moments, her heart beating wildly, and
her breath coming in short little gasps, Sylvie recognized the
young girl who was her own private maid, Ella, groaning and
straining, her face almost unrecognizable as she struggled beneath
Erick's impaling body.
     Erick worked his hips up, kneeling into the young girl and
using her long trembling legs like a wheelbarrow.  Big drops of
his sweat fell from his forehead onto the girl's quivering white
belly.  Her pale nakedness gleamed in the still bright sunshine as
Ella ceased all resistance.  Stunned and panic stricken, she knew
that she was powerless to stop what amounted to an attack at this
point.  Strange and horrible thoughts ran through her mind ... he
was just using her ... using her body the way the priests in the
Church warned.  He was an evil, evil man who was only venting his
lusts on her!
     Then suddenly, Erick pulled his rock hard penis halfway out
of Ella's cringing pussy, and the young maid was amazed to feel
the first twinges of pleasure shooting about in her stretched
vaginal passage.  His rigid cock had been touching every section
of her secret pussy, filling up every blessed spot of her cunt!
Her tight, little used pussy still felt the pain, but now there
was pleasure too.  Above her, Erick paused a moment, and then slid
back in with a grunt landing on top of her with full force.  As
her head and torso skidded against the sand beneath her, she cried
out like a wounded cat, but this time her battered and wide-held
pussy responded with an unexpected pleasure so keen that it took
the little maid completely by surprise.  It felt good!  It
actually felt good.  And when he started pounding against her it
felt better and better, until each thrust of her devil-may-care
young employer's heavy cock into her open wet pussy created an
astounding combination of pain and accumulating desire that
increased by the second!
     Ella whimpered and moaned, this time feeling a total
awareness of the erotic power of her naked body as it molded
unashamedly to him.
     Watching from her stance a few feet above them, Sylvie felt a
peculiar sensation; first in her throat, constricting it so that
she thought she was choking, then it shifted down to her already
sensation wracked loins, where she felt the terrible emptiness of
her secret pussy.  A stabbing thunderbolt of desire rose within
her as she felt her tingling cunt begin a surreptitious seeping
against its golden haired outer lips and unconsciously her hand
went down to touch the triangular mound of her pussy which lay
hidden beneath her tightly outlining bikini bathing suit bottom.
     Erick thrust into the moistly contracting cuntal passage that
fit his thrusting cock like a tight glove.  Making odd grunting
noises that expanded into the fading day around them, he kneaded
the smooth full moons of Ella's jiggling buttocks in his nervous
fingers.  The highly aroused teen-ager was being skewered hard
down into the beige sand, helplessly impaled by the lawyer's
ramming prick.
     "OOOOoooohhhh AAAHHH AH AH AH AH AHHHHH!" she responded, as
Erick's handsome face grew purplish from the full rage of his
desire, and he fucked into her clinging, wetly sucking pussy with
long even strokes.  Sylvie's maid was forbidden fruit, he thought
crudely and fucking her was even better than getting any of the
others in the house.  What's more she was a good piece of tail,
and he was certain that this wouldn't be the last time he'd be
getting a taste of it!
     Beneath her callous seducer, Ella was experiencing the most
exciting moments she had ever known.  She knew that she was being
used, but somehow the knowledge of Erick Cassidy's total disregard
for her was creating a seething fire within her inexperienced
loins that made her respond with her entire being.  Great tides of
desire rose and fell within her as she writhed incessantly beneath
his grinding pounding nakedness.  His swollen and inflamed member
reached the furthermost depth of her defenseless genitals,
creating lewd smacking noises as his swinging sperm-filled
testicles slapped counter-rhythmically against Ella's naked wet
buttocks.  She could hear him above her chanting wicked, dirty
words that only made her feel a greater and greater lust twisting
throughout her overwhelmed body.
     "Oh you cunt ... you sweet whore ... fuck back, you bitch!
Lemme fuck it like THAT!!  I know you like it HARD!  You CUNT!"
     The obscene words whipped through her as Erick bent her back
so far that she thought she would break in two, pushing her legs
back over her head so that she was bent almost double.  But the
pleasure she was knowing was so great that all remnants of pain
were relegated to the background as other lewd and lascivious
sensations took the upper hand!
     She had seen those pictures of women driven mad through
copulation with the devil, and she now knew what it was like.  His
fingers were at her trembling young breasts again and he was
holding on tight, rocking back and forth into the wide spread
plane of her upturned pussy.
     Above them, a tormented expression marring her fine sensitive
features, Sylvie clasped one hand to her breasts and the other to
the titillated mound of her hidden pussy.  Her long tanned legs
were slightly parted, and despite the revulsion she knew she ought
to be feeling, she felt herself prey to the most acute desire she
had ever known.  And it was inspired by the abandoned love-making
of her brother-in-law with her maid!  She had slipped into another
world, one in which identities were lost and she was someone other
than herself, watching two people she did not know ... two people
who were free enough to abandon themselves to the unrestrained
animalistic behavior she had been watching all this time.
     "OOOOOOOOOOOOOH" the young maid sang out, feeling Erick's
lean hot body pressing nakedly down on hers now while the tautly
stretched flesh of her buttocks split wide, her legs dangling in
midair as her besieged cuntal muscles began to contract and
vibrate with an urgency that would not be denied.  A series of
spasms took hold of the teen-ager as the blonde lawyer's driving
cock sped upward into her, pushing each trembling fold of her
vaginal walls steadily back, massaging her internally with each
withdrawal.  He brought his stone-like cock all the way out of
her, leaving just the big blood swollen head at the entrance and
then with all his might rammed back into Ella's streaming pussy.
     "AAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she screamed bucking wildly up
against his savage thrust.  Above her Erick crooned with delight,
knowing that she was starting her orgasm.  Gasping for air, he
fucked mercilessly deep into the soft confines of Sylvie's maid's
soft hair surrounded vagina, watching as he did so the way his
surging cock appeared and disappeared into the hungrily clutching
pink aperture of the girl's straining pussy.  His balls ached
painfully as she began to grunt out words of encouragement to him,
and he knew that he too was going to cum.  His throbbing cock was
filled with a hundred hot sparks and a total exhilaration
dominated him as he rode into the keening child-woman that he had
seduced on the dunes.  She was his ... still another softly
clinging cunt was his, and his sperm cried out within his halls
begging for release into the dark streaming pit of Ella's belly.
     Sylvie could see the end coming for both of them, and yet she
was powerless to move.  She stood trembling like a leaf in the
wind knowing that one touch ... one real touch of her finger ...
there inside her bathing suit would be enough to release a full
flood of orgasm from her desire racked loins!  She could feel her
fingers being undeniably drawn there to that hot seeping spot
where her tiny clitoris twitched nervously among the silken folds
of Sylvie's blonde pussy.  The entire lower half of her
exquisitely proportioned body was unduly agitated and the
expression on her face would have been frightening to anyone who
had seen it, as slowly but surely her fingers spread downward from
the heat of her naked belly under the tight elastic of her white
bathing-suit to touch and part the soft satiny threads of her cunt
     "SSSSsssssss!" she hissed drawing the breath inward between
her teeth.  Her well manicured index finger touched the little pin
prick of pure sensation there at the top of her fully aroused
pussy, and created bursting sparks of flame that spread all
through her system.
     Her eyes were glued to the lewd spectacle of climax there in
the gully of the dunes, as her brother-in-law and her maid reached
a searing culmination of their mutual lusts, moaning and groaning
together as though suffering the fires of the damned.
     Ella expanded into the full frenzy of her orgasm, her entire
body curling and arching nakedly beneath Erick's hardness, her
face distorted with passion as a steady wailing scream spewed
forth from her wide open mouth She clung to the young lawyer's
back with both hands and dug her high heels into his sides,
beating them against him as she danced upwards and gyrated in lewd
circles beneath him.  Her steaming hot vaginal wall clung to the
over-hard piston of Erick's cock that filled her so entirely,
while gushing sparkles of light spread through her throbbing
wildly throughout every pore of her body.  She was falling
blissfully into a star dazzled night, shattering and being made
whole at the same time as the pleasure giving cock created a
living orgasm within her.
     "OOOOOOOOOOOooooooooohhhhhh!" she wailed pitifully, her eyes
unseeing as they registered her spasmodic delights.
     Ella's legs quivered in mid-air for a few moments, and then
Sylvie saw her brother-in-law quicken his pace at the last,
ramming into the young servant girl with short hard strokes that
kept her inner explosion working for a long time.  Every sinew of
his tanned and muscular body was tight, especially those of his
arms and neck as he bellowed out his final cry, and Sylvie saw him
thrust his climaxing cock so high into the wailing maid that he
lifted her clear off the sand dune.  Then they fell back to the
ground in a limp exhausted mass.
     Sylvie felt like screaming as her thrusting and rubbing
finger frictionized the delicate membrane of her excited cunt.
But through her clenched teeth there came a low toned hum as the
quickly mounting sensations promised to give her an immediate
release!  She was cumming ... cumming certainly and suddenly.  Her
loins tensed to receive the flood of long-awaited pleasure, as
round and round her fingers twirled, letting the tormenting desire
drenching prickles of orgasm fill the darkness that had been
inside her with a shining white bright light.
     "MMMMMMMMMMnnnnnnnnnNNNNNNN!" she grunted, as her entire body
jerked and trembled in lewd recognition of the powerful forces
that controlled it.
     She did not know how long she had been standing there before
when with a sinking feeling she suddenly opened her eyes.  There,
her own clear blue eyes met the lighted blue of her husband's
brother, as he looked up at her from the nakedly twisted body of
the maid beneath him.  His deflated cock still lay implanted
within the moist heated channel of Ella's dark-hair covered pussy,
and on his face was the most horrible expression that Sylvie had
ever seen.  A terrible sarcastic smile played about his lips as
his eyes probed Sylvie's in a look of recognition that chilled her
to the marrow of her bones
     Shamefully sapped and left trembling by her self-induced
orgasm, Sylvie uttered a cry and turned away, running blindly down
the dunes and fleeing across the sand as quickly as she could go.
She left her beach robe on the dunes behind her, and with panic
filling her lungs she headed toward the house.

                            Chapter 3

     "Please faster your seat belts.  We are about to land at
Grandview Airport.  Please observe the no smoking sign, and remain
in your seats until Captain Carson has brought the plane to a
complete stop.  We thank you for flying with Columbia and hope to
have the pleasure of seeing you again."  There followed a strident
noise as the stewardess did something wrong with her speaker and
then finally got it turned off correctly.
     It was only the second time that Arlene Pickering had flown
in an airplane, and she wondered if she would be doing a lot of
traveling now that she was going to stay with her cousin Sylvie in
her big house by the shore just outside of Grandville.
     Sylvie had often mentioned in her letters the possibility of
Arlene's coming to help with the management of the large sprawling
"Cassidy Family Meeting House," but Arlene had carefully guarded
herself from believing that one day it might come true.  It seemed
too much to hope for that she would really leave the small town of
Tillings where both she and Sylvie had been brought up together to
circulate in the exciting world of Ton Cassidy and his family!
Yet there she was now, about to do just that, and the attractive
26 year old brunette could hardly contain the mounting nervousness
and excitement that she felt.
     When she had gotten Sylvie's call two days before, she had
been only too glad to reply that, yes, she could "drop
everythin'," as Sylvie had put it and fly to Grandville
immediately to take up her new duties.  Sylvie had sounded quite
different and very serious on the phone ... unlike the laughing
carefree girl Arlene had grown up with.  But Arlene understood
that it was probably quite a job to take care of all the things
Sylvie did, and she was only too glad to go and help out.
     Arlene looked out of the window as the airplane started its
steep descent toward the airport of the capitol city of the State.
Sylvie's words rang in her head as she looked at the tall
buildings rising in the distance ... and there further on the
extending shoreline where she would soon be living with her cousin
and the Cassidys.
     "I must have somebody close to me whom I can trust!" she'd
said.  "If you could just manage the house and the servants, I
would be ever so grateful!"
     Arlene recalled with some pleasure how shocked Sylvie's
father had been when she had told him she would no longer be
working at the department store.  Max Pickering was more than an
uncle to her, he had been really more like a father for she had
been raised along with Sylvie after her father had died.  Sylvie's
mother had been a gentle mother to both girls but now she too was
gone, and only the old man remained.
     Nice as he was, Arlene nonetheless was happy to get away from
the stifling influence of the small town and especially the small
specialized world of the department store.  Arlene hoped that she
would never have to spend more than five minutes within the wall
of the three storied building again.
     The plane touched down, and Arlene felt thrilled as her body
was pressed against the seat and the plane raced down the runway.
She was conscious and critical of her entire body, going over in
her mind once more the other choices she might have made as to
what to wear for her initial arrival at her cousin's house.  A
soft beige linen-type suit was what she was wearing, its length
just below her knees as the latest fashions seemed to indicate,
although she wasn't quite sure at all, since the other women on
the plane all seemed to be wearing short skirts as though there
had been no drop in the hem-line at all.  If necessary, she
decided, she would pull her skirt up to her waist; after all, her
legs were one of her best features, she knew, and she did not mind
showing them off.
     Her long dark brown hair was pulled back into a cool knot
behind her head, and Arlene knew that her complexion would
withstand the most rigorous scrutiny.  And she was good looking
and she knew it.  If she had her way, she might have made her chin
just a bit less prominent, but as it was it gave her face a
strength of character that matched that which she had inside her.
Arlene was strong willed and knew that she would be able to get
what she wanted in life if given the right chances.  Well, Sylvie
was giving her a chance right now.  "This is it!" she told herself
fiercely, as the plane taxied to a halt.  She was out in the real
world at last.
     Her heart was thumping as she began to shuffle toward the
exit of the plane with the other passengers.  There was only one
thing that bothered her.  How would she react to such close
proximity to him?  She had tried to get over it, reminding herself
that her long-time crush on the young district attorney, Tim
Cassidy, was just that ... a schoolgirl crush, based on newspaper
clippings and the TV.  It had been going on long before Sylvie
went to Grandville to work for him, and then a year later married
him!  Arlene had met him only once at the wedding, and then she
had been so overwhelmed, so touched by her cousin's great
happiness and good fortune that she had no room for jealousy in
her heart.
     She still felt that way really, but the strength of her crush
on Tim Cassidy was still in full force and she could not help
worrying. Would her lips tremble where she spoke to him?  Would
her voice break?
     She would have to do her very best to control her feelings
and to get over her silly and childish emotions!
     She emerged from the plane in her turn, blinking and
squinting in the harsh autumn sunlight.  Were her cousin and her
famous husband standing somewhere across the field in that group
of people watching her at that very moment?  The thought made her
feel momentarily faint, and she almost tripped upon the metal
stairs that descended from the airplane.  She felt herself being
caught by a pair of strong hands, and as she turned, an intimate
link had been forged between her and the stranger behind her.
     "Are you all right?" he inquired, looking at her intently.
His hands were warm and secure upon her arms and she felt
undeniably weak, in fact in need of his reassuring presence.  But,
she assured the handsome man who had been a passenger on the same
plane that she was fine, and with some difficulty she turned away
from him, after saying thank you, thereby letting him know that
she had nothing further to say.
     The incident was unsettling, and Arlene sensed an
unprecedented turmoil within herself, a turmoil that this small
event had pointed out to her, showing her in a way that there was
some weak spot within her that made her susceptible.  She did not
want to admit what she considered to be a failing within herself,
however, and as she walked briskly toward the waiting crowd at the
terminal, she readied her most self-assured smile.  She was after
all the girl who knew her own mind, who had turned down more than
one proposal back in Tillings.  Offers of marriage from young men
that other girls in town would give anything to get their hands
on, but who were lacking in Arlene's critical eye.  Why get
married right off the bat to some know-nothing small town boy?
All this time she had been saving up to go to Grandville, where
she had planned on getting herself a luxurious apartment followed
by a job, any job at all, she would be able to coast on her
savings, and she had counted on her cousin Sylvie's help in
introducing her to some really eligible men.
     Now of course all that was changed, and for the better.
Arlene would soon be meeting more of the right people than she had
ever dreamed, and life was going to be full of adventure from now
on in!
     A brisk young woman greeted Arlene and led her through the
crowd of milling people into the airport.  Together, they waited
for the baggage to descend from a moving ramp and when Arlene's
new leather suitcase appeared, the woman arranged for a porter to
carry it outside the modern terminal building to a waiting
     The woman had introduced herself as Sylvie's secretary, and
Arlene was so impressed that she was speechless.  She had
forgotten just what great status her little cousin Sylvie had
these days, and her heart thumped loudly as she spotted the
ominous looking limousine with its drawn curtains.  She and the
secretary were ushered in by a politely smiling chauffeur and
there in the womb like interior of the big Chrysler, Arlene came
face to face with her cousin.  The two women embraced and Arlene
was surprised to see tears come to Sylvie's eyes as the limousine
started up without so much as a jerk.
     In fact, the elegant young woman who sat next to her in the
comfortable posh cushions of the back seat, bore little
resemblance to the outgoing, happy-go-lucky girl who had been like
a sister to her.  Her features seemed pale and drawn, and although
the younger girl had replaced her sunglasses, Arlene thought that
she looked as if she had been crying a great deal.  Perhaps it was
her imagination, though she couldn't be sure.  But Sylvie's whole
manner was nervous and withdrawn, despite her exclamation of joy
at seeing her older cousin again.
     "You have no idea how glad I am that you're here," Sylvie
told her as they whizzed through the outskirts of Grandville.
They had stopped to let Sylvie's secretary off at the downtown
campaign offices where she worked answering the multitude of mail
that had been pouring in addressed to Mrs. Tim Cassidy, and where
she organized Sylvie's speaking schedule and acted as intermediary
between her and the press; and now the two cousins were alone in
the vast back seat of the speeding car, separated from the
chauffeur by a glass partition.
     "I'm ready to start helping right away!" Arlene said eagerly,
wondering just where her secret idol, her cousin's husband, was at
the moment.
     As though reading her mind, Sylvie gazed absentmindedly out
the window and said, "Tim returns to the house tonight."  She
paused and then continued, "You'll soon see that no one of us is
quite like ourselves.  Campaigning is a dreadfully wearing
business.  It changes everything.  There is little time for
leading any real kind of life."
     Her cousin looked so sad that Arlene reached out and took her
hand.  "Poor Sylvie ...  Well now I'm here and I never was one to
shun hard work ... you know that!"

                           *    *    *

     It was after midnight when Arlene lay totally naked, extended
in the warmth of her bed.  It was an old four poster, but the
firm, comfortable mattress was quite modern.  Her head was
whirling not only from the extensive amount of wine she had had at
dinner, but from the events of the evening.
     Tim Cassidy had indeed returned from his upstate swing, and
instead of looking fatigued, had appeared at the peak of his
forces.  The energy that emanated from the man was astounding.
Arlene had been overwhelmed by his warmth as he greeted her with
enthusiasm and welcomed her to the household.
     "Great!" he declared, winking at her in a cheerful manner
that nonetheless made Arlene feel a little thrill of excitement
coursing across her skin.  She could still feel the goose-bumps!
     "Sylvie needs someone around that is close to her.  You look
like a very capable young woman!"
     Arlene had stammered some kind of reply and then the other
brothers were talking to her, Ron and Erick, asking about her trip
and generally making her feel a part of the family.
     At dinner, which was served late around 9:00 P.M., Arlene was
beginning to wonder just where all the stress and strain was that
her cousin had been talking about, and as she observed the
beautifully gowned and coifed Sylvie, she wondered why she always
seemed to be holding back ... never joining in the general good
humor that circulated at the table.  There were no other guests at
dinner, something that Sylvie told her was rather unusual, so
Arlene had ample time to get to know the two brothers as well as
Tim himself.  Ron seemed a serious sort, and Arlene could see that
he was the perfect person to mount his older brother's campaign
for him to reach the Senate.  His words were brisk and clipped as
he summarized for the table what goals had been accomplished
during the trip they had just completed, and what obstacles lay
ahead for the Senator-to-be in the next few weeks.
     His resemblance to Tim Cassidy was striking, but there was a
hard edge to his features that Tim did not have.  Tim's looks were
a perfect combination of sensitivity and determination that gave
him a completely trustworthy appearance.  As for the younger
brother, Arlene liked him the least of all, and his features,
though of the same intelligent cut as his older brother's, were
somewhat softer, more baby-like.  Arlene supposed that it must be
hard being the youngest of two such dynamic brothers as Tim and
Ron, and feeling in a congenial mood, she drank more wine as it
was offered to her and listened with all ears to each word that
came from Tim Cassidy's lips.
     Now, nakedly curling up into a ball beneath the light weight
blanket that covered her bed, Arlene could still hear his deep
voice, as she played back his words in her head, like a phonograph
record.  In spite of herself, she felt a twinge of jealousy rising
inside her as she thought of her lucky younger cousin.  Now a few
doors away with her husband ... all by themselves.  "He's been
away for a few days," Arlene thought, "they'll be making love, no
     She tried to put the thought out of her mind, knowing that
she ought not to be thinking of such strange things, but it kept
coming back.  "It's the wine," she thought, "that's making me
think such things!"
     Arlene had never thought of herself as a very sensual person,
in fact with the various boy friends she had had thus far, she was
always ready to assert that she could "take sex or leave it
alone."  She had always suspected though that none of them had
been able to excite her... to arouse her sufficiently to make her
crave their intimate embraces.  Someone like Tim Cassidy, though,
she began to muse ... someone like that would know how ...  She
did not complete the thought, but suddenly she envied her 24 year
old cousin terribly, visualizing the young blonde woman, locked
against the naked body of her blonde husband.  The two of them
looked more like brother and sister than man and wife, Arlene
thought, automatically comparing her own dark beauty to Tim's
     "Oh stop it!" she told herself sternly, but Arlene's large
soft breasts were already filled with longing as the big round
nipples contracted to a tense hardness, and her whole being felt a
readiness, a ripeness that pushed rational thinking from her head.
     "What would it feel like to feel him on top of me ... to
spread my legs beneath him ... to let him enter, hard and strong,
filling me ... taking me?"
     The tall brunette turned over on her back in bed.  She spread
her bare legs out, separating her long statuesque thighs so that
the fur-trimmed lips of her dark curly pussy were parted, and
breathing slowly, she imagined herself in her younger cousin's
place.  In bed with Tim Cassidy!

                           *    *    *

     Tim emerged from the steam of his shower, and after drying
himself off, strode naked into the room.  He was proud of his body
with its lean hardness that he had cultivated ever since he was a
youth at college.  Now he was 36, and he knew that if he wanted to
keep on looking that way, he must continue the rigorous exercises
that he did whenever he got a chance.  He was still elated by the
way things had gone on his trip in spite of his wife's
unwillingness to go along.  He was almost certain that he would
win the race for the Senate, and once there, nothing could stop
him in his quest for the presidency.  He was mulling these things
over in his mind as he did his push-ups on the flat exercise mat
that was always in the bedroom he shared with Sylvie.  He was
dimly aware of her presence in the room, but his mind was
elsewhere, already thinking about the firmness with which he would
handle the Russians as well as the Chinese.  The Chinese, he felt,
were more important than the Russians at this point, and already
his lessons in the most prevalent dialect of the Chinese language
were coming along well.  His French was already adequate and his
Spanish fluent from the days when, as a college youth, he took two
whole semesters at a Mexican college where the Mexican girls were
particularly attracted to his blonde hair.  He and his buddy of
the time had prided themselves in getting into the most attractive
and into the most inaccessible Latin pussies in the area, a
dangerous feat which was nonetheless not without rewards.
     "It's good to have you back, darling," Sylvie's soft voice
broke into his thoughts, and he knew at once that she wanted
something.  His mind computer-like, began to sort through the
various possibilities.  Long ago he had learned to deal with
women, not so much as people, but as predictable pets who could be
counted upon to respond certain ways to certain stimuli.  No one
had really taught him this, certainly not his deceased father, who
was nothing but a distant figurehead, always away at one of his
many offices.  He had gradually figured it out for himself, and
had noticed from early childhood that his reckoning always worked
with his mother, and then later with the steady procession of girl
friends that came and went like clock-work.  There were always
flowers and cards on special occasions for example ... the biggest
and most sentimental that money could buy for Easter, Valentine's
Day, St. Patrick's Day and so on.  His pockets were rarely without
some little trinket or other that he had picked up to cheer some
female's spirits.  Now that he was married, though, and especially
since the beginning of his senatorial campaign, Tim realized that
he had been neglectful of his pretty blonde wife in more than one
     "Go look in my coat pocket," he said to her without breaking
his 23rd pushup.  He heard the rustle of her gown like small
leaves brushing together as she passed him without speaking on her
way to the large closet that was in essence a separate room.  It
had doors opening onto the bedroom and also onto Tim's private
dressing room.  There, Tim knew that his valet, Frank, had already
brushed and pressed whatever he might need for the following day,
and that the suit coat he had worn earlier would be waiting to be
sent to the cleaners in a separate area of the closet.
     "Look on the cleaning side!" he called to her, his mind still
working on the current problem of his wife.  "The left hand
     A suitable length of time elapsed, and then Sylvie suddenly
exclaimed, "Ooooh ... oh Tim ... it's lovely!"
     Tim smiled to himself.  He had almost forgotten about the
gold bracelet that he had asked one of the girls to pick up for
him during his trip.  He completed his 30th pushup and lay quietly
breathing on the mat.
     "Like it?" he asked, his head cradled on his arms.
     Sylvie swept close to her husband's naked body.  His firm
hard buttocks were beautiful, she thought to herself, and his long
powerful legs.  His big wide back tapered down to narrow hips with
a perfection that Sylvie had never seen in any other man, even in
the photographs of well-known athletes.  The emotion that she had
felt during her husband's absence and the horror of that day on
the beach seemed far away now that he was right there, a living
breathing creature in front of her.  Everything would be all right
if he would just hold her in his arms she thought wildly.
Impulsively, she flung herself down on top of him, embracing him
from behind and kissing his face lovingly.
     "Oh thank you ... thank you my love!" she said.  Her warm
body pressed close to him beneath the thin covering of her silk
dressing gown.  She was vulnerable and naked beneath it, her body
wanting him so badly that she could hardly stand it.
     And Tim knew what she wanted.  The pieces fitted together in
his head as he felt her palpitating against him, felt her soft
breathing near his ear.  He had only a couple of girls while away
from home, nothing much to speak of either.  He remembered the
brief scene with Nancy, one of a multitude of young girls who
worked for the general cause.  The willing girl had been more than
ready for his lust-hardened cock, but he had no desire to do more
than throw it to her one afternoon in the privacy of his hotel
room.  A few well placed and well timed strokes had been fine as
the girl lifted up her skirt revealing the naked hair-lined cunt
that had already known his brother Ron's cock as well as a few of
the other who were along for the trip.
     "Hell, it's better than jerking off!" his brother Ron said
about such a girl.  The only woman aside from his wife that Tim
Cassidy "loved to fuck" as he put it to himself, was his private
secretary, Miss Grayson.  He knew that no one in a million years
would suspect that he and the older woman had such an intimate
relationship, and he counted on it remaining that way.  She had
been with him since the very early days, and she would be with him
all the way to the White House, he hoped.  Fucking Miss Grayson---
a gray-haired widow---was a little like fucking his own mother, he
thought, only better, because Miss Grayson had an experience and a
sensuality that Tim was sure his mother lacked.
     Glowing press reports about Thelma Cassidy's flower gardens
and love of the soft feminine things in life to the contrary, all
of the Cassidy brothers knew that their mother was as tough as
nails, or as Ron put it, "Her piss would cut steel!"
     Tim laughed easily and turned over on his back, the better to
accommodate his wife's embrace.
     "You feeling better now that you have had a little rest?" he
asked, letting his hands roam up under the material of her gown,
feeling for the round warmth of her silky brown breasts.  Already
his sturdily built cock was rising to a hard thickness, quivering
upward into the air, ready for action.  "Oh ... I missed you, Tim
...  How I missed you ...!" Sylvie cried, sighing as her husband's
fingers teased at the sensitive flesh of her breasts, already
feeling the wetness spread between her legs as he played with her
hardened nipples.
     "Oh, God!" she thought, "Oh God ... how I love him!"
     He rolled playfully over her, and looking at her handsome
district attorney husband, Sylvie recognized the look on his face
as one of sheer lust.  A bolt of desire shot through her, as she
felt herself going limp beneath him.  His muscular body pressed
unceremoniously against her nakedness as the folds of her dressing
gown spread to reveal her lotioned and pampered body beneath.
Already she could feel his enormous erection as he growled a
little, grinding against her, belly to belly, his hard cock
nudging into the softness of her stomach.
     Sylvie no longer cared about the long weeks he had neglected
her, nor did she care about the horror of her own actions on the
beach two days before.  Her husband's younger brother, Erick, had
tormented her ceaselessly ever since with his lewd remarks every
time he saw her.  She was hopelessly compromised where he was
concerned, but all that was distant, and she felt that she could
somehow right everything that had gone wrong now that she was
about to feel her forceful husband inside her, now that she was
about to cum and cum again around his rigid cock!
     His hands slid up and down her nakedness, moving from her
swollen breasts to her tiny waist, encircling it and fondling the
sides of her womanly hips, feeling the skin of her legs, letting
it flow beneath his running fingers.  Her lips sought his, and she
forced her tongue upward as far back into his mouth as it would
reach, feeling his lust-expanded cock growing bigger against her
naked belly.  Impatiently, she reached down between their nakedly
pressed bodies together to touch it.  Her fingers fumbled toward
the hot shaft of Tim's thick penis, and marveling once more at its
size and hardness, Sylvie held it happily in her hand, her tongue
still exploring the far recesses of her husband's mouth, while his
tongue twirled lazily around hers.  She squeezed his rock-hard
cock gently, and then pulled the thickness of his foreskin up over
the rounded flesh of the head.  Her husband groaned and a wave of
lust spread between them.  Shifting and arching her body beneath
him, Sylvie rubbed the softly curling fuzz of her blonde pussy
against the hardened length of Tim's throbbing cock until the
blood-red head slid against the soaking wet split of her yearning
pussy.  She slowly pulled her encircling fingers downward and the
thick bulbous tip reappeared, touching the wet pit of the young
blonde's neglected cunt.
     With sudden decisiveness, Tim moved his hands down, harshly
cupping his wife's full, soft buttocks.  With a groan he pulled
upwards, lifting her hips and legs up from the mat.  He pulled
back to position his swollen penis so that it would slide into the
widespread opening of her waiting pussy.
     Twice Tim's thrusting cock slipped against the sensitive
labia surrounding her upright clitoris, causing the transported
blonde to cry out with pleasure, and then it was pressing surely
against the wet elasticity of her seeping vagina.
     Once Sylvie might have insisted they go to bed, but now,
Sylvie was so aroused that she did not care that they were lying
on the floor, nakedly enjoying each other on her husband's
exercise mat.  All that mattered was that her husband desired her.
With the knowledge of his love she could do anything, anything at
all that he wanted.  She would be the perfect woman, the ideal
First Lady, full of charm, wit and wisdom, steeped in good taste
and moved toward good works.
     Tim let his pulsing cock worm slowly but surely into the
throbbing slit of his wife's tightly clinging pussy.  God, she was
tight!  Once more he congratulated himself on his choice of Sylvie
as a wife.  His brothers and his mother had expressed doubts, and
sometimes she seemed a little too independent, but Sylvie would
work out, of that he was sure.  He hadn't so much thought about
his love for her as about her satisfactory qualities for the wife
of a politician.  A small town girl, she would appeal to all of
middle America, despite her patrician looks, which would appeal to
the city sophisticates as well as to other countries.  She was a
natural, and Tim knew that he would have to look long and hard to
find another like her.  Finding another was out of the question
anyway.  The country had not advanced so much that it would accept
a divorced President, and so far as he was concerned, Sylvie was
his, to be with him for life.
     "Got to remember to fuck her more," he thought, as he felt
her moaning beneath him.  The length of his cock slid with
excruciating slowness into the hot clasping channel of her hair-
lined cunt.  It was good!  Very good!  He looked down at her as
his cock head burrowed hard against the far end of her pussy.  Her
mouth hung open, as, eyes closed, she groaned out his name, her
heels kicking, legs twitching upward around his back.
     Three, four times, he thrust into the clutching cunt that
sucked fiercely upon his slowly pistoning cock.  He wanted
fucking, yes, but something else was occurring to him.  He had
meant to break Sylvie in before now to something that he liked
very much to have done, and now was as good a time as any.  She
was a fast learner anyway, and he was sure she would get the hang
of it.
     "Do something for me sweetie ..." he whispered into her ear,
letting his impaling cock twitch deep inside her straining depths.
She was on the very verge of cumming, so gloriously that she could
feel tears starting from her eyes.
     "Anything, darling, anything!" she cried.
     "Suck me ..." he said.
     "What?"  To her surprise, Tim was pulling out of her.
Everything inside her tried to cling to the hard shaft of his
cock, tried to get it back inside her straining pussy.  She
blinked, in the space of a second Tim had positioned himself so
that his strong thighs were straddling her torso.  Before her big
blue eyes hung two large and hairy testicles suspended below her
husband's rampant cock.  It bobbed obscenely before her eyes,
actually striking her on the nose, something she would have
thought ludicrous had not the situation been so tragic.
     "I ... I ... was almost ..."  Her words were strangled as the
cleft shape of Tim's glistening cock-head plugged between her deep
pink lips.  Revulsion at what she realized was the taste of her
own inner fluids, made her thrash out wildly, trying to lift him
off of her, but he was firmly ensconced upon her helplessly naked
body, his widespread thighs spreading on each side of her as he
balanced himself up to enable his lust-inspired penis to enter her
unwillingly parted lips.
     Many times before, Tim had hinted that he would like to have
her do this, and she told him that one day she would, always
hedging and putting it off to the future.  Little had she dreamed
that tonight would be the time he would ask her to pay off.  It
was the worst time possible for him to do this to her ... she
thought, hysteria mounting swiftly within her.  It was utterly and
totally depraved of him to ask such a thing of her, when he hadn't
even touched her in weeks!
     Instead of feeling her husband's bloated cock striking at the
very center of her being, quelling the hunger she felt high up in
her moist cunt, the moist tip of his penis was pushing inward
against her clenched teeth, and his fingers were squeezing at her
cheeks, forcing her to open her mouth.
     "Come on, honey," his voice cajoled, but his fingers were
hard and unloving as they pushed against her cheeks, and finally
made her open her mouth wide.  The entire knobby head quivered
inward straining Sylvie's mouth wider as the full shaft began to
slide toward the rear of her oral cavity.  Quickly, Sylvie
swallowed while she was still able, and then she began to gag as
its bulk cut off her breathing passages.  He withdrew the
slightest bit, and she began to gulp for air in desperation.
     She was caught in a nightmarish situation where she could
feel her husband's lean buttocks against the tips of her breasts
every time he gave a jiggle downward ... but he never let his full
weight down on her as he held this obscene position, for he was
completely comfortable, and he started fucking in and out of her
mouth with smooth, even strokes.  Her nipples began to itch and
swell, and she felt a tingling on her lips where the heated length
of her husband's cock glided past.  Surprisingly, his cock began
to feel pleasantly warm inside her mouth, and when it struck hard
toward the back of her throat, she started to groan with pleasure.
There was still a chance that she would feel him like this!
Inside her inflamed pussy!
     Perhaps if she could satisfy his more unusual sexual desires,
he would want to make love to her more often, she thought, the
glimmer of hope spreading still more desire through her young
neglected loins.
     She could hear the young politician's voice coming from what
seemed like a great distance, egging her on with urgent requests
that she continue.  Frantically, caught up in the rhythm of his
lilting lust, she began to twist her hips upward, hoping to attain
some satisfaction in the area of her abandoned pussy, but there
was nothing to rub against.  She began to rub her sleek thighs
together compulsively, squeezing the swollen tissues of her
drenched pussy together while her wide-spread mouth continued to
receive the brunt of her husband's fucking cock.
     She wanted to scream out to him, to beg him to take her then
and there, to tell him she had to cum or she would die!  One long
hard thrust of his magnificently rock-hard cock would do it ...
just one, and she would be there!
     Her entire body begged for relief as her back arched high
from the mat, her firm full breasts nudging upward against Tim's
obscenely gyrating buttocks while his engorged cock expanded a
little more each time it entered her mouth, stretching and pulling
against its own taut skin.
     Tim was getting more and more excited, especially since it
seemed to him that his lady-like young wife was really enjoying
sucking him off!  And what was more she was good at it!  Those
soft full lips of hers created a buffering cushion each time he
advanced and withdrew into the moist depths of her mouth, and
there seemed to be just the right amount of space inside there for
his pistoning cock, unlike many women he had known who just didn't
seem to have any place for him to put his cock once he got beyond
their teeth!
     "SUCK IT... SUCK IT SYLVIE!" he cried, beginning to pant
heavily, as the hardness of his tingling cock thudded against the
back of his blonde wife's mouth.
     He could feel her tongue flattened on the under side of it,
and from time to time her teeth would lightly scrape the tightness
of the shaft.  He held onto her head as he bucked steadily
forward, digging his fingers through her long thick hair.  Then he
allowed his tormented penis to pull completely out of his wife's
strained mouth, only to plunge back in again to the hilt, his
balls swinging lewdly against the underside of her chin.  He
thought about fucking in her mouth like this in the White House,
maybe right on the floor of his office one night after everyone
had gone; and the thought made him know that he was going to cream
into her mouth any second.
     The large firm mounds of Sylvie's jiggling breasts felt good
poking upward against his buttocks and the whole thing just felt
too good to stop.  Every sinew of his body was tense and he felt
his thighs trembling from the strain of kneeling like that for
such a long time.  Perspiration from his head and chest flowed
down onto Sylvie's besieged face and the tendons in Tim's neck
stood out tautly.  The wet sounds of his sluicing cock at the
depths of her mouth combined with both of their grunts and filled
the sanctuary of their bedroom.
     "OH CHRIST!" he grunted.  It was starting It was coming
faster than he had thought, wrenching mindless, building pleasure
from a sacred spot hidden somewhere inside his loins.  His
swinging testicles lurched, releasing their speeding sperm in a
crazy zig-zagging journey through his jerking, pumping cock.  He
started fucking harder into her mouth, unmindful of the gagging
sounds that Sylvie was making.  He could only listen to his own
inner turmoil, the convulsive climax that took hold of him,
spinning him around and making him cry out with its acute
bombshell of sensation
     "AAAAA ... AAAAAAAARRRRNNNGHH!"  His hands tangled in
Sylvie's long blonde hair as he cupped them underneath her head
bringing her mouth forward to meet the stream of his semen.  He
held her pinned against his exploding cock, feeling his jism
striking against the roof of her mouth filling it and strangling
the gurgling sounds of distress that were coming from her throat.
"NNNNNNNNGHHHHHNMPHF!"  As the last dregs of the startlingly acute
pleasure waned and his rapidly deflating penis began to slide from
Sylvie's slack mouth, Tim rested his haunches wearily upon her
chest for a moment.
cried, at last free to speak.
     Tim was smiling benignly as he lifted himself from his wife's
sweat glistening nakedness.  He rolled happily to the side of her
and then clambered up. He stood a second, beaming down at her, his
naked genitals all out of proportion to her eyes as she looked up
at him.
     "That was great, really GREAT, Sylvie!" he exclaimed.  "I'll
make it up to you tomorrow night ..."  He turned and headed toward
the shower again, already thinking about the next day's work.  He
would have to be up at the office in Grandville by about 7 in
order to take care of the many things awaiting him there, and then
he was expected at his mother's for lunch.  A fund dinner was
being given for him in town that evening and at $100 a plate he
hoped that his brother Ron had already worked up a doozey of a
     The hot shower pelted down on his deeply tanned skin
spreading a sense of warmth and well being to the very marrow of
his bones.
     "AH!  It is so good to be alive!" he thought.
     Sylvie lay stunned on her husbands exercise mat for a few
moments, tasting the salty bitterness of his semen on her tongue
and in her throat.  And then she slowly got up, dazed and
bedraggled she moved slowly toward her private bathroom and
dressing room.  She could still feel the maddening tingling in her
loins that signaled her complete frustration and her mouth and
jaws felt sore and worn.  Suddenly hatred for the man she had
married filled her every pore, as trembling with rage and sorrow,
she stepped into the shower and turned on the cold water jets full
blast.  She knew better than to count on Tim's promise of
reciprocation the following night.  Bitterly, she realized that
such words of hope from her politician husband were like so many
campaign promises.
     "A lot of hot air!"

                            Chapter 4

     Arlene was dressed in a crisp cotton dress that she
considered perfect for the early morning, and even though it was
still cool, she felt quite warm as she busied herself about the
large house.  She had already spoken to the housekeeper, Margaret,
and established the fact that she and not Sylvie, would henceforth
be giving the orders.  The older woman seemed to be relieved and
Arlene was pleased to note that several of her suggestions had
already been carried out.
     The dining room was filled with flowers from the garden, as
were the other rooms of the big house. It had seemed a little
solemn before, and now there was a cheery sunny atmosphere
throughout all the rooms that made a noticeable difference.
     When Tim Cassidy came down for breakfast at 6:15 A.M. the
dining room had already received Arlene's "touch", and he drank
his black coffee and ate his specially flown in French croissants
while reading the early morning editions of 6 newspapers.  The
croissants were a luxury that Tim hoped to keep secret from any
prying newspaper columnists, since he knew that the general public
would consider such an expense as having the delicious crisp
pastries flown over daily from Paris an outrageous waste of money.
But, Tim often said, "It is my money and I'll do what I want with
it, even if I have to do it secretly!"
     Arlene was surprised that Sylvie was still in bed as Tim sped
away for town driving his own Buick sportswagon.  She waved
goodbye to the handsome young politician, thinking that if she
were his wife, she would be up every morning, no matter how early,
to see her husband off!  By the time she went back into the dining
room, the other brothers were having breakfast, and Arlene said a
pleasant good morning to Ron and Erick, and then let the two
blonde men go back to reading their newspapers.  She went into the
kitchen where the cook gave her a cup of coffee, and then she
carried it to the living room, where she sat down on a comfortable
leather sofa to drink it.  Looking around her at the quiet luxury
of the room, Arlene could not get over the fact that this big
house was not only to be her home for the next few months, but
that she herself was completely in charge of running it.
     She felt very, very capable as she sat beneath Jenson
Cassidy's oil portrait.  And she felt that the old man who had
been the Cassidy brothers' father, was looking down at her with
approval.  She could not help thinking how much more suited she
was to the job of taking charge of things and making them run
smoothly than her younger cousin, Sylvie, even though Arlene had
only started that very morning on her new job.
     Ron and Erick's voice drifted in from the dining room, but
the attractive brunette could not hear what they were saying.  She
visualized Sylvie upstairs sleeping soundly, no doubt feeling
delicious traces of sensuality from her previous night's love-
making with her husband, Tim.  Resentfully, Arlene was aware of a
slight tingling in her sleekly tapered thighs, there toward the
high inner center where they touched together.  But, feeling
suddenly ashamed, she brushed her thoughts and feelings out of her
mind.  After all, Sylvie had sent for her to help out, and that
was just what she would do.  Sylvie had other, more important
things to do and no doubt needed the sleep she was getting!

                           *    *    *

     The "snooze alarm" went off at 9:30 and Sylvie heard rustling
noises coming from her dressing room.  The tub water was being
turned on, and groggily, Sylvie realized that her maid, Ella, was
in there preparing her morning tub.  Once more, Sylvie regretted
her own cowardice.  Why she had not fired the girl several days
ago she could not even explain to herself.  She knew that Ella
herself was probably not responsible for her lewd seduction on the
beach by young Erick Cassidy, that she was in fact as much a
victim of the fatal Cassidy charm as she herself was.  These
thoughts plus the fact that she feared betraying still more
weakness to the youngest brother of the family had caused her to
keep Ella on as her maid, although the mere sight of the girl was
enough to set Sylvie's teeth on edge.  Now, though as the
disappointing events of the night before rushed in on her waking
brain, Sylvie sat up with a start.
     "GET OUT!" she cried, "GET OUT OF HERE!"
     She was satisfied to hear the noises of the teen-aged girl's
flight from the bathroom, and she fell back to the bed with a
sigh.  She reached her hand out for the printed sheet of paper
which detailed her day's activities, conscious all the while of
the now cold indentation beside her on the outsized double bed,
where her husband had slept on his back all night long.  There had
been a time, Sylvie remembered, when the two of them had slept
curled close to each other at night, but now Tim slept as a
complete entity unto himself, and Sylvie kept to her own side of
the bed, mindful nonetheless of the warmth she was missing.
     Angrily, Sylvie read the schedule for the day.  Her
hairdresser was due in half an hour, and then at 11:00 she had to
tape an interview with Jay Starker of NBC News.  The television
cameras were probably already being set up downstairs, and Sylvie
hoped that Arlene would be able to cope with everything.  In the
afternoon she was due to visit a Foundling Home in Grandville
where it was known that conditions were under par due to lack of
Federal and State funds.  Her visit was supposed to point up these
facts and Tim's speech that night at the fund raising dinner would
no doubt contain a reference to it.
     After the dinner which she had to attend with her husband,
Tim had a private meeting with some of the state big wigs who were
supporting him, and Sylvie was on her own.  At the bottom of the
page the word FREE was written, and Sylvie read it thinking
bitterly of how exhausted and bored she would be by that time, and
more than that, of her husband, who would probably not return home
until the wee hours of the morning after what she knew was an
important meeting in town.  There would be no love-making that
night, she knew, as she climbed out of bed, no lovemaking and no
comfort for hours, days ... perhaps years!
     The prospect was grim indeed as the stunning 24-year-old
blonde surveyed her face in the bathroom mirror, she thought with
desperation that she must do something to control the horrible
trap that her life was becoming.  Something had to be done!

                           *    *    *

     "You'd better stick around to make sure that she can handle
the television people," Ron had told his younger brother, Erick,
as he climbed into the back of the limousine.
     "Sure thing!" Erick replied, "she's a pretty thing, isn't
     "Watch your step, Erick!  She and Sylvie are like sisters ...
Don't make any unnecessary complications!" he commanded,
disappearing into the depths of the back seat.
     "I always watch my step!" Erick replied as the car headed
down the driveway toward the town.  "Or at least I try to," he
said to himself as he turned to go back into the house.
     The TV people were making a racket in the living room when he
went in, but Erick noticed that Arlene had everything pretty well
in hand.
     "You're going to work out fine, aren't you?" he told her as
she whizzed by him on her way to speak with the special advisor
the family had always used for television appearances.  A former
director himself, he brought along the best make-up man in the
business and made certain that there were no unflattering angles
or lighting during the taping.  Arlene was going to talk with him
about the color of the flowers that would be behind Sylvie while
she was talking to the interviewer.
     Erick was pleased to see the newcomer blush under his frank
     "I certainly plan to," she replied, firmly, with a brisk
smile that she intended to mean that she was friendly, but busy.
     Erick watched her go by, and followed her moving hips with
interest and amusement.  "Built like a brick shit house," he
murmured to himself as he took in the firm but full shapes of
Arlene's buttocks as she hurriedly walked across the room.
"Wonder what those babies would feel like in my hands?" he mused
to himself as he walked out onto the terrace to survey the
     He decided that he would hang around until Sylvie came
downstairs.  He wouldn't miss his morning greeting to his nervous
sister-in-law for anything, not after he'd caught her spying on
him at the beach that day.  He still felt a gleeful exhilaration
every time he thought about seeing her up there on the dune, her
fingers wriggling in her own pussy.  His own brother's wife!  He'd
always suspected that she was a hot number, and it had always been
a source of pleasure to him to see her turn red with embarrassment
and anger when he whispered those suggestive things to her about
his girl friends.  But now, things were much more serious!  There
was no real rush about it, but Erick know that shortly he was
going to feel those long silky legs of Sylvie's wrapped around his
neck.  His own hard cock, and not his big brother Tim's was going
to be filling that little blonde cunt of hers, and she was going
to love it!  Of that much he was sure!
     Sylvie came slowly down the winding staircase.  She looked
almost surrealistically beautiful, having just been made up and
coiffeured by the experts.  Her white dress was simple but
expensive, her well turned calves and ankles led down to a white
medium heeled pump of soft Italian leather.  On her wrist she wore
the gold bracelet her husband had given her the night before.
There was a hush among the waiting cameramen and the others that
were crowded into the living room of the Cassidy Family Meeting
Place as Sylvie appeared among them.  Arlene tried to stifle the
jealousy that the sight of Sylvie provoked in her.  She watched as
Erick walked up to her cousin and whispered something into her
ear. Arlene wondered what he was saying.
     "Did my brother give you a good hard fucking last night?"
Erick whispered into his sister-in-law's ear, knowing that she
would not flinch or push him away from her with all those people
watching curiously.
     "Because if not, you know where you can always get a good
taste of cock.  Say the word and I'll stick it up in your cunt so
high it will choke you!"
     Sylvie smiled her most radiant smile, but her heart was
beating fearfully and it cost her a lot in terms of nerves to
control the tone of her voice as well as the violence with which
she wanted to respond to her brother-in-law's lewd words.
     "You're not good enough to lick my shoes!" she said softly to
him as though they were discussing the weather.  She would deny it
all to the end.  She must pretend, even to herself that it had not
been she out there on the dunes, obscenely masturbating, watching
like some depraved voyeur, the sexual antics of her play-boy
     She moved swiftly away from him toward the waiting crowd.
People moved in to greet her as Erick fell back.  In spite of what
he knew was his upper hand in the little cat and mouse game that
he was playing with Sylvie, he felt a burning anger at her words.
That she would dare talk to him like that after what he'd seen her
     "Well, we'll see who licks whose shoes!" he thought to
himself as he left the house.  "THAT BITCH!

                           *    *    *

     Tim Cassidy was in top form.  The speech had gone well and
they had raised several thousand dollars in one night with a
standard dinner of peas and chicken.  He was very pleased.  He
turned to his smiling docile wife who was seated next to his
youngest brother, leaning over he spoke, "Erick why don't you take
Sylvie home.  Maybe you should take her to the club first.  You
look like you could use a drink!" he added to Sylvie, noting her
ashen expression, "I'll be home late tonight ... have a little
fun!"  He kissed her tenderly upon the cheek and was already
disappearing with his brother Ron and several familiar faces of
his entourage.  They were headed for the meeting that Sylvie knew
would take place immediately after the banquet dinner.  With
horror, she realized that her husband was sending her off with
Erick, when all she asked was to be as far away from the youngest
member of the clan as she could possibly get.
     But Erick was already eagerly propelling her beyond the
smoke-filled room and out into the night air where a chauffeur
waited patiently.  Although Sylvie realized that she could easily
be firm with her spoiled brother-in-law, telling him that she
intended to go home and nowhere else, she decided that she must
not show her weakness by letting him know just how afraid of him
she was.  Now would be the time that she would have to meet with
him and prove herself the stronger of the two.
     As Erick installed himself in the limousine beside her, she
spoke to the chauffeur, not waiting for Erick's instructions.
     "Take us to the club, Ben, will you?" she said in her
pleasantest voice.  Then settling back she turned to Erick noting
with approval his surprised expression.  She knew that he had
expected her to protest.
     "I do feel the need of a drink after that dreadful dinner.
Don't you?" she asked, arching her finely drawn eyebrows.
     The doorman at the club bowed and scraped as they swept in
the door, and after the usual number of heads had turned the
famous brother and sister-in-law were seated in the private booth
reserved for members of the family.  It was a very pleasant spot,
giving a perfect view of everything that went on in the small
room, but screened off in such a way that little could be seen of
them.  They sat in comfortable chairs that were molded together to
give the appearance of an ordinary bar booth.  That was their
charm.  But they were far removed from the hard wood and plastic
of their distant cousins.
     Although Sylvie did not otherwise betray just how nervous she
was, she did consume three frozen daiquiris, one right after the
other, while Erick was still working on his second Jack Daniels
and water.
     Erick was waiting for her to show some sign of inebriation,
having decided to go along with her for a while at least.  He too
could pretend that they were the best of relatives ... Tim
Cassidy's wife and Tim Cassidy's brother having a friendly drink
at the most elite club within a 500 mile radius.  Certainly
nothing wrong with that.
     "Well, I think I'd like to be getting back now ... rigid
schedule tomorrow, you know!" Sylvie said.  She had downed that
last daiquiri a little too fast, and she could feel her head
whirling.  Mentally she cursed herself for having had so many so
fast, she knew that she could take quite a few daiquiris in a
night, but only if she spaced them carefully.  Her nervous state
had not allowed her to do so, and now she was paying for it.
     She was not very surprised when Erick drawled, "Oh I think
I'll have another, dear sister-in-law, and I'll order one more for
you too!"
     Sylvie remained silent.  She didn't feel that she should say
too much, she was afraid she might blurt out something unwise.
When the drinks came she began to sip hers silently, while Erick
began to speak.
     "You know, I'm glad that we have this little time together,"
he began easily.  "You're a reasonable woman ... one who really
knows the facts of life!" he said, winking unpleasantly at her.
     Sylvie was silent.  Desperately she tried to keep taking deep
breaths, hoping the intake of air would sober her up.
     "I mean you know the kind of things that happen on the road!"
     What was he getting at? Sylvie wondered angrily.  Why had she
been foolish enough to believe she could get through an hour or so
alone with this odious man?  She was thankful though that at least
thus far she had somehow set the tone of the evening so that he
used no lewd profanities with her.  In fact he was very polite ...
much too polite.
     Erick had thought about what he was going to say to her when
he got a chance to do so.  He had thought about it all day in
fact.  Now, it was a pleasure to him to see the young blonde woman
jump in her seat as he casually mentioned, "You know how those
little girls are always aching to take down their panties for a
famous cock.  A man can't always refuse!"
     Sylvie felt something like a knife turning inside her, but
she tried to keep her voice steady as she replied ...
     "Of course not," she said uneasily.  She wanted to jump up
and run from the room, but she knew that she and Erick must leave
the place together, besides, she was hoping that she could sober
up some before she had to stand up.  Her vision had started to
blur a little at the sides and the funny whirring sensation in her
head had not let up.
     "I don't really blame my brother," Erick continued.
     Which brother was he talking about?  But Sylvie knew full
well that her unpleasant brother-in-law was trying to taunt her
... trying to get her all upset by telling her some story about
her husband, his oldest brother, Tim.  Probably lies ... he was
probably making it all up just to upset her!
     But, she thought with sudden clarity, "WHY ELSE WOULD HE SHOW
SO LITTLE INTEREST IN ME?"  The previous explanation that her
husband's exceedingly rough schedule both mentally and physically
gave him little time to think of such things, seemed a vague pipe
dream that Sylvie had made up for herself in order to avoid the
true facts.  He was unfaithful to her with other women!
     Erick's voice droned on and on, and Sylvie could easily
visualize her handsome husband ... too handsome for his own good,
and certainly for hers ... sleeping with those girls ... all those
horrid little creatures who adored him and his brothers ...
putting his hands up their skirts ... letting them fondle him...
Making love with them!  After all, she reasoned, forgetting and
taking another sip of the drink in front of her, she had once been
one of those girls herself.  She'd been working in the young
district attorney's office, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as
the saying went.  She knew just how Tim Cassidy operated.  Hadn't
he come up behind her one day and kissed her gently on the ear,
letting his hands brush casually across her breasts?  Just enough
to enflame her, to make her want him more than she had ever wanted
anything in the world!  In spite of herself she emitted a groan,
and Erick sitting nearby moved a little closer to her and smiled.
     He knew that his words were having the effect that he wanted.
With keen interest he let his eyes rove over Sylvie's partially
exposed breasts.  Her dress was not cut very low in front, but he
could still see the full ripeness of her large creamy breasts,
especially if he leaned over a bit.  He moved over just a bit
more, so that his thigh pressed close against hers beneath the
table and launched into his story.
     "I'll tell you a story about one politician I know ... who
shall of course remain anonymous.  It didn't happen so very long
ago really ..."
     Sylvie started to put her hands up to her ears, but she
realized that nothing would stop Erick from telling his story.
She could feel the words piercing her with their horrid meaning,
and despite the efforts to block it all out, she could clearly
visualize the events that Erick outlined.
     "Well, you see, he asked to have this special girl sent up to
the hotel room.  She was just a secretary, new at that, but there
was something fresh and innocent about her ... not like the others
who are always throwing themselves at you!  This man told us ...
(there were two other men in the room) that he wanted to see just
how dedicated she was, this new girl, and she came up trembling
like a leaf, but obviously anxious to please.  Couldn't have been
more than 17 or 18, maybe younger and lying about her age.  She
was blonde ... actually looked a bit like you, Sylvie, only
younger.  In any case, this man brought the young girl over behind
the desk where he was sitting and brought out a package of
pictures for her to look at.  Well, Sylvie, each one was dirtier
than the next.  Every position in creation was happening in those
pictures, and there were those nasty full close-ups of genitals
... you know the ones that really get to you!
     Well, In tell you they really got to that little girl.  She
blushed and then she blanched, and then she tried not to look at
them, but this man he kept forcing her to look.  By this time his
arm was around her waist and he was holding her fast up against
his chair, mailing her look at those dirty pics.  Well, it wasn't
long before the girl realized that something was expected of her
and she seemed stunned by the knowledge, slumping in a semi-swoon
against this famous politician, and looking at each picture that
was presented to her with a slack open mouthed expression.  Then
we noticed that her expression was gradually changing to one of
excitement.  We didn't know exactly why from where we were sitting
but her face began to show unmistakable traces of passion and she
began to breathe hard.  Then the man beckoned us closer and moving
around the side of the desk, much to the young blonde girl's
consternation, we were able to see that he had pulled her short
skirt up slightly and had inserted his finger under the leg band
of her pink nylon panties.  He was softly stroking the little
narrow moist slit of her hair-covered vagina.  You could see it,
Sylvie, glistening with wet between her spread legs as the man
suddenly shoved his finger upward worming it into the tight little
pussy as high as he could go!"
     Sylvie held her breath.  It was hard for her to believe that
she was sitting in the stodgy protectiveness of the club.  That
there were others nearby who were totally unaware of what was
happening, of the horror story that Erick was forcing her to
listen to about a man she could only assume was her husband.  She
tried to believe that it wasn't a true story ... but it seemed so
realistic that she was inwardly certain that it was!  She could
feel her body begin to twitch and instinctively she pressed her
thighs tight together, feeling as she did so, Erick's leg follow
hers, pressing close again.
     She hadn't noticed it there until this point, and then, the
alcohol circulating lazily in her veins seemed to create a
lethargy in her limbs, so that she could not imagine why she had
started to feel a slight tingle in her belly that was working its
way down slowly to the sensuous point between her tightly pressing
thighs.  She knew that she ought to move her leg away from her
brother-in-law's but she had to wait until the excitement in her
loins subsided.  It was puzzling to feel the two sensations at
work inside her, acute jealousy about her husband and that girl,
and yet a strange arousal at the lewd impact of the story.
     "I must be drunker than I thought," she realized.  But there
was nothing much she could do about it.  Outwardly at least, she
still remained prim and proper.  Anyone seeing her would not have
guessed at the extent to which things were slipping away inside
her.  All the shoring up was sliding down and she was weak and
defenseless against the deep emotions that swirled in her
frustrated body.
     "Shall I continue?" Erick asked, looking around at the posh
surroundings of the club.  No one could see them, of that much he
was certain, and his own lustful impulses were driving him to
continue beyond the point at which he'd thought he might stop.
Without waiting for his captive audience to reply, Erick went on,
beginning as he spoke, a steady sliding of his leg against
Sylvie's silk encased thigh.
     "When the man tired of finger fucking the little creature,
and her whimpering began to get to him, he roughly grabbed her up
and marched her over to the couch in the corner.  There he sat
down and stood her in front of him, pulling her shirt to expose
the flimsy pink panties that encased her round tight little
buttocks and the tender split of her baby-cunt."
     "Tears began streaming from her eyes and she was begging him
to stop and let her go.  But the man pointed out to her that since
she had obviously been aroused by his finger, they might as well
continue.  He promised her all sorts of things ... special jobs
with the organization, even a raise in salary.  Those girls hardly
get anything you know.  Well, she protested and seemed hurt that
he would even suggest such a thing and finally she began to
tearfully remove her clothing.  She stripped everything from her
young budding body and the man did the same.  I must admit Sylvie
that we did too, the whole thing was just too exciting for words!"
     "Well, there he was standing there with his big hard-on
standing out like a tree trunk in front of him.  I won't mention
the size of mine ... you've seen it any way haven't you, Sylvie?"
Erick's leg rubbed insistently against hers, and his hand dropped
to the edge of her skirt beneath the table.
     "The girl finished dropping her panties to the floor and
stood before an of us, her arms covered her firm young tits.  She
had soft golden hair covering her little cunt and the base of her
belly was white and soft."
     "The man pulled her up on the couch with him.  He lay on his
back and forced her to straddle his nakedness.  The round
whiteness of her buttocks was visible to all as she was poised
directly over the hardness of his long cock.  She sobbed as he put
his hands underneath her and began to guide his own pack toward
the tiny moist open lips of the young girl's baby cunt.  We could
see him moving it up and down in the moist glistening slit for a
moment moving through the soft pubic hair, and she was crying out
and saying she'd never done it before and we were standing jerking
off as best we could a few feet away when he ground his hips
upward and pulled her down on his pile-driving cock!"
     Sylvie's eyes were round saucers and she knew that she ought
to scream and tear herself away from the serpent-like fascination
of her brother-in-law's words.  She could feel his fingers rising
on her leg, moving upward toward the nakedness of her upper thigh,
beyond the place where her black garter belt held her stockings.
But the rum had had a strangely tranquilizing effect upon her and
instead she sat frozen in immobility, helplessly aroused by the
feel of Erick's fingers and by his thigh so close to hers.  She
tried, nonetheless to turn away, managing only to move her head.
Looking out and over the other people who were some distance away
in the bar of the club, she found herself visualizing her husband
with another girl ... the one in the story.  Instead of the
absolute revulsion she had felt at the beginning, she felt an odd
quivering deep between her thighs.
     His infidelity somehow freed her and made her cause more
righteous.  As though by pinpointing the direct cause of her
unhappiness she was better able to fight it!  She closed her eyes
and thought about the fingers that were now on her naked thighs.
They felt warm and real ... necessary to her well-being.  Why
should she not have the pleasure when the men gave it to
themselves freely whenever they wanted?  Why should she have to
suffer and be perfect, when they were far from perfection
themselves!  Why had law condemned her to a life of frustration
and silence, of meek smiles for the photographers and inane
utterances for the press!?
     Erick's hand gave a sudden hard pinch against the soft full
flesh of her thigh that sent a flash of pain and pleasure shooting
up to the seeping moist triangle of her pussy.  She uttered a low
helpless groan and slid back against the cushion behind her,
letting it cradle her heavy head.  Erick took full advantage of
the moment to slide his hand up to the soft roundness of his
brother's wife's buttocks where they lay encased in a brief swatch
of panties.
     "Oh, God, no, we can't ... we can't ..." she whimpered
helplessly, trying to keep her voice as low as possible.  She
thought she could see the waiter looking in their direction but
she knew that he could really not see anything unless he came
around the partition, and he wouldn't do that unless they rang for
him.  She tried to squirm away from her brother-in-law but his
strength was too great and she only succeeded in worsening her
position.  His hand cupped from behind into the split of her
seeping pussy, and through her panties he began to steadily flick
his middle finger upward against the raging madness she felt
     "Oh, please ... don't do it ... don't do this to me ..." she
     "Why not?" he inquired, "why shouldn't we ...  Tim fucks all
the cunt he can get when he's away from you, why shouldn't you get
a little extra cock?"
     The crude words echoed Sylvie's own thoughts, and they sent a
chilling feeling of uncontrolled longing throughout her loins.
She gasped as the fingers of his hand pushed teasingly up against
the hopelessly aroused pit of her trembling pussy.  "Stop, please
don't, don't touch me there anymore ..." she pleaded, but her body
was telling her otherwise, and Erick sensing it and feeling her
squirming wetness against the palm of his hand and his fingers,
brought his other hand up and around her, to touch the side of
this sister-in-law's breasts, pushing hard against the soft
yielding flesh.  Sylvie moaned and tried to pull away, using all
her will power to overcome the rising sensations building up in
the pit of her stomach.  An electrifying shock rippled along the
flesh of her buttocks as she felt him slipping his finger slowly
under the tight elastic leg band of her panties.  She squirmed
back a little, whimpering helplessly, as the tip of his index
finger found the narrow sensitive slit of her vagina and gently
thrust into it, parting the soft pubic hair and making sudden real
contact with the throbbing, lusting head of her clitoris.  It was
thoroughly soaked from the unwanted desire that permeated Sylvie's
whole being and she sucked in her breath tightly to hold back the
groan of pleasure she felt building deep in her chest.  She knew
that she must not make the sounds she wanted to make.  They were
after all in a public place!  No one must know what was going on
... no one must find out that Tim Cassidy's wife was being
obscenely and horribly embraced beneath her skirt by her husband's
own brother!
     She lay half reclining in the booth, totally helpless while
Erick's hands played with her warm secret flesh, and tears of
humiliation began to cascade down her face.
     "So this is that little pussy you were petting by the beach
that day!" Erick whispered hoarsely to his brother's wife.  "You
were really getting your kicks from watching me fucking the maid
... admit it!" he choked out, slipping his fingers with urgency up
against her quivering clitoris.  Sylvie found her hips suddenly
squirming in involuntary rhythm to the teasing of his rummaging
     "Oh ... no ... no ..." she protested, but to no avail.
     "Spread you legs a little wider, let me get inside!" Erick
     "NO ... not here ... someone will see ... we can't ... we
can't ..."
     Erick paused a moment and looked around them.  She was right.
It was foolish to continue the audacious game right there.  He had
a sudden idea.  He rang for the waiter.
     "Straighten yourself up," he commanded, "we're going to one
of the private rooms."
     Hurriedly, Sylvie tried to present the best appearance she
could.  And when the waiter appeared, the two of them looked as
though butter wouldn't melt in their mouths.  But underneath her
skirt, Sylvie felt her aching and yearning pussy, tingling with
the desire that had accumulated within the past few moments at the
     The new drinks were set up in the private room upstairs and
the waiter was withdrawing from the room.  Sylvie sat on a low
sofa near the window and noticed that there was a separate exit to
the room.  The street was below.  The street and freedom.  She
felt somehow more sober now, and the full realization of her
actions had come to her with shattering force as she and Erick
entered the room.  She had to get out of there at any cost.
     "We'll be expecting my brother and some others," Erick lied,
"so please direct them here should they come in."
     The waiter replied that he would of course comply with
Erick's wishes, and disappeared closing the door behind him.
Erick sprang up and locked the door, and the loud Sylvie's ears
with terrible finality.
     "Erick," she stammered, as the youthful blonde lawyer came
toward her, "let's act like adults ...  You can't seriously think
that I am going to ..."
     Her words were cut off as he took hold of her, drawing her
sharply up against his lean body.  His lips pressed hard on hers,
his tongue penetrating their tight defense with ease, as his hips
ground lasciviously against her.  She could feel the hard poker
shape of his thickened penis rising against her trembling belly,
and in spite of herself she recalled its enormous, bloated
appearance when she had watched it appearing and disappearing into
the servant girl's willingly wide-spread genitals.
     "OH GOD," she groaned, slumping against him.  "I ... I can't
go through with it!"  But her entire body lurched uncontrollably
in his arms, as she felt the thick cock that could give her so
much pleasure ... so much relief that she needed and that her
husband had not given her.  She thought of the depraved act Tim
had made her perform only the night before, and how her hopes for
satisfaction had been so cruelly shattered.
     "You know you want it ..." Erick was saying, and he pulled
hurriedly away from his sister-in-law.  She leaned against the
wall and watched, wide-eyed as her husband's younger brother began
to strip his clothes from his body.  She closed her eyes to block
out the view, and then when she opened them he stood in front of
her completely naked, his hard cock standing out from beneath the
lean tautness of his belly.  Lewdly, he began stroking the
uncircumcised foreskin back and forth over the bulbous head.
     "I know that Tim's cock is not nearly as big as mine!" Erick
smiled, watching her carefully as though she were some insect that
he had trapped.  Sylvie tried to speak, but she could not.  What
on earth could she say or do against such a fiendish man.  Her
eyes automatically gravitated to the spot where hideously he was
masturbating in front of her, and in spite of her fear, she could
not help imagining what it would feel like inside her.  It would
fill her more than anything had ever filled her before, that much
she knew.  It was true that Erick was bigger than his older
brother, but Sylvie had always been told that size made little
difference.  It was a man's actual technique in love-making that
counted.  She remembered all those times when Tim had made her
deliriously happy, and then bitterly thought of just how long ago
those times were, and that he was probably using those same
techniques on myriads of other girls.  While she remained totally
unsatisfied and at the mercy of such madmen as his younger
brother, Erick!
     "D ... don't touch me again!" she stammered.  But inwardly
she knew there was no escape now.  It was going to happen.  He
reached out for her pulling her close to the sofa and she began to
feel as though a rush of flames were licking her body as his
fingers began moving up and down her clothed loins.
     "Let's just take it nice and slow and easy!" he exclaimed.
"I'm not just going to give you just any old brush-over fuck.  You
are going to beg me for it, Sylvie!"  He dropped to his knees in
front of her as she swayed above him, lifting her skirt and
hooking his finger in the elastic waistband of her panties and
pulling them slowly down over the softness of her round full
buttocks until they dropped in a small pile of material around her
     She swayed again dangerously, almost losing her balance as a
wave of dizziness filled her already horribly whirling head.
Suddenly, she felt his lips pressing tightly into the naked flesh
of her belly.  The wet contact sent chills racing the length of
her spine, and she automatically reached forward with her hands,
to lock them in Erick's blonde hair to keep from falling.
Encouraged by her action, Erick dropped his lips to the golden
triangle of curl-lined pussy and spreading the soft hair with his
thumbs, flicked his tongue inside the moistly flowering slit of
her unwillingly aroused vagina.
     Sylvie jumped from the sudden electrifying contact with the
upright bud of her clitoris, and fell backwards, losing her
balance completely, so that she landed on the sofa behind them.
Erick leaped forward and caught her so that she lay flat on her
back sprawled with her long patrician legs wide open and him right
where he wanted to be ... between them.  Her eyes opened wide in
abject terror, Sylvie struggled to close them but it was hopeless.
Looking down, she could see her husband's brother hunched down on
all fours between her widespread thighs grinning up at her
savagely.  The moistly offered flesh of her nakedly cringing pussy
was presented to his leering face in defenseless sacrifice.
Below, the shreds of her torn panties clung to one of her ankles
as she lay frozen on the sofa, her humiliation complete as Erick
lowered his face between her legs.  His hands were flat against
the soft inner flesh of her thighs as his thumbs rested on the
quivering hair-fringed lips of her cunt.  With a slow tortured
outward movement, he drew the ragged pink lips of Sylvie's trapped
pussy apart, exposing the inside of it to his lascivious gaze.
Then his head was buried against her trembling mound, and his long
slippery tongue burrowed snake-like into the warm throbbing secret
walls of her pussy.
     "OOOOOOOOOOOhhh GOD!!! OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!" she whimpered,
lifting her blonde head up off the sofa to watch with horrified
disbelief as Erick's tousled head rocked to and fro between her
trembling thighs.
     "THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING ... N000000!" she groaned over and
over flailing helplessly from side to side as her brother-in-law's
tongue speared and licked in and out of the involuntarily dilating
lips of her exposed pussy.  Yet in spite of her humiliation and
revulsion, tiny wisps of forbidden pleasure were rippling deep
down in her belly.  Erick's hands moved up over the tanned
flatness of her quivering belly and he dug his fingers up toward
the hardening nipples of her breasts beneath her dress.  Still,
his mouth and tongue worked and slipped against the wide-spread
thighness of her thoroughly inundated cunt, his eyes remaining
wide open so that he could watch in arrogant delight, the
contortions of his beautiful victim's features.
     He was waiting, and he was prepared to wait a long while if
necessary for the signs which he knew were sure to come.  She must
surrender to him!  She had to!
     Sylvie lay stunned in abject submission to the depraved
outrages she was being subjected to.  Yet there was nothing she
could do, and great tears of humiliation and shame swelled in her
eyes as she realized that he was making dangerous inroads into the
lurking passion that dwelled just beneath the surface of her
frazzled nerve-endings.  Random thoughts of her husband with other
women flickered through her mind as the wet sucking noises drifted
upward to her ears.  How would she ever be able to face Tim again
after letting this happen to her.  No matter what he had done,
didn't she at least owe him enough not to groan in degradation and
desire beneath his own brother?  There had been times before when
Sylvie Cassidy had felt alone and helpless, but nothing she had
been through had prepared her for this vile moment.
     Erick kept his eyes upon Sylvie's face as he continued the
torturing thrusts of his tongue into her slippery vagina.  When he
saw her tears, he felt a thrill of satisfaction.  This would teach
her ... the god-damned little stuck-up bitch!  Not good enough to
lick her shoes indeed ... well, he was good enough to lick her
cunt, all right!  Before the night was over she'd be crawling to
him on her hands and knees, begging for it!  He began to suck
furiously at the tender rosy inner lining of Sylvie's cunt.  This
will get her! he thought, lewdly, beginning to make rapid up and
down motions with his tongue, and then flicking the pointed edge
into the well of Sylvie's seeping vagina.  Then he sucked and
pulled on the soft petal-like lips of her cunt until he heard her
crying out above him.
     "OOOOOhhhhOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!" Sylvie realized with a sudden
sense of devastation that her loss of control was complete.  She
clenched her teeth tight together and fought it with all her
might, but the tiny rising sparks continued to mount within her
and burst into a sudden uncontrollable flame that began to devour
her.  Her shamelessly aroused body suddenly jerked spasmodically
upward and her hands were curling down into his hair as with a low
soul stirring groan she began a slow abandoned movement with each
thrust of her brother-in-law's lapping tongue.  Forgotten were all
thoughts of Tim ... her unfaithful husband, forgotten was the
humiliation of having this happen to her in a private room at the
club, with all sorts of important people outside beyond the locked
door.  All that mattered now were the sharp shafts of pleasure
that pierced through her private flesh like little needles of
sinful excitement.
     Erick sensed her sudden submissiveness and began thrusting
harder and harder into the quivering sheath of Sylvie's hopelessly
aroused vagina.  He luxuriated in the feel of her soft silky cunt
hair grazing against his face, tickling the tip of his nose and
sides of his cheeks as his brother's wife ground her buttocks
upward in a slow hypnotic rhythm against his face.  She was his
now, he gloated, watching with excitement as Sylvie began to emit
a long, continuous wail of passionate fulfillment.
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" she cried over and over again, sliding
and bucking furiously up against his face as the contortions of
her powerfully triggered orgasm rolled throughout her lustfully
taxed system.  Eyes rolling back in their sockets, her lips bared
back over the whiteness of her teeth she resembled a mad woman
more than the sleek and cool Sylvie Cassidy that the public knew
so well.
OOOHHHH AGAIN!!!  AGAIN!!!!''  She was cumming again before she
could do anything about it, and below her flailing gyrating limbs,
Erick sucked at the tormented wide-held surface of Sylvie's loins.
It wouldn't be long now, he sensed until he rammed it deep into
that little belly of hers, shot his hot burning load of cum deep
into this tight streaming pussy!  Sylvie Cassidy was just another
whore begging for his cock, and she was going to get it all right
and get it good!

                            Chapter 5

     Arlene slipped back into her room carefully and closed the
door soundlessly behind her.  She had been listening all night for
the return of the various members of the family, and it was some
surprise to her to look out of her window and see a taxi pulling
up to the side entrance.  To her wonderment, she saw Sylvie
hurriedly getting out of the cab and run into the house.  She was
all by herself!  Arlene got a good look at her younger cousin as
she was climbing the stairs and saw that she was in a totally
disheveled state.
     "My goodness!" she said to herself now, "what has Sylvie been
up to?"
     When a few moments later she heard the sounds of another car,
this time toward the front of the house, Arlene put a robe on over
her usual sleeping outfit, her naked skin, and went to
investigate.  From her hiding place at the top of the stairs she
could see Erick Cassidy coming in the front door and he looked
madder than a red hornet!  Arlene cunningly slipped behind a
pillar as he climbed the stairs.  To her amazement, he went
directly to Sylvie Cassidy's door and knocked on it.
     "You open this door or I'm going to break it down!" Erick
declared.  He knew that his brothers Tim and Ron would not yet
have returned home and that Sylvie was alone in there.  He stood
fuming outside the door listening for some sign of motion inside.
The little bitch! he thought, running out on me like that!
     It had been an easy matter for Sylvie to dash out the
separate exit door of the private room at the club.  She was still
fully dressed despite the torn state of her panties and the
ravishment of her loins by her brother-in-law's persistent tongue.
As for Erick, he was stark naked and could not chase after her
until he had finished dressing.
     There was no answer from Sylvie's room.
     "You got your nookie and that's enough for you!" Erick
declared unpleasantly, "I wasn't licking your cunt all night for
nothing, you know!" he growled and turned away, storming toward
his own room further down the long hall.
     As Sylvie trembled in her bed, deeply ensconced beneath the
covers, her cousin Arlene listened, outside in the hall, to the
retreating footsteps of Erick Cassidy with burning ears.
     "SO THAT'S IT!" she thought.  Her prim little cousin was
actually a promiscuous runaround.
     "How could she!" Arlene thought, scandalized, "and with Tim's
own brother, too!"  She was outraged as she went back to her room
to mull the whole thing over.
     "Poor Tim," she thought, "poor, poor Tim!"
     Arlene let all her bad feelings and thoughts about her young
blonde cousin's ineptness come to the fore as she sat before the
small cocktail table in her room and tried to think of what to do
about what she'd just learned.  The first thing Arlene wanted to
do was to make sure that Tim did not suffer too much at the hands
of his uncaring wife, and Arlene decided she would go downstairs
and wait for his return home.  That was something Sylvie ought to
be doing ... any decent wife would, she thought huffily as she
changed into a flowing hostess gown of a deep emerald green.
     The thought that she might take Sylvie's place in more ways
than one had not yet fully formulated itself in her mind as she
tip-toed down to the large empty living room and without turning
the lights on, sat waiting for the sound of Tim's car on the
gravel outside.
     She was about to drift off to sleep ... (it had been a long,
hard day for her, too, and she felt emotionally exhausted by the
tumultuous events in the Cassidy household) when at last she heard
the sound of doors closing and then the tell-tale crunch of
footsteps up the walk.  The chauffeur driven car started up again
and down toward the garage.  Tim often left his own car in town
when the occasion called for him to use a chauffeur.
     "Good night, Ron!" Arlene heard Tim calling to the middle
brother of the family as the latter went upstairs.
     "See you in the morning, Tim!"
     She had forgotten that Tim was rarely alone, but now, luck
was with her.  The fatigued district attorney probably intended to
have a quiet nightcap by himself in the living room.  She sat
silently, holding her breath in anticipation.  Every fiber of her
being was tensed toward the wonderful man who was entering the
living room.  She thought about it now, he was truly her idol,
even more so now that she knew more about him.  Now that she was
living right in his house!
     The overhead lights went on suddenly, and Arlene sat up,
     "Well, hello there!" Tim said.  "What a pleasant surprise!"
     Arlene rose and greeted her cousin's husband, thankful that
he did not directly ask her what she was doing there although the
question seemed to hang in the air between them.
     She saw Tim taking in the softly clinging lines of her
emerald green gown, and she was grateful that she saw approval in
his eyes.  A trifle more sure of herself, she offered to get Tim a
     "Yes ..." Tim said slowly, sinking into his favorite easy
chair.  "I'd like that!  Any sign of Sylvie?"
     Arlene was already busying herself over at the bar, fixing
the dry martinis that she had been told Tim Cassidy drank.  Her
legs felt weak as she stood with her back to him, divining that
his eyes were matter-of-factly taking in the swelling curves of
her buttocks while she stirred the frosty liquid in a tall crystal
     "S ... Sylvie?" she stammered.  She wanted to blurt out the
whole truth, to tell this decent dedicated man exactly what his
wife had been up to, but she felt that she really couldn't do
that.  "Yes ... she came in about an hour ago ... and Erick, too!"
she added, hoping that Tim might guess by her voice that something
was wrong ... that his wife had indeed been out doing the most
depraved things with his very own younger brother!  But Tim seemed
to notice nothing.  His blonde head lay back on the chair and he
stared up at the large chandelier that hung from the high ceiling
above him.
     "Yes ... they went to the club, I suppose ...  Wish I'd had a
chance to go myself."  He was thinking about the meeting that he
had been to and about the things he had to promise.  He was a
little disgusted with himself about giving in to Grady like that,
but he needed the votes that the older politician controlled.
Politics made strange bedfellows all right, he mused, but he never
thought he'd end up kissing Grady's ass.
     As Arlene approached with the drink, she'd made one for
herself, too, Tim automatically stretched out his hand for it.  He
didn't bother to look at the comely new addition to his household,
but his mind was already at work on what reasons she might have
for being in the living room in the dark, all by herself in the
middle of the night.
     He had learned from both Ron and Erick, as well as his wife,
that the 26 year old brunette was not only working out extremely
well, but that she gave every promise of being excellent at her
job as liaison between Sylvie and the large household.  Tim was
always glad when things were going smoothly, and he sipped his
martini thoughtfully, trying to blot out old Grady's face from his
     "What's the matter with this drink?" he suddenly asked,
opening his eyes and looking directly across at Arlene.  She sat
poised on the sofa across from him taking in every handsome detail
of Tim Cassidy's face.  His strong, aquiline nose, his thin yet
sensuous lips, the firm chin.  Now she nearly jumped out of her
skin as suddenly his imperious blue eyes were focused directly
upon her and nowhere else.
     "I ... I don't know ... perhaps I did something wrong ..."
she stammered, rushing to take his glass from him.  "I'll make it
over!" she offered.
     "I'll bet you didn't use the Beefeaters," Tim said, his lips
suddenly breaking into a smile.  "Forget it ... might as well go
along with what the peasants drink ..." he laughed easily, waving
her back to her seat.
     Arlene saw nothing wrong with the taste of the martini, but
she was not very accustomed to drinking, and knew that she was no
real judge.  She had not even noticed what brand of gin she'd used
for the drinks, having only made certain that the bottle said Gin.
Now, she made a mental note that she must always ask the brand
before making any future drinks for anyone.
     "I'm so sorry ..." she apologized.  Tim was looking at her
with frank curiosity, and she blushed as she saw that his mind had
obviously left the subject of the martinis some time ago.
     "My wife is very happy that you are here," he said, still
looking at her steadily.
     Arlene felt a rush of anger.  If only he knew!  She ached
inside so, she wanted to tell him so very badly it was difficult
for her to contain herself.  If she were Tim's wife she knew that
she would never so much as look at another man!
     "I'm glad to be here ... she answered.  "I really ... like
being here.  Helping out!"
     "Yes," Tim replied, "one thing I'll say for us Cassidy's, we
need a lot of help.  We also get the best, always!"
     Arlene was not sure whether or not that was intended as a
compliment for her.  She decided that she would just smile.  She
couldn't help thinking that one day Tim Cassidy was going to be
Senator, and then, more than likely, he would be President of the
United States.  The thought was staggering.  Nevertheless, the
martini was giving her a pleasant glow that made her feel more
comfortable, and much more confident than before.  After all, she
had every right to be there chatting with him.  She was now an
integral part of his household, and she reminded herself, she must
do for him what his uncaring wife neglected to do!
     She thought resentfully of Sylvie upstairs in bed, not even
knowing that her husband had come home, probably thinking over her
excitement of that evening with young Erick Cassidy!  With a start
Arlene noticed that Tim's glass was empty.
     "I'll make this one with Beefeaters," she declared, taking it
from him.  Tim did not protest, but this time she was sure he was
watching her.  She turned around to see, and his eyes met hers in
a knowing exchange.
     "Making yourself one, too?" he inquired.  Tim recognized the
coquetry behind his wife's cousin's actions now.  It reminded him
of something and he was trying to think of what.
     "I guess so ..." Arlene replied, feeling a little spark of
desire germinating in her belly.  His eyes ... so blue ... so full
of ... she knew not what.  She only knew that Tim Cassidy was the
most exciting man she had ever been in the same room with.
     "Better be careful," Tim cautioned in a joking manner,
"alcohol does strange things to little girls!"
     Arlene flushed angrily.  Turning, she said, levelly, "I am
not a little girl, Tim ... you should be able to see that much.
And you'd better watch out or Women's Lib is going to get you!"
     "Oh, yes, Women's Lib ..." Tim said.  "Are you one of those?"
he asked.  "You must fill me in ... most of the advisors are males
as you know, and I can't afford to make a fatal slip.  I presume
that you've forgiven me by now for calling you a little girl?"
     Arlene handed him his new drink and he sipped from it
reflectively, watching Arlene as she sat down again across from
     "Of course," Arlene replied.  She would forgive him anything,
she thought impetuously.  "And, I'll be glad to tell you
everything that I know."
     "Tell me about you, then!" Tim said.  He knew now what she
reminded him of ... his own wife, Sylvie the night before.
"Christ," he thought, "Women's Lib or not, when a woman wants
fucking you can tell it a mile away!"
     As Arlene began to talk, at first hesitantly, then easily,
Tim mulled over in his mind whether or not he ought to.  He needed
some sleep, but then again he needed a little fun, too.  Sylvie
would be sound asleep by now anyway, and he had a feeling that
Arlene was just hot-blooded enough to blot out the ugliness of old
Grady's deal in his mind for that night at least.  Tomorrow he
would feel better about the whole thing, but tonight, he was still
the honest dedicated D.A.  Just one time wouldn't hurt anything he
finally decided, watching Arlene's full, red lips as she spoke.
Maybe twice, and that would be the end of it.
     "Why don't we go out on the terrace," he said, his mind made
up.  "Bring your drink, we'll look at the stars."  Tim knew that
they were in little danger of being surprised or even overheard
out on the enclosed terrace.  The glass doors would be closed over
the screens for the night, and up above through the clear skylight
they would be able to see the stars the sky had to offer.
     Already Tim's cock was thickening as he walked along beside
the well proportioned girl who was his wife's cousin.  Casually,
he slipped his arm around her waist.  There was little need for
words, he felt.  He knew what she was doing there, and he would
make sure she got what she wanted.
     "I can tell you're no little girl," he whispered to her as
they stepped onto the terrace.
     Arlene felt his breath hot near her ear, and throughout her
martini soaked system, she felt a rush of emotion that seemed to
block out all thought.  She could see him closing the door to the
house, and she stood uncertainly looking around her at the sparse
furnishings of the terrace.  Tim was back then, and he led her to
an old deck sofa, that was wicker on the bottom and some sort of
cool waterproof fabric on top.  She suddenly felt confused and
embarrassed and somehow everything was very difficult.  She
realized what was happening, and that in truth, it was she herself
that had maneuvered it.  Tim sat next to her, his piercing eyes
looking at her with rapt attention.  She felt a great tension
between them, and she wanted to hurriedly back out of it ... to
tell him that it was all a dreadful mistake.  But it wasn't.  A
strange magnetic current was drawing her to this man who had
married her own young cousin.  Why she and Sylvie had been brought
up like sisters, and now here she was with Sylvie's husband!  No
matter what Sylvie herself did, that was no excuse ... Arlene
thought with rising panic.  But when Tim leaned over to kiss her,
she found that she did not resist, but welcomed his hard warm lips
against hers.  Her body suddenly let her know that it was sex-
starved, and it responded to him immediately.  He held her gently
in his arms and she felt limp and submissive, sensing that no
matter what he wanted, she would agree.
     Tim kissed her steadily and passionately for a long time,
stopping only every now and then to catch his breath, and then his
tongue would be back in Arlene's mouth, reaching back toward her
throat, pushing in an imitation of intercourse, his tongue a giant
penis, her mouth a yearning wet cunt.  At first, he restricted his
advances to the long sensual kissing, but then meeting no
resistance, he began to explore her body slowly, carefully.  Her
emerald hostess gown was parted down the front, and her bare
breasts beneath were exposed to the dark terrace air.  He ran his
tongue down between them, deep into the slit that was cushioned by
the swelling globes of her pale flesh.  Arlene felt herself
melting, her body aflame with desire, her mind reaching out toward
him.  What she was feeling was more than an ordinary desire, it
was magic ... it was special.
     "Take the rest off!" he growled, his voice husky with lust.
The words pierced Arlene like an arrow, releasing her completely
from any thoughts of protest.  Willingly, she stood and the
material of her gown fell slowly to the ground.  She stepped,
completely naked from it, her body gleaming in the dark; for one
brief moment she knew he was looking at her assessing her
nakedness, and then he clasped her waist pulling her around so
that her round firm buttocks were pulling against his loins.  He
was silent for a moment, and then he sat back down on the couch,
pulling her along with him.  She sat on his lap, facing the glass
door that led down to the gardens.  His hands slipped around to
feel her nakedly quivering nipples and beneath her buttocks she
felt the thrusting throb of his hard cock beneath his pants.  The
texture of his clothing, his shirt and his pants impressed itself
upon her naked body and Arlene found herself wishing that she
could feel him naked against her.  But his hands continued to
create the thrilling shivers up and down from her breasts to her
belly, and then he was fumbling with one of them down between her
buttocks.  She felt a slight shock as the metal of his zipper
touched her skin for a second, and then the hot rubbery head of
his cock was pressing between the moon circle of her buttocks.
     "OOOH!" she gasped.  "OH TIM!!"
     "SHHHH ..." he said, "just let me do it ... next time we'll
do what you want!"
     Consumed by lust and already looking forward to a next time,
Arlene felt herself being lifted up by Tim's hands around her
waist and then his hard cock was rubbing salaciously against the
wet lips of her pussy as he set her back down on it.
     "OH OH OH!" she gasped in surprise.
     But Tim lifted up again just slightly so that the small
aperture of her dark haired fringed cunt was throbbing right at
the tip of his desire-hardened cock.
     "You'll like it, Arlene, I promise you that!" he groaned,
already thrusting the circumference of his thick cock head upward
between the silken hairs of her vagina, its warmth already seemed
to penetrate there as it poised like an apple stuck up between her
trembling thighs.
     "MMMMMMmmmm you feel nice and tight!" Tim said.
     "AAAAAOOOOOH!" Arlene had never expected to find herself in
this unusual position, not even facing her secret lover, as she
sat looking away from him, her pale white buttocks spread above
the thrusting rod of his cock.
     She moaned to herself, the audacity of her own daring
beginning to seem unbelievable now that she was about to be
impaled by Tim Cassidy's surging penis.
     "Spread your legs a little more," he whispered to her,
positioning his hard cock so that it would enter easily, and then
he began to push upward, straining into her tight little pussy.
     "AAAAAHHHHHGHGHH!" she cried out as the big head pushed into
the softly parting folds of her pussy.  "Ooooooh!"  The thick
shaft jabbed upward, worming into her now seeping widespread
vagina until it slipped between the nakedly throbbing membranes of
her wet cunt.  Tim paused, and seemed to catch his breath and
then, holding his wife's cousin by the waist, he rammed her hips
down onto his loins, impaling her swiftly upon his rigid cock.
     Arlene jerked convulsively as the length of it raced into her
belly.  It was a burgeoning uncontrollable object filling her
every crevice, penetrating her so deeply that she felt she could
not breathe or move.  She felt as though its burning pleasure were
ripping her soul and devouring it in great morsels of depraved
     "OH GOD OH GOD!" she cried out.  She had never before been so
filled up in her whole life, and his cock lay sunk deep up in her
belly filling every part of her insides.  She palpitated nakedly
upon his lap, aware of the ludicrous image she must present, but
unable to ignore the intense emotion that was inundating her.  Tim
grunted, lustfully behind her, and then neither of them made a
sound for a moment.  Outside a cricket chirped in the grass, and
upstairs the other members of the household slept, unaware of Tim
and Arlene's lustful coupling.  Then suddenly Tim flexed the head
of his cock where it lay deeply ensconced in the uppermost regions
of Arlene's tightly clenched pussy.  He brought a deep groan from
her lips as he flexed again ... another groan ... and again, until
her hot inner passage began to throb with desire.  He began a slow
revolving motion with his loins, grinding his thickened cock
tightly up into her naked cunt, expanding the still clasping walls
of h e r vagina until it clasped around his lust-hardened penis
like a smoothly gripping vine.
     Arlene began to react as the thought of her total surrender
to this exciting man sent chills running along the base of her
spine.  She felt him beginning a slow rhythm, skewering wetly up
into her as above him, her entire body twitched and writhed, her
large breasts bouncing freely before her.  She grabbed onto his
wide spread legs for support clutching at the material of his
trousers as head thrown back she groaned incessantly.  He brought
his lips forward to nibble at her neck, and to blow hotly into her
ear as she began to quiver in uncontrolled abandon upon his
thrusting lap.  Her eyes were closed and her tongue slavered,
licking at her own full lips and small mewling sounds rushed and
rumbled from her throat.
     Tim moved into longer smooth strokes that brought his cock
almost all the way out of her clasping wet cunt and then he pulled
down on her waist again sending his rock-hard penis shooting up
between her thighs, while her jiggling buttocks descended upon his
upper thighs.
     Arlene rotated her hips upon the fleshy impaling member, her
vagina dilating in time to its rhythmic beating at her softly
creaming pussy.  She was one with Titan Cassidy, they were merged
into one fleshy mass of sensation, drawn magically together by
their love-making!  Her life would never be the same after this
moment, she knew, and she could feel her climax approaching at a
rapid pace.  Tim tried to hold back as he felt her tiny
contracting muscles inside her pussy nibbling hungrily at the
inflated head of his cock.  The swollen lips between her hair-
lined pink slit pulled tantalizingly away, and then slid moistly
down the full length of his cock as her soft pubic curls screwed
tightly down against the base.  He could feel the ever-widening
passage of her helplessly aroused pussy flowering in greedy desire
as his up-thrusting penis plunged far inside her.
     She began to gyrate on her own; her motion becoming faster by
the second, the tempo of her down thrusts upon his standing cock
becoming more and more urgent.  Her teeth bit hard into her lower
lip as the juices of her milking pussy began to flow hard and wet
sucking sounds rose to the glassed roof of the terrace.
     "NNNNNnnnnnnnghh! UUNNNNNNNGH!" she grunted, and behind her,
Tim groaned and quickened his stroke so that his big cock bore up
into the hidden untouched recesses of her womb.  Her breasts
heaving and quivering upon her chest, the tiny naked nipples
thrusting forward into the night air, Arlene began to chant.
     Her body, shamelessly naked, began to vibrate out of control.
Great warm gushes of orgasmic fluid began to flood hot around
Tim's pistoning cock, drowning his impaling prick, and trickling
down the soft quivering sides of her thighs to spot his pants.  He
felt her jerk upward several times, and then grind hard down upon
him as the lips of her climaxing cunt worked and sucked at his
bursting penis until he knew that he had to cum.  Arlene's breath
came in short desperate gasps as he thrust deep again feeling his
own hot sperm shooting from the head of his tingling cock far into
Arlene's trembling belly.
     "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!"  He lurched upward against her
cushioning buttocks.  Their juices mingled and flowed together as
Arlene slumped back upon Tim's seated form.  She felt a wet pool
of joy and passion inside her that she had never known could
exist.  She had been fucked by Tim Cassidy!  The lewd word echoed
in her brain, but there was no other word for it.  She had been
truly fucked, and she loved every minute of it!


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